David Robert Grimes (PhD, CStat) is assistant professor of biostatistics at Trinity College Dublin. He is a mathematical modeller and biomedical scientist, with expertise on public understanding of medical science, methodology, research integrity, public health, and cancer science. He obtained his PhD in Dublin City University, and has previously worked at Dublin City University, the University of Oxford, and Queens University Belfast.
Beyond academic work, he is a scientific communicator and advises on policy both nationally and internationally, contributing to outlets including the Guardian, Scientific American, The New York Times, The BBC, the Financial times, the Irish Times, and more. He appears frequently in national and international news media on topics from the anti-vaccination movement and bogus cancer cures to climate change and conspiracy theories. He also runs training courses for HCWs on countering medical misinformation.
David was joint recipient of the 2014 Nature/Sense about Science John Maddox Prize for standing up for science and is an elected fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. He is the author of "The Irrational Ape - Why we fall for disinformation, conspiracy theory, and propaganda" (Simon & Schuster, 2019) which was an Irish Times bestseller. He is also host of the Off-Script, the School of Medicine Podcast.