Population health, health services and health policy
Small Area Health Research Unit (SAHRU)
This historic versions of the SAHRU Deprivation Index will be uploaded here in early Summer 2018 and also the Trinity Deprivation Index for 2016
Health Policy
Adelaide Health Policy Initiative (AHPI) 
The Adelaide Health Policy Initiative (AHPI) has been instrumental in advocating for a fair and equitable health system through the development of a universal single-tier health service, which guarantees access to medical care based on need, not income. The AHPI is recognised as developing evidence-based policies that will help to implement progressive change within the Irish healthcare system. The AHPI recognises that health policy must be underpinned by good quality evidence based research. All research findings have a publication strategy, which includes submissions to international peer-reviewed journals and the publication of reports on health policy direction.
Dr Catherine Darker, Adelaide Assistant Professor in Health Services Research heads up the AHPI, supported by The Adelaide Hospital Society. It is planned to recruit an Adelaide Research Fellow in Epidemiology, who will be in post by early 2014.
The following policy reports are available to download from The Adelaide Hospital Society Website
Effective Foundations for the Financing and Organisation of SHI in Ireland - 27 April 2010
Universal Health Insurance: The Way Forward for Irish Healthcare - 26 April 2010
Equity in Irish Healthcare: A View from the Irish Health Care System - 3 April 2009
Social Health Insurance: Further Options for Ireland - 16 April 2008
Erosion of Citizenship in the Irish Republic: the case of healthcare reform - 4 March 2008
Social Health Insurance: Options for Ireland Report - 23 November 2006