HANA Report Round 3

Intro video with Dr Catherine Darker


Welcome to the Health Assets and Needs Assessment (HANA) Project, Round 3 – a Tallaght based health survey looking at shaping the health and wellbeing of the community.  

Looking at the Past: Rounds 1 and 2 

In 2001 and 2014, the HANA Project carried out surveys of health and wellbeing in 13 electoral divisions of Tallaght. We looked at topics including demographics, health status, chronic illness, physical activity, use of healthcare and community services and amenities in Tallaght. 

We invited primary carers to share their thoughts. Letters were sent to randomly selected households, leading to the participation of 420 households representing over 1,000 individuals. 

Community Benefits from Previous Rounds 

The impact of Rounds 1 and 2 recommendations has been significant resulting in many new and improved healthcare services for Tallaght.  

  1. Community Radiology Unit in Tallaght Cross:                                                                                                      A new radiology unit has been set up in Tallaght Cross. This unit provides services like x-rays, ultrasounds, DEXA scans, CT, and MRI, making healthcare more accessible for everyone.
  2. TLC 'Out-of-Hours' Doctors' Services:                                                                                                                  Doctors have extended their hours and enhanced access through the TLC 'out-of-hours' service. This means you can get better healthcare, even outside regular hours.
  3. Funding for Local Sports Partnerships:                                                                                                                  Thanks to funding from Healthy Ireland, South Dublin County Council is supporting local sports partnerships, supporting active lifestyles in our community.
  4. ExWell Medical:                                                                                                                                               ExWell Medical was set up to offer supervised exercise classes designed for those with long-term illnesses. It is making a real difference in the health of those that take part. 
  5. Health Facilities at Tallaght University Hospital (TUH):                                                                                        Health needs were identified, leading to new facilities at TUH. This includes Psychiatry, Cardiology, Disability Memory services, and extra staff for Chronic Disease Management and Acute Frailty Units – designed with your care in mind. 
  6. Integrated Care Programme for Older Persons (ICPOP):                                                                                      ICPOP at TUH started in 2016, focuses on managing care for older individuals with complex needs. This ensures a complete approach to healthcare. 


Resources bar  

Tallaght Health and Community Services List

Tallaght Health and Community Services Interactive Map

Research partners and their relevant social media pages



If you have any concerns or questions, you can contact:

Principal Investigator: Prof Catherine Darker. Email: catherine.darker@tcd.ie

Data Protection Officer, Secretary’s Office, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. Email: dataprotection@tcd.ie. Website: www.dataprotection.ie 

Under GDPR, if you are not satisfied with how your data is being processed, you have the right to raise a concern with the Office of the Data Protection Commission, 21 Fitzwilliam Square South, Dublin 2, Ireland. Website: www.dataprotection.ie

    1. https://www.tcd.ie/dataprotection/DPIAs/
    2. https://www.tcd.ie/healthsciences/research/ethics.php

Contact Us

Contact details for more information:

If you have any concerns or questions, you can contact:

Principal Investigator: Prof Catherine Darker. Email: catherine.darker@tcd.ie

Research Assistant: Kaye Stapleton. Email: kstaplet@tcd.ie