Professor Philip Charles Dodd
Clinical Professor, Psychiatry
Email doddp@tcd.ie Phone3531 2493607http://people.tcd.ie/doddpPublications and Further Research Outputs
- Complicated Grief in, editor(s)Sue Read , Loss, caring and compassion: Supporting people with an intellectual disability, London, Jessica Kingsley, 2013, pp59 - 70, [Philip Dodd; Noelle Blackman]Book Chapter, 2013
- Stress, traumatic and bereavement reactions. in, editor(s)Colin Hemmings; Nick Bouras , Psychiatric and Behaviour Disorders in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp99 - 108, [Philip Dodd; Fionnuala Kelly]Book Chapter, 2016
- Vaughan R., McGee C., Guerin S., Tyrrell J., Dodd P , The Challenges of diagnosis and treatment of dementia with Down's Syndrome., Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 33, (3), 2016, p151 - 158Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Carballedo A., Doran A., Doyle M., Flavin S., Tyrrell J., Kelly F., Guerin S. & Dodd P, Assessing metabolic syndrome in people with Intellectual Disabilities, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 31, (4), 2014, p245 - 251Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Dodd P, Doherty A., Guerin S. , A systematic review of suicidality in people with intellectual disabilities. , Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 24, (3), 2016, p202 - 213Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Dodd A., Delaney S., Guerin S., Dodd P. , Complicated grief: knowledge, attitudes, skills and training of mental health professionals: a systematic review. , Patient Education and Counseling , 100, (8), 2017, p1447 - 1458Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Ramsey H. Dodd P. , Mental health services for people with intellectual disability in Ireland: evidence, barriers and opportunities, Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities,, 12, (3), 2018, p105 - 113Journal Article, 2018
- The impact of life events and abuse on the mental health of adults with Intellectual Disability in, editor(s)Colin Hemmings , Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 5th Edition (Ed Colin Hemmings), United Kingdom, BILD, 2018, [ Ramsey H., Dodd P.]Book Chapter, 2018
- Dodd P., McEvoy J., Lockhart K., Burke T., O'Keeffe L., Guerin S., An exploratory study of self-reported complicated grief symptoms in parentally bereaved adults with intellectual disability, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65, (4), 2021, p297 - 305Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- McKay M.T., Cannon M., Chambers D., Conroy R.M., Coughlan H., Dodd P., Healy C., O'Donnell L., Clarke M.C., Childhood trauma and adult mental disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal cohort studies, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 143, (3), 2021, p189 - 205, p189-205Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Muhammed A., Dodd A., Guerin S., Delaney S., Dodd P., Complicated grief knowledge and practice: A qualitative study of general practitioners in Ireland, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Dodd A., Guerin S., Delaney S., Dodd P., Exposition and Application of a Framework for Integration in a Mixed Methods Study: A Case Study From Complicated Grief, Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Dodd A., Guerin S., Delaney S., Dodd P., Complicated grief knowledge, attitudes, skills, and training among mental health professionals: A qualitative exploration, Death Studies, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Dodd A., Guerin S., Delaney S., Dodd P., Complicated Grief: How is it Conceptualized by Professionals?, Journal of Loss and Trauma, 26, (1), 2021, p35 - 47, p35-47Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Lynch J., Last J., Dodd P., Stancila D., Linehan C., `Understanding Disability": Evaluating a contact-based approach to enhancing attitudes and disability literacy of medical students, Disability and Health Journal, 12, (1), 2019, p65 - 71, p65-71Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Nicholson E., Guerin S., Keogh F., Dodd P., Comparing Traditional-Residential, Personalised Residential and Personalised Non-Residential respite services: Quality of life findings from an Irish population with mild"moderate intellectual disabilities, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47, (1), 2019, p12 - 18, p12-18Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- O'Keeffe L., Guerin S., McEvoy J., Lockhart K., Dodd P., The process of developing self-report measures in intellectual disability: A case study of a complicated grief scale, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47, (2), 2019, p134 - 144, p134-144Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Dodd A., Guerin S., Delaney S., Dodd P., Psychiatrists", psychologists" and counselors" attitudes regarding complicated grief, Journal of Affective Disorders, 256, 2019, p358 - 363, p358-363Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Guerin S., Nicholson E., Keogh F., Dodd P., Staff and family views of alternative respite services for adults with intellectual disabilities"aims, outcomes and experiences, International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Bereavement, Grief Reactions and End of Life. in, editor(s)Prasher V., Davidson P., Santos F.) , Mental Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and the Ageing Process , USA, Springer, 2021, pp147 - 161, [Guerin S., O'Riordan D., Boland D., Dodd P. ]Book Chapter, 2021, DOI
- Dodd A, Guerin S, Delaney S, Dodd P., How can we know what we don't know? An exploration of professionals' engagement with complicated grief., Patient education and counseling, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Hyland, P., Rochford, S., Munnelly, A., Dodd, P., Fox, R., Vallières, F., McBride, O., Shevlin, M., Bentall, R.P., Butter, S., Karatzias, T. and Murphy, J., Predicting risk along the suicidality continuum: A longitudinal, nationally representative study of the Irish population during the COVID-19 pandemic, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Darragh McCausland, Suzanne Guerin, Janette Tyrrell, Clare Donohoe, Isabelle O'Donoghue, Philip Dodd, A qualitative study of the needs of older adults with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Rochford S, Dodd P, Austin C., The public health approach to suicide prevention in Ireland., Irish journal of psychological medicine, 2021, p1-6Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Larkin J, Pericin I, Osborne B, Dodd P, Collins C., Cross-sectional analysis of coding, patient characteristics, consultation frequency and pharmacological treatment of adults with severe mental disorders in Irish general practice., Ir J Med Sci, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- O'Riordan, D., Boland, G., Guerin, S., Dodd, P, Synthesising existing research on complicated grief in intellectual disability: findings from a systematic review, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 66, (11), 2022, p833 - 852Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Viola, M., Braun, R.T., Luth, E.A., ...Dodd, P., Prigerson, H.G, Associations of Intellectual Disability with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Endotracheal Intubation at End of Life, Journal of Palliative Medicine, 25, (8), 2022, p1268 - 1272Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Benson R., Rigby J., Brunsdon C., Corcoran P., Dodd P., Ryan M., Cassidy E., Colchester D., Hawton K., Lascelles K., de Leo D., Crompton D., Kolves K., Leske S., Dwyer J., Pirkis J., Shave R., Fortune S., Arensman E., Real-Time Suicide Surveillance: Comparison of International Surveillance Systems and Recommended Best Practice, Archives of Suicide Research, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Benson R., Brunsdon C., Rigby J., Corcoran P., Ryan M., Cassidy E., Dodd P., Hennebry D., Arensman E., The development and validation of a dashboard prototype for real-time suicide mortality data, Frontiers in Digital Health, 4, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Benson, R., Brunsdon, C., Rigby, J., Corcoran, P., Ryan, M., Cassidy, E., Dodd, P., Hennebry, D., Arensman, E., Real-time suicide surveillance supporting policy and practice, Global Mental Health, 9, 2022, p384-388Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Bolhuis K., Ghirardi L., Kuja-Halkola R., Lang U., Cederlof M., Metsala J., Corcoran P., O'Connor K., Dodd P., Larsson H., Kelleher I., Risk of Psychosis Among Individuals Who Have Presented to Hospital With Self-harm: A Prospective Nationwide Register Study in Sweden, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 50, (4), 2024, p881 - 890, p881-890Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- O'Riordan D., Conway E., Dodd P., Guerin S., Adapting Complicated Grief Therapy for Use With People With Intellectual Disabilities: An Action Research Study, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37, (6), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- McKay M.T., Healy C., Chambers D., Dodd P., O'Donnell L., Cannon M., Clarke M.C., The Subjective Impact and Timing of Adversity Scale: A Feasibility Study Using Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Data, Assessment, 30, (6), 2023, p1750 - 1763, p1750-1763Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Dodd P., Dowling S., Hollins S., Review of Bereavement: Emotional, Psychiatric and Behavioural Responses to Bereavement in People with Learning Disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 49, 2005, p537 - 543Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Dodd P., Mc Evoy J., McGovern E., Guerin S., Hillary J., Bereavement and Learning Disability: An Irish Context, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 18, 2005, p237 - 243Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Dodd P., Bereavement and People with Intellectual Disabilities, M.D. Thesis, TCD, 2007Thesis, 2007, URL
- Dodd P., McGinnity M., Psychotherapy and Learning Disability, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, , 20, 2003, p10 - 13Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- Dodd P., Psychoanalysis and Learning Disability: Two Writers and a Question. , The Letter, 20, 2000, p167 - 182Journal Article, 2000, URL
- Dodd P., Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Learning Disability: A Reappraisal. , M.Sc. Thesis, N.U.I.(UCD), 2000Thesis, 2000
- Psychopathology in older age in, editor(s)P.W.Davidson, V.P. Prasher, & M.P.Janicki , Mental Health, Intellectual Disabilities and the Aging Process, United Kingdom, Blackwell Publishing, 2003, pp22 - 37, [Tyrrell J., Dodd P.]Book Chapter, 2003
- History Taking and Mental State Examination of People with Learning Disabilities in, editor(s)P. Casey, P.Dodd.J.Brophy, K. Ganter , In A Guide to History Taking and Mental State Examination , United Kingdom, Wrightson Biomedical, 2004, [Dodd P.]Book Chapter, 2004
- Self Injurious behaviour in, editor(s)Nick Bouras , Psychiatric and Behaviour Disorders in Developmental Disabilities and Mental Retardation, United Kingdom, C.U.P., 2007, pp225 - 238, [Hillery J., Dodd P.]Book Chapter, 2007
- Buckley, S., Dodd, P., Burke, A., Guerin, S., McEvoy, J., & Hillery, J., A study of the diagnosis and management of symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adults, with and without a learning disability., Psychiatric Bulletin, 30, 2006, p251 - 253Journal Article, 2006
- Dodd P., Guerin S., McEvoy J., Hillery J, Hollins S. , A Study of Complicated Grief Symptoms in people with Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, , 12th I.A.S.S.I.D. World Congress, Montpeillier France, 2004, 48, 2004, pp432-Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Dodd P., Mulvany F., Guerin S., Mulcahy M., Hillery J, The Assessment of Need: a study of individuals assessed as not needing intellectual disability services. , Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, , 12th I.A.S.S.I.D. World Congress, Montpeillier France, 2004, 48, 2004, pp487-Meeting Abstract, 2004
- McCausland D., Guerin S., Dodd P., Tyrrell J., O'Donoghue I., Donohoe C., Keogh S., An Overview of issues regarding the service needs of older adults with intellectual disabilities, Irish Psychologist, 33, (4), 2006, p92 - 94Journal Article, 2006
- Garvey R., Dodd P., Mental Health Services for people with Intellectual Disabilities: A time for change?, Irish Psychiatrist, 8, (1), 2007, p23 - 25Journal Article, 2007
- Congenital Developmental Disabilities in, editor(s)D. Walsh et al. , Palliative Medicine, 1st. Edition, USA, Elsevier, 2007, [Ryan K,. Dodd P., McQuillan R.]Book Chapter, 2007
- Dodd P., Guerin S., McEvoy J., Buckley S.,Tyrrell J., Hillery J., A Study of Complicated Grief symptoms in people with Intellectual Disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52, (5), 2008, p415 - 426Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Reynolds, S., Guerin S., McEvoy J., Dodd P., Evaluation of a bereavement training programme for staff in an Intellectual Disability service. , Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disability, 5, (1), 2008, p1 - 5Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Buckley S., Guerin S., Hillery J., McEvoy J., Dodd P., The prevalence of symptoms of Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children in a special school, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52, (2), 2008, p156 - 162Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Buckley S., Hillery J., Guerin S., Dodd P., , The prevalence of ADHD in children in a special school, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, Second International Conference of I.A.S.S.I.D. -European, Maastrict, Holland, August 2006, 19, 2006, pp246-Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Buckley S., Dodd P., Burke A., Guerin S., McEvoy J., Hillery J. , A Study of the diagnosis and management of symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (A.D.H.D.) in children and adults, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 12th I.A.S.S.I.D. World Congress, June 2004, Montpellier, France., 48, 2004, pp294-Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Guerin, S., Dodd P., Mc Evoy, J., Buckley S., Tyrrell J., Hillery J., An initial assessment of the psychometric properties of the Complicated Grief Questionnaire for People with Intellectual Disabilities (CGQ-ID), Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30, 2009, p1258 - 1267Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- Dodd, P., Guerin S., Tyrrell J., Mulvany F., Hillery J., Assessment and Characteristics of individuals with intellectual disability who are not accessing specialist intellectual disability services., Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22, (2), 2008, p87 - 95Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Guerin, S., Buckley S., McEvoy J., Hillery J., Dodd P., The psychometric properties of the Attention Distractibility, Inhibition Excitation Classroom Assessment Scale (ADIECAS) in a sample of children with moderate and severe Intellectual Disabilities. , Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30, 2009, p727 - 734Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Dodd P., Guerin S., Bereavement in People with Intellectual Disabilities, Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 22, 2009, p442 - 446Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- McEvoy J., Guerin S., Dodd P., Hillery J., Supporting Adults with an Intellectual Disability during Experiences of Loss and Bereavement: Staff views, experiences and suggestions for training, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 22, (6), 2010, p585 - 596Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Dodd P., Craig S., Kelly F., Guerin S., An Audit of the Irish National Intellectual Disability Database, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2 , 2010, p446 - 451Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Community Care in, editor(s)Hassiotis A., Hall I. , The Intellectual Disability Psychiatry Handbook: A practical guide, London, Wiley, 2010, [Dodd P., Noonan Walsh P.]Book Chapter, 2010, URL
- Ryan, K, McEvoy, J, Guerin, S, Dodd, P, An exploration of the experience, confidence and attitudes of staff to the provision of palliative care to people with intellectual disabilities, PALLIATIVE MEDICINE, 24, 2010Journal Article, 2010
- McCausland, D, Guerin, S, Tyrrell, J, Donohoe, C, O'Donoghue, I, Dodd, P, Self-reported needs among older persons with intellectual disabilities in an Irish community-based service, RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, 31, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Dodd, P, Guerin, S, McEvoy, J, Buckley, S, Tyrrell, J, Hillery, J, A study of complicated grief symptoms in people with intellectual disabilities, JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH, 52, 2008Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Dodd, P, McEvoy, J, Guerin, S, McGovern, E, Smith, E, Hillery, J, Attitudes to bereavement and intellectual disabilities in an Irish context, JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES, 18, 2005Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Ryan, K., Guerin, S., Dodd, P. & McEvoy,, Communication contexts about illness, death and dying for people with intellectual disabilities and life-limiting illne, Palliative & Supportive Care, 9, (2), 2011, p201 - 208Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Ryan K., Guerin S., McEvoy J., Dodd P., Exploring the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities when service users die, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39, (4), 2011, p259 - 265Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Ryan K., McEvoy J., Guerin S., Dodd P., End of Life Care for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Paid Carer Perspectives, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 24, (3), 2011, p199 - 207Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Psychiatry of Intellectual Disabilities in, editor(s)O'Shea, B. , Textbook of Psychological Medicine, Dublin, College of Psychiatry of Ireland, 2012, [Dodd P., Carballedo A.]Book Chapter, 2012