Professor Corvin is Professor of Psychiatry (1968) at Trinity College Dublin and a Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist with the Dublin South Central Mental Health Service where he has been Clinical Director at St James’s Hospital since 2017. Aiden completed undergraduate medical training at University College Cork in 1993 and Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) in 1998. In 2000 he was awarded a Wellcome Trust Fellowship in Mental Health to explore the genetic etiology of psychotic disorders, from which he has developed a long term interest in the genetic basis of psychiatric disorders in general. He was appointed Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at TCD and Consultant Psychiatrist at St James's Hospital in 2006. He was promoted to Professor in 2012 and became a Fellow of TCD in 2016. He was Head of the Discipline of Psychiatry between 2017 and 2022. In 2024 he was appointed Chair of Psychiatry. Through his research he has made a substantial international contribution to the understanding of psychiatric disorders. He was lead PI for schizophrenia research with the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium (WTCCC); a founder member of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC); with Ben Neale (Broad Institute of MIT/Harvard) he headed the Brainstorm Consortium; and he is the Chair of the Pedigree Sequencing Working Group for the PGC. With the generous participation of more than 3,000 Irish individuals, Aiden and his team have contributed to significant breakthroughs in our understanding of the genetics of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and insights into the genetic overlap across psychiatric disorders. This work has been funded by Wellcome, SFI, HRB, EU and the National Institute of Health (NIH, US). He has served as an editorial board member for two journals in the field and as an international grant reviewer, including a term with the Medical Research Council (MRC, UK) Neuroscience Panel. His current work focuses on translating significant advances in genomics to improved diagnostics and treatment pathways for patients. He has published more than 350 peer-reviewed articles and 11 book chapters. He has mentored 11 PhD/MD students to date. His h-index is 106 with his work receiving more than 74,000 citations (as of November 2024).
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Mothersill O, Morris DW, Kelly S, Rose EJ, Bokde A, Reilly R, Gill M, Corvin AP, Donohoe G, Altered medial prefrontal activity during dynamic face processing in schizophrenia spectrum patients, Schizophrenia research, 157, 2014, p225 - 230Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Merikangas AK, Segurado R, Heron EA, Anney RJ, Paterson AD, Cook EH, Pinto D, Scherer SW, Szatmari P, Gill M, Corvin AP, Gallagher L, The phenotypic manifestations of rare genic CNVs in autism spectrum disorder., Molecular psychiatry, 20, (11), 2015, 1366-72Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Nicodemus KK, Hargreaves A, Morris D, Anney R, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G, Variability in working memory performance explained by epistasis vs polygenic scores in the ZNF804A pathway., JAMA psychiatry, 71, (7), 2014, p778-85Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kenna KP, McLaughlin RL, Byrne S, Elamin M, Heverin M, Kenny EM, Cormican P, Morris DW, Donaghy CG, Bradley DG, Hardiman O, Delineating the genetic heterogeneity of ALS using targeted high-throughput sequencing., Journal of medical genetics, 50, (11), 2013, p776-83Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kelly,Sinéad S., Morris,Derek W. D.W., Mothersill,Omar O., Rose,Emma Jane E.J., Fahey,Ciara A. C.A., O'Brien,Carol H. C.H., O'Hanlon,Erik E., Gill,Michael M., Corvin,Aiden P. A.P., Donohoe,Gary J. G.J., Genome-wide schizophrenia variant at MIR137 does not impact white matter microstructure in healthy participants, Neuroscience Letters, 574, 2014, p6-10Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Merikangas AK, Segurado R, Cormican P, Heron EA, Anney RJ, Moore S, Kelleher E, Hargreaves A, Anderson-Schmidt H, Gill M, Gallagher L, Corvin A., The phenotypic manifestations of rare CNVs in schizophrenia., Schizophrenia Research, 158, (1-3), 2014, p255 - 260Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Merikangas AK, Segurado R, Heron EA, Anney RJ, Paterson AD, Cook EH, Pinto D, Scherer SW, Szatmari P, Gill M, Corvin AP, Gallagher L., The phenotypic manifestations of rare genic CNVs in autism spectrum disorder., Molecular Psychiatry, 2014, p1-7Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Baurecht, H. Hotze, M. Brand, S. Büning, C. Cormican, P. Corvin, A. Ellinghaus, D. Ellinghaus, E. Esparza-Gordillo, J. Fölster-Holst, R. Franke, A. Gieger, C. Hubner, N. Illig, T. Irvine, A.D. Kabesch, M. Lee, Y.A.E. Lieb, W. Marenholz, I. McLean, W.H.I. Morris, D.W. Mrowietz, U. Nair, R. Nöthen, M.M. Novak, N. O'Regan, G.M. Schreiber, S. Smith, C. Strauch, K. Stuart, P.E. Trembath, R. Tsoi, L.C. Weichenthal, M. Barker, J. Elder, J.T. Weidinger, S. Cordell, H.J. Brown, S.J., Genome-wide comparative analysis of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis gives insight into opposing genetic mechanisms, American Journal of Human Genetics, 96, (1), 2015, p104 - 120Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Davis, O.S.P. Band, G. Pirinen, M. Haworth, C.M.A. Meaburn, E.L. Kovas, Y. Harlaar, N. Docherty, S.J. Hanscombe, K.B. Trzaskowski, M. Curtis, C.J.C. Strange, A. Freeman, C. Bellenguez, C. Su, Z. Pearson, R. Vukcevic, D. Langford, C. Deloukas, P. Hunt, S. Gray, E. Dronov, S. Potter, S.C. Tashakkori-Ghanbaria, A. Edkins, S. Bumpstead, S.J. Blackwell, J.M. Bramon, E. Brown, M.A. Casas, J.P. Corvin, A. Duncanson, A. Jankowski, J.A.Z. Markus, H.S. Mathew, C.G. Palmer, C.N.A. Rautanen, A. Sawcer, S.J. Trembath, R.C. Viswanathan, A.C. Wood, N.W. Barroso, I. Peltonen, L. Dale, P.S. Petrill, S.A. Schalkwyk, L.S. Craig, I.W. Lewis, C.M. Price, T.S. Donnelly, P. Plomin, R. Spencer, C.C.A., The correlation between reading and mathematics ability at age twelve has a substantial genetic component, Nature Communications, 5, 2014, p4204-Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- McCarthy, S.E. McCombie, W.R. Corvin, A., Unlocking the treasure trove: From genes to schizophrenia biology, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40, (3), 2014, p492 - 496Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Rose EJ, Morris DW, Fahey C, Cannon D, McDonald C, Scanlon C, Kelly S, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G., The miR-137 schizophrenia susceptibility variant rs1625579 does not predict variability in brain volume in a sample of schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals., Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet., 26, 2014, p1209-17Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium , Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci., Nature, 511, (7510), 2014, p421-7Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- van Erp T.G.M, Hibar D.P, Rasmussen J.M, Glahn D.C, Pearlson G.D, Andreassen O.A, Agartz I, Westlye L.T, Haukvik U.K, Dale A.M, Melle I, Hartberg C.B, Gruber O, Kraemer B, Zilles D, Donohoe G, Kelly S, McDonald C, Morris D.W, Cannon D.M, Corvin A, Machielsen M.W.J, Koenders L, de Haan L, Veltman D.J, Satterthwaite T.D, Wolf D.H, Gur R.C, Gur R.E, Potkin S.G, Mathalon D.H, Mueller B.A, Preda A, Macciardi F, Ehrlich S, Walton E, Hass J, Calhoun V.D, Bockholt H.J, Sponheim S.R, Shoemaker J.M, van Haren N.E.M, Pol H.E.H, Ophoff R.A, Kahn R.S, Roiz-Santiañez R, Crespo-Facorro B, Wang L, Alpert K.I, Jönsson E.G, Dimitrova R, Bois C, Whalley H.C, McIntosh A.M, Lawrie S.M, Hashimoto R, Thompson P.M, Turner J.A, Subcortical brain volume abnormalities in 2028 individuals with schizophrenia and 2540 healthy controls via the ENIGMA consortium, Molecular Psychiatry, 21, 2016, p547-553Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Coleman C, Quinn E.M, Ryan A.W, Conroy J, Trimble V, Mahmud N, Kennedy N, Corvin A.P, Morris D.W, Donohoe G, O'Morain C, MacMathuna P, Byrnes V, Kiat C, Trynka G, Wijmenga C, Kelleher D, Ennis S, Anney R.J.L, McManus R, Common polygenic variation in coeliac disease and confirmation of ZNF335 and NIFA as disease susceptibility loci, European Journal of Human Genetics, 24, 2016, p291 - 297Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Trampush J.W, Lencz T, Knowles E, Davies G, Guha S, Pe'er I, Liewald D.C, Starr J.M, Djurovic S, Melle I, Sundet K, Christoforou A, Reinvang I, Mukherjee S, Derosse P, Lundervold A, Steen V.M, John M, Espeseth T, Räikkönen K, Widen E, Palotie A, Eriksson J.G, Giegling I, Konte B, Ikeda M, Roussos P, Giakoumaki S, Burdick K.E, Payton A, Ollier W, Horan M, Scult M, Dickinson D, Straub R.E, Donohoe G, Morris D, Corvin A, Gill M, Hariri A, Weinberger D.R, Pendleton N, Iwata N, Darvasi A, Bitsios P, Rujescu D, Lahti J, Le Hellard S, Keller M.C, Andreassen O.A, Deary I.J, Glahn D.C, Malhotra A.K, Independent evidence for an association between general cognitive ability and a genetic locus for educational attainment, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 168, (5), 2015, p363 - 373Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Farrell M.S, Werge T, Sklar P, Owen M.J, Ophoff R.A, O'donovan M.C, Corvin A, Cichon S, Sullivan P.F, Evaluating historical candidate genes for schizophrenia, Molecular Psychiatry, 20, (5), 2015, p555 - 562Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Murray C, Cosgrove D, Corvin A, Gill M, Morris D.W, Donohoe G, Greater number of older siblings is associated with decreased theory of mind ability in psychosis, Schizophrenia Research, 165, (2-3), 2015, p247 - 248Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Hibar, D.P., Stein, J.L., Renteria, M.E., (...), Thompson, P.M., Medland, S.E., Common genetic variants influence human subcortical brain structures, Nature, 520, (7546), 2015, p224--Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Merikangas, A.K., Segurado, R., Kelleher, E., Hogan, D., Delaney, C., Gill, M., Gallagher, L., Corvin, A.P., and Heron, E.A., Parental age, birth order and neurodevelopmental disorders, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Baurecht H, Hotze M, Brand S, Büning C, Cormican P, Corvin A, Ellinghaus D, Ellinghaus E, Esparza-Gordillo J, Fölster-Holst R, Franke A, Gieger C, Hubner N, Illig T, Irvine AD, Kabesch M, Lee YA, Lieb W, Marenholz I, McLean WH, Morris DW, Mrowietz U, Nair R, Nöthen MM, Novak N, O'Regan GM, Schreiber S, Smith C, Strauch K, Stuart PE, Trembath R, Tsoi LC, Weichenthal M, Barker J, Elder JT, Weidinger S, Cordell HJ, Brown SJ, Genome-wide comparative analysis of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis gives insight into opposing genetic mechanisms., American journal of human genetics, 96, (1), 2015, p104-20Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hargreaves A, Dillon R, Anderson-Schmidt H, Corvin A, Fitzmaurice B, Castorina M, Robertson IH, Donohoe G, Computerised working-memory focused cognitive remediation therapy for psychosis - A preliminary study., Schizophrenia research, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Li M, Luo XJ, Rietschel M, Lewis CM, Mattheisen M, Müller-Myhsok B, Jamain S, Leboyer M, Landén M, Thompson PM, Cichon S, Nöthen MM, Schulze TG, Sullivan PF, Bergen SE, Donohoe G, Morris DW, Hargreaves A, Gill M, Corvin A, Hultman C, Toga AW, Shi L, Lin Q, Shi H, Gan L, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Czamara D, Henry C, Etain B, Bis JC, Ikram MA, Fornage M, Debette S, Launer LJ, Seshadri S, Erk S, Walter H, Heinz A, Bellivier F, Stein JL, Medland SE, Arias Vasquez A, Hibar DP, Franke B, Martin NG, Wright MJ, Su B, Allelic differences between Europeans and Chinese for CREB1 SNPs and their implications in gene expression regulation, hippocampal structure and function, and bipolar disorder susceptibility., Molecular psychiatry, 19, (4), 2014, p452-61Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ruderfer DM, Fanous AH, Ripke S, McQuillin A, Amdur RL, Gejman PV, O'Donovan MC, Andreassen OA, Djurovic S, Hultman CM, Kelsoe JR, Jamain S, Landén M, Leboyer M, Nimgaonkar V, Nurnberger J, Smoller JW, Craddock N, Corvin A, Sullivan PF, Holmans P, Sklar P, Kendler KS, Polygenic dissection of diagnosis and clinical dimensions of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia., Molecular psychiatry, 19, (9), 2014, p1017-24Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Pini G, Scusa MF, Benincasa A, Bottiglioni I, Congiu L, Vadhatpour C, Romanelli AM, Gemo I, Puccetti C, McNamara R, O'Leary S, Corvin A, Gill M, Tropea D, Repeated insulin-like growth factor 1 treatment in a patient with rett syndrome: a single case study., Frontiers in pediatrics, 2, 2014, p52Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Corvin, A., O'Donovan, M.C., Psychiatric genetics: What's new in 2015?, The Lancet Psychiatry, 3, (1), 2016, p10-12Journal Article, 2016
- Hong Lee, S., Byrne, E.M., Hultman, C.M., Kähler, A., Vinkhuyzen, A.A., Ripke, S., Andreassen, O.A., Frisell, T., Gusev, A., Hu, X., Karlsson, R., Mantzioris, V.X., McGrath, J.J., Mehta, D., Stahl, E.A., Zhao, Q., Kendler, K.S., Sullivan, P.F., Price, A.L., O'Donovan, M., Okada, Y., Mowry, B.J., Raychaudhuri, S., Wray, N.R., Agartz, I., Amin, F., Azevedo, M.H., Bass, N., Black, D.W., Blackwood, D.H.R., Bruggeman, R., Buccola, N.G., Choudhury, K., Cloninger, C.R., Corvin, A., Craddock, N., Daly, M.J., Datta, S., Donohoe, G.J., Duan, J., Dudbridge, F., Fanous, A., Freedman, R., Freimer, N.B., Friedl, M., Gill, M., Gurling, H., Haan, L.D., Hamshere, M.L., Hartmann, A.M., Holmans, P.A., Kahn, R.S., Keller, M.C., Kenny, E., Kirov, G.K., Krabbendam, L., Krasucki, R., Lawrence, J., Lencz, T., Levinson, D.F., Lieberman, J.A., Lin, D.-Y., Linszen, D.H., Magnusson, P.K.E., Maier, W., Malhotra, A.K., Mattheisen, M., Mattingsdal, M., McCarroll, S.A., Medeiros, H., Melle, I., Milanova, V., Myin-Germeys, I., Neale, B.M., Ophoff, R.A., Owen, M.J., Pimm, J., Purcell, S.M., Puri, V., Quested, D.J., Rossin, L., Ruderfer, D., Sanders, A.R., Shi, J., Sklar, P., St Clair, D., Scott Stroup, T., Van Os, J., Visscher, P.M., Wiersma, D., Zammit, S., Byerley, W., Cahn, W., Cantor, R.M., Cichon, S., Cormican, P., Curtis, D., Djurovic, S., Escott-Price, V., Gejman, P.V., Georgieva, L., Giegling, I., Hansen, T.F., Ingason, Andrés, Kim, Y., Konte, B., Lee, P.H., McIntosh, A., McQuillin, A., Morris, D.W., Nöthen, M.M., O'Dushlaine, C., Olincy, A., Olsen, L., Pato, C.N., Pato, M.T., Pickard, B.S., Posthuma, D., Rasmussen, H.B., Rietschel, M., Rujescu, D., Schulze, T.G., Silverman, J.M., Thirumalai, S., Werge, T., Louis Bridges, S., Choi, H.K., Coenen, M.J.H., De Vries, N., Dieud, P., Greenberg, J.D., Huizinga, T.W.J., Padyukov, L., Siminovitch, K.A., Tak, P.P., Worthington, J., De Jager, P.L., Denny, J.C., Gregersen, P.K., Klareskog, L., Mariette, X., Plenge, R.M., Van Laar, M., Van Riel, P., New data and an old puzzle: The negative association between schizophrenia and rheumatoid arthritis, International Journal of Epidemiology, 44, (5), 2015, p1706-1721Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Patel, V.S., Kelly, S., Wright, C., Gupta, C.N., Arias-Vasquez, A., Perrone-Bizzozero, N., Ehrlich, S., Wang, L., Bustillo, J.R., Morris, D., Corvin, A., Cannon, D.M., McDonald, C., Donohoe, G., Calhoun, V.D., Turner, J.A., MIR137HG risk variant rs1625579 genotype is related to corpus callosum volume in schizophrenia, Neuroscience Letters, 602, 2015, p44-49Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- D.Tropea, I. Molinos, S. Bellini, E. Petit, C. O'Toutaigh, I. Nagakura, K. Mitchell, M. Sur, M. Gill, J. Waddington, A. Corvin, Disrupted in schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) mutants have impaired activity-dependent plasticity in vitro and in vivo, Translational Psychiatry, 6, 2016, p712-Journal Article, 2016, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Rautanen A, Pirinen M, Mills T.C, Rockett K.A, Strange A, Ndungu A.W, Naranbhai V, Gilchrist J.J, Bellenguez C, Freeman C, Band G, Bumpstead S.J, Edkins S, Giannoulatou E, Gray E, Dronov S, Hunt S.E, Langford C, Pearson R.D, Su Z, Vukcevic D, Macharia A.W, Uyoga S, Ndila C, Mturi N, Njuguna P, Mohammed S, Berkley J.A, Mwangi I, Mwarumba S, Kitsao B.S, Lowe B.S, Morpeth S.C, Khandwalla I, Blackwell J.M, Bramon E, Brown M.A, Casas J.P, Corvin A, Duncanson A, Jankowski J, Markus H.S, Mathew C.G, Palmer C.N.A, Plomin R, Sawcer S.J, Trembath R.C, Viswanathan A.C, Wood N.W, Deloukas P, Peltonen L, Williams T.N, Scott J.A.G, Chapman S.J, Donnelly P, Hill A.V.S, Spencer C.C.A, Polymorphism in a lincRNA Associates with a Doubled Risk of Pneumococcal Bacteremia in Kenyan Children, American Journal of Human Genetics, 98, (6), 2016, p1092 - 1100Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Tropea D, Mortimer N, Bellini S, Molinos I, Sanfeliu A, Shovlin S, McAllister D, Gill M, Mitchell K, Corvin A, Expression of nuclear Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (Mecp2) is dependent on neuronal stimulation and application of Insulin-like growth factor 1, Neuroscience Letters, 621, 2016, p111 - 116Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Corvin A, Sullivan P.F, What next in schizophrenia genetics for the psychiatric genomics consortium?, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 42, (3), 2016, p538 - 541Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Baurecht H, Hotze M, Brand S, BÌning C, Cormican P, Corvin A, Ellinghaus D, Ellinghaus E, Esparza-Gordillo J, Fölster-Holst R, Franke A, Gieger C, Hubner N, Illig T, Irvine A.D, Kabesch M, Lee Y.A.E, Lieb W, Marenholz I, McLean W.H.I, Morris D.W, Mrowietz U, Nair R, Nöthen M.M, Novak N, O'Regan G.M, Schreiber S, Smith C, Strauch K, Stuart P.E, Trembath R, Tsoi L.C, Weichenthal M, Barker J, Elder J.T, Weidinger S, Cordell H.J, Brown S.J, Erratum: Genome-wide Comparative Analysis of Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis Gives Insight into Opposing Genetic Mechanisms (American Journal of Human Genetics (2015) 96 (104-120)), American Journal of Human Genetics, 97, (6), 2015, p933-Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Anxiety Disorders in, editor(s)Wright, Stern, Phelan , Core Psychiatry, UK, Elsevier Saunders , 2005, pp193 - 204, [Corvin A, Lucey JV]Book Chapter, 2005
- Donohoe G, Corvin A, Robertson I. , Evidence That Specific Executive Functions Predict Symptom Variance Among Patients With A Predominantly Negative Symptom Profile. , Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 11, (1), 2006, p13 - 32Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- Donohoe G, Corvin A, Robertson IH. , Evidence that specific executive functions predict symptom variance among patients with a predominately negative symptom profile of schizophrenia. , Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 11, (1), 2006, p13 - 32Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- Trampush J.W, Yang M.L.Z, Yu J, Knowles E, Davies G, Liewald D.C, Starr J.M, Djurovic S, Melle I, Sundet K, Christoforou A, Reinvang I, DeRosse P, Lundervold A.J, Steen V.M, Espeseth T, RÃ"ikkönen K, Widen E, Palotie A, Eriksson J.G, Giegling I, Konte B, Roussos P, Giakoumaki S, Burdick K.E, Payton A, Ollier W, Horan M, Chiba-Falek O, Attix D.K, Need A.C, Cirulli E.T, Voineskos A.N, Stefanis N.C, Avramopoulos D, Hatzimanolis A, Arking D.E, Smyrnis N, Bilder R.M, Freimer N.A, Cannon T.D, London E, Poldrack R.A, Sabb F.W, Congdon E, Conley E.D, Scult M.A, Dickinson D, Straub R.E, Donohoe G, Morris D, Corvin A, Gill M, Hariri A.R, Weinberger D.R, Pendleton N, Bitsios P, Rujescu D, Lahti J, Le Hellard S, Keller M.C, Andreassen O.A, Deary I.J, Glahn D.C, Malhotra A.K, Lencz T, GWAS meta-analysis reveals novel loci and genetic correlates for general cognitive function: a report from the COGENT consortium, Molecular Psychiatry, 22, (3), 2017, 336-345Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Whitton L, Cosgrove D, Clarkson C, Harold D, Kendall K, Richards A, Mantripragada K, Owen M.J, O'Donovan M.C, Walters J, Hartmann A, Konte B, Rujescu D, Gill M, Corvin A, Rea S, Donohoe G, Morris D.W, Cognitive analysis of schizophrenia risk genes that function as epigenetic regulators of gene expression, American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 171, (8), 2016, p1170 - 1179Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
- Luo X.-J, Li M, Huang L, Steinberg S, Mattheisen M, Liang G, Donohoe G, Shi Y, Chen C, Yue W, Alkelai A, Lerer B, Li Z, Yi Q, Rietschel M, Cichon S, Collier D.A, Tosato S, Suvisaari J, Rujescu D, Golimbet V, Silagadze T, Durmishi N, Milovancevic M.P, Stefansson H, Schulze T.G, Nöthen M.M, Chen C, Lyne R, Morris D.W, Gill M, Corvin A, Zhang D, Dong Q, Moyzis R.K, Stefansson K, Sigurdsson E, Hu F, SCZ Consortium3, Su B, Gan L, Convergent lines of evidence support CAMKK2 as a schizophrenia susceptibility gene, Molecular Psychiatry, 19, (7), 2014, p774 - 783Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- Mothersill O, Tangney N, Morris D.W, McCarthy H, Frodl T, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G, Further evidence of alerted default network connectivity and association with theory of mind ability in schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Tulio Guadalupe, Samuel R Mathias, GM Theo, Christopher D Whelan, Marcel P Zwiers, Yoshinari Abe, Lucija Abramovic, Ingrid Agartz, Ole A Andreassen, Alejandro Arias-Vásquez, Benjamin S Aribisala, Nicola J Armstrong, Volker Arolt, Eric Artiges, Rosa Ayesa-Arriola, Vatche G Baboyan, Tobias Banaschewski, Gareth Barker, Mark E Bastin, Bernhard T Baune, John Blangero, Arun LW Bokde, Premika SW Boedhoe, Anushree Bose, Silvia Brem, Henry Brodaty, Uli Bromberg, Samantha Brooks, Christian Büchel, Jan Buitelaar, Vince D Calhoun, Dara M Cannon, Anna Cattrell, Yuqi Cheng, Patricia J Conrod, Annette Conzelmann, Aiden Corvin, Benedicto Crespo-Facorro, Fabrice Crivello, Udo Dannlowski, Greig I De Zubicaray, Sonja MC De Zwarte, Ian J Deary, Sylvane Desrivières, Nhat Trung Doan, Gary Donohoe, Erlend S Dørum, Stefan Ehrlich, Thomas Espeseth, Guillén Fernández, Herta Flor, Jean-Paul Fouche, Vincent Frouin, Masaki Fukunaga, Jürgen Gallinat, Hugh Garavan, Michael Gill, Andrea Gonzalez Suarez, Penny Gowland, Hans J Grabe, Dominik Grotegerd, Oliver Gruber, Saskia Hagenaars, Ryota Hashimoto, Tobias U Hauser, Andreas Heinz, Derrek P Hibar, Pieter J Hoekstra, Martine Hoogman, Fleur M Howells, Hao Hu, Hilleke E Hulshoff Pol, Chaim Huyser, Bernd Ittermann, Neda Jahanshad, Erik G Jönsson, Sarah Jurk, Rene S Kahn, Sinead Kelly, Bernd Kraemer, Harald Kugel, Jun Soo Kwon, Herve Lemaitre, Klaus-Peter Lesch, Christine Lochner, Michelle Luciano, Andre F Marquand, Nicholas G Martin, Ignacio Martínez-Zalacaín, Jean-Luc Martinot, David Mataix-Cols, Karen Mather, Colm Mcdonald, Katie L Mcmahon, Sarah E Medland, José M Menchón, Derek W Morris, Omar Mothersill, Susana Munoz Maniega, Benson Mwangi, Takashi Nakamae, Tomohiro Nakao, Janardhanan C Narayanaswaamy, Frauke Nees, Jan E Nordvik, A Marten H Onnink, Nils Opel, Roel Ophoff, Marie-Laure Paillère Martinot, Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos, Paul Pauli, Tomá Paus, Luise Poustka, Janardhan Yc Reddy, Miguel E Renteria, Roberto Roiz-Santiáñez, Annerine Roos, Natalie A Royle, Perminder Sachdev, Pascual Sánchez-Juan, Lianne Schmaal, Gunter Schumann, Elena Shumskaya, Michael N Smolka, Jair C Soares, Carles Soriano-Mas, Dan J Stein, Lachlan T Strike, Roberto Toro, Jessica A Turner, Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer, Anne Uhlmann, Maria Valdés Hernández, Odile A Van den Heuvel, Dennis Van Der Meer, Neeltje EM Van Haren, Dick J Veltman, Ganesan Venkatasubramanian, Nora C Vetter, Daniella Vuletic, Susanne Walitza, Henrik Walter, Esther Walton, Zhen Wang, Joanna Wardlaw, Wei Wen, Lars T Westlye, Robert Whelan, Katharina Wittfeld, Thomas Wolfers, Human subcortical brain asymmetries in 15,847 people worldwide reveal effects of age and sex, Brain imaging and behavior, 2016, p1 - 18Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Murtagh A, McTigue O, Hegarty AM, Stallings RL, Green AJ, Ramsay L and Corvin A. , Interstitial deletion of chromosome 21 and schizophrenia., Schizophrenia Research, 78, (2-3), 2005, p353 - 356Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
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- Haq F, Behan C, McGlade N, Mulkerrin U, O'Callaghan E, Kinsella A, Corvin A, Donohoe G, Gill M. , The clinical and demographic factors that influence attitudes to antipsychotic medication among people with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2010Journal Article, 2010
- Morris DW, Rodgers A, McGhee KA, Schwaiger S, Scully P, Quinn J, Meagher D, Waddington JL, Gill M, Corvin AP, Confirming RGS4 as a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia., American Journal of Medical Genetics (Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 125B, (1), 2004, p50 - 53Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
- Corvin AP, Morris DW, McGhee K, Schwaiger S, Scully P, Quinn J, Meagher D, Clair DS, Waddington JL, Gill M, Confirmation and refinement of an 'at-risk' haplotype for schizophrenia suggests the EST cluster, Hs.97362, as a potential susceptibility gene at the Neuregulin-1 locus., Molecular Psychiatry, 9, (2), 2004, p208 - 213Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
- International Schizophrenia Consortium, Rare chromosomal deletions and duplications increase risk of schizophrenia., Nature, 455, (7210), 2008, p237 - 241Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Morris, D.W. , Murphy, K. , Kenny, N. , Purcell, S.M. , McGhee, K.A. , Schwaiger, S., Nangle, J.-M. , Donohoe, G. , Clarke, S. , Scully, P. , Quinn, J. , Meagher, D. , Baldwin, P. , Crumlish, N. , O'Callaghan, E., Waddington, J.L. , Gill, M. , Corvin, A.P., Dysbindin (DTNBP1) and the Biogenesis of Lysosome-Related Organelles Complex 1 (BLOC-1): Main and Epistatic Gene Effects Are Potential Contributors to Schizophrenia Susceptibility , Biological Psychiatry, 63, (1), 2008, p24-31Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
- Donohoe G, Hayden J, McGlade N, O'Grada C, Burke T, Barry S, Behan C, DInan T, O'Callaghan E, Gill M, Corvin A. , Is 'Clinical' insight the same as 'Cognitive' insight in schizophrenia?, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 15, (3), 2009, p471-475Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Donohoe G, Morris D, Robertson IH, Gill M, Foxe J, Corvin A, Dysbindin and Cognition In An Irish Sample., Biological Psychiatry , 59, (8), 2006, pp623Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Morris DW, Murphy K, Kenny N, Williams NM, McGhee KA, Schwaiger S, Nangle J, Donohoe G, Clarke S, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Waddington JL, Gill M Corvin AP., Association analyses of the BLOC-1 genes suggest the involvement of BLOC-1 in schizophrenia etiology, American Journal Of Medical Genetics Part B-Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 138B, 2005, pp129Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Clarke S, Donohoe G, Morris D, Nangle JM, Schwaiger S, McGhee K, Gill M, Garavan H, Robertson IH, Corvin A. , Evidence Of independence between antisaccade performance and working memory task performance in schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin , 31, (2), 2005, pp353Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Nicola McGlade, Caragh Behan, Judy Hayden, Therese O'Donoghue, Rosie Peel, Farhan Haq, Michael Gill, Aiden Corvin, Eadbhard O'Callaghan, Gary Donohoe, Mental state decoding v. mental state reasoning as a mediator between cognitive and social function in psychosis , British Journal of Psychiatry, 193, (1), 2008, p77-78Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Donohoe G, Spoletini I, McGlade N, Behan C, Hayden J, O'Donoghue T, Peel R, Haq F, Walker C, O'Callaghan E, Spalletta G, Gill M, Corvin A , Are relational style and neuropsychological performance predictors of social attributions in chronic schizophrenia?, Psychiatric Research, 161, (1), 2008, p19-27Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
- Barnett, KJ, Finucane, C, Asher, JE, Bargary, G, Corvin, AP, Newell, FN, Mitchell, KJ, Familial patterns and the origins of individual differences in synaesthesia., Cognition, 106, (2), 2008, p871-893Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- International Schizophrenia Consortium, Common polygenic variation contributes to risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder., Nature, 460, (7256), 2009, p748-752Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Neuropsychiatric Genetics in, editor(s)Lawlor , Revision Psychiatry, MedMedia , 2001, [Corvin A, Gill M. ]Book Chapter, 2001
- Anxiety Disorders in, Wright, Stern , Core Psychiatry, Elsevier Saunders, 2005, pp193-204 , [Corvin A, Lucey JV]Book Chapter, 2005
- Psychiatric Genetics in, editor(s)Wright, Stern , Core Psychiatry, Phelan, Elsevier Saunders, 2005, pp35-54 , [Corvin A, Gill M.]Book Chapter, 2005
- Neuregulin-1-induced cell migration: a neurodevelopmental mechanism for schizophrenia susceptibility? in, Cell Science , 2008, [Corvin A. ]Book Chapter, 2008
- Cognitive intermediate phenotypes in schizophrenia genetics in, Cognitive Genomics, US., MIT Press,, 2010, [Donohoe G, Goldberg T, Corvin A.]Book Chapter, 2010
- Corvin A. , Psychosis: a genetic perspective., Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 12, (supp), 2000, p3-6Journal Article, 2000
- Fitzgerald M. & Corvin A., Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome., Advances in Psychiatric Treatment , 7, (4), 2001, p310 - 318Journal Article, 2001, URL
- Hamshere ML, Schulze TG, Schumacher J, Corvin A, Owen JM, Jamra RA, Propping Pm Maier W. Orozco y Diaz G, Mayoral F, Rivas F. Jones I, Jones L, Kirov G, Gill M, Holmans PA, Nothen MM, Cichon S, Rietschel M, Craddock N, Mood-incongruent psychosis in bipolar disorder: conditional linkage analysis show genome-wide suggestive linkage at 1q32.3, 7p13 and 20q13.31., Bipolar Disorders, 11, (6), 2009, p610 - 620Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Cichon, S, Craddock, N, Daly, M, Faraone, SV, Gejman, PV, Kelsoe, J, Lehner, T, Levinson, DF, Moran, A, Sklar, P, Sullivan, PF, Genomewide association studies: history, rationale, and prospects for psychiatric disorders., The American journal of Psychiatry, 166, (5), 2009, p540-556Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- O'Dushlaine C., Kenny E., Heron E.A., Segurado R., Gill M,, Morris D.W., Corvin A. , The SNP ratio test: pathway analysis of genome-wide association datasets., Bioinformatics, 25, (20), 2009, p2762 - 2763Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Carroll LS, Williams NM, Moskvina V, Russell E, Norton N, Williams HJ, Peirce T, Georgieva , Dwyer S, Grozeva D, Greene E, Farmer A, McGuffin P, Morris DW, corvin A, Gill M, Rujescu D, Sham P, Holmans P, Jones I, Kirov G, Craddock N. O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ. , Evidence for rate and common genetic risk variants for schizophrenia at a protein kinase C, alpha, Molecular Psychiatry, 15, (11), 2010, p1101-1111Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Gilks WP, Allott EH, Donohoe G, Cummings E, Consortium IS, Gill M, Corvin AP, Morris DW, Replicated genetic evidence supports a role for HOMER2 in schizophrenia., Neuroscience Letters, 468, (3), 2010, p229 - 233Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Donohoe G, Frodl T, Morris D, Spoletini I, Cannon DM, Cherubini A, Caltagirone C, Bossù P, McDonald C, Gill M, Corvin AP, Spalletta G, Reduced Occipital and Prefrontal Brain Volumes in Dysbindin-Associated Schizophrenia, Neuropsychopharmacology, 35, (2), 2010, p368 - 373Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- O'Dushlaine C, Kenny E, Heron E, Donohoe G, Gill M, Morris D, Consortium IS, Corvin A, Molecular pathways involved in neuronal cell adhesion and membrane scaffolding contribute to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder susceptibility., Molecular Psychiatry, 16, (3), 2011, p286-292Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Kirov G, Grozeva D, Norton N, Ivanov D, Mantripragada KK, Holmans P; International Schizophrenia Consortium; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, Craddock N, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Support for the involvement of large copy number variants in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia., Human Molecular Genetics, 18, (8), 2009, p1497 - 1503Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Raychaudhuri S, Plenge RM, Rossin EJ, Ng AC; International Schizophrenia Consortium, Purcell SM, Sklar P, Scolnick EM, Xavier RJ, Altshuler D, Daly MJ, Identifying relationships among genomic disease regions: predicting genes at pathogenic SNP associations and rare deletions., PLoS Genetics, 5, (6), 2009, pe1000534-Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Walters J, Corvin A, Williams H, Dragovic M, Quinn E, Judge R, Smith D, Norton N, Giegline I, Hartmann A, Moller HJ, Muglia P, Moskvina V, O'Donoghue T, Morar B, Cooper M, Chandler D, Jablensky A, Gill M, Owen MJ, Kaladjieva L, Morris D, O'Donovan MC, Rujescu D, Donohoe G., Variation in memory function associated with the psychosis susceptibility gene ZNF804A. , Archives of General Psychiatry, 67, (7), 2010, p692 - 700Journal Article, 2010, URL
- Merikangas AK, Corvin A, Gallagher L., Promises and challenges of copy number variants in Neuropsychiatric Disorders. , Trends in Genetics , 25, (12), 2009, p536-544Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Corvin A, Craddock N, Sullivan PF., Genome-wide association studies: a primer., Psychological Medicine, 40, (7), 2010, p1063-1077Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Murtagh A, Hurley AL, Kinsella A, Corvin A, Donohoe G, Gill M, O'Callaghan E, Murphy KC. , The Letter-Number Sequencing Test and its association with potential to work among people with psychotic illness , European Psychiatry, 25, (2), 2010, p101-104Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Williams HJ, Norton N, Dwyer S, Moskvina V, Nikolov I, Carroll L, Georgieva L, Williams NM, Morris DW, Quinn EM, Giegling I, Ikeda M, Wood J, Lencz T, Hultman C, Lichtenstein P, Thiselton D, Maher BS; Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia Collaboration (MGS) International Schizophrenia Consortium (ISC), SGENE-plus, GROUP, Malhotra AK, Riley B, Kendler KS, Gill M, Sullivan P, Sklar P, Purcell S, Nimgaonkar VL, Kirov G, Holmans P, Corvin A, Rujescu D, Craddock N, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Fine mapping of ZNF804A and genomime-wide significant evidence for it's involvement in Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. , Molecular Psychiatry, 16, (4), 2011, p429-441Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Donohoe G, Walters J, Morris DW, Quinn EM, Judge R, Norton N, Giegling I, Hartmann AM, Möller HJ, Muglia P, Williams H, Moskvina V, Peel R, O'Donoghue T, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Gill M, Rujescu D, Corvin A, Influence of NOS1 on verbal intelligence and working memory in both patients with schizophrenia and healthy control subjects., Archives of General Psychiatry, 66, (10), 2009, p1045-54Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Spalletta G, Morris DW, Angelucci F, Rubino IA, Spoletini I, Bria P, Martinotti G, Siracusano A, Bonaviri G, Bernadini S, Caltagirone C, Bossu P, Donohoe G, Gill M, Corvin AP. , BDNF Val66 Met polymorphism is associated with aggressive behaviour in schizophrenia. , European Psychiatry, 25, (6), 2010, p311-313Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- O'Dushlaine CT, Morris DW, Moskvina V, Kirov G, International Schizophrenia Consortium, Gill M, Corvin A, Wilson JF, Cavalleri GL. , Population structure and genome-wide patters of variation in Ireland and Britain. , European Journal of Human Genetics, 18, (11), 2010, p1248-1254Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Cummings E, Donohoe G, Morris DW, Gill M, Corvin A. , Clinical symptomatology and the psychosis risk gene, ZNF804A, Schizophrenia Research, 122, (1-3), 2010, p273-275Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Corvin A. , Neuronal cell adhesion genes: key players in risk for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other neurodevelopmental brain disorders? , Cell Adhesion & Migration, 4, (4), 2010, p1-13Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- International Stroke Genetics Consortium & Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2, Failure to validate association between 12p13 variants and ischaemic stroke, New England Journal of Medicine, 362, (16), 2010, p1547-1550Journal Article, 2010, URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Dushlaine C, McQuillan R, Weale ME, Crouch DJ, Johansson A, Aulchenko Y, Franklin CS, Pola"ek O, Fuchsberger C, Corvin A, Hicks AA, Vitart V, Hayward C, Wild SH, Meitinger T, van Duijn CM, Gyllensten U, Wright AF, Campbell H, Pramstaller PP, Rudan I, Wilson JF, Genes predict village of origin in rural Europe., European Journal of Human Genetics, 18, 2010, p1269-1270Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Barrett JC, Lee JC, Lees CW, Prescott NJ, Anderson CA, Phillips A, Wesley E, Parnell K, Zhang H, Drummond H, Nimmo ER, Massey D, Blaszczyk K, Elliott T, Cotterill L, Dallal H, Lobo AJ, Mowat C, Sanderson JD, Jewell DP, Newman WG, Edwards C, Ahmad T, Mansfield JC, Satsangi J, Parkes M, Mathew CG, Donnelly P, Peltonen L, Blackwell JM, Bramon E, Brown MA, Casas JP, Corvin A, Craddock N, Deloukas P, Duncanson A, Jankowski J, Markus HS, Mathew CG, McCarthy MI, Palmer CN, Plomin R, Rautanen A, Sawcer SJ, Samani N, Trembath RC, Viswanathan AC, Wood N, Spencer CC, Barrett JC, Bellenguez C, Davison D, Freeman C, Strange A, Donnelly P, Langford C, Hunt SE, Edkins S, Gwilliam R, Blackburn H, Bumpstead SJ, Dronov S, Gillman M, Gray E, Hammond N, Jayakumar A, McCann OT, Liddle J, Perez ML, Potter SC, Ravindrarajah R, Ricketts M, Waller M, Weston P, Widaa S, Whittaker P, Deloukas P, Peltonen L, Mathew CG, Blackwell JM, Brown MA, Corvin A, McCarthy MI, Spencer CC, Attwood AP, Stephens J, Sambrook J, Ouwehand WH, McArdle WL, Ring SM, Strachan DP, Genome-wide association study of ulcerative colitis identifies three new susceptibility loci, including the HNF4A region., Nature Genetics, 41, (12), 2009, p1330-1334Journal Article, 2009, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- James T. R. Walters; Aiden Corvin; Michael J. Owen; Hywel Williams; Milan Dragovic; Emma M. Quinn; Róisín Judge;Daniel J. Smith; Nadine Norton; Ina Giegling; Annette M. Hartmann; Hans-Jürgen Möller; Pierandrea Muglia; Valentina Moskvina; Sarah Dwyer;Therese O'Donoghue; Bharti Morar; Matthew Cooper; David Chandler; Assen Jablensky; Michael Gill; Luba Kaladjieva;Derek W. Morris; Michael C. O'Donovan; Dan Rujescu; Gary Donohoe, Psychosis Susceptibility Gene ZNF804A and Cognitive Performance in Schizophrenia, 67, 7, 2010Journal Article, 2010, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Donohoe G, Morris DW, Corvin A, The Psychosis Susceptibility gene ZNF804A: associations, functions and phenotypes, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36, (5), 2010, p904-909Review Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Quinn EM, Hill M, Anney R, Gill M, Corvin AP, Morris DW, Evidence for cis-acting regulation of ANK3 and CACNA1C gene expression., Bipolar disorders, 12, (4), 2010, p440-445Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Moskvina V, Smith M, Ivanov D, Blackwood D, St. Clair D, Hultman C, Toncheva D, Gill M, Corvin A, O'Dushlaine C, Morris DW, Wray N, Sullivan P, Pato C, Pato M, Sklar Pm Purcell S, Holmans P, O'Donovan M, Owen M, Kirov, G, International Schizophrenia Consortium. , Genetic Differences between five european populations. , Human Heredity, 70, 2010, p141 - 149Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Gary Donohoe, Emma Rose, Thomas Frodl, Derek Morris, Ilaria Spoletini, Fulvia Adriano, Sergio Bernardini, CarloCaltagirone, Paola Bossù, Michael Gill, Aiden P. Corvin and Gianfranco Spalletta, ZNF804A risk allele is associated with relatively intact gray matter volume in patients with schizophrenia, NeuroImage, 54, (3), 2010, p2132-2137Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Gill, M., Donohoe, G., Corvin, A, What have the genomics ever done for the psychoses?, Psychological Medicine, 40, (4), 2010, p529-540Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Donohoe G, Walters J, Morris DW, Da Costa A, Rose E, Hargreaves A, Maher K, Hayes E, Giegling I, Hartmann AM, Möller HJ, Muglia P, Moskvina V, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Gill M, Corvin A, Rujescu D, A neuropsychological investigation of the genome wide associated schizophrenia risk variant NRGN rs12807809, Schizophrenia Research, 125, (2-3), 2011, p304-306Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Raychaudhuri S, Korn JM, McCarroll SA, International Schizophrenia Consortium, Altshuler D, Sklar P, Purcell S, Daly MJ, Accurately assessing the risk of schizophrenia conferred by rare copy-number variation affecting genes with brain function., PLoS genetics, 6, (9, e1001097), 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Chen X, Lee G, Maher BS, Fanous AH, Chen J, Zhao Z, Guo A, van den Oord E, Sullivan PF, Shi J, Levinson DF, Gejman PV, Sanders A, Duan J, Owen MJ, Craddock NJ, O'Donovan MC, Blackman J, Lewis D, Kirov GK, Qin W, Schwab S, Wildenauer D, Chowdari K, Nimgaonkar V, Straub RE, Weinberger DR, O'Neill FA, Walsh D, Bronstein M, Darvasi A, Lencz T, Malhotra AK, Rujescu D, Giegling I, Werge T, Hansen T, Ingason A, Nöethen MM, Rietschel M, Cichon S, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA, Cantor RM, Ophoff R, Corvin A, Morris DW, Gill M, Pato CN, Pato MT, Macedo A, Gurling HM, McQuillin A, Pimm J, Hultman C, Lichtenstein P, Sklar P, Purcell SM, Scolnick E, St Clair D, Blackwood DH, Kendler KS, GWA study data mining and independent replication identify cardiomyopathy-associated 5 (CMYA5) as a risk gene for schizophrenia., Molecular Psychiatry, 153B, (8), 2010, p1417 - 1424Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kenny EM, Cormican P, Gilks WP, Gates AS, O'Dushlaine CT, Pinto C, Corvin AP, Gill M, Morris DW, Multiplex Target Enrichment Using DNA Indexing for Ultra-High Throughput SNP Detection., DNA research : an international journal for rapid publication of reports on genes and genomes, 18, (1), 2011, p31-38Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Donoghue T, Morris DW, Fahey C, Costa AD, Foxe JJ, Hoerold D, Tropea D, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G, A NOS1 variant implicated in cognitive performance influences evoked neural responses during a hight density EEG study of early visual perception. , Human Brain Mapping, 33, (5), 2012, p1202-1211Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Bridges M, Heron E, O'Dushlaine, Segurado R, The International Schizophrenia Consortium (ISC), Morris DW, Corvin A, Gill M, Pinto C. , Genetic Classification of Populations using Supervised Learning., PLos One, 6, (5), 2011, pe14802Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Donohoe G, Hayden J, McGlade N, O'Gráda C, Burke T, Barry S, Behan C, Dinan TG, O'Callaghan E, Gill M, Corvin AP, Is "clinical" insight the same as "cognitive" insight in schizophrenia?, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 15, (3), 2009, p471-5Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Vacic, V., McCarthy, S., Malhotra, D., Murray, F., Chou, H.-H., Peoples, A., Makarov, V., Yoon, S., Bhandari, A., Corominas, R., Iakoucheva, L.M., Krastoshevsky, O., Krause, V., Larach-Walters, V., Welsh, D.K., Craig, D., Kelsoe, J.R., Gershon, E.S., Leal, S.M., Aquila, M.D., Morris, D.W., Gill, M., Corvin, A., Insel, P.A., McClellan, J., King, M.-C., Karayiorgou, M., Levy, D.L., Delisi, L.E., Sebat, J., Duplications of the neuropeptide receptor gene VIPR2 confer significant risk for schizophrenia (Nature (2011) 471 (499-501)), 2011, - 114Miscellaneous, 2011, DOI
- Zhou, K., Bellenguez, C., Spencer, C.C.A., Bennett, A.J., Coleman, R.L., Tavendale, R., Hawley, S.A., (...), Pearson, E.R., Common variants near ATM are associated with glycemic response to metformin in type 2 diabetes, Nature Genetics , 43, (2), 2011, p117-120Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- UK Parkinson's Disease Consortium; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2, Spencer CC, Plagnol V, Strange A, Gardner M, Paisan-Ruiz C, Band G, Barker RA, Bellenguez C, Bhatia K, Blackburn H, Blackwell JM, Bramon E, Brown MA, Brown MA, Burn D, Casas JP, Chinnery PF, Clarke CE, Corvin A, Craddock N, Deloukas P, Edkins S, Evans J, Freeman C, Gray E, Hardy J, Hudson G, Hunt S, Jankowski J, Langford C, Lees AJ, Markus HS, Mathew CG, McCarthy MI, Morrison KE, Palmer CN, Pearson JP, Peltonen L, Pirinen M, Plomin R, Potter S, Rautanen A, Sawcer SJ, Su Z, Trembath RC, Viswanathan AC, Williams NW, Morris HR, Donnelly P, Wood NW., Dissection of the genetics of Parkinsons disease identifies an additional association 5'of SNCA and multiple associated haplotypes at 17 q 21, Human Molecular Genetics, 20, (2), 2010, p345-353Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Vacic V, McCarthy S, Malhotra D, Murray F, Chou HH, Peoples A, Makarov V, Yoon S, Bhandari A, Corominas R, Iakoucheva LM, Krastoshevsky O, Krause V, Larach-Walters V, Welsh DK, Craig D, Kelsoe JR, Gershon ES, Leal SM, Dell Aquila M, Morris DW, Gill M, Corvin A, Insel PA, McClellan J, King MC, Karayiorgou M, Levy DL, DeLisi LE, Sebat J, Duplications of the neuropeptide receptor gene VIPR2 confer significant risk for schizophrenia., Nature, 471, (7339), 2011, p499-503Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Donohoe G, Morris DW, Corvin A, The psychosis susceptibility gene ZNF804A: associations, functions, and phenotypes., Schizophrenia bulletin, 36, (5), 2010, p904-9Review Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hargreaves A, Morris DW, Rose E, Fahey C, Moore S, Cummings E, Tropea D, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G, ZNF804A and social cognition in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls., Molecular psychiatry, 17, (2), 2011, p118 - 119Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Sklar P, Ripke S, Scott LJ, Andreassen OA, Cichon S, Craddock N, Edenberg HJ, Nurnberger JI, Rietschel M, Blackwood D, Corvin A, Flickinger M, Guan W, Mattingsdal M, McQuillin A, Kwan P, Wienker TF, Daly M, Dudbridge F, Holmans PA, Lin D, Burmeister M, Greenwood TA, Hamshere ML, Muglia P, Smith EN, Zandi PP, Nievergelt CM, McKinney R, Shilling PD, Schork NJ, Bloss CS, Foroud T, Koller DL, Gershon ES, Liu C, Badner JA, Scheftner WA, Lawson WB, Nwulia EA, Hipolito M, Coryell W, Rice J, Byerley W, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Berrettini W, Lohoff FW, Potash JB, Mahon PB, McInnis MG, Zöllner S, Zhang P, Craig DW, Szelinger S, Barrett TB, Breuer R, Meier S, Strohmaier J, Witt SH, Tozzi F, Farmer A, McGuffin P, Strauss J, Xu W, Kennedy JL, Vincent JB, Matthews K, Day R, Ferreira MA, O'Dushlaine C, Perlis R, Raychaudhuri S, Ruderfer D, Hyoun PL, Smoller JW, Li J, Absher D, Thompson RC, Meng FG, Schatzberg AF, Bunney WE, Barchas JD, Jones EG, Watson SJ, Myers RM, Akil H, Boehnke M, Chambert K, Moran J, Scolnick E, Djurovic S, Melle I, Morken G, Gill M, Morris D, Quinn E, Mühleisen TW, Degenhardt FA, Mattheisen M, Schumacher J, Maier W, Steffens M, Propping P, Nöthen MM, Anjorin A, Bass N, Gurling H, Kandaswamy R, Lawrence J, McGhee K, McIntosh A, McLean AW, Muir WJ, Pickard BS, Breen G, St Clair D, Caesar S, Gordon-Smith K, Jones L, Fraser C, Green EK, Grozeva D, Jones IR, Kirov G, Moskvina V, Nikolov I, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Collier DA, Elkin A, Williamson R, Young AH, Ferrier IN, Stefansson K, Stefansson H, Thornorgeirsson T, Steinberg S, Gustafsson O, Bergen SE, Nimgaonkar V, Hultman C, Landén M, Lichtenstein P, Sullivan P, Schalling M, Osby U, Backlund L, Frisén L, Langstrom N, Jamain S, Leboyer M, Etain B, Bellivier F, Petursson H, Sigur Sson E, Müller-Mysok B, Lucae S, Schwarz M, Schofield PR, Martin N, Montgomery GW, Lathrop M, Oskarsson H, Bauer M, Wright A, Mitchell PB, Hautzinger M, Reif A, Kelsoe JR, Purcell SM, Large-scale genome-wide association analysis of bipolar disorder identifies a new susceptibility locus near ODZ4., Nature Genetics, 43, (10), 2011, p977-83Journal Article, 2011, DOI
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- Hamshere M, Walters JT, Smith R, et al., Genome-wide significant associations in schizophrenia to ITHIH3/4, CACNA1C and SDCCAG8, and extensive replication of associations reported by the schizophrenia PGC., Molecular Psychiatry, 18, (6), 2013, p708-712Journal Article, 2013, DOI
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- Knight J, Spain SL, Capon F, Hayday A, Nestle FO, Clop A, Barker JN, Weale ME, Trembath RC, Conditional analysis identifies three novel major histocompatibility complex loci associated with psoriasis., Human molecular genetics, 21, (23), 2012, p5185-92Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ayalew M, Le-Niculescu H, Levey DF, Jain N, Changala B, Patel SD, Winiger E, Breier A, Shekhar A, Amdur R, Koller D, Nurnberger JI, Corvin A, Geyer M, Tsuang MT, Salomon D, Schork NJ, Fanous AH, O'Donovan MC, Niculescu AB, Convergent functional genomics of schizophrenia: from comprehensive understanding to genetic risk prediction., Molecular psychiatry, 17, (9), 2012, p887-905Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Keller MF, Saad M, Bras J, Bettella F, Nicolaou N, Simón-Sánchez J, Mittag F, Büchel F, Sharma M, Gibbs JR, Schulte C, Moskvina V, Durr A, Holmans P, Kilarski LL, Guerreiro R, Hernandez DG, Brice A, Ylikotila P, Stefánsson H, Majamaa K, Morris HR, Williams N, Gasser T, Heutink P, Wood NW, Hardy J, Martinez M, Singleton AB, Nalls MA, Using genome-wide complex trait analysis to quantify 'missing heritability' in Parkinson's disease., Human molecular genetics, 21, (22), 2012, p4996-5009Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Corvin A, Donohoe G, Hargreaves A, Gallagher L, Gill M., The Cognitive Genetics of Neuropsychiatric Disorders. , Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 12, 2012, p579-613Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Bellenguez C, Bevan S, Gschwendtner A, Spencer CC, Burgess AI, Pirinen M, Jackson CA, Traylor M, Strange A, Su Z, Band G, Syme PD, Malik R, Pera J, Norrving B, Lemmens R, Freeman C, Schanz R, James T, Poole D, Murphy L, Segal H, Cortellini L, Cheng YC, Woo D, Nalls MA, Müller-Myhsok B, Meisinger C, Seedorf U, Ross-Adams H, Boonen S, Wloch-Kopec D, Valant V, Slark J, Furie K, Delavaran H, Langford C, Deloukas P, Edkins S, Hunt S, Gray E, Dronov S, Peltonen L, Gretarsdottir S, Thorleifsson G, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefansson K, Boncoraglio GB, Parati EA, Attia J, Holliday E, Levi C, Franzosi MG, Goel A, Helgadottir A, Blackwell JM, Bramon E, Brown MA, Casas JP, Corvin A, Duncanson A, Jankowski J, Mathew CG, Palmer CN, Plomin R, Rautanen A, Sawcer SJ, Trembath RC, Viswanathan AC, Wood NW, Worrall BB, Kittner SJ, Mitchell BD, Kissela B, Meschia JF, Thijs V, Lindgren A, Macleod MJ, Slowik A, Walters M, Rosand J, Sharma P, Farrall M, Sudlow CL, Rothwell PM, Dichgans M, Donnelly P, Markus HS, Genome-wide association study identifies a variant in HDAC9 associated with large vessel ischemic stroke., Nature genetics, 44, (3), 2012, p328-33Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
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- Which aspects of heterogeneity are useful to translational success. in, editor(s)Ernest Strungmann , Forum on Schizophrenia: Evolution and Synthesis, 2013, [Corvin A, Buchanan RW, Carpenter WT Jr, Kennedy JL, Keshavan MS, MacDonald A, Sass L, Wessa M.]Book Chapter, 2013
- Psychiatric Genetics in, Wright, Stern, Phelan , Core Psychiatry, Elsevier Saunders, 2010, [Corvin A, Gill M.]Book Chapter, 2010
- Cognitive intermediate phenotypes in schizophrenia genetics in, The Genetics of Cognitive Neuroscience , US. , MIT Press, 2009, [Donohoe G, Goldberg T, Corvin A]Book Chapter, 2009
- Corvin, A, Forums on Science and Society: Reflections on genetic underpinnings of schizophrenia, Special Seminar Series, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany, December 5th 2013, 2013Invited Talk, 2013
- Corvin, A., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories Lecture. , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, 2013Invited Talk, 2013
- Corvin, A., 'Cognitive genetics and psychosis, Norwegian Neuropsychiatric Association Winter Meeting, November 23rd, 2012Invited Talk, 2012
- Corvin, A., Will genomics change the way we manage psychosis?, College of Psychiatry in Ireland, 16th November, 2012Invited Talk, 2012
- Corvin, A., Schizophrenia Genomics: Progress and Challenges. , Neuroscience Ireland, Annual Meeting, Dublin, 5th September, 2012Invited Talk, 2012
- Corvin, A., Treating Schizophrenia, British Journal of Hospital Medicine Meeting, London UK, 26th April, 2012Invited Talk, 2012
- Quinn EM, Cormican P, Kenny EM, Hill M, Anney R, Gill M, Corvin AP, Morris DW, Development of Strategies for SNP Detection in RNA-Seq Data: Application to Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines and Evaluation Using 1000 Genomes Data., PloS one, 8, (3), 2013, pe58815Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hamshere ML, Walters JT, Smith R, Richards AL, Green E, Grozeva D, Jones I, Forty L. Jones L. Gordon-Smith K, Riley B, O'Neill T, Kendler KS, Sklar P, Purcell S, Kranz J, The Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome-wide Association Study Consortium (PGC), Well Trust Case Control Consortium +(WTCCC+), Welcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2 9WTCCC2), Morris D, Gill M, Holmans P, Craddock N, Corvin A, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Genome-wide significant associations in schizophrenia to ITIH3/4, CACNA1C and SDCCAG8, and extensive replication of associations reported by the Schizophrenia PGC. , Molecular Psychiatry, 18, (2), 2013, p708-12Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Mechelli, R., Umeton, R., Policano, C., Annibali, V., Coarelli, G., Ricigliano, V.A.G., Vittori, D., (...), Compston, A, A "Candidate-Interactome" Aggregate Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Data in Multiple Sclerosis, PLoS ONE 8, 8, (5), 2013, part. no. e63300Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Corvin, A., Schizophrenia at a genetics crossroads: Where to now?, Schizophrenia Bulletin, 39, (3), 2013, p490-495Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Fahey C, Byrne S, McLaughlin R, Kenna K, Shatunov A, Donohoe G, Gill M, Al-Chalabi A, Bradley DG, Hardiman O, Corvin AP, Morris DW, Analysis of the hexanucleotide repeat expansion and founder haplotype at C9ORF72 in an Irish psychosis case-control sample., Neurobiology of aging, 35, (6), 2014, p1510.e1-1510.e5Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Mothersill O, Morris DW, Kelly S, Rose EJ, Fahey C, O'Brien C, Lyne R, Reilly R, Gill M, Corvin AP, Donohoe G, Effects of MIR137 on fronto-amygdala functional connectivity., NeuroImage, 90, 2014, p189-95Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Rose EJ, Hargreaves A, Morris D, Fahey C, Tropea D, Cummings E, Caltagirone C, Bossù P, Chiapponi C, Piras F, Spalletta G, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G, Effects of a novel schizophrenia risk variant rs7914558 at CNNM2 on brain structure and attributional style., The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 204, (2), 2014, p115-121Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Corvin A, Morris DW, Genome-wide Association Studies: Findings at the Major Histocompatibility Complex Locus in Psychosis., Biological psychiatry, 75, (4), 2014, p276-83Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Rees E, Walters JT, Chambert KD, O'Dushlaine C, Szatkiewicz J, Richards AL, Georgieva L, Mahoney-Davies G, Legge SE, Moran JL, Genovese G, Levinson D, Morris DW, Cormican P, Kendler KS, O'Neill FA, Riley B, Gill M, Corvin A, Sklar P, Hultman C, Pato C, Pato M, Sullivan PF, Gejman PV, McCarroll SA, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Kirov G, CNV analysis in a large schizophrenia sample implicates deletions at 16p12.1 and SLC1A1 and duplications at 1p36.33 and CGNL1., Human molecular genetics, 23, (6), 2014, 1669-1676Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ripke S, O'Dushlaine C, Chambert K, Moran JL, Kähler AK, Akterin S, Bergen SE, Collins AL, Crowley JJ, Fromer M, Kim Y, Lee SH, Magnusson PK, Sanchez N, Stahl EA, Williams S, Wray NR, Xia K, Bettella F, Borglum AD, Bulik-Sullivan BK, Cormican P, Craddock N, de Leeuw C, Durmishi N, Gill M, Golimbet V, Hamshere ML, Holmans P, Hougaard DM, Kendler KS, Lin K, Morris DW, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Neale BM, O'Neill FA, Owen MJ, Milovancevic MP, Posthuma D, Powell J, Richards AL, Riley BP, Ruderfer D, Rujescu D, Sigurdsson E, Silagadze T, Smit AB, Stefansson H, Steinberg S, Suvisaari J, Tosato S, Verhage M, Walters JT, Levinson DF, Gejman PV, Kendler KS, Laurent C, Mowry BJ, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Pulver AE, Riley BP, Schwab SG, Wildenauer DB, Dudbridge F, Holmans P, Shi J, Albus M, Alexander M, Campion D, Cohen D, Dikeos D, Duan J, Eichhammer P, Godard S, Hansen M, Lerer FB, Liang KY, Maier W, Mallet J, Nertney DA, Nestadt G, Norton N, O'Neill FA, Papadimitriou GN, Ribble R, Sanders AR, Silverman JM, Walsh D, Williams NM, Wormley B, Arranz MJ, Bakker S, Bender S, Bramon E, Collier D, Crespo-Facorro B, Hall J, Iyegbe C, Jablensky A, Kahn RS, Kalaydjieva L, Lawrie S, Lewis CM, Lin K, Linszen DH, Mata I, McIntosh A, Murray RM, Ophoff RA, Powell J, Rujescu D, Van Os J, Walshe M, Weisbrod M, Wiersma D, Donnelly P, Barroso I, Blackwell JM, Bramon E, Brown MA, Casas JP, Corvin AP, Deloukas P, Duncanson A, Jankowski J, Markus HS, Mathew CG, Palmer CN, Plomin R, Rautanen A, Sawcer SJ, Trembath RC, Viswanathan AC, Wood NW, Spencer CC, Band G, Bellenguez C, Freeman C, Hellenthal G, Giannoulatou E, Pirinen M, Pearson RD, Strange A, Su Z, Vukcevic D, Donnelly P, Langford C, Hunt SE, Edkins S, Gwilliam R, Blackburn H, Bumpstead SJ, Dronov S, Gillman M, Gray E, Hammond N, Jayakumar A, McCann OT, Liddle J, Potter SC, Ravindrarajah R, Ricketts M, Tashakkori-Ghanbaria A, Waller MJ, Weston P, Widaa S, Whittaker P, Barroso I, Deloukas P, Mathew CG, Blackwell JM, Brown MA, Corvin AP, McCarthy MI, Spencer CC, Bramon E, Corvin AP, O'Donovan MC, Stefansson K, Scolnick E, Purcell S, McCarroll SA, Sklar P, Hultman CM, Sullivan PF, Genome-wide association analysis identifies 13 new risk loci for schizophrenia., Nature genetics, 45, (10), 2013, p1150-9Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Walters JT, Rujescu D, Franke B, Giegling I, Vásquez AA, Hargreaves A, Russo G, Morris DW, Hoogman M, Da Costa A, Moskvina V, Fernández G, Gill M, Corvin A, O'Donovan MC, Donohoe G, Owen MJ, The role of the major histocompatibility complex region in cognition and brain structure: a schizophrenia GWAS follow-up., The American journal of psychiatry, 170, (8), 2013, p877-85Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Aberg KA, Liu Y, Bukszár J, McClay JL, Khachane AN, Andreassen OA, Blackwood D, Corvin A, Djurovic S, Gurling H, Ophoff R, Pato CN, Pato MT, Riley B, Webb T, Kendler K, O'Donovan M, Craddock N, Kirov G, Owen M, Rujescu D, St Clair D, Werge T, Hultman CM, Delisi LE, Sullivan P, van den Oord EJ, A comprehensive family-based replication study of schizophrenia genes., JAMA psychiatry, 70, (6), 2013, p573-81Journal Article, 2013
- O'Donoghue T, Morris DW, Fahey C, Da Costa A, Moore S, Cummings E, Leicht G, Karch S, Hoerold D, Tropea D, Foxe JJ, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G, Effects of ZNF804A on auditory P300 response in schizophrenia., Translational psychiatry, 4, 2014, pe345Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kenny EM, Cormican P, Furlong S, Heron E, Kenny G, Fahey C, Kelleher E, Ennis S, Tropea D, Anney R, Corvin AP, Donohoe G, Gallagher L, Gill M, Morris DW, Excess of rare novel loss-of-function variants in synaptic genes in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders., Molecular psychiatry, 19, 2014, p872-879Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Heron, E.A., Cormican, P., Donohoe, G., O'Neill, F.A., Kendler, K.S., Riley, B.P., Gill, M., Corvin, A.P., Morris, D.W., No evidence that runs of homozygosity are associated with schizophrenia in an Irish genome-wide association dataset, Schizophrenia Research, 154, (1-3), 2014, p79-82Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Steinberg, S., De Jong, S., Mattheisen, M., (...), Stefansson, H., Stefansson, K., Common variant at 16p11.2 conferring risk of psychosis, Molecular Psychiatry, 19, (1), 2014, p108-114Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- McCarthy, S.E., Gillis, J., Kramer, M., (...), McCombie, W.R., Corvin, A. , De novo mutations in schizophrenia implicate chromatin remodeling and support a genetic overlap with autism and intellectual disability, Molecular Psychiatry, 19, 2014, p652-658Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Lencz T, Knowles E, Davies G, Guha S, Liewald DC, Starr JM, Djurovic S, Melle I, Sundet K, Christoforou A, Reinvang I, Mukherjee S, DeRosse P, Lundervold A, Steen VM, John M, Espeseth T, Räikkönen K, Widen E, Palotie A, Eriksson JG, Giegling I, Konte B, Ikeda M, Roussos P, Giakoumaki S, Burdick KE, Payton A, Ollier W, Horan M, Donohoe G, Morris D, Corvin A, Gill M, Pendleton N, Iwata N, Darvasi A, Bitsios P, Rujescu D, Lahti J, Hellard SL, Keller MC, Andreassen OA, Deary IJ, Glahn DC, Malhotra AK, Molecular genetic evidence for overlap between general cognitive ability and risk for schizophrenia: a report from the Cognitive Genomics consorTium (COGENT)., Molecular psychiatry, 19, (2), 2014, p168-74Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Rees E, Kirov G, Sanders A, Walters JT, Chambert KD, Shi J, Szatkiewicz J, O'Dushlaine C, Richards AL, Green EK, Jones I, Davies G, Legge SE, Moran JL, Pato C, Pato M, Genovese G, Levinson D, Duan J, Moy W, Göring HH, Morris D, Cormican P, Kendler KS, O'Neill FA, Riley B, Gill M, Corvin A, Craddock N, Sklar P, Hultman C, Sullivan PF, Gejman PV, McCarroll SA, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Evidence that duplications of 22q11.2 protect against schizophrenia., Molecular psychiatry, 19, (1), 2014, p37-40Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hargreaves, A., Anney, R., O'Dushlaine, C.a, Nicodemus, K.K.a, Gill, M., Corvin, A., Morris, D., Donohoe, G, The one and the many: effects of the cell adhesion molecule pathway on neuropsychological function in psychosis, Psychological Medicine, 44, (10), 2013, p2177-2187Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Morris DW, Pearson RD, Cormican P, Kenny EM, O'Dushlaine CT, Perreault LP, Giannoulatou E, Tropea D, Maher BS, Wormley B, Kelleher E, Fahey C, Molinos I, Bellini S, Pirinen M, Strange A, Freeman C, Thiselton DL, Elves RL, Regan R, Ennis S, Dinan TG, McDonald C, Murphy KC, O'Callaghan E, Waddington JL, Walsh D, O'Donovan M, Grozeva D, Craddock N, Stone J, Scolnick E, Purcell S, Sklar P, Coe B, Eichler EE, Ophoff R, Buizer J, Szatkiewicz J, Hultman C, Sullivan P, Gurling H, McQuillin A, St Clair D, Rees E, Kirov G, Walters J, Blackwood D, Johnstone M, Donohoe G, O'Neill FA, Kendler KS, Gill M, Riley BP, Spencer CC, Corvin A, An inherited duplication at the gene p21 Protein-Activated Kinase 7 (PAK7) is a risk factor for psychosis., Human molecular genetics, 23, (12), 2014, p3316-26Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Degenhardt, F Priebe, L Meier, S Lennertz, L Streit, F Witt, SH Hofmann, A Becker, T Mössner, R Maier, W , Duplications in RB1CC1 are associated with schizophrenia; identification in large European sample sets , Translational Psychiatry , 3 , (11 ), 2013, pe326 -Journal Article, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Ajetunmobi,A. A., Prina-Mello,Adriele A., Volkov,Yuri Y., Corvin,Aiden P. A.P., Tropea,Daniela D., Nanotechnologies for the study of the central nervous system, Progress in Neurobiology, 123, 2014, p18-36Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Robinson, P.C., Leo, P.J., Pointon, J.J., (...), Duncan, E.L., Wordsworth, B.P., The genetic associations of acute anterior uveitis and their overlap with the genetics of ankylosing spondylitis, Genes and Immunity, 17, (1), 2016, p46-51Journal Article, DOI
- Corvin AP, McGhee K, Murphy K, Walsh C, Kenny N, Nangle J, Schwaiger S, Baldwin P, Scully P, Quinn J, Crumlish N, O'Callaghan E, Waddington J, Morris D, Gill M, Evidence for association and interaction between G72 and DAAO markers in an Irish case-control schizophrenia sample, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, SEP 5, 138B, (1), 2005, pp25 - 25Meeting Abstract
- Corvin A. , The changing faces of schizophrenia. The Big Idea. , 2012, -Miscellaneous
- Corvin, A., Schizophrenia: Evolution and Synthesis: A think tank to accelerate treatment development and prevention efforts. , Ernst Strungman Forum, Frankfurt, Germany, 20-28th July, 2012Invited Talk
- Corvin, A., Symposium Organizer, Schizophrenia International Research Society,, April 16th, In:Schizophrenia International Research Society,, 2012, Florence, ItalyMeetings /Conferences Organised
Research Expertise
Clinical and health psychology, Genetics, Neurosciences, Public health,