Professor Fiona Wilson
Professor In, Physiotherapy
Email wilsonf@tcd.ie Phone3531896 3534http://people.tcd.ie/wilsonfBiography
I have over 30 years of clinical and research experience Sports and Exercise Medicine; my research answers clinically relevant questions and has influenced practice in coaching and sports medicine. I aim to understand athletes' pain and injury, to support their performance, welfare and safety in the short term, and their health and wellbeing through their life trajectory. I do this by exploring injury prevention, early recognition and optimal management strategies (injury treatment). My research focus is the role of sport and exercise on low back pain (LBP) and on brain health. I explore: i) epidemiology to identify injury risk factors, and ii) biomechanics to explain mechanisms associated with risk. ii) Knowledge translation (through evidence synthesis) for end users (clinicians, athletes and sport support staff). I explore and apply exercise medicine principles in the management of chronic disease and pain across populations, beyond athletes. My particular focus is on management of arthritis and low back pain using exercise and activity approaches. I used a shared decision making methodology to empower people to self-manage long term conditions with exercise and activity, which is appropriate and meaningful to their lifestyle. I have an interest in knowledge translation; ensuring that research I publish is clinically meaningful, and I create outputs to support clinicians. I had a long clinical career culminating in senior hospital appointments and as lead physiotherapist for Rowing Ireland for 10 years. I still treat patients to ensure that my research outputs are relevant. I am a member of the Sports Medicine Commission of World Rowing where I advise on policy for injury management and research strategy. I am a Deputy Editor of the BJSM; the highest ranking sports and exercise medicine journal globally. I am also Deputy Editor of the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, leading their Injury Prevention subsection. I am on the editorial board of the Journal of Sport Sciences and the German Journal of Sports Medicine.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- D. Farnan, N. Mahony, F. Wilson and C. Gissane, A 3-month prospective study of injuries in amateur rugby and soccer, Physiotherapy Practice and Research, 34, 2013, p103 - 112Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Wilson F, McGregor A. , Mythbusters in rowing medicine and physiotherapy: nine experts tackle five clinical conundrums. , British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48, 2014, p1525 - 1528Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- O'Dwyer T, O'Shea F, Wilson F. , Physical activity in spondyloarthritis: a systematic review. , Rheumatology International, 35, (3), 2015, p393 - 404Journal Article, 2015
- Azeez M, Clancy C, O'Dwyer T, Wilson F, O'Dwyer T, Cunnane G. , Effects of exercise on body composition, cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and cognition in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A randomized controlled trial of a patient-specific exercise programme. , Arthritis and Rheumatology , American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, November 9-14, , 66, (20), 2014, pp2196 - 2197Conference Paper, 2014
- Wilson F, Coole L, McCarthy E, Johnston C, Webb M, O'Shea F, Gissane C, Durcan L. , The prevalence of patellar tendinopathy in elite academy rugby: A clinical and imaging study with 12-month follow-up. , British Journal of Sports Medicine, IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport, Monaco, April, 48, (7), 2014, pp672 - 673Conference Paper, 2014
- British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48, 21, (2014), 1521 - 1582p, Fiona Wilson, Eleanor Tillett, Karim Khan, [eds.]Journal, 2014
- Sadlier C, Bennett K, Matthews A, Mockler D, Wilson F, Bergin C, Pneumococcal Vaccine fro preventing Streptococcuse Pneumoniae infection in HIV individuals, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1), 2016, p1 - 18Journal Article, 2016
- Moran J, Wilson F, Guinan E, McCormick P, Hussey J, Moriarty J, The Role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing as a risk-assessment method in patients undergoing intra-abdominal surgery; a systematic review, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 111, (2), 2017, p177 - 191Journal Article, 2017
- O'Dwyer T, O'Shea F, Wilson F, Decreased health related physical fitness in adults with ankylosing spondylitis; a cross-sectional controlled study, Physiotherapy, 102, (2), 2015, p202 - 209Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- O'Dwyer T, O'Shea F, Wilson F, Decreased physical activity and cariorespiratory fitness in adults with ankylosing spondylitis; a cross-sectional controlled study, Rheumatology International, 35, (11), 2015, p1863 - 1872Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- O'Dwyer T, O'Shea F, Wilson F, Physical activity and exercise; perspectives of adults with ankylosing spondylitis, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 13, (5), 2016, p1863 - 1872Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Moran J., Guinan E., McCormick P., Larkin J., Mockler D., Hussey J., Moriarty J., Wilson F., The ability of prehabilitation to influence postoperative outcome after intra-abdominal operation: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Surgery (United States), 160, (5), 2016, p1189-1201Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Moran, J., Wilson, F., Guinan, E., McCormick, P., Hussey, J., Moriarty, J., Role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing as a risk-assessment method in patients undergoing intra-abdominal surgery: A systematic review, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 116, (2), 2016, p177-191Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Moran J, Guinan E, McCormick P, Larkin J, Mockler D, Hussey J, Moriarty J, Wilson F, Response to: Is prehabilitation limited to preoperative exercise?, Surgery, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Moran J, Wilson F, Guinan E, McCormick P, Hussey J, Moriarty J, The pre-operative use of filed tests of exercise tolerance to predict postoperative outcome of intra-abdominal surgery; a systematic review, Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia, 35, 2016, p446 - 455Journal Article, 2016
- Farrel G, McGrath F, Hogan B, Logan M, Denvir K, O'Connell B, Irwin E, Gissane C, Wilson F, 95% prevalence of abnormality on hip MRI in elite academy rugby; a clinical and imaging study, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 19, (11), 2016, p893 - 897Journal Article, 2016
- Clancy C, Quinn A, Wilson F, The aetiologies of failed back surgery; a systematic review, Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 30, (3), 2017, p395 - 402Journal Article, 2017
- Thorlund J, Ostengard L, Cardy N, Wilson F, Jorgensen C, Juhl C, Trajectory of self reported pain and function and knee extensor muscle strength in young patients undergoing arthroscopic surgery for meniscus tears. A systematic review with meta-analysis, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20, (8), 2017, p712 - 717Journal Article, 2017
- Thornton J, Vinther A, Wilson F, Lebrun C, Wilkinson M, Di Ciacca S, Orlando K, Smoljanovic T, Rowing injuries; an updated review, Sports Medicine, 47, (4), 2017, p641 - 661Journal Article, 2017
- Rowing Medicine in, editor(s)Brukner P, Khan K , Clinical Sports Medicine, 5th Edition, London, Sydney, New York, McGraw Hill, 2016, [Wilson F]Book Chapter, 2016
- O'Dwyer T, Monaghan A, Moran J, O'Shea F, Wilson F, Behaviour change intervention increases physical activity, spinal mobility and quality of life in adults with ankylosing spondylitis; a randomised trial, Journal of Physiotherapy, 63, 2017, p30 - 39Journal Article, 2017
- Al-Rashed LA, O'Shea F, Brennan A, Wilson F, Biopsychosocial exploration of pain profiles in inflammatory and chronic non-specific axial low back pain. An exploration of similarities and differences, 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain, Singapore, October 2016, 2016, pp225-Conference Paper, 2016
- Farrel G, Denvir K, Gissane C, McGrath F, Wilson F , Prevalence of hip disorders in elite academy rugby, Faculty of Sports amd Exercise Medicine Annual Conference, Dublin, September, 2016Conference Paper, 2016
- Wilson, F., Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (Fourth edition), British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2015Journal Article, 2015
- Wilson, F., Byrne, A., Gissane, C., Prospective study of injury and activity profile in elite soccer referees and assistant referees, Irish Medical Journal, 104, (10), 2011, p1-3Journal Article, 2011
- Wilson, F., Caffrey, S., King, E., Casey, K., Gissane, C., A 6-month prospective study of injury in Gaelic football, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41, (5), 2007, p317-321Journal Article, 2007
- Fiona Wilson, 'Rowing Medicine', International Olympic Committee Sports Medicine Diploma, International Olympic Committee, 2017, -Broadcast, 2017
- O'Dwyer T, Monaghan A, Moran J, O'Shea F, Wilson F, Increasing physical activity in adults with ankylosing spondylitis (INPACT-AS); Preliminary results of a randomised controlled trial, ISR/IRHPS Annual Autumn Meeting, Naas, Kildare, 24/25 September, 2015Poster, 2015
- O'Dwyer T, Monaghan A, Moran J, O'Shea F, Wilson F, Increasing physical activity in adults with ankylosing spondylitis (INPACT-AS); Protocol for a physical activity behaviour change intervention, ISR/IRHPS Annual Autumn Meeting, Naas, Kildare, 24/25 September, 2015Poster, 2015
- Moran J, Wilson F, Guina E, McCormick P, Hussey J, Mariarty J, The role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients scheduled for intra-abdomical surgery; A systematic review, AAGBI Annual Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23-25 September, 2015Poster, 2015
- Fiona Wilson, Aine Kelly, Noreen Boyle, Matej Oresci, Tuulia Hyotylainen, Karl Denvir, Garreth Farrell, Brendan O'Connell, Assessment of blood biomarkers of mild traumatic brain injury in professional rugby; a case control study, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 5th International Conference of Concussion in Sport, Berlin, October 2016, 51, 2017, ppA47-Published Abstract, 2017, DOI
- O' Dwyer T, O'Shea F, Wilson F, THU0636-HPR Significantly reduced physical activity in adults with ankylosing spondylitis; a cross sectional controlled study, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, Eular, Rome, Italy, June 10-13, 2015, 74, (Suppl 2), 2015, pp1321-Meeting Abstract, 2015, DOI
- British Journal of Sports Medicine, UK, BMJ, [Senior Associate Editor], 2014Editorial Board, 2014
- Fiona Wilson, World Rowing Championships 2015 - debating the evolution of back pain, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2015Journal Article, 2015, URL
- Fiona Wilson, Crossing the line in sport - debating athlete mental health, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2016Journal Article, 2016, URL
- O'Dwyer T, Durcan L, Wilson F, Exercise and physical activity in systemic lupus erythmatosus: A systematic review with meta-analyses, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Orr J, Ni Mhaille E, Wilson F , 'Interrater and intrarater reliability of lower limb measurement using tape measure', , Physiotherapy, Chartered Society Of Physiotherapy Annual congress, Birmingham, September , edited by Fiona Wilson , 2004, pp4-Conference Paper, 2004
- Wilson F (ed.), British Association Of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Conference, British Journal Of sports Medicine, Belfast, 38, , October 2005, 2004, 652 pProceedings of a Conference, 2004
- Finnerty F, Carley O, Wilson F (ed.), British Association Of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual conference, British Journal Of Sports Medicine, Belfast, 38, , October 2004, 2004, 652 pProceedings of a Conference, 2004
- 'Exercise in the treatment of musculoskeletal disease' in, editor(s)Gormley J, Hussey J. , Exercise Therapy, Prevention and Treatment Of Disease, Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2005, pp169 - 188, [Wilson F]Book Chapter, 2005
- O'Dwyer T, Durcan L, Maguire S, Mockler D, Wilson F, Behaviour change interventions targeting physical activity in adults with fibromyalgia syndrome: A systematic review, Ann. Rheum. Dis., 77, 2018, p1785-Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- O'connell B, Wilson F, Boyle N, O'Dwyer TK, Denvir K, Farrell G, Kelly AM, Effects of match play on circulating S100B concentration in professional rugby players, Brain Injury, 32, ((13-14)), 2018, p1811 - 1816Journal Article, 2018
- Wilson F, Walshe M, O'Dwyer TK, Bennett K, Mockler D, Bleakley C, Exercise, orthoses and splinting for treating Achilles tendinopathy:a systematic review and meta-analysis, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 52, (24), 2018, p1564 - 1574Journal Article, 2018
- Cunningham J, Broglio S, Wilson F, Influence of playing rugby on long-term brain health following retirement: a systematic review and narrative synthesis, BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine, 4, (1), 2018Journal Article, 2018
- O'Connell B, Kelly AM, Mockler D, Oresic M, Denvir K, Farrell G, Janigro D Wilson F, Use of blood biomarkers in assessment of sports related concussion- a systematic review in the context of their biological significance, Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 28, (6), 2018, p561 - 571Journal Article, 2018
- Broglio SP, Cunningham J, Gissane C, Farrell G, Denver K, Wilson F, An Investigation into the reliability of self-reported concussion history in current professional rugby union players. , Journal os Sports Sciences, 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, Dublin, Ireland, 4-7July, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Wilson F., Martinez-Valdes E., Fleming N., McDonnell SJ., Falla D., Rowers with low back pain show a different distribution of erector spinae muscle activity during an incremental test to volitional exhaustion, 23rd Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, Dublin, Ireland, 4-7 July, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Wilson F, A care pathway for management of low back pain in rowing, FISA/World Rowing Coaching Conference. Berlin 21/23 November, Berlin, Germany, 21/23 November, 2018, FISA/ World RowingInvited Talk, 2018
- Advice for avoiding low back pain in, editor(s)Paul Reynolds and Wendy Davies , ROWMoJo - Rowing Manual: Rowing training, Physical Literacy & movement skills for Teenage Girls + advice on anxiety, training with your period, diet, body image, (HerMoJo Book 1), UK, WSNet, 2018, [Wilson F]Book Chapter, 2018
- Wilson F, Best way to avoid back pain? Lift heavy things, The Conversation, (April 5th), 2018Journal Article, 2018
- Wilson F, Managing low back pain in rowers: can it teach us something about the general population?, In Touch, 162, (Spring), 2018, p4 - 10Journal Article, 2018
- British Journal of Sports Medicine, London, BMJ Group, [Senior associate editor], 2014Editorial Board, 2014
- McHugh C, Hind K, Davey D, Wilson F, Cardiovascular health of retired field-based athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis , Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 7, (8), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Martinex-Valdes E, Wilson F, Fleming N, McDonnell SJ, Horgan A, Falla D , Rowers with a recent history of low back pain engage different regions of the lumbar erector spinae, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 22, (11), 2019, p1206 - 1212Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- O'Dwyer T, Maguire S, Mockler D, Durcan L, Wilson F , Behaviour change interventions targeting physical activity in adults with fibromyalgia: a systematic review, Rheumatology International, 39, (5), 2019, p805 - 817Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Reece LJ, Quirk H, Wellington C, Haake SJ, Wilson F, Bright sports, physical activity investments that work: Parkrun, a global initiative striving for healthier and happier communities, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53, (6), 2019, p326 - 327Journal Article, 2019
- Gardner R, Riviera E, O'Grady M... Wilson F, The role of traumatic brain injury in the development of dementia: validation of a web-based self-administered traumatic brain injury exposure survey for use in cognitive aging research, Alzheimers and Dementia, 14, (7), 2019, p1498-Journal Article, 2019
- Hufstedler HC, Dorsman KA, Rivera EJ, Lanata SC, Bogner JA, Corrigan J, Fuller S, Borja XR, Wilson F, Gardner R, Linguistic and cultural acceptability of a Spanish translation of the Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method among community dwelling Spanish-dominant older adults, Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Cunningham J, Broglio S, O'Grady M, Wilson F, History of sport related concussion and long-term clinical cognitive health outcomes in retired athletes: A systematic review, Journal of Athletic Training, 55, (2), 2020, p132 - 158Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Nugent F, Flanagan E, Wilson F, Warrington G, Strength and conditioning for competitive rowers, Strength and Conditioning Journal, 42, (3), 2020, p6 - 21Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Azeez M, Clancy C, O'Dwyer T, Lahiff C, Wilson F, Cunnane G, Benefits of exercise in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a randomised controlled trial of a patient specific exercise programme, Clinical Rheumatology, 39, 2020, p1783 - 1792Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Gardner RC, Rivera E, O'Grady M, Doherty C, Yaffe K, Corrigan J, Bogner J, Kramer J, Wilson F, Screening for lifetime history of traumatic brain injury among American and Irish adults ar risk for dementia: Development and validation of a web-based survey, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- McHugh C, Hind K, Davey D, Wyse J, Wilson F, Supersizing athletes risks increasing visceral fat and not muscle mass; a study of across season changes in body composition in professional rugby, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, (11), 2020, p1611 - 1611Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Wilson F, Cunningham J, McCabe E, Broglio S, Depression indicators in former professional rugby players are related to number of playing years and not concussion history, Journal of Neurotrauma, 37th Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium, Pittsburgh, USA, June 29- July 3rd , 36, (13), Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2019, ppBO5-12Poster, 2019, DOI
- Cunningham J, Broglio S, Wyse J, Farrell G, Denvir K, Wilson F, Reliability of self reported concussion history in current professional rugby union players, Journal of Neurotrauma, 37th Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium, Pittsburgh, USA, June 29- July 3rd , 36, (13), Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2019, ppBO6-04Poster, 2019, DOI
- Joyce O, Hopkins D, McCollum A, Newell F, Wilson F, Kelly A, Sports concussion and brain health. The need for objective tests of pathological brain indices, Journal of Neurotrauma, 37th Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium, Pittsburgh, USA, June 29- July 3rd , 36, (13), Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2019, ppAO3-08Poster, 2019, DOI
- Kelly A, Hale J, Boyle N, Denvir K, Farrell G, Ryan J, O'Connell B, Cunningham J, Wilson F, Utility of blood biomarkers S100B and BDNF as a measure of brain injury in professional rugby players, Journal of Neurotrauma, 37th Annual National Neurotrauma Symposium, Pittsburgh, USA, June 29- July 3rd , 36, (13), Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2019, ppAO3-09Poster, 2019, DOI
- Fitzgerald G, O'Dwyer T, Mockler D, O'Shea F, Wilson F, Pharmacological treatment for managing bone health in axial spondyloarthropy: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Rheumatology International, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Fiona Wilson, Kate Ackerman, Tomislav Smoljanovic, Juergen Steinacker, Jo Hannafin, Henning Bay Nielsen, Mikio Hiura, Mike Wilkinson, , World Rowing Covid-19 Pandemic. Return to rowing training and avoiding risk of injury., worldrowing.com/news/return-training-advice-for-post-peak-and-post-pandemic-periods, Federation International Societies D'Aviron, June, 2020, p1 - 5Report, 2020, URL , TARA - Full Text
- McHugh C, Hind K, Cunningham C, Davey D, Wilson F , A career in sport does not eliminate the risk of cardiovascular disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the cardiovascular health of field-based athletes. , Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 23, (9), 2020, p792 - 799Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Maguire S, O'Dwyer T, Mockler D, O'Shea F, Wilson F, Pregnancy in axial spondyloarthropathy. A systematic review and meta-analysis, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Wilson F, Ardern C, Hartvigsen J, Dane K, Trompeter K, Trease L, Vinther A, Gissane C, McDonnell SJ, Caneiro JP, Newlands C, Wilkie K, Mockler D, Thornton JS, Prevalence and risk factors for back pain in sports: a systematic review with meta-analysis, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2020, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Wilson F, Ng L, O'Sullivan K, Caneiro JP, O'Sullivan P, Horgan A, Thornton J, Wilkie K, Timonen V, 'You're the best liar in the world': a grounded theory study of rowing athletes' experience of low back pain, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Cunningham J, Broglio S, Wyse J, McHugh C, Farrel G, Denvir K, Wilson F, Athlete concussion history recall is underestimated: a validation study of selfreported concussion history among current professional rugby union players, Brain Injury, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Thornton J, Caneiro JP, Hartvigsen J, Ardern C, Vinther A, Wilkie K, Trease L, Ackerman KE, Dane K, McDonnell SJ, Mockler D, Gissane C, Wilson F, Treating low back pain in athletes: a systematic review with meta-analysis, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55, 2021, p656 - 662Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Wilkie K, Thornton JS, Vinther A, Trease L, McDonnell AJ, Wilson F, Clinical management of acute low back pain in elite and subelite rowers: A Delphi study of experienced and expert clinicians, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Nugent F, Vinther A, McGregor A, Thornton JS, Wilkie K, Wilson F, The relationship between rowing-related low back pain and rowing biomechanics: A systematic review, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Wilson F, Thornton JS, Wilkie K, Hartvigsen J, Vinther A, Ackerman KE, Caneiro JP, Trease L, Nugent F, Gissane C, McDonnell SJ, McGregor A, Newlands C, Ardern CL, 2021 consensus statement for preventing and managing low back pain in elite and subelite adult rowers, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Grady M, O'Dwyer T, Connolly J, Condell J, Esquivel KM, O'Shea F, Gardiner P, Wilson F , Measuring spinal mobility using an inertial measurement unit system: A reliability study in Axial Spondyloarthritis, Diagnostics, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Grady M, O'Dwyer T, Connolly J, Condell J, Esquivel KM, O'Shea F, Gardiner P, Wilson F , Measuring spinal mobility using an inertial measurement unit system: A reliability study in Axial Spondyloarthritis, Diagnostics, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- British Journal of Sports Medicine, UK, BMJ, [eds.], 2020Editorial Board, 2020
- British Journal of Sports Medicine, UK, BMJ, [Deputy Editor], 2020Editorial Board, 2020
- Wilson F, McDonnell SJ, Ni Chealllaigh C, Advice for physiotherapists, (massage therapists, and other clinicians in very close contact) treating rowing athletes during and post Covid-19 pandemic, Lausanne, World Rowing, March, 2021Report, 2021, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Fiona Wilson, Synthesising evidence to create better management strategies for athlete low back pain. Lessons learned from 30 years of working with rowing back pain. , Sports Medicine and Health Summit, Hamburg, Germany, 20-24th April, 2021, German Sports Medicine AssociationInvited Talk, 2021, URL
- McHugh C, Hind K, O'Halloran A, Davey D, Farrel G, Wilson F, Body mass and body composition changes over 7 years in a male professional rugby union team, International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, UK, Elsevier, [Deputy Editor], 2020Editorial Board, 2020
- Maguire S, Wilson F, Gallagher P, O'Shea F, The toll of unemployment in axial spondyloarthropathy: high prevalence and negative impact on outcomes captured in a national registry, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Boyne M, Simms C, Van Dyk N, Farrell G, Farrell E, McHugh C, Wall J, Mockler D, Wilson F, It's not all about power: a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing sex-based differences in kicking biomechanics in soccer, Sports Biomechanics, 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Wilson F, Forster B. , Preventing low back pain in sports- should we image and how do we interpret findings?, IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport, Monaco, 25-27 November, 2021, International Olympic CommitteeInvited Talk, 2021
- Wilson F, Thornton J, Time to ditch the planks, listen to what athletes really need and want...and other useful strategies for preventing athlete low back pain, IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport, Monaco, 25-27 November, 2021, International Olympic CommitteeInvited Talk, 2021
- World Rugby, 'Staying on Top of Your Game: Rugby and Brain Health', You Tube, YouTube: @World Rugby Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/worldrugby Twitter: https://twitter.com/wor, 2021, -Broadcast, 2021, URL
- Maguire S, Wilson F, Gallagher P, O'Shea F, , Idenitfying predictors of unemployment in axial spondyloarthropathy: Data from the Ankylosing Spondylitis registry of Ireland. , Arthritis and Rheumatology, 73, (Supp 10), 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Maguire S, Wilson F, Gallagher P, O'Shea F, , Body mass index underestimates obesity in females with axial spondyloarthropathy, Arthritis and Rheumatology, American College of Rheumatology Annual Conference, Online, 04/11/21, 73, (Supp 10), 2021Conference Paper, 2021, URL
- Maguire S, Wilson F, Gallagher P, O'Shea F, , High prevalence of abdominal obesity in females with axial spondyloarthropathy, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR, Online, June 2021, 80 (supp 1), 2021, pp738-Conference Paper, 2021, URL
- Maguire S, Wilson F, Gallagher P, O'Shea F, , Worse scores but similar patterns of disease activity: interpreting outcomes in women with axial spondyloarthropathy, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 00, 2022, p1 - 8Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Maguire S, Wilson F, Gallagher P, Mohamed M, Maher S, O'Shea F, , What to expect when women with axial spondyloarthritis are expecting: Prevalence of complications of pregnancies in women with axial spondyloarthritis, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Maguire S, Wilson F, Gallagher P, O'Shea F, , Central Obesity in Axial Spondyloarthropathy: the Missing Link to Understanding Worse Outcomes in Women?, The Journal of Rheumatology, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- McHugh C., Hind K., Wyse J., Davey D., Wilson F., Increases in DXA-Derived Visceral Fat Across One Season in Professional Rugby Union Players: Importance of Visceral Fat Monitoring in Athlete Body Composition Assessment, Journal of Clinical Densitometry, 24, (2), 2021, p206 - 213Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Kathryn Dane , Ciaran Simms , Sharief Hendricks , Stephen W. West , Steffan Griffin , Frank J. Nugent , Garreth Farrell , David Mockler , Fiona Wilson, Physical and Technical Demands and Preparatory Strategies in Female Field Collision Sports: A Scoping Review, International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Cunningham J, O'Dowd A, Broglio S, Newell FN, Kelly A, Joyce O, Januszewski J, Wilson F, Multisensory perception is not influenced by previous concussion history in retired rugby union players, Brain Injury, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Fiona Wilson, Cliodhna McHugh, Caroline MacManus, Aaron Baggish, Christopher Tanayan, Satyajit Reddy, Meagan M. Wasfy, Richard B. Reilly, Diagnostic Accuracy of a Portable ECG Device in Rowing Athletes, Diagnostics, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- Julia Wall, William P Meehan,, Katharina Trompeter, Conor Gissane, David Mockler, Nicol van Dyk, Fiona Wilson, Incidence, prevalence and risk factors for low back pain in adolescent athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Fiona Wilson, Alchemy in rehabilitation- is there a magic formula for athlete LBP?, BJSM Live, Brighton, London, 25th May, 2022, BMJ & BJSMInvited Talk, 2022
- Evert Verhagen, Fiona Wilson, Irina Zelenkova, Patrick Owen, Shining on others, I burn myself: time to disagree with Hippocrates, BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine, 8, (4), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kemp J, Mendonca L, Mosler A, Bizzini M, Thorburg K, Wilson F, Surdyka N, Ahmed O, Mkumbuzi N., Sports physiotherapists' contribution to the sports and exercise medicine team: moving forward, together, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Fiona Wilson, Aine Kelly, Craig Ritchie, Willie Stewart, 'Sport and Exercise for Brain Health', Brain Health Scotland MOOC, Brain Health Scotland & World Rugby, 2022, -Broadcast, 2022, URL
- Dane K, Foley G, Hendricks S, Wilson F, "It's always the bare minimum" - A qualitative study of players' experiences of tackle coaching in women's rugby union, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- McHugh C, Kelly A, Wasfy M, Hind K, Dane K, Barad Z, Wilson F, Cardiovascular risk and systemic inflammation in professional rugby: An unexpected prevalence, Journal of the American Journal of Cardiology, American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Session (ACC23), New Orleans, USA, March 4-6 2023, 81, (8), 2023, ppsuppl A -Poster, 2023, DOI
- Wakefield-Scurr J, Saynor Z, Wilson F, Tackling breast issues in contact sports, British Journal Of Sports Medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Saef Izzy, Rachel Grashow, Farid Radmanesh, Patrick Chen, Herman Taylor, Rita Formisano, Fiona Wilson, Meagan Wasfy, Aaron Baggish, Ross Zafonte, Long-term risk of cardiovascular disease after traumatic brain injury: screening and prevention, The Lancet Neurology, 22, (10), 2023, p959 - 970Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Clíodhna McHugh , Karen Hind , Aine Kelly, Ursula Fearon, Meagan Wasfy,Achilleas Floudas, Zsuzsanna Barad, Kathryn Dane ,Gareth Farrell, Fiona Wilson, Cardiovascular risk and systemic inflammation in male professional rugby: a cross-sectional study, BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Isla J Shill ,Stephen W West , James Brown , Fiona Wilson , Debbie Palmer , Ian Pike,Sharief Hendricks , Keith A Stokes , Brent E Hagel, Carolyn A Emery, How to harness and improve on video analysis for youth rugby player safety: a narrative review, BMJ Open Sports and Exercise Medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Joyce, Oisín Cormac, McHugh, Clíodhna, Mockler, David, Wilson, Fiona, Kelly, Áine M., Midlife hypertension is a risk factor for some, but not all, domains of cognitive decline in later life: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Hypertension, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Molly Boyne, Ciaran Simms, Nicol van Dyk, Garreth Farrell, Emmet Farrell, Clíodhna McHugh, Julia Wall, David Mockler, Fiona Wilson, It"s not all about power: a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing sex-based differences in kicking biomechanics in soccer, Sports Biomechanics, 2021, p1--44Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Wall J, McGowan E, Meehan W, Wilson F, "Back pain is part of sport " I'm just gonna have to live with it": Exploring the lived experience of sport-related low back pain in adolescent athletes, Physical Therapy in Sport, 62, 2023, p71 - 78Journal Article, 2023, URL
- McHugh C, Petek B, Grant AJ, Gustus S, van Dyk N, Hind K, Wilson F, Wasfy M., ECG findings in professional rugby players using international screening recommendations., BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine., 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Wall J, Cook D, Meehan WL, Wilson F, PDF [1 MB] Save Share Reprints Request Adolescent athlete low back pain diagnoses, characteristics, and management: a retrospective chart review, Journal of Science and Medicine in sport, 2024Journal Article, 2024, URL
- Husband, Sean Philip, Wainwright, Barney, Wilson, Fiona, Crump, Danielle, Mockler, David, Carragher, Paul, Nugent, Frank, Simms, Ciaran Knut, Cycling position optimisation " a systematic review of the impact of positional changes on biomechanical and physiological factors in cycling, Journal of Sports Sciences, 42, (15), 2024, p1477-1490Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Kelly ÁM, McHugh C, Hale J, Cunningham J, Boyle N, Joyce O, O'Connell B, Farrell G, Wilson F., A cross-season analysis of S100B as a potential marker of concussion in professional rugby players., Brain injury, 2024, p1-8Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Kathryn Dane, Stephen West, Ciaran Simms, Hendricks Sharief, Nicol van Dyk, Will Connors, Anthony Ventresque and Fiona Wilson, Are recommended tackle techniques associated with superior performance outcomes? A retrospective video analysis study of elite women"s rugby union, Journal of Sport Sciences, 42, (24), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Saynor ZL, Hassan A, Wilson F, Women's rugby as a catalyst for advancing female-specific science and safety in sport, European Journal of Sports Science, 24, (12), 2024, p1683 - 1687Journal Article, 2024, URL
- Hoegh M, Purcell C,Moller M, Wilson F, O'Sullivan K, Not All Pain Is Caused by Tissue Damage in Sports. Should Management Change?, Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54, (11), 2024, p681 - 686Journal Article, 2024, URL
- De Leo J, Ackerman K, Verhagen E, Fry A, Wilson F, Beach Sprints Rowing: Injury and Illness Prevalence at the 2022 World Championships, BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 24, (10), 2024, pe001940Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Dane K, West SW, Hendricks S, Stodter A, Yeomans C, Van Dyk N, Griffin S, Wilson F, A global survey exploring tackle training knowledge, attitudes and practices of women's rugby union coaches, Internation Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 19, (4), 2024, p1429 - 1442Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Dane K, West SW, Hendricks S, Simms C, Van Dyk N, Connors W, Wilson F, Are we tackle ready? Cross-sectional video analysis of match tackle characteristics in elite women's Rugby Union, European Journal of Sports Science, 24, (7), 2024, p999 - 1009Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Dane K, Foley G, Cullen P, Wilson F, "Women shouldn"t play rugby" " the gendered and embodiedexperiences of women players in rugby union, Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health, 16, (5), 2024, p487 - 502Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- S. Caffrey, E.king, K. Casey, F. Wilson, C. Gissane, A 6 month prospective study of injury in gaelic football, British Journal Of Sports Medicine, 39, 2005, p405-Journal Article, 2005
- F. Wilson, J. Gormley, A 12 month prospective study of injury and associated risk factors in rowing, British Journal Of Sports Medicine, 39, 2005, p407-Journal Article, 2005
- E. King, S. Caffrey, K. Casey, F. Wilson, C. Gissane, A 6 month prospective study of injury and associated risk factors in gaelic football, Conference proceedings, Faculty of sports and exercise medicine, RCPI and RCSI, second annual scientific meeting, Dublin, 23-24th /09/2005, 2005, pp10-Conference Paper, 2005
- E. King, S. Caffrey, Casey. K, Wilson F., Gissane C.(ed.), Faculty of sports and exercise medicine RCPI and RCSI, second annual scientific meeting, Conference proceedings, Dublin, 23&24th/09/2005, 2005, 20 pProceedings of a Conference, 2005
- F. Wilson, J. Gormley, C. Simms, C.Gissane(ed.), Faculty of sports and exercise medicine RCPI and RCSI, second annual scientific meeting, conference proceedings, Dublin, 23&24th/09/2005, 2005, 20 pProceedings of a Conference, 2005
- J. Hussey, F. Wilson, Measurement of physical activity levels is an important part of physiotherapy assessment, Physiotherapy, 89, (10), 2003, p585 - 593Journal Article, 2003
- F. Wilson, Ethical considerations in physiotherapy research, Physiotherapy Ireland, 23, (1), 2002, p7 - 10Journal Article, 2002
- Wilson F, Simms C, Gormley J.(ed.), 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Journal of Biomechanics, Munich, 39, (supplement 1), 29/07-05/08 2006, Elsevier, 2006, S545 pProceedings of a Conference, 2006
- Fiona Wilson(ed.), RCPI, RCSI faculty of sports and exercise medicine scientific meeting 2006, Conference proceedings, Dublin, 16th September 2006, 2006Proceedings of a Conference, 2006
- Cronly M., Wilson F., A sixth month retrospective study of injuries in rowing, British Journal Of Sports Medicine, British Association Of Sport and Exercise Medicine, Oxford, UK, October 2006, edited by McCrory, P , (41), 2007, pp118 - 124Meeting Abstract, 2007
- Shane O'Regan, Ajmol Ali, Fiona Wilson, Impact of playing level on skill performance in early pubescent Irish soccer players, Journal of sports science and medicine, Science and Football, Turkey, January 2007, edited by O'Reilly , 6, (supplement 10), 2007, pp187 - 191Meeting Abstract, 2007, URL
- Fiona Wilson, Conor Gissane, John Gormley, Ciaran Simms, A 12 month prospective cohort study of injury in international rowers., British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44, 2010, p207-214Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Wilson F, Gormley J and Simms CK, The Results of a pilot study to design a portable instrument to measure frontal plane angular changes in the lumbar spine of elite rowers, Proceedings World Congress Biomechanics, World Congress Biomechanics, Munich, Germany, 2006Meeting Abstract, 2006
- Fiona Wilson, The challenge of managing low back injury in rowers., Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference, Dublin, November 7th, 2009, ISCPInvited Talk, 2009
- Fiona Wilson, John Gormley, Juliette Hussey, Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders., First, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011Book, 2011
- F wilson, C Gissane, J Gormley, C Simms, The effect of fatigue on frontal plane angular changes in the lumbar spine of elite rowers., British Journal of Sports Medicine, IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport., Monaco, April 7-9, 2011, 45, 2011, pp320 - 321Conference Paper, 2011
- F Wilson, C Simms, J Gormley, C Gissane, Kinematics of lumbar spine motion in rowing during a fatiguing protocol; a comparison of ergometer and boat rowing, British Journal of Sports Medicine, IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport., Monaco, April 7-9, 2011, 45, 2011, pp383-Conference Paper, 2011
- F Wilson, A Byrne, C Gissane, A prospective study of injury and activity profile in elite soccer referees and assistant referees., Irish Medical Journal, 104, (10), 2011Journal Article, 2011
- The role of exercise in managing musculoskeletal disorders. in, editor(s)Fiona Wilson, John Gormley, Juliette Hussey , Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders., Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp6 - 18, [Fiona Wilson]Book Chapter, 2011
- The Thoracic spine and Rib Cage in, editor(s)Fiona Wilson, John Gormley, Juliette Hussey , Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders., Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp53 - 66, [Fiona Wilson]Book Chapter, 2011
- The Lumbar spine in, editor(s)Fiona Wilson, John Gormley, Juliette Hussey , Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, pp67 - 93, [Fiona Wilson]Book Chapter, 2011
- Fiona Wilson, Eoghan McCarthy, Ciaran Johnston, Laura Durkan, The prevalence of patellar tendinopathy in elite rugby; a clinical and ultrasonographic study, Intercollegiate study day in sports and exercise medicine, Trinity College Dublin, March 2nd 2012, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012
- Marie Kelly, Nathan Cardy, Elizabeth Melvin, Chiara Reddin, Cindy Ward, Fiona Wilson, The craniocervical flexion test: An investigation of performance in young asymptomatic subjects, Manual Therapy, 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Wilson F, Gissane C & Simms CK & Gormley J, Sagittal plane motion of the lumbar spine during ergometer and single scull rowing, Journal of Sports Biomechanics, 12, (2), 2012, p132-142Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Wilson F, Gormley J, Gissane C, Simms C, The effect of rowing to exhaustion on fromtal plane angular changes in the lumbar spine of elite rowers, Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, (14), 2013, p1481 - 1489Journal Article, 2013
- Wilson F, Gissane C, Gormley J, Simms C, Sagittal plane motion of the lumbar spine during ergometer and single scull rowing, Sports Biomechanics, 2012, p1 - 11Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Durcan L, Wilson F, Conway R, Cunnane G, O'Shea F, Increased body mass index in ankylosing spondylitis is associated with greater burden of symptoms and poor perceptions of the benefits of exercise, Journal of Rheumatology, 39, (12), 2014, p2310 - 2314Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Durcan LJ, Wilson F,Conway R, Cunnane G, O'Shea F, Increased body mass index in ankylosing spondylitis is associated with a greater burdern of symptoms and poor perceptions of the benefits of exercise, Arthritis and Rheumatism, American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, November 9-14, 2012, 64, (10 (supplement)), 2012, pp597 - 598Meeting Abstract, 2012
- Durcan LJ, Wilson F, O'Shea F, Cunnane G, The impact of targeted exercise intervention on helath outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis and Rheumatism, Amercian College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 9-14th November, 201, 64, (10), 2012, ppS673-Meeting Abstract, 2012
- L Durcan, A Coole, E McCarthy. C Johnston, MJ Webb, FD O'Shea, C Gissane, F Wilson, The prevalence of patellar tendinopathy in elite academy rugby: A clinical and imaging study, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 17, (2), 2014, p173 - 176Journal Article, 2014, URL
- Katherine Doyle, Enda King, Fiona Wilson, Factors which influence return to sport folllowing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery: A narrative review, International SportMed Journal, 14, (3), 2014, p168 - 184Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Durcan L, Coole A, McCarthy E, Johnston C, Webb MJ, O'Shea FD, Gissane C, Wilson F.a, The prevalence of patellar tendinopathy in elite academy rugby: A clinical and imaging study, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 17, (2), 2014, p173 - 176Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Wilson F, Bleakley C, Bennett K, Mockler D, Exercise, orthoses and splinting for treating Achilles tendinopathy (Protocol), The Cochrane Collaboration Library, (12), 2013Journal Article, 2013
- Tom O'Dwyer, Finbar O'Shea, Fiona Wilson, Exercise therapy for spondyloarthritis: a systematic review, Rheumatology International, 34, (7), 2014, p887 - 902Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Dwyer T, Rafferty T, O'Shea F, Gissane C, Wilson F., Physical activity guidelines: is the message getting through to adults with rheumatic conditions, Rheumatology, 53, 2014, p1812 - 1817Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Wilson F, Gissane C, McGregor A, Ergometer training volume and previous injury predict back pain in rowing; strategies for injury prevention and rehabilitation, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48, (3), 2014, p393 - 404Journal Article, 2014, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Sly E, Coleman C, Quinn D, Armstrong S, Garvey C, O'Donoghue C, Wilson F, The effect of two exercise protocols on lumbar spine sagittal range of motion, Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 27, (4), 2014, p445 - 452Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Durca L, Wilson F, Cunnane G, The effect of exercise on sleep and fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis: A randomised controlled trial, Journal of Rheumatology, 41, (10), 2014, p1966 - 1973Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Wilson F, TBI and dementia in the sports setting; is it really a problem?, GBHI Brain Health Network Meeting, Dublin, June 22nd, 2017Oral Presentation
- Wilson F, Physiotherapy and Concussion, 1st Croatian Conference on Sports Related Brain Injuries, Split, Croatia, 15-17 June, 2017Invited Talk
- Wilson F, Back Pain in Rowing, Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine Annual Spring Meeting, University College Dublin, April, 2017, Faculty of Sports and Exercise MedicineInvited Talk
- Wilson F, The role of ambulatory ECG testing in monitoring athletes, Rowersconference, Eton Dorney, UK, 14th January, 2017Invited Talk
- Wilson F, The use of blood biomarkers in the diagnosis and management of concussion, Paediatric TBI Study Day, Mater Hospital, Dublin, February, 2016Invited Talk
- Wilson F, Exercise and orthoses in the management of Achilles tendinopathy , ISCP Annual Conference, Dublin, 6-7th November, 2015, Irish Society of Chartered PhysiotherapistsInvited Talk
- Wilson F, The evolution of understanding of low back pain in rowing, Medical Comission Meeting, World Rowing Championships, Aiguebelette, France, September 2015, 2015Conference Paper
- Fiona Wilaon, Aine Kelly, Noreen Boyle, Matej Oresci, Tuulia Hyotylainen, Karl Denvir, Garreth Farrell, Brendan O'Connell, Assessment of blood biomarkers of mild traumatic brain injury in professional rugby; a case control study, Brain Injury, International Brain Injury Associations 11th World Congress on Brain Injury, Hague, Netherlands, March 2-5, 2016, 30, (5-6), 2016, pp481 - 817Published Abstract, DOI
- Fiona Wilson, 'Sports and Injury - The Moncrieff Show', Today FM, Today FM, 2016, -Broadcast
- Fiona Wilson, 'Neil Delamere's Sunday Best - is there a concussion epidemic in sport', Today FM, Dublin, 2017, -Broadcast
- Fiona Wilson, 'Hidden Impact Rugby and Concussion', RTE, Dublin, RTE, 2015, -Broadcast, URL
- Fiona Wilson, 'Treating Low Back Pain in Sport - Dr Fiona Wilson. 15 pearls from vast rowing experience', BMJ Talk Medicine, UK, BMJ (British Journal of Sports Medicine), 2017, -Broadcast, URL
- Wilson F, Practical strategies for managing rowing Low back apin, FISA/World Rowing Coaching Conference. Berlin 21/23 November, Berlin, Germany, 21/23 November, 2018, FISA/ World RowingInvited Talk
- Wilson F, Low back pain in sport, Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports and Exercise Medicine AGM, Dublin, Ireland, 20th July, 2018, CPSEMInvited Talk
- Wilson F, Back pain in sport, CPSEM AGM, Dublin, Ireland, 20th July, 2018, CPSEMInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson & Alison McGregor, Lower back pain- the sporting back , International Sports Science and Sports Medicine Conference 2018, Newcastle UK, 4-6 September, 2018, International Society of Sports Science and Sports MedicineInvited Talk
- Juergen Steinacker, Jo Hannafin, Mikio Hiura, Mike Wilkinson, Donia Koubaa, Piero Poli, Petra Zupet, Tomislav Smoljanovic, Kate Ackerman, Fiona Wilson, World Rowing Covid-19 pandemic. Return to training. Advice for post-peak and post-pandemic period. , www.wprldrowing.com, May, 2020, p1 - 9Report, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Fiona Wilson, Harnessing exercise to manage symptoms and enhance well-being in inflammatory arthritis, Arthritis Ireland: Sleep diet and exercise- impact on inflammation symposium, online, 15th April 2021, 2021, Arthritis IrelandInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Ursula Fearion, Laura Durcan, Parkrun and arthritis; harnessing exercise in nature to manage symptoms and improve confidence and fitness, Parkrun Research Board - Seminar series 2021, online, 12th October, 2021, Parkrun Research BoardInvited Talk
- Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 'JOSPT Insights Episode 63: What works for managing low back pain in athletes.', Apple Podcasts and Spotify, JOSPT, 2021, -Broadcast, URL
- Wilson F, Ardern C. , 'What works for managing low back pain in athletes? with Dr Fiona Wilson', Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, Episode 63, Apple Podcasts and Spotify, JOSPT, 2021, -Broadcast, URL
- Fiona Wilson, CSEM Research Meetings - Online Journal Club. "You're the best liar in the world" Qualitative study of low back pain in athletes, CSEM Research Meetings Journal Club. , Queen Mary University of London (online), November 25th, 2020, Prof Dylan Morissey & QMULInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Low back pain in sport; what do we know and where do we need to go?, Sport Fysio Symposium, Bern, Switzerland, 4th November, 2022, Swiss Sports Physiotherapy SocietyInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Injury Prevention and Strength & Conditioning for Competitive Rowers, Sport and Human Performance Series of Lectures at the University of Limerick 2020, University of Limerick, 21st February , 2020, PESS University of LimerickInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Injury prevention in concussion, International Congress for Athlete Brain Health, Park City, Utah, USA, October 17-19, , 2019, ICABHInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Back pain in adolescent sport, Micheli Center Research Meeting, Boston Children's Hospital, October, 2019, Dr Bill MeehanInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Management of low back pain in elite rowers, Return to Play in Elite Sport, Sport Surgery Clinic Annual Meetinng, November 14th, 2020, Sport Surgery ClinicInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, The Sporting Spine, ACPSEM Online Autumn Series, Online, 9th December, 2020, Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sports and Exercise MedicineInvited Talk
- World Rugby and Brain Health Scotland, 'Rugby and Brain Health', World Rugby, 2021, -Broadcast, URL
- Fiona Wilson, Low back pain in athletes, Sports Medicine & Health Summit, Online, 20-24 April, 2021Invited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Pearls of wisdom from 30 years' of experience of integrating clinical practice with research., SHES Invited Seminar Series, University of Portsmouth, UK, 7th February, 2022Invited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Treatment of low back pain in athletes, UCC MMED Science Sports and Exercise Medicine Advanced Rehabilitation, Online, March, 2021, University of Cork School of MedicineInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Treatment of low back pain in athletes, UCC MMED Science Sports and Exercise Medicine Advanced Rehabilitation, Online, 25th March, 2022Invited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Kellie Wilkie, Managing low back pain in the female athlete, lessons from rowing., Female Athlete Conference , Boston and Online, 10-12 June, 2021, Female Athlete Program BCH.Invited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Aine Kelly, Prescribing exercise, top tips from 30 years of practice., Exercise Prescription, Online, 13th April, 2021, TCD Lifestyle Medicine SocietyInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Brain health in sport. What is our understanding and where do we need to go?, GBHI Seminar series, TCD, August, 2021, GBHI Atlantic FellowsInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Back pain in adolescent athletes, Seminar series, Manchester City Football Club (online), 19th November, 2020, Manchester City Football Club AcademyInvited Talk
- Fiona Wilson, Rowing Injuries: The Role of the Coach in Management and Prevention., Irish Amateur Rowing Union 2009 Coaches conference, Dublin, January 2009, 2009Conference Paper
Research Expertise
My research interests falls under three key themes: 1. Athlete low back pain I have published widely in this area since my original research in 1995. My focus has been on rowing related low back pain and has expanded to inform all sports. From 2018-2021, I led an international collaboration of global experts to create a consensus statement on rowing related back pain. This was underpinned by five supporting studies which were all published in the BJSM. It is represented on the World Rowing website and an infographic summarising recommendations is in rowing clubs across the world. My current focus is developing my research with a specific focus on exploring the experience of female and junior athletes . I am building on the outputs of our international consortium and I am leading them to define our strategy with an aim to develop statements for other sports. I have an ongoing junior athlete programme in collaboration with Boston Children's Hospital/ Micheli Sports Medicine Center and a female athlete programme with Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard and Rowing Ireland. 2. Rugby health and wellbeing My focus to date has been on aspects of injury including hip health and tendinopathies and I have published in these areas in collaboration with Leinster Rugby and the IRFU. I have an ongoing study of concussion biomarkers and am leading a longitudinal programme of retired athlete brain health in collaboration with Rugby Players Ireland. My focus on the women's' game explores preparation and safety components and have ongoing studies exploring kicking and tackling in women's' rugby. These have been supported through engagement with World Rugby as part of their women's' research panels. Development of the longitudinal retired athlete programme is exploring cardiovascular risk factors for dementia . The concussion biomarkers programme is ongoing. I have worked with Brain Health Scotland and the GBHI to create information resources (webinars and MOOCS) to educate athletes on brain health. 3. Arthritis I have an ongoing research programme exploring the role of exercise and activity in managing symptoms and improving health and wellbeing in inflammatory arthritis. I have completed a number of studies exploring barriers to exercise and optimal modes of exercise and activity programmes for different subgroups of arthritis. These publications have influenced current practice and I have engaged in knowledge translation using platforms such as podcasts and webinars to support this with organisations such as Parkrun and Arthritis Ireland. A current focus is on the experience of women with Axial Spondyloarthritis; exploring pregnancy experience and barriers to employment. My recent focus is working with public health policy to design large scale social prescription; specifically with Parkrun. Within arthritis my focus will be on the disease experience in women and I have ongoing studies in this area. This includes an international collaboration exploring the impact of resistance exercise on disease biomarkers in women. * Across all themes, I have a particular focus on the experience of women which is supported by strong international research collaborations with institutions including the Female Athlete Program (Wu Tsai Foundation at Harvard) and Manchester Metropolitan University.
TitleExercise in the management of Ankylosing SpondylosisSummaryDate FromOctober 2012
TitleHealth and safety in tackling in womens' rugby unionSummaryThis study is exploring the component of rugby which is associated with the highest injury rate; tackling. Tackling is currently taught to women through a male-derived framework so the purpose of the study is to characterise the tackle in women through a mixed methods approach, exploring biomechanics and the lived experience of women athletes.Funding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate From2019Date To2023
TitleCardiovascular Health in professional rugbySummaryAn examination of cardiovascular health in professional rugby players as assessed by body composition and physiological markersFunding AgencyPhD studentshipDate From2017Date To2022
TitleBlood biomarkers as an assessment of brain health in professional rugbySummaryExamination of the role of blood biomarkers in assessing brain health (iunclduing mTBI) in professional rugbyDate From2014
TitleCare Pathway for Rowing Low Back PainSummaryDesign of best practice care patrhway for the management of rowing low back pain
TitleBrain Health and Wellness in Retired AthletesSummaryExamination of brain health (cognitive function) and wellness (lifestyle and mental health) in retired professional rugby and rowing athletesDate FromSeptember 2018
TitleAssessment of lifetime history of concussionSummaryDevelopment of a scalable online tool for assment of lifetime concussion historyFunding AgencyGBHIDate From2016
TitleReturn to sport following ACL repairSummaryDate FromOctober 2011Date ToOctober 2013
TitleAmbulatory ECG monitoring in athletesSummaryA study examining the reliability and validity of ambulatory ECG monitoring in rowing athletesFunding AgencyDean's Research InitiativeDate From2016Date To2020
TitlePredictors of outcomes following spinal surgerySummaryDate FromOctober 2012
TitlePatellar tendinopathy in elite rugbySummaryA clinical and ultrasound examination of patellar tendon disorders of the academy members of Munster, Ulster, Connacht and Leinster academies.Date FromOctober 2011Date ToMarch 2012
Other health sciences, Immunology, Neurosciences, Public health, Clinical and health psychology, Cardiovascular medicine and haematology,
- Cochrane Fellowship November 2012
- Fellowship of Trinity College Dublin April 2022
- International Parkrun Research Board present
- Deputy Editor British Journal of Sports Medicine present
- Irish Rugby Football Union Medical Research Committee present
- Deputy Editor Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport present
- President - Anna Liffey Boat Club (TCD Alumni club) present
- National Neurotrauma Society 2020
- World Rowing Sports Medicine Commission present
- Student Sport Ireland Medical Advisory Group present
- Member of the Irish Society Of Chartered Physiotherapists present
- International Congress for Athlete Brain Health (injury prevention) present
- Rugby Players' Association (England) Welfare Advisory Group (England Rugby) present
- IRFU Research Committee 2018-present
- International Congress for Athlete Brain Health (injury prevention) 2019-present
- British Journal of Sports Medicine Deputy Editor 2020 to present
- Chief physiotherapist Irish Rowing Team 1996 -2006
- Anna Liffey Boat Club (TCD alumni club)- President 2018-present
- British Journal of Sports Medicine Editorial Panel 2015-present
- British Telecom Young Scientist Exhibition (BTYSE) Judging panel member 2017
- Rugby Players' Association (England) Welfare Advisory Group 2021 to present
- Student Sport Ireland Medical Advisory Group 2020 to present
- Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport: Deputy Editor 2020 to present
- World Rowing Sports Medicine Commission 2019-present
- Sportsoracle- Program Faculty Member; International Olympic Committee Diploma in Sports Physical Therapies 2016
- BJSM Equity Diversity and Inclusivity Committee June 2021