Professor John Gormley
Professor, Physiotherapy
Email jgormley@tcd.ie Phone3531896 2121http://people.tcd.ie/jgormleyBiography
John Gormley has been a lecturer in the School of Physiotherapy University of Dublin Trinity College since 1996. He is currently co-ordinator of the MSc in Cardiac Rehabilitation a course he helped set up in 2002. His main research interests are in the areas of cardiac rehabilitation, exercise and cardiovascular risk factors, and injury prevention. Previous research has been in the area of shortwave diathermy and muscle strength in children. He has co-edited a book in the area of exercise in the prevention and treatment of disease.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Shields N, Hussey J, Murphy J, Gormley J, Hoey H, An exploratory study of the association between physical activity, cardiovascular fitness and body size in children with Down syndrome., Developmental neurorehabilitation, 2015, p1-7Journal Article, 2015
- Ryan JM, Forde C, Hussey JM, Gormley J, Comparison of Patterns of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Between Children With Cerebral Palsy and Children With Typical Development., Physical therapy, 95, (12), 2015, p1609-16Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- McDermott A, Zaporojan L, McNamara P, Doherty C.P, Redmond J, Forde C, Gormley J, Egaña M, Bergin C, The effects of a 16-week aerobic exercise programme on cognitive function in people living with HIV, AIDS Care , 29, (6), 2017, p. 667-674Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Hussey , J., Gormley, J., Leen, G., Greally , P., Peripheral muscle strength in young males with cystic fibrosis, Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 1, 2002, p116 - 121Journal Article, 2002, URL
- Hussey, J., Gormley, J., Bell, C., Physical activity in children aged 7-9 years, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 35, (4), 2001, p268 - 273Journal Article, 2001, URL
- Tozzi, L., Carballedo, A., Lavelle, G., Doolin, K., Doyle, M., Amico, F., Mccarthy, H., Gormley, J., Lord, A., O'Keane, V., Frodl, T., Longitudinal functional connectivity changes correlate with mood improvement after regular exercise in a dose-dependent fashion, European Journal of Neuroscience, 43, (8), 2016, p1089-1096Journal Article, 2016
- Ryan, J.M., Hensey, O., McLoughlin, B., Lyons, A., Gormley, J., Associations of sedentary behaviour, physical activity, blood pressure and anthropometric measures with cardiorespiratory fitness in Children with cerebral palsy, PLoS ONE, 10, (4), 2015Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Ryan, J.M., Hensey, O., McLoughlin, B., Lyons, A., Gormley, J., Reduced moderate-to-vigorous and increased sedentary behavior are associated with elevated blood pressure values in children with cerebral palsy, Physical Therapy, 94, (8), 2014, p1144 - 1153Journal Article, 2014
- Ryan, J., Gormley, J., An evaluation of energy expenditure estimation by three activity monitors, European Journal of Sport Science, 13, (6), 2013, p681-688Journal Article, 2013
- Sheehan, K., Gormley, J., Roche, E.F., 38 " Ground reaction forces in overweight children, Public Health Nutrition, 15, (8A), 2012Journal Article, 2012
- Hussey, J., Bell, C., Gormley, J., The measurement of physical activity in children | Metody pomiaru aktywno"ci fizycznej u dzieci, Rehabilitacja Medyczna, 11, (3), 2007, p47-53Journal Article, 2007
- Colin Dunlevy, Marese Cooney, John Gormley, Comparing the reliability of virtual goniometry and universal goniometry, Gait & Posture, 24, 2006, pS31--S32Journal Article, 2006
- Nora Shields, Neil O"Hare, John Gormley, Contra-indications to shortwave diathermy: survey of Irish physiotherapists, Physiotherapy, 90, (1), 2004, p42--53Journal Article, 2004
- Shields, N., O'Hare, N., Gormley, J., Contra-indications to shortwave diathermy: Survey of Irish physiotherapists, Physiotherapy, 90, (1), 2004, p42-53Journal Article, 2004
- Gormley, J., Barr, D., Bell, A., Ravey, J., Mollan, R., Examination of the duration of gait initiation by use of an electrogoniometer, Gait and Posture, 1, (2), 1993, p85-91Journal Article, 1993
- Lavelle, G. Fortune J.M. Gormley, J, Does Submaximal Exercise Testing predict Changes in Aerobic capacity in Mid-Life Adults, 56, (Suppl 3), 2016, pp349-Conference Paper, 2016, DOI
- Lavelle, G. Doherty D., Gormley, J, Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Circulating Lymophocyte Subpopulations: A Randomised controlled trial. , 56, (Suppl 3), 2016, pp349-Conference Paper, 2016, DOI
- G. Lavelle, J. Gormley, D. Doherty, The effects of a 16 week aerobic exercise programme on circulating lymphocyte subpopulations: a randomised controlled trial, Physiotherapy, 101, (Suppl 1), 2015, ppe839--e840Conference Paper, 2015
- G. Lavelle, J. Fortune, J. Gormley, Using a predictive model of submaximal exercise testing to track aerobic capacity: a 4 month randomised controlled trial, Physiotherapy, 101, (Suppl 1), 2015, ppe839Conference Paper, 2015
- A. Carballedo, M. Doyle, G. Lavelle, J. Gormley, V. O'Keane, T. Frodl, Affective Network Hyperconnectivity and Hypoconnectivity of Cognitive Control and Ventral Attention Networks in Adults with High Neuroticism Scores, 30, 2015, pp252Conference Paper, 2015
- Kindregan D. Gallagher, L. Gormley J., Gait Deviations in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Review, Autism Research and Treatment, 2015, 2015, p1--8Journal Article, 2015
- Ryan, J., Gormley J., Response to commentary on: `Measurement of energy expenditure by activity monitors: Is it feasible to measure energy expenditure using tiny portable monitors?, Physical Therapy Reviews, 19, (2), 2013, p154--155Journal Article, 2013
- K. Sheehan, J. Gormley, The influence of auditory cueing on sagittal kinematics in healthy adults, 36, 2012, ppS23-Conference Paper, 2012
- J Redmond, T Raftery, C O"Donovan, J Sharma, J Hussey, J Gormley, A Mahmud, FE Lithander, DIETARY INTAKE AND ARTERIAL STIFFNESS; A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY OF PATIENTS ATTENDING AN OUTPATIENT HYPERTENSION CLINIC: PP.23.428, Journal of Hypertension, 28, 2010, p1Journal Article, 2010
- C O"Donovan, J Redmond, T Raftery, J Sharma, J Hussey, J Gormley, A Mahmud, FE Lithander, RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OBJECTIVELY MEASURED PHYSICAL ACTIVTIY AND ARTERIAL STIFFNESS IN HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS: 5D.02, Journal of Hypertension, 28, 2010, p1Journal Article, 2010
- M. Connor, C.J. O'Shea, J. Gormley, SMMP8 Risk factor profiles: are the European Society of Cardiology target levels being achieved? A comparative study of patients with coronary artery disease, pre and post percutaneous coronary intervention, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 8, 2009, pS35--S35Journal Article, 2009
- O'Donovan C, Hussey J, Gormley J, Feely J, Mahmud A. , Cardiopulmonary Fitness and Arterial Stiffness in Healthy subjects is There A Difference Between Acute Haemodynamic EFFECTS of Aerobic Vs. Resistance Exercise?, edited by Editor: J.R. Cockcroft, Cardiff, WalesDeputy Editor: S. Laurent, Paris, FranceReview Editor: C. Vlachopoulos, Athens, Greece , 3, (4), 2009, pp176Poster, 2009, DOI
- K. Karim, J. Gormley, 1384: Quality of life post myocardial infarction " Is the heart manual effective, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 6, (1{\_), 2007, p47--48Journal Article, 2007
- R. Brennan, J. Gormley, 1384: Adherence to Recommended Exercise during and after a Cardiac Rehabilitation Programme, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 5, (1 Suppl), 2006, pS39--S40Journal Article, 2006
- R Brennan, J Gormley, Adherence to recommended exercise during and after a cardiac rehabilitation programme, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 13, (Supplement 1), 2006, pS10Journal Article, 2006
- J Hussey, J Gormley, J Bennett, C Bell, Physical activity, fitness and body composition in 7???9 year old Dublin school children, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 13, (Supplement 1), 2006, pS44--S45Journal Article, 2006
- A McGowan, M O??Reilly, D Murray, A Samad, J Gormley, Screening for cardiovascular risk factors in relatives of patients with premature heart disease, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 13, (Supplement 1), 2006, pS92Journal Article, 2006
- F. Wilson, J. Gormley, C. Simms, The results of a pilot study to design a portable instrument to measure frontal plane angular changes in the lumbar spine of elite rowers, Journal of Biomechanics, 39, 2006, pS545Journal Article, 2006
- S. Ingram, J. Gormley, 1229: The Effect of CPR Training on Psychological Variables of Cardiac Patients and Their Families, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2, (1), 2003, p80--81Journal Article, 2003
- J. Gormley, A. Jenkinson, M. Walsh, T. O'Brien, Do children walk normally in the gait laboratory? Comparison of walking velocities achieved during gait analysis in the laboratory with velocities achieved outside the laboratory, Gait & Posture, 10, (1), 1999, p56Journal Article, 1999
- Carballedo, A Doyle M, Lavelle, G Sojo, J. McCarthy, H. Gormley, J, O'Keane, V, Frodl, T, Affective Network Hyperconnectivity and Hypoconnectivity of Cognitive Control and Ventral Attention Networks in Adults with High Neuroticism Scores. , Annals of Depression and Anxiety, 1, (6), 2014, p1029-Journal Article, 2014
- Monaghan, A.M., Ford, C., Coghlan M, El-Sherif O, Hynes B, Irish H, McGrath M, Miggin, S.J, Naimimohasses, S, Quinn C, Gormley J, Norris S, An assessment of physical activity levels and cardiorespiratory fitness in individuals living with hepatitis C, Journal of Hepatology, EASL The international Liver Conference, Amsterdam, 19-23 April 2017, 66, (1), Elsevier, 2017, ppS269-Poster, 2017
- Monaghan AM, Forde C, Norris S, Gormley J, Aerobic exercise and physical activity interventions in the management of hepatic manifestations of chronic hepatitis C; a systematic review. , Journal of Heptology, EASL The international Liver Conference, Amsterdan, 19-23 April 2017, 1, Elseiver, 2017, ppS269-Poster, 2017, DOI , URL
- Forde C, Loy A, O'Dea S, Mulcahy F, Gormley J, Daly C., Physical Activity is Associated with Metabolic Health in Men Living with HIV., AIDS and behavior, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Ruivo JMADS, Karim K, O"Shea R, Oliveira RCS, Keary L, O"Brien C, Gormley JP., In-class Active Video Game Supplementation and Adherence to Cardiac Rehabilitation., Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention, 37, (4), 2017, p274-278Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Ryan JM, Allen E, Gormley J, Hurvitz EA, Peterson MD., The risk, burden, and management of non-communicable diseases in cerebral palsy: a scoping review., Developmental medicine and child neurology, 60, (8), 2018, p753-764Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Kennedy M, Roche S, McGowan M, Singleton E, Patel A, RC Jones, O'Mahony B, Ryan K, O'Connell NM, Lavin M,, Turecek PL, O'Donnell JS, Gormley J, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND HAEMOPHILIC JOINT ARTHROPATHY AMONGST ADULTS WITH SEVERE HAEMOPHILIA IN IRELAND: THE IRISH PERSONALISED APPROACH TO THE TREATMENT OF HAEMOHILIA (iPATH) STUDY., Haemophilia, European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), Prague, 6-8th February 2019, 25, ((Suppl 1)), Wiley, 2019, pp139 - 140Poster, 2019, DOI , URL
- Kennedy M, Monaghan A, Roche S, McGowan M, Patel A, Jones RC, O'Mahony B, Ryan K, O'Connell NM, Turecek PL, Lavin M, O'Donnell JS, Gormley J., BARRIERS TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AMONGST ADULTS WITH MODERATE AND SEVERE HAEMOPHILIA IN IRELAND: THE IRISH PERSONALISED APPROACH TO THE TREATMENT OF HAEMOPHILIA (iPATH) STUDY., Haemophilia, European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), Prague, 6-8th February 2019, 25, ((Suppl 1)), Wiley, 2019, pp140 - 140Poster, 2019, DOI
- C Forde, M Johnston, C Haberlin, P Breen, S Greenan, C Gissane, T Comyns, V Maher, J Gormley., "Low Dose Resistance Exercise - Difference in indices of Central Arterial Stiffness Between Intensities." , High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Prevention, 2020, p83 - 91Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- KENNEDY, M., ROCHE, S., MCGOWAN, M., PATEL, A., SINGLETON, E., JONES, R. C., O'MAHONY, B., RYAN, K., O'CONNELL, N. M., LAVIN, M., TURECEK, P. L., O'DONNELL, J. S. & GORMLEY, J. , Physical activity and cardiometabolic risk profiles amongst Irish adults with severe haemophilia: The Irish personalised approach to the treatment of haemophilia (iPATH) study. , Haemophilia, European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), The Hague, 3-7th February 2020, 26, (Suppl 1), Wiley, 2020, pp168-Oral Presentation, 2020, DOI
- Philip O'Gorman, Sara Naimimohasses, Ann Monaghan, Megan Kennedy, Stephen Finn, John Gormley, Suzanne Norris, Significant regression in fibrosis in paired liver biopsies following a 12-week aerobic exercise intervention in individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Journal of Heptology, EASL International Liver Congress, Vienna, 10/04/2019-14/04/201, 70, (1), Elsevier, 2019, ppe67-Oral Presentation, 2019, DOI
- Sara Naimimohasses, Philip O'Gorman, Ann Monaghan, Megan Kennedy, Dean Holden, Peter Beddy, Niall Conlon, Stephen Finn, Margaret Dunne, John Gormley, Jacintha O'Sullivan, Suzanne Norris, Significant reductions in intrahepatic Mucosal Associated Invariant T cells with increased terminal activation marker expression amongst NAFLD patients following a 12 week aerobic exercise program: a paired liver biopsy study, Journal of Heptology, EASL International Liver Congress, Vienna, 10/04/2019-14/04/201, 70, (1), Elsevier, 2019, ppe801-Poster, 2019, DOI
- Ann Monaghan, Megan Kennedy, Philip O'gorman, Hynes Barbara, Clodagh Quinn, Sara Naimimohasses, Susan Mckiernan, Suzanne Norris, John Gormley, Increased cardiovascular risk associated with chronic hepatitis C infection still remains at SVR24, Journal of Heptology, EASL International Liver Congress, Vienna, 10/04/2019-14/04/201, 70, (1), Elsevier, 2019, ppe741 - e742Poster, 2019, DOI
- Dockrell, S. Forde, C. Gormley, J., Comparison of Energy Expenditure of Tasks in Standing and Sitting in Adolescent Girls , WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment, & Rehabilitation, 66, (1), 2020, p17 - 23Journal Article, 2020
- O'Gorman P, Naimimohasses S, Monaghan A, Kennedy M, Melo AM, Ní Fhloinn D, Doherty DG, Beddy P, Finn SP, Moore JB, Gormley J, Norris S. , Improvement in histological endpoints of MAFLD following a 12-week aerobic exercise intervention, Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 52, (8), 2020, p1387-1398Journal Article, 2020, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Frodl T, Strehl K, Carballedo A, Tozzi L, Doyle M, Amico F, Gormley J, Lavelle G, O'Keane V, Aerobic exercise increases hippocampal subfield volumes in younger adults and prevents volume decline in the elderly., Brain imaging and behavior, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- O'Gorman P, Naimimohasses S, Monaghan A, Kennedy M, Finn SP, Moore JB, Gormley J, Norris S, Letter: proving the benefit of exercise intervention in metabolic associated fatty liver disease-authors' reply., Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Forde C, Johnston M, Haberlin C, Breen P, Greenan S, Gissane C, Comyns T, Maher V, Gormley J, Low Dose Resistance Exercise: A Pilot Study Examining Effects on Blood Pressure and Augmentation Index Between Intensities., High blood pressure & cardiovascular prevention : the official journal of the Italian Society of Hypertension, 2020Journal Article, 2020
- Exercise Adherence in, editor(s)Gormley J, Hussey J , Exercise in the prevention and treatment of disease. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, Blackwell Scientific, 2005, pp260 , [Gormley J]Book Chapter, 2005
- Exercise in Cardiovascular disease in, editor(s)Gormley J, Hussey J , Exercise therapy in the prevention and treatment of disease., Oxford, Blackwell Scientific, 2005, pp260 , [Gormley J]Book Chapter, 2005
- Shields N; O'Hare N; Gormley J, Short-wave diathermy and pregnancy: what is the evidence?, Advances in Physiotherapy, 5, (1), 2003, p2 - 14Journal Article, 2003
- Shields N, Gormley, O'Hare N. , Shortwave diathermy : current clinical and safety practices. , Physiotherapy Research International, 7, 2002, p191 - 202Journal Article, 2002
- Shields N, Gormley J, O'Hare N, Contraindications to continuous and pulsed short-wave diathermy, Physical Therapy reviews , 7, 2002, p113 - 143Journal Article, 2002
- N. Shields, J. Gormley, N. O'Hare, Short-wave Diathermy: A Review of Existing Trials, Physical Therapy Reviews, 6, 2001, p101 - 118Journal Article, 2001
- N. Shields, N. O'Hare, J. Gormley, Short-wave Diathermy in Irish physiotherapy departments, British Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 8, (9), 2001, p331 - 339Journal Article, 2001
- Cromwell, F.; Walsh, J.; Gormley, J. , A pilot study examining injuries in elite gaelic footballers. , British Journal of Sports Medicine , 34, (2), 2000, p104 - 108Journal Article, 2000
- Mc Donnell, S.J.; Toole, C.; Gormley, J. , A survey of the provision of cardiac rehabilitation in the Republic of Ireland, Coronary Health Care , 3, (4), 1999, p205 - 211Journal Article, 1999
- Shields N, O'Hare N, Gormley J. , Contraindications to short-wave diathermy: results of an Irish survey' , Physiotherapy, 90 , (1), 2004, p42 - 53Journal Article, 2004
- Shields N, O'Hare N, Boyle G, Gormley J, An evaluation of safety guidelines to restrict exposure to stray radiofrequency radiation from short-wave diathermy units., Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49, (13), 2004, p2999 - 3015Journal Article, 2004, DOI
- Hussey J, Gormley J, Bell C, Roche E, Croasdell N, Quinn E, Samann M, Hoey H., , Cardiovascular risk factors in children referred to a paediatric weight reduction clinic, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 11, (1), 2004, pp189 - 189Meeting Abstract, 2004
- Cassidy, C; O'Sullivan, C; Condon, C; Hussey, J; Gormley, J., A pilot study to examine the effects of providing undergraduate physiotherapy student clinical placements on service provision., Physical Therapy Reviews, Inaugral meeting of the Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society, Dublin, May 2005, 10, (3), W.S. Maney & Son Ltd, 2005, pp189 - 190Meeting Abstract, 2005
- Wilson F, Simms C, Gormley J.(ed.), 5th World Congress of Biomechanics, Journal of Biomechanics, Munich, 39, (supplement 1), 29/07-05/08 2006, Elsevier, 2006, S545 pProceedings of a Conference, 2006
- Introduction in, editor(s)J F McGilp, D Weaire and C H Patterson , Epioptics - Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Surfaces and Interfaces, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp1 - 13, [J F McGilp]Book Chapter, 1995
- Hussey J, Bell C, Bennett K, O'Dwyer J, Gormley J, Relationship between the intensity of physical activity, inactivity, cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition in 7-10 year -old Dublin children, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41, 2007, p311 - 316Journal Article, 2007
- Hussey J, Bennett K, Roche E, Bell C, Hoey H, Gormley J, Objectively measured physical activity in obese and normal weight children, International Journal of Obesity, Childhood obesity: a pandemic of the twenty-first century, Rzeszow, Poland, 1-3 June 2006, edited by Mazur A, Malecka- Tendera E , 30 Suppl 2, Nature Publishing Group, 2006, S11 - S 11Conference Paper, 2006
- Hussey J, Gormley J, Bell C, Roche EF, Hoey H, Exercise tolerance and physical activity levels in children referred to a weight reduction clinic, Irish Medical Journal, 99, (2), 2006, p46 - 47Journal Article, 2006
- Hussey J, Bell C, Bennett K, O'Dwyer J, Liu R, Gormley J, Validation of the RT3 in the measurement of physical activity and inactivity in children, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, Europrevent2006, Athens, Greece, 11-13 May 2006, edited by Saner H, Wood DA , 13 Suppl 1, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006, ppS 64 - S 64Conference Paper, 2006
- Hussey J, Bell C, Gormley J, The measurement of physical activity in children, Physical Therapy Reviews, 12, 2007, p52 - 58Journal Article, 2007
- Hussey J, Bennett K, O Dwyer J, Langford S, Bell C, Gormley J, Validation of the RT3 in the measurement of physical activity in children, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12, (1), 2009, p130 - 133Journal Article, 2009
- Ingram S, Maher V, Bennett K, Gormley J., The effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training on psychological variables of cardiac rehabilitation patients, Resuscitation, 71, (1), 2006, p89 - 96Journal Article, 2006
- Dunlevy C, Cooney M, Gormley J, Procedural considerations for photographic-based joint angle measurement., Physiotherapy Research International, 10, (4), 2005, p190 - 200Journal Article, 2005
- Shields N, Gormley J, O'Hare N., Physiotherapist's perception of risk from electromagnetic fields, Advances in Physiotherapy, 7, (4), 2005, p170 - 176Journal Article, 2005
- Kennedy, L.; Lawlor, F.; O'Connor, A.; Dockrell, S.; Gormley, J. , An investigation of the effects of schoolbag carriage on trunk angle, Physiotherapy Ireland , 20, (1), 1999, p2 - 8Journal Article, 1999
- Hussey, J.; Cahill, A.; Henry, D.; King, A-M.; Gormley, J, National School Teachers' Knowledge of Asthma and its Management., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 168, (3), 1999, p174 - 179Journal Article, 1999
- Shields N, O'Hare N, Boyle G, Gormley J. , Development and application of a quality control procedure for shortwave diathermy units. , Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 41, (8), 2003, p62 - 68Journal Article, 2003, DOI
- Rehabilitation of the patient with Coronary Heart Disease in, editor(s)Fuster V, O'Rourke R, Walsh R.A, Poole-Wilson P. , Hurst's The Heart, New York, Mc Graw Hill , 2008, pp1529 - 1551, [Graham I, ingram S, fallon N, leong T, gormley J, O'Doherty V, Maher V, Benson S]Book Chapter, 2008
- Responses to Physical activity:Gender Differences in Children in, editor(s)Allerton L.T. and Rutherfode G.P. , Exercise and Womens Health: New Research, Nova Publishers, 2008, pp199 - 212, [Hussey J, Gormley J.]Book Chapter, 2008
- Fiona Wilson, Conor Gissane, John Gormley, Ciaran Simms, A 12 month prospective cohort study of injury in international rowers., British Journal of Sports Medicine, 44, 2010, p207-214Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Condon C, Gormley J, Hussey J, A review of the physical activity levesl of children with juvenile arthritis, Physical Therapy Reviews, 14, (6), 2009, p411 - 417Journal Article, 2009
- O'Sullivan C, Meaney J, Boyle G, Gormley J, Stokes M., The validity of Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging for measurement of trapezius muscle thickness., Manual Therapy, 14, (5), 2009, p572 - 578Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
- Fiona Wilson, John Gormley, Juliette Hussey, Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders., First, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011Book, 2011
- F wilson, C Gissane, J Gormley, C Simms, The effect of fatigue on frontal plane angular changes in the lumbar spine of elite rowers., British Journal of Sports Medicine, IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport., Monaco, April 7-9, 2011, 45, 2011, pp320 - 321Conference Paper, 2011
- F Wilson, C Simms, J Gormley, C Gissane, Kinematics of lumbar spine motion in rowing during a fatiguing protocol; a comparison of ergometer and boat rowing, British Journal of Sports Medicine, IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport., Monaco, April 7-9, 2011, 45, 2011, pp383-Conference Paper, 2011
- Wilson F, Gormley J, Gissane C, Simms C, The effect of rowing to exhaustion on fromtal plane angular changes in the lumbar spine of elite rowers, Journal of Sports Sciences, 30, (14), 2013, p1481 - 1489Journal Article, 2013
- O'Donovan C, Lithander FE, Raftery T, Gormley J, Mahmud A, Hussey J., Inverse Relationship Between Physical Activity and Arterial Stiffness in Adults with Hypertension, J Phys Act Health. , 11, (2), 2014, p272 - 277Journal Article, 2014
- Wilson F, Gissane C, Gormley J, Simms C, Sagittal plane motion of the lumbar spine during ergometer and single scull rowing., Sports biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 12, (2), 2013, p132-42Journal Article, 2013
- Introduction. History of Exercise in, editor(s)Wilson F, Gormley J, Hussey J, , Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders, Oxford, Wiley, 2011, pp1 - 10, [Gormley J]Book Chapter, 2011
- Ryan J, Gormley J, An evaluation of energy expenditure estimation by three activity monitors, European Journal of Sport Science, 13, (6), 2013, p681 - 688Journal Article, 2013
- Sheehan K. and Gormley J. , Gait and increased body weight (potential implications for musculoskeletal disease, Physical Therapy Reviews, 17, (2), 2012, p91 - 98Journal Article, 2012
- Sheehan KJ, Gormley J. , The influence of excess body mass on adult gait., Clinical Biomechanics , 28, (3), 2013, p337 - 343Journal Article, 2013
- Ryan J, Gormley J. , Measurement of energy expenditure by activity monitors. , Physical Therapy Reviews , 18, (4), 2013, p239 - 262Journal Article, 2013
- Ryan, J, M. Crowley, V E. Hensey, O Broderick, J M. McGahey, A Gormley, J., Habitual physical activity and cardiometabolic risk factors in adults with cerebral palsy , Research in Developmental Disabilities , 35 , (9 ), 2014, p1995 - 2002Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Ryan J, Walsh M, Gormley J, Ability of RT3 accelerometer cut points to detect physical activity intensity in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy., Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 31, (4), 2014, p310 - 324Journal Article, 2014
- Ryan JM, Walsh M, Gormley J., A comparison of three accelerometry-based devices for estimating energy expenditure in adults and children with cerebral palsy., Journal Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 11:116, 2014, p10Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Ryan JM, Crowley VE, Hensey O, McGahey A, Gormley J., Waist circumference provides an indication of numerous cardiometabolic risk factors in adults with cerebral palsy., Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95, (8), 2014, p1540 - 1546Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- Ryan JM, Hensey O, McLoughlin B, Lyons A, Gormley J., Reduced moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and increased sedentary behavior are associated with elevated blood pressure values in children with cerebral palsy., Physical Therapy, 94, (8), 2014, p1144 - 1153Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
- O'Donovan C, Gormley J, and Hussey J. M, The Potential of "Wii Fit Free Jogging" as an Exercise Test, Games for Health Journal, 3, (5), 2014, p296 - 302Journal Article, 2014
- O'Donovan C, Gormley J, and Hussey J M, Measurement Properties of "Wii Fit Free Jogging" Virtual Distance, Games for Health Journal, 3, (2), 2014, p92 - 97Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Brown MJF, Book Review, Review of Bumblebees: Behaviour and Ecology, D Goulson, Animal Behaviour, 67, (2), 2004, p376-378Review
- Master in Arts (J O), University of Dublin. July 2001
- Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Present
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Present