Dr. Emer Barrett

Dr. Emer Barrett

Assistant Professor, Physiotherapy


Dr Emer Barrett holds a BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy from Kings College London and a PhD from Trinity College Dublin which was awarded in 2015 and investigated the role of physical activity promotion in primary care.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • O'Grady M, Barrett E, Connolly D., Link workers promoting physical activity - who are they linking?, Health Enhancing Physical activity Europe, Dublin, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
  • O'Grady M, Connolly D, Barrett E, The role of link workers in 'bridging the gap' to community-based physical activity., Health Enhancing Physical Activity Europe, Dublin, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
  • O Brien T, Darker C, Barrett E., Strategies for recruitment of adolescent girls into physical activity programmes: a systematic review, Health Enhancing Physical Activity Europe, Dublin, August, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
  • Tanya O"Brien, Catherine Darker, David Mockler, Emer Barrett,, Strategies for recruitment of adolescent girls into physical activity programmes: a systematic review, European Journal of Public Health, Health Enhancing Physical Activity, Dublin, 2024, 34, (Supplement 2), 2024, ppckae114.10-Conference Paper, 2024, URL
  • O' Grady M, Connolly D, Kennedy M, Mockler D, Broderick J, Barrett E., The Role of Intermediaries in Connecting Community-Dwelling Adults to Local Physical Activity and Exercise: A Scoping Review, Journal of Integrated Care, 2, (24(2)), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Grady M, Connolly D, Barrett E., The role of intermediaries in connecting individuals to local physical activity " protocol for a non-randomized pilot feasibility trial., Contemporary Clinical Trials Communication, 41, (101332), 2024Journal Article, 2024, URL
  • O'Brien T, Darker CD, Mockler D and Barrett EM., Strategies for recruitment of adolescent girls into physical activity programmes: a systematic review protocol [version 2; peer review: 3 approved]., HRB Open, 7, (6), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
  • Megan O Grady, Deirdre Connolly, Emer Barrett, The role of intermediaries in connecting community-dwelling adults to local physical activity and exercise: a scoping review, NUIG Health Promotion Annual Conference , Galway, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Megan O Grady, Deirdre Connolly, Emer Barrett, The processes and practices of an intermediary in connecting community dwelling adults to local physical activity and exercise services, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Conference, Dublin, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
  • M O'Grady, E Barrett, D Connolly(ed.), The processes and practices of intermediaries in connecting individuals to local physical activity, European Journal of Public Health, Dublin, 33, (Supplement_2), 2023, 2023Proceedings of a Conference, 2023
  • Darker CD, Mullin M, Doyle L, Tanner M, McGrath D, Doherty L, Dreyer-Gibney K, Barrett EM, Flynn D, Murphy P, Ivers JH, Burke E, Ryan M, McCarron M, Murphy P, Sheils O, Hevey D, Leen A, Keogh L, Walls B, Bennett AE, Petersen F, Nolan A, Barry JM., Developing a health promoting university in Trinity College Dublin-overview and outline process evaluation, Health Promotion International, 38, (4), 2023, p1 - 14, p1-14Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Fay A, Synott E, McDaid E, Barrett E., A comparison of the immediate effects of the Andago over ground body weight support trainer versus over ground walking on selected gait parameters in a post-acute rehabilitation population, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2023, p1 - 11Journal Article, 2023, DOI
  • Anne-Maria Scanlon, Aoife Devaney, Emer Barrett, Undergraduate student communication: can physiotherapy trainees demonstrate empathy?, Practice Education Coordinators Network Conference, Online , 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
  • Clare Whelan, Lylas Aljohmani, Emer Barrett, Jennifer Conlan, Lucy Alpine, Claire Poole, Duana Quigley, Siobhan Davis, Triona Flavin, Erika Keane, Mary O Neill, Judith Meehan, Eleanor Molloy, Lorna O Shea, Supporting Student Success through Clinical Teacher Training, Practice Education Coordinators Network Conference, Online , 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
  • Anne-Maria Scanlon, Aoife Devaney, Emer Barrett, Undergraduate student communication: can physiotherapy trainees demonstrate empathy? , Irish Network of Healthcare Educators Annual Scientific Meeting, , Online , 2022, pp51-Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
  • Emer Barrett, Embedding the Healthy Campus Agenda into the Curriculum in Trinity College, Irish Network of Healthcare Educators Annual Scientific Meeting , Online , 2022, pp51-Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
  • Lylas Aljohmani, Clare Whelan, Emer Barrett, Jennifer Conlan, Lucy Alpine, Claire Poole, Duana Quigley, Siobhan Davis, Triona Flavin, Erika Keane, Mary O Neill, Judith Meehan, Eleanor Molloy, Lorna O Shea, Clinical Teachers Perceptions of Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Environment, Irish Network of Healthcare Educators Annual Scientific Meeting , Online , 2022, pp79-Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
  • Clare Whelan, Lylas Aljohmani, Emer Barrett, Jennifer Conlan, Lucy Alpine, Claire Poole, Duana Quigley, Siobhan Davis, Triona Flavin, Erika Keane, Mary O Neill, Judith Meehan, Eleanor Molloy, Lorna O Shea, The design and development of an online educational resource for clinical teachers , Irish Network of Healthcare Educators Annual Scientific Meeting , Online , 2022, pp80-Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
  • Emily-Jane Doyle, Karen O'Quigley, Sarah White, Julie Broderick, Emer Barrett, Burnout in Physiotherapists in Ireland: The COVID Effect ?, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Conference, Dublin, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
  • Amy Fay, Eoin Synott, Edel McDaid, Emer Barrett(ed.), THE INFLUENCE OF THE ANDAGO® ON GAIT PARAMETERS AMONG OLDER ADULTS IN THE POST-ACUTE REHABILITATION SETTING: A PILOT STUDY, Age and Ageing, Volume 51, Issue Supplement_3, November 2022, afac218.091, https://doi.org/10.1093/ageing/afac218.091, Age and Ageing , Dublin, 51, (Supplement 3), November 2022, 2022, afac218.091 pProceedings of a Conference, 2022, DOI
  • Darker CD, Moore E, Flynn E, O'Neill M, Doherty L, McMahon J, McLoughlin O, Rouine E, Ivers J, Allwright S, McGrath D, Seery A, McAndrew M, Barrett E, Tanner M, Bennett AE, Brennan S, Mullin M, Barry JM., Development and proposed evaluation of an eHealth learning tool for undergraduate university students in Ireland, Health Promotion International, 2022, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • O'Grady M, Barrett E, Broderick J, Connolly D., The role of intermediaries in connecting community-dwelling adults to local physical activity and exercise: A scoping review protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved], HRB Open Research, 5, (29), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Barrett E. M., Wyse J., Forde C., Did physical activity and associated barriers change during COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland? Repeated cross-sectional study, Health Promotion International, 37, (4), 2022, pdaac127-Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Alpine L, McGuiness M, Barrett EM, Series of Training Workshops to Support Practice Educators Decision Making Skills in Performance Based Assessment, Health and Social Care Professions 3rd National Conference on Practice Education , Online , 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • , Sports Medicine and Health Summit Online, German Journal of Sports Medicine, Germany (Online), edited by Forde C, Wyse J. Barrett EM. As restrictions continued - Changes in physical activity during COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland across two time points , 72, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Robert Keegan, Orla Crowley, Leah Walker, Barrett EM, The MakeItFit Campaign: A student-led health promotion initiative, Irish Network of Healthcare Educators Annual Scientific Meeting , Online , 2021, pp25-Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
  • Barrett E, O' Connor A, McGuiness M, Alpine L, Does a short training session based on peer dialogue impact decision making in assessment? , European Region-World Conference of Physical Therapists, Online , 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
  • Barrett EM, Wyse J, Forde C, Barriers and Enablers to Physical Activity During COVID-19 Restrictions in Ireland, 8th International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Congress , Vancouver Online, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021, URL
  • Tyndall L, Roche C, Forde C, Barrett E, Physical Activity of Irish Adults During COVID-19 Restrictions, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Conference, Online, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Barrett EM., Forde C and Wyse J, . Barriers and enablers to physical activity during COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland(ed.),, The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 8th International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Congress, Vancouver Online, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Barrett E. M., Forde C. and Wyse J. Barriers and enablers to physical activity during COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland(ed.), 8th International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Congress, The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, Vancouver Online, 14, (3), 2021Proceedings of a Conference, 2021, DOI
  • Alpine LM, O' Connor A, McGuinness M, Barrett EM , Performance-based assessment during clinical placement; cross sectional investigation of a training workshop for practice educators, Nursing & Health Sciences , 2021, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Forde C, Wyse J. Barrett EM, Time and belief in exercise importance predict increased activity during initial COVID-19 restrictions in Ireland, Health Promotion International, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Barrett EM, Alpine LM, McGuiness M, O Connor A, Does a short training session based on peer dialogue impact decision making in assessment?, Irish Network of Healthcare Educators, Dublin, 2020, pp88Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
  • Lucy Alpine, Anne Belton, Emer M Barrett, Supervision models in physiotherapy practice education: Student and practice educator evaluations, Irish Network of Healthcare Educators, Dublin, 2020, pp89Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
  • Forde C, Wyse J, Barrett EM, Physical Activity Behaviour During The COVID-19 Pandemic: An Online Survey, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference, Dublin, 2020, pp4 - 5Oral Presentation, 2020
  • Alpine L, Caldas F, Barrett E, Supervision models in Physiotherapy practice education: student and practice educator evaluations, European Region-World Conference of Physical Therapists, Online , 2020Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
  • Keating R, Ahern S, Bisgood L, Mernagh K, Nicholson GH and Barrett EM, Stand up, stand out. Feasibility of an active break targeting prolonged sitting in university students, Journal of American College Health, 2020, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Griffin S, White S, Flanagan K, Ryan S, Maguire F, Mullin M, Tanner M and Barrett EM, Doubling down on stair usage: The effect of point of decision prompts on stair usage in a university building, Irish Ergonomics Society Annual Conference, Dublin, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019, URL
  • Barrett EM, Belton A, Alpine LM, Supervision Models in Physiotherapy Education: Student and Practice Educator Evaluations, Health and Social Care Professions Conference, Dublin, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • Alpine LM, Caldasa FT, Barrett EM., Evaluation of a 2.1 peer placement supervision model by physiotherapy students and their educators, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2019, p748 - 755Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Griffin S, White S, Flanagan K, Ryan S, Maguire F, Mullin M, Tanner M, Barrett EM, Doubling down on stair usage: The effect of point of decision prompts on stair usage in a university building, Irish Ergonomics Review , 2019, p38 - 43Journal Article, 2019, URL
  • Barrett EM, Belton A, Alpine LM, Supervision models in physiotherapy practice education: Student and practice educator evaluations, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 29, 2019, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Guinan EM, Barrett EM, Neill F, Grimes T, Sullivan D, O'Sullivan M, Patterson A, Stapleton T., Attitudes to Interprofessional Education Among Health Science, International Journal of Health Sciences Education, 5, (1), 2018Journal Article, 2018, URL
  • Barrett EM, Darker CD, Hussey J, The sedentary profile of primary care patients, Journal of Public Health, 39, (2), 2016, p347 - 352Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Barrett EM, Hussey J, Darker CD, Feasibility of a physical activity pathway for Irish primary care physiotherapy services, Physiotherapy, 103, (1), 2016, p106 - 112Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Barrett EM, Hussey J, Darker CD., Location and deprivation are important influencers of physical activity in primary care populations, Public Health, 136, 2016, p80 - 86Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • EM Barrett, J Hussey, C Darker How physically active are primary care patients?(ed.), World Confederation of Physiotherapy Congress, Physiotherapy, Singapore, 101, ( Suppl 1 ), 2015, 2015, e118-e119 pProceedings of a Conference, 2015, URL
  • Barrett EM, Darker CD and Hussey J. Is a physical activity care pathway an acceptable approach to physical activity promotion in primary care? (ed.), World Confederation of Physiotherapy Congress, Physiotherapy , Singapore, 101, (Supplement 1), 2015, 2015Proceedings of a Conference, 2015, URL
  • Barrett EM, Darker CD, Hussey J A descriptive analysis of sitting in the primary care population(ed.), World Confederation of Physiotherapy Congress, Physiotherapy, Singapore, 101, (Supplement 1), 2015, 2015Proceedings of a Conference, 2015, URL
  • Barrett E, Darker C, Hussey J., Promotion of physical activity in primary care: knowledge and practice of general practitioners and physiotherapists, Journal of Public Health, 21, (1), 2013, p63 - 69Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
  • Barrett EM, Darker CD, Hussey J, Physical activity screening and promotion in primary care, Association of University Departments of General Practice Ireland (AUDGPI) / Scottish Academic Primary Care (ADEGS) Scientific Meeting, Dublin, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
  • Barrett EM, Darker CD, Hussey J, Physical activity in the management of cardiovascular diseases in primary care, 16th International World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Amsterdam, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
  • Barrett, E., Cassells, M., Hu, P., Power, C., Does the mode of analgesia influence patients outcome after TKR, Irish Pain Society Meeting, Ireland, 2008Meeting Abstract, 2008
  • Barrett, E., Cassells, M., Hu, P., Power, C., Does the mode of analgesia influence patients outcome after TKR, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference, Ireland, 2008Oral Presentation, 2008
  • Brennan, J., Barrett, E., Griffin, E., Review of the dependency levels of in-patients aged 65 and over who are awaiting long- term care, Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Ireland, 2003Meeting Abstract, 2003
  • Barrett, E., Griffin, E. , Stroke unit follow - up, use of physiotherapy services., Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Ireland, 2002Meeting Abstract, 2002
  • Barrett, E., Griffin, E., Coote, S., What influences ratings of patient transfers? , Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Ireland, 2002Meeting Abstract, 2002
  • EM Barrett, E Griffin, S Coote Rating of transfers abilities - do disciplines concur?(ed.), Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Irish Journal of Medical Science , Ireland, 170, (4), 2001Proceedings of a Conference, 2001, URL
  • Barrett, E., An audit of shoulder pain and subluxtion among patients discharged from an acute stroke unit., Irish Gerontological Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Ireland, 2000Meeting Abstract, 2000

Research Expertise

Dr Barrett has two main areas of research. The first centers on the role of physical activity to promote and maintain public health. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that physical activity promotes health and wellbeing and prevents a wide range of chronic diseases. Her research centers on how best to design and implement interventions that can positively influence physical activity behaviours. Building on work completed as part of her PhD, which examined individual and environmental determinants of physical activity and investigated the role of physical activity promotion in primary care, Dr Barrett is currently working on projects designed to target physical activity at a settings level. These include the integration of physical activity as part of self management programmes for people with chronic disease and interventions designed to promote physical activity in school, university and community settings, critical environments for the development of positive healthy behaviours. Her second area of research reflects her dual academic appointment; with half of her post dedicated to the delivery of the practice education component of the BSc in Physiotherapy, including responsibility for leading the research programme in this area. The overarching aim of her practice education research centers on creating the most positive learning environments for students on practice placements. As practice education accounts for one third of the degree programme, optimising the student experience and ensuring the quality of placement experience is paramount to creating successful competent graduates. Her current research centers on collaborative supervision models as a means of promoting peer learning and support and on performance-based assessment during practice placements. She is a member of the national research group currently reviewing the physiotherapy performance-based assessment tool.


  • State Registered Physiotherapist CORU (National Regulator for Health and Social Care Professions) Present
  • Member of Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Present