Dr. Mary Teeling

Dr. Mary Teeling

Adjunct Assistant Professor (p/t), Pharmacology & Therapeutics



I am a specialist pharmaceutical physician with extensive experience in the areas of pharmacology and pharmaceutical medicine. In addition to my role as Assistant Professor, in the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, I also work in the National Medicines Information Centre (NMIC) as a part-time medical advisor. I worked in the national regulatory authority (Irish Medicines Board) for 12 years and served as its medical director from 1995-2000. I was a member of the European scientific committee (Committee for Human Medicinal Products) from 1994-2000 and was appointed to the role of vice-chairman in 1998 until 2000. In my role as medical advisor in the NMIC, I am the co-author of the NMIC publications Therapeutics Today and NMIC Bulletin, which provide updates on therapeutic topics to primary care physicians and other healthcare professionals. I was part of the education team that developed the higher specialist training (HST) programme in Pharmaceutical Medicine, in conjunction with the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland (RCPI). I am currently the National Specialty Director for Pharmaceutical Medicine and a member of the Irish Committee for Higher Medical Training (ICHMT) in RCPI.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Cooper JA, Ryan C, Smith SM, Wallace E, Bennett K, Cahir C, Williams D, Teeling M, Fahey T, Hughes CM; (The PROMPT Steering Group) , The development of the PROMPT (PRescribing Optimally in Middle-aged People's Treatments) criteria., BMC Health Services Research, 14, 2014, p13Journal Article, 2014
  • Cooper JA, Ryan C, Smith SM, Wallace E, Bennett K, Cahir C, Williams D, Teeling M, Fahey T, Hughes CM; (The PROMPT Steering Group) , The development of the PROMPT (PRescribing Optimally in Middle-aged People's Treatments) criteria., BMC Health Services Research, 14, 2014, p13Journal Article, 2014
  • Cooper JA, Moriarty F, Ryan C, Smith SM, Bennett K, Fahey T, Wallace E, Cahir C, Williams D, Teeling M, Hughes CM., Potentially inappropriate prescribing in two populations with differing socio-economic profiles: a cross-sectional database study using the PROMPT criteria., European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 72, (5), 2016, p583 - 591Journal Article, 2016
  • Cooper JA, Moriarty F, Ryan C, Smith SM, Bennett K, Fahey T, Wallace E, Cahir C, Williams D, Teeling M, Hughes CM., Potentially inappropriate prescribing in two populations with differing socio-economic profiles: a cross-sectional database study using the PROMPT criteria., European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 72, (5), 2016, p583 - 591Journal Article, 2016
  • Teeling M, MacAvin M, Bennett K, Impact of safety warnings on domperidone prescribing in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2017, p5Journal Article, 2017, URL
  • K. Bennett, M. Teeling and J. Feely, Selective switching from non-selective to selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 59, (38238), 2003, p645-9Journal Article, 2003, URL
  • M. Savage, M. Teeling, K. Bennett and J. Feely, Adherence to clinical guidance in the prescribing of anticoagulant medication in patients with atrial fibrillation, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 59, 2005, 646Meeting Abstract, 2005
  • Teeling M, Bennett K, Feely J. , Have COX-2 inhibitors influenced the co-prescription of anti-ulcer drugs with NSAIDs., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 57, 2004, p337 - 343Journal Article, 2004
  • Teeling M, Bennett K, Feely J., The influence of guidelines on the use of statins: analysis of prescribing trends 1998-2002., British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 59, 2005, p227 - 232Journal Article, 2005
  • Bennett K, Teeling M, Feely J., "Selective" switching from non-selective to selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Eur J Clin Pharmacol., 59, (8-9), 2003, p645 - 649Journal Article, 2003
  • M. Teeling, K. Bennett, J. Feely, Have COX 2 inhibitors influenced the co-prescription of anti-ulcer drugs with NSAIDs ? , British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 55, 2003, 419Meeting Abstract, 2003
  • McGing P., Daly R., Teeling M., Kyne F., Carney D.N., Serum TPS (TPA) and CA125 as prognostic markers in ovarian cancer, Proc Nat. Meeting of Assoc. of Clin Biochem., 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • Teeling M., Hayes Y., Fitzmaurice B., McGing P., Carney D.N., Carboplatin / Cyclophosphamide Combination Chemotherapy for advanced ovarian cancer, Seminars Oncol., 19, (1(Suppl. 2)1), 1992, p102 - 106Journal Article, 1992
  • Teeling M., Carney D.N., Phase II study of carboplatin and cyclophosphamide combination chemotherapy for the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer, Eur. J of Gynaecol Oncol, 11, (3), 1990, p219 - 224Journal Article, 1990
  • Carboplatin plus cyclophosphamide for epithelial ovarian cancer in, editor(s)P.A. Bunn Jr., R., Cannetta, R.F. Ozols, M. Rozencwieg , Carboplatin (JM8) Current perspectives and future directions, W.B. Saunders Company, 1990, [Carney D.N., Teeling M.]Book Chapter, 1990
  • McGing P.G., Teeling M., McCann A., Kyne F, Carney D.N., Non-MCK - a practical measure of creatinine kinase in cancer patients, Clin Chim Acta, 187, (3), 1990, p309 - 315Journal Article, 1990
  • Teeling M., McGing P., Johnston P., Carney D.N., Clinical Correlation of Tumor Endocrine Markers in Lung in cancer, Cancer Treat Res, 45, 1989, p137 - 149Journal Article, 1989
  • Teeling M, McGing P, Carney DN, The prognostic value of post chemotherapy serum CA 125 in epithelial ovarian cancer, Ir. J. Med. Sci, 58, (3), 1989, p59 - 62Journal Article, 1989
  • Teeling M., Carney D., Casey B., Pratt I. and Ryan M.P., Comparison of the effects of cisplatin and carboplatin on magnesium status in cancer patients, Magnesium Research, 2, 1989, p101 - 101Journal Article, 1989
  • Splinter T.A.W., Carney D.N., Teeling M. Peake M.D., Kho GS, Oosterom R. and Cooper E.J., Neuron-Specific enolase can be used as the sole guide to treat small cell lung cancer patients, J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncology, 115, (4), 1989, p400 - 401Journal Article, 1989
  • Biochemical Markers of lung cancer in, editor(s)S. Rosen, J. Mulshine, F. Cuttita, P.G. Abrams , Biology of lung cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment, Marcel Dekker Inc., 1988, [Teeling M. and Carney D.N.]Book Chapter, 1988
  • Carney D.N, Teeling M., Neuron-Specific Enolase: How useful as a Cancer Maker?, Eur. J. Cancer Clin. Oncol., 24, (5), 1988, p825 - 828Journal Article, 1988
  • Splinter TA, Carney DN, Teeling M, Oosterom R., Levels of Neuron-specific enolase after chemotherapy do not predict a response in small cell lung cancer, J. Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 114, (6), 1988, p641 - 643Journal Article, 1988
  • O'Neill H, Teeling M, Carney DN, Ennis JT., Abdominal computed tomography in patients with small cell lung cancer, Ir. J. Med Sci, 157, (11), 1988, p344 - 347Journal Article, 1988
  • Teeling M., Carney D.N., Carboplatin and cyclophosphamide combination chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer, Proc. Amer Soc. Clin. Oncol., 6, 1987, p458 - 458Journal Article, 1987
  • Burke, E, Teeling M, Carney D, Eustace P., The Retinotoxic Effects of Oncological Agents, Bull Soc. Belge Ophthalmol, 224, 1987, p77 - 79Journal Article, 1987
  • Teeling M., Casey B., Carney D.N., Pratt I. and Ryan M.P., Differential nephrotoxicity of cisplatin and carboplatin, Clinical Science, 71, (suppl. 15), 1986, p76 - 76Journal Article, 1986
  • Teeling M., Casey B., Pratt I., Ryan M.P. and Carney D.N., N-acetyl-B-glucosaminidase (B Nag) as an early predictor of renal tubular dysfunction in cisplatin nephrotoxicity, Proc. Am. Soc. Clin Oncol., 5, 1986, p204 - 204Journal Article, 1986
  • Dervan P., Teeling M., Dempsey J., Drury M., Murphy J., O'Malley E. and O'Connell D., Lymphadenopathy due to fatal histiocytic proliferative disorder containing Michaelis-Gutmann Bodies, Cancer, 57, (7), 1986, p1337 - 1340Journal Article, 1986
  • Teeling M., Conlon D., Pratt I., Carney D.N. and Ryan M.P., Prospective investigation of Cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity including renal magnesium wasting in cancer patients, J. American College Nutrition, 5, 1985, p1489 - 1489Journal Article, 1985
  • Robinson A.C.R., Teeling M. and Casey E.B., Hepatic function in ankylosing spondylitis, Annals of Rheumatic diseases, 42, (5), 1983, p550 - 552Journal Article, 1983
  • Robinson A. and Teeling M., Angioneurotic oedema and urticaria induced by hyoscine butyl bromide, Post Graduate Medical Journal, 58, (679), 1982, p316 - 316Journal Article, 1982
  • Robinson A., Dockery J., Teeling M., Peacock A. and Casey E., Gonococcal arthritis in pregnancy: A report of two cases, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 151, (10), 1982, p313 - 314Journal Article, 1982
  • M. Teeling, J. Feely, Adverse drug reactions: reducing the risk in older people, Prescriber, 5, 2005, p12 - 19Journal Article, 2005
  • M. Savage, M. Teeling, K. Bennett, J. Feely, Adherence to clinical guidance in the prescribing of oral antithrombotic medication in patients with atrial fibrillation, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 175, (2), 2006, p46 - 49Journal Article, 2006
  • K. Bennett, M. Teeling, J. Feely, Overprescribing antidepressants to children: pharmacoepidemiological study in, British Medical Journal, 331, 2005, p1451 - 1452Journal Article, 2005
  • C. Usher, M. Teeling, K. Bennett, B. McGowan, J. Feely, Usage of paracetamol-containing combination analgesics remains high in primary, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 60, (6), 2005, p648 - 652Journal Article, 2005
  • C. Usher, M. Teeling, K. Bennett, J. Feely, Effect of clinical trial publicity on HRT prescribing in Ireland, European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1, 2006, p4Journal Article, 2006
  • M. Teeling, K. Bennett, J. Feely, What therapies have replaced Rofecoxib, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 15, 2006, S46Journal Article, 2006
  • M. Teeling, K. Bennett, H. O'Connor, J. Feely, How did the withdrawal of rofecoxib impact on prescribing of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ?, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 61, 2006, pp637 - 638Meeting Abstract, 2006
  • M. Teeling, H. O'Connor, J. Feely, K. Bennett, What therapies have replaced rofecoxib in Ireland ?, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 64, (4), 2007, p536 - 541Journal Article, 2007
  • O'Shea M, Teeling M, Bennett K, The prevalence and ingredient cost of chronic comorbidity in the Irish elderly population with medication treated type 2 diabetes: A retrospective cross-sectional study using a national pharmacy claims database., BMC health services research, 13, 2013, p23Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • O'Shea MP, Teeling M, Bennett K., Comorbidity, health-related quality of life and self-care in type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study in an outpatient population., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 184, (3), 2015, p623 - 630Journal Article, 2015
  • O'Shea MP, Teeling M, Bennett K., Regional variation in medication-taking behaviour of new users of oral anti-hyperglycaemic therapy in Ireland, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 184, (2), 2015, p403 - 410Journal Article, 2015
  • O'Shea MP, Teeling M, Bennett K., An observational study examining the effect of comorbidity on the rates of persistence and adherence to newly initiated oral anti-hyperglycaemic agents., Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 12, 2013, p1336 - 1344Journal Article, 2013
  • Cahir C, Fahey T, Teeling M, Teljeur C, Feely J, Bennett K, , Potentially inappropriate prescribing and cost outcomes for older people: a national population study, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 69, 2010, p542 - 552Journal Article, 2010
  • M. Teeling, K. Bennett, J. Feely, Have COX 2 inhibitors influenced the co-prescription of anti-ulcer drugs with NSAIDs ?, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 55, 2004, 419Meeting Abstract
  • Teeling M., "Use of Lofexidine and Naloxone in the management of Opiate Dependence Syndrome" Report for the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD), Dublin, Stationery Office, Government Publications, 2003Report
  • Teeling M., "Use of Naloxone in the management of Opiate Dependence Syndrome" Report for the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD), Dublin, Stationery Office, Government Publications, 2003Report
  • Teeling M., "Use of Buprenorphine as an intervention in the treatment of Opiate Dependence Syndrome" Report for the National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD), Dublin, Stationery Office, Government Publications, 2002Report
  • Teeling M., Licensing of Vaccines, Forum, 17, (7), 2000, p39 - 41Journal Article
  • Teeling M, The European Regulatory Perspective: Scientific Advice, Int J. Pharm Med, 13, 1999, p92 - 92Journal Article
  • Teeling M, Immunisation: New developments in vaccines, Modern Medicine, 27, (10), 1997, p67 - 68Journal Article
  • Teeling M., Initial Experiences with the New European Regulatory Procedures, J. Eur Soc Reg Affairs, 3, (3), 1996, p53 - 54Journal Article
  • M. Teeling, J. Feely, Prevention of NSAID side effects, Clinical Focus (Forum), 5, (4), 2005, p4 - 6Journal Article
  • Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management in, editor(s)A C Cartwright, B R Matthews , International Pharmaceutical Product Registration, , United Kingdom, Informa Healthcare, 2009, [Informa Healthcare]Book Chapter

Research Expertise

. Clinical Pharmacology . Pharmaceutical Medicine . Clinical Oncology . Pharmacoepidemiology

Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, Cancer, Public health,


  • 1999 Outstanding Service Award - Drug Information Association (DIA). 1999
  • International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (fellow)
  • Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (Fellow)
  • Association of Pharmaceutical Physicians of Ireland (APPI)
  • Vice chairman of the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP, European Medicines Agency 1998-2000
  • Former chairman of the CPMP ad hoc committee on anti-cancer agents 1997-2000
  • EU member of the Steering Committee on International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) 1999-2000
  • National Specialty Director, Pharmaceutical Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. 2013-
  • Former chairman of the Scientific Advice Working Party, European Medicines Agency 1998-2000