The research in Dr. Lucitt’s laboratory focuses on the use of preclinical models to understand molecular and cellular pathways of cardiovascular inflammation and thrombosis that play a role in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease. In particular, novel mechanisms of action of approved medicines and novel receptor targets are investigated for their association with atherosclerosis and its course of progression using preclinical models of disease. Studies are carried out looking at inflammatory pathways in macrophage cells, which constitute the primary inflammatory cell subset contributing to atherosclerotic plaque formation in blood vessels. Thrombotic assays ex vivo using microfluidic devices, as well as standard aggregometry assays, are utilized to investigate and assess platelet function. Here, platelet proteins and receptors are genetically or pharmacologically interrupted, to understand their role in thrombotic disease. The central goal is to identify new and, complementary strategies in treating the inflammatory and thrombotic components of cardiovascular disease.
Atherosclerotic lesion area in whole aorta by En face staining using sudan IV and, in aortic root scetion using H&E staining from Ldlr null mouse 24 weeks on a high fat diet. (Yu, Y., Lucitt, M. B., et al. (2009) PNAS U S A 106, 7985-7990)
Biochip (Cellix Ltd) with collagen coated channels ,measuring platelet adhesion and thrombosis formation from whole blood over 120 sec, at 90 dyne/cm2 . (Lucitt, M.B., et al. Anal Bioanal Chem (2013) 405:4823–4834)