Title of Research Project: The role of intermediaries in connecting community-dwelling adults to local physical activity and exercise
Academic Supervisors: Dr Emer Barrett & Prof Deirdre Connolly
Megan is a PhD student in the Discipline of Physiotherapy in Trinity College Dublin and is a qualified physiotherapist. Clinically, she was most recently employed as the sole physiotherapist for the North Dublin Mental Health Service, developing and providing the mental health in-patient physiotherapy service for the area. Her research is investigating intermediaries, and their role in connecting people to local physical activity and exercise. Intermediaries (or link workers) are clinical or non-clinical staff who receive referrals for people and then connect them with community services and support to improve health and wellbeing. This PhD utilizes a mixed methods approach; and consists of a scoping review, a qualitative descriptive design study and a mixed-methods feasibility study.
Research Expertise
Title of Research Project: The role of intermediaries in connecting community-dwelling adults to local physical activity and exercise Academic Supervisors: Dr Emer Barrett & Prof Deirdre Connolly