Méabh Bonham Corcoran
PhoneTitle of Research Project: An exploration of the occupational (in)justice experiences of asylum seekers and refugees within the Irish Context
Academic Supervisors: Sarah Quinn and Dr Frédérique Vallieres
Méabh is a postgraduate research student within the Discipline of Occupational Therapy and the Trinity Centre for Global Health. Méabh holds a BSc. (Honours) Degree in Occupational Therapy from Trinity College Dublin. The focus of Méabh’s research project is on the experiences of occupational (in)justice among asylum seekers, refugees, and other forcibly displaced populations living in Ireland. Additionally, this research aims to explore the use of community-based groups, such as community gardens or football clubs, in reducing the experiences of occupational deprivation and promoting inclusion and integration for this population. The project utilises qualitative methods to gain an in-depth understanding of the participants occupational experiences pre and post migration to Ireland.