Yvonne joined the Discipline of Occupational Therapy as an Assistant Professor in September 2023. She holds a PhD., MSc. and BSc Cur Occ (Hons) awarded by Trinity College Dublin. As an occupational therapist and a researcher, Yvonne is interested in clinically applied research which describes and measures the impact of occupation-focused interventions to support enjoyment and engagement in life roles including employment and parenting across a range of conditions. In her academic career to date Yvonne has previously held an Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy position in the School of Allied Health, University of Limerick where she taught on the MSc. Occupational Therapy (professional qualification) programme and supervised projects on the MSc. in Advanced Healthcare Practice. She has previously taught occupational therapy students at undergraduate level in Trinity College Dublin, and nursing and allied health professionals at postgraduate level in University College Dublin and University of Ulster. Yvonne held a Research Fellow position in the Discipline of Occupational Therapy, Trinity College Dublin on the REfLECTS Study, a CHITIN funded randomised control trial of mirror box therapy in upper limb rehabilitation with sub-acute stroke patients. Yvonne has extensive experience in clinical rheumatology, chronic conditions, vocational rehabilitation, service design and clinical research. She holds expertise in developing and implementing work rehabilitation therapy pathways for employees with an injury, illness, on long-term seek leave, or requiring redeployment to support work ability and work retention. In her clinical career to date, Yvonne has worked in outpatient and inpatient rheumatology services working with adults, young adults and children. She has also worked in primary care adult settings, in paediatric primary care (6-18 years) with children with a broad range of developmental difficulties, in school support teams (6-18 years, and children with intellectual disability. Yvonne represents Occupational Therapy as the Occupational Therapy Clinical Lead on the National Clinical Programme for Rheumatology. Yvonne is the Principal Investigator and Project Lead on 'Work-Able Solutions' which is an integrated care occupational therapy vocational rehabilitation service project. 'Work-Able Solutions' secured funding from the Sláintecare Integration Innovation Fund for piloting to test proof of concept.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Codd, Y., Coe A., Stapleton T., Exploring the Impact of Early Inflammatory Arthritis on Participation: How do Clinical Services Address Client identified Participation Restrictions?, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (AOTI) Annual Conference 2020, 2020Oral Presentation, 2020, URL
- Codd, Yvonne , Addressing Participation with Early Inflammatory Arthritis: Insights into the Lived Experience and Exploring a Clinical Model to Address Participation Restrictions, Trinity College Dublin.School of Medicine, 2021E-Thesis, 2021, TARA - Full Text
- Codd, Y., Stapleton, T., Kane, D., & Mullan, R. , A Survey to Establish Current Practice in Addressing Work Participation with Inflammatory Arthritis in the Irish Clinical Setting., Musculoskeletal Care, 16, 2018, p158 - 162Journal Article, 2018, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Codd, Y., Stapleton, T., Veale, D.J., Fitzgerald, O., Bresnihan, B. , A Qualitative Study of Work Participation in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. , International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17, (1), 2010, p24 - 33Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Codd, Y., Stapleton, T., Kane, D., & Mullan, R. , A Survey to Establish Current Practice in Addressing Work Issues Among People with Inflammatory Arthritis in the Irish Clinical Setting, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 76 , (Sup 2), 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Codd, Y, "Addressing Employment": A Profile of the Demographics and Work- Related Status of Working-Aged Clients Referred to Rheumatology Occupational Therapy Services in Ireland , Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Autumn Conference , Ireland, September, 2018, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
- Codd, Y., Mullan, R., Kane, D., Coe, Á., & Stapleton, T., 'The right advice, in the right way and at the right time': An Innovative Multidisciplinary Approach to Address Client-Identified Participation Needs in Early Inflammatory Arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR - 21st Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Virtual, 2-4th June 2021, 80 , (Suppl 1), 2021, pp291Poster, 2021, URL
- Yvonne Codd, Áine Coe, Ronan H. Mullan, David Kane, Tadhg Stapleton, 'My role as a parent, to me, it has narrowed': The pervasive impact of early inflammatory arthritis on parenting roles. A qualitative study, Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Conference, Virtual, 17th September, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Yvonne Codd, Áine Coe, Ronan H. Mullan, David Kane, Tadhg Stapleton , 'You don't want to be seen as a burden': Experiences of working with early inflammatory arthritis., Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Conference, Virtual, 17th September 2021, 2021Poster, 2021
- Codd Y, Coe A, Mullan RH, Kane D, Stapleton T, 'My role as a parent, to me, it has narrowed' the impact of early inflammatory arthritis on parenting roles: a qualitative study, Disability and Rehabilitation, 45, (1), 2023, p72 - 80Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Coe A, Martin M, Codd Y, Stapleton T, A Qualitative Evaluation of the Memory Strategy Education Group: The Service Users' Perspective., Association of Occupational Therapists in Ireland Annual Conference 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Codd Y, Coe A, Mullan RH, Kane D, Stapleton T, 'You don't want to be seen as a burden' experiences of working with early inflammatory arthritis: a qualitative study, Disability and Rehabilitation, early online, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Codd Y, Coe A, Kane D, Mullan RH, Stapleton T., A multidisciplinary led early arthritis service to manage client identified participation restrictions in early inflammatory arthritis: A qualitative study of service user and staff perspectives, Musculoskeletal Care, 21, (1), 2023, p130 - 142Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Codd Y, Coe A, Kane D, Mullan R, Stapleton T, Irish experiences of parenting with early inflammatory arthritis: a qualitative study, The Lancet Rheumatology, The Lancet Summit: Sex and Gender in Rheumatology, 22 September 2022, Vol 4., (Suppl. 1), ScienceDirect, 2022, ppS7-Oral Presentation, 2022, DOI
- Katie McCausland, Susan Somerville, Yvonne Codd, Mapping Rheumatology Occupational Therapy Services in Ireland, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, 7-8th October 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Aine Coe, Julie O'Loughlin, Joan Elliot, Yvonne Codd, Emma O'Brien, Developing a Meaningful Activities Intervention for In-patients in an Acute Hospital Setting., Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland, 7-8th October 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Aine Coe, Joan Elliott, Paul O'Brien, Mary Martin, Anne O'Driscoll, Yvonne Codd, Tadhg Stapleton, An Evaluation of an Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment Pathway for cognitively impaired drivers attending geriatric services in Naas General Hospital., Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland, 7-8th October 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Yvonne Codd, Katie McCausland, Brid McOskar, Sharon McCaffrey, Bindu Irudayaraj, Trish Fitzgerald, Aoife O'Gorman, Hazel McCormack, Emer Sheridan, Aoife Synnott, Alex Businos, Paula Minchin, Eileen Walsh, Susan Somerville, Good Foundations: Building the evidence to advance rheumatology occupational therapy services, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland, 7-8th October 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Yvonne Codd, Susan Somerville, Brid McOskar, Bindu Irudayaraj, Sharon McCaffrey, Alex Businos, Trish Fitzgerald, Shane O'Carroll, Hazel McCormack, Paula Minchin, Jane Brownlee, Aoife Synnott, Sinead Lavelle, Katie McCausland, Developing a Consensus Statement on Prioritisation Criteria for Occupational Therapy Rheumatology Services, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland, 7-8th October 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022, URL
- Yvonne Codd, Susan Somerville, Brid McOskar, Bindu Irudayaraj, Sharon McCaffrey, Alex Businos, Trish Fitzgerald, Shane O'Carroll, Hazel McCormack, Paula Minchin, Jane Brownlee, Aoife Synnott, Sinead Lavelle, Katie McCausland, , Using a Modified Delphi Technique to Develop a Consensus Statement on Prioritisation Criteria for Occupational Therapy Rheumatology Services in Ireland, Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Autumn Conference, Belfast, 22nd September 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
- Áine Coe, Paul O'Brien, Anne O'Driscoll, Mary Martin, Joan Elliott, Evelyn O'Shea, Yvonne Codd, Improving efficiency of diagnosis and intervention in Out-Patient Geriatric Medicine: Introduction of an Occupational Therapy-led Triage Pathway, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference , Virtual, 8-9th October 2021, 2021Poster, 2021
- Yvonne Codd, Trish FitzGerald, Oriel Glennon, Work-Able Solutions: An Integrated Care Occupational Therapy Vocational Rehabilitation Service: Building a Business Case for a Clinical Initiative, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Virtual, 8-9th October 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
- Yvonne Codd, Oriel Glennon, Trish FitzGerald, Work-Able Solutions: A Novel Clinical Occupational Therapy Vocational Rehabilitation Service Initiative, Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Autumn Conference, Belfast, 22nd September 2022, 2022Poster, 2022
- Somerville, S., Codd, Y., Gowran RJ, The role of occupational therapy in providing vocational rehabilitation for inflammatory arthritis: A scoping review protocol, Musculoskeletal Care, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Codd Y, Work-Able Solutions: An Integrated Care Occupational Therapy Vocational Rehabilitation Service , SCOPe HSCP Conference: Leading Forward: Innovations in Advancing Practice , Dublin, 20th September 2023, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- McCausland K & Codd Y., A common rheumatology occupational therapy referral form: Developing uniform referral documentation to streamline referral management and support equitable access to services nationally., Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Autumn Conference, Dublin, 21-22 Sept, 2023, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- McCausland K., Somerville S., Iradayarj B., Codd Y., Updating the Rheumatic & Musculoskeletal Disorders Advisory Group (RMDAG) Splinting Guidelines to Deliver a Clinical Resource to Support Occupational Therapy Practice in Rheumatology, Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Autumn Conference, Dublin, 21-22 Sept, 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- Yvonne Codd, Work-Able Solutions: An Integrated Care Occupational Therapy Vocational Rehabilitation Service for Working-Aged Adults with Musculoskeletal Disorders & Arthritis, Department of Social Protection Medical Assessors Conference, Dublin, 28th September 2023, 2023, Department of Social ProtectionInvited Talk, 2023
- Porter-Armstrong, A, Stinson M, Turtle B, McClure PA, Martin S, McIlwaine P, Abbi L, Codd Y, Stapleton T., Capacity Building in occupational therapy as an outcome of a health intervention research study, 18th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Paris, 28-31st August 2022, 2022Oral Presentation, 2022
- Porter-Armstrong A, Stapleton T, McIlwaine P, Turtle B, Codd Y, Abbi L, Morrow F, McClure PA, Stinson MD, Capacity and Capability Building in the Allied Health Professions: the outcome of a health intervention research study, Lothian Health and Care Professions Research Conference, Edinburgh, 7th November 2023, 2023Oral Presentation, 2023
- Yvonne Codd, A Project Status Update on the Work-Able Solutions Clinical Service, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disorders Advisory Group Study Day, Dublin, 27th November 2023, 2023, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disorders Advisory GroupInvited Talk, 2023
- Yvonne Codd, An Update on the Work-Able Solutions Clinical Pilot, National MSK Physiotherapy Triage Conference, Dublin, 1st December 2023, 2023, National Clinical Programmes for Orthopaedics and RheumatologyInvited Talk, 2023
- Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland, 'Splinting Guidelines For Occupational Therapists Working with Adults with Rheumatological Conditions', Dublin, 2023, -Protocol or guideline, 2023, URL
- Yvonne Codd, Work-Able Solutions: An Integrated Care Occupational Therapy Vocational Rehabilitation Service Project, UCD Centre for Arthritis Research: Research Seminar Series, Dublin, 19th January, 2024, UCD Centre for Arthritis ResearchInvited Talk, 2024, URL
- McGrath, M., Honey, A., Codd, Y., Ryder, J.V., Morrison,, R., Abezeid, C.M., Zein, H., Tan, H.L., Sim, S.S., Yunus, F.W., .,Romli, M.W., Pitch, E., Every parent matters: The value of a parent-centric approach to supporting parenting occupations and roles, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Yvonne Codd, A preliminary report of an occupational therapy vocational rehabilitation integrated care programme, International Conference of Integrated Care, Belfast, UK, 22-24th April 2024, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024, URL
- Yvonne Codd, Innovative multidisciplinary approach in early inflammatory arthritis, EULAR, Vienna, Austria, 12th June 2024, 2024, EULARInvited Talk, 2024, URL
- S. Somerville, Y. Codd, R. J. Gowran, A scoping review exploring the role of occupational therapy in providing vocational rehabilitation for the inflammatory arthritis population, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR, Vienna, Austria, 12th-16th June 2024, 83, (Suppl 1), 2024, pp1195-Poster, 2024, DOI
- Y. Codd, T. Fitzgerald, J. Brownlee, K. Mahon, T. Stapleton, O. Glennon, G. Killeen, D. Kane, Work-able solutions: preliminary report on the identification and need for an integrated care occupational therapy work intervention for individuals with musculoskeletal disorders and arthritis, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, EULAR, Vienna, Austria, 12th-16th June 2024, 83, (Suppl 1), 2024, pp2177-Published Abstract, 2024, DOI
- Yvonne Codd, Anne Honey, Margaret McGrath, Experiences of occupational therapy practice and parenting: Irish findings from the OT4Parenting international study, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference 2024, Athlone, Ireland, 26-27th September 20, 2024Conference Paper, 2024, URL
- Anna O'Reilly, Caoimhe Kelly, Mairead Cahill, Pauline Boland, Yvonne Codd, Experiences of parenting with inflammatory arthritis: A scoping review, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference 2024, Athlone, Ireland, 26-27th September, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024, URL
- Codd Y, Brownlee J, Mahon K, Somerville S, From research to practice: sharing learning from the Work-Able Solutions pilot. A workshop to support clinicians" confidence in assessing and addressing work ability and work performance, Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, Athlone, Ireland, 26-27th September, edited by Boland, P , 52, (2), Emerald Publishing, 2024, pp101 - 101Oral Presentation, 2024, DOI , URL
- Susan Somerville, Yvonne Codd, Rosie Gowran, Strengthen occupational therapy practice in vocational rehabilitation for people living with inflammatory arthritis: a scoping review, Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Annual Conference, Athlone, Ireland, 26-27th September, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024, URL
- Codd, Y., Porter-Armstrong, A., Turtle, B., McNally, A., McArdle, M.,, Stinson, M., MCIlwaine, P., Abbi, L., Morrow, F., Hughes, T., Maguire, A., Stapleton, T., A Communities of Practice approach to understand barriers and facilitators in implementing clinical based stroke research, Irish Heart Foundation Stroke Conference, Dublin, 15th November 2024, 2024Oral Presentation, 2024
- Somerville, S., Codd, Y., Gowran R.J., The role of occupational therapy in providing vocational rehabilitation for people living with inflammatory arthritis: a scoping review, Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 2025Journal Article, 2025, DOI
- Paula Minchin, Yvonne Codd, Nicole Glassey, Current Occupational Therapy Practices in Hand OA: Advancing Care in Primary and Integrated Services, All Ireland Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin, 26th March 2025, 2025Poster, 2025, URL
- Yvonne Codd, Gary Killeen, David Kane, Susan Somerville, Katie Mahon, Jane Brownlee, Oriel Corcorcan, Trish Fitzgerald, Tadhg Stapleton, Enhancing vocational outcomes in Irish clinical practice for adults with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders: 12-month interim findings from Work-Able Solutions, All Ireland Conference on Integrated Care, Dublin,, 26th March 2025, 2025Poster, 2025, URL
Research Expertise
Yvonne is interested in clinically applied research which measures and articulates the impact of occupation-focused interventions to support engagement and enjoyment in life role including employment and parenting across a range of conditions.
TitleWork-Able SolutionsSummaryThis Sláintecare funded project is piloting an integrated care occupational therapy vocational rehabilitation service and delivering work-focused interventions to individuals with musculoskeletal disorders and arthritis to support work ability and work retention in three sites around Ireland. This Sláintecare Integration Innovation Fund (2022) project was awarded funding to the value of €725,936 and a 6-month funding extension was awarded in January 2025 to the value of €141,174.Funding AgencySláíntecare Integration Innovation FundDate From1st January 2023
TitleOT4ParentingSummaryThis international study group is led by researchers in the University of Sydney and Yvonne is leading the Irish arm of this work. We are conducting research promoting occupational therapy support for parenting for adult clients across the globe in diverse populations and practice settings. We are conducting an international cross-sectional survey of occupational therapists' perspectives on parenting. Data collection is completed and analysis is currently underway. You can read more about our work at www.ot4parenting.org.Date FromApril 2023
TitleParenting Matters with Arthritis: Developing and Testing a Parent-focused Intervention Programme to Support Parenting with Inflammatory ArthritisSummaryFunding AgencyTrinity Research Doctorate AwardsDate FromSeptember 2024
- Member of the QI team which was a Finalist in the National Clinical Excellence Awards (Excellence in Quality Care category) and won 1st Prize in Naas General Hospital Quality Improvement Audit & Research 2021
- Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Silver Medal Award for Research 2023 2023
- Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Gold Medal Award for Research 2022 2022
- Arthritis Ireland (Kildare Branch) Research Bursary 2017
- Trinity Research Doctorate Award 2024/2025 PI-based Projects Scheme 2024
- Member of the REfLECTS Team which is a finalist in the Advancing Healthcare Awards 2024 in the `Northern Ireland Government Award for Partnering, Leading, Shaping to Improve Population Health' Category. Submission entitled: Stroke bootcamp initiative to improve AHP stroke rehabilitation. 2024
- Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Gold Medal Award for Research 2021 2021
- Nominated for a Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award in 2023-24 2024
- Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland Best Workshop Abstract Prize 2024
- Arthritis Ireland (Kildare Branch) Research Bursary 2018
- Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Silver Medal Award for Research 2018 2018
- Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Society Educational Bursary Second Prize 2021
- CORU registered (OT 014326) Present
- Member of the AOTI Vocational Advisory Group Present
- AOTI Communications Committee Chairperson April 2023
- Member of the AOTI Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disorders Advisory Group. Previously served as Data Lead, CPD & Education Officer, Chair and Secretary Present
- Member of the Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland (MAOTI 2195) Present
- Member of the AOTI Conference Committee 2021 December 2021
- Member of the Irish Health Professional Society (IRHPS). Previously held committee roles as Chair and Secretary Present
- Member of the Next Generation Trialists in Stroke Recovery, Rehabilitation and Life After Stroke Working Group Present
- Academic Occupational Therapist Committee Member on the UCD Centre for Arthritis Research Steering Committee March 2024 - to date
- Member of the EULAR HPR Work Rehabilitation Study Group June 2021-May 2022
- Workwell Trial Steering Committee Member: Independent occupational therapy member providing oversight to the Workwell Trial on behalf of the funder (Versus Arthritis). This RCT is testing an occupational therapy-led work programme for people with inflammatory arthritis who are experiencing difficulties at work. July 2021 - Nov 2024
- Occupational Therapy Clinical Lead on the National Clinical Programme (Rheumatology). 2020-present
- Co-Study Group Leader of the EULAR Work in RMDs Study Group June 2024
- Member of the WHO Rehabilitation Programme Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation (PIR) Peer Review Group for Musculoskeletal Conditions April 2021- August 2021
- Board Member of Arthritis 2007-2009