Work-Able Solutions

This study is piloting an integrated care occupational therapy vocational rehabilitation service for people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders.

This multisite clinical project secured funding from the Sláintecare Integration Innovation Fund (2022). Work-Able Solutions services provide early access to individualised and tailored evidence-based interventions to people with RMDs who require help to remain in or return to work.

The overall aim of this project is to test and evaluate the impact of the Work-Able Solutions service on supporting people to remain in or return to work, and to support work confidence. Concurrent to the clinical project delivery, research is ongoing to compare before and after outcomes and to examine the effectiveness of the project.


Sláintecare Integration Innovation Fund

Research Team

Dr Yvonne Codd (PI), Oriel Glennon, Trish Fitzgerald, Jane Brownlee, Katie Mahon, Susan Somerville, Dr Tadhg Stapleton, Gary Killeen, Professor David Kane

Research Collaborators

National Clinical Programme (Rheumatology), St Vincent’s Healthcare Group, Naas General Hospital, HSE South East