Current Research Projects

Information on all of the research projects currently being undertaken within the Discipline of Occupational Therapy is available below.

Click on the project logos for further details on the research project.

three older men standing and chatting and smilingAcceptability of social prescribing for men with prostate cancer

This study is exploring physical and mental health of men with prostate cancer and exploring opinions of social prescribing as a suitable community-based service post-treatment for men with prostate cancer.

Decision-Making for People with Advance Illness in Palliative Care

This interdisciplinary research comprises four distinct PhD projects within a programme focused on decision-making for people with advanced illness in palliative care. 

two sets of hands in a holding embrace

Discordance between Patients with Advanced Cancer and Family Caregivers in Decision-Making for Specialist Palliative Care: The healthcare professional perspective

This study focuses on how healthcare professionals in specialist palliative care assist patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers manage discordance in their preferences for and choices about patient care.

Examining the effectiveness of CanWork for women with Breast Cancer

This study is testing the effectiveness of a six-week occupational therapy intervention for women with breast cancer to facilitate return to work following completion of cancer treatment.

Health Professionals’ and Link Workers’ Perspectives on Social Prescribing for Adolescents 

This project explores health professionals’ and link workers’ perspectives on the suitability and acceptability of social prescribing for adolescents.

one person in bed, one person sitting holding his handHealthcare professionals supporting patients and caregivers in end-of-life care decision making

This project’s focus is to identify barriers and facilitators for healthcare professionals in palliative care for supporting patients and family caregivers in decision-making for patient end-of-life care.

Identifying work-related support needs of individuals with cancer working in hospitality and retail-based occupations

This study explores experiences of individuals working in hospitality/or retail jobs to explore impact of cancer on work performance and identify support needs to manage work during and after cancer treatment.

two handsMapping Parkinson's Disease needs and services in Ireland to inform service planning

This project maps national and local Parkinson’s Disease (PD) service needs, develops quality indicators for PD services, and explores service users’ experiences of and priorities for service provision in PD.

Mothers’ Stories

This research project is a PhD using narrative methodology to focus on the experiences of mothers who have an autistic child in mainstream school. 


OT4Parenting is conducting research promoting occupational therapy support for parenting for adult clients across the globe in diverse populations and practice settings. 

Simple sketch of a home with the text Parenting Matters with ArthritisParenting Matters with Arthritis

This study is developing and testing a parent-focused intervention programme to support parenting with inflammatory arthritis.

Patient and family caregiver treatment decision-making in specialist palliative care

This project investigates how patients and family caregivers in specialist palliative care support and restrict one another in the decision-making process for treatment and care.

PREP IP Refugee Health: Photovoice Study

This Erasmus+ funded project is supporting the development of educational resources to improve health and social care professionals’ practices in working with people with refugee experience. 

Rehabilitation Strategies Following Oesophago-gastric and Hepatopancreaticobiliary Cancer (ReStOre II)

This study is testing the effectiveness of a combined exercise, dietary advice and education intervention for individuals with oesophagus, stomach, pancreas or liver cancer to improve physical health.

Self-Management Approach for Students with Mental Health Difficulties

This project is rooted in Recovery Principles and Social Model of Disability and is a self-management tool developed in collaboration with Dr. Kieran Lewis Disability Services TCD.

Sensory Audit in Collaboration with DisAbility Services TCD

This sensory audit of university environments and the development of sensory approaches within higher education including ‘Sensory App’ and Sensory Spaces.

Social Prescribing for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer

The SPACe project is exploring the suitability and acceptability of social prescribing for adolescents and young adults with cancer.

Group of teenagers smiling into the cameraSupport needs of adolescents and young adult cancer survivors for return to education and/or work

This study examines how a cancer diagnosis and treatment impacts on physical and mental health of adolescents and young adults, ages 16-24 years. 

Support exchange between patients and family caregivers in palliative care

This project investigates processes of mutual support between patients and family caregivers in palliative care.

Supported Volunteering. Working Together

This project supports individuals with a history of homelessness to engage in volunteering activities by occupational therapy students as part of their community-engaged learning module.

Supporting Transitions to Adulthood Resources

The STAR project is researching the transition to adulthood for disabled young people and collaboratively designing transition resources

Trinity Student Occupational Performance Profile (TSOPP)

This project is concerned with the development and enhancement of the TSOPP a self-administered tool for the evaluation of occupational concerns within the student’s role in higher education.

Work-Able Solutions

This project is testing a work-focused intervention for people with MSDs and arthritis.

Taking Action for Whole Health and Wellbeing: A Focus on Recovery, Resilience, and Retention

This study aims to explore the student experience of engaging in the Taking Action for Whole Health and Wellbeing programme and explore the feasibility of outcome measures.

The Cognitive Remediation and Social Recovery in Early Psychosis study (CReSt-R)

This study is testing a psychosocial intervention in early psychosis.