Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Butler JS, Beiser IM, Williams L, McGovern E, Molloy F, Lynch T, Healy DG, Moore H, Walsh R, Reilly RB, O'Riordan S, Walsh C, Hutchinson M, Age-Related Sexual Dimorphism in Temporal Discrimination and in Adult-Onset Dystonia Suggests GABAergic Mechanisms., Frontiers in neurology, 6, 2015, p258Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- D Bradley, O Kimmich, R Whelan, R Walsh, P Brady, N Mulrooney, R Reilly, S Hutchinson, F Molloy, M Hutchinson, The temporal discrimination threshold in sporadic AOPTD: Utility in the investigation of patients and their first degree relatives, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Toronto, 2011, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
- Bradley, D., Whelan, R., Walsh, R., O'Dwyer, J., Reilly, R., Hutchinson, S., Molloy, F., Hutchinson, M., Comparing endophenotypes in adult-onset primary torsion dystonia, Movement Disorders, 25, (1), 2010, p84-90Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL
- Hill F, Miller N, Walsh RA, Mockler D, McDowell R, Walshe M, Botulinum toxin for drooling in Parkinson's disease, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , 10, 2016Review, 2016
- McNamara PH, Williams J, McCabe DJH, Walsh RA, Striking Central Pontine Myelinolysis in a Patient with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome without Hyponatraemia, JAMA Neurology, 73, 2016, p234 - 235Journal Article, 2016
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Murphy D, Enright HM, McCabe DJH, for the HEIST study group, Increased platelet count and reticulated platelets in recently symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis and in cerebral microembolic signal-negative patient subgroups: Results from the HaEmostasis In carotid STenosis (HEIST) Study., J Neurol, 265, (5), 2018, p1037 - 1049Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- D'Alton M, Coughlan T, Cogan N, Greene S, McCabe DJH, McCarthy A, Murphy S, Walsh R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Ryan D, Collins R, Patterns of Mortality in Modern Stroke Care, Ir Med J, 111, (5), 2018, pP750Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Renaud, M., Moreira, M.-C., Monga, B.B., Rodriguez, D., Debs, R., Charles, P., Chaouch, M., Ferrat, F., Laurencin, C., Vercueil, L., Mallaret, M., M"Zahem, A., Pacha, L.A., Tazir, M., Tilikete, C., Ollagnon, E., Ochsner, F., Kuntzer, T., Jung, H.H., Beis, J.-M., Netter, J.-C., Djamshidian, A., Bower, M., Bottani, A., Walsh, R., Murphy, S., Reiley, T., Bieth, É., Roelens, F., Poll-The, B.T., Lourenço, C.M., Jardim, L.B., Straussberg, R., Landrieu, P., Roze, E., Thobois, S., Pouget, J., Guissart, C., Goizet, C., Dürr, A., Tranchant, C., Koenig, M., Anheim, M., Clinical, biomarker, and molecular delineations and genotype-Phenotype correlations of ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1, JAMA Neurology, 75, (4), 2018, p495-502Journal Article, 2018
- Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Cox D, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH., Increased Leucocyte-Platelet Complex Formation in Recently Symptomatic versus Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis Patients and in Micro-emboli Negative Subgroups., 2019, pepub ahead of printJournal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
- Stubbe, Cassandra; Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Petya; Austin, Neil; Murphy, Sinead; Walsh, Richard, NGS-based molecular diagnosis of hereditary ataxia is cost efficient: an illustrative case, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine , 109, (8), 2016, p551 - 552Journal Article, 2016
- Bogdanova-Mihaylova P, Austin N, Alexander MD, Cassidy L, Early A, Murphy RP, Murphy SM, Walsh RA., Anoctamin 10-Related Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxia: Comprehensive Clinical Phenotyping of an Irish Sibship., Movement disorders clinical practice, 4, (2), 2017, p258-262Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Richard A Walsh & Sinéad M Murphy, Utility of ataxia gene panel testing in Irish inherited ataxia cases, ABN, Liverpool, UK, 2017, 2017Poster, 2017
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Richard A Walsh & Sinéad M Murphy, Living with Ataxia in Ireland 2016 - a nationwide survey, ABN, Liverpool, UK, 2017, 2017Poster, 2017
- Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Petya, Walsh, Richard A., Poststroke Choreodystonia Responsive to Zopiclone: Further Evidence of a Role for the "Z-Drugs" in Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 4, (4), 2017, p616-618Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Walsh, Richard A., Sidiropoulos, Christos, Lozano, Andres M., Hodaie, Mojgan, Poon, Yu-Yan, Fallis, Melanie, Moro, Elena, Bilateral pallidal stimulation in cervical dystonia: blinded evidence of benefit beyond 5 years, Brain, 136, (3), 2013, p761-769Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Lad, Meher, Parkinson, Michael H., Rai, Myriam, Pandolfo, Massimo, Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Petya, Walsh, Richard A., Murphy, Sinéad, Emmanuel, Anton, Panicker, Jalesh, Giunti, Paola, Urinary, bowel and sexual symptoms in a cohort of patients with Friedreich"s ataxia, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 12, (1), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Walsh, Richard A., Gillivan-Murphy, Patricia, Murphy, Ciara, Colreavy, Michael, O'Rourke, Killian, Lynch, Timothy, Bilateral cerebellar stroke presenting with acute dysphonia and late palatal tremor, Movement Disorders, 27, (3), 2012, p346-348Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Walsh, R.A., Lang, A.E., Multiple impulse control disorders developing in Parkinson's disease after initiation of amantadine, Movement Disorders, 27, (2), 2012, p326-327Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Walsh, Richard A., Lang, Anthony E., Early-onset tardive dyskinesia in a neuroleptic-naive patient exposed to low-dose quetiapine, Movement Disorders, 26, (12), 2011, p2297-2298Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Walsh, Richard A., Duggan, Joe, Lynch, Tim, Localisation of the applause sign in a patient with acute bilateral lenticular infarction, Journal of Neurology, 258, (6), 2011, p1180-1182Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Walsh, Richard A., Murphy, Raymond P., Moore, David P., McCabe, Dominick J. H., Isolated Trochlear Infarction, Archives of Neurology, 67, (7), 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Walsh, Richard, Hutchinson, Michael, Molding the sensory cortex: Spatial acuity improves after botulinum toxin treatment for cervical dystonia, Movement Disorders, 22, (16), 2007, p2443-2446Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Walsh, Richard, O'Dwyer, John P., O'Riordan, Sean, Bradley, David, Moroney, Joan, Hutchinson, Michael, Cervical dystonia presenting as a phenocopy in an Irish SCA2 family, Movement Disorders, 24, (3), 2009, p466-467Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- O"Regan, John, Walsh, Richard, Kelly, Dearbhla, Plant, Liam, Eustace, Joseph, McNamara, Brian, Neuropathy in the Hemodialysis Population: A Review of Neurophysiology Referrals in a Tertiary Center, Renal Failure, 34, (4), 2012, p538-541Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Sidiropoulos, Christos, Walsh, Richard, Meaney, Christopher, Poon, Y. Y., Fallis, Melanie, Moro, Elena, Low-frequency subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation for axial symptoms in advanced Parkinson"s disease, Journal of Neurology, 260, (9), 2013, p2306-2311Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Mestre, Tiago A., Armstrong, Melissa J., Walsh, Richard, Al Dakheel, Amaal, Moro, Elena, Stoessl, A. Jon, Lang, Anthony E., Can Isolated Enlarged Virchow-Robin Spaces Influence the Clinical Manifestations of Parkinson's Disease?, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 1, (1), 2014, p67-69Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Mestre, Tiago A., Shah, Binit B., Connolly, Barbara S., de Aquino, Camila, Al Dhakeel, Amaal, Walsh, Richard, Ghate, Taneera, Lui, Jane P., Fox, Susan H., Famotidine, a Histamine H2 Receptor Antagonist, Does Not Reduce Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson's Disease: A Proof-of-Concept Study, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 1, (3), 2014, p219-224Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Olszewska, Diana Angelika, Walsh, Richard, Lynch, Tim, SCA 6 with Writer's Cramp: The Phenotype Expanded, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 3, (1), 2016, p83-86Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Williams, L., McGovern, E., Kimmich, O., Molloy, A., Beiser, I., Butler, J. S., Molloy, F., Logan, P., Healy, D. G., Lynch, T., Walsh, R., Cassidy, L., Moriarty, P., Moore, H., McSwiney, T., Walsh, C., O'Riordan, S., Hutchinson, M., Epidemiological, clinical and genetic aspects of adult onset isolated focal dystonia in Ireland, European Journal of Neurology, 24, (1), 2017, p73-81Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Sidiropoulos, C., Walsh, R., Meoni, S., Moro, Elena, Surgical Treatment of Parkinson"s Disease, Current Treatment Options in Neurology, 14, (3), 2012, p211-212Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Walsh, R., O'Dwyer, J. P, Sheikh, I. H, O'Riordan, S., Lynch, T., Hutchinson, M., Sporadic adult onset dystonia: sensory abnormalities as an endophenotype in unaffected relatives, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 78, (9), 2007, p980-983Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- E.Kelleher, P.McNamara, B. Fitzmaurice, R.Walsh, Y.Langan, P.Whitty, M.Gill, A.Vincent, C.Doherty, A.Corvin, Prevalence Rate of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Antibodies in First Episode Psychosis, European Psychiatry, 23rd European Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna, 28-31 March 2015, 30, (Supp 1), Science Direct, 2015, pp1568-Conference Paper, 2015, URL
- Stephen Murphy, Soon Tjin Lim, Justin Kinsella, Sean Tierney, Bridget Egan, T Martin Feeley, Sinead Murphy, Richard Walsh, Ronan Collins, Tara Coughlan, Desmond O'Neill, Sean O'Neill, Joseph Harbison, Prakash Madhavan, Mary Paula Colgan, Dermot Cox, Niamh Moran, George Hamilton, Dominick McCabe, On-treatment platelet reactivity' under both high and low shear stress conditions and relationship with cerebral micro-embolic signals in asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid stenosis: Results from the HaEmostasis In carotid STenosis(HEIST) study, Neurology, American Academy of Neurology, Philadelphia, May 4 - May 11 2019, 92, (Supp 15), 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Stephen Murphy, Soon Tjin Lim, Justin Kinsella, Helen Enright, Dymphna Murphy, Sean Tierney, Bridget Egan, Martin Feeley, Sinead Murphy, Richard Walsh, Ronan Collins, Tara Coughlan, Desmond O'Neill, Joseph Harbison, Prakash Madhavan, Sean O'Neill, Mary Pat Colgan, Dermot Cox, Niamh Moran, George Hamilton, Dominick McCabe, Profile of Reticulated Platelets and Red Cell Reticulocytes in Patients With Recently Symptomatic versus Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis, Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, Jan 23-Jan 26, 49, (Supp 1), 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Stephen Murphy, Soon Tjin Lim, Justin Kinsella, Sean Tierney, Bridget Egan, Martin Feeley, Sinead Murphy, Richard Walsh, Ronan Collins, Tara Coughlan, Desmond O'Neill, Joseph Harbison, Prakash Madhavan, Sean O'Neill, Mary Pat Colgan, Dermot Cox, Niamh Moran, George Hamilton, Dominick McCabe, Evidence of Ongoing Platelet Activation in Micro-emboli Negative Recently Symptomatic versus Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Petya Mihaylova, Neil Austin, Michael Alexander, Lorraine Cassidy, Raymond Murphy, Richard Walsh, Sinéad Murphy, Ddhd2-associated autosomal recessive spastic ataxia in an irish family, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, Association of British Neurologists, Liverpool, 3-5 May, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Petya Mihaylova, Sinéad Murphy, Richard Walsh, Spg7-related ataxia in the irish national ataxia clinic cohort, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, Association of British Neurologists, Liverpool, May 3-5, 88, (Supp 1), BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- J Panicker, M Lad, M Parkinson, M Rai, M Pandolfo, P Mihaylova-Bogdanova, RA Walsh, S Murphy, A Emmanuel, P Giunti, Lower urinary tract, bowel and sexual dysfunction in Friedreich's ataxia, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, World Congress of Neurology, 381, Elsevier, 2017, pp891-892Conference Paper, 2017
- P Bogdanova-Mihaylova, R Walsh, S Murphy, Living with Ataxia in Ireland 2016-a Nationwide Survey of 130 Irish Patients with Inherited Ataxia, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Vancouver, June 4-8, 32, 2017Poster, 2017
- C Stubbe, P Bogdanova-Mihaylova, N Kavanagh, K Mulpeter, D Bradley, T Lynch, T Counihan, P Brown, S O'sullivan, RA Walsh, treating Parkinson's 2015-a nationwide survey of treatment responses and complications in 1000 Irish patients with Parkinson's disease: 523, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Berlin, June 19-23, 31, 2016, ppS167-S168Conference Paper, 2016
- P Bogdanova-Mihaylova, N Austin, MD Alexander, L Cassidy, SM Murphy, RA Walsh, autosomal recessive ataxia due to Ano10 mutations; full and novel phenotypic data in an Irish pedigree: 1071, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Berlin, June 19-23, 2016Published Abstract, 2016
- P Bogdanova-Mihaylova, N Kavanagh, RA Walsh, automated assessment of advanced motor Parkinson's disease; a pilot study of the Parkinson's Kinetigraph as an objective tool for measurement of motor fluctuations, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Berlin, 31, 2016, ppS185-Conference Paper, 2016
- L Williams, A Molloy, O Kimmich, E Mcgovern, I Beiser, R Walsh, D Healy, H Moore, F Molloy, J Butler, L Cassidy, P Moriarty, S O'riordan, M Hutchinson, characterisation of adult onset isolated focal dystonia in an Irish population, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , San Diego, June 14-18, 30, 2015, ppS527-Conference Paper, 2015
- M Pondal, C Marras, R Walsh, T Mestre, AE Lang, Challenges in establishing reliability of transcranial sonography (tcs) of the substantia nigra (sn) in parkinsonism, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Stockholm, June 8-12, 28, 2013, pp51-52Poster, 2013
- O. Kimmich;D. Bradley;R. Whelan;R. Walsh;P. Brady;N. Mulrooney;R. Reilly;S. Hutchinson;F. Molloy;M. Hutchinson;, Sporadic adult onset primary torsion dystonia (AOPTD) is a genetic disorder: the Temporal Discrimination Threshold in patients with sporadic AOPTD and their first-degree relatives: P384, European Journal of Neurology, Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Lisbon, 28-31 May, 258, Springer, 2011Poster, 2011
- R Walsh, M Hutchinson, Moulding the sensory cortex: cortical sensory discrimination improves with botulinum toxin injection for cervical dystonia Authors, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Kyoto, Oct 28-Nov 2, 21, 2006, ppS396-S396Poster, 2006
- T Mestre, P Huot, R Walsh, J So, J Wielgosz, P Yip, SH Fox, JM Miyasaki, Comparison of Dyskinesia Rating Scales: Use in the IV Levodopa Paradigm, Twenty Fifth Annual Symposium on Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders, Irving, Texas, 13 May, Wiley, 2011Poster, 2011
- T Mestre, P Huot, R Walsh, J So, J Wielgosz, P Yip, SH Fox, JM Miyasaki, Comparison of Dyskinesia Rating Scales: Use in the IV Levodopa Paradigm, Twenty Fifth Annual Symposium on Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders, Irving, Texas, 13 May, Wiley, 2011Poster, 2011
- S O'Dowd, H Kearney, R Walsh, B McGennis, T Lynch, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman: A Clinical and videographic record of pallidopontonigral degeneration, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, Association of British Neurologists, 81, (11), 2011Poster, 2011
- D Bradley, R Whelan, R Walsh, R Reilly, M Hutchinson, The temporal discrimination threshold (tdt) in patients with adult onset primary torsion dystonia (aoptd) and their relatives-a better endophenotype?: P1268, European Journal of Neurology, Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Nice, June 7-11, 15, 2008, pp103Poster, 2008
- RA Walsh, R Mofidi, PF Ridgway, T Crotty, P McCarthy, EWM McDermott, TV Keavney, MJ Duffy, ADK Hill, N O'Higgins., Validation of a digital image analysis system for objective assessment of estrogen receptor status., Irish Journal of Medical Science , Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture , University of Limerick, June 5, 170, (Supp 1), 2001Published Abstract, 2001
- RA Walsh, JP O'Dwyer, IH Sheikh, S O'Riordan, T Lynch, M Hutchinson, Spatial discrimination thresholds in unaffected relatives of patients with sporadic adult onset primary torsion dystonia: further evidence of an endophenotype, Eur J Neurol , European Federation of the Neurological Sciences, Glasgow, 13, (Supp 2), 2006, pp311-Published Abstract, 2006
- RA Walsh, M Hutchinson., Moulding the sensory cortex: cortical sensory discrimination improves with botulinum toxin injection for cervical dystonia, Neurology, American Academy of Neurology, Boston, 68(Suppl. 1), 2007, ppA333-Oral Presentation, 2007
- RA Walsh, JP O'Dwyer, IH. Sheikh, S O'Riordan, T Lynch, M Hutchinson, Spatial discrimination thresholds in unaffected relatives of patients with sporadic adult onset primary torsion dystonia: further evidence of an endophenotype, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, Association of British Neurologists, London, Oct 5th, 77, 2006, pp1388-1402Published Abstract, 2006
- J. C. McHugh, M. Iqbal, R. Walsh, M. Farrell, R. P. Murphy, Alper's syndrome with POLG1 A467T mutation presenting in an adult male, Association of British Neurologists, London, Oct 4-6, 78, (2), 2007, pp206-220Poster, 2007
- R. Walsh, R. Whelan, J. O'Dwyer, S. O'Riordan, S. Hutchinson, R. Reilly, R. O'Laoide, K. Malone, M. Hutchinson, Bilateral cortico‐striate grey matter changes support the sensory endophenotype hypothesis in familial adult onset dystonia: a voxel based morphometry study, Association of British Neurologists, Oxford, 11-13 April, 78, (9), 2007Poster, 2007
- RA Walsh, F Hill, N Breslin, S Connolly, FM Brett, R Charlton, R Barresi, D JH McCabe. , Progressive Dysphagia in Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2B: An Extension of the Clinical Phenotype., Neurology, American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, April 10-17, 74, (Supp 2), 2010, ppA516 - A517Poster, 2010
- RA Walsh, F Hill, N Breslin, S Connolly, FM Brett, R Charlton, R Barresi, D JH McCabe. , Progressive Dysphagia in Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2B: An Extension of the Clinical Phenotype., Neurology, American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, April 10-17, 74, (Supp 2), 2010, ppA516 - A517Poster, 2010
- R Walsh, R Whelan, JP O'Dwyer, S O'Riordan, S Hutchinson, R O'Laoide, K Malone, R Reilly, M Hutchinson, Bilateral cortical grey matter changes support the sensory endophenotype hypothesis in familial adult onset primary torsion dystonia: A VBM study,, MDS International Congress, International Convention and Exhibition Centre in Istanbul, Turkey, June 3-7 , 2007Poster, 2007
- R. Walsh, R. Whelan, J.P. O'Dwyer, S. O'Riordan, S. Hutchinson, R. O'Laoide, K. Malone, R. Reilly, M. Hutchinson, Striatal morphology correlates with sensory abnormalities in unaffected relatives of cervical dystonia patients, Journal of Neurology, 256, (8), 2009, p1307-1313Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Whelan R, Bradley D, Walsh R, Reilly R, Hutchinson M, Hyperactivation of the putamen during a discrimination task in unaffected relatives of patients with familial primary torsion dystonia, Irish Neurological Association meeting, Cork,, May, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- Mofidi, R, Walsh, R, Ridgway, PF, Crotty, T, McDermott, EW, Keaveny, TV, Duffy, MJ, Hill, ADK, O'Higgins, N, Objective measurement of breast cancer oestrogen receptor status through digital image analysis, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, 29, 2003Journal Article, 2003
- Bradley D, Whelan R, Walsh R, Reilly RB, Hutchinson S, Molloy F, Hutchinson M, Temporal discrimination threshold: VBM evidence for an endophenotype in adult onset primary torsion dystonia., Brain, 132, (Pt 9), 2009, p2327-2335Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Walsh R, Hill F, Breslin N, Connolly S, Brett FM, Charlton R, Barresi R, McCabe DJ, Progressive dysphagia in limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B., Muscle & nerve, 43, (5), 2011, p761-4Journal Article, 2011
- O'Donnell L, O'Neill D, Collins R, Coughlan T, McCabe D, Murphy S, Walsh R, Outcomes of Occupational Therapy Interventions within a Stroke Early Supported Discharge (ESD) Service; a 9 Month Retrospective Clinical Audit, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS360-1Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Greene S, Cogan N, Briggs R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Mc Cabe D, Murphy S, Walsh R, Collins R, Neuromedical Sequelae Post-Stroke, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS332Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Hutchinson M, Isa T, Molloy A, Kimmich O, Williams L, Molloy F, Moore H, Healy DG, Lynch T, Walsh C, Butler J, Reilly RB, Walsh R, O'Riordan S, Cervical dystonia: a disorder of the midbrain network for covert attentional orienting., Frontiers in neurology, 5, 2014, p54Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Richard Walsh Robertus de Bie Susan Fox, Movement Disorders , Second, Europe and US, Oxford University Press, 2017Book
- Richard Walsh Robertus de Bie Susan Fox, Movement Disorders , First, Europe and US, Oxford University Press, 2013Book
- Parkinson's Disease in, editor(s)Hardiman, Orla, Doherty, Colin P. , Neurodegenerative Disorders, Europe, Springer, 2011, [Richard Walsh, Timothy Lynch, Stanley Fahn]Book Chapter
- Parkinson's Disease in, editor(s)Hardiman, O., Doherty, C.P., Elamin, M., Bede, P. , Neurodegenerative Disorders, 2016, pp85 - 115, [ Olszewska, Diana A., Fahn, S, Walsh R and Lynch T]Book Chapter
- Parkinson's Disease: Advanced Disease, Motor Complications, and Management in, editor(s)David Burn , Oxford Textbook of Movement Disorders, Europe , Oxford University Press, 2013, [Susan H. Fox, Binit Shah, Richard Walsh, and Anthony Lang]Book Chapter
- Other Movement Disorders in, editor(s)Editor: Goldman, Lee. Video editing; R Walsh , Goldman's Cecil Medicine, North America, Saunders, 2011, [Anthony Lang]Book Chapter
- RA Walsh, R Whelan, JP O'Dwyer, S O'Riordan, S Hutchinson, R O'Laoide, K Malone, R Reilly, M Hutchinson., Bilateral cortical grey matter changes support the sensory endophenotype hypothesis in familial adult onset primary torsion dystonia, Neurology, American Academy of Neurology, Chicago, 70, (Supp 1), 2008, ppA433-Poster
Research Expertise
My primary research interest is in the field of movement disorders, incorporating parkinsonian syndromes, inherited ataxic syndromes and dystonia. I have had a particular interest in genotyping and clinical phenotyping. This has included an MD thesis on the role of endophenotypes in the pursuit of a genetic cause of familial dystonia, the ongoing genotyping of the ataxia population in Ireland and description of the role and cost effectiveness of next generation sequencing in the diagnostic process. I await ethics approval for participation as local PI in a multicentre genotyping study of Parkinson's disease in Ireland sponsored by Genomic Medicine Ireland for which I have been involved in protocol development for the national project. Along with my colleague Dr. Sinead Murphy, I am a co-supervisors of an MD thesis candidate in Trinity College Dr. Petya Bogdanova with whom we are looking at ocular phenotypes in hereditary ataxia. We have also been successful in 2019 in establishing Dublin as a new European Friedreich's Ataxia Consortium for Translational Studies study site. This phenotyping natural history study will provide useful clinic data for future therapeutic trials. I have published on pharmacological and surgical therapies for movement disorders. This has included studies looking at therapeutics in dystonia using botulinum toxin and deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus in cervical dystonia. I have in addition participated as an investigator in therapeutic studies of pump therapy in advanced Parkinson's disease (local PI in the Observe Study and sub-investigator in the pivotal north American open phase III trial of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel). I have been active as the only Irish neurologist providing a clinical service for deep brain stimulation programming and this has facilitated collaboration with neural engineering, for which ethics approval is awaited, to allow the study of surface muscle biomarkers of deep brain stimulation.
TitleA shared-care model for deep brain stimulation in Irish patients with Parkinson's disease: a pilot cross- channel collaboration to improve access, efficiency and the patient experienceSummaryAfter Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease (PD) is the 2nd most common neurodegenerative disorder, affecting approximately 1% to 2% of individuals over 60 years in our aging population. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an advanced surgical treatment option in patients for whom medication can no longer provide an adequate quality of life. Electrodes are implanted within the brain and then programmed over an intensive schedule of outpatient visits. Irish patients must travel to English centres for assessment, surgery and post-operative care as no Irish neuroscience unit has been able to provide the multidisciplinary team and expertise required for pre-operative assessment or the programming of implanted electrodes afterwards. We proposed an observational study of a unique collaborative, shared-care model between the Tallaght Movement Disorders Clinic and neurosurgical collaborators in the Institute of Neurology at the University of London. We will provide the required pre-operative radiological, neuropsychological and neuropsychiatric assessment of surgical candidates and weekly consultant-led post-operative programming of electrical stimulation, reducing patient and carer travel to a minimum. We assessed 40 candidates over two years and established stimulation in 10. All surgery was carried out in London as per the standard clinical practice. Outcome measures will included 1) improvement in motor symptoms compared with baseline and international norms, 2) patient rated change on a quality of life scale and 3) an economic analysis to cost this novel approach with the current standard of care. Patients referred but who are considered ineligible for surgery after screening will be managed with alternative advanced therapies within the multidisciplinary clinic.Funding AgencyMeath FoundationDate From2014Date To2015
Genetics, Neurosciences, Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Health services and systems,
- 10,000 Lundbeck Neuroscience Bursary for clinical research in dystonia 2010
- 10,000 Travel Bursary Irish Institute of Clinical Neurosciences & Glaxo Smith Kline 2010
- McGrath Medal in Pathology UCD 2001
- $50,000 Edmond J. Safra Clinical Fellowship Bursary in Movement Disorders 2011
- Mater Misericordiae Clinical Grand Rounds Annual Silver Medal 2009
- 47,400 Meath Foundation Clinical Improvement Project Award
- 22,000 Dystonia Ireland Clinical Research Grant 2006
- 40,000 Unrestricted Development Award (Novartis) for purchase of an ocular coherence tomography for ataxia phenotyping project 2014
- Uschi Tschabitscher Young Neurologist Award, Clinical Research, European Federation of Neurological Societies 2006
- $50,000 Parkinson Society Clinical Research Bursary 2010
- Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland 2018
- Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland to date
- Parkinson's Association of Ireland to date
- International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society to date
- Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience to date
- Presentation to TDs and Senators at a Dail Briefing in Leinster House to make a case for government funding for the Parkinson's Association of Ireland and expansion of neurology services for Parkinson's disease 10 April 2019
- Member of an expert delegation that met with Minister Brendan Howlin on 1st December 2014 to develop a funding case for Deep Brain Stimulation for people with Parkinson's disease and related disorders in Ireland. Presentation and expert testimony to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children 6th November 2014 on the Benefits of Deep Brain Stimulation as part of ongoing efforts to secure funding for a deep brain stimulation programme for the Ireland of Ireland. 1st December 2014
- Presentation to TDs and Senators at a Dail Briefing in Leinster House to make a case for government funding for the Parkinson's Association of Ireland and expansion of neurology services for Parkinson's disease 10 April 2019
- Member of an expert delegation that met with Minister Brendan Howlin on 1st December 2014 to develop a funding case for Deep Brain Stimulation for people with Parkinson's disease and related disorders in Ireland. Presentation and expert testimony to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health and Children 6th November 2014 on the Benefits of Deep Brain Stimulation as part of ongoing efforts to secure funding for a deep brain stimulation programme for the Ireland of Ireland. 1st December 2014