Dr. Sinead Murphy
Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine
Email smurph13@tcd.ie Phone http://www.tuh.ie/Consultants/Dr-Sinead-M-Murphy.htmlPublications and Further Research Outputs
- A McKeon, S Murphy, B McNamara, DQ Ryder, R Galvin, Isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy due to compression by a dissecting vertebral artery., European Journal of Neurology , 53, (3), 2005, p162 - 164Journal Article, 2005
- S Murphy, B McNamara, How well is peripheral neuropathy investigated? An audit from a regional neurophysiology department, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 175, (1), 2006, p54 - 56Journal Article, 2006
- SM Murphy, D McIntyre, B McAdam, JT Moroney, Transthoracic echocardiography is not useful in the routine investigation of ischaemic stroke or TIA, Irish Medical Journal , 101, (5), 2008, p106 - 106Journal Article, 2008
- SM Murphy, A Rogers, M Hutchinson, N Tubridy, Counting the cost of complementary and alternative therapies in an Irish neurological clinic, European Journal of Neurology , 15, (12), 2008, p1380 - 1383Journal Article, 2008
- S Murphy, G Gorman, C Beetz, P Byrne, M Dytko, P McMonagle, K Kinsella, M Farrell, M Hutchinson, Dementia in SPG4 hereditary spastic paraplegia: clinical, genetic and neuropathological evidence, Neurology , 73, 2009, p378 - 384Journal Article, 2009
- Sinead Madeleine Murphy, Michael A Farrell, Michael J Hennessy, Postpartum relapsing sensory neuritis responsive to intravenous immunoglobulin, Journal of Neurology, 256, (12), 2009, p2085 - 2086Journal Article, 2009
- Sinéad M Murphy, Gabrielle L Davidson, Sebastian Brandner, Henry Houlden, Mary M Reilly, Mutation in FAM134B causing severe hereditary sensory neuropathy, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry , 83, (1), 2012, p119 - 120Journal Article, 2012
- Sinéad M Murphy, Usman Khan, Constantine Alifrangis, Steven Hazell, David Hrouda, Julian Blake, Joanna Ball, Carolyn Gabriel, Pierre Markarian, Jeremy Rees, Abid Karim, Michael J Seckl, Michael P Lunn, Mary M Reilly, Anti Ma2-associated myeloradiculopathy: expanding the phenotype of anti-Ma2 associated paraneoplastic syndromes, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry , 83, (2), 2012, p232 - 233Journal Article, 2012
- Sinéad M Murphy, Carly Siskind, Richard Ovens, James Polke, Matilde Laura, Henry Houlden, Raymond PJ Murphy, Michael E Shy, Mary M Reilly, X-inactivation in females with X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Neuromuscular Disorders , 22, 2012, p617 - 621Journal Article, 2012
- James C Stevens, Sinéad M Murphy, Indran Davagnanam, Rahul Phadke, Glenn Anderson, Suran Nethisinghe, Fion Bremner, Paola Giunti, Mary M Reilly, The ARSACS phenotype can include supranuclear gaze palsy and skin lipofuscin deposits, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 84, (1), 2013, p114 - 116Journal Article, 2013
- C Marquz-Infante, SM Murphy, L Mathew, A Alsanousi, MP Lunn, S Brandner, T Yousry, J Blake, MM Reilly, Asymmetric sensory ganglionopathy: a case series, Muscle & Nerve, 48, (1), 2013, p145 - 150Journal Article, 2013
- S M Murphy*, D Ernst*, Y Wei, M Laurà, Y-T Liu, J Polke, J Blake, J Winer, H Houlden, T Hornemann, M M Reilly, Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type 1 (HSANI) caused by a novel mutation in SPTLC2, Neurology , 80, 2013, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2013
- Judith Conroy, Paul McGettigan, Raymond Murphy, David Webb, Sinéad M Murphy, Blathnaid McCoy, Christine Albertyn, Dara McCreary, Cara McDonagh, Orla Walsh, SallyAnn Lynch, Sean Ennis, A novel locus for episodic ataxia - UBR4 the likely candidate, European Journal of Human Genetics , 22, (4), 2014, p505 - 510Journal Article, 2014
- Vera Fridman, Sinéad M Murphy, The spectrum of axonopathies: From CMT2 to HSP, Neurology , 83, (7), 2014, p580 - 581Journal Article, 2014
- Reza Sadjadi, Mary M. Reilly, Michael E. Shy, Davide Pareyson, Matilde Laura, Sinead Murphy, Shawna M.E. Feely, Tiffany Grider, Chelsea Bacon, Giuseppe Piscosquito, Daniela Calabrese, Ted M. Burns, Psychometrics evaluation of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Score (CMTNSv2) second version, using Rasch analysis, Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 19, (3), 2014, p192 - 196Journal Article, 2014
- Stela Lefter, Orla Hardiman, Russell L. McLaughlin, Sinead M. Murphy, Michael Farrell, Aisling M. Ryan, A novel MYH7 Leu1453pro mutation resulting in Laing distal myopathy in an Irish family, Neuromuscular Disorders , 25, (2), 2015, p155 - 160Journal Article, 2015
- A. M. Rossor*, E. C. Oates*, H. K. Salter, Y. Liu, S. M. Murphy, R. Schule, M. A. Gonzales, M. Scoto, R. Phadke, C. A. Sewry, H. Houlden, A. Jordanova, I. Tournev, T. Chamova, I. Litvinenko, S. Zuchner, D. N. Herrmann , J. Blake, J. E. Sowden, G. Acsadi, M. L. Rodriguez, M. P. Menezes, N. F. Clarke, M. Auer Grumbach, S. L. Bullock, F. Muntoni, M. M. Reilly , K. N. North, Phenotypic and molecular insights into Spinal Muscular Atrophy due to mutations in BICD2, Brain , 138, (2), 2015, p293 - 310Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Daniela Ernst*, Sinéad M Murphy*, Karthik Sathiyanadan, Yu Wei, Alaa Othman, Matilde Laurá, Yo-Tsen Liu, Anke Penno, Julian Blake, Michael Donaghy, Henry Houlden, Mary M Reilly#,, Thorsten Hornemann , Novel HSAN1 mutation in Serine-Palmitoyltransferase resides at a putative phosphorylation site that is involved in regulating substrate specificity, Neuromolecular Medicine , 17, (1), 2015, p47 - 57Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Ramdharry GM, Pollard A, Anderson C, Laura M, Murphy SM, Dudziec M, Dewar EL, Hutton E, Grant R, Reilly MM, A Pilot Study of Proximal Strength Training in Charcot Marie Tooth Disease, Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System , 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- DNA testing in hereditary neuropathies in, editor(s)G. Said, C. Krarup , Handbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Series Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Elsevier, 2013, pp213 - 212, [Sinéad M Murphy, Matilde Laurá, Mary M Reilly]Book Chapter, 2013
- Sinead M Murphy, Charcot-Marie-tooth disease: genetic diagnoses in a specialist clinic, Association of British Neurologists, Brighton, 2011, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- Sinead Murphy, Mutations in FAM134B cause hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy II, Irish Neurological Association, Belfast, 2010, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
- Sinead Murphy, Dementia in SPG4 hereditary spastic paraplegia: clinical, genetic and neuropathological evidence, Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience (IICN) Registrar's Prize meeting , 2008, 2008Oral Presentation, 2008
- Sinead Murphy, Complementary medicine in neurology: little evidence, huge costs, so why is everyone doing it? , Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland (RAMI) / IICN meeting , 2007, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- Goyal M, Demchuk AM, Menon BK, Eesa M, Rempel JL, Thornton J, Roy D, Jovin TG, Willinsky RA, Sapkota BL, Dowlatshahi D, Frei DF, Kamal NR, Montanera WJ, Poppe AY, Ryckborst KJ, Silver FL, Shuaib A, Tampieri D, Williams D, Bang OY, Baxter BW, Burns PA, Choe H, Heo JH, Holmstedt CA, Jankowitz B, Kelly M, Linares G, Mandzia JL, Shankar J, Sohn SI, Swartz RH, Barber PA, Coutts SB, Smith EE, Morrish WF, Weill A, Subramaniam S, Mitha AP, Wong JH, Lowerison MW, Sajobi TT, Hill MD, Randomized assessment of rapid endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke., The New England Journal of Medicine, 372, (11), 2015, p1019-30Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Chen YC, Auer-Grumbach M, Matsukawa S, Zitzelsberger M, Themistocleous AC, Strom TM, Samara C, Moore AW, Cho LT, Young GT, Weiss C, Schabhüttl M, Stucka R, Schmid AB, Parman Y, Graul-Neumann L, Heinritz W, Passarge E, Watson RM, Hertz JM, Moog U, Baumgartner M, Valente EM, Pereira D, Restrepo CM, Katona I, Dusl M, Stendel C, Wieland T, Stafford F, Reimann F, von Au K, Finke C, Willems PJ, Nahorski MS, Shaikh SS, Carvalho OP, Nicholas AK, Karbani G, McAleer MA, Cilio MR, McHugh JC, Murphy SM, Irvine AD, Jensen UB, Windhager R, Weis J, Bergmann C, Rautenstrauss B, Baets J, De Jonghe P, Reilly MM, Kropatsch R, Kurth I, Chrast R, Michiue T, Bennett DL, Woods CG, Senderek J, Transcriptional regulator PRDM12 is essential for human pain perception., Nature genetics, 47, (7), 2015, p803-8Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- D'Alton M, Coughlan T, Cogan N, Greene S, McCabe DJH, McCarthy A, Murphy S, Walsh R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Ryan D, Collins R, Patterns of Mortality in Modern Stroke Care, Ir Med J, 111, (5), 2018, pP750Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Bogdanova-Mihaylova, P., Burke, D., O"Dwyer, J.P., Bradley, D., Williams, J.A., Cronin, S.J., Smyth, S., Murphy, R.P., Murphy, S.M., Wall, C., McCabe, D.J.H., Aciclovir-induced acute kidney injury in patients with `suspected viral encephalitis" encountered on a liaison neurology service, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2018, p1-4Journal Article, 2018
- Renaud, M., Moreira, M.-C., Monga, B.B., Rodriguez, D., Debs, R., Charles, P., Chaouch, M., Ferrat, F., Laurencin, C., Vercueil, L., Mallaret, M., M"Zahem, A., Pacha, L.A., Tazir, M., Tilikete, C., Ollagnon, E., Ochsner, F., Kuntzer, T., Jung, H.H., Beis, J.-M., Netter, J.-C., Djamshidian, A., Bower, M., Bottani, A., Walsh, R., Murphy, S., Reiley, T., Bieth, É., Roelens, F., Poll-The, B.T., Lourenço, C.M., Jardim, L.B., Straussberg, R., Landrieu, P., Roze, E., Thobois, S., Pouget, J., Guissart, C., Goizet, C., Dürr, A., Tranchant, C., Koenig, M., Anheim, M., Clinical, biomarker, and molecular delineations and genotype-Phenotype correlations of ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1, JAMA Neurology, 75, (4), 2018, p495-502Journal Article, 2018
- Bogdanova-Mihaylova, P., Murphy, R.P.J., Alexander, M.D., McHugh, J.C., Foley, A.R., Brett, F., Murphy, S.M., Congenital myasthenic syndrome due to DPAGT1 mutations mimicking congenital myopathy in an Irish family, European Journal of Neurology, 25, (2), 2018, pe22-e23Journal Article, 2018
- Rossor, A.M., Morrow, J.M., Polke, J.M., Murphy, S.M., Houlden, H., Laura, M., Manji, H., Blake, J., Reilly, M.M., Pilot phenotype and natural history study of hereditary neuropathies caused by mutations in the HSPB1 gene, Neuromuscular Disorders, 27, (1), 2017, p50-56Journal Article, 2017
- Ramdharry GM, Pollard A, Anderson C, Laurá M, Murphy SM, Dudziec M, Dewar EL, Hutton E, Grant R, Reilly MM., A pilot study of proximal strength training in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease., Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS, 19, (4), 2014, p328-332Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Pitceathly RD, Murphy SM, Cottenie E, Chalasani A, Sweeney MG, Woodward C, Mudanohwo EE, Hargreaves I, Heales S, Land J, Holton JL, Houlden H, Blake J, Champion M, Flinter F, Robb SA, Page R, Rose M, Palace J, Crowe C, Longman C, Lunn MP, Rahman S, Reilly MM, Hanna MG., Genetic dysfunction of MT-ATP6 causes axonal Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease., Neurology, 79, (11), 2012, p1145-1154Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- . Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Cox D, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, Increased leucocyte-platelet complex formation in recently symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid stenosis patients and in micro-emboli negative subgroups. , Thrombosis and Haemostasis , 2019Journal Article, 2019
- DA Olszewska, EM Fallon, GM Pastores, K Murphy, A Blanco, T Lynch, SM Murphy, Autosomal dominant gene negative frontotemporal dementia-think of SCA17, Cerebellum, 2019Journal Article, 2019
- . Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Murphy D, Enright HM, McCabe DJH for the HEIST study group, Platelet count and profile of reticulated platelets and red cell reticulocytes in patients with recently symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid stenosis: Results from the HaEmostasis In carotid STenosis (HEIST) study, Journal of Neurology , 265, 2018, p1037-Journal Article, 2018
- . Meher Lad, Michael H. Parkinson, Myriam Rai, Massimo Pandolfo, Petya Mihaylova-Bogdanova, Richard A Walsh, Sinéad M Murphy, Anton Emmanuel, Jalesh Panicker, Paola Giunti, A Survey of Lower Urinary Tract, Bowel and Sexual symptoms in a Large Cohort of Patients with Friedreich's Ataxia, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases , 12, (1), 2017, p158-Journal Article, 2017
- Bogdanova-Mihaylova P, Alexander MD, Murphy RPJ, Murphy SM., Waardenburg syndrome: a rare cause of inherited neuropathy due to SOX10 mutation., Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS, 22, (3), 2017, p219-223Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Stubbe, Cassandra; Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Petya; Austin, Neil; Murphy, Sinead; Walsh, Richard, NGS-based molecular diagnosis of hereditary ataxia is cost efficient: an illustrative case, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine , 109, (8), 2016, p551 - 552Journal Article, 2016
- Bogdanova-Mihaylova P, Austin N, Alexander MD, Cassidy L, Early A, Murphy RP, Murphy SM, Walsh RA., Anoctamin 10-Related Autosomal Recessive Cerebellar Ataxia: Comprehensive Clinical Phenotyping of an Irish Sibship., Movement disorders clinical practice, 4, (2), 2017, p258-262Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Petya; Alexander, Michael; Murphy, Raymond; Murphy, Sinéad, SCN9A-associated congenital insensitivity to pain and anosmia in an Irish patient, Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System, 20, (2), 2015, p86 - 87Journal Article, 2015
- . Chen YC, Auer-Grumbach M, Matsukawa S, Zitzelsberger M, Themistocleous AC, Strom TM, Samara C, Moore AW, Cho LT, Young GT, Weiss C, Schabhüttl M, Stucka R, Schmid AB, Parman Y, Graul-Neumann L, Heinritz W, Passarge E, Watson RM, Hertz JM, Moog U, Baumgartner M, Valente EM, Pereira D, Restrepo CM, Katona I, Dusl M, Stendel C, Wieland T, Stafford F, Reimann F, von Au K, Finke C, Willems PJ, Nahorski MS, Shaikh SS, Carvalho OP, Nicholas AK, Karbani G, McAleer MA, Cilio MR, McHugh JC, Murphy SM, Irvine AD, Jensen UB, Windhager R, Weis J, Bergmann C, Rautenstrauss B, Baets J, De Jonghe P, Reilly MM, Kropatsch R, Kurth I, Chrast R, Michiue T, Bennett DL, Woods CG, Senderek J, Corrigendum: Transcriptional regulator PRDM12 is essential for human pain perception, Nature Genetics, 47, (8), 2015, p962-Journal Article, 2015
- . A. M. Rossor, E. C. Oates, H. K. Salter, Y. Liu, S. M. Murphy, R. Schule,M. A. Gonzales, M. Scoto, R. Phadke, C. A. Sewry, H. Houlden, A. Jordanova, I. Tournev, T. Chamova, I. Litvinenko, S. Zuchner, D. N. Herrmann, J. Blake, J. E. Sowden, G. Acsadi, M. L. Rodriguez, M. P. Menezes, N. F. Clarke, M. Auer Grumbach, S. L. Bullock, F. Muntoni, M. M. Reilly, K. N. North, Reply to: The p.Ser107Leu in BICD2 is a mutation "hot spot" causing distal spinal muscular atrophy, Brain, 138, (11), 2015, pe392-Journal Article, 2015
- . Boglarka Bansagi*, Thalia Antoniadi*, Sarah Burton-Jones, Sinead M Murphy, John McHugh, Michael Alexander, Richard Wells, Joanna Davies, David Hilton-Jones, Hanns Lochmüller, Patrick Chinnery, Rita Horvath, Genotype/phenotype correlations in AARS-related neuropathy in a cohort of patients from the United Kingdom and Ireland, Journal of Neurology, 262, (8), 2015, p1899 - 1908Journal Article, 2015
- Sinead M Murphy, Investigation of apraxia of speech and linguistic dysprosody following acute ischaemic hemispheral stroke, University of Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, 2011Thesis, 2011
- Meher Lad, Michael Parkinson, Myriam Rai, Massimo Pandolfo, Sinead Murphy, Anton Emmanuel, Jalesh Panicker, Paola Giunti, Urinary, bowel and sexual function in patients with Friedreich's ataxia, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry , ABN, London, UK, 2015, 86, 2015, ppe4-Published Abstract, 2015
- Anne Belton, Richard Walsh, Sinead Murphy, Dominick McCabe, Rose Galvin, Effect of a Balance Exercise Class on Activity Limitations in People with Parkinson's Disease, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 2014, Suppl 7, 2014, ppS326-Published Abstract, 2014
- S Murphy, A Pandraud, Y Liu, K Fawcett, J M Polke, G Davidson, M Laura, M Davis, H , Charcot-Marie-tooth disease: genetic diagnoses in a specialist clinic, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry , ABN Annual Meeting, Brighton, 2012, 83, 2012, ppe1-Published Abstract, 2012
- M Laura, S Murphy, A Rossor, A Hiscock, M Main, ME Shy, F Muntoni, MM Reilly, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and related disorders: a natural history study, Neuromuscular Disorders , UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference , London, 2011, 21, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS17-Published Abstract, 2011
- Yo-Tsen Liu, Sinéad M Murphy, Henry Houlden, Mary M Reilly, Neurofilament light chain polypeptide gene (NEFL) mutations in autosomal dominant or sporadic Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Neuromuscular Disorders , UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference, London, 2011, 21, (Supll 1), 2011, ppS17-Published Abstract, 2011
- Pandraud A, Murphy S, Laura M, Reilly MM, Houlden H, Genetic modifying factors for the common form of CMT1A due to the chromosome 17 duplication and other causes of CMT1 in non-CMT1A patients. , Neuromuscular Disorders, UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference, London, 2011, 21, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS18-Published Abstract, 2011
- U Khan, S Murphy, M Lunn, D Hrouda, M Seckl, J Ball, C Alifrangis, C Gabriel, S Hazel, M M Reilly, Unusual surgery for progressive finger-drop, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry , ABN, 2010, 81, 2010, ppe64-Published Abstract, 2010
- M. O'Brien, S. Murphy, M. Hutchinson, M. Farrell, N. Tubridy, Acute visual loss: Clinically blinded by atypical lymphoma, Journal of Neurology, ENS, Nice, France, 2008, 255, (Suppl 2), 2008, pp41-Published Abstract, 2008
- SM Murphy, A Rogers, M Hutchinson, N Tubridy, Big costs, little evidence: is there any alternative? , European Journal of Neurology, EFNS, Madrid, Spain, 2008, 15, (Suppl 3), 2008, pp357-Published Abstract, 2008
- S Murphy, C Doherty, J Moroney, Infarct volume and apraxia of speech in acute ischaemic hemispheral stroke, Journal of Neurology, ENS, Rhodes, Greece, 2007, 254, (Suppl 3), 2007, pp34-Published Abstract, 2007
- S Murphy, M Keogan, M Farrell, J Moroney, Sneddon's syndrome, marantic endocarditis and lung cancer: a paraneoplastic phenomenon, Journal of Neurology, ENS, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006, 253, (Suppl 2), 2006, pp120-Published Abstract, 2006
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Richard A Walsh & Sinéad M Murphy, Utility of ataxia gene panel testing in Irish inherited ataxia cases, ABN, Liverpool, UK, 2017, 2017Poster, 2017
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Richard A Walsh & Sinéad M Murphy, Living with Ataxia in Ireland 2016 - a nationwide survey, ABN, Liverpool, UK, 2017, 2017Poster, 2017
- Stephen Murphy, Soon Tjin Lim, Justin Kinsella, Sean Tierney, Bridget Egan, T Martin Feeley, Sinead Murphy, Richard Walsh, Ronan Collins, Tara Coughlan, Desmond O'Neill, Sean O'Neill, Joseph Harbison, Prakash Madhavan, Mary Paula Colgan, Dermot Cox, Niamh Moran, George Hamilton, Dominick McCabe, On-treatment platelet reactivity' under both high and low shear stress conditions and relationship with cerebral micro-embolic signals in asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid stenosis: Results from the HaEmostasis In carotid STenosis(HEIST) study, Neurology, American Academy of Neurology, Philadelphia, May 4 - May 11 2019, 92, (Supp 15), 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- P Bogdanova-Mihaylova, R Walsh, S Murphy, Living with Ataxia in Ireland 2016-a Nationwide Survey of 130 Irish Patients with Inherited Ataxia, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Vancouver, June 4-8, 32, 2017Poster, 2017
- P Bogdanova-Mihaylova, N Austin, MD Alexander, L Cassidy, SM Murphy, RA Walsh, autosomal recessive ataxia due to Ano10 mutations; full and novel phenotypic data in an Irish pedigree: 1071, Movement Disorders, International Congress of Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders , Berlin, June 19-23, 2016Published Abstract, 2016
- J Panicker, M Lad, M Parkinson, M Rai, M Pandolfo, P Mihaylova-Bogdanova, RA Walsh, S Murphy, A Emmanuel, P Giunti, 'Lower urinary tract, bowel and sexual dysfunction in Friedreich's ataxia' , Journal of the Neurological Sciences, World Congress of Neurology, Kyoto, Japan, 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- Fawcett KA, Murphy SM, Polke JM, Wray S, Burchell VS, Manji H, Quinlivan RM, Zdebik AA, Reilly MM, Houlden H, Comprehensive analysis of the TRPV4 gene in a large series of inherited neuropathies and controls., Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 83, (12), 2012, p1204-9Journal Article, 2012
- Murphy SM, Laura M, Fawcett K, Pandraud A, Liu YT, Davidson GL, Rossor AM, Polke JM, Castleman V, Manji H, Lunn MP, Bull K, Ramdharry G, Davis M, Blake JC, Houlden H, Reilly MM, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: frequency of genetic subtypes and guidelines for genetic testing., Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 83, (7), 2012, p706-10Journal Article, 2012
- Jaffer F, Murphy SM, Scoto M, Healy E, Rossor AM, Brandner S, Phadke R, Selcen D, Jungbluth H, Muntoni F, Reilly MM, BAG3 mutations: another cause of giant axonal neuropathy., Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS, 17, (2), 2012, p210-6Journal Article, 2012
- Rossor AM, Murphy S, Reilly MM, Knee bobbing in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease., Practical neurology, 12, (3), 2012, p182-3Journal Article, 2012
- Rossor AM, Davidson GL, Blake J, Polke JM, Murphy SM, Houlden H, Innes A, Kalmar B, Greensmith L, Reilly MM, A novel p.Glu175X premature stop mutation in the C-terminal end of HSP27 is a cause of CMT2., Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS, 17, (2), 2012, p201-5Journal Article, 2012
- Murphy SM, Puwanant A, Griggs RC, Unintended effects of orphan product designation for rare neurological diseases., Annals of neurology, 72, (4), 2012, p481-90Journal Article, 2012
- Davidson G, Murphy S, Polke J, Laura M, Salih M, Muntoni F, Blake J, Brandner S, Davies N, Horvath R, Price S, Donaghy M, Roberts M, Foulds N, Ramdharry G, Soler D, Lunn M, Manji H, Davis M, Houlden H, Reilly M, Frequency of mutations in the genes associated with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy in a UK cohort., Journal of neurology, 259, (8), 2012, p1673-85Journal Article, 2012
- Murphy SM, Herrmann DN, McDermott MP, Scherer SS, Shy ME, Reilly MM, Pareyson D, Reliability of the CMT neuropathy score (second version) in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease., Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS, 16, (3), 2011, p191-8Journal Article, 2011
- Reilly MM, Murphy SM, Laurá M, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease., Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS, 16, (1), 2011, p1-14Journal Article, 2011
- Siskind CE, Murphy SM, Ovens R, Polke J, Reilly MM, Shy ME, Phenotype expression in women with CMT1X., Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS, 16, (2), 2011, p102-7Journal Article, 2011
- Murphy SM, Polke J, Manji H, Blake J, Reiniger L, Sweeney M, Houlden H, Brandner S, Reilly MM, A novel mutation in the nerve-specific 5'UTR of the GJB1 gene causes X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease., Journal of the peripheral nervous system : JPNS, 16, (1), 2011, p65-70Journal Article, 2011
- Smith LJ, Murphy SM, Holmes P, Reilly MM, Reiniger L, Thom M, Lunn MP, A painful right leg., BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 342, 2011, pd1009Journal Article, 2011
- Murphy SM, Laurá M, Blake J, Polke J, Bremner F, Reilly MM, Conduction block and tonic pupils in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease caused by a myelin protein zero p.Ile112Thr mutation., Neuromuscular disorders : NMD, 21, (3), 2011, p223-6Journal Article, 2011
- Ryan D, Murphy SM, Hennessey MJ, Bilateral posterior cerebral artery infarction., BMJ case reports, 2010, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Smyth A, Murphy SM, Counihan TJ, An unusual cause of cavernous sinus syndrome., BMJ case reports, 2009, 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Sinéad M Murphy, The genetics of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease., CML Neurology, 28, (1), 2012, p1 - 14Journal Article, 2012
- PJ Arthur-Farraj, SM Murphy, M Laura, MP Lunn, H Manji, J Blake, G Ramdharry, Z Fox, MM Reilly, Hand weakness in CMT1X. , Neuromuscular Disorders , 22, 2012, p622 - 626Journal Article, 2012
- Sinéad M Murphy, Mary M Reilly. , Amyloid neuropathies., Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, 11, (1), 2011, p16 - 19Journal Article, 2011
- Shiv Saidha, Sinead Murphy, Aoife Ronayne, Peter McCarthy, Michael Hennessy, Timothy Counihan., Treatment of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody associated limbic encephalitis with mycophenolate mofetil., Journal of Neurology, 257, (6), 2010, p1035 - 1038Journal Article, 2010
- Shiv Saidha, Sinead Murphy, Peter McCarthy, Philip Mayne, Michael Hennessy. , L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria diagnosed in an adult presenting with acute deterioration. , Journal of Neurology, 257, (1), 2010, p146 - 148Journal Article, 2010
- Hereditary amyloid neuropathy. in, editor(s)C. J. Matthias, R. Bannister , Autonomic Failure: a textbook of clinical disorders of the autonomic nervous system., Oxford University Press, 2013, pp613 - [Sinéad M Murphy, Mary M Reilly.]Book Chapter, 2013
- Cortical Syndromes. in, editor(s)T.E. Andreoli, I.J. Benjamin, R.C. Griggs, E.J. Wing , Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine. , Philadelphia, Saunders Elsevier, 2010, pp1068 - 1071, [Sinéad M Murphy, Timothy J Counihan.]Book Chapter, 2010
- Cerebrovascular Disease in, editor(s)T.E. Andreoli, I.J. Benjamin, R.C. Griggs, E.J. Wing , Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine., Philadelphia, Saunders Elsevier, 2010, pp1123 - 1135, [Sinéad M Murphy, Timothy J Counihan.]Book Chapter, 2010
- Treatment of the epilepsy patient with concomitant medical conditions in, editor(s)J.A. French, N Delanty , Therapeutic Strategies in Epilepsy, Oxford, Clinical Publishing, 2009, pp229 - 249, [Sinéad M Murphy, Norman Delanty]Book Chapter, 2009
- Sinéad M Murphy, Matilde Laurá, Mary M Reilly., 'Hereditary Neuropathies', EPub www.ebrainjnc.com Module 014_006, 2011eBrain session , 2011, -Digital research resource production, 2011
- Sinead M Murphy, John Thornton, Joan T Moroney., Spontaneous intra-luminal carotid thrombus in association with multiple myeloma., BloodMed on-line 1/7/07, 2007Journal Article, 2007
- Sinead M Murphy, John P O'Dwyer, Philip Murphy, Joan T Moroney, Cerebral ischaemia and intracerebral haemorrhage in the hypereosinophilic syndrome., BloodMed on-line 15/6/07, 2007Journal Article, 2007
- Sinéad M Murphy, SPTLC2 case presentation. , British Peripheral Nerve Society, Kings Hospital, London, 21 October 2011, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- S M Murphy, D N Herrmann, M P McDermott, S S Scherer, M E Shy, M M Reilly, D Pareyson. , Reliability of the CMT Neuropathy Score (second version) in Charcot-Marie-Tooth , Journal of Peripheral Nervous System, International CMT Consortium, Potomac,, MD, July 2011, 16, (Suppl 3), 2011, ppS93-Oral Presentation, 2011
- Sinéad M Murphy, X-inactivation in females with CMTX1, Irish Neurological Association (INA) , Ireland, May 2011, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- Sinéad M Murphy, A painful neuropathy., Irish Neuromuscular Association meeting, Ireland, May 2011, 2011Oral Presentation, 2011
- Sinéad M Murphy, ARSACS case presentation. , British Peripheral Nerve Society, October 2009, 2009Oral Presentation, 2009
- Sinéad M Murphy, Infarct volume and apraxia of speech in acute ischaemic hemispheral stroke. , European Neurological Society (ENS) , June 2007, 2007Oral Presentation, 2007
- Sinéad M Murphy, Infarct volume and apraxia of speech in acute ischaemic hemispheral stroke., RAMI / IICN Diaspora Meeting , October 2006, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- Sinéad M Murphy, Cerebral ischaemia and intracerebral haemorrhage in association with the hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES)., RAMI / IICN Diaspora Meeting , October 2006, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- Sinéad M Murphy, Cerebral ischaemia and intracerebral haemorrhage in association with the hypereosinophilic syndrome., Association of British Neurologists (ABN) , October 2006, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- Sinéad M Murphy, Apraxia of speech, orofacial apraxia, and linguistic dysprosody after acute ischaemic stroke: challenging traditional thinking., ENS, June 2006, 2006Oral Presentation, 2006
- Sinéad M Murphy, Paraneoplastic disease masquerading as Sneddon's Syndrome., RAMI Registrar's Prize Meeting., 2005, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- Sinéad M Murphy, Apraxia of Speech and Linguistic Dysprosody following Acute Ischaemic Stroke. Challenging Traditional Teaching. , November 2005, RAMI Registrar's Prize meeting, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- Sinéad M Murphy, Prospective Study of Speech Recovery in Acute Ischaemic Stroke: Preliminary findings in 10 patients., INA, June 2005, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
- Sinéad M Murphy, How well is peripheral neuropathy investigated? An audit from a regional neurophysiology department., INA, June 2004, 2004Oral Presentation, 2004
- O'Donnell L, O'Neill D, Collins R, Coughlan T, McCabe D, Murphy S, Walsh R, Outcomes of Occupational Therapy Interventions within a Stroke Early Supported Discharge (ESD) Service; a 9 Month Retrospective Clinical Audit, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS360-1Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Greene S, Cogan N, Briggs R, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Mc Cabe D, Murphy S, Walsh R, Collins R, Neuromedical Sequelae Post-Stroke, Ir J Med Sci, Irish Gerontological Society, Galway, 10-11 Oct 2014, 183, (Suppl 7), 2014, ppS332Meeting Abstract, 2014
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Christelle Oliver-Dussault, Peter Moloney, Sinéad M Murphy, Multiple sclerosis, Hospital Doctor of Ireland, 2013Journal Article
- McGuigan C, Ryan A, Sweeney B, Murphy S, McCabe D, Kinirons P, Murphy K, Hutchinson M, Hanna J. , Natalizumab for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: interim data from the Ireland Tysabri Observational Program (iTOP). , Mult Scler, 23, (11), 2015, pp762-763. EP1462.Published Abstract
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Sinead M Murphy, Familial amyloid polyneuropathy, Hospital Doctor of Ireland, 24, (9), 2018, p27 - 30Journal Article
- Kinley Roberts, Sinéad Murphy, Multiple sclerosis, Forum, 34, (1), 2017Journal Article
- Layan Akijian, Noel Fitzpatrick, John Donaghy, Sinéad M Murphy, Neurology Clinical Focus: Multiple sclerosis, Hospital Doctor of Ireland, 2014Journal Article
- Roberts K, Harrington L, Murphy S, An audit of headache referrals to a consultant neurologist over a 2-year period at Tallaght Hospital, INA, Dublin, 2017, 2017Poster
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Sinéad M Murphy & Richard A Walsh, "It's raining men": Tallaght SPG7 related spastic ataxia cases, INA, Dublin, 2017, 2017Poster
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Neil Austin, Michael D Alexander, Lorraine Cassidy, Raymond P Murphy, Richard A Walsh, Sinéad M Murphy, DDHD2-associated autosomal recessive spastic ataxia in an Irish family, ABN, Liverpool, UK, 2017, 2017Poster
- Kinley Roberts, Linda Harrington, Sinéad M Murphy, In the clinic of a newly appointed neurologist: the first 1500 patients, ABN, Liverpool, UK, 2017, 2017Poster
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Sinéad M Murphy & Richard A Walsh, SPG7-related ataxia in the Irish National Ataxia Clinic cohort, ABN, Liverpool, UK, 2017, 2017Poster
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Raymond PJ Murphy, Richard A Walsh, Sinéad M Murphy , Underlying genetic cause in progressive cerebellar ataxias: prospective evaluation of an Irish cohort, ABN, Brighton, UK, 2016, 2016Poster
- Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Raymond PJ Murphy, Sinéad M Murphy, Utility of muscle MRI in diagnosing unsuspected congenital myasthenic syndromes, INA, Limerick, 2015, 2015Poster
- Patricia McNamara, Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova, Sarah Burton-Jones, Michael Alexander, Michael Hennessy, Sinead M Murphy, New Pathogenic Mutation in SLC12A6 gene in Twins with Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, INA, Galway, 2015, 2015Poster
- Layan Akijian, Sindy Augustine, Dominick McCabe, Michael Alexander, Sinéad M Murphy, Periodic paralysis, a phenotypic diagnosis, INA, Belfast, 2014, 2014Poster
- Muhammad Shakeel Majeed, Michael Alexander, Richard Walsh, Dominick McCabe, Sinéad M Murphy, Developing a seizure pathway: Evaluating the patient journey, INA, Belfast, 2014, 2014Poster
- McNicholas N, McAlister S, McCabe DJH, Walsh RA, Murphy SM, Treatment Practices in the management of Chronic Inflammatory Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) in a Tertiary Referral Centre, INA, Dublin, 2013, 2013Poster
- Arthur-Farraj PJ, Murphy SM, Fox Z, Reilly MM, Overwork weakness in CMT1X, does it exist?, International CMT Consortium, Potomac, US, 2011, 2011Poster
- Sinéad M Murphy, James Stevens, Indran Davagnanam, Rahul Phadke, Fion Bremner, Paola Giunti, Mary M Reilly, ARSACS: a common cause of neuropathy with spasticity and ataxia, INA, Sligo, 2011, 2011Poster
- SM Murphy, J Thornton, P Brennan, JT Moroney, Recurrent stroke due to intra-luminal carotid thrombus in a patient with active multiple myeloma, International Congress of Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis, San Diego, US, 2006, 2006Poster
- Ramdharry GM, Pollard AJ, Anderson CA, Laura M, Murphy SM, Hutton EJ, Marsden JF, Reilly MM, Strengthening hip flexors to improve walking distance in people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System , Meeting of the Peripheral Nerve Society, Potomac, US, 2011, 16, (Suppl 3), 2011, ppS115-Published Abstract
- Katherine Fawcett, Sinéad Murphy, James Polke, Mary Reilly, Henry Houlden, TRPV4 mutations and functional characterization in a cohort of patients with hereditary neuropathy, Neuromuscular Disorders, UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference, London, 2011, 21, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS16-Published Abstract
- Sinéad M Murphy, Carly Siskind, Richard Ovens, James Polke, Matilde Laura, Henry Houlden, Raymond PJ Murphy, Michael E Shy, Mary M Reilly, X-inactivation pattern in females with CMTX1, Neuromuscular Disorders, UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference, London, 2011, 21, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS18-Published Abstract
- Sinéad M Murphy, Gabrielle L Davidson, Matilde Laura, Mustafa Salih, Francesco Muntoni, Michael Lunn, Julian Blake, Sebastian Brandner, James Polke, Mary Davies, Henry Houlden, Mary M Reilly, Genetic mutation frequency in patients with Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies (HSAN). , Neuromuscular Disorders, UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference, London, 2011, 21, (Suppl 1), 2011, ppS117-Published Abstract
- Shiv Saidha, Sinéad Murphy, Aoife Ronayne, Peter McCarthy, Michael Hennessy, Timothy Counihan, Treatment of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody associated limbic encephalitis with mycophenolate mofetil, Neurology, AAN, Toronto, Canada, 2010, 74, (Suppl 2), 2010, ppA177-Published Abstract
- S M Murphy, U Khan, C Alifrangis, S Hazel, D Hrouda, J Blake, J Ball, C Gabriel, J Rees, M Seckl, M P Lunn, M M Reilly, Anti-Ma2 associated myelo-radiculopathy, Journal of Peripheral Nervous System, Joint meeting of the Italian Peripheral Nerve Study Group and the British Peripheral Nerve Society, Trieste, Italy, 2010, 15, (Suppl 1), 2010, pp24-Published Abstract
- S Murphy, S Brandner, J Polke, H Manji, H Houlden, M M Reilly., A novel mutation in the nerve-specific 5′-UTR of the Cx32 gene causing CMTX1, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, ABN, 2010, 81, 2010, ppe50-Published Abstract
- G Davidson, S M Murphy, J M Polke, M B Davis, M M Reilly, H Houlden, Genes for the hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies: frequency in a UK series and genotype-phenotype correlations, Neuromuscular Disorders, UK Neuromuscular Translational Research Conference, 2010, 20, (Suppl 1), 2010, ppS22-Published Abstract
- Sinéad M Murphy, Complementary and alternative therapy use in multiple sclerosis: Counting the cost., Multiple Sclerosis, ECTRIMS with ACTRIMS and LACTRIMS, Montreal, Canada, 2008, 14, (Suppl 1), 2008, ppS158-Published Abstract
- SM Murphy, JP O'Dwyer, P Murphy, JT Moroney, Cerebral ischaemia and intracerebral haemorrhage in association with the hypereosinophilic syndrome, Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry , ABN, London, 2006, 78, (2), 2007, pp210-Published Abstract
- S Murphy, C Doherty, J Moroney, Apraxia of speech, orofacial apraxia, and linguistic dysprosody after acute ischaemic stroke: challenging traditional thinking, Journal of Neurology, ENS, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2006, 253, (Suppl 2), 2006, pp21-Published Abstract
- S Murphy, C Doherty, JT Moroney, Prospective Study of Speech and Language Deficits in Acute Ischaemic Stroke: Preliminary findings in 10 patients, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, ABN, Torquay, UK, 2005, 77, (1), 2006, pp126-Published Abstract
- S Murphy, B McNamara, D O'Mahony, How well is peripheral neuropathy investigated? An audit from a regional neurophysiology department, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Irish Gerontology Society, 2004, 173, 2004, pp11-Published Abstract
- Stephen Murphy, Soon Tjin Lim, Justin Kinsella, Helen Enright, Dymphna Murphy, Sean Tierney, Bridget Egan, Martin Feeley, Sinead Murphy, Richard Walsh, Ronan Collins, Tara Coughlan, Desmond ONeill, Joseph Harbison, Prakash Madhavan, Sean ONeill, Mary Pat Colgan, Dermot Cox, Niamh Moran, George Hamilton, Dominick McCabe, 'Profile of Reticulated Platelets and Red Cell Reticulocytes in Patients With Recently Symptomatic versus Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis' , Stroke, International Stroke Conference, Los Angeles, 2018, 2018Conference Paper
- S Murphy, B Sweeney., Current Therapies in Multiple Sclerosis and Future Options. , Irish Medical Times , 38, (15), 2004, p28 - 30Journal Article
- S Murphy, B Sweeney, Review of recent articles on the topic of Neurology., Hospital Doctor of Ireland, 1, 2004, p49 - 53Journal Article
- Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods, Dept. of Statistics, UCD 2005
- Travel grant, ENS (European Neurological Society) 2006
- The Isabella Mulvaney Exhibition 1994
- Ethel M Glorney Trust Prize 1994
- TCD Entrance Exhibition Award 1994
- The Jellicoe scholarship 1994
- Travel grant, Dept. of Molecular Neuroscience, UCL Institute of Neurology, Queen Square 2011
- Harold Millar prize for best presentation, Irish Neurological Association 2011
- Bursary EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Sciences) 2008
- Dr Richard Steevens' Scholarship 2009
- RAMI (Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland) / IICN (Irish Institute of Clinical Neurosciences) Diaspora Registrar's Prize in Neurology - Research 1st prize 2006
- Travel fellowship, Peripheral Nerve Society 2011
- The Applied Maths prize 1994
- RAMI / IICN Diaspora Registrar's Prize in Neurology - Case Report 2nd prize 2006
- The Trench scholarship 1994
- FRCPI (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland) current
- IICN: Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience current
- Neuromuscular Group of RRNMF, an online forum of neuromuscular neurologists to discuss complex clinical cases, share information, neuromuscular grand rounds etc 2019
- MRCPI (Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland) 2013
- Tallaght Vasculitis and Allergy Group (TVAG) current
- Peripheral Nerve Society: and member of subgroups Inflammatory Neuropathy Consortium and CMT and related neuropathy Consortium current
- Updated and edited Neurology chapters of TUH Medicines Guide 2014
- Professional Reviewer for NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) 2019
- Member of Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience (IICN), attend meetings in this capacity
- Member of Tallaght Vasculitis and Allergy Group, attend MDT meetings and give neurology input to complex cases 2013
- National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics (NCPE) Advising on ocrelizumab for primary progressive MS (2018) and patisiran for familial TTR-associated amyloidosis (2019).
- Contribution to public awareness events, e.g. Huntington's Disease awareness week video, national radio interview on rare genetic diseases
- Chairing platform sessions at European Neurological Society (ENS)
- Examiner for MRCPI examinations 2012
- Journal reviewer: Neurology, Muscle & Nerve, BMJ Case Reports, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice
- Member of Tallaght Vasculitis and Allergy Group, attend MDT meetings and give neurology input to complex cases 2013
- Judging poster presentations at INA annual meetings
- Judging poster presentations at INA annual meetings
- Journal reviewer: Neurology, Muscle & Nerve, BMJ Case Reports, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice
- Member of Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience (IICN), attend meetings in this capacity
- Chairing platform sessions at European Neurological Society (ENS)
- Professional Reviewer for NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) 2019
- Updated and edited Neurology chapters of TUH Medicines Guide 2014
- Examiner for MRCPI examinations 2012
- National Centre for Pharmacoeconomics (NCPE) Advising on ocrelizumab for primary progressive MS (2018) and patisiran for familial TTR-associated amyloidosis (2019).
- Contribution to public awareness events, e.g. Huntington's Disease awareness week video, national radio interview on rare genetic diseases