Dr. Miriam Galvin

Dr. Miriam Galvin

Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine

3531896 2865

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Burke T, Elamin M, Galvin M, Hardiman O, Pender N, Caregiver burden in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a cross-sectional investigation of predictors, Journal of Neurology, 262, (6), 2015, p1526 - 1532Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Connolly S, and Galvin M, Hardiman O, End-of-life management in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, The Lancet Neurology, 14, (4), 2015, p435 - 442Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Galvin M, Madden C, Maguire S, Heverin M, Vajda A, Staines A, Hardiman O, Patient journey to a specialist amyotrophic lateral sclerosis multidisciplinary clinic: an exploratory study., BMC health services research, 15, 2015, p571Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Rooney J, Heverin M, Vajda A, Burke T, Galvin M, Tobin K, Elamin M, Staines A, Hardiman O, Survival analysis of geospatial factors in the Irish ALS cohort., Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration, 2016, p1-6Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Burke T, Elamin M, Galvin M, Gallagher L, Hardiman O, Pender N, Erratum: Caregiver burden in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a cross-sectional investigation of predictors. [J Neurol, (2015) 262, (1526-1532), DOI 10.1007/s00415-015-7746-z], 2015, - 2799Miscellaneous, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Galvin M, Corr B, Madden C, Mays I, McQuillan R, Timonen V, Staines A, Hardiman O, Caregiving in ALS - A mixed methods approach to the study of Burden, BMC Palliative Care, 15, (1), 2016, p81-Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Galvin M, Ryan P, Maguire S, Heverin M, Madden C, Vajda A, Normand C, Hardiman O, The path to specialist multidisciplinary care in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A population- based study of consultations, interventions and costs. , PLoS One, 12, (6), 2017Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
  • Miriam Galvin,Sile Carney, Bernie Corr, Iain Mays, Niall Pender, Orla Hardiman, Needs of informal caregivers across the caregiving course in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a qualitative analysis, · BMJ Open , 8, (1), 2018, pe018721-Journal Article, 2018, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Burke, T., Hardiman, O., Pinto-Grau, M, Longergan, K., Heverin, M., Tobin, K., Staines, A. Galvin, M., and Pender, N, , Longitudinal Predictors of Caregiver Burden in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A population-based cohort of patient-caregiver dyads., Journal of Neurology , 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Burke, T Galvin, M. and Pinto-Grau, M. and Lonergan, K. and Madden, C. and Mays, I. and Carney, S. and Hardiman, O. and Pender, N., Caregivers of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: investigating quality of life, caregiver burden, service engagement, and patient survival, Journal of Neurology, 264, (5), 2017, p898-904Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Galvin, M. Gaffney, R. and Corr, B. and Mays, I. and Hardiman, O., From first symptoms to diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Perspectives of an Irish informal caregiver cohort - A thematic analysis, BMJ Open, 7, (3), 2017, pe014985-Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Burke, T., Wilson-O'Raghallaigh J, Maguire S., Galvin , M., Heverin, M., Hardiman, O., Pender, Niall , Group Interventions for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Caregivers in Ireland: a randomised controlled trial protocol, BMJ Open, (September), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Anna Markella Antoniadi, Miriam Galvin, Mark Heverin, Orla Hardiman, Catherine Mooney, Prediction of caregiver burden in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a machine learning approach using random forests applied to a cohort study, BMJ Open, 10, (2), 2020, pe033109Journal Article, 2020
  • Lorna Roe and Miriam Galvin and Laura Booi and Lenisa Brandao and Jorge Leon Salas and Eimear McGlinchey and Dana Walrath, To live and age as who we really are: Perspectives from older LGBT+ people in Ireland, HRB Open Research, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Brizzi, K.T. and Bridges, J.F.P. and Yersak, J. and Balas, C. and Thakur, N. and Galvin, M. and Hardiman, O. and Heatwole, C. and Ravits, J. and Simmons, Z. and Bruijn, L. and Chan, J. and Bedlack, R. and Berry, J.D., Understanding the needs of people with ALS: a national survey of patients and caregivers, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 2020Journal Article, 2020
  • Thurn, T. and Borasio, G.D. and Chi{\`o, Physicians? attitudes toward end-of-life decisions in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 20, (1-2), 2019, p74-81Journal Article, 2019
  • The Impact of Cognitive and Behavioural Change on Quality of Life of Caregivers and Patients with ALS and Other Neurological Conditions in, editor(s)Pagnini F and Simmons Z , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Understanding and Optimizing Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being, , Oxford University Press, 2018, [Burke, T., Galvin, M., Maguire, S., Pender, N., & Hardiman, O]Book Chapter, 2018
  • Cleary, A, Corbett, M, Galvin, M, Wall, J , Young Men on the Margins , The Katherine Howard Foundation, 2004Book, 2004
  • Experience Of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis In Ireland In Public Policy in, editor(s)Oliver and Blank , Public Policy in ALS/MND Care - an International Perspective , 2020, [Hardiman, O, Lefter S, Galvin M, ]Book Chapter, 2020
  • Galvin M, Individual Quality of Life among spousal ALS patient-caregiver dyads, International ALS Symposium, , 2019, 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • Galvin M, Deconstructing Burden: Informal Caregivers in Neurodegeneration , Sonas Dementia Conference Croke , 2019Oral Presentation, 2019
  • Galvin M, Deconstructing Caregiver Burden in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - adding a qualitative perspective, European Academy of Neurology, Denmark, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016
  • Norman, J, Galvin, M , A Survey of Teachers on Homophobic Bullying in Irish Second-Level Schools , 2004Report, 2004
  • Norman, J, Galvin, M, Mc Namara, G , Straight Talk: Researching Gay and Lesbian Issues in the School Curriculum , Centre for Educational Evaluation, School of Education Studies, Dublin City University , 2006Book, 2006
  • Galvin, M. , Clergymen and Child Sexual Abuse: Media, Discourse and Masculinity, , Studies, 2011Journal Article, 2011
  • Galvin M, Exploring the complex needs of ALS caregivers - from first symptoms across the caregiving course, , Institute for Biomedical Ethics, 2017Invited Talk, 2017
  • Galvin, M., Gavin, T., Mays, I. et al., Individual quality of life in spousal ALS patient-caregiver dyads. , Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2020Journal Article, 2020
  • Miriam Galvin & Gerry McNamara, Face-to-Face Interviews With Vulnerable Respondents: Informal Caregivers of Patients With Progressive Neurodegeneration, SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine and Health, 2020Journal Article, 2020
  • Tobin K, Maguire S, Corr B, Normand C, Hardiman O, Galvin M., Discrete choice experiment for eliciting preference for health services for patients with ALS and their informal caregivers, BMC Health Services Research, 2021 Mar 9;21(1):213, 2021, p213-Journal Article, 2021
  • Anna Antoniadi, Miriam Galvin, Mark Heverin, Orla Hardiman, and Catherine Mooney. , Identifying Features That Are Predictive of Quality of Life in People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. , IEEE ICHI International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, 2020Poster, 2020
  • Anna Antoniadi, Miriam Galvin, Mark Heverin, Orla Hardiman, and Catherine Mooney, Using Patient Information for the Prediction of Caregiver Burden in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. , 11th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics , USA, edited by Association for Computing Machinery , 2020, pp1Poster, 2020
  • Association for Computing Machinery(ed.), Development of an explainable clinical decision support system for the prediction of patient quality of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Virtual, 2021, 2021, 594-602 pProceedings of a Conference, 2021
  • Conroy E., Kennedy P., Heverin M., Leroi I., Mayberry E., Beelen A., Stavroulakis T., van den Berg L.H., McDermott C.J., Hardiman O., Galvin M., Informal caregivers in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A multi"centre, exploratory study of burden and difficulties, Brain Sciences, 11, (8), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Antoniadi A.M., Galvin M., Heverin M., Hardiman O., Mooney C., Prediction of caregiver quality of life in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using explainable machine learning, Scientific Reports, 11, (1), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Antoniadi, Anna Markella, Galvin, Miriam, Heverin, Mark, Hardiman, Orla, Mooney, Catherine, Prediction of quality of life in people with ALS, ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review, 21, (2), 2021, p5-17Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Deirdre Murray, Miriam Galvin, Mark Heverin, Polly Kennedy, Colm Peelo, Olivia Grogan, Sinead Maguire, Liam Knox, Esther Hobson, Roisin Duffy, Christopher McDermott and Orla Hardiman, Adoption and Implementation of the Telemedicine in MND (TiM) System in the Irish MND Service , ENCALS 2021 , Virtual, 2021, 2021Poster, 2021
  • Miriam Galvin , Eilis Conroy, Polly Kennedy, Mark Heverin, Iracema Leroi and Orla Hardiman, Caregiving in ALS: burden and benefit - a mixed methods study , AAIC 2021 Alzheimer's Association International Conference Satellite Symposium, Virtual, 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Polly Kennedy & Éilís Conroy, Mark Heverin, Iracema Leroi, Anita Beelen, Leonard van den Berg, Orla Hardiman & Miriam Galvin, 'It refocuses the mind on the important things in life' - An exploration of burden and self-described positive experiences of informal ALS caregivers in Ireland and the Netherlands, ALS SYMPOSIUM, Virtual, 2021, 2021Poster, 2021
  • Kennedy, P. Galvin, M. Heverin, M. Murray, M. & Hardiman, O, The complexity of planning care at a multidisciplinary motor neurone disease (MND) clinic, ALS SYMPOSIUM, Virtual, 2021, 2021Poster, 2021
  • É Conroy & P Kennedy, M Heverin, I Leroi, E Mayberry, A Beelen, T Stavroulakis, L.H. van den Berg , C. J McDermott, O Hardiman and M Galvin, 'Seeing my wife gradually deteriorate and knowing where it is going makes me sad' - A multi-centre, exploratory study of burden and difficulties of informal ALS caregivers, ALS SYMPOSIUM, Virtual, 2021, 2021Poster, 2021
  • Galvin, M. and Heverin, M., IMPACT ALS Europe- A European Survey of People living with ALS, ALS SYMPOSIUM, Virtual, 2021, 2021Oral Presentation, 2021
  • Peelo, Colm ; Murray, Deirdre; Meldrum, Dara; Galvin, Miriam; Hobson, Esther; McDermott, Christopher & Hardiman, Orla, Bringing Telehealth in Motor Neuron Disease to Ireland , Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) 50th anniversary annual conference, Virtual, 2020, 2020Poster, 2020
  • Carney, Síle; Wheeler, Carolin; Pinto-Grau, Marta; Costello, Emmet; Hammond, Michaela; Heverin, Mark; Burke, Tom; Galvin, Miriam; Hardiman, Orla & Pender, Niall, Longitudinal Analysis of Psychological Distress in Motor Neuron Disease Caregivers, Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) 50th anniversary annual conference, Virtual, 2020, 2020Poster, 2020
  • Wheeler, Caroline; O'Dea, Ailín; Carney, Síle; Burke, Tom; Wilson O'Raghallaigh, Jennifer; Maguire, Sinead; Galvin, Miriam; Heverin, Mark; Hardiman, Orla & Pender, Niall, Preliminary Qualitative Analysis of Focus Group Interviews Accessing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Caregivers' Experiences of Group Based Interventions, Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) 50th anniversary annual conference, Virtual, 2020, 2020Poster, 2020
  • Impey, Sinead; Berry, Damon; Furtado, Selma; Galvin, Miriam; Grogan, Loretto; Orla Hardiman, Orla; Hederman, Lucy; Heverin, Mark; Wade, Vincent; Stephens, Gaye;, Capturing 'The Everything': a novel approach to domain investigation in a rare disease setting, HISI 2019 - 24th HISI Annual Conference & Scientific Symposium Health Informatics Society of Ireland, 26 November 2019, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • Galvin, M. et al, Proceedings of the Winter Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine 2015, Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), 185, (S12), 2016, p543-561Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Galvin M, Tobin K, Mays I, Staines A, Hardiman O, Caregiver Burden in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): A Prospective Analysis, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 185, (Supplement 12), 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
  • Addressing the context: Issues in cross-national comparative research in cross national comparative research in, Doing Educational research: Overcoming Challenges in Practice, Sage, 2019, [Altrichter H, Galvin M, McNamara G & O'Hara J]Book Chapter, 2019
  • M Galvin, O Hardiman, A Laverdiere , B Charpentier, J Petrillo, K Bowyer Lucie Bruijn, C McDermott , ALS European Survey: People living with ALS and their caregivers' input into drug development in Europe , ENCALS, Oxford, 2018Poster, 2018
  • Galvin, M. , Deconstructing Caregiver Burden in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - adding a qualitative perspective, 17th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, Dublin, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016
  • Galvin, M., Autonomy and Quality of Life: The Patient-Carer Dyad, ALS SYMPOSIUM, 2016Oral Presentation, 2016
  • Galvin M, Ryan P, Maguire S , Heverin M, Madden C, Vajda A, Normand C, Hardiman O, The Patient Journey to a National ALS Clinic: Delayed Diagnosis and Economic Cost: The path to specialist multidisciplinary care: A population based study of consultations, interventions and costs, ALS Symposium, Dublin, 2016Poster, 2016
  • Galvin M, Ryan P, Maguire S, Heverin M, Madden C, Vajda A, Normand C, Hardiman O, The Patient Journey to a National ALS Clinic: Delayed Diagnosis and Economic Cost, European Academy of Neurology, Copenhagen, 2016Poster, 2016
  • Maguire S, Penugonda M, Tobin K, Galvin M, Hardiman O, Palliative Care Outcomes in ALS, 27th International ALS Symposium, Dublin, 2016Poster, 2016
  • Galvin M, Madden C, Mays I, Corr B, Staines A, Hardiman O , Caregiver Burden in ALS- Dimensions and Difficulties , 26th International ALS Symposium, USA, 2015Poster, 2015
  • Galvin M, Tobin K, Mays I, Staines A, Hardiman O, Caregiver Burden in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): a Prospective Analysis , Winter Scientific Meeting, Royal College of Physicians in Ireland,, Dublin, 2015Poster, 2015
  • Galvin M, and Connolly S, Mays I, Hardiman O, End of Life in Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): A Review , 25th International ALS Symposium, , Brussels, 2014Poster, 2014
  • Galvin M, Mays I, Corr B, Staines A, Hardiman O , Exploration of Caregiving Experiences in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: a preliminary analysis, 25th International ALS Symposium, , Brussels, 2014Poster, 2014
  • Galvin M, Representations of Sexuality: Men who interact sexually with children, The Self, Selves and Sexualities International Conference, School of Nursing and SALIS, Dublin City University, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010
  • Galvin, M., The Role of Teachers in Addressing Homophobic Bullying in Irish Second-Level Schools, 2005Oral Presentation, 2005
  • Galvin, M., Factors contributing to Workload and Pressure of Work in General Practice in Ireland: a National Survey, Association of University Departments of General Practice, Galway, 2001Oral Presentation, 2001
  • Miriam Galvin, Bernie Corr, Sile Carney, Niall Pender, Orla Hardiman, Informal ALS caregivers -expressing their needs within a health care setting: a qualitative analysis, ENCALS, Oxford, 2018Poster, 2018
  • Miriam Galvin, Bernie Corr, Sile Carney, Niall Pender, Orla Hardiman, Informal ALS caregivers -expressing their needs within a health care setting: a qualitative analysis, 29th ALS International Symposium , Glasgow, 2018Poster, 2018
  • Galvin M, Ryan P, Maguire S , Heverin M, Madden C, Vajda A, Normand C, Hardiman O., The Patient Journey to a National ALS Clinic: Delayed Diagnosis and Economic Cost: The path to specialist multidisciplinary care: A population based study of consultations, interventions and costs, American Academy of Neurology Conference, USA, 2017Poster, 2017
  • Galvin M, Gaffney R, Corr B, Mays I, Hardiman O, Pre-diagnosis journey - perspectives of informal ALS caregivers: a thematic analysis, American Academy of Neurology Conference, USA, 2017Poster, 2017
  • Roe L. and Galvin M., Providing inclusive, person-centred care for LGBT+ older adults: A discussion on health and social care design and delivery, Journal of Nursing Management, 29, (1), 2021, p104 - 108Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Orla Hardiman(ed.), International Symposium ALS/FTD, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, Australia, 2019, 40-41 pProceedings of a Conference, 2019
  • Tom Burke, Sinead Maguire, Miriam Galvin, Mark Heverin, Orla Hardiman, Niall Pender, When the shared journey ends: the enduring impact of ALS on bereaved caregivers, 30th International Symposium on ALS/MND, Australia, 2019Poster, 2019
  • Kennedy, Polly and Conroy, à ilís and Heverin, Mark and Leroi, Iracema and Beelen, Anita and van den Berg, Leonard and Hardiman, Orla and Galvin, Miriam, Burden and benefit-A mixed methods study of informal Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis caregivers in Ireland and the Netherlands, International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 37, (5), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Chen, Yaohua Sophie and Beber, Bárbara Costa and Higgins, Dawn and Galvin, Miriam and Ilinca, Stefania and Lawlor, Brian and Leon, Tomas and Leroi, Iracema and McGlinchey, Eimear and Rogan, Carol and Saha, Sanjib and Tjin, Anna and O'Sullivan, Roger and CLIC†Caregivers Study Group, COVID†19†related loneliness and social isolation in caregivers of people with brain health challenges: The CLIC†Caregiver Global Survey, Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 17, (Suppl 7), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Antoniadi, A.M.; Galvin, M.; Heverin, M.; Wei, L.; Hardiman, O.; Mooney, C, A Clinical Decision Support System for the Prediction of Quality of Life in ALS., Journal of Personalised Medicine, 12, (3), 2022Journal Article, 2022
  • Emilia Grycuk, Yaohua Chen, Arianna Almirall-Sanchez, Dawn Higgins, Miriam Galvin, Joseph Kane, Irina Kinchin, Brian Lawlor, Carol Rogan, Gregor Russell, Roger O'Sullivan, Iracema Leroi, Care burden, loneliness, and social isolation in caregivers of people with physical and brain health conditions in English-speaking regions: Before and during the COVID-19 pandemic , International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 2022Journal Article, 2022
  • Eilis Conroy, David O"Brien, Beatriz Vélez-Gómez, Mark Heverin, Orla Hardiman, Chris McDermott, Miriam Galvin, IMPACT ALS EUROPE SURVEY - People living with ALS in Europe, ALS International Symposium 2022, December 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • E Conroy,P Kennedy, M Heverin, I Leroi, L van den Berg, O Hardiman,M Galvin , An exploration of burden and self-described positive experiences of informal ALS caregivers in Ireland and the Netherlands , Psychological Society of Ireland Conference 2022 , November 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • Conroy, É, Kennedy, P,Heverin, M; Hardiman, O; Galvin, M , Meaning in life and personal satisfaction as positive aspects for ALS caregivers " A longitudinal mixed methods analysis , 33rd ALS International Symposium 2022, December 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • Gilsenan, Galvin, Kennedy, Hardiman,Murray, An evaluation of the Telehealth in MND (TiM) service for patients with Motor Neurone Disease., 10th Annual Quality and Patient Safety Meeting. Beaumont Hospital Dublin, Beaumont Hospital Dublin, November 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • Gilsenan et al, An evaluation of using the Telehealth in (MND)TiM service for patients with Motor Neurone Disease, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Conference 2022, November 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • Gilsenan, Elizabeth Coates, James Sutherland, Morgan Harold, Deirdre Murray, Polly Kennedy, Miriam Galvin, Mark Heverin, Chris McDermott*, Orla Hardiman*, Esther Hobson, Feasibility and acceptability of the real-world implementation of the Telehealth in Motor Neuron Disease (TiM) service in two specialist MND centres , 33rd International ALS Symposium 2022, December 2022, 2022Conference Paper, 2022
  • Galvin, M, A Report on the Co. Wicklow Anti-Bullying Survey of Post-primary School Student, 2011Report
  • Galvin, M, People's Assessment of Need Survey, Carnew, , Health Services Executive, 2008Report
  • Galvin M, Informal caregiving and palliative care, Contemporary debates in bioethics, Switz, 2019Invited Talk
  • Roe L & Galvin M, How health system design and delivery can fail to support the needs of LGBT+ older adults, Inclusion Health Seminar, 2020Invited Talk
  • Grycuk, Emilia; Almirall-Sanchez, Arianna; Kinchin, Irina; Galvin, Miriam; Dunne, Nikki; McGlinchey, Eimea; Lawlor, Brian; Chen, Yaohua; and Leroi, Iracema;, Care burden, loneliness, and social isolation in informal caregivers in Ireland: Before and during COVID-19, Family Carers Ireland, Virtual, 2021, 2021Oral Presentation
  • Galvin M, Maguire S, Cawley E, Bernie Corr, Contextualising Cognitive & Behavioural Change, caregivers, families and health care professionals, Healthcare Professionals Study Day, Beaumont Hospital, 2016Oral Presentation
  • Galvin, M., CHOICE - Results from Staff Survey, North Western Health Board, Bundoran, Co. Donegal, 2004Oral Presentation
  • Aaron Koay, Miriam Galvin, Claire Murphy, Cathy Cunningham, Teresa Buczkowska, Valéria Aquino, Lena Doherty, Olayinka Aremu, Vibhuti Arya, Maria Elena Costa Sa and Lucy Michael, Stand Up, Speak Out! Racial Justice in Healthcare Education: Experiences of Minoritised Ethnic Students, TCD, October, 2022Report, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Aaron Koay, Miriam Galvin, Stand Up, Speak Out! Racial Justice in Healthcare Education: Experiences of Minoritised Ethnic Students,, Racial Justice Report Launch, October 2022, 2022, TCD Equality Fund, FHS EDI group TCDInvited Talk
  • Carol Rogan, Dawn Higgins, Yao Chen, Emilia Grycuk, Iracema Leroi, Andrew Wormald, Miriam Galvin, Changes & Interruptions since COVID-19: Caregivers of people with Brain Health Challenges - a qualitative analysis, CLIC Caregivers Symposium 2022, March 2022, 2022Conference Paper

Research Expertise

  • Title
    MIRANDA Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Advancing Neurological care in a Digital Age,
    The MIRANDA consortium of experts in research and practice has designed a comprehensive training programme for healthcare professionals which includes: 1. Creation of an evidence-based eHealth solution for delivery of neuro-rehabilitation 2. Development of a knowledge bank representing multidisciplinary knowledge and decision-making processes 3. Evaluation of professional burden in healthcare professionals and development of guidelines for management 5. Design and clinical integration of digital technology to facilitate communication and remote monitoring of disease progression 6. Implementation of innovative, user-friendly solutions for care.
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    March 2022
  • Title
    Self care in Migraine mainstreaming
    Funding Agency
  • Title
    Academic-Industry collaboration Multimodal pan European data acquisition Patient data framework and platform for clincial research
    Funding Agency
    Science Foundation Ireland and Industry
    Date From
    December 2021
  • Title
    Developing a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) training program for the Global Brain Health Institute
    Development of training programme around PPI in brain health projects
    Funding Agency
    GBHI, Atlantic Institute
    Date From
  • Title
    Evaluation of the Patient and Caregiver Journey in ALS: A cross European study of 500 patient/caregiver dyads
    Funding Agency
  • Title
    Exploring loneliness, social isolation and care burden in care partners and families of people with dementia:
    A COVID-19 response. C
    Funding Agency
    COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund. Trinity College Dublin.
  • Title
    European Study of ALS in Europe - Patient input to drug development
    Funding Agency
    Industry collaboration
  • Title
    Telehealth in MND in Ireland
    The use of telemedicine in enhancing clinical care for those with ALS
    Funding Agency
  • Title
    Towards Self Care in Headache
    An innovative community-based model that promotes high quality at low complexity.
    Funding Agency
    Slaintecare Integration Fund
  • Title
    Informal Caregivers: mixed methods approach to the study of burden experiences
    Caregiver burden and experiences, 3 country study - Ireland, UK, Netherlands
    Funding Agency

Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Education, Health services and systems, Public health, Social and economic geography,


  • LATAM: Latin American Consortium - multicentre translational initiative to study neurodegenerative conditions present
  • European Care Pathways Association 2015
  • Neuropsychoanalysis (NPSA) Ireland Study Group 2018
  • International Health Humanities Network present
  • International Society for Quality of Life Research present
  • American Academy of Neurology 2018
  • Contemporary debates in bioethics: Informal caregiving and palliative care Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Basel Switzerland, 2019
  • External Examiner Professional Doctorate in Education Institute of Education, Dublin City University 2021
  • Conference Organisation Community Activation, Alzheimers Association International Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil GBHI Fellows 2019
  • Diversity and Brain Health: Perspectives from the LGBT+ Community in Ireland, GBHI & School of Law TCD June 2019
  • Conference organisation and Chair European Network to Cure ALS (ENCALS) Dublin . Co-organizer 2015
  • Journal Reviewer: BMC Palliative Care
  • Journal Reviewer: BMJ supportive and palliative care
  • Conference Chair 30th International Symposium on ALS/MND Perth, Australia Chair, Health Services and Caregiver Burden Session 2019
  • Journal Reviewer: International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
  • Journal Reviewer: BMJ Open
  • Research Consultant in evaluation for Atlantic Institute, Oxford University 2019
  • Journal Reviewer: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration