Dr. Adriele Prina Mello

Dr. Adriele Prina Mello

Ussher Assistant Professor, Clinical Medicine



Adriele Prina-Mello, PhD, is an Ussher Assistant Professor in Translational Nanomedicine, Department of Clinical Medicine at the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, School of Medicine. AMBER centre Investigator, CRANN Principal Investigator at Trinity College, Dublin. Chair of the working group in Characterization and Toxicology at the European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine. Expert Member of Nanosafety cluster, the EC Task Force in Characterization and European Materials Characterisation Council. Founder and Director of the Laboratory for Biological Characterization of Advanced Materials, the Irish-branch of the European Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory (EU-NCL), the flagship infrastructure project funded by the European Commission, in partnership with the US-National Cancer Institute Nano Characterization Laboratory)for enabling Translational Nanomedicine. My objective is to drive LBCAM to become a core nanomedicine enabling infrastructure for educational training (e.g., undergraduates, postgraduates) and international collaboration with academia, industry, clinicians and public bodies. Prina-Mello's research interests are focused on the translation of nanotechnology-enabled products (e.g., medical device, medicinal drugs, hybrid products such as theranostics); advanced materials and their multifunctional solutions; device and instrumentation applications into the medical research area as Nanomedicine tools with the potential to become next generation medical standards or standards of care. The key Nanomedicine areas of interest where I have developed expertise are: 1)Nanodiagnostics: advanced in vitro/ in vivo diagnostic and imaging devices and instrumentation. 2) Theranostics and Personalised Medicine: therapeutics based on nanotechnology and multilayered structures for localised and personalised medicine. 3) Regenerative Medicine: biomedical devices and nanotechnology and nanomaterials applied to tissue engineering. 4) Nanocharacterization and Safety: safe-by-design, responsible innovation development and regulatory compliance. Credited with more than 70 peer-review publications, 6 book chapters, 2 Booklets (as editor), 2 Special Issue (as topic editor), 7 invited scientific reviews, > 25 invited lectures, >50 conference proceedings, >100 posters. (all indexed in Google Scholars, Research Gate, or RSS, April 2016) Contributed to educational and learning by lecturing undergraduate students in Medicine and postgraduate Master degrees in Molecular Medicine, Translational Oncology, Pharmaceutical Science. Since 2010 provided mentoring, educational training, and transferable skills to more than 15 students who are now accomplished professionals. Prina-Mello's scientific and teaching international collaborators are the results of the extensive European Commission involvement and research projects activity. Prina-Mello is an active member at TCD of the following: Trinity Cancer committee, AMBER/CRANN Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) platform, the TTMI TARGET Radiobiology group, the TTMI outreach committee, the TTMI Health and Safety, the Translational Child Health and Paediatrics forum, the St. James's Intensive Care Unit research group.

Adriele Prina-Mello, PhD, is an Ussher Assistant Professor in Translational Nanomedicine, Department of Clinical Medicine at the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, School of Medicine. AMBER centre Investigator, CRANN Principal Investigator at Trinity College, Dublin. Chair of the working group in Characterization and Toxicology at the European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine. Expert Member of Nanosafety cluster, the EC Task Force in Characterization and European Materials Characterisation Council.

Founder and Director of the Laboratory for Biological Characterization of Advanced Materials, the Irish-branch of the European Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory (EU-NCL), the flagship infrastructure project funded by the European Commission, in partnership with the US-National Cancer Institute Nano Characterization Laboratory)for enabling Translational Nanomedicine. My objective is to drive LBCAM to become a core nanomedicine enabling infrastructure for educational training (e.g., undergraduates, postgraduates) and international collaboration with academia, industry, clinicians and public bodies.

Prina-Mello's research interests are focused on the translation of nanotechnology-enabled products (e.g., medical device, medicinal drugs, hybrid products such as theranostics); advanced materials and their multifunctional solutions; device and instrumentation applications into the medical research area as Nanomedicine tools with the potential to become next generation medical standards or standards of care.

The key Nanomedicine areas of interest where I have developed expertise are: 1)Nanodiagnostics: advanced in vitro/ in vivo diagnostic and imaging devices and instrumentation. 2) Theranostics and Personalised Medicine: therapeutics based on nanotechnology and multilayered structures for localised and personalised medicine. 3) Regenerative Medicine: biomedical devices and nanotechnology and nanomaterials applied to tissue engineering. 4) Nanocharacterization and Safety: safe-by-design, responsible innovation development and regulatory compliance.

Credited with more than 70 peer-review publications, 6 book chapters, 2 Booklets (as editor), 2 Special Issue (as topic editor), 7 invited scientific reviews, > 25 invited lectures, >50 conference proceedings, >100 posters. (all indexed in Google Scholars, Research Gate, or RSS, April 2016)

Contributed to educational and learning by lecturing undergraduate students in Medicine and postgraduate Master degrees in Molecular Medicine, Translational Oncology, Pharmaceutical Science.

Since 2010 provided mentoring, educational training, and transferable skills to more than 15 students who are now accomplished professionals.

Prina-Mello's scientific and teaching international collaborators are the results of the extensive European Commission involvement and research projects activity.

Prina-Mello is an active member at TCD of the following: Trinity Cancer committee, AMBER/CRANN Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) platform, the TTMI TARGET Radiobiology group, the TTMI outreach committee, the TTMI Health and Safety, the Translational Child Health and Paediatrics forum, the St. James's Intensive Care Unit research group.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Ciaran Manus Maguire, Omar Kazem Mahfoud, Tatsiana Rakovich, Valerie Anne Gerard, Adriele Prina-Mello, Yurii Gun'ko, Yuri Volkov, Prina-Mello Adriele Prina-Mello Adriele Heparin conjugated quantum dots for in vitro imaging applications, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 10, (8), 2014, p1853 - 1861Review Article, 2014
  • Sebastian Schwung, Andrii Rogov, Gareth Clarke, Cécile Joulaud, Thibaud Magouroux, Davide Staedler, Solène Passemard, Thomas Jüstel, Laurent Badie, Christine Galez, Jean Pierre Wolf, Yuri Volkov, Adriele Prina-Mello, Sandrine Gerber-Lemaire, Daniel Rytz, Yannick Mugnier, Luigi Bonacina, Ronan Le Dantec, Nonlinear optical and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 harmonic nanoparticles, Journal of Applied Physics, 116, (11), 2014, p114306-Journal Article, 2014
  • Bianca M Rotoli, Rita Gatti, Dania Movia, Massimiliano G Bianchi, Luisana Di Cristo, Ivana Fenoglio, Fabio Sonvico, Enrico Bergamaschi, Adriele Prina-Mello, Ovidio Bussolati, Identifying contact-mediated, localized toxic effects of MWCNT aggregates on epithelial monolayers: a single-cell monitoring toxicity assay, Nanotoxicology, 9, (2), 2015, p230-241Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Shortt C., Edge D., Teughels S., Roskin E., Verbiest J., Gobbo O., Prina-Mello A., Volkov Y., Markos F., Bio-distribution of superparagmetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION's) in the pig (LB578), The FASEB Journal, 28, (1), 2014, pLB578-Journal Article, 2014
  • Harmonic Nanoparticles for Regenerative Research Authors, Flavio Ronzoni, Thibaud Magouroux, Remi Vernet, Jérôme Extermann, Darragh Crotty, Adriele Prina-Mello, Daniel Ciepielewski, Yuri Volkov, Luigi Bonacina, Jean-Pierre Wolf, Marisa Jaconi Publication date, JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (87), 2014, pe51333-Review Article, 2014
  • Gobbo O., Wetterling F., Vaes P., Teughels S., Markos F., Edge D., Shortt C., Crosbie-Staunton K., Radomski M., Volkov Y., Prina-Mello A., Biodistribution and pharmacokinetic studies of SPION using particle electron paramagnetic resonance, MRI and ICP-MS, Nanomedicine, 10, (11), 2015, p1751-1760Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Kossatz S., Grandke J., Couleaud P., Latorre A., Aires A., Crosbie-Staunton K., Ludwig R., DÃ"hring H., Ettelt V., Lazaro-Carrillo A., Calero M., Sader M., Courty J., Volkov Y., Prina-Mello A., Villanueva A., Somoza à ., Cortajarena A., Miranda R., Hilger I., Efficient treatment of breast cancer xenografts with multifunctionalized iron oxide nanoparticles combining magnetic hyperthermia and anti-cancer drug delivery, Breast Cancer Research, 17, (1), 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Bergamaschi E., Poland C., Poland C., Guseva Canu I., Guseva Canu I., Prina-Mello A., Prina-Mello A., The role of biological monitoring in nano-safety, Nano Today, 10, (3), 2015, p274 - 277Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Calero M., Chiappi M., Lazaro-Carrillo A., Rodríguez M., Chichón F., Crosbie-Staunton K., Prina-Mello A., Volkov Y., Villanueva A., Carrascosa J., Characterization of interaction of magnetic nanoparticles with breast cancer cells, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 13, (1), 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Maguire C., Mahfoud O., Rakovich T., Gerard V., Prina-Mello A., Prina-Mello A., Gun'ko Y., Gun'ko Y., Volkov Y., Volkov Y., Heparin conjugated quantum dots for in vitro imaging applications, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 10, (8), 2014, p1853-1861Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • Bianchi M., Allegri M., Costa A., Blosi M., Gardini D., Del Pivo C., Prina-Mello A., Di Cristo L., Bussolati O., Bergamaschi E., Titanium dioxide nanoparticles enhance macrophage activation by LPS through a TLR4-dependent intracellular pathway, Toxicology Research, 4, (2), 2015, p385-398Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Gobbo OL, Sjaastad K, Radomski MW, Volkov Y, Prina-Mello A, Magnetic Nanoparticles in Cancer Theranostics., Theranostics, 5, (11), 2015, p1249-63Review, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Schütz CA, Staedler D, Crosbie-Staunton K, Movia D, Chapuis Bernasconi C, Kenzaoui BH, Prina-Mello A, Juillerat-Jeanneret L, Differential stress reaction of human colon cells to oleic-acid-stabilized and unstabilized ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles., International journal of nanomedicine, 9, 2014, p3481-98Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Edge D, Shortt CM, Gobbo OL, Teughels S, Prina-Mello A, Volkov Y, MacEneaney P, Radomski MW, Markos F, Pharmacokinetics and bio-distribution of novel super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) in the anaesthetized pig., Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology, 43, (3), 2016, p319-326Journal Article, 2016
  • Di Cristo L, Movia D, Bianchi MG, Allegri M, Mohamed BM, Bell AP, Moore C, Pinelli S, Rasmussen K, Riego-Sintes J, Prina-Mello A, Bussolati O, Bergamaschi E, Proinflammatory Effects of Pyrogenic and Precipitated Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles in Innate Immunity Cells., Toxicological sciences, 150, (1), 2016, p40-53Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Staedler D, Passemard S, Magouroux T, Rogov A, Maguire CM, Mohamed BM, Schwung S, Rytz D, Jüstel T, Hwu S, Mugnier Y, Le Dantec R, Volkov Y, Gerber-Lemaire S, Prina-Mello A, Bonacina L, Wolf JP, Cellular uptake and biocompatibility of bismuth ferrite harmonic advanced nanoparticles., Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine, 11, (4), 2015, p815-24Journal Article, 2015
  • Rotoli BM, Gatti R, Movia D, Bianchi MG, Di Cristo L, Fenoglio I, Sonvico F, Bergamaschi E, Prina-Mello A, Bussolati O, Identifying contact-mediated, localized toxic effects of MWCNT aggregates on epithelial monolayers: a single-cell monitoring toxicity assay., Nanotoxicology, 9, (2), 2015, p230-41Journal Article, 2015
  • Rakovich TY, Mahfoud OK, Mohamed BM, Prina-Mello A, Crosbie-Staunton K, Van Den Broeck T, De Kimpe L, Sukhanova A, Baty D, Rakovich A, Maier SA, Alves F, Nauwelaers F, Nabiev I, Chames P, Volkov Y, Highly sensitive single domain antibody-quantum dot conjugates for detection of HER2 biomarker in lung and breast cancer cells., ACS nano, 8, (6), 2014, p5682-95Journal Article, 2014
  • Ronzoni F, Magouroux T, Vernet R, Extermann J, Crotty D, Prina-Mello A, Ciepielewski D, Volkov Y, Bonacina L, Wolf JP, Jaconi M, Harmonic nanoparticles for regenerative research., Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, (87), 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Maguire CM, Mahfoud OK, Rakovich T, Gerard VA, Prina-Mello A, Gun'ko Y, Volkov Y, Heparin conjugated quantum dots for in vitro imaging applications., Nanomedicine : nanotechnology, biology, and medicine, 10, (8), 2014, p1853-61Journal Article, 2014
  • Hole P, Sillence K, Hannell C, Maguire CM, Roesslein M, Suarez G, Capracotta S, Magdolenova Z, Horev-Azaria L, Dybowska A, Cooke L, Haase A, Contal S, Manø S, Vennemann A, Sauvain JJ, Staunton KC, Anguissola S, Luch A, Dusinska M, Korenstein R, Gutleb AC, Wiemann M, Prina-Mello A, Riediker M, Wick P, Interlaboratory comparison of size measurements on nanoparticles using nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA)., Journal of nanoparticle research : an interdisciplinary forum for nanoscale science and technology, 15, 2013, p2101Journal Article, 2013
  • Spadavecchia J, Movia D, Moore C, Maguire CM, Moustaoui H, Casale S, Volkov Y, Prina-Mello A, Targeted polyethylene glycol gold nanoparticles for the treatment of pancreatic cancer: from synthesis to proof-of-concept in vitro studies., International journal of nanomedicine, 11, 2016, p791-822Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Dekkers S, Oomen AG, Bleeker EA, Vandebriel RJ, Micheletti C, Cabellos J, Janer G, Fuentes N, Vázquez-Campos S, Borges T, Silva MJ, Prina-Mello A, Movia D, Nesslany F, Ribeiro AR, Leite PE, Groenewold M, Cassee FR, Sips AJ, Dijkzeul A, van Teunenbroek T, Wijnhoven SW, Towards a nanospecific approach for risk assessment., Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, 80, 2016, p46-59Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Moustaoui H, Movia D, Dupont N, Bouchemal N, Casale S, Djaker N, Savarin P, Prina-Mello A, De La Chapelle M.L, Spadavecchia J, Tunable Design of Gold(III)-Doxorubicin Complex-PEGylated Nanocarrier. the Golden Doxorubicin for Oncological Applications, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8, (31), 2016, p19946 - 19957Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Ajetunmobi A, McAllister D, Jain N, Brazil O, Corvin A, Volkov Y, Tropea D, Prina-Mello A, Characterisation of SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma cell growth over glass and SU-8 substrates., Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, 105, (8), 2017, p2129-2138Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Andrew R Collins, Balasubramanyam Annangi, Laura Rubio, Ricard Marcos, Marco Dorn, Carolin Merker, Irina Estrela‐Lopis, Mihaela Roxana Cimpan, Mohamed Ibrahim, Emil Cimpan, Melanie Ostermann, Alexander Sauter, Naouale El Yamani, Sergey Shaposhnikov, Sylvie Chevillard, Vincent Paget, Romain Grall, Jozo Delic, Felipe Goni-de-Cerio, Blanca Suarez-Merino, Valérie Fessard, Kevin N Hogeveen, Lise Maria Fjellsbø, Elise Runden Pran, Tana Brzicova, Jan Topinka, Maria João Silva, PE Leite, AR Ribeiro, JM Granjeiro, Roland Grafström, Adriele Prina-Mello, Maria Dusinska, High throughput toxicity screening and intracellular detection of nanomaterials., 2017Review, 2017
  • Walsh, F., Boyle, N.T., Mardinoglu, A., Chiesa, A.D., Botvich, D., Prina-Mello, A., Balasubramaniam, S., Artificial backbone neuronal network for nano scale sensors, 2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, INFOCOM WKSHPS 2011, 2011, p449-454Journal Article, 2011
  • McGovern, D.A., Daly, R., Prina-Mello, A., Boland, J.J., Porous polymer surfaces as a platform technology for biomaterials, 24th European Conference on Biomaterials - Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, 2011Journal Article, 2011
  • Tian, F., Prina-Mello, A., Estrada, G., Beyerle, A., Möller, W., Schulz, H., Kreyling, W., Stoeger, T., Macrophage cellular adaptation, localization and imaging of different size polystyrene particles, Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 1, (1), 2009, p13-26Journal Article, 2009
  • Martin-Loeches Ignacio, Muriel-Bombin Arturo, Ferrer Ricard, Artigas Antonio, Sole-Violan Jordi, Lorente Leonardo, Andaluz-Ojeda David, Prina-Mello Adriele, Herran-Monge Ruben, Suberviola Borja, The Protective Association Of Endogenous Immunoglobulins Against Sepsis Mortality Is Restricted To Patients With Moderate Organ Failure. , 2017Working Paper, 2017
  • Volkov Yuri, McIntyre Jennifer, Prina-Mello Adriele, Graphene toxicity as a double-edged sword of risks and exploitable opportunities: A critical analysis of the most recent trends and developments , 2D Materials , 2016Review, 2016, DOI
  • Baird A, Easty D, Mohamed BM, Jarzabek M, Shiels L, Soltermann A, Raeppel S, McDonagh L, Clarke G, Crosbie-Staunton K, 56: Multiple RTK targeting as a therapeutic option in malignant pleural mesothelioma , Lung Cancer , 103 , 2017, pS26 -Journal Article, 2017
  • Doroudian M, O'Reilly C, Crosbie-Staunton K, MacLoughlin R, Prina-Mello A, Volkov Y, Donnelly SC, Good Things Come in Small Packages: An Aerosolized Delivery System for Small Molecule Inhibitors of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor , 2016, 185 , SPRINGER LONDON LTD 236 GRAYS INN RD, 6TH FLOOR, LONDON WC1X 8HL, ENGLAND , 2016, ppS467 - S468Conference Paper, 2016
  • Hassan R, Alley E, Kindler H, Antonia S, Jahan T, Grous J, Honarmand S, Mcdougall K, Whiting C, Nair N, 86 When RON MET TAM: potential interventions for mesothelioma therapy , 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Laura Christine Kickham, Anthony M McElligott, Adriele Prina-Mello, Elisabeth A Vandenberghe, Yuri Volkov, Paul Browne, Interrogating the Interaction of CD52 Functionalised Metallic Nanoparticles with Malignant B Lymphocytes, 126, (23), 2015Published Abstract, 2015
  • Schwung Sebastian, Rogov Andrii, Clarke Gareth, Joulaud Cécile, Magouroux Thibaud, Staedler Davide, Passemard SolÃ"ne, JÃ"stel Thomas, Badie Laurent, Galez Christine, BiFeO3 nanocrystals for bio-imaging based on nonlinear optical harmonic generation , 2014Working Paper, 2014
  • Clark Gareth, Mugnier Yannick, Le Dantec Ronan, Gunko Yurii, Rytz Daniel, Galez Christine, Volkov Yu M, Prina-Mello Adriele, Phase pure, monocrystalline bismuth ferrite nanoparticles for biomedical applications , 2014, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
  • Advanced Methodologies and Techniques for Assessing Nanomaterials Toxicity: from manufacturing to nanomedicine screening in, editor(s)Nancy A. Monteiro-Riviere & C. Lang Tran , Nanotoxicology, Second Edition, Taylor & Francis, Informa Healthcare Books, CRC Press, 2013, pp155 - [Prina-Mello Adriele, Mohamed Bashir M, Verma Navin K, Jain Namrata, Volkov Yuri]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Gao Y, Mohamed BM, Prina-Mello A, O'Byrne KJ, Gray SG, 85 KAT5 and KDM6B may be candidate therapeutic targets in malignant pleural mesothelioma , Lung Cancer , 79 , 2013, pS30 -Journal Article, 2013
  • High Content Screening and Analysis with Nanotechnologies in, Alves F., Kiessling F. , Comprehensive Biomedical Physics - special isuse, Online , Science Direct, 2014, pp379 - 389, [Williams Y, Prina-Mello A, Volkov Y]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Movia D., Di Cristo L., Alnemari R., McCarthy J. E., Moustaoui H., Lamy de la Chapelle M., Spadavecchia J., Volkov Y., Prina-Mello A., The curious case of how mimicking physiological complexity in in vitro models of the human respiratory system influences the inflammatory responses. A preliminary study focused on gold nanoparticles, Journal of Interdisciplinary Nanomedicine, 2, (2), 2017, p110 - 130Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Martin-Loeches Ignacio, Muriel-Bombin Arturo, Ferrer Ricard, Artigas Antonio, Sole-Violan Jordi, Lorente Leonardo, Andaluz-Ojeda David, Prina-Mello Adriele, Herran-Monge Ruben, Suberviola Borja, The protective association of endogenous immunoglobulins against sepsis mortality is restricted to patients with moderate organ failure , Annals of Intensive Care , 7 , (1 ), 2017, p44 -Journal Article, 2017, TARA - Full Text
  • Biomonitoring in, editor(s)Fadel B., Pietroiusti A., Shvedova A.A. , Adverse Effects of Engineered Nanomaterials, Academic Press, Elsevier Academic Press, 2016, pp125 - 160, [Bergamaschi E., Guseva Canu I, Prina-Mello A., Magrini A.]Book Chapter, 2016
  • Prina-Mello A., Bonacina L., Frontiers , Nature Publishing Group, Frontiers online, Nature Publishing Group, 2015Book, 2015
  • Balasubramaniam, S., Teuscher, C., Botvich, D., Prina Mello, A., Role of Inter-Disciplinary Research in Nanoscale Communication, Nano Communication Networks, Elsevier, Elsevier, 2011Book, 2011
  • Crotty, D., Silkstone, G., Poddar, S., Ranson, R., Prina-Mello, A., Wilson, M.T., Coey, J.M.D., Reexamination of magnetic isotope and field effects on adenosine triphosphate production by creatine kinase (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2012) 109, 5, (1437-1442) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1117840108), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, (18), 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • Nanotoxicity in cancer research: technical protocols and tips considerations for the use of 3D tumour spheroids in, editor(s)Ferreira de Castro Gomes Andreia, Sárria Pereira Passos Marisa. , Unraveling the Safety Profile of Nanoscale Particles and Materials - From Biomedical to Environmental Applications, InTech, 2018, [Movia D., Prina-Mello A.]Book Chapter, 2018, TARA - Full Text
  • Gerlach JQ, Maguire CM, KrÃŒger A, Joshi L, Prina-Mello A, Griffin MD., Urinary nanovesicles captured by lectins or antibodies demonstrate variations in size and surface glycosylation profile., Nanomedicine (London, England), 12, (11), 2017, p1217-1229Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • The state-of-the-art in cartilage bioreactors. in, editor(s)PJ Prendergast, PE McHugh , Topics in Bio-Mechanical Engineering, Dublin, Trinity Centre for Bioengineering & National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, 2004, pp94 - 146, [McMahon LA, Barron V, Prina-Mello A, Prendergast PJ ]Book Chapter, 2004
  • Prina_Mello, A, Farrell, E, Prendergast, PJ, Campbell, V, Coey, JMD, Effects of static magnetic fields on Primary cortical neurons, Physica Scripta, T118, 2005, p205 - 207Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • Prina-Mello A., Farrell E., Prendergast P.J., Campbell V., Coey J.M.D. , Influence of Strong Static Magnetic Fields on Primary Cortical Neurons, Bioelectromagnetics, 27, (1), 2006, p35 - 42Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • Moretti M., Prina_Mello A., Reid A.J., Barron V., Prendergast P.J. 2004. , Endothelial cell alignment on cyclically-stretched silicone surfaces., Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine , 15, (10), 2004, p1159 - 1164Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • Prina-Mello A., Volkov Y., Kelleher D., Prendergast P.J., Comparative locomotory behaviour of T Lymphocytes versus T Lymphoma cells on flat and grooved surfaces., Annals of Biomedical Engineering. , 31, 2003, p1106 - 1113Journal Article, 2003, DOI
  • Prina_Mello A., Bari M.A. Prendergast, P.J. , A comparison of excimer laser etching and dry etching process for surface fabrication of biomaterials., Journal of Materials Processing Technology , 124, 2002, p284 - 292Journal Article, 2002, URL
  • Prina_Mello A., Prendergast P.J., Moretti M., Volkov Y. , Mechanical constraint of lymphatic cells: experimental analysis and model., Proceedings of the 15th AIMETA Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, , Taormina, Italy, 2001, ppMS_BIO_04.Conference Paper, 2001
  • Prina_Mello A., Volkov Y., Prendergast P.J. , Experimental analysis on normal and malignant lymphatic cells under topographical environments using a single-cell motion method., Proceedings of the IVth World Congress of Biomechanics., IVth World Congress of Biomechanics., Calgary (Canada), June 2002, 2002, ppCD-ROM proceedingsConference Paper, 2002
  • Prina_Mello A., Volkov Y., Prendergast P.J. , Experimental analysis on normal and malignant lymphocytes under topographical environments using a single-cell method. , Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics., European Society of Biomechanics, Wrozlaw, Poland, 1 , (4), 2003, pp186 - 187Conference Paper, 2003
  • Prina-Mello A., Prendergast P.J., Volkov Y., T lymphatic cells response to microtextured surfaces: difference between HUT78 and PBTL cells, 5th International Conference in Cellular Engineering., Aachen, Germany, 2001, ppst_17Conference Paper, 2001
  • Kuznetsova VA, Visheratina AK, Ryan A, Martynenko IV, Loudon A, Maguire CM, Purcell-Milton F, Orlova AO, Baranov AV, Fedorov AV, Prina-Mello A, Volkov Y, Gun'Ko YK., Enantioselective cytotoxicity of ZnS:Mn quantum dots in A549 cells., Chirality, 2017, p403-408Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Ciarán M. Maguire, Katherine Sillence, Matthias Roesslein, Claire Hannell, Guillaume Suarez, Jean-Jacques Sauvain, Sonja Capracotta, Servane Contal, Sebastien Cambier, Naouale El Yamani, Maria Dusinska, Agnieszka Dybowska, Antje Vennemann, Laura Cooke, Andrea Haase, Andreas Luch, Martin Wiemann, Arno Gutleb, Rafi Korenstein, Michael Riediker, Peter Wick, Patrick Hole and Adriele Prina-Mello, Benchmark of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis on Measuring Nanoparticle Sizing and Concentration, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing, 5, (4), 2017, p041002-1 - 041002-10Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Namrata Jain, Baiyun Liu, Jason I. Kilpatrick, Melissa A. Tutty, Alan P. Bell, Suzanne P Jarvis, Yuri Volkova, Dania Movia, Culturing substrates influence the morphological, mechanical and biochemical features of lung adenocarcinoma cells cultured in 2D or 3D, Tissue and Cell, 50, 2018, p15 - 30Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Gioria S, Caputo F, Urbán P, Maguire CM, Bremer-Hoffmann S, Prina-Mello A, Calzolai L, Mehn D., Are existing standard methods suitable for the evaluation of nanomedicines: some case studies., Nanomedicine (London, England), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Mohamed BM, Boyle NT, Schinwald A, Murer B, Ward R, Mahfoud OK, Rakovich T, Crosbie-Staunton K, Gray SG, Donaldson K, Volkov Y, Prina-Mello A., Induction of protein citrullination and auto-antibodies production in murine exposed to nickel nanomaterials., Scientific Reports, 8, (679), 2018Journal Article, 2018, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Hutchinson D, Muller J, McCarthy JE, Gun'ko YK, Verma NK, Bi X, Di Cristo L, Kickham L, Movia D, Prina-Mello A, Volkov Y, Cadmium nanoparticles citrullinate cytokeratins within lung epithelial cells: cadmium as a potential cause of citrullination in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , 13, 2018, p441 - 449Journal Article, 2018, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Di Cristo, L. and Maguire, C.M. and Mc Quillan, K. and Aleardi, M. and Volkov, Y. and Movia, D. and Prina-Mello, A., Towards the identification of an in vitro tool for assessing the biological behavior of aerosol supplied nanomaterials, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, (4), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Marassi, Valentina and Di Cristo, Luisana and Smith, Stephen G J and Ortelli, Simona and Blosi, Magda and Costa, Anna L and Reschiglian, Pierluigi and Volkov, Yuri and Prina-Mello, Adriele, Silver nanoparticles as a medical device in healthcare settings: a five-step approach for candidate screening of coating agents, Royal Society open science, 5, (1), 2018, p171113Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Cristina Multari, Marta Miola, Sara Ferraris, Dania Movia, Kristina Žužek Rožman, Nina Kostevšek, Antonia Follenzi, Enrica Verné, Adriele Prina-Mello, Synthesis and characterization of silica-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and interaction with pancreatic cancer cells, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Clarke, G. and Rogov, A. and McCarthy, S. and Bonacina, L. and Gun'Ko, Y. and Galez, C. and Le Dantec, R. and Volkov, Y. and Mugnier, Y. and Prina-Mello, A., Preparation from a revisited wet chemical route of phase-pure, monocrystalline and SHG-efficient BiFeO3nanoparticles for harmonic bio-imaging, Scientific Reports, 8, (1), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Luisana Di Cristo, Sarah Mc Carthy, Keith Paton, Dania Movia, Adriele Prina-Mello, Interplay between oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress mediated- autophagy in unfunctionalised few-layer graphene-exposed macrophages, 2D Materials, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Adriele Prina-Mello , Characterisation of particles in solution \textendash a perspective on light scattering and comparative technologies, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Adriele Prina-Mello and Dania Movia and Despina Bazou and Yuri Volkov and Adriele Prina-Mello, Multilayered Cultures of NSCLC cells grown at the Air-Liquid Interface allow the efficacy testing of inhaled anti-cancer drugs, Scientific Reports, 2018, p12920-Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Ignacio Martin-Loeches, Robert Forster, Adriele Prina-Mello, Intensive care medicine in 2050: nanotechnology. Emerging technologies and approaches and their impact on critical care, Intensive Care Medicine, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • D Hutchinson, J Müller, JE McCarthy, Y Gun'ko, N Verma, X Bi, L Di Cristo, L Kickham, D Movia, A Prina-Mello, Y Volkov, AB0111"Cadmium nanoparticles citrullinate intracellular cytokeratins: cadmium potentially links rheumatoid arthritis to smoking and numerous working class occupations, Abstracts Accepted for Publication, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Oliveira H, Bednarkiewicz A, Falk A, Fröhlich E, Lisjak D, Prina-Mello A, Resch S, Schimpel C, Vr"ek IV, Wysoki"ska E, Gorris HH., Critical Considerations on the Clinical Translation of Upconversion Nanoparticles (UCNPs): Recommendations from the European Upconversion Network (COST Action CM1403)., Advanced healthcare materials, 8, (1), 2019, pe1801233Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Moustaoui H, Saber J, Djeddi I, Liu Q, Movia D, Prina-Mello A, Spadavecchia J, Lamy de la Chapelle M, Djaker N., A protein corona study by scattering correlation spectroscopy: a comparative study between spherical and urchin-shaped gold nanoparticles., Nanoscale, 11, (8), 2019, p3665-3673Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Crivelli B, Bari E, Perteghella S, Catenacci L, Sorrenti M, Mocchi M, Faragò S, Tripodo G, Prina-Mello A, Torre ML., Silk fibroin nanoparticles for celecoxib and curcumin delivery: ROS-scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities in an in vitro model of osteoarthritis., European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V, 137, 2019, p37-45Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Caputo F, Clogston J, Calzolai L, Rösslein M, Prina-Mello A., Measuring particle size distribution of nanoparticle enabled medicinal products, the joint view of EUNCL and NCI-NCL. A step by step approach combining orthogonal measurements with increasing complexity., Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, 299, 2019, p31-43Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Sanhaji M, Göring J, Couleaud P, Aires A, Cortajarena AL, Courty J, Prina-Mello A, Stapf M, Ludwig R, Volkov Y, Latorre A, Somoza Á, Miranda R, Hilger I., The phenotype of target pancreatic cancer cells influences cell death by magnetic hyperthermia with nanoparticles carrying gemicitabine and the pseudo-peptide NucAnt., Nanomedicine, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • Prina-Mello, Adriele and Maguire, Ciaran Magus and Savage, John, Origins to Outcomes: A Role for Extracellular Vesicles in Precision Medicine, Precision Nanomedicine, 2018, p18--42Journal Article, 2018
  • Immunotoxicity and Safety Considerations for Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in, editor(s)Nguyen TK Thanh , Clinical Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticles: From Fabrication to Clinical Applications, Online, CRC press, 2018, pp273 - [Gary Hannon, Melissa Anne Tutty, Adriele Prina-Mello]Book Chapter, 2018
  • Multiparametric Preclinical Assessment of Theranostics Materials (Chapter 17) in, editor(s)Conde, Joao , Handbook of Nanomaterials for Cancer Theranostics, Elsevier, 2018, pp517 - 535, [Prina-Mello Adriele]Book Chapter, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Scientific Reports, https://www.nature.com/srep/, Springer Nature Publishing AG, [eds.], 2018Editorial Board, 2018
  • Cancer Nanotechnology, https://cancer-nano.biomedcentral.com/, BMC Springer Nature, [eds.], 2016Editorial Board, 2016
  • REFINE project, REFINE 1st Knowledge Exchange Conference 2019, 3 Apr 2019, In:REFINE 1st Knowledge Exchange Conference 2019, 2019, Amsterdam, Simon BacconnierMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2019
  • Adriele Prina-Mello , CLINAM 2018, 4 Sept 2018, In:Workshop Sizing of Nanoparticles: From Regulatory and Metrology Aspects to Application and Analysis, 2018, Basel Switzerland, Jeff Clogston / Beat Loffler, ClinamMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2018
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Cancer Theranostics: a Translational Nanomedicine Perspective, BIONANOMED, Krems (Austria), 15 May 2017, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, First Generation Nanomedicine: lesson learned from the Characterization perspective, British Society for Nanomedicine Annual Young Researcher Event, Belfast, 11 Aug 2017, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Next Generation Nanomedicine: lesson learned from the EU Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory, Advanced School in Nanomedicine, 17th edition of the Summer School for Italian PhD students in Pharmaceutical Technology , Pula (Italy), 27-29 Sep 2017, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, The conceptual problems of nanomaterials application in translational medicine, 1st International School-conference for young researchers on Smart nanosystems for translation medicine, San Petersburg, Russia, 30 Nov 2017, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, FUTURE MEDICINE nanotechnology applied to medicine: an advanced tools to the benefit of patients. Trends, emerging technologies and impact to society , Open Campus: Future of Nanomedicine, Gratz, (Austria), 28 Feb 2018, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, EC Regulatory policies on the use of Nanomaterials in Nanomedicine and Risk Assessment, Kazan Medical School Symposium, Kazan, Russia, 15 Mar 2018, 2017Oral Presentation, 2017
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, A Systematic Approach to Endotoxin Contamination Assessment of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, Scientific and Clinical Application of Magnetic Nanocarriers, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-27 May 2018, 2018Oral Presentation, 2018
  • Hannon, G. and Lysaght, J. and Liptrott, N.J. and Prina-Mello, A., Immunotoxicity Considerations for Next Generation Cancer Nanomedicines, Advanced Science, (1900133), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Giuseppina Sandri, Angela Faccendini, Marysol Longo, Marco Ruggeri, Silvia Rossi, Maria Cristina Bonferoni, Dalila Miele, Adriele Prina-Mello, Carola Aguzzi, Cesar Viseras, Franca Ferrari, Halloysite- and Montmorillonite-Loaded Scaffolds as Enhancers of Chronic Wound Healing, Pharmaceutics, 12, (2), 2020, p179Journal Article, 2020, TARA - Full Text
  • Clarke, G., Rogov, A., McCarthy, S., Bonacina, L., Gun'ko, Y., Galez, C., Le Dantec, R., Volkov, Y., Mugnier, Y., Prina-Mello, A., Author Correction: Preparation from a revisited wet chemical route of phase-pure, monocrystalline and SHG-efficient BiFeO3 nanoparticles for harmonic bio-imaging (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (10473), 10.1038/s41598-018-28557-w), Scientific Reports, 9, (1), 2019Journal Article, 2019
  • Leong, H.S., Butler, K.S., Brinker, C.J., Azzawi, M., Conlan, S., Dufès, C., Owen, A., Rannard, S., Scott, C., Chen, C., Dobrovolskaia, M.A., Kozlov, S.V., Prina-Mello, A., Schmid, R., Wick, P., Caputo, F., Boisseau, P., Crist, R.M., McNeil, S.E., Fadeel, B., Tran, L., Hansen, S.F., Hartmann, N.B., Clausen, L.P.W., Skjolding, L.M., Baun, A., Ågerstrand, M., Gu, Z., Lamprou, D.A., Hoskins, C., Huang, L., Song, W., Cao, H., Liu, X., Jandt, K.D., Jiang, W., Kim, B.Y.S., Wheeler, K.E., Chetwynd, A.J., Lynch, I., Moghimi, S.M., Nel, A., Xia, T., Weiss, P.S., Sarmento, B., das Neves, J., Santos, H.A., Santos, L., Mitragotri, S., Little, S., Peer, D., Amiji, M.M., Alonso, M.J., Petri-Fink, A., Balog, S., Lee, A., Drasler, B., Rothen-Rutishauser, B., Wilhelm, S., Acar, H., Harrison, R.G., Mao, C., Mukherjee, P., Ramesh, R., McNally, L.R., Busatto, S., Wolfram, J., Bergese, P., Ferrari, M., Fang, R.H., Zhang, L., Zheng, J., Peng, C., Du, B., Yu, M., Charron, D.M., Zheng, G., Pastore, C., Publisher Correction: On the issue of transparency and reproducibility in nanomedicine (Nature Nanotechnology, (2019), 14, 7, (629-635), 10.1038/s41565-019-0496-9), Nature Nanotechnology, 14, (9), 2019, p902Journal Article, 2019
  • Alberti Marco, Prina-Mello Adriele, Smart model of intrinsic loss power of SPIONs in hyperthermia treatment, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 502, 2020, p166493-Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Tereza Svadlakova, Frantisek Hubatka, Pavlina Turanek Knotigova, Pavel Kulich, Josef Masek, Jan Kotoucek, Jan Macak, Martin Motola, Martin Kalbac, Martina Kolackova, Radka Vankova, Petra Vicherkova, Andrea Malkova, Pavlina Simeckova, Yuri Volkov, Adriele Prina-Mello, Irena Kratochvilova, Zdenek Fiala, Milan Raska, Jan Krejsek, Jaroslav Turanek, Proinflammatory Effect of Carbon-Based Nanomaterials: In Vitro Study on Stimulation of Inflammasome NLRP3 via Destabilisation of Lysosomes, Nanomaterials, 10, (3), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Hannon Gary, Bogdanska Anna, Volkov Yuri, Prina-Mello Adriele, Comparing the Effects of Intracellular and Extracellular Magnetic Hyperthermia on the Viability of BxPC-3 Cells, Nanomaterials, 10, (3), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Moloney M. Brian, Gilligan E. Katie, Joyce P. Doireann, O'Neill P. Clodagh, O'Brien P. Killian, Khan Sonja, Glynn L. Claire, Waldron M. Ronan, Maguire M. Ciaran, Holian Emma, Naughton Erin, Elhadi Mohamed, Grealish B. Andrea, Malone Carmel, McDermott Emma, Dockery Peter, Ritter Thomas, Prina-Mello Adriele, Kerin J. Michael, Dwyer M. Roisin, Investigating the Potential and Pitfalls of EV-Encapsulated MicroRNAs as Circulating Biomarkers of Breast Cancer, Cells, 9, (1), 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Movia Dania, Bazou Despina, Prina-Mello Adriele, ALI multilayered co-cultures mimic biochemical mechanisms of the cancer cell-fibroblast cross-talk involved in NSCLC MultiDrug Resistance, BMC Cancer, 19, (1), 2019, p854-Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Clogston Jeffrey D, Hackley Vincent A, Prina-Mello Adriele, Puri Sanyogitta, Sonzini Silvia, Soo Patrick Lim, Sizing up the Next Generation of Nanomedicines, Pharmaceutical Research, 37, (1), 2019Review, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Doroudian Mohammad, MacLoughlin Ronan, Poynton Fergus, Prina-Mello Adriele, Donnelly Seamas C, Nanotechnology based therapeutics for lung disease , Thorax , 74 , (10 ), 2019, p965 -Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Fanny Caputo, Amandine Arnould, Maria Bacia, Wai Li Ling, Emilie Rustique, Isabelle Texier, Adriele Prina Mello, Anne-Claude Couffin, Measuring Particle Size Distribution by Asymmetric Flow Field Flow Fractionation: A Powerful Method for the Preclinical Characterization of Lipid-Based Nanoparticles, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 16, (2), 2019, p756-767Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Prina-Mello Adriele, Translational requirements for nanotechnology enabled medical products, Magnetic nanoparticles and their applications in medicine conference, Belgrade, 4.03.2019, 2019, MAGBIOV and Vinca InstituteInvited Talk, 2019
  • Prina-Mello Adriele, Challenges in translating a nano-thermal therapy to the clinic, Annual conference of the Italian Society of Photobiology, Bologna, 19-21 June 2019, 2019, italian society of photobiologyInvited Talk, 2019
  • Prina-Mello Adriele, Regulatory Science Framework for Nanobiomaterials development - REFINE H2020 project update, NanoMed Europe 2019, Braga, 19-21 June 2019, 2019, ETP NANOMEDICINEInvited Talk, 2019
  • Prina-Mello Adriele, Translational Requirements for Nanotechnology enabled medical products: SPION case study, Nanoinnovation 2019, Rome, 11-14 June 2019, 2019, Nanoinnovation organising committeeInvited Talk, 2019
  • Prina-Mello Adriele, Assay validation: irinotecan-based nanomedcine study, Controlled Release Society Annual event, Valencia, 21-24 July 2019, 2019, Controlled Release SocietyInvited Talk, 2019
  • Alberti Marco, Prina-Mello Adriele, Smart model of intrinsic popwer of SPIONS in hyperthermia treatment, International Conference on Magnetic Fluids - ICMF 2019, Paris, 8-12 July 2019, edited by ICMF 2019 , 2019Poster, 2019
  • Prina-Mello Adriele, REFINE project establishing a regulatory science framework supporting the risk-benefit assessment of nanobiomaterial-based medical products and medical device, PTC 2019 - 12th International Particle Toxicology Conference , Salzburg, 11-13 September 2019, edited by International Particle Toxicology Conference Commitee , 2019Poster, 2019
  • Precision Nanomedicine, Andover Massachusetts United States, Andover House, Inc., [eds.], 2018Editorial Board, 2018, URL
  • Dania Movia, Maroua Benhaddada, Jolanda Spadavecchia, Adriele Prina-Mello, Latest advances in combining gold nanomaterials with physical stimuli towards new responsive therapeutic and diagnostic strategies , Precision Nanomedicine, 3, (2), 2020, p495 - 524Review Article, 2020
  • Movia D, Prina-Mello A., Preclinical Development of Orally Inhaled Drugs (OIDs)-Are Animal Models Predictive or Shall We Move Towards In Vitro Non-Animal Models?, Animals : an open access journal from MDPI, 10, (8), 2020Review Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Movia D, Bruni-Favier S, Prina-Mello A., In vitro Alternatives to Acute Inhalation Toxicity Studies in Animal Models-A Perspective., Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 8, 2020, p549Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Haddada MB, Movia D, Prina-Mello A, Spadavecchia J., Docetaxel gold complex nanoflowers: A chemo-biological evaluation for their use as nanotherapeutics., Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces, 194, 2020, p111172Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Doroudian M and O'Neill A, O'Reilly C, Tynan A, Mawhinney, L, McElroy AN, Webster SS, Macloughlin R, Volkov Y, Armstrong ME, O'Toole GA, Prina-Mello A, Donnelly SC., Aerosolized drug-loaded nanoparticles targeting migration inhibitory factors inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa induced inflammation and biofilm formation, Nanomedicine, 15, (30), 2020, p2933-2953Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Caputo, F. and Vogel, R. and Savage, J. and Vella, G. and Law, A. and Della Camera, G. and Hannon, G. and Peacock, B. and Mehn, D. and Ponti, J. and Geiss, O. and Aubert, D. and Prina-Mello, A. and Calzolai, L., Measuring particle size distribution and mass concentration of nanoplastics and microplastics: addressing some analytical challenges in the sub-micron size range, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 588, 2021, p401-417Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Doroudian, M. and O†Neill, A. and Mac Loughlin, R. and Prina-Mello, A. and Volkov, Y. and Donnelly, S.C., Nanotechnology in pulmonary medicine, Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 56, 2021, p85-92Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Caputo, F. and Mehn, D. and Clogston, J.D. and Rösslein, M. and Prina-Mello, A. and Borgos, S.E. and Gioria, S. and Calzolai, L., Asymmetric-flow field-flow fractionation for measuring particle size, drug loading and (in)stability of nanopharmaceuticals. The joint view of European Union Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory and National Cancer Institute - Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, Journal of Chromatography A, 1635, (461767), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Vogel, R. and Savage, J. and Muzard, J. and Camera, G.D. and Vella, G. and Law, A. and Marchioni, M. and Mehn, D. and Geiss, O. and Peacock, B. and Aubert, D. and Calzolai, L. and Caputo, F. and Prina-Mello, A., Measuring particle concentration of multimodal synthetic reference materials and extracellular vesicles with orthogonal techniques: Who is up to the challenge?, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 10, (3), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Giubilato, E. and Cazzagon, V. and Amorim, M.J.B. and Blosi, M. and Bouillard, J. and Bouwmeester, H. and Costa, A.L. and Fadeel, B. and Fernandes, T.F. and Fito, C. and Hauser, M. and Marcomini, A. and Nowack, B. and Pizzol, L. and Powell, L. and Prina-Mello, A. and Sarimveis, H. and Scott-Fordsmand, J.J. and Semenzin, E. and Stahlmecke, B. and Stone, V. and Vignes, A. and Wilkins, T. and Zabeo, A. and Tran, L. and Hristozov, D., Risk management framework for nano-biomaterials used in medical devices and advanced therapy medicinal products, Materials, 13, (20), 2020, p1-29Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Pisani, P. and Airoldi, M. and Allais, A. and Valletti, P.A. and Battista, M. and Benazzo, M. and Briatore, R. and Cacciola, S. and Cocuzza, S. and Colombo, A. and Conti, B. and Costanzo, A. and della Vecchia, L. and Denaro, N. and Fantozzi, C. and Galizia, D. and Garzaro, M. and Genta, I. and Iasi, G.A. and Krengli, M. and Landolfo, V. and Lanza, G.V. and Magnano, M. and Mancuso, M. and Maroldi, R. and Masini, L. and Merlano, M.C. and Piemonte, M. and Pisani, S. and Prina-Mello, A. and Prioglio, L. and Rugiu, M.G. and Scasso, F. and Serra, A. and Valente, G. and Zannetti, M. and Zigliani, A., Metastatic disease in head & neck oncology [La malattia metastatica in oncologia testa-collo], Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica, 40, (2), 2020, pS1-S86Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Leong, H.S. and Butler, K.S. and Brinker, C.J. and Azzawi, M. and Conlan, S. and Dufés, C. and Owen, A. and Rannard, S. and Scott, C. and Chen, C. and Dobrovolskaia, M.A. and Kozlov, S.V. and Prina-Mello, A. and Schmid, R. and Wick, P. and Caputo, F. and Boisseau, P. and Crist, R.M. and McNeil, S.E. and Fadeel, B. and Tran, L. and Hansen, S.F. and Hartmann, N.B. and Clausen, L.P.W. and Skjolding, L.M. and Baun, A. and à gerstrand, M. and Gu, Z. and Lamprou, D.A. and Hoskins, C. and Huang, L. and Song, W. and Cao, H. and Liu, X. and Jandt, K.D. and Jiang, W. and Kim, B.Y.S. and Wheeler, K.E. and Chetwynd, A.J. and Lynch, I. and Moghimi, S.M. and Nel, A. and Xia, T. and Weiss, P.S. and Sarmento, B. and das Neves, J. and Santos, H.A. and Santos, L. and Mitragotri, S. and Little, S. and Peer, D. and Amiji, M.M. and Alonso, M.J. and Petri-Fink, A. and Balog, S. and Lee, A. and Drasler, B. and Rothen-Rutishauser, B. and Wilhelm, S. and Acar, H. and Harrison, R.G. and Mao, C. and Mukherjee, P. and Ramesh, R. and McNally, L.R. and Busatto, S. and Wolfram, J. and Bergese, P. and Ferrari, M. and Fang, R.H. and Zhang, L. and Zheng, J. and Peng, C. and Du, B. and Yu, M. and Charron, D.M. and Zheng, G. and Pastore, C., On the issue of transparency and reproducibility in nanomedicine, Nature Nanotechnology, 14, (7), 2019, p629-635Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Prina-Mello, A. and Bonacina, L. and Staedler, D. and Movia, D., Editorial: Use of 3D Models in Drug Development and Precision Medicine - Advances and Outlook, 1826, 2021, -Miscellaneous, 2021, DOI
  • Hannon, Gary, Prina"Mello, Adriele, Endotoxin contamination of engineered nanomaterials: Overcoming the hurdles associated with endotoxin testing, WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Hannon, Gary, Tansi, Felista L., Hilger, Ingrid, Prina"Mello, Adriele, The Effects of Localized Heat on the Hallmarks of Cancer, Advanced Therapeutics, 4, (7), 2021, p2000267Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Galligioni, V. and Movia, D. and Ruiz-Perez, D. and Sanchez-Morgado, J.M. and Prina-Mello, A., The Case for Modernizing Biomedical Research in Ireland through the Creation of An Irish 3Rs Centre, Animals, 12, (9), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Singh, B. and Abdelgawad, M.E. and Ali, Z. and Bailey, J. and Budyn, E. and Civita, P. and Clift, M.J.D. and Connelly, J.T. and Constant, S. and Hittinger, M. and Kandarova, H. and Kearns, V.R. and Kiuru, T. and Kostrzewski, T. and Kress, S. and Durban, V.M. and Lehr, C.-M. and McMillan, H. and Metz, J.K. and Monteban, V. and Movia, D. and Neto, C. and Owen, C. and Paasonen, L. and Palmer, K.A. and Pilkington, G.J. and Pilkington, K. and Prina-Mello, A. and Roper, C. and Sheard, J. and Smith, S. and Turner, J.E. and Roy, I. and Tutty, M.A. and Velliou, E. and Wilkinson, J.M., Towards more predictive, physiological and animal-free in vitro models: Advances in cell and tissue culture 2020 conference proceedings, ATLA Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 49, (3), 2021, p93-110Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Fernandez, Y. and Movellan, J. and Foradada, L. and Gimenez, V. and Garcia-Aranda, N. and Mancilla, S. and Arminan, A. and Borgos, S.E. and Hyldbakk, A. and Bogdanska, A. and Gobbo, O.L. and Prina-Mello, A. and Ponti, J. and Calzolai, L. and Zagorodko, O. and Gallon, E. and Nino-Pariente, A. and Paul, A. and Schwartz Jr, S. and Abasolo, I. and Vicent, M.J., In Vivo Antitumor and Antimetastatic Efficacy of a Polyacetal-Based Paclitaxel Conjugate for Prostate Cancer Therapy, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 11, (7), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Minelli, C. and Wywijas, M. and Bartczak, D. and Cuello-Nuñez, S. and Infante, H.G. and Deumer, J. and Gollwitzer, C. and Krumrey, M. and Murphy, K.E. and Johnson, M.E. and Bustos, A.R.M. and Strenge, I.H. and Faure, B. and HÞghÞj, P. and Tong, V. and Burr, L. and Norling, K. and Höök, F. and Roesslein, M. and Kocic, J. and Hendriks, L. and Kestens, V. and Ramaye, Y. and Lopez, M.C.C. and Auclair, G. and Mehn, D. and Gilliland, D. and Potthoff, A. and OelschlÀgel, K. and Tentschert, J. and Jungnickel, H. and Krause, B.C. and Hachenberger, Y.U. and Reichardt, P. and Luch, A. and Whittaker, T.E. and Stevens, M.M. and Gupta, S. and Singh, A. and Lin, F.-H. and Liu, Y.-H. and Costa, A.L. and Baldisserri, C. and Jawad, R. and Andaloussi, S.E.L. and Holme, M.N. and Lee, T.G. and Kwak, M. and Kim, J. and Ziebel, J. and Guignard, C. and Cambier, S. and Contal, S. and Gutleb, A.C. and Tatarkiewicz, J. and Jankiewicz, B.J. and Bartosewicz, B. and Wu, X. and Fagan, J.A. and Elje, E. and Rundén-Pran, E. and Dusinska, M. and Kaur, I.P. and Price, D. and Nesbitt, I. and O'Reilly, S. and Peters, R.J.B. and Bucher, G. and Coleman, D. and Harrison, A.J. and Ghanem, A. and Gering, A. and McCarron, E. and Fitzgerald, N. and Cornelis, G. and Tuoriniemi, J. and Sakai, M. and Tsuchida, H. and Maguire, C. and Prina-Mello, A. and Lawlor, A.J. and Adams, J. and Schultz, C.L. and Constantin, D. and Thanh, N.T.K. and Tung, L.D. and Panariello, L. and Damilos, S. and Gavriilidis, A. and Lynch, I. and Fryer, B. and Quevedo, A.C. and Guggenheim, E. and Briffa, S. and Valsami-Jones, E. and Huang, Y. and Keller, A. and Kinnunen, V.-T. and PerÀmÀki, S. and Krpetic, Z. and Greenwood, M. and Shard, A.G., Versailles project on advanced materials and standards (VAMAS) interlaboratory study on measuring the number concentration of colloidal gold nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 14, (12), 2022, p4690-4704Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Essa, N. and O'Connell, F. and Prina-Mello, A. and O'Sullivan, J. and Marcone, S., Gold nanoparticles and obese adipose tissue microenvironment in cancer treatment, Cancer Letters, 525, 2022, p1-8Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Tutty, M.A. and Movia, D. and Prina-Mello, A., Three-dimensional (3D) liver cell models - a tool for bridging the gap between animal studies and clinical trials when screening liver accumulation and toxicity of nanobiomaterials, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 2022Review Article, 2022, DOI
  • Pisani, S. and Dorati, R. and Genta, I. and Benazzo, M. and Conti, B. and Prina Mello, A., A study focused on macrophages modulation induced by the Polymeric Electrospun Matrices (EL-Ms) for application in tissue regeneration: In vitro proof of concept, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 603, (120712), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Bogdanska, A. and Gobbo, O.L. and Volkov, Y. and Prina-Mello, A., 3D volume segmentation and reconstruction. Supervised image classification and automated quantification of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in histology slides for safety assessment, Nanotoxicology, 15, (9), 2021, p1151-1167Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Neuhaus W, Reininger-Gutmann B, Rinner B, Plasenzotti R, Wilflingseder D, De Kock J, Vanhaecke T, Rogiers V, Jírová D, Kejlová K, Knudsen LE, Nielsen RN, Kleuser B, Kral V, Thöne-Reineke C, Hartung T, Pallocca G, Leist M, Hippenstiel S, Lang A, Retter I, Krämer S, Jedlicka P, Ameli K, Fritsche E, Tigges J, Buettner M, Bleich A, Baumgart N, Baumgart J, Meinhardt MW, Spanagel R, Chourbaji S, Kränzlin B, Seeger B, von Köckritz-Blickwede M, Sánchez-Morgado JM, Galligioni V, Ruiz-Pérez D, Movia D, Prina-Mello A, Ahluwalia A, Chiono V, Gutleb AC, Schmit M, van Golen B, van Weereld L, Kienhuis A, van Oort E, van der Valk J, Smith A, Roszak J, St"pnik M, Soba"ska Z, Olsson IAS, Franco NH, Sevastre B, Kandarova H, Capdevila S, Johansson J, Cederroth CR, Sandström J, Ragan I, Bubalo N, Spielmann H., The Rise of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe., Alternatives to laboratory animals : ATLA, 50, (2), 2022, p90-120Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Silvia Pisani, Giulia Bertino, Adriele Prina-Mello, Laura Deborah Locati, Simone Mauramati, Ida Genta, Rossella Dorati, Bice Conti, Marco Benazzo, Electroporation in Head-and-Neck Cancer: An Innovative Approach with Immunotherapy and Nanotechnology Combination, Cancers, 2022Journal Article, 2022
  • Melissa Anne Tutty, Gabriele Vella, Antje Vennemann, Martin Wiemann, Adriele Prina-Mello, Evaluating nanobiomaterial-induced DNA strand breaks using the alkaline comet assay, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Melissa Anne Tutty, Gabriele Vella, Adriele Prina-Mello, Pre-clinical 2D and 3D toxicity response to a panel of nanomaterials; comparative assessment of NBM-induced liver toxicity, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Neuhaus W, Reininger-Gutmann B, Rinner B, Plasenzotti R, Wilflingseder D, De Kock J, Vanhaecke T, Rogiers V, Jírová D, Kejlová K, Knudsen LE, Spielmann H, The Current Status and Work of Three Rs Centres and Platforms in Europe., Alternatives to laboratory animals : ATLA, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Farmer, W. and Hannon, G. and Ghosh, S. and Prina-Mello, A., Thermal ablation in pancreatic cancer: A scoping review of clinical studies, Frontiers in Oncology, 12, (1066990), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Bastogne, T. and Caputo, F. and Prina-Mello, A. and Borgos, S. and Barberi-Heyob, M., A state of the art in analytical quality-by-design and perspectives in characterization of nano-enabled medicinal products, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 219, (114911), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Spring, K. and Weltring, K.-M. and Prina-Mello, A. and Schmid, R., REFINE special issue, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 12, (9), 2022, p2039-2041Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Montanha, M.C. and Howarth, A. and Mohamed, D.A. and Loier, E. and Main, L. and Rösslein, M. and Delmaar, C. and Prina-Mello, A. and Siccardi, M., A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to predict pegylated liposomal doxorubicin disposition in rats and human, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 12, (9), 2022, p2178-2186Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Tutty, M.A. and Vella, G. and Vennemann, A. and Wiemann, M. and Prina-Mello, A., Correction: Evaluating nanobiomaterial-induced DNA strand breaks using the alkaline comet assay (Drug Delivery and Translational Research, (2022), 12, 9, (2243-2258), 10.1007/s13346-022-01178-7), Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 12, (9), 2022, p2259Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Halamoda-Kenzaoui, B. and Geertsma, R. and Pouw, J. and Prina-Mello, A. and Carrer, M. and Roesslein, M. and Sips, A. and Weltring, K.M. and Spring, K. and Bremer-Hoffmann, S., Future perspectives for advancing regulatory science of nanotechnology-enabled health products, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 12, (9), 2022, p2145-2156Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Powell, L.G. and Gillies, S. and Fernandes, T.F. and Murphy, F. and Giubilato, E. and Cazzagon, V. and Hristozov, D. and Pizzol, L. and Blosi, M. and Costa, A.L. and Prina-Mello, A. and Bouwmeester, H. and Sarimveis, H. and Janer, G. and Stone, V., Developing Integrated Approaches for Testing and Assessment (IATAs) in order to support nanomaterial safety, Nanotoxicology, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Soliman, M.G. and Trinh, D.N. and Ravagli, C. and Meleady, P. and Henry, M. and Movia, D. and Doumett, S. and Cappiello, L. and Prina-Mello, A. and Baldi, G. and Monopoli, M.P., Development of a fast and simple method for the isolation of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles protein corona from protein-rich matrices, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 659, 2024, p503-519Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • Movia, D. and Prina-Mello, A., A Method for Culturing 3D Tumoroids of Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells at the Airâ€"Liquid Interface, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2645, 2023, p173-178Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Parot, J. and Mehn, D. and Jankevics, H. and Markova, N. and Carboni, M. and Olaisen, C. and Hoel, A.D. and Sigfúsdóttir, M.S. and Meier, F. and Drexel, R. and Vella, G. and McDonagh, B. and Hansen, T. and Bui, H. and Klinkenberg, G. and Visnes, T. and Gioria, S. and Urban-Lopez, P. and Prina-Mello, A. and Borgos, S.E. and Caputo, F. and Calzolai, L., Quality assessment of LNP-RNA therapeutics with orthogonal analytical techniques, Journal of Controlled Release, 367, 2024, p385-401Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • Huber, M.J. and Ivleva, N.P. and Booth, A.M. and Beer, I. and Bianchi, I. and Drexel, R. and Geiss, O. and Mehn, D. and Meier, F. and Molska, A. and Parot, J. and SÞrensen, L. and Vella, G. and Prina-Mello, A. and Vogel, R. and Caputo, F., Physicochemical characterization and quantification of nanoplastics: applicability, limitations and complementarity of batch and fractionation methods, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 415, (15), 2023, p3007-3031Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Hannon, G. and Bogdanska, A. and Keogh, A. and Finn, S.P. and Gobbo, O.L. and Prina-Mello, A., Biodistribution and histological analysis of iron oxide-dextran nanoparticles in wistar rats, Nanotoxicology, 17, (8-9), 2023, p562-580Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Tutty, M.A. and Prina-Mello, A., A Method for the In Vitro Cytotoxicity Assessment of Anti-cancer Compounds and Materials Using High Content Screening Analysis, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2645, 2023, p241-249Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Hannon, G. and Prina-Mello, A., Testing the Effects of Magnetic Hyperthermia in 2D Cell Culture, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2645, 2023, p251-261Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Tutty, M.A. and Prina-Mello, A., Three-Dimensional Spheroids for Cancer Research, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2645, 2023, p65-103Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Tutty, M.A. and Holmes, S. and Prina-Mello, A., Cancer Cell Culture: The Basics and Two-Dimensional Cultures, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2645, 2023, p3-40Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Montanha MC, Howarth A, Mohamed DA, Loier E, Main L, Rösslein M, Delmaar C, Prina-Mello A, Siccardi M, A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model to Predict Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin Disposition in Rats and Human, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Movia D, Bruni-Favier S, Prina-Mello A, In vitro Alternatives to Acute Inhalation Toxicity Studies in Animal Models-A Perspective., Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Pisani P, Airoldi M, Allais A, Aluffi Valletti P, Battista M, Benazzo M, Briatore R, Cacciola S, Cocuzza S, Colombo A, Conti B, Costanzo A, Zigliani A, Metastatic disease in head & neck oncology., Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Societa italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • Ripoll-Viladomiu, I. and Prina-Mello, A. and Movia, D. and Marignol, L., Extracellular vesicles and the †six Rs†in radiotherapy, Cancer Treatment Reviews, 129, (102799), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • Caputo, F. and Favre, G. and Borchard, G. and Calzolai, L. and Fisicaro, P. and Frejafon, E. and GÃŒnday-TÃŒreli, N. and Koltsov, D. and Minelli, C. and Nelson, B.C. and Parot, J. and Prina-Mello, A. and Zou, S. and Ouf, F.-X., Toward an international standardisation roadmap for nanomedicine, Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 14, (9), 2024, p2578-2588Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • Moen, A. and Johnsen, H. and Hristozov, D. and Zabeo, A. and Pizzol, L. and Ibarrola, O. and Hannon, G. and Holmes, S. and Debebe Zegeye, F. and Vogel, U. and Prina Mello, A. and Zienolddiny-Narui, S. and Wallin, H., Inflammation related to inhalation of nano and micron sized iron oxides: a systematic review, Nanotoxicology, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
  • Crotty, D., Silkstone, G., Poddar, S., Ranson, R., Prina-Mello, A., Wilson, M.T., Coey, J.M.D., Erratum: Reexamination of magnetic isotope and field effects on adenosine triphosphate production by creatine kinase (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2012) 109, 5, (1437-1442) DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1117840108), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, (18), 2012, p7126Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Prina_Mello A. , Campbell V., and Coey J.M.D. , Static magnetic field effect in cells. A possible roa to cell differentiation., NSTI Nanotech 2005 , Anaheim, CA, May 2005, edited by NSTI , NSTI, 2005Conference Paper, 2005
  • Prina-Mello A. , Volkov Y., and Prendergast P.J., Effect of microtopography and cell concentration on T lymphoid cell migration during in vitro extravasation process, NSTI Nanotech 2005, Anaheim, CA, May 2005, edited by NSTI , NSTI, 2005Conference Paper, 2005, URL
  • Prina_Mello A., Bioelectromagnetics 2005. Joint meeting of the American and European society of Bioelectromagnetics, 19-24 June, 2005, Dublin, (Sp 2005), 1, BioelectromagneticsMeetings /Conferences Organised, 2005, URL
  • Prina-Mello A, Farrell E, Prendergast PJ, Campbell V, Coey JMD, Influence of Strong Static Magnetic, Bioelectromagnetics, 27, (1), 2006, p35 - 42Journal Article, 2006, URL
  • Taylor D, O'Brien F, Prina-Mello A, Ryan C, O'Reilly P, Lee TC , Compression data on bovine bone confirms that a "stressed volume" principle explains the variability of fatigue strength results. , Journal of Biomechanics, 32, (11), 1999, p1199 - 1203Journal Article, 1999, DOI , URL
  • Prina-Mello A, Farrell E, Prendergast PJ, Campbell V, Coey JMD , Influence of strong static magnetic fields on primary cortical neurons , Bioelectromechanics, 27, 1, (Jan), 2006, p35 - 42Journal Article, 2006, DOI
  • A. Prina-Mello, Z. Diao and J.M.D. Coey, Internalization of ferromagnetic nanowires by different living cells, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 4, (9), 2006, p1 - 11Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Serena A. Corr, Aisling O' Byrne, Yurii K. Gun'ko, Swapankumar Ghosh, Dermot F. Brougham, Siobhan Mitchell, Yuri Volkov and Adriele Prina-Mello, Magnetic-fluorescent nanocomposites for biomedical multitasking, Chemical Communications, 43, 2006, p4474 - 4476Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • A. Prina-Mello, Z. Diao, and J.M.D. Coey, Nano-scale cell manipulation by magnetic field in the presence of functionalised magnetic carriers, Proceedings of Bioengineering in Ireland 12, Bioengineering in Ireland 12, Ireland, 27-28 January 2006, edited by McHugh, O'Mahony, Fitzpatrick , ISBN 1 905 254 075, The National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science, 2006, pp73 - 74Conference Paper, 2006
  • A. Prina-Mello, Z. Diao and J.M.D. Coey, Cell Separation and Manipulation by magnetic field in the presence of functionalised magnetic nanowires., Proceedings of NSTI Nanotech 2006 - BIONANO 2006, NSTI Nanotech 2006, Boston, USA, May 2006, edited by Ed. Laudon and Romanowicz , 1, (ISBN: 0-9767985-6-5), 2006, pp62 - 63Conference Paper, 2006
  • A. Prina-Mello, Z. Diao, and J.M.D. CoeyA. Prina-Mello, Z. Diao, and J.M.D. Coey, Multilineage cell alignment and separation by magnetic field after internalization of nickel nanowires., Proceedings of the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Austria, May 2006, edited by Hafeli, Schutt, Zborowski , 2006, pp41 - 42Conference Paper, 2006
  • A. Prina-Mello, Z. Diao, and J.M.D. Coey, Osteoblast cell alignment by magnetic field after internalization of nickel nanowires, Proceeedings of the International Conference on Magnetism 06 , International Conference on Magnetism 06 , Kyoto, 20-25 August 2006, edited by ICM06 Editor committee , ICM06 - Publishers, 2006, pp64 - 64Conference Paper, 2006
  • Serena A Corr, Aisling O'Byrne, Yurii K Gun'ko, Swapankumar Ghosh, Dermot F Brougham, Siobhan Mitchell, Yuri Volkov, Adriele Prina-Mello, Magnetic-fluorescent nanocomposites for biomedical multitasking, Magnetic-fluorescent nanocomposites for biomedical multitasking. Chemical Communications, (43), 2006, p4474 - 4476Journal Article, 2006
  • Daly R., Boland J.J., Donegan J., Cross G., Prina-Mello A. , Mechanistic insights from formation of novel pore morphologies with breath figure templating. , MRS annual proceedings, Materials Research Society (MRS) Annual Conference, Boston. MA, USA, December 2007, edited by Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) , (1), Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3), 2007, ppff4.4-Conference Paper, 2007
  • Crotty D., Morgan J.P., Coey J.M.D., and A. Prina-Mello. (ed.), Osteoblast cell response to external stimulation after internalization of nickel nanowires. , Proceedings of the 13 th Bioengineering Ireland. The School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Belfast, ISBN 1-905254-18-0, 2007, Queen's University Belfast, 2007Proceedings of a Conference, 2007
  • Prina-Mello A. , Daly R., Furlong C., Prendergast P.J., Boland J.J. , Investigation of cell biomimetic and mechano-response to biofunctionalised regular architecture microporous topographies., Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS), . 14 th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS), Dublin , edited by ICSF - IOM3 , 1, ICSFS , 2008, pp347-Conference Paper, 2008
  • Daly R., Boland J.J., Donegan J., Cross G., Prina-Mello A. , Mechanistic insights from formation of novel pore morphologies with breath figure templating. , Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS), 14 th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS), Dublin, 2008, 1, ICSFS, 2008, pp143-Conference Paper, 2008
  • Crotty D. Martinez G; Coey J.M.D., Prina-Mello A., Effect of 50Hz, 2mT AC electromagnetic field on proliferation, morphology and CBf-alpha1 protein expression in pre-osteoblast., Proceedings of the 30 th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society , Bioelectromagnetics Society 30 th Annual Meeting , San Diego, June 2008, edited by BEMS , 1, BEMS, 2008, pp21-Conference Paper, 2008
  • Chun B.S., Walliang A.L., Fermon C, Byrne F., Prina-Mello A. , and J. M. D. Coey., Magnetic label detection in a microfluidic channel., Proceedings of the Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Dublin, September 2008, edited by Joint European Magnetic Symposia . , 1, Coey, Sanvito, 2008, ppBM10-Poster, 2008
  • Prina-Mello A. , Crotty D., Byrne F., Davey G. and J.M.D. Coey. , Cell alignment using a magnetic nanowire and external field gradient. , Proceedings of the Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Joint European Magnetic Symposia , Dublin , September 2008, edited by Joint European Magnetic Symposia , 1, Coey, Sanvito, 2008, ppBM11-Poster, 2008
  • Byrne F., Prina-Mello A. , Coey J.M.D., Mohamed B.M., Davies A,, Volkov Y. , Interaction of magnetic nickel nanowires with THP-1 cells and high content analysis of their cytotoxic effects. , Proceedings of the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Vancouver, Canada, May 2008, edited by Hafeli, Schutt, Zborowski , 1, Hafeli, Schutt, Zborowski, 2008, pp175-Conference Paper, 2008
  • Prina-Mello A. , Byrne F., Coey J.M.D.C, Mohamed B.M., Davies A., Volkov Y(ed.), High content screening analysis of proliferating MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells in contact with nanowires: time dependence toxicological response., Proceedings of the 4 th International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Dublin, 1, July 2008, Nicholas Abbott and Gill Lee, 2008, 15 pProceedings of a Conference, 2008
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, High content screening analysis of proliferating MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells in contact with nanowires: time dependence toxicological response , 4 th International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, UCD, Dublin, July, 2008, Nicholas Abbott and Gill LeeInvited Talk, 2008
  • Prina-Mello A. , Byrne F., Coey J.M.D., Mohamed B.M., Davies A,, Volkov Y. , Time dependence nanomaterial toxicological response to proliferating MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells: high content screening analisis. , Proceedings of the th International Conference on Particles, 9 th International Conference on Particles: Risks and Opportunities ., Cape Town, September 2008, edited by Gulumian , 1, Gulumian, 2008, pp50-Poster, 2008
  • Tian F., Prina-Mello A., Estrada G.G., Beyerle A., Möller W., Schulz H., Kreyling W., Stöeger T. , A novel assay for the quantification of internalised nanoparticles in macrophages,, Nanotoxicology, 2, (4), 2008, p232 - 242Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
  • F Tian, A Prina-Mello, G G Estrada, A Beyerle, W Kreyling and T Stoeger, Cell shape imaging analysis: A fast and reliable technique for the investigation of internalised carbon nanotubes in flat macrophages, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 151, 2009, p012033 - 012040Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
  • A multidisciplinary approach to the study of T cell migration in, editor(s)Bradlow H.L., Castagnetta L., Massimo L., Zaenker K. , signal transduction and communication in cancer cells, New York, New York Academy of Sciences, 2004, pp313 - 319, [Long A., Mitchell S., Kashanin D., Williams V., Prina-Mello A., Shvets I.V., Kelleher D., Volkov Y.]Book Chapter, 2004, URL
  • Byrne F., Prina-Mello A., Whelan A., Mohamed B.M., Davies A., Gun'ko Y.K., Coey J.M.D., Volkov Y., High content analysis of the biocompatibility of nickel nanowires , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , 321, (10), 2009, p1341-1345Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Preface in, editor(s)Raquel de Pedro Ricoy, Isabelle Perez and Christine Wilson , Interpreting and Translating in Public Service Settings Policy, Practice, Pedagogy, Manchester, St. Jerome, 2009, ppvii - viii, [Lorraine Leeson ]Book Chapter, 2009
  • Prina-Mello A., Whelan A.M., Atzberger A., McCarthy J.E., Byrne F., Davies G.L., Coey J.M.D., Volkov Y., Gun'ko Y.K., Comparative Flow Cytometric Analysis of Immunofunctionalized Nanowire and Nanoparticle Signatures, Small, 6, (2), 2010, p247 - 255Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • P.J.Cregg, Kieran Murphy, Adil Mardinoglu, Adriele Prina-Mello, Many particle magnetic dipole-dipole and hydrodynamic interactions in magnetizable stent assisted magnetic drug targeting , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322, (15), 2010, p2087-2094Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Adil Mardinoglu, P.J. Cregg, Kieran Murphy, Maurice Curtin and Adriele Prina-Mello, Theoretical modelling of physiologically stretched vessel in magnetisable stent assisted magnetic drug targeting application, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 323, (3-4), 2010, p324-329Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Movia, D., Prina-Mello, A. , Volkov, Y. , Giordani, S, Determination of spiropyran cytotoxicity by high content screening and analysis for safe application in bionanosensing, Chemical Research in Toxicology , 23, (9), 2010, p1459 - 1466Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Toetsch S, Olwell P, Prina-Mello A, Volkov Y, The evolution of chemotaxis assays from static models to physiologically relevant platforms., Integrative biology : quantitative biosciences from nano to macro, 1, (2), 2009, p170-81Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Corr SA, O'Byrne A, Gun'ko YK, Ghosh S, Brougham DF, Mitchell S, Volkov Y, Prina-Mello A, Magnetic-fluorescent nanocomposites for biomedical multitasking., Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), (43), 2006, p4474-6Journal Article, 2006
  • Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Noreen T. Boyle, Andrea Della-Chiesa, Frank Walsh, Adil Mardinoglu, Dmitri Botvich, Adriele Prina-Mello, Development of artificial neuronal networks for molecular communication, Nano Communication Networks, 2, (2-3), 2011, p150-160Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Bashir Mustafa Mohamed, Navin Kumar Verma, Adriele Prina-Mello, Yvonne Williams, Anthony M Davies, Gabor Bakos, Laragh Tormey, Connla Edwards, John Hanrahan, Anna Salvati, Iseult Lynch, Kenneth Dawson, Dermot Kelleher, and Yuri Volkov, Activation of stress-related signalling pathway in human cells upon SiO2 nanoparticles exposure as an early indicator of cytotoxicity, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 9, 2011, p29-Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Darragh Crotty, Gary Silkstone, Soumya Poddar, Richard Ranson, Adriele Prina-Mello, Michael T. Wilson, and J. M. D. Coey, Reexamination of magnetic isotope and field effects on adenosine triphosphate production by creatine kinase, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, (18), 2012, p7126Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Santos-Martínez MJ, Prina-Mello A, Medina C, Radomski MW., Analysis of platelet function: role of microfluidics and nanodevices., Analyst, 136, (24), 2011, p5120 - 5126Journal Article, 2011
  • Movia D, Prina-Mello A, Bazou D, Volkov Y, Giordani S, Screening the Cytotoxicity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Novel 3D Tissue-Mimetic Models., ACS Nano, 5, (11), 2011, p9278-9290Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Poland, C.A., Byrne, F., Cho, W.S., Prina-Mello, A., Murphy, F.A., Davies, G.L., Coey, J.M., Gounko, Y., Duffin, R., Volkov, Y., Donaldson, K., Lenghth dependent pathogenic effects of nickel nanowires in the lungs and the peritoneal., Nanotoxicology, 2012, p899-911Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Mohamed BM, Verma NK, Davies AM, McGowan A, Crosbie-Staunton K, Prina-Mello A, Kelleher D, Botting CH, Causey CP, Thompson PR, Pruijn GJ, Kisin ER, Tkach AV, Shvedova AA, Volkov Y, Citrullination of proteins: a common post-translational modification pathway induced by different nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo., Nanomedicine (London, England), 7, (8), 2012, p1181-1195Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Bashir Mustafa Mohamed, Dania Movia, Anton Knyazev, Dominique Langevin, Anthony Mitchell Davies, Adriele Prina-Mello, Yuri Volkov, Citrullination as early-stage indicator of cell response to Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Scientific Reports, 3, (1124), 2013, p1 - 7Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Anja Schinwald, Fiona A Murphy, Adriele Prina-Mello, Craig A Poland, Fiona Byrne, Dania Movia, James R Glass, Janet C Dickerson, David A Schultz, Chris E Jeffree, William Macnee, Ken Donaldson, The threshold length for fiber-induced acute pleural inflammation: shedding light on the early events in asbestos-induced mesothelioma, Toxicological Sciences, 128, (2), 2012, p461 - 470Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Multilayered Nanoparticles for Personalized Medicine: Translation into Clinical Markets in, editor(s)Bawa R., Audette G.F. and Rubinstein I. , Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine - From Bench to Bedside, Singapore, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2016, [Movia D., Poland C., Tran L., Volkov Y., Prina-Mello A. ]Book Chapter, 2016
  • Special Issue on Role of Inter-Disciplinary Research in Nanoscale Communication , Nano Communication Networks, Elsevier, [eds.], 2011-2012Editorial Board, 2011
  • Prina-Mello A, Crosbie-Staunton K, Salas G, Del Puerto Morales M, Volkov Y. , Multiparametric toxicity evaluation of SPIONs by high content screening technique: Identification of biocompatible multifunctional nanoparticles for nanomedicine , IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49, (1), 2013, p377 - 382Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Pini G., Scusa M.F., Congiu L., Benincasa A., Morescalchi P., Bottiglioni I., Di Marco P., Borelli P., Bonuccelli U., Della Chiesa A., Prina-Mello A., Tropea D., , IGF1 as a Potential Treatment for Rett Syndrome: Safety Assessment in Six Rett Patients, Autism research and treatment , 01/2012, 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI
  • Knyazev, A., Louise, L., Veber, M., Langevin, D., Filoramo, A., Prina-Mello, A., Campidelli, S, Selective adsorption of proteins on single-wall carbon nanotubes by using a protective surfactant , Chemistry - A European Journal, 17, (51), 2011, p14663 - 14671Journal Article, 2011
  • McCarthy, J.E.*, Prina-Mello, A.*, Rakovich, T., Volkov, Y., Gun'Ko, Y.K, Fabrication and characterization of multimodal magnetic - Fluorescent polystyrene nanowires as selective cell imaging probes, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, (37), 2011, p14129 - 14225Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Murphy, F.A., Poland, C.A., Duffin, R., Al-Jamal, K.T., Ali-Boucetta, H., Nunes, A., Byrne, F., Prina-Mello, A., Volkov, Y., Li, S., Mather, S.J., Bianco, A., Prato, M., MacNee, W., Wallace, W.A., Kostarelos, K., Donaldson, K. , Length-dependent retention of carbon nanotubes in the pleural space of mice initiates sustained inflammation and progressive fibrosis on the parietal pleura , American Journal of Pathology, 178, (6), 2011, p2587 - 2600Journal Article, 2011
  • Suzuki J., Balasubramaniam S. and Prina-Mello A, Multiobjective TDMA Optimization for Neuron-based Molecular Communication, BODYNETS 2012 , 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks. BODYNETS 2012 , Norway, 24-26 September 2012, edited by BODYNETS conference organisers , 2012, BODYNETS, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • Samuel, S.P., Jain, N., O'Dowd, F., Paul, T., Kashanin, D., Gerard, V.A., Gun'ko, Y.K., Prina-Mello, A., Volkov, Y. , Nanoparticles uptake by human endothelial cells under shear flow, Proceedings of the 19th Bioengineering Ireland., 19th Bioengineering Ireland, Co. Meath, Dublin, 18-19 January 2013, edited by Kelly, Murphy, Buckley , The Trinity Centre for Bioengineering, 2013Conference Paper, 2013
  • Mohamed BM, Movia D, Knyazev A, Langevin D, Davies AM, Prina-Mello A, Volkov Y, Citrullination as early-stage indicator of cell response to single-walled carbon nanotubes., Scientific reports, 3, 2013, p1124Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Samuel SP, Jain N, O'Dowd F, Paul T, Kashanin D, Gerard VA, Gun'ko YK, Prina-Mello A, Volkov Y, Multifactorial determinants that govern nanoparticle uptake by human endothelial cells under flow., International journal of nanomedicine, 7, 2012, p2943-56Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • McCarthy, J.E., Gun'Ko, Y.K., Volkov, Y.Rakovich, T., Prina-Mello, A., Rakovich, A., Byrne, S.J., Atzberger, A., , Application of nanomaterials in nanomedicine research, Proceedings of International Conference NANOMEETING 2011: Physics, Chemistry and Applications of Nanostructures - Reviews and Short Notes, NANOMEETING 2011: Physics, Chemistry and Applications of Nanostructures , Minsk; Belarus, 24-27 May, 2011, pp433-436Conference Paper, 2011
  • Mohamed BM, Verma NK, Prina-Mello A, Williams Y, Davies AM, Bakos G, Tormey L, Edwards C, Hanrahan J, Salvati A, Lynch I, Dawson K, Kelleher D, Volkov Y, Activation of stress-related signalling pathway in human cells upon SiO2 nanoparticles exposure as an early indicator of cytotoxicity., Journal of nanobiotechnology, 9, 2011, p29Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Mahfoud, O.K., Rakovich, T.Y., Prina-Mello, A., Movia, D., Alves, F., Volkov, Y., Detection of ErbB2: Nanotechnological solutions for clinical diagnostics, RSC Advances, 4, (7), 2014, p3422-3442Review Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Singh, M., Movia, D., Mahfoud, O.K., Volkov, Y., Prina-Mello, A., Silver nanowires as prospective carriers for drug delivery in cancer treatment: An in vitro biocompatibility study on lung adenocarcinoma cells and fibroblasts, European Journal of Nanomedicine, 5, (4), 2013, p195-204Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Ajetunmobi,A. A., Prina-Mello,Adriele A., Volkov,Yuri Y., Corvin,Aiden P. A.P., Tropea,Daniela D., Nanotechnologies for the study of the central nervous system, Progress in Neurobiology, 123, 2014, p18-36Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Rakovich TY, Mahfoud OK, Mohamed BM, Prina-Mello A, Crosbie-Staunton K, Van Den Broeck T, De Kimpe L, Sukhanova A, Baty D, Rakovich A, Maier SA, Alves F, Nauwelaers F, Nabiev I, Chames P, Volkov Y, Highly sensitive single domain antibody-quantum dot conjugates for detection of HER2 biomarker in ling and breast cancer cells., tcd, 2014Dataset, 2014, URL
  • Catherine A Schütz, Davide Staedler, Kieran Crosbie-Staunton, Dania Movia, Catherine Chapuis Bernasconi, Blanka Halamoda Kenzaoui, Adriele Prina-Mello, Lucienne Juillerat-Jeannere, Differential stress reaction of human colon cells to oleic-acid-stabilized and unstabilized ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles, International Journal of Nanomedicine, 9, 2014, p3481 - 3498Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Susan Dekkers, Agnes G Oomen, Eric AJ Bleeker, Rob J Vandebriel, Christian Micheletti, Joan Cabellos, Gemma Janer, Natalia Fuentes, Socorro Vázquez-Campos, Teresa Borges, Maria João Silva, Adriele Prina-Mello, Dania Movia, Fabrice Nesslany, Ana Ribeiro, Paulo Emílio Leite, Monique Groenewold, Flemming R Cassee, Adrienne JAM Sips, Aart Dijkzeul, Tom van Teunenbroek, Susan WP Wijnhoven, NANoREG Deliverable D 5.8-Decision tree for risk assessment of MNMs , 2016Report
  • Prina-Mello A. , MULTIFUN Dissemination Booklet, TCD , Trinity College Dublin Publisher, 2014Book, URL
  • Prina-Mello A. and NAMDIATREAM consortium, NAMDIATREAM Dissemination Booklet, TCD, Trinity College Dublin Publisher, 2014Book
  • NANOMED 2018, NANOMED workshop, 3-4 Dec 2018, In:NANOMED workshop, 2018, Pavia, ItalyMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Nanosafety: The interface between industry, authorities and safety researchers, NETWORKING EVENT to ADVANCE NANOSAFETY in NORWAY , Oslo, 15.09.2016, 2016Oral Presentation
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Nanotechnology for cancer diagnostics , Cytometry Society of Ireland, TBSI, TCD, Dublin, 8 Nov 2016, 2016Oral Presentation
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, NANOMATERIALS in MEDICINE: Structural And Physical-chemical aspects, Special NANO-Course-1 Nanomaterials, Nanotoxicology and Immunomodulation by Nanoparticles, Kazan, Russia, 14-17 Nov 2016, 2016Oral Presentation
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, MULTIFUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS: Regulatory aspects and safe-by-design approach, Special NANO-Course-1 Nanomaterials, Nanotoxicology and Immunomodulation by Nanoparticles, Kazan, Russia, 14-17 Nov 2016, 2016Oral Presentation
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Exosome and Extracellular Vesicle Characterisation using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, NUIG REMEDI seminar, Galway, 1 dec 2016, 2016Oral Presentation
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, TCD joint work toward First In Man: Advanced translational work, NANOGAGLIATO 2017, Gagliato (Italy), 25 Jul 2017, 2017Oral Presentation
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Charles University delegation visit to TCD, 6-7 Nov 2017, In:Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, 2017, DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Characterization in nanomedicine: Lesson learnt from the EUNCL (European Nanomedicine Characterisation Laboratory) and REFINE Project., 3rd Italian-Swedish Workshop on NanoBioMaterials - From safety assessment to biomedical uses, Turin (Italy), 22-23 Mar 2018, 2018Oral Presentation
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Development of liver 3D model as alternative to animals, Trinity Translational Medicine Institute Seminar, TTMI, TCD Dublin, 24 Apr 2018, 2018Oral Presentation
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, NANOWOW 6 weeks course, May to June 2018, In:NANOWOW 6 weeks course, 2018, DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • Prina_Mello A. , Trinity Bioelectromagnetics Seminar, 21 June, 2005, TCD, DublinMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • Buckley C.T., Prina-Mello A., O'Kelly K.U., Development of biodegradable elastomeric scaffolds for mechanobiology investigations, Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of the Section of Bio-engineering of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Galway, edited by FitzPatrick D.P. and Senouci M. , 2005, pp13-Oral Presentation
  • A. Prina-Mello, Magneto-biology at the SFI Trinity Nanoscience Laboratory, Department of Bioimaging and Bioengineering - Tokyo University, February 10th 2006, 2006, Prof. Shoogo UenoInvited Talk
  • A. Prina-Mello, Cell manipulation by magnetic field in the presence of functionalised magnetic nanowires , Nanotechnology seminar, MIT-Harvard University, Langer's La, Boston, USA, 10th May 2006, 2006, Dr. Lisa FreedInvited Talk
  • Prina-Mello A. , Byrne F., Whelan A., Mohamed B.M., Davies A., Gun'Ko Y., Coey J.M.D., Volkov Y. (ed.), Conference on Nanotechnology: implications for human health, the environment and food safety, Proceedings of the IST 2007 Conference on Nanotechnology, Dublin, 1, November 2007, DIT - Focas institute, 2007Proceedings of a Conference
  • Coey, Sanvito, Joint European Magnetic Symposia , 2008, In:Joint European Magnetic Symposia , 2008, Dublin , 1, Proceedings of the Joint European Magnetic SymposiaMeetings /Conferences Organised
  • Adriele Prina-Mello, Yuri Volkov, Nanotechnology in Diagnostic, Monitoring and Treatment of Cancer Advanced in Molecular Imaging , 5-8 September 2012, In:World Molecular Imaging Congress 2012, 2012, Dublin, WMISMeetings /Conferences Organised, URL

Research Expertise

Prina-Mello's research interests are focused on: 1) Advanced Translational Research of NanoMedicine (from Pre-clinical to Clinical, Precision, Personalised, Targeted nanomedicine), 2) Therapeutics based on nanotechnology and multilayered structures, 3) Theranostics and Personalised Medicine (in vitro/ in vivo diagnostic, imaging and treatment), 4) Dynamic interaction between nano-developed-products and biologically relevant models (nanotoxicology, nanobiocompatibility, nanosafety and nanobiotechnology), 5) Microfluidic systems applied to ultra-sensitive diagnostics (lab-on-a chip) 6) Biomedical devices and Tissue engineering applications of nanotechnology and nanomaterials, 7) Nanomedicine Characterization and Safety 8) In vitro complex models and tissue mimetic 9) Compliance to 3Rs principle 10) Development of Regulatory Science and Policy for nanotechnology-enabled medicine. Additional interests are also in pre-clinical screening, interdisciplinary science and research for nanomedicine and nanotechnology-based medical technology development (e.g., biomaterials, biocompatibility, high throughput and content screening, multiparametric analysys, data mining, bioelectromagnetisms biophysics, biomechanics, single cell assay and cellular engineering).

  • Title
    Amber centre Horizontal Platform
    Horizontal Platform in Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) assessment of manufactured materials.
    Funding Agency
    Science Foundation Ireland
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    SAFE-N-MEDTECH will build an innovative open access platform to offer companies and reference laboratories, the capabilities, knowhow, networks and services required for the development, testing, assessment, upscaling and market exploitation of nanotechnology-based Medical and Diagnosis Devices. This across the whole Life Cycle of nano-enabled MTs.
    Funding Agency
    European Union
    Date From
    1 April 2019
    Date To
    31 Mar 2023
  • Title
    IRC Postgraduate
    Assessing the potential of nanomedicine to improve the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    NAMDIATREAM will develop nanotechnology-based toolkit to enable early detection and imaging of molecular biomarkers of the most common cancer types and of cancer metastases, as well as permitting the identification of cells indicative of early-stage disease onset. The project is built on the innovative technology concepts of super-sensitive "lab-on-a-bead", "lab-on-a-chip" and "lab-on-a-wire" nano-devices. Namdiatream is an interdisciplinary and Pan-european consortium that builds around 7 High-Tech SMEs, 2 Multinational industries and 13 academic institutions.
    Funding Agency
    EU FP7
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    EXpanding Platforms for Efficacious mRNA Therapeutics
    EXPERT is to create an off-the-shelf mRNA-delivering nanomedicine platform that is manufactured via a quality-by-design approach that meet the requirements for GMP scaling up and clinical translation.
    Funding Agency
    European Union
    Date From
    1 Jun 2019
    Date To
    31 may 2023
  • Title
    Barcode project
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Nanomedicine upscaling for early clinical phases of multimodal cancer therapy
    Funding Agency
    European Union
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The MULTIFUN consortium focuses on the development and validation of new systems based upon minimal invasive nanotechnology for the early and selective detection and elimination of breast and pancreatic cancer with reduced side effects. The project will deploy a strategy based on the multifuntionalisation of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (MNP), combining diagnostic and therapeutic features against breast and pancreatic cancer and cancer stem cells.
    Funding Agency
    European Commission
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Risk Management of Biomaterials
    BIORIMA aims to develop an Integrated Risk Management (IRM) framework for NBM used in ATMP and MD. The BIORIMA IRM framework is a structure upon which the validated tools and methods for materials, exposure, hazard and risk identification/assessment and management are allocated plus a rationale for selecting and using them to manage and reduce the risk for specific NBM used in ATMP and MD.
    Funding Agency
    European Union
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    AMCARE FP7 project
    AMCARE is a translational research program to develop advanced multimodal regenerative therapies using cardiopoeitic stem cells and smart biomaterials that effectively treat damage caused by acute myocardial infarction.
    Funding Agency
    European Commission
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    European Nanomedicine Characterisation Laboratory
    To provide a trans-disciplinary testing infrastructure covering a comprehensive set of preclinical characterisation assays (physical, chemical, in-vitro and in-vivo biological testing) allowing researchers to fully comprehend the bio distribution, metabolism, pharmacokinetics, safety profiles and immunological effects of their Med-NPs.
    Funding Agency
    European Union
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Regulatory Science Framework for Nano(bio)material-based Medical Products and Devices
    REFINE proposes a Regulatory Science Framework for the risk-benefit assessment of medical products and medical devices that are based on nanomedicines and biomaterials. The heart of our framework is the development of a product-specific Decision Support System that identifies the most efficient way to deliver the data required by regulation by the best-fitting methods. The decision tree will explicate the product's specific regulatory challenges and the priorities of both missing data and missing methods to match these challenges. It will thus allow planning a cost-and time efficient strategy both for necessary measurements and for the advancement of methods. Our approach is aligned with the industrial R&D practice of stage gating.
    Funding Agency
    European Union
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The NANoREG project will establish a better level of trust between industry and policy developers and also establish a new, demand driven approach, involving the interaction of material specialists and nano-toxicologists. This will help to establish trust between the main players, namely regulators, scientific community and industry. With this project we will get not only a better coordination of the EU research agenda regarding the reduction of risk of nano materials, but improved or more focused interaction between industry, regulators and the scientific community.
    Funding Agency
    European Commission
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council (IRC)
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Quality NANO
    QualityNano is a Research Infrastructure for nanosafety assessment. QualityNano's core aim is the creation of a 'neutral' scientific & technical space in which all stakeholder groups can engage, develop, and share scientific best practice in the field. Initially it will harness resources from across Europe and develop efficient, transparent and effective processes. Thereby it will enable provision of services to its users, and the broader community, all in the context of a best-practice ethos. This will encourage evidence-based dialogue to prosper between all stakeholders. However, QualityNano will also pro-actively seek to drive, develop and promote the highest quality research and practices via its Joint Research Activities (JRA), Networking Activities (NA) and provision of Transnational Access (TA) functions, with a global perspective and mode of implementation.
    Funding Agency
    European Commission
    Date From
    Date To

Health services and systems, Immunology, Medical and biomedical engineering, Other clinical medicine, Genetics, Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Clinical Medicine, Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics, Cancer, Neurosciences, Other engineering and technologies, Pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences, Other Humanities, Nanotechnology, Chemical Sciences, Materials and resources engineering, Classical physics, Other basic medicine and life sciences, Clinical and health psychology, Condensed matter physics, Biochemistry and cell biology, Other agricultural, veterinary and food sciences,


  • Best Toxicology Paper 2012 - Society of Toxicology March 2012
  • FutureFlash! Best EC Project competition - EuroNanoForum 2015 July 2015
  • International Academy of Nanomedicine - Second World Congress of Nanomedicine October 2010
  • Bioelectromagnetics Society and European Bioelectromagnetics Association award 2005
  • EuroNanoForum 2013, Poster prize June 2013
  • M.Sc. in Translational Oncology - Best new postgraduate course award as lecturer April 2014
  • Malvern Invited Talk at European NanoMedicine 2017 April 2017
  • Student award, 5th International Conference on Cellular Engineering, Aachen (Germany) 2001
  • Calgary Award at the World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary (Canada) 2002
  • IEI/Medtronic Bioengineering Award Medal 2003
  • Chair of the Toxicology and Characterisation working group at the European Technology Platform in Nanomedicine (ETPN) 2019
  • Member of the European Society of Biomechanics 2010
  • Membro dell'ordine degli Ingegneri Italiani 2000
  • Vice-chairman of Nanodiagnostic Working Group - European Technology Platform in Nanomedicine 2012
  • Member of the European Bioelectromagnetics Association 2008
  • Member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society 2006
  • Member of European Technology Platform (ETP) in Nanomedicine to date
  • Member of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland 2008
  • Member of the European Society of Molecular Imaging 2015
  • Member of the BioNanoNet, the Austrian research network in the fields of nanotoxicology, sensor technologies and health and safety including (nano-)medicine. to date
  • NANOFAR associated member for european educational doctorate Sept-2016
  • Nano World Cancer day - organising committee Dec-2012
  • Editorial Board Member of Precision Nanomedicine June 2018
  • European Commission Expert Advisor Task Force Characterization Mar-2016
  • Editorial Board Member of Nature Scientific Reports - Nature Publishers Jan 2018
  • EuroNanoForum 2013 - International Advisory Group Area Nanomedicine, Healthcare, Nanobiotechnology and Biomaterials Jan-2012
  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree "Nanomedicine for Drug Delivery" (NANOMED EMJMD) - associated lecturer Dec 2018
  • European Commission Expert-advisor for Joint Institute for Innovation Policy (NANODATA project) Dec-2016
  • Guest Associate Editor in Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Nanobiotechnology Sep 2019
  • Academy of NanoGagliato, organising committee Dec-2016