Dr Sarah Parker is a Research Fellow and Lecturer at the Centre for Health Policy and Management, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin (TCD). With extensive experience leading qualitative and mixed methods research initiatives and teams, she is passionate about tackling complex social problems through direct policy and system impact. Her research covers a broad spectrum of policy issues including those related to health, homelessness and social care systems. She worked on the HRB-funded Foundations project, researching how COVID-19 impacted health system and policy reform. Currently, she leads on an HRB-EfP grant to assess the Irish Health System as well as the Government-funded `Care Leavers - 10 Years On" study. She was recently appointed Chair of the HPM/CGH research ethics committee (2024-present); elected Co-Chair of Trinity"s Academy of Postdoctoral Fellows (2024-present); awarded a place on the Aurora Women in Leadership programme (2024-2025); and is an Invited Member of the Focus Ireland Research Sub-Committee (2024-present). Sarah supervises BA, M.Sc. and PhD students. She leads on the Research Methods and Dissertation module on the M.Sc. in Health Policy and Management (2023-present); lectures on the SPHeRE PhD programme (2022-present); and lectured on the BA in Social Studies (2021-2023). She is Deputy Academic Editor of the School of Medicine Newsletter (2024-present). Prior to this, Sarah was a researcher at the Children's Research Centre, TCD, where she worked on several commissioned projects including a biographical study of women's homelessness and a qualitative longitudinal study of homeless youth and their families. Sarah holds several degrees from TCD including a PhD in Social Policy (2021), M.Sc. in Applied Social Research (2011) and BA in Sociology and Social Policy (2006). Funded by the Irish Research Council, she led an award-winning mixed methods study on family homelessness for her doctorate. She has co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed articles, reports and book chapters, achieving a h-index of 12 and 558 citations (Google Scholar). Her most recent work has been published in edited collections by Routledge, Edward Elgar and Palgrave MacMillan as well as high-impact journals including The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, Global Health Research and Policy, Housing Studies, International Journal on Homelessness, Child & Family Social Work, Journal of Family Issues, European Journal of Homelessness, HRB - Open, Frontiers in Public Health, BMC Public Health and BMC Health Services Research.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Mayock, P., & Parker, S., Homeless young people 'strategizing' a route to housing stability: Service fatigue, exiting attempts and living 'off grid', Housing Studies, 35, (3), 2020, p459 - 483Journal Article, 2020
- Young people narrating the meaning of homelessness and home. in, editor(s)L. Moran, K. Reilly, & B. Brady , Narrating childhood with children and young people: Diverse contexts, methods and stories of everyday live, London, Palgrave MacMillan, 2021, pp35 - 61, [Mayock, P. & Parker, S.]Book Chapter, 2021, URL
- Mayock, P., Parker, S. & Murphy, A, Family 'turning point' experiences and the process of youth becoming homeless, Child and Family Social Work, 2021, p10.1111/cfs.12823Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Burke, Sara; Parker, Sarah; Fleming, Padraic; Barry, Sarah, Thomas, Steve, Building health system resilience through policy development in response to COVID-19 in Ireland: From shock to reform, The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 10, (100223), 2021Journal Article, 2021, URL
- Ellen Cosgrave, Aishling Sheridan, Edward Murphy, Martina Blake, Rikke Siersbaek, Sarah Parker, Sara Burke, Frank Doyle, Paul Kavanagh, Public attitudes to implementing financial incentives in stopsmoking services in Ireland, Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 9, (9), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Rikke Siersbaek, Sarah Parker, Paul M Kavanagh, John Ford, Sara Burke, How and why do financial incentives contribute to helping people stop smoking? A realist review protocol, BMJ Open., 12, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Sarah Parker, Can a Mixed Methods Approach help to Mitigate the `People Problem' of Administrative Data for Evidence-based policy Making?, 3, (2), 2018Conference Paper, 2018, DOI
- Sarah Parker, Paula Mayock, They're Always Complicated but That's the Meaning of Family in My Eyes: Homeless Youth Making Sense of 'Family' and Family Relationships, Journal of Family Issues, 40, (4), 2019, p540--570Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Sarah Parker, Luisne Mac Conghail, Rikke Siersbaek, Sara Burke, How to not revert to type: Complexity-informed learnings from the pandemic response for health system reform and universal access to integrated care, Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 2023Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Sarah Parker, Rikke Siersbaek, Luisne Mac Conghail, Sara Burke, Public Health Responses to Homelessness During COVID-19 in Ireland: Implications for Health Reform, International Journal on Homelessness, 3, (3), 2023, p36-52Journal Article, 2023, URL
- Sarah Parker, The dynamics of family homelessness in Ireland: A mixed methods study, Trinity College Dublin, 2021Thesis, 2021, URL
- Paula Mayock, Sarah Sheridan, Sarah Parker, `It's just like we're going around in circles and going back to the same thing"": The Dynamics of Women's Unresolved Homelessness, Housing Studies, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Domhnall McGlacken-Byrne, Sarah Parker, Sara Burke, Tracking aspects of healthcare activity during the first nine months of COVID-19 in Ireland: a secondary analysis of publicly available data, HRB - Open, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Luisne Mac Conghail, Sarah Parker, Sara Burke, Examining universal access to acute hospital care in Ireland during the first three months of COVID-19: Lessons from the policy process, HRB - Open, 2024Journal Article, 2024, URL
- Rikke Siersbaek, Paul Kavanagh, John Ford, Sara Burke, Sarah Parker, How and why do financial incentives contribute to helping people stop smoking? A realist review, BMC Public Health, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Parker, S, Schulmann, K, Bruen, C, Burke, S, Health System Reform in the Context of COVID-19: A Policy Brief Outlining Lessons from Ireland's Journey Towards the Goal of Universal Healthcare, BMC Global Health Research and Policy, 2025Journal Article, 2025, URL
- Eavan Brady, Janet Boddy, Lynne Cahill, Robbie Gilligan, Stephanie Holt, & Sarah Parker, Care Leavers: 10 years on, A Narrative Rapid Review, 2025, 1-51Report, 2025, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- 1252 Postgraduate Research Scholarship (Principal Investigator) 2017-2017
- Government of Ireland Costed Extension (Principal Investigator) 2020-2021
- Winner of 1st place Dean of Research Award at the Multidisciplinary Research Showcase 2018
- COST grant to complete Short Term Scientific Mission 2018
- Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship (Principal Investigator) 2017-2021
- Member, COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) 2017
- Associate Member, Women's Homelessness in Europe Network 2017
- Co-Chair, Postdoctoral Academy Committee, Trinity College Dublin 2024
- Member, Trinity Research in Childhood Centre 2017
- Invited Member, Focus Ireland Research Sub-Committee 2024