Dr. James O'Mahony
Research Assistant Professor, Public Health & Primary Care
Research Assistant Professor, Histopathology
Email James.O-Mahony@tcd.ie PhonePublications and Further Research Outputs
- O'Mahony JF, Newall AT, and van Rosmalen J, Dealing with Time in Health Economic Evaluation: Methodological Issues and Recommendations for Practice, PharmacoEconomics, 2015, pDOI 10.1007/s40273-015-0309-4Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Ekwunife O, Gerber-Grote A, Mosch C, O'Mahony J, and Lhachimi S, Assessing cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccines with decision analytic models: what are the distinct challenges of low- and middle-income countries? A protocol for a systematic review, Systematic Reviews, 4, (68), 2015, p2 - 9Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
- Paulden, M, O'Mahony, JF, Culyer, AJ, & McCabe, C, Objectivity and Equity: Clarity Required. A Response to Hill and Olson, PharmacoEconomics, 32, (12), 2014, p1249 - 1250Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- Paulden, M, O'Mahony, JF, Culyer, AJ, & McCabe, C, Some Inconsistencies in NICE's Consideration of Social Values, PharmacoEconomics, 32, (11), 2014, p1043 - 1053Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- O'Mahony JF, Risk Stratification in Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Cancer Screening; Intervention Eligibility, Strategy Choice, and Optimality, Journal of Medical Decision Making, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Almajed S, Alotaibi N, Zulfqar S, Dhuhaibawi Z, O'Rourke N, Gaule R, Byrne C, Barry AM, Keeley D, and O'Mahony JF, Cost-efectiveness evidence on approved cancer drugs in Ireland: the limits of data availability and implications for public accountability, The European Journal of Health, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- O'Mahony JF, Revision of Ireland's Cost-Effectiveness Threshold: New State-Industry Drug Pricing Deal Should Adequately Reflect Opportunity Costs, PharmacoEconomics, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
- Castanon A, Rebolj M, Burger EA, de Kok IMCM, Smith MA, Hanley SJB, Carozzi FM, Peacock S, O'Mahony JF., Cervical screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: optimising recovery strategies., The lancet. Public health, 6, (7), 2021, pe522-e527Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- O'Mahony, JF, de Kok, IMCM, van Rosmalen, J, Habbema, JDF, Brouwer, WBF and van Ballegooijen, M, Practical implications of differential discounting in cost-effectiveness analyses with varying numbers of cohorts, Value in Health: The Journal of The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 14, (4), 2011, p438 - 442Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL
- O'Mahony, JF., van Rosmalen, J, Zauber, AG and van Ballegooijen M, Multicohort Models in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Why Aggregating Estimates over Multiple Cohorts Can Hide Useful Information, Medical Decision Making, 33, (3), 2013, p407 - 414Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- O'Mahony, JF, Cost-effectiveness of population-based screening for colorectal cancer, British Journal of Cancer, 108, (5), 2013, p1209 - 1210Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- O'Mahony, JF, & Paulden, M, NICE's Selective Application of Differential Discounting: Ambiguous, Inconsistent, and Unjustified, Value in Health: The Journal of The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 17, (5), 2013, p493 - 496Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- O'Mahony, JF, van Rosmalen, J, Mushkudiani, NA, Goudsmit, F-W, Eijkemans, MJ, Heijnsdijk, EA, Steyerberg E & Habbema, JDF, The Influence of Disease Risk on the Optimal Time Interval between Screens for the Early Detection of Cancer A Mathematical Approach, Medical Decision Making, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
- van Rosmalen, J, Toy, M, & O'Mahony, JF, A Mathematical Approach for Evaluating Markov Models in Continuous Time without Discrete-Event Simulation, Medical Decision Making, 33, (6), 2013, p767 - 779Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
- Paulden, M and O'Mahony, JF, Why the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's New Guidance on Discounting Creates Scope for Age Discrimination and other Inconsistencies, Bench, Bedside and Beyond: Medical Decision Making and Public Policy, Baltimore, MD, USA, October 19-23, 2013, 2013Oral Presentation, 2013, URL
- O'Mahony, JF and Paulden, M, NICE's Selective Application of Differential Discounting: Ambiguous, Inconsistent and Unjustified, ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting; Patient-Centered Outcomes: Focusing on the Patient, New Orleans, LA, May 18-22, 2013, 2013Poster, 2013, URL
- O'Mahony, JF, Postma, MJ, Boersma, C, Westra, TA, van Rosmalen, J and Jit, M, Correcting for Multiple Future Cohorts When Applying Differential Discounting of Costs and Health Effects, 14th Biennial SMDM European Meeting, Olso, Norway, June 10-12, 2012, 2012Oral Presentation, 2012, URL
- O'Mahony, JF and O'Neill, C, The Health of Health Technology Assessment in Ireland: Five Points for Improvement, ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, Dublin, Ireland, November 2-6, 2013, 2013Poster, 2013, URL
- O'Mahony, JF, van Rosmalen, J and van Ballegooijen, M, Multiple Cohort Modelling of Long-Duration Interventions: Questioning Time Horizons and Aggregation Across Cohorts, ISPOR 13th Annual European Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, November 6-9, 2010, 2010Oral Presentation, 2010, URL
- O'Mahony, JF, Naber, S and de Kok, IMCM, A Critical Appraisal of Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Human Papillomavirus Testing in Cervical Screening: Making Appropriate Comparisons and Usefully Interpreting Results, ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, Dublin, Ireland, November 2-6, 2013, 2013Poster, 2013, URL
- Paulden, M and O'Mahony, JF, The 2013 Revision To NICE's Discounting Guidelines: Differential Discounting has Gone but Unjustified Selective Application Remains, ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, Dublin, Ireland, November 2-6, 2013, 2013Poster, 2013, URL
- O'Mahony, JF, Critical Appraisal of Cost-Effectiveness Analyses of Human Papillomavirus Testing in Cervical Screening: Appropriate Comparisons and the Useful Interpretations of Results, 35th Annual North American Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Baltimore, MD, USA, October 19-23, 2013, 2013Poster, 2013, URL
Research Expertise
Economics and Business Administration, Health services and systems, Cancer,
- Health Economics Association of Ireland
- Society of Medical Decision Making
- International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research