News and Events


CHPM at the 21st National Health Summit

                                          Prof Sara Burke, Dr Paul Carroll, Sarah Reed

Croke Park, on a grey morning (February 6th), was buzzing with conference attendees, including CHPM's Sara, Luisne and Veronica, drinking coffee and looking forward to a day of presentations and discussion on all things health.

Two keynote speakers spoke about the importance of long-term investment in healthcare, focusing on prevention and incorporation of health in all public policies, to address the needs of the population both now and in the future. 

Panel discussions followed focusing on the importance of public health, public awareness and the value of early engagement and information sharing around women's health in particular.

The conference then split into three streams: Stream 2 began with CHPM friend Sara Reed from the Nuffield Trust, UK, presenting on  non-acute and community health and care services, followed by the Centre's own Professor Sara Burke, presenting on the importance of getting the governance right as the HSE Health Regions come into their own (Access research via one of these links: The role of governance in shaping health system reform: a case study of the design and implementation of new health regions in Ireland, 2018–2023 | BMC Health Services Research | Full Text  or using the  DOI: ). 

Panel discussions followed on digitalising home and community care and the need to upskill the general health workforce, through for example, micro-credential courses delivered by TCD. The stream finished with a session on how Ireland can become a healthier nation.

After lunch we listened to two panel sessions on the digital future for Ireland's healthcare system: the first focusing on using healthcare data to identify major risk factors in the population, and the second panel discussing the delivery of an Electronic Health Record. Bernard Gloster, CEO of the HSE, took to the stage for a fireside chat and the day ended with a panel discussion on healthcare resilience and how we respond to future threats.

A good day was had by all!

New publication explores general dentists’ engagement in publicly funded care

Dr Paul Leavy, PhD scholar based at the TCD Centre for Health Policy and Management led a study which was recently published in Health Policy, entitled ‘How and why do health system factors influence general dentists’ participation in publicly funded, contracted primary dental care services: A realist review’.

The review, which is part of a wider package of PhD research, examines the topic of private general dental practitioners’ (GDPs) engagement in publicly funded oral healthcare services as contractors. This research was conducted in the context of global challenges in GDP recruitment and retention in state dental schemes and World Health Organization (WHO) commitments on progressing universal health coverage (UHC) for oral health.

Recognising the complex nature of this topic, this research adopted a realist approach to uncover contextual factors at health systems level, and hidden ‘mechanisms’ which act as drivers influencing GDPs’ participation in contracted state dental services.

Highlights from the review, which is based on 62 studies from across the international literature, include:

· Health systems often lack priority and funding for primary oral healthcare. Where they prioritise care models that are treatment-orientated (over prevention) and focused on delivery by dentists, cost containment measures are often built into public dental contracts which can limit GDPs’ decision making, resulting in perceived inability among GDPs to offer high quality, holistic care.

· These, combined with low remuneration rates, high patient volumes, clinical targets and health system’s oversight or managerialism, can lead to low morale, stress, burnout, and a sense of loss of professional autonomy among GDPs.

· Where contracts are implemented, amended or operationalised with minimal communication or consensus with frontline GDPs, this can lead to feelings of ceded entrepreneurial control and fuel mistrust of the health system. These feelings may be amplified by messages from others within GDPs’ professional networks.

· Low societal or patient priority for publicly funded primary oral healthcare can lead to a sense of being undervalued among GDPs. This may be felt particularly where state contracts feature low or no patient co-payments or where patients do not engage fully with care.

Paul’s supervisors are Professors Sara Burke (TCD, Centre for Health Policy and Management) and Blánaid Daly (TCD, School of Dental Science) and Dr John Ford (Queen Mary University of London, Wolfson Institute of Population Health).

Paul’s PhD is funded by the Health Research Board (HRB) under the SPHeRE PhD Programme 2018-1.


CHPM success with HRB Evidence for Policy Programme

The Centre for Health Policy and Management is delighted to announce that two of our projects have been awarded funding from the HRB Evidence for Policy Programme.

Project: Producing a Health in Transition health system review (HiT) for Ireland as part of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies HiT series

PI: Dr Sara Burke

Dr Sara Burke, Director of the Centre for Health Policy and ManagementSara said:

“The team from The Centre for Health Policy and Management is delighted to collaborate with colleagues from the ESRI to carry out this important research for the Department of Health and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Producing a new Health in Transition health system review for Ireland is an opportunity to take stock at progress made over the last 15 years, benchmark how our health system is doing, facilitate international comparisons and inform the future direction of Irish health system reform.”



Summary of research

This project is about creating a new, detailed definitive report on Ireland's health system, updating in light of changes that have happened since the last such report in 2009. Ireland has experienced economic ups and downs, a growing and ageing population and the COVID-19 pandemic. Analysing the impact of these events is important since it can help to inform health system delivery and also our reform plan, called Sláintecare, which aims to make healthcare better and more accessible for everyone in Ireland. The study brings together a team of experts, using data from Ireland and other countries to better understand how Ireland's health system works and what needs to be improved.

The project is split into four main parts: researching the current situation (WP1); making sure all the information is accurate (WP2); figuring out what information is missing (WP3); and communicating with lots of different people involved in healthcare to get their perspectives (WP4). By doing this, we will provide evidence on which to make Ireland's health system better for everyone who uses the service - the public, patients, carers, healthcare workers. This report could also help other countries learn from what we're doing here in Ireland, showing how research can help shape better health policies.


Project: Optimising PrEP delivery in Ireland: A model for an integrated digital-hybrid clinical service enhancing Value for Money in healthcare

PI: Dr Irina Kinchin

Profile picture of Irina KinchinIrina said:

“This project is in partnership with the HSE Sexual Health Programme, the MPOWER Programme at HIV Ireland, the GUIDE clinic at St James’s Hospital Dublin, the GUM service at South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital Cork, and the free HSE home STI testing provider, SH24. This project will pilot ways to use a hybrid digital/in person care approach to deliver HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP reduces the risk of HIV in individuals at increased risk. The goal of this pilot is to develop and evaluate a hybrid PrEP service that increases access and capacity to PrEP in a way that is acceptable and cost efficient. Outputs from this project are expected to inform digital healthcare delivery in Ireland”.   






Summary of Irina’s research

Context and gap: The introduction of new treatments can enhance health and benefit society, yet their success depends on developing effective and efficient service models. For example, Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) has enhanced HIV prevention. However, in Ireland, service capacity and access pose challenges to equitable service implementation. Drawing from the experiences of Ireland’s national home Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) testing and the COVID-19, adopting a hybrid-digital approach could enhance PrEP service delivery and offer lessons applicable to other healthcare settings.

Specific aims: 

  • Develop a new digital-hybrid, online and in-person, model of PrEP care to improve service capacity, efficiency, and value for money.
  • Explore how this model can be applied to other healthcare services in Ireland to maximise the potential benefits and inform standards for digital healthcare.

Approach: Irina's team will work with SH:24, a leader in online sexual health services, users, providers, designers, and the Department of Health, using policy analysis, routinely collected data, surveys, and interviews to:

  • co-develop the digital-hybrid, online and in-person, PrEP care model;
  • pilot in two locations (Dublin and Cork) and gather feedback; and,
  • evaluate and refine, analysing process and outcome data, including cost, patient, staff, and organisational experiences to refine the model for broader use and transferability in other healthcare settings.

Impact: By making PrEP services more accessible and efficient, this project offers to overcome capacity and access challenges providing equitable access to PrEP and reducing HIV infections in Ireland. It sets the stage for transforming other healthcare services with hybrid-digital solutions, making the healthcare system more responsive to the needs of the modern patient. Ultimately, this project will demonstrate how integrating digital services in healthcare can lead to better patient experiences, improved health outcomes, and more efficient use of resources.

HRB News release

TCD News release

Improving Children's Palliative Care in Ireland

We are delighted to have received a Knowledge Translation Award from the Health Research Board for our children's palliative care project. This award will help enhance the reach and impact of the core outputs of the ECHPI project: Evidence for Children's Palliative care in Ireland. ECHPI is funded by the HRB with co-funding from the Irish Hospice Foundation and Laura Lynn Ireland's Children's Hospice. 

More information on the project is available here.

Medical Workforce Planning – a Collaboration with HSE National Doctors Training & Planning

This project represented a great opportunity for the CHPM to work collaboratively with the HSE and specialty stakeholders to inform consultant medical workforce planning to 2038.

The project began in December 2022 and involved estimating the demand for both surgical and medical consultants. The demand estimates were used to inform the number of higher specialist training places needed to build the workforce.  Stakeholder engagement with each specialty informed the project from the start and was an invaluable resource to the research team. Projections were arrived at utilising an in-house built stock flow modelling tool and were informed, and approved, by specialty stakeholders.

Year 1 of the project focused on the surgical, and the dual trained medical specialties. 

The links to the publications can be found here:

Year 2 focused on the non-dual trained medical specialties, and we expect to have publications online in the new year so come back here to check for updates and follow us on our social media channels! 

For further information please contact Sara Burke or Veronica Segerström


Image of Sarah Parker, Liz Farsaci, Carlos Bruen, Charlotte Myers and Catherine O'Donoghue at EUPHA

Dr Sarah Parker, Dr Liz Farsaci, Dr Carlos Bruen, Dr Charlotte Myers & Catherine O'Donoghue

The Centre for Health Policy and Management had a strong presence in the 17th European Public Health Conference, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal from 12-15 November, 2024.

During Day 1:

  • Carlos Bruen and Sarah Parker presented in the scientific session ‘Achieving universal health coverage: international lessons from Irish policy implementation’ alongside Paul Kavanagh (HSE). Chaired by Martin McKee (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), the session presented findings from the Foundations for Sláintecare Implementation research programme.
  • Later that morning, Carlos Bruen presented a three minute poster talk at the Health Care Services and Systems session, which focused on the Foundation team’s research on the ‘Governance and health system reform: a case study of new health regions in Ireland, 2018-2023.
  • Liz Farsaci and Catherine O'Donoghue were involved in the afternoon scientific session ‘From policy to implementation: Learnings around health' on behalf of the RESTORE project, while Liz also chaired the session.

Sarah Parker, Carlos Bruen, Paul Kavanagh and Martin McKee at EUPHA

Dr Sarah Parker, Dr Carlos Bruen, Dr Paul Kavanagh (HSE) & Prof Martin McKee (LSHTM)

During Day 2:

  • Charlotte Myers presented ‘Methods for projecting health workforce planning in Ireland: a collaborative approach’  as an oral presentation on behalf of the medical workforce planning project, a project the centre is conducting in collaboration with the National Doctors Training and Programme (NDTP).
  • Liz Farsaci facilitated the round table  ‘Gaining or losing ground? Leveraging social innovation to improve abortion access in Europe’ which included a presentation from Catherine Conlon (School of Social Work and Social Policy, TCD)

Liz Farsaci and Catherine O'Donoghue on panel at EUPHA conference

Catherine O'Donoghue and Liz Farsaci in From policy to implementation session

Additional poster presentations included:

  • Sarah Parker – Co-producing evidence to inform universal health coverage implementation in Ireland: 2019-2024
  • Charlotte Myers- Improving breast cancer care post-pandemic from the patient perspective


RESTORE Research Seminar, 7 November 9.30am, Portal, School of Business, TCD

Please join us for our RESTORE project research seminar on the 7 November at 9.30am in the Portal space in the TCD School of Business. The RESTORE team will be showcasing their latest ground breaking research on health system reforms. Keynote speakers include international experts, Dr Jon Cylus from the World Health Organisation, Dr Marina Karanikolas, from the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and Prof Marco Antonio Catussi Paschoalotto, Assistant Professor at the School of Economics, Management and Political Science, University of Minho (Portugal) and Researcher at Research Center in Political Science (CICP).

The Elgar Handbook on Health Systems Resilience is also being launched.

Please see our full programme - RESTORE research seminar programme 2024 - and click here to register.

We look forward to seeing you on the 7 November!



We are delighted to announce the release of the Elgar Handbook of Health Systems Resilience.

Cover of Elgar handbook


In this Handbook, Steve Thomas and Padraic Fleming compile invaluable and original insights on the resilience of health systems in the face of shocks and crises, from economic and climate emergencies, to conflicts and pandemics. They examine how health system resilience has been conceptualised by scholars and applied in specific contexts, assessing different theoretical models for measuring and evaluating resilience, as well as highlighting the growing challenges facing health systems now and in the future.

The Handbook of Health System Resilience presents cutting-edge research from an international range of experts on crisis decision-making throughout healthcare. Chapter authors analyse the value of using ‘resilience’ as a theoretical framework, before delving into the durability of health systems in a variety of global case studies, including economic crises across Europe, conflicts in the Middle East, pandemics across the globe, and the climate crisis. Ultimately, the Handbook emphasises the importance of dealing with poor decision-making and austerity, the need to protect vulnerable groups, and the significance of capacity-building to deal with future crises.

This dynamic Handbook is a vital resource for students and scholars of public policy, health, and economics. It will also prove invaluable to health system analysts, as well as those within governments who are responsible for public health and crisis decision-making.
‘The resilience of any system is the real test of its sustainability. In this volume, Steve Thomas and Padraic Fleming bring together the most cutting-edge research on the resilience of these complex health systems, including chapters exploring and questioning the concept itself. Furthermore, these studies emphasise the extent to which more vulnerable segments of the population suffer from shocks and the need to have strategies which take this inequality into account.’
– Gregory P. Marchildon, University of Toronto, Canada

‘COVID, conflict, climate change … the need for resilient health systems in an era of permacrisis should be obvious yet, once again, we are failing to learn lessons. Thomas and Fleming have assembled a wealth of experience from a stellar collection of authors. Now their advice must be acted upon.’
– Martin McKee CBE, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK


Dr Josep Figueras awarded the Edward Kennedy Health Policy Award

This award spotlights the importance of key individuals, organisations or initiatives that have made meaningful contributions to health system and policy reform, driving positive and sustained changes in healthcare delivery and outcomes.

Dr Josep Figueras, founding Director of the EU Observatory on Health Systems and Policies received the award for 2024. Prior to the award presentation he spoke on: 'Getting evidence into policy: a European perspective on the importance of making health systems better'.

Image of Josep Figueras

Dr Josep Figueras

Since Dr Figueras founded the EU Observatory over twenty five years ago, he has achieved and continues to achieve great health impacts through the development of evidence based policy and knowledge exchange in Europe and globally. His personal skills of diplomacy, policy insight and leadership are impressive not least through his management of an international, innovative and influential team which uniquely impacts health systems for the better. His outstanding career, achievements and experience in international health policy formulation and evaluation are unparalleled.

On receiving his award, Dr Josep Figueras said:

"The success of reforms often hinges less on the quality of their policy content and more on the ability to implement them effectively, which requires a deep understanding of the political economy of health system transformation.

I am deeply honoured to accept this award in recognition of all researchers and policymakers dedicated to closing this evidence policy gap. Their work, though often not recognized by their respective communities, has a major impact on the quality and effectiveness of health policy decision making."

Image of Josep Figueras, Sara Burke, Steve Thomas

Dr Sara Burke, Dr Josep Figueras & Prof Steve Thomas

Steve Thomas, Edward Kennedy Professor of Health Policy and Management, said:

"It's really important to honour those who have had a significant international influence on improved health system design particularly in times of crisis. Dr Josep Figueras has changed the face of health policy in Europe and beyond through his visionary leadership, courage and resilience. We are honoured to present Dr Figueras with the Edward Kennedy Health Policy Award for 2024."


Research Making Health Services Better 5 September Regent House 

On the 5 September in Regent House we honoured Prof Charles Normand's career, research and impact on international health systems and policies. It was a lovely gathering of friends, family, excellent researchers and policy influencers and there was plenty of stimulating discussion! 

Image of Prof Charles NormandProf Charles Normand

Image of Charles Normand and Sara BurkeProf Charles Normand and Dr Sara Burke

Photo of participants at Research Making Health Services BetterProf Steve Thomas, Dr Jarlath Varley, Prof Colin Doherty, Prof Frances Ruane, Alex White, Prof Charles Normand, Dr Samantha Smith, Dr James O'Mahony

Agenda Research Making Health Services Better



‘It ain’t (just) what you do, it’s the way that you do it’

Professor Sara Burke, co-presented at an event organised by the Irish Behavioural Science Policy Network and the Department of Health on 11 June 2024. Entitled ‘It ain’t (just) what you do, it’s the way that you do it’, Professor Burke and Professor Molly Byrne from University of Galway provided two case studies on co-producing research and evidence for policy with the Department of Health and the HSE from their Health Research Board (HRB) Applied Partnerships Award. The HRB’s head of policy and strategy, Dr Teresa Maguire spoke about the significant advances made in research-policy interactions in Ireland, while Professor Burke spoke about her co-production experience with the Foundations research programme she leads, highlighting the importance of being responsive to emerging policy-maker needs as well as recognising how co-production is frequently an iterative process that requires an adaptive approach to research. Prof Molly Byrne detailed their collaborative strategy to optimise and scale up the national Making Every Contact Count (MECC) Programme, and the importance of relationship building and partnership for managing tensions and gaining credibility for and ownership of interventions. And in closing before the Q&A, Sarah Treleaven provided us with insights on the opportunities and challenges of engaging with a wider set of stakeholders to inform the design of the Regions policy, specifically patient representatives and voluntary organisations. Common terms and phrases across all presentations and the Q&A were partnership, responsiveness, trust building and reflection, pointing to the sometimes neglected but crucial soft skills required for research informed policy (and policy informed research!). The session was recorded and will soon be available on the website, which you can access through the QR code in the image.

Photos of participants at Department of Health seminar



Dr Carlos Bruen, Director of the MSc in Health Policy and Management awarded a TCD-MED Research Seeds Award for 2024

Photo of Dr Carlos Bruen and Prof Colin Doherty

Prof Colin Doherty, Head of School of Medicine presents the award to Dr Carlos Bruen

The TCD-MED Research Seed Awards Programme supports new and innovative research. One of the programme’s primary aims is to provide early to mid-career researchers with an opportunity to develop their own research ideas as an independent investigator on a pilot grant. This opportunity, in turn, enhances awardees’ potential to compete for large-scale external awards from sources such as the European Commission, Wellcome Trust, Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council and Health Research Board, among others.

Title of Carlos' Research Project: Harnessing the new Health Regions for improved health system performance and population health outcomes: Evidence to inform the policy process.

Speaking about his award, Carlos said: “This TCD-MED Research Seed Award allows me to build a research programme aimed at driving significant improvements in health outcomes and equitable provision of services through the new Health Regions.”

More information on the other awardees available here.

Photo of Dr Carlos Bruen and Dr Sara BurkePhoto of recipients of TCD-MED research seed and travel awards

Upcoming Publication- Handbook of Health System Resilience

The RESTORE team is delighted to announce the upcoming publication of the Handbook of Health System Resilience published by Edward Elgar in September 2024. The Handbook of Health System Resilience presents cutting edge research from an international range of experts on crisis decision-making throughout healthcare. Chapter authors analyse the value of using ‘resilience’ as a theoretical framework, before delving into the durability of health systems in a variety of global case studies, including economic crises across Europe, conflicts in the Middle East, pandemics across the globe, and the climate crisis. Ultimately, the Handbook emphasises the importance of dealing with poor decision-making and austerity, the need to protect vulnerable groups, and the significance of capacity-building to deal with future crises.

Cover of Elgar handbook

New Publication

Dr Liz Farsaci led paper was published in the journal of Health Policy in May 2024, entitled ‘Understanding the legacies of shocks on health system performance: Exploring Ireland's management of recent crises and its implications for policy’.

Highlights from the article, which is based on some of our qualitative research, include:

  • Increased funding enabled Ireland to expand access to care during Covid-19.
  • Financial resources empowered leaders to purchase flexibility and adapt effectively to pandemic.
  • Policy makers can utilise shocks as opportunities to support health system resilience.
  • Health system leaders can use shocks as catalysts for implementing long-term reforms.
  • Financial constraints during austerity had significant negative impact on workforce, governance.

Link to Full Article Understanding the legacies of shocks on health system performance: Exploring Ireland's management of recent crises and its implications for policy - ScienceDirect


The Centre for Health Policy and Management hosted 30 international health systems experts at Trinity College as part of a workshop aimed at Developing Global Thinking on Health System Resilience on 9-10 October. Participants presented on health system resilience and experiences of Covid-19 from around the world, which will be included in the Elgar Handbook on Health System Resilience, edited by Edward Kennedy Professor Steve Thomas, and due to be published in 2024. 

Photo of meeting attendees


On 7 September, the Centre for Health Policy and Management hosted the inaugural Edward Kennedy Annual Guest Lecture and welcomed esteemed academic on Health Policy and System Design, Emeritus Prof Greg Marchildon, University of Toronto, as the guest speaker. Prof Marchildon spoke on his latest book about Tommy Douglas, the founder of Canada’s universal health system, and reflected on the Canadian experience of implementing universal health coverage and its implications for Ireland.

As part of the event, Prof Steve Thomas, Edward Kennedy Professor of Health Policy and Management at Trinity College, presented Deputy Róisín Shortall TD, Social Democrats, with the inaugural Edward Kennedy Health Policy Award to acknowledge her integrity, vision and courage in initiating and advancing the cause of Sláintecare to bring universal health care to Ireland.

Photo of Sara Burke, Steve Thomas, Roisin Shortall

Greg Marchildon


Our Centre Director, Prof Sara Burke opened the SPHeRE Network 9th Annual Conference, giving the welcome address and chairing the keynote address of Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer Prof Breda Smyth. 

Photo of Sara Burke at SPHeRE conferencePhoto of Ali Khashan, Mary Clarke, Breda Smyth and Sara Burke


Peter May received a European Association of Palliative Care (EAPC) Researcher Award. Awarded jointly by the EAPC and the EAPC Research Network, these awards recognise and support the work of scientists and clinicians in the field of palliative care who make an outstanding contribution to research and clinical practice. Peter received his award at the 2022 congress and gave a plenary presentation 'When the “Dismal Science” Meets Incurable Illness: Lessons from researching the economics of palliative care'.

Irish Hospice Foundation report

Soraya Matthews, Peter May and colleagues published a report in collaboration with the Irish Hospice Foundation, 'Dying and Death in Ireland: What Do We Routinely Measure, How Can We Improve?' The report provides for the first time, a national picture of how people die in Ireland, and how services such as acute public hospitals and SPC care for patients. It also identified a range of issues and challenges in trying to establish the state of the nation for death and dying, all of which need to be addressed if routine data are to be used to inform palliative and end-of-life care policy planning, resource allocation and practice.

1st Annual Workshop of the RESTORE project - 16 November 2021

The 1st annual workshop of the RESTORE project (a HRB Research Leader Award) took place on the morning of 16th November 2021. The workshop, titled: “Measuring and building heath system resilience”, featured speakers from the European Observatory of Health Systems and Policies and the University of Tampere, Finland alongside Prof Steve Thomas and colleagues from the Centre for Health Policy and Management, TCD.

Image of Restore workshop 2021 flyer

Dr Sarah Barry named new Director of Centre


Dr Sarah Barry pictured with Prof Tom D'Aunno and Prof Steve Thomas

Our incoming Director, Dr Sarah Barry, pictured here with outgoing Director Prof Steve Thomas and Prof Tom D'Aunno from New York University 

We are delighted to announce that Dr Sarah Barry, Assistant Professor of Health Services Management, is the new Director of the Centre for Health Policy and Management taking over from Prof Steve Thomas. Sarah assumed her new position on 1 April 2021. 


Dr Bridget Johnston wins Applied Partnership Award from HRB

Dr Bridget Johnston was awarded a Health Research Board Applied Partnership Award worth €240,598 to undertake a three-year research programme examining the introduction of a universal entitlement to palliative care to inform strategic planning and implementation of Slaintecare. The title of her study is: Progressing Sláintecare delivery from proposal to implementation: Insights from palliative care in Ireland

Her multiple-methods study will explore what Ireland can learn from other countries regarding universal entitlement to healthcare through a palliative care lens. It will examine the supply-side factors to be addressed in meeting Sláintecare proposals as well as barriers and facilitators to realising these reforms in practice.

For more information, please go to this link.

COVID-19 Health Systems Response Monitor

A team of researchers in the Centre have been contributing weekly to the documenting of European health systems’ response to COVID-19 as part of a joint project by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the European Commission, and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. The COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor (HSRM) has been designed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak to collect and organise up-to-date information on how countries are responding to the crisis. It focuses primarily on the responses of health systems but also captures wider public health initiatives.

The Centre team is led by Dr Sara Burke with contributions over the last year by Dr Malgorzata Stach, Rikke Siersbaek, Catherine O'Donoghue and Sarah Parker.

Strengthening Health Systems Resilience Policy Brief

Our own Prof Steve Thomas and colleagues just published (on 18 June 2020) a policy brief for the WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies exploring health systems resilience during shocks like COVID-19 and economic downturns. It is important reading for anyone interested in how health systems can prepare for, recover from and learn from crises.

Key findings include the following strategies for enhancing health system resilience:

  • Governance: effective and participatory leadership with strong vision and communication; coordination of activities across government and key stakeholders; an organizational learning culture that is responsive to crises; effective information systems and flows; and surveillance enabling timely detection of shocks and their impact.
  • Financing: ensuring sufficient monetary resources in the system and flexibility to reallocate and inject extra funds; ensuring stability of health system funding through countercyclical health financing mechanisms and reserves; purchasing flexibility and reallocation of funding to meet changing needs; and comprehensive health coverage.
  • Resources: appropriate level and distribution of human and physical resources; ability to increase capacity to cope with a sudden surge in demand; and motivated and well-supported workforce.
  • Service delivery: alternative and flexible approaches to deliver care.

Image of policy brief cover - Strengthening health systems resilience

New Edward Kennedy Chair of Health Policy and Management

After a thorough international search, a new Edward Kennedy Chair of Health Policy and Management has been selected and appointed. We are delighted to announce that the choice is our Centre Director, Professor Steve Thomas! Steve comes to the position with an impressive record in research, leadership, post-graduate teaching and supervision and providing evidence for policy change nationally and internationally. With his recent Research Leader Award from the Health Research Board, Steve's substantial contribution to Irish health research and policy making is set to continue.  

How is the Irish health system responding to Covid-19?

entre staff are engaged in rapid learning about the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on the Irish health system and the responsiveness of our health service in dealing with unprecedented demand. Recently Steve Thomas, Sarah Barry and Sara Burke and colleagues published a blog post  charting Ireland's response to the pandemic so far.

Centre staff have also contributed to the new WHO Health System Response Monitor Covid-19 specific page which has just been launched to monitor the policy responses to the pandemic.

Prof Steve Thomas wins research leader award from Health Research Board

Image of Steve Thomas

Centre Director Professor Steve Thomas is one of five recipients of the prestigious research leader award from the HRB just announced on 31 March 2020. Recognised as a leader in Irish research with strong partnerships with the health and policy making sectors, Prof Thomas' project will take place over five years.

The goal of the research is to support the effective and thorough implementation of the Sláintecare reform programme. The research will examine key challenges facing the progress of the reform in the light of health system shocks and burdens on staff. It will highlight strategies to facilitate success.

Research projecting long-term nursing home care requirements debunks the ageing time bomb

Image of Dr Sara Burke and Thuy Nguyen at conference podium

Dr Sara Burke and researcher Thuy Dung Nguyen gave a key note address to the Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) Annual Conference 2019 on 14 November 2019 in City West Hotel.
They presented findings from research they carried out earlier in 2019 for Nursing Homes Ireland. The NHI conference was opened by Minister Simon Harris.

The research entitled "Assessing current and future requirements for long-term nursing home care for people over 65 years of age in Ireland"; finds that the number of long term nursing home care residents over 65 years will increase from 22,200 in 2019, representing 3.2% of the older Irish population to about 30,500 people in 2031, representing 3.05%. These projections are lower than previous projections utilising a model which takes into account healthy ageing. Their key findings include that ageing is not a time bomb and can be moderated by effective public policy measures.

 Dr Lorna Roe begins new HRB funded study

A new HRB funded study led by Dr Lorna Roe, of the Centre for Health Policy and Management,  will explore the care of older adults living with frailty and cognitive impairment for the first time. It's widely acknowledged that services and supports are inadequate, and the needs of older adults are poorly understood. The study "The Frail Brain and the Frail Body: Impact of FRAILty and COGnitive impairment on trajectories, patterns and costs in care in old age (FRAIL-COG)" will use data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) to examine the health trajectories of older adults living with concurrent frailty and cognitive impairment, and model how these trajectories determine the use and cost of health and social care; hours of informal care provided and the degree of functional decline. FRAIL-COG will provide valuable insights into the complex needs of older adults and identify gaps in service provision. The Health Service Executive (HSE) are knowledge partners in this project, ensuring a clear route for dissemination which will inform future service planning.

Sara Burke and Bridget Johnston speak at event hosted by the Sláintecare Implementation Office and the Health Reform Alliance

A town health stakeholder engagement for the community and voluntary sector was hosted in the Department of Health on 16 October. Minster Simon Harris addressed the event and Dr Sara Burke gave the key note address on the opportunities of Sláintecare. Dr Bridget Johnson participated in a Q&A session with Laura Magahy, Executive Director of the Sláintecare Implementation Office and Grainne Healy who is leading on Sláintecare stakeholder engagement.

Bridget Johnston, Laura Magahy and Grainne Healy at Q and A

Image of researchers at Slaintecare townhall meeting

Donal De Buitleir presented at the SPHeRE peer learning event hosted by Trinity on 4 October in Regent House.

Year 3 SPHeRE scholars Rikke Siersbaek (Centre for Health Policy and Management, Trinity) and Darren O’Rourke (Maynooth) opened the annual SPHeRE peer learning session. Rikke Siersbaek outlined the Centre’s involvement in the development of Sláintecare while Darren O’Rourke presented the key findings from the Donal De Buitleir report. Then Donal de Buitleir shared his reflections on the proposals to remove private practice from public hospitals. A simulated policy exercise for year 1 SPHeRE scholars was facilitated by Dr Bridget Johnston.

Donal De Buitleir presenting to group in Regent House

Dr James O'Mahony of the TCD Centre for Health Policy and Management was recently appointed to the National Screening Advisory Committee (NSAC).

The committee was convened on the recommendation of Dr Gabriel Scally following his investigation of the recent CervicalCheck controversy. NSAC held its first session on November 18th 2019 and will meet quarterly to advise the Minister for Health on changes to screening services in Ireland. Dr O'Mahony's appointment to the committee is in his capacity as a health economist. James has published research on the cost-effectiveness of cancer screening services, including cervical and colorectal cancer screening. He has a research interest in the extent to which cost-effectiveness evidence influences policy makers. Dr O'Mahony hopes his appointment will help strengthen the use health economic evidence in enhancing screening services in Ireland.

Dr Sara Burke begins new Health Research Board funded project that will help guide the design and roll-out of the new Regional Integrated Care Areas (RICAs) announced by Minister Simon Harris in July 2019

Awarded under the Applied Partnership Award programme this project will actively support the work of the Sláintecare implementation office who, along with the Health Service Executive, are partners in the project. The project is structured around a co-design approach that will actively feed international and national, theory, knowledge and experience into the policy implementation process.

HRB press release

Prof Steve Thomas gives Boehm Lecture on Public Health and Healthcare

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On the 6th of March, Centre Director Steve Thomas gave the Boehm Lecture at the University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health on the topic of Sláintecare, the Irish ten-year plan for health reform through political consensus. His keynote address was followed by a panel discussion with additional panel members Dr Rueben Devlin, Carolyn Hughes Tuohy and Julie Drury. A video of the keynote and the panel discussion can be viewed here





Public Lecture: Accountable Care Organisations’ in the USA - Useful Lessons for Ireland and Universal Health Care

Professor Tom D’Aunno visiting lecture from the Wager Graduate School of Public Service.

Date: Monday 12th of November 2018

Time: 1.30pm-3.30pm

Location: Long Room Hub, Trinity College

Upcoming seminar: Implementing universal healthcare – from paper to practice

The final seminar of the HRB funded Mapping the Pathways to Universal Healthcare project will take place on Wednesday 26 September in Trinity College. Our research findings will be presented and there will opportunities for dialogue and questions. We look forward to an engaging morning! 

When: Wednesday 26 September, 8.30am – 1pm
Where: Innovation Academy, Trinity College Dublin, 3-4 Foster Place, Dublin 2

Managing Health & Social Care for Life – But Not as We Know It!

The Centre for Health Policy and Management, TCD, invites you to the MSc in Health Services Management ‘June Guests Event 2018’.  The panel of expert speakers will take a ‘future scope’ on delivering health and social care services for an emerging health system landscape – Imagine 2030! This free events takes place in the Mháirtin Ui Chadhain Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin, on Thursday the 7th of June 2018 from 09:00-13:00.

Pathways Project short listed for Trinity College Registrar’s Civic Engagement Award

The Pathways project research team were shortlisted for the TCD Registrar’s Civic Engagement Award for their contribution to the work of the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare. The award is recognises members of Trinity College staff who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in engagement with wider society in their teaching and/or research, those who have played an active role in civic engagement in Trinity either through community-based research and/or community-based learning.

Dr Sara Burke publishes research on new HRB open research platform

One of the first ten articles to be published on the Health Research Board’s new open research platform is the article ‘It’s the economy, stupid! When economics and politics override health policy goals – the case of tax reliefs to build private hospitals in Ireland in the early 2000s’ by Dr Sara Burke. Sara’s research shows that despite a government strategy of increasing public hospital beds during the 2000s, changes to the Finance Act in 2001 and 2002 resulted in a growth in the number of private hospital beds far exceeding the growth in public ones.

HSE Research Award on Aging for Palliative Care research

The Palliative Care Economics (PaCE) research group at the Centre for Health Policy and Management was recently awarded funding of €164,000 under the HSE Research Awards on Ageing for a project entitled ‘The UP Study – Understanding Inequalities in Palliative Care for Older People and Providing for the Future’. The purpose of the HSE Research Awards on Ageing is ‘to enhance population health and wellbeing over the trajectory of ageing by the creation and use of knowledge to ensure Ireland is a good place to grow old’. The study will be led by Prof Karen Ryan of the UCD School of Medicine, supported by co-investigators Dr Peter May, Dr Bridget Johnston and Prof Charles Normand from Health Policy and Management. The aim of this 18 month collaborative project is to use mixed methods to model the palliative care needs of older people in Ireland; calculate associated costs (including costs to service users and effects on financial risk protection); and to provide understanding on why current knowledge regarding best practice on meeting need is not put into practice and what is required to effect change and deliver on equitable palliative care provision for older people. This work will support the work of the recent Sláintecare report in providing detailed resource and financial data to underpin Recommendation 4 that universal palliative care is provided within five years.


TILDA report gives unique insight into end of life experiences of older people

Dr Peter May and Prof Charles Normand are co-authors, along with Dr Christine McGarrigle,
of a new TILDA report providing new insight into and understand of the end-of-life experience of older adults in Ireland. 

Lead author of the report Dr Peter May said: “Our research shows that there is widespread experience of poor health and disability in the last three months of life among TILDA participants, including a high prevalence of modifiable health problems. We need to do more research to improve identification and management of issues such as pain and depression to improve people’s quality of life in their last year.”

Future of Healthcare Conference in Cyprus

Dr Sara Burke presented the background for as well as details of the recent Sláintecare health policy process in Ireland to a group of high level policy makers in Cyprus making similar policy changes toward a universal healthcare system in that country.

Sara’s presentation can be viewed here.

Dr James O’Mahony wins Emerging Investigator Award

Dr James O’Mahony, Research Fellow in the Centre for Health Policy and Management, has been approved for a Health Research Board Emerging Investigator Award for Health 2017 under the project title of "Enhancing the Evidence Base for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Ireland: Building Improvements from the Intervention-Specific to System-Wide Levels". The award runs for four years from January 2018. This project will involve three components: (i) modelling methods for cancer screening; (ii) continued work with the CERVIVA consortium of HPV-associated disease research; (iii) investigation of the use of cost-effectiveness thresholds in Ireland and abroad in the context of hospital waiting lists. 

We will be welcoming a PhD candidate to the department under this grant. Collaborators on the grant include partners from HIQA, RCSI, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the NTPF, the ESRI and CervicalCheck.

Pathways Seminar 19 September 2017

Pathways to Universal Healthcare seminar took place on 19 September 2017 in the Science Gallery in Trinity College Dublin.

The seminar presented findings from the Pathways to Universal Healthcare research project and reflected on the work of the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare. The Pathways project team – Prof Steve Thomas, Dr Sara Burke, Dr Sarah Barry, Dr Bridget Johnston, and Rikke Siersbaek – provided technical support to the Committee in the writing of its report which was published in May 2017.

Our two keynote speakers were;
Roisin Shortall, TD, Chair of the Oireachtas Committee of the Future of Healthcare whose presentation was entitled ‘Sláintecare - reflections from the chair’
Dr Josep Figueras, Director of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, head of the 
WHO European Centre on Health Policy whose presentation was entitled ‘Situating the Sláintecare report in an international context and lessons for implementation’.

4th Global Forum on Human Resources for Health

The 4th Global Forum on Human Resources for Health was held in Dublin from 13-17 November 2017. The conference planning committee was led by Centre staff Charles Normand and Sheena Cleary, along with other partners. Co-hosts alongside Trinity College Dublin included the World Health Organization, the Global Health Workforce Network, Irish Aid, the Department of Health and the Health Service Executive. The Forum represented a unique opportunity to engage a multisectoral group of actors across the education, finance, health and labour sectors; multilateral and bilateral agencies; academic institutions; health professional associations and civil society, in a coherent advocacy platform. More detail available here.

Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare

From November 2016 to May 2017, a team of researchers - Prof Steve Thomas, Dr Sara Burke, Dr Sarah Barry, Dr Bridget Johnston, and Rikke Siersbaek - from the Centre provided technical support for the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare. Initially, the team hosted three workshops with the Committee and then assisted the Committee with its remit ‘to devise cross-party agreement on a single long-term vision for health care and direction of health policy in Ireland’.
On the 30 May 2017, the Committee published its final report. According the Committee’s chairperson, Roisin Shortall TD, ‘the formation of the Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare provided a unique and historic opportunity for TDs from across the political spectrum to come together to develop consensus on a long-term policy direction for Ireland’s healthcare system. Our task has been to consider how best to ensure that, in future, everyone has access to an affordable, universal, single-tier healthcare system, in which patients are treated promptly on the basis of need, rather than ability to pay’.
An overview of the Committee’s work process and the report’s recommendations can be found in the Oireachtas News press release. 

Dr Sarah Barry named new Course Director for the MSc in Health Services Management

Dr Sarah Barry was recently appointed Assistant Professor and on 1 June 2017 she took over as the Course Director for the MSc in Health Services Management. Leaving her previous position as the Assistant Director Teaching and Learning for the SPHeRE programme, Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge and experience which will benefit our students for years to come.