Welcome to Postgraduate Education

Trinity College School of Medicine is an international leader in postgraduate education. The School provides a vibrant environment for postgraduate study, and currently has over 600 registered postgraduate students. The School offers 23 taught MSc/Diploma programmes spanning a broad spectrum of medical and scientific disciplines, and research students work towards the degrees of PhD, MSc, MD or MCh.

Research activities within the School are focused in five major thematic areas, Molecular Medicine, Neuroscience, Human Performance & Physical Medicine, Population Health, and Integrative Medicine and Surgery, and research is conducted in state of the art facilities on the main Trinity campus, and in our affiliated teaching hospitals. There is a major emphasis on Translational Research in the School, where research discoveries made in the laboratory can be advanced to a clinical setting to benefit human health.

Postgraduate activities within the School are co-ordinated by the Postgraduate Teaching and Learning Office; Postgraduate Education in the Trinity Centre for Health Sciences in St. James's Hospital.



Postgraduate Team

School of Medicine, Postgraduate Teaching and Learning Committee PTLC

The membership of PTLC is a drawn from many disciplines in our school and is thus reflective of the rich diversity of education and research within TCD Medicine. The committee is focused on improving the postgraduate teaching and learning experience in our School, be it in postgraduate taught courses or for our postgraduate research students. 

The PTLC meets on the third Wednesday of most months.

Course Directors 

Addiction Recovery (MSc/PG Dip)

Advanced Ageing and Frailty Studies (PG Cert)

Advanced Radiation Therapy Practice (MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert)

Applied Clinical Neuropsychology (MSc)

Biomedical Sciences (Intercalated) (MSc)

Cancer Survivorship (MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert)

Clinical Chemistry (MSc)

Clinical Exercise (PG Dip/PG Cert)

Diagnostic Radiography (MSc)

Entrepreneurship of Smart Medicines (MSc)

Equity in Brain Health (PG Cert)

Genomic Medicine (MSc)

Global Health (MSc)

Health Policy and Management (MSc)

Healthcare Infection (MSc)

Healthcare Innovation (PG Dip)

Medical Imaging (MSc)

Molecular Medicine (MSc)

Neuroscience (MSc)

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (MSc)

Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices (MSc)

Sports and Exercise Medicine (MSc)

Translational Oncology (MSc)

Director Jo-Hanna Ivers

Director Nollaig Bourke

Director Anita O’Donovan

Director Niall Pender

Director Henry Windle

Director Deirdre Connolly

Director Gerard Boran

Director John Gormley

Director Suzanne Dennan

Director Kumlesh Dev

Director Eoin Cotter

Director Shigeki Nakagome

Director Felicity Daly

Director Carlos Bruen

Director Julie Renwick

Director Seamus Donnelly

Director Suzanne Dennan

Director Ross McManus

Director Kumlesh Dev

Director Paul Moore

Director Tom Melvin

Director Nick Mahony


Contact details

The School of Research and Postgraduate Education,
Old Stone Building,
Trinity Centre for Health Sciences,
St. James's Hospital, Dublin 8
Tel: + 353 1 896 3556/3557; E-mail: gradapps@tcd.ie