Taught Courses
The School currently runs over 23 taught Masters and Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate courses spanning a broad spectrum of medical and scientific disciplines. Some courses are targeted to a specific profession, while others are of an interdisciplinary nature. Some are part-time, providing opportunities for individuals to continue in their professional work, while others are full-time. Courses will be offered subject to minimum numbers available for enrolment each year. A full list of taught postgraduate programmes is outlined below:
Biomed & Pharm Sci

MSc in Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices

MSc in Molecular Medicine

P.Grad.Diploma in Molecular Medicine

MSc in Genomic Medicine

MSc in Neuroscience

MSc in Translational Oncology

MSc in Clinical Chemistry

Entrepreneurship of Smart Medicines M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip