Applying for a PhD Degree

1. Getting Started

A full list of research activities undertaken in the School in Medicine can be viewed on the School's Research Page. Please feel free to contact potential supervisors directly if you are interested in their research area.


2. Getting Registered

After initial discussions with your potential supervisor, the intending student must apply online.


3. Funding Postgraduates

Supervisor sourced: The major source of funding for postgraduates is research grants obtained by the supervisor. Student stipends can vary greatly between individual positions.
Trinity College awards:Trinity College awards: / Trinity also offers Scholarships for Irish and EU Postgraduate Students. For further information on these scholarships go to Scholarships for Irish and EU Postgraduate Students - Study - Trinity College Dublin
IRC: The Irish Research Council. The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme funds up to 150 new entrant Masters or Doctorate level researchers in the sciences, engineering and technology annually. For information go to:
PhD Scholars programmes: Students that are accepted into PhD Scholars programmes (e.g. Health Services Research) are funded on these programmes for a period of four years.


4. Other Sources of Finance

Local Authority Awards: Students who received maintenance grants from their local authorities as undergraduates may be eligible for a continuation of the award as a postgraduate.
Demonstrating and Invigilating: Demonstrating and Invigilating: Postgraduate students are encouraged to act as demonstrators in undergraduate practicals. Demonstrators get paid €24.58 per hour (2009/2010). Postgraduate students may also act as invigilators during examinations. Invigilators get paid €45.51 per 3-hour session (2009/2010). For further information on pay rates go to: occasional-lecturer-rates.pdf


5. Promoting Process for Postgraduate Students

  1. All documentation and information relevant to new and progressing postgraduate students is centralized through the School Postgraduate Office, Old Stone Building, Trinity Centre for Health Sciences, St. James Hospital [e-mail:]
  2. All postgraduates undertaking a PhD must either (a) complete a Transfer Report to allow them to transfer from the M.Sc. to the Ph.D. register or (b) complete a Confirmation Report if they are already on the PhD register. Students will present their work to a confirmation/transfer committee and will present their research in the form of a short talk to an open audience.
  3. The Transfer Report/Confirmation Report should be of the same format as an M.Sc./Ph.D thesis. The Report should be submitted within 18 months of starting your postgraduate research.
  4. A full-time Ph.D. thesis should take no longer than 4 years to complete or 6 years in the case of a part-time Ph.D. An M.Sc. thesis should take no longer than 2 years or 3 years in the case of a part-time M.Sc. student from.
  5. All full-time PhD students will take between 10 to 30 ECTs in level 9 courses.

These credits will be recorded into the student's transcript from 2017, and progression is contingent on credit accumulation. Students may take credits in any Postgraduate course in the school if there is space, and permission from the modules coordinator would be required.

In addition, there are courses run by Innovation Academy. The Teaching and Supporting Learning Module is also popular.

Finally, the PGDip in statistics (30 ECTS) is always popular with postgraduate research students


6. Thesis Submission and Examination

Details regarding Thesis Submission and Dean’s Grace can be found on the Graduate Studies website