Fellowships, Scholarships and Awards

The School of Medicine are pleased to offer additional funding resources to postgraduate students and alumni to support your research. 

The major source of funding for postgraduate students is from research grants obtained by the supervisor; however, a range of fellowships, scholarships and awards are made possible by bequests and gifts that have been generously donated to the School of Medicine and Trinity College Dublin. Depending on the award, these may be used to support elements of your research including conference attendance, travel, registration fees and consumable expenses.

A list of available fellowships, scholarships and awards is available here and in the College calendar.

Most of these awards are granted yearly, although the Travelling Scholarship in Medicine & Surgery is a biennial award rotated between medicine and surgery. These awards may contain specific conditions for their application across the health sciences and in medicine. They may also be subject to eligibility criteria and application deadlines may vary.

You should speak your supervisor and the Associate Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning (Fellowships -medicinepgawards@tcd.ie) prior to submitting an award application to determine any other relevant application criteria.




To undertake Pathology or Microbiology related research at an institution other than Trinity College Dublin for a period of six months or more




Medical graduate
Science graduate in the areas of pathology or microbiology 

Open 1st September 2024

Closing 5pm 31st October 2024

Adrian Stokes Memorial Fellowship Form (click here)

This scholarship was founded in 1929 in memory of Adrian Stokes, Professor of Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine 1919-22. It is awarded annually by the Board on the recommendation of a committee consisting of the Head of the School of Medicine, the Professor of Pathology, the Professor of Microbiology and the Professor of Clinical Microbiology.
A candidate for the fellowship must

(1) be a duly qualified medical practitioner, or a graduate in science in pathology or microbiology, and

(2) wish to prosecute further the study of pathology or microbiology in any of their branches.

A successful candidate must for a period of not less than six months during his/her year of tenure prosecute further the study of pathology or microbiology in any of their branches at a university, school, hospital or institution (other than Trinity College Dublin) to be approved by the board. Value, €1,269.74.

Selection Committee: Head of the School of Medicine, Professor of Pathology, Professor of Microbiology and Professor of Clinical Microbiology.



To enable international research.


Medical graduate 

Open 1st February 2025

Closing 5pm 31st March 2025

Derry and Phyllis Kelleher Travel Fellowship From (click here)

This award was founded in 2016 with a donation from Dr’s Dermot Kelleher & Jean Holohan, Trinity medical alumni. The Kelleher Travel Award of €2,500 per award, and up to two awards per year, are awarded to allow a medical graduate to travel internationally for further research experience. The candidate should demonstrate their commitment to research and their eagerness to contribute to the life and development of Trinity College. This application could be a supplement to other travel awards at Trinity College Dublin. The award is to be awarded annually.
The annual award will pay for travel expenses for further research experience and will be up to a maximum value of €2,500. Award is to candidates who demonstrate their commitment to research and their eagerness to contribute to the life and development of Trinity College. Applications for this Award shall include a curriculum vitae, a brief proposal on how the award is expected to enhance the applicant's research career in medicine, and specific plans for how the award will be used.

Awards are made on the recommendation of the Head of the School Medicine. The recipient accepts the award and confirms it in writing to the School of Medicine within one calendar month of the date of the award letter.

It is a condition of the scholarship award that recipients send a report on their experience on completion of the year to the Drs Dermot Kelleher & Jean Holohan via the School of Medicine.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.



To undertake research in Ophthalmology disorders at Trinity College Dublin and The Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital. Please enquire before applying.

€15,000 approx per annum


Medical graduate
Science graduate

Opening 1st Sept 2024

Closing 5pm 31st Oct 2024

Eithne Walls Fellowship Form (click here)

The Dr. Eithne Walls Memorial Scholarship Endowment fund was established in 2019 with the generous support of Dr. Ethna McGourty (1980) and her husband, Timothy Haley. The income from the endowment will be used to establish the Dr. Eithne Walls Memorial Scholarship in memory of her niece, Dr. Eithne Walls, whose life was tragically cut short in the Air France disaster on the 1st June 2009. The Scholarship will be held between The Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, and Trinity College Dublin, and the awardee will be provided with joint supervision, where appropriate. The research will seek to better understand the causes of Ophthalmological disorders to improve treatment. The award may be structured in one of the following three ways:

1. A research fellowship covering fees and research expenses for a doctor training in Ophthalmology, including, but not exclusive to those on the medical or surgical training scheme on the Irish College of Ophthalmologists Specialist Training Programmes in Ophthalmology. The research must be based between the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital and Trinity College Dublin.  The individual would be expected to read for a higher degree such as an MD. The award will be held for a two-year period.   

2. A research fellowship and lectureship, structured 50% clinical and 50% academic, covering part salary if funds for the remaining salary were to be obtained from the hospital or Trinity College. The individual would be expected to read for a higher degree such as an MD. The award will be held for a two-year period.

3. A non-clinical PhD studentship covering fees, stipend and research expenses, reading for a PhD at TCD with appropriate joint supervision between the hospital and Trinity College. The award will be held for a four-year period. The award will be made following a published call for applications.

The applications will be considered by a panel made up of the Professor of Medicine and the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning at the School of Medicine and a nominee from the Consultant staff of the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.



The object of the scholarship is to encourage younger graduates to undertake further work in the specialised aspects of psychiatry, including the acquisition of modern techniques and the carrying out of research

Value, about €10,792.

It is awarded annually and is available to graduates in medicine of not more than ten years’ standing.

Opening 1st Sept 2024

Closing 5pm 31st Oct 2024


Contributions from the Henry Hutchinson Stewart Fund (click here)

This scholarship was founded in 1884 by a bequest from Henry Hutchinson Stewart. It is awarded annually and is available to graduates in medicine of not more than ten years’ standing. The object of the scholarship is to encourage younger graduates to undertake further work in the specialised aspects of psychiatry, including the acquisition of modern techniques and the carrying out of research. Awards are made on the recommendation of a committee comprising of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Professor of Psychiatry, the Regius Professor of Physic and the Dean of Graduate Studies. Candidates may be required to attend for interview. Successful candidates are expected to work for at least six months under the direction of a senior member of staff in a hospital or a university department approved by the Board of Trinity College. The work must consist of advanced study, preferably including research, and should be such as to enable the successful candidate to gain experience in modern methods of investigating disease. Approval of the Board must be obtained for any change in the agreed programme of study and research. The value of the scholarship is the equivalent of 33 per cent of the current annual income of the existing consolidated fund comprising the Banks, Bicentenary, Bennett and Henry Hutchinson Stewart Funds.



To undertake further work in specialised aspects of medicine and surgery in a hospital or university department outside Dublin for a period of 9 months





This scholarship and the Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart scholarship (q.v.) are awarded from a fund obtained by consolidating the following funds:
a) JOHN BANKS FUND: This fund was established in 1907 by a gift from Sir John T. Banks, King’s Professor of the Practice of Medicine 1849-69 and Regius Professor of Physic 1880-98. The income of the fund contributes to the provision of a postgraduate award in medicine. A John Banks medal in bronze is given to the winner of the award
b) EDWARD HALLARAN BENNETT FUND: This fund was established in 1907 by past pupils in appreciation of E. H. Bennett, Professor of Surgery 1873-1906. The income of the fund contributes to the provision of a postgraduate award in surgery. An Edward Hallaran Bennett medal in bronze is given to the winner of the award
c) BICENTENARY FUND: This fund was established in 1912 to mark the bicentenary of the School of Physic. The income of the fund contributes to the provision of postgraduate awards in medicine or surgery
 d) DR HENRY HUTCHINSON STEWART SCHOLARSHIP IN PSYCHIATRY: contributions from the Henry Hutchinson Stewart Fund. 

Medical graduate



Opening 1st February 2025

Closing 5pm 31st March 2025

This is an annual award.

The award for 2025 will be in surgery. 




Postgraduate Travelling Scholarship in Medicine and Surgery Form (click here)

This scholarship is awarded annually in medicine and surgery in alternate years. The object of the scholarship is to encourage younger graduates to undertake further work in specialised aspects of medicine and surgery, including the acquisition of modern techniques and the carrying out of research. The award is made on the recommendations of a committee and candidates may be requested to attend for interview. The committee consists of the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Regius Professors of Medicine or Surgery (depending on whether the scholarship is in medicine or surgery) and the Professor of Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy. The successful candidate is expected to work for at least nine months under the direction of a senior member of staff in a hospital or university department outside Dublin approved by the Board of the College. The work must consist of advanced study, preferably including research, in some specified field and should be such as to enable the successful candidate to gain experience of modern methods of investigating disease. Approval of the Board must also be obtained for any change in the agreed programme of study and research. Payments under the scholarship are made as follows: A sum equivalent to one sixth of the total amount is paid initially to cover the first month of the scholarship. Thereafter, a sum equivalent to one eighth of the balance is paid each month for the remaining eight months. The scholar’s Supervisor is asked for a report at the end of six months, and the final monthly payment is made after a satisfactory report has been received. Value approximately €22,220. The winner also receives the Sheppard memorial prize (see below) value €5,078, together with the Sir John Banks medal in medicine or the Edward Hallaran Bennett medal in surgery (see more information above on the webpage).

Selection Committee: Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Dean of Graduate Studies, Professors of Medicine or Surgery (depending on whether the scholarship is in medicine or surgery) and Professor of Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.



To undertake medical science related research at an Irish institution

€7,500 stipend

University or College Graduate

Opening 1st Sept 2024

Closing 5pm 31st Oct 2024


Sarah Purser Medical Research Fund (click here)

Through the munificence of Miss Sarah H. Purser, r.h.a., a sum of €12,697 was given to Trinity College in 1942 to provide, from investment, an annual income to be devoted to the promotion of medical research in Ireland. The income from the fund pays the stipends of one or more investigators, who must be graduates of a university or hold diplomas in scientific subjects from recognised colleges. The investigators, when appointed, may carry out research in any branch of medical science in any institution in Ireland in which facilities for the investigation in hand for the time being can be made available. Investigators are appointed for periods of not more than two years by the Board of Trinity College acting on the terms of the fund. Further particulars may be obtained from the Dean of the Faculty. Value, €7,500



To fund general research expenses and part-stipend.

€18, per annum, with extendable periods of one year for three further years.


Opening 1st Sept 2024

Closing 5pm 31st Oct 2024

Technicon Research Fellowship Form (click here)

This fellowship was established in 1980 by a gift of a capital sum from Technicon (Ireland) Limited. Appointment to the fellowship is open to suitably qualified graduates, whether of this University or elsewhere. On each occasion that the fellowship is to be filled, a committee comprising the Head of School of Medicine, Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning School of Medicine, and the Director of Research School of Medicine advise on the choice of an area of research. The fellowship is then advertised. Applicants for the fellowship are assessed by an interviewing committee set up by the University Council on the nomination of the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning. The composition of the interviewing committee will vary with the area of research. The successful applicant is appointed to the fellowship for a period of one year renewable for three further periods of one year each and is encouraged to register for a higher degree. The income from the fund may also be used for general research purposes in a health science related area. Value: approximately €18,000 per annum.

Technicon Award area of focus

We are inviting applications across the school of Medicine in any field of research to apply for the Technicon award that will address 1 of these 3 megatrend research areas:  

  1. Climate and health
  2. Digital transformation
  3. Inclusion and Health equity



Postgraduate studies in toxicology


Graduate student

Opening 1st February 2025

Closing 5pm 31st March 2025

Yamanouchi Postgraduate Toxicology Fellowship Form (click here)

A gift from former Yamanouchi pharmaceuticals, now Astellas, this scholarship was founded in 1992 to commemorate the Quatercentenary of Trinity College Dublin. The donation was made not only in recognition of the tremendous contributions made by Trinity but it is also in recognition of the sterling work carried out by myself [sic Mr Harford CEO of Yamanouchi] and my colleagues. The Head of the Pharmacology Department shall have the power to act in the absence of, or in any case of doubt about the identification of, the ‘’the person responsible for Toxicology’’. This benefaction should support postgraduate studies in toxicology.

It may be awarded annually.



Research in pathology (and pathology related) at TCD

€12,500 pa for 2 years renewable for a further period of 1 year

Graduate student 

Opening 1st Sept 2024

Closing 5pm 31st Oct 2024


E.C. SMITH SCHOLARSHIP IN PATHOLOGY: In 1956 a bequest was received under the will of the late Mrs I. A. Smith to found a scholarship for research in pathology in memory of her son, Edmund Cyril Smith, formerly assistant to the Professor of Pathology in the University. The following regulations have been made by the Board: The scholarship is offered triennially and is held for two years, renewable for a further year. The scholar must carry out under the direction of a member of the staff of the medical school of Trinity College, full-time research in pathology (including immunology, virology, and such aspects of microbiology, haematology and clinical biochemistry as are relevant to disease in human beings). The research must be carried on in Trinity College, or in a Dublin hospital, save that a Smith scholar who is a graduate of the University of Dublin may, if the Supervisor considers it desirable, work elsewhere for a period of not more than twelve months. Awards are made on the recommendation of a committee comprising the Chairman of the Division of Laboratory Medicine, the Professors of Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy and the Professor of Microbiology. The first scholar was appointed in 1959. Value, €12,500 per annum.






PhD research in the School of Medicine

Stipend of €25,000 p.a. and fees write-down for the four years (full-time)

New entrants to the full-time research doctorate register 

Opening 22nd  April

Closing 1st June

SoM_Trinity's Postgraduate Research Doctorate Awards application form-2025 (click here)

Application are now being welcomed for the Trinity doctoral research award, with an associated stipend of €25,000 p.a. and fees write-down for the four years (full-time) of a Structured PhD programme / research doctorate. The award is open only to new entrants to the full-time research doctorate register (EU and nonEU). Award holders must engage in full-time research and must register for a research doctorate degree at Trinity College, the University of Dublin. Continuation on the research register is dependent on evidence of satisfactory annual progress and successful completion of the confirmation process at 18 months after first registration.  Both the doctorate researcher and supervisor will agree to participate in the pilot rollout of Trinity’s Supervisor: Research Student Agreement.  Postgraduate Research Doctorate Awards cannot continue beyond a fourth year on the full-time research doctorate register and cannot be split across doctorate researchers. Postgraduate research doctorate awards will be made only to applicants who are placed in the first class at a moderatorship or final examination or who obtained equivalent status at a final degree examination in a professional subject. However, graduates who are reading for the research doctorate degree may be eligible if they have already received a Masters degree (excluding the degree of Master in Arts from this University), irrespective of the class of primary degree received.

Please download and return this application form to: medicinepgawards@tcd.ie by 1st June 2025.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The student must hold an unconditional offer for admission by June 1st, 2025, to the full-time PhD research register in Trinity College Dublin with support of a Principal Supervisor.  This implies that applicants will have met all academic requirements including English language requirements.