Prof. Andreas Prokopiou
Assistant Professor in Medical Ethics and Law (part-time)
Email PhonePublications and Further Research Outputs
- Prokopiou A. et al., The effects of Adrenaline on Lignocaine anaesthesia of the isolated nerve, Journal of Dentistry, 10, (4), 1982, p342-Journal Article, 1982
- Prokopiou A. et al., The effects of ornipressin and adrenaline on lignocaine nerve blocks, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 30, 1986, p647 - 657Journal Article, 1986
- Prokopiou A. and Pateromichalakis S., Differences in the blocking efficiencies of three local anaesthetics in vitro and in vivo, Journal of Dental Research, 64, (6), 1985Journal Article, 1985
- Andreas Prokopiou, TMJ problems: a guide for patients, 1st, Limassol, Cyprus, Menos Press, 1998Book
- Andreas Prokopiou, The human pain, 1st, Limassol, Cyprus, Egli Press, 2000Book
- The "healthy" family: the alternative way to face the life's difficulties in, editor(s)Association of Piraeus Scientists , Dreaming of a family and a school, Athens, Greece, Archontariki Press, 2009, pp267 - 304, [Andreas Prokopiou]Book Chapter
Research Expertise
Other clinical medicine, Other health sciences, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion,
- Honorary member of the Committee for Biomedical Ethics of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
- Serbian Orthodox Church award for my altruistic and humanitarian services to the suffering people during the Bosnian war (1992-1995).
- Cyprus Ethical Committee for Research
- International Dental Ethics and Law Society (IDEALS)
- International Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
- Doctors of Charity
- Cyprus Scientific Society