Prof.  Ghaiath Hussein

Prof. Ghaiath Hussein

Assistant Professor in Medical Ethics and Law

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Hussein GM., When Ethics Survive Where People Do Not., Public health ethics, 3, (1), 2010, p72-77Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Hussein, Ghaiath and Elmusharaf, Khalifa, Mention of ethical review and informed consent in the reports of research undertaken during the armed conflict in Darfur (2004-2012): a systematic review, BMC medical ethics, 20, (1), 2019, p40Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL
  • Alkabba, Abdulaziz F and Hussein, Ghaiath M A and Kasule, Omar H and Jarallah, Jamal and Alrukban, Mohamed and Alrashid, Abdulaziz, Teaching and evaluation methods of medical ethics in the Saudi public medical colleges: cross-sectional questionnaire study, BMC medical education, 13, 2013, p122Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
  • Alkabba, Abdulaziz F and Hussein, Ghaiath M A and Albar, Adnan A and Bahnassy, Ahmad A and Qadi, Mahdi, The major medical ethical challenges facing the public and healthcare providers in Saudi Arabia, Journal of family & community medicine, 19, (1), 2012, p1â€"6Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL
  • Alkaabba, Abdulaziz and Hussein, Ghaiath M A, Democratization of medical education is needed to effective teaching of bioethics, Le Journal medical libanais. The Lebanese medical journal, 59, (1), 2011, p33â€"36Journal Article, 2011, URL
  • Hussein, Ghaiath M A, Democracy: the forgotten challenge for bioethics in the developing countries, BMC medical ethics, 10, 2009, p3Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL
  • Hussein, Ghaiaith, The Sudan experience, Journal of Academic Ethics, 6, (4), 2008, p289--293Journal Article, 2008
  • Ethical Challenges in Global Health Research in, An Introduction to Global Health Ethics, Routledge, 2013, pp103 , [Hussein, Ghaiath and Upshur, Ross EG]Book Chapter, 2013
  • Hussein, Ghaiath, Learning objective 1.3: demonstrate understanding of the ethical principles and requirements addressed in current normative instruments relative to research and surveillance in public health emergencies, Ethics epidemics, Emerg Disaster Res Surveill Patient Care, 2015, p32--42Journal Article, 2015
  • Al-Kaabba, Abdulaziz F and Hussein, Ghaiath MA and Al-Qumaizi, Khalid Ibrahim and Al-Rashed, Waleed and Kasule, Omar H and Alosaimi, Fahad and Qadi, Mahdi Ali and Alhaqwi, Ali Ibrahim, Disclosing Medical Errors in Tertiary Hospitals in Saudi Arabia: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Hussein, Ghaiath MA and Mustafa, Iman A, Research Ethics Training Manual, 2010Book, 2010
  • Hussein, GMA, (A119) Ethical Issues in the Review and Conduct of Research during Active Conflicts: Reflections from Darfur, West Sudan, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 26, (S1), 2011, ps33--s34Journal Article, 2011
  • Hussein, Ghaiath, Research or not research? This is not the question for research ethics in public health emergencies, APHA's 2018 Annual Meeting \& Expo (Nov. 10-Nov. 14), An Introduction to Global Health Ethics, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
  • Hussein, Ghaiath, Ethical Considerations in Health Research conducted during Armed Conflicts -- Case Study from Darfur, West Sudan (2004-2012), Professionalism \& Ethics Education for Residents Handbook: A Practical Guide on Ethics for Residents, 2018Thesis, 2018
  • Principles of Western \& Islamic Approaches to Bioethics in, Professionalism \& Ethics Education for Residents Handbook: A Practical Guide on Ethics for Residents, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 2015, [Hussein, Ghaiath]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Doctor's Professional Relationships and Duties in, Professionalism \& Ethics Education for Residents Handbook: A Practical Guide on Ethics for Residents, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 2015, [Hussein, Ghaiath]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Truth Telling and Breaking Bad News in, Professionalism \& Ethics Education for Residents Handbook: A Practical Guide on Ethics for Residents, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 2015, [Hussein, Ghaiath]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Privacy \& Confidentiality in, Professionalism \& Ethics Education for Residents Handbook: A Practical Guide on Ethics for Residents, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 2015, [Hussein, Ghaiath]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Allocation of Resources in Healthcare in, Professionalism \& Ethics Education for Residents Handbook: A Practical Guide on Ethics for Residents, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 2015, [Hussein, Ghaiath]Book Chapter, 2015
  • How to resolve ethical issues in clinical practice? in, Professionalism \& Ethics Education for Residents Handbook: A Practical Guide on Ethics for Residents, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 2015, [Hussein, Ghaiath and Kasule, Omar]Book Chapter, 2015
  • Learning objective 1.4: Identify the shortcomings of current normative instruments for use in emergency situations, and evaluate alternatives in, WHO Training Manual on Ethical issues in Research and surveillance: Epidemics, Pandemics and Public Health Crisis, World Health Organization (WHO), 2014, [Hussein, Ghaiath]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Learning objective 3.3: Evaluate the measures required to protect privacy and confidentiality in an emergency in, WHO Training Manual on Ethical issues in Research and surveillance: Epidemics, Pandemics and Public Health Crisis, World Health Organization (WHO), 2014, [Hussein, Ghaiath]Book Chapter, 2014
  • Almansour, Mohammed and Abanemai, Najla and Alhusayni, Shaykhah and Alatiyah, Forat and Alharbi, Ruba and Hussein, Ghaiath, Perception of Attendees of Primary Healthcare Centers in Al-Majmaah City, Saudi Arabia About Skin Manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus, Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 8, (4), 2020Journal Article, 2020
  • Hussein, GM and Alkabba, AF and Kasule, OH, Professionalism and ethics handbook for residents (PEHR): a practical guide, 2015Book, 2015
  • Alsomali, Nimah and Hussein, Ghaiath, CRISPR-Cas9 and He Jiankui's Case: an Islamic Bioethics Review using Maqasid al-Shari'a and Qawaid Fighiyyah, Asian Bioethics Review, 13, (2), 2021, p149--165Journal Article, 2021
  • Ghaiath Hussein, "What Can Ethics Learn from Islamic Legislation? An Islamic Approach to Moral Analysis Based on the Purposes of Islamic Legislation (Maqsid Al-Shariya'a)", Second International Bioethics Conference, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, Feb., 2020Invited Talk, 2020, URL
  • Al Kaabba, Abdulaziz Fahad, Bandar Saleh Alzuair, Yara Faisal AlHarbi, Juhainah Abdullah Alshehri, Hanan Almalki, Reeman Alsalman, Shoug Alsubaie, Reema Awad Alkhatabi, and Ghaiath Hussein, Knowledge and Awareness of mothers and caregivers of Diabetic Children about clinical features and complications of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Riyadh City: questionnaire study., Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 7, (10), 2022Journal Article, 2022
  • Raajakesary K, Galvin L, Prendiville K, Newport S, MacAnulty C, Hussein G., The Ethical Principles in Ethical Guidance Documents during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland: A Qualitative Systematic Review, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Hussein Ghaiath, Elmusharaf Khalifa, Why did not all studies conducted during Darfur†s armed conflict between 2004 and 2012 obtain ethics approval? Insights from a Qualitative Study, BMC Medical Ethics, 2025Journal Article, 2025
  • Morsi Ahmed A, Mersal Ezat A, Abdelmoneim Ahmed M, Hussein Ghaiath, Sofii Mohamed M, Ibrahim Khalid Elfaki, Salim Mohamed S, Interrogating the estrogen-mediated regulation of adrenocortical Klotho expression using ovariectomized albino rat model exposed to repeated restraint stress, Human cell, 37, (4), 2024, p1008 - 1023Journal Article, 2024
  • Ali, Aliza, Azeezat Abodunrin, Sarah Al Khayyat, Dunja Novakovic, Niall O"Connor, and Ghaiath Hussein, Medical School Curriculum Relating to Clinical Ethical Decision Making During a Pandemic: A Scoping Review, Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 11, (23821205241240610), 2024Journal Article, 2024
  • Kesidha Raajakesary, Lucy Galvin, Ghaiath Hussein, Which ethical principles guided the ethical decision during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, Ireland? Findings from a qualitative systematic review, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine (PDM), WADEM's 22nd Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Killarney, Ireland., May 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
  • Ghaiath Hussein , Kesidha Raajakesary , Lucy Galvin , Joseph Peters , Kate Prendiville , Sarah Newport and Calum MacAnulty, Which Ethical Principles Guided the Ethical Decision During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK, Ireland, and the US? Findings from a Qualitative Systematic Reviews, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 38, (S1), 2023, ps111 - s112Journal Article, 2023
  • Al-Suwaidan, Faisal A.; AlJarallah, Jamal; Alyousefi, Nada A; Hussein, Ghaiath, Awareness, Opinion, Attitude of Intensive Care Unit Specialists about the Ethical Guidelines for Dealing with Clinical Decisions Regarding the Allocation of Scarce Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic., Saudi Critical Care Journal, 6, (3), 2022, p61 - 67Journal Article, 2022
  • Buergi, B.R., Arawi, T., Asif, F., Aurich, B., Ching, S.L., Crawley, F.P., Ekmekci, P.E., Hussein, G., Kurihara, C., Lolas, F. and Safarli, N., Calling for Unity, Solidarity, Continuity, and Access-Oriented Action in Times of War. ,, Pharmaceutical Medicine, 36, (3), 2022, p147-151Journal Article, 2022
  • Hussein, Ghaiath, Training manual on How to Teach Medical Ethics to Undergraduate Medical Students by Non-Expert Faculty Staff, 2015Book
  • Module 9 in, 2015, pp107 , [Hussein, GM and Alkabba, AF and Kasule, OH]Book Chapter
  • Advance Directives in Saudi Arabia: An Islamic Approach and practical implications in, editor(s)Michael Dunn and Daisy Cheung , Advance Directives Across Asia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp293 - 3.9, [Ghaiath Hussein]Book Chapter, DOI , URL
  • Ghaiath Hussein, Ethical overview of the medical assistance in dying, Medical Assistance in Dying, online, 10 November, 2021, QUB & TCD GP SocietiesInvited Talk, URL
  • Ghaiath Hussein, From Individuality to Solidarity: Reconceptualizing Selfhood in Armed Conflict, Medical and Health Humanities Seminar, The Trinity Long Room Hub, 03/10/2024, 2024Oral Presentation
  • Ghaiath Hussein, Medicine with Meaning: An Islamic Approach to Medical Ethics and Professionalism, RCSI Islamic Society's conference, RCSI, Dublin, Feb. 2025, 2025, RCSI Islamic Society'sInvited Talk
  • Aliza Ali, Ghaiath Hussein, "Is Our Medical School Curriculum Equipping Students for a Pandemic? A Scoping Review of Clinical Ethics Training During Pandemics", 2024Journal Article
  • Ghaiath Hussein, Abdullah Adlan, Research in Words: An Introduction to Qualitative Research (in Arabic), 1st, Amazon KDP, Amazon KDP, 2025Book
  • Ghaiath Hussein, How to teach and assess medical ethics? Guide for non-specialised teaching staff, Fisrt, Amazon KP, Amazon KDP, 2021Book
  • Ghaiath Hussein, When Ethics Survives Where People Do Not: A Story From Darfur, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics, vol. no. , , p. -164. Project MUSE, 13, (3), 2023, p162-Journal Article

Research Expertise

  • Title
    Refugee-thrive: Building trauma-informed refugee resilience in the face of the evolving challenges of forced displacement.
    Refugee-Thrive is an interdisciplinary research program investigating the critical intersection of refugee resilience and societal inclusion through a cultural and identity-focused lens. Recognizing the record number of forcibly displaced individuals globally and the increasing pressure on host communities like Ireland, this program transcends traditional integration approaches by conceptualizing resilience as a dynamic, culturally-embedded process. Building on Ungar's definition of resilience as the capacity to navigate and negotiate vital resources in culturally meaningful ways, Refugee-Thrive addresses a significant gap: the frequent neglect of creating environments that enable access to resilience-building resources within existing refugee policies. By bringing together disciplines such as sociology, psychotherapy, peace studies, nursing, linguistics, literatures, law, and medical ethics, the project explores refugee resilience at individual, interpersonal, organizational, and community levels. Guided by principles of community engagement and co-creation, Refugee-Thrive centers refugee voices and agency in the research process. This engaged research aims to contribute to the development of more inclusive societies by providing evidence-based insights on how to nurture refugee resilience and promote societal cohesion, aligning with Horizon Europe's Global Challenges pillar, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3, 4, 5, 10, and 16, and supporting the UNHCR's Global Compact on Refugees."
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    The ethical considerations in the health-related research activities conducted during armed conflicts
    This project aims to conduct an empirically informed and philosophically robust ethical analysis of health-related human research undertaken during armed conflicts. It adopts an empirical bioethics approach that combines the collection and analysis of empirical data with traditional philosophical analysis. The empirical data includes collected using a systematic review of the studies conducted in armed conflicts, followed by a qualitative project with the affected populations. The qualitative findings are used to inform the philosophical discussion where the lines of arguments suggested by the project participants1 and the literature were scrutinized. This empirically informed approach was chosen to overcome some of the shortcomings of the use of an abstract philosophical theorization when applied alone to an applied ethics field like humanitarian (research) ethics. Four main themes emerged and are discussed in the light of the relevant literature. The overall thesis is that the mainstream research ethical governance models are inadequate to ethically guide humanitarian activities as they lack the needed moral representativeness and operational feasibility. To overcome these problems, I argue that ethical oversight should shift from individualistic autonomy-based bioethics to relational autonomy and trust-based bioethics and from committee-based to community-situated governance models.
    Funding Agency
    Wellcome Trust
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for Refugees in Ireland (MHPSS4RI)
    The project aims to co-design, and co-implement a health promotion intervention focused on mental health/ brain health issues of asylum seekers and refugees currently living in Ireland
    Funding Agency
    The Atlantic Institute/ Rhodes House
    Date From
  • Title
    Ethical Coniderations in the Public Health Policies during COVID-19 Pandemic in Ireland and the UK
    This project investigates the ethical considerations shaping public health policies in the UK and Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic. It aims to analyze the application of ethical frameworks in decision-making processes and the impact of these policies on public trust, health equity, and social justice. The study begins with an overview of the public health responses in both countries, detailing key policies, including lockdown measures, travel restrictions, and vaccination rollouts. It explores foundational ethical approaches and principles such as utilitarianism, autonomy, justice, and solidarity. By examining ethical dilemmas faced by policymakers, particularly the tension between individual rights and collective safety, the project seeks to understand how these challenges were addressed. Additionally, the research includes a comparative analysis of public health communications in the UK and Ireland, evaluating their effectiveness in engaging the public and encouraging compliance. Qualitative insights are gathered through interviews with health experts, policymakers, and community leaders, shedding light on the decision-making processes and perceived ethical implications of various strategies. The project concludes with recommendations for future public health policies, underscoring the need for transparency, stakeholder engagement, and ethical resilience in preparing for future health crises. Through an examination of the ethical dimensions of the COVID-19 response, this research aims to inform the development of more equitable and effective public health frameworks.

Major global burdens of disease, Applied ethics, Information governance, policy and ethics, Medical and health law, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Public health, Other Humanities, Other social sciences,


  • Nominated for the Trinity Excellence in Teaching Awards 2023-24 2023
  • Best State Technical Report (Sudan Household Health Survey) 2006
  • Honorary Membership of the Saudi Healthcare Ethics Society 2021
  • Honorary Membership at the Sudanese Medical Students Network (MedSIN) 2006
  • The Sudanese Medical Association in the UK & Ireland (Aug. 2015 - 2018) 2018
  • Board Member and member of the Executive Committee of the Saudi Association of Healthcare Ethics 2024
  • Founding member of the Association of Sudanese Academics and Researchers in Ireland (ASARI)
  • The European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare 2019
  • Member of the International Association for Ethics Education 2020
  • The Sudanese Medical Association in the UK & Ireland 2018
  • The Saudi Epidemiological Association 2011
  • The Royal Society of Public Health (UK) 2020
  • Student member of the Sudanese Biological Society 1998
  • The American Public Health Association 2020
  • Founding member of the Arab Bioethics Society 2015
  • Content Expert, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (2012-Present): Developed the first video series of lectures on medical ethics, the first handbook for ethics and professionalism in the GCC region, and the first ethics, professionalism, and patient safety MCQ bank based on USMLE standards. 2012
  • Member, Organizing Committee: Member of the organizing committee for the forthcoming conference on Palestinian medical resistance (September 2025). 2025
  • Research Ethics Committee Accreditor, Sudanese Federal Ministry of Health: Developed the first accreditation criteria for research ethics committees (RECs) in Sudan, potentially the first in the Middle East. 2012
  • Peer Reviewer: Served as a peer reviewer for several journals, including BMC Medical Ethics, BMC Medical Education, BMC Health Systems Research, Bioethics, and the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 2021
  • External Examiner, MPH program, the Univerity of Limerick. 2020-2022
  • Content Expert and policy advisor, Saudi Health Council: Served as a key contributor to the ethical guidelines for resource allocation during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021