Prof.  Aileen Patterson

Prof. Aileen Patterson

Associate Professor in Medical Education

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • R Woods, T Subramaniam, A Patterson, M Hennessy, C Timon, Validation and evaluation of new assessments for the otolaryngology undergraduate medical clerkship., The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 2015, p1 - 6Journal Article, 2015, URL
  • Patterson, M., Sharek, D., Hennessy, M., Phillips, M., and Schofield S., Medical humanities: A closer look at learning, Medical Humanities, 42, (2), 2016, p115 - 120Journal Article, 2016
  • Dawn Sinclair Eileen Savage Maria O' Brien, Anthony O'Reilly, Carmel Mullaney, Marie Killeen, Orlaith O'Reilly, Catherine Anne Field, Patricia Fitzpatrick, Celine Murrin Deirdre Connolly, Aileen Patterson, Suzanne Denieffe, Khalifa Elmusharaf, Anne Hickey Lisa Mellon, Michelle Flood Mary Rose Sweeney, Developing a national undergraduate standardized curriculum for future healthcare professionals on "Making Every Contact Count" for chronic disease prevention in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 17, (5), 2017, p160-Journal Article, 2017
  • Guinan, E.M., Barrett, E.M., Neill, F., Grimes, T.C., Sullivan, D.J., O'sullivan, M.T., Patterson, A., Stapleton, T., Walsh, I.R., Walsh, J.C., & Conlon, K.C, Attitudes to Interprofessional Education Among Health Science Students Engaging in a Multidisciplinary Workshop Series, International Journal of Health Sciences Education, 5, (1), 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Sinclair D, Savage E, O' Brien M, O'Reilly A, Mullaney C, Killeen M, O'Reilly O, Field CA, Fitzpatrick P, Murrin C, Connolly D, Patterson A, Denieffe S, Elmusharaf K, Hickey A, Mellon L, Flood M, Sweeney MR, Developing a national undergraduate standardized curriculum for future healthcare professionals on "Making Every Contact Count" for chronic disease prevention in the Republic of Ireland, Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2019, p1 - 5Journal Article, 2019, URL
  • Mohd Ikhwan Marion, Cathy Cunningham, Joseph Harbison, Aileen Patterson, An insight of Malaysian students attending European University toward participation in Malay Language Class, MedEdPublish, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Mohd Ikhwan Marion, Cathy Cunningham, Joseph Harbison, Aileen Patterson, An insight of Malaysian students attending European University toward participation in Malay Language Class, MedEdPublish, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • Le-Poul N, Green SJ, Attfield JP, Bedford RB, Lyons MEG, Patterson AM , Sub-Tc electron transfer at the HTSC/polymer interface , CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS , 13, 2005, p1787 - 1787Journal Article, 2005
  • Claire Poole and Aileen Patterson, Fostering the development of professional identity within healthcare education-interdisciplinary innovation, Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 2021, pS45 - S50Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Hennus, Marije P., Young, John Q., Hennessy, Martina, Friedman, Karen A., de Vries, Bas, Hoff, Reinier G., O"Connor, Enda, Patterson, Aileen, Curley, Gerard, Thakker, Krima, van Dam, Marjel, van Dijk, Diederik, van Klei, Wilton A., ten Cate, Olle, Supervision, Interprofessional Collaboration, and Patient Safety in Intensive Care Units during the COVID-19 Pandemic, ATS Scholar, 2021, pats-scholar.202Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Lincoln, Marc, Gabr, Ahmed, Kennedy, Cormac, Murphy, Catherine, Patterson, Aileen, O"Connor, Enda, Hennessy, Martina, Collaboration, supervision and patient safety in the era of COVID-19: an analysis of medical wards and ICU, Irish Journal of Medical Science (1971 -), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • John Q Young 1, Karen A Friedman 2, Krima Thakker 3, Marije P Hennus 4, Martina Hennessy 5, Aileen Patterson 6, Andrew Yacht 7, Olle Ten Cate 8, Supervision and Care Quality as Perceived by Redeployed Attendings, Fellows, and Residents During a COVID-19 Surge: Lessons for the Future, Academic Medicine, 97, (3), 2022, pS28 - S34Journal Article, 2022
  • Aileen Patterson, Sylvia Huntley-Moore, The National Survey of Student Engagement:Expanding the breadth of evaluation tools, INMED Conference, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles,, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011Poster, 2011
  • Huntley-Moore, S and Patterson, A, Benchmarking Student Engagement as the Basis for Academic and Curriculum Development, The Challenge for Graduates in a Changed World, Dublin City University, 25-26th August, 2011, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011, URL
  • Phillips M, Pilkington R, Patterson A, Hennessy M, Death and dignity through fresh eyes., The clinical teacher, 8, (4), 2011, p241-244Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Promoting Student Engagement by Engaging Staff:Implementing a survey of student engagement. in, editor(s)O'Farrell, C. and Farrell, A. , Emerging Issues in Higher Education III: from capacity building to sustainability, Athlone, EDIN, 2013, pp145 - 160, [Huntley-Moore, S; Patterson, A and Panter, J.]Book Chapter, 2013, URL
  • S Fagan, J Trayer, M Phillips, A Patterson, Do medical students value clinical reflection? A mixed methodology study., Medical Teacher , 34, (2), 2012, p179-Journal Article, 2012
  • M Phillips, M Hennessy, A Patterson, Power and its Applications: a new module in the medical curriculum at Trinity College Dublin, Medical Humanities, 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • A. Patterson, Students' Perceptions of a Mechanism to Encourage Self Regulated Learning, INMED Conference 2011. Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
  • Patterson A, Shuhaubar M, O'Morain C., Do Clinical Rotations Influence Undergraduate Medical Students' Knowledge of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
  • Phillips M, Patterson A, Martin C, Morris M., Changes in Confidence after Peer Led Tutorials., INMED Conference 2011, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
  • O'Reilly A, McCaw S, Patterson A, An Exploration of the Nature and Extent of Facebook Use among Recently Qualified Doctors., INMED Conference 2011, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
  • Phillips M, Patterson A, Hennessy M., Power and its Applications: Developing the Medical Humanities, INMED Conference 2011, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
  • Patterson A., Validation of a Learning Approaches Inventory by a population of undergraduate medical students. , INMED Conference 2011, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
  • Benito MJ, Patterson A, Spiers JP, , First Experience Introducing Research Projects in Medicine: Students' Feedback on a New Approach to Research. I, INMED Conference 2011, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011, 2011Meeting Abstract, 2011
  • Carlson S, Sabrini S, Patterson A. , Sources and Levels of Stress in 3rd Year Medical Students., INMED Conference 2011, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
  • Phillips M, Patterson A, Hennessy M. , Clinical Components of Medicine and Surgery. Creating a Fit for Purpose OSCE for Medical Students. , INMED Conference 2011, Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, Trinity College Dublin, 18-20 May, 2011, 2011Poster, 2011
  • Aileen Patterson., The HPAT Factor, Does it Make Any Difference., INMED Conference 2011. Flexner 100 years on - a return to core principles, 2011Conference Paper, 2011
  • A. PATTERSON, E.KEANE, G. LAVELLE, ASSESSING PBL TUTORIAL SKILLS - A PILOT STUDY, INMED Conference 2014, Queen's University Belfast., 2014Poster, 2014
  • A. Patterson, M. Phillips, M. Hennessy, A SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS OF HOW THE IMPACT OF MEDICAL HUMANITIES IS REPORTED OVER THE PAST 5 YEARS., INMED Conference 2014, Queen's University Belfast., 2014Conference Paper, 2014
  • T. Flavin, M. Hennessy, A. Patterson., HOW MANY CLINICAL PROCEDURES SHOULD A STUDENT PERFORM TO BECOME COMPETENT AND CONFIDENT?, INMED Conference 2014, Queen's University Belfast., 2014Poster, 2014
  • T. Flavin, M. Hennessy, A. Patterson., "WHAT AFFECTS THE CONFIDENCE OF OUR MEDICAL STUDENTS? ", INMED Conference 2014, Queen's University Belfast., 2014Poster, 2014