The discipline of medical education has a well-established teaching portfolio across all years of the undergraduate medical programme, with a focus on the professional development of medical students. This includes modules in problem-based learning, medical humanities, ethics, jurisprudence, professionalism and sub-internship. These modules are connected by the unifying themes of critical thinking and reflective practice, and aim to support students at key transitional points in the programme. Teaching and learning activities are delivered mainly via small group to foster student engagement and feedback. We are fortunate to be supported in this endeavour by a number of enthusiastic expert adjunct faculty.
The discipline, through the Dublin South-East Intern Training Network, supports junior doctors in the transition from student to practitioner through a wide range of formal and informal teaching activities, online learning, advanced clinical skills training, and hands-on experiential learning. We lead the initiative to deliver the academic internship track for the first year of postgraduate practice.
Our faculty supervise undergraduate and postgraduate medical education research aligned with these areas of interest.