Professor Vincent Maher

Professor Vincent Maher

Clinical Professor, Clinical Medicine


Vincent Maher is a Clinical Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin(TCD), Consultant Cardiologist and Director of Chronic Cardiovascular Disease at Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin. He received his MB BCh BAO degrees from University College Galway, Doctorate in Medicine from TCD and Fellowships from the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland, American College of Cardiology and European Society of Cardiology. He has been a life long advocate for heart disease prevention and reversal, working as Medical Director of the Irish Heart Foundation, Co founder of the National HeartWatch programme, Founder of the Irish Atherosclerosis/Angiology Society, President of the Irish Cardiac Rehabilitation Society, Chairman of the Irish Health Promoting Hospitals and Founder and current Chairman of the Irish Hyperlipidaemia Network. He set up Ireland's First Advanced Lipid Management and Research ALMAR Centre at Tallaght University Hospital. He has published numerous papers, book chapters and booklets related to heart disease prevention through intensive risk factor management, particularly lipid disorders and hypertension. He lectures regularly to students, medical personnel and lay audiences both nationally and internationally. His main research relates to the determinants of cardiovascular disease change with a focus on lipids, vascular stiffness and heart inefficiency. He is married, has four grown up daughters, tries to learn French, plays guitar, loves painting, cycles and is a life long supporter of Manchester City Football Club.

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Crowley RK, Broderick D, O'Shea T, Boran G, Maher V, Crowther S, Gibney J, Conlon KC, Sherlock M, Spironolactone interference in the immunoassay of androstenedione in a patient with a cortisol secreting adrenal adenoma., Clinical Endocrinology, 81, (4), 2014, p629 - 630Journal Article, 2014
  • Mac Ananey Oscar, Mellotte Greg, Maher Vincent, Comparison of semi-automated and manual measurements of carotid intima-media thickening , BioMed research international , 2014 , 2014Journal Article, 2014, TARA - Full Text
  • Caroline Finn, Vincent Maher, Gabrielle McKee , Using regression models to identify the current sociodemographic, clinical and logistic factors that influence enrolment and attendance in Cardiac Rehabilitation, European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Maher, VincentM.G., Gallagher, JohnJ., Thompson, GilbertR., Myant, NicholasB., Cholesterol-lowering drugs in familial defective apolipoprotein B-100, The Lancet, 339, (8796), 1992, p811Journal Article, 1992
  • Maher, V.M.G., Kitano, Y., Neuwirth, C., Gallagher, J.J., Thompson, G.R., Myant, N.B., Effective reduction of plasma LDL levels by LDL apheresis in familial defective apolipoprotein B-100, Atherosclerosis, 95, (2-3), 1992, p231-234Journal Article, 1992
  • Scoppola A, Maher VM, Thompson GR, Rendell NB, Taylor GW, Quantitation of plasma mevalonic acid using gas chromatography-electron capture mass spectrometry., Journal of lipid research, 1991Journal Article, 1991
  • Maher, V.M.G., Gallagher, J.J., Thompson, G.R., Myant, N.B., Response to cholesterol-lowering drugs in familial defective apolipoprotein B-100, Atherosclerosis, 91, (1-2), 1991, p73-76Journal Article, 1991
  • Maher VM, Thompson GR, HMG CoA reductase inhibitors as lipid-lowering agents: five years experience with lovastatin and an appraisal of simvastatin and pravastatin., The Quarterly journal of medicine, 1990Journal Article, 1990
  • Maher, V.M.G., Thompson, G.R., Analysis of evidence from cholesterol-lowering and regression trials, Journal of Drug Development, Supplement, 3, (1), 1990, p199-203Journal Article, 1990
  • Owens, D., Maher, V., Collins, P., Johnson, A., Tomkin, G., Cellular cholesterol regulation - A defect in the Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patient in poor metabolic control, Diabetologia, 33, (2), 1990, p93-99Journal Article, 1990
  • Maher, V.M.G., Pappu, A., Illingworth, D.R., Thompson, G.R., PLASMA MEVALONATE RESPONSE IN LOVASTATIN-RELATED MYOPATHY, The Lancet, 334, (8671), 1989, p1098Journal Article, 1989
  • Fitzgerald MJ, Fitzgerald M, Brophy J, Lin E, Maher V, Purpose-made models in anatomical teaching., The Journal of audiovisual media in medicine, 1979Journal Article, 1979
  • Egom, E.E., Shiwani, H.A., Pharithi, R.B., Canning, R., Khan, B., Hiani, Y.E., Maher, V., Dynamic changes of the composition of plasma HDL particles in patients with cardiac disease: Spotlight on sphingosine-1-phosphate/serum amyloid A ratio, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 45, (4), 2018, p319-325Journal Article, 2018
  • Egom, E.E., Maher, V., El Hiani, Y., Evolving use of natriuretic peptide receptor type-C as part of strategies for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension due to left ventricle heart failure, International Journal of Cardiology, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Agar, R., Markham, C., Prendergast, M., Canning, R., Maher, E., Finn, C., Sammon, N., Fall, S., Fallon, N., Hanrahan, E., King, L., Maher, V., A snapshot of lipid levels in the Republic of Ireland in 2017, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2018, p1-7Journal Article, 2018
  • Vallejo-Vaz, A.J., Marco, M.D., Kastelein, J.J.P., Watts, G.F.,, Maher, V., ..., Agar, R., Boran, G., Colwell, N., Crowley, V., Durkin, M., Griffin, D., Kelly, M., Rakovac-Tisdall, A., , Overview of the current status of familial hypercholesterolaemia care in over 60 countries - The EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC), Atherosclerosis, 277, 2018, p234-255Journal Article, 2018
  • Egom, E.E., Pharithi, R.B., Shiwani, H.A., Khan, B., Kruzliak, P., El-Hiani, Y., Maher, V., Time to redefine body mass index categories in chronic diseases? Spotlight on obesity paradox, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 69, (5), 2018, p513-523Journal Article, 2018
  • Egom EE, Feridooni T, Pharithi RB, Khan B, Shiwani HA, Maher V, El Hiani Y, Rose RA, Pasumarthi KB, Ribama HA, New insights and new hope for pulmonary arterial hypertension: natriuretic peptides clearance receptor as a novel therapeutic target for a complex disease., International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Egom, E.E., Feridooni, T., Pharithi, R.B., Khan, B., Shiwani, H.A., Maher, V., El Hiani, Y., Pasumarthi, K.B.S., Ribama, H.A., A natriuretic peptides clearance receptor's agonist reduces pulmonary artery pressures and enhances cardiac performance in preclinical models: New hope for patients with pulmonary hypertension due to left ventricular heart failure, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 93, 2017, p1144-1150Journal Article, 2017
  • Eroume-A Egom, E., Feridooni, T., Pharithi, R.B., Khan, B., Shiwani, H.A., Maher, V., El Hiani, Y., Rose, R.A., Pasumarthi, K.B.S., Ribama, H.A., Erratum to: New insights and new hope for pulmonary arterial hypertension: Natriuretic peptides clearance receptor as a novel therapeutic target for a complex disease (Int J Physiol Pathophysiol Pharmacol, (2017), 9, 4, (112-118)), International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology, 9, (5), 2017, p157Journal Article, 2017
  • Catapano AL, Graham I, De Backer G, Wiklund O, Chapman MJ, Drexel H, Hoes AW, Jennings CS, Landmesser U, Pedersen TR, Reiner ", Riccardi G, ESC Scientific Document Group ( V Maher), 2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the Management of Dyslipidaemias., European heart journal, 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Egom, E.E.-A., Bae, J.S.H., Capel, R., Richards, M., Ke, Y., Pharithi, R.B., Maher, V., Kruzliak, P., Lei, M., Effect of sphingosine-1-phosphate on L-type calcium current and Ca2+ transient in rat ventricular myocytes, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 419, (1-2), 2016, p83-92Journal Article, 2016
  • Moran, D., Buckley, A., Daly, K., Meaney, B., Curtin, R., O'Neill, J.O., Colwell, N., Mahon, N., Murphy, N., O 'Hanlon, R., Daly, C., Adam, B.M., Donald, K.M., Maher, V., Erratum: Heart rate awareness in patients with chronic stable heart failure. A multi-center observational study (International Journal of Cardiology (2014) 177: 2 (380-384) DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.08.119), International Journal of Cardiology, 210, 2016, p180Journal Article, 2016
  • Vallejo-Vaz, A.J., Akram, A., Kondapally Seshasai, S.R., Cole, D., Watts, G.F., Hovingh, G.K., Kastelein, J.J.P., Mata, P., Raal, F.J., Santos, R.D., Soran, H., Freiberger, T., Abifadel, M., Aguilar-Salinas, C.A., Alnouri, F., Alonso, R., Al-Rasadi, K., Banach, M., Bogsrud, M.P., Bourbon, M., Bruckert, E., Car, J., Ceska, R., Corral, P., Descamps, O., Dieplinger, H., Do, C.T., Durst, R., Ezhov, M.V., Fras, Z., Gaita, D., Gaspar, I.M., Genest, J., Harada-Shiba, M., Jiang, L., Kayikcioglu, M., Lam, C.S.P., Latkovskis, G., Laufs, U., Liberopoulos, E., Lin, J., Lin, N., Maher, V., Majano, N., Marais, A.D., März, W., Mirrakhimov, E., Miserez, A.R., Mitchenko, O., Nawawi, H., Nilsson, L., Nordestgaard, B.G., Paragh, G., Petrulioniene, Z., Pojskic, B., Reiner, Ž., Sahebkar, A., Santos, L.E., Schunkert, H., Shehab, A., Slimane, M.N., Stoll, M., Su, T.-C., Susekov, A., Tilney, M., Tomlinson, B., Tselepis, A.D., Vohnout, B., Widén, E., Yamashita, S., Catapano, A.L., Ray, K.K., Pooling and expanding registries of familial hypercholesterolaemia to assess gaps in care and improve disease management and outcomes: Rationale and design of the global EAS Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration, Atherosclerosis Supplements, 22, 2016, p1-32Journal Article, 2016
  • Murphy TM, Waterhouse DF, Maher V, O'Hanlon R, CMR detection of membraneous ventricular septal aneurysm causing ventricular tachycardia., Diagnostic and interventional imaging, 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • O'Doherty, V., Carr, A., McGrann, A., O'Neill, J.O., Dinan, S., Graham, I., Maher, V., A Controlled Evaluation of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease and Depression, Mindfulness, 6, (3), 2015, p405-416Journal Article, 2015
  • Dillinger, J.-G., Maher, V., Vitale, C., Henry, P., Logeart, D., Silberman, S.M., Allée, G., Levy, B.I., Impact of Ivabradine on Central Aortic Blood Pressure and Myocardial Perfusion in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease, Hypertension, 66, (6), 2015, p1138-1144Journal Article, 2015
  • Cooney, M., Cooney, M.-T., Maher, V., Khan, B., Leong, T., Graham, I., Improvement in the estimation of cardiovascular risk by carotid intima-medial thickness: A report from the Dublin Cardiohealth station study, Preventive Medicine Reports, 2, 2015, p725-729Journal Article, 2015
  • Ananey, O.M., McLoughlin, B., Leonard, A., Maher, L., Gaffney, P., Boran, G., Maher, V., Inverse relationship between physical activity, adiposity, and arterial stiffness in healthy middle-aged subjects, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 12, (12), 2015, p1576-1581Journal Article, 2015
  • Fox K, Ford I, Steg PG, Tardif JC, Tendera M, Ferrari R, SIGNIFY Investigators, Ivabradine in stable coronary artery disease without clinical heart failure., The New England journal of medicine, 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Lincoff AM, Tardif JC, Schwartz GG, Nicholls SJ, Rydén L, Neal B, Malmberg K, Wedel H, Buse JB, Henry RR, Weichert A, Cannata R, Svensson A, Volz D, AleCardio Investigators, Effect of aleglitazar on cardiovascular outcomes after acute coronary syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the AleCardio randomized clinical trial., JAMA, 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Moran, D., Buckley, A., Daly, K., Meaney, B., Curtin, R., O'Neill, J.O., Colwell, N., Mahon, N., Murphy, N., O'Hanlon, R., Daly, C., Mc Adam, B., Mc Donald, K., Maher, V., Heart rate awareness in patients with chronic stable heart failure. A multi-center observational study, International Journal of Cardiology, 177, (2), 2014, p380-384Journal Article, 2014
  • Sattar, N.A., Ginsberg, H., Ray, K., Chapman, M.J., Arca, M., Averna, M., Betteridge, D.J., Bhatnagar, D., Bilianou, E., Carmena, R., "eška, R., Corsini, A., Erbel, R., Flynn, P.D., Garcia-Moll, X., Gumprecht, J., Ishibashi, S., Jambart, S., Kastelein, J.J.P., Maher, V., Marques da Silva, P., Masana, L., Odawara, M., Pedersen, T.R., Rotella, C.M., Salti, I., Teramoto, T., Tokgozoglu, L., Toth, P.P., Valensi, P., Vergès, B., The use of statins in people at risk of developing diabetes mellitus: Evidence and guidance for clinical practice, Atherosclerosis Supplements, 15, (1), 2014, p1-15Journal Article, 2014
  • Dunkler D, Dehghan M, Teo KK, Heinze G, Gao P, Kohl M, Clase CM, Mann JF, Yusuf S, Oberbauer R, ONTARGET Investigators, Diet and kidney disease in high-risk individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus., JAMA internal medicine, 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Dunne, M., Mac Ananey, O., Markham, C., Maher, V., Lipid targets in clinical practice: Successes, failures and lessons to be learned, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 182, (4), 2013, p673-678Journal Article, 2013
  • O'Kane, M.J., Menown, I.B., Graham, I., Maher, V., Tomkin, G., Nicholls, P., Graham, C., The detection of heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia in Ireland, Advances in Therapy, 29, (5), 2012, p456-463Journal Article, 2012
  • Desmond A, Stanton A, Maher V, Crean P, Feely J, Sullivan P, A survey of patients' attitudes to clinical research., Irish medical journal, 2011Journal Article, 2011
  • Murtagh, G., Maher, V., Factors affecting thrombosis in women, Thrombosis: Causes, Treatment and Prevention, 2010, p119-130Journal Article, 2010
  • Fox KA, Després JP, Richard AJ, Brette S, Deanfield JE, IDEA Steering Committee and National Co-ordinators, Does abdominal obesity have a similar impact on cardiovascular disease and diabetes? A study of 91,246 ambulant patients in 27 European countries., European heart journal, 2009Journal Article, 2009
  • Maher, V., O'Dowd, M., Carey, M., Markham, C., Byrne, A., Hand, E., Mc Inerney, D., Association of central obesity with early Carotid intima-media thickening is independent of that from other risk factors, International Journal of Obesity, 33, (1), 2009, p136-143Journal Article, 2009, DOI
  • Rehabilitation of the patient with Coronary Heart Disease Hurst's 13th Edition. in, editor(s)Fuster Walsh Harrington , Hursts The Heart Edition: 13th Chapter:, USA, McGraw Hill Medical, 2010, pp1513 - 1530, [Graham I, Ingram S, Fallon N, Leong T, Gormely J, O Doherty V, Maher V, Benson S. ]Book Chapter, 2010
  • Menown, I.B.A., Murtagh, G., Maher, V., Cooney, M.T., Graham, I.M., Tomkin, G., Dyslipidemia therapy update: The importance of full lipid profile assessment, Advances in Therapy, 26, (7), 2009, p711-718Journal Article, 2009
  • Maher, V.M.G., Kitano, Y., Neuwirth, C., Davies, G.J., Maseri, A., Thompson, G.R., Andreotti, F., Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 removal using dextran sulphate columns. Evidence of PAI-1 homeostasis, Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 28, (2), 2009, p166-172Journal Article, 2009
  • Massie BM, Carson PE, McMurray JJ, Komajda M, McKelvie R, Zile MR, Anderson S, Donovan M, Iverson E, Staiger C, Ptaszynska A, I-PRESERVE Investigators, Irbesartan in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction., The New England journal of medicine, 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • , Effects of the angiotensin-receptor blocker telmisartan on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients intolerant to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: a randomised controlled trial., Lancet (London, England), 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • ONTARGET Investigators, Yusuf S, Teo KK, Pogue J, Dyal L, Copland I, Schumacher H, Dagenais G, Sleight P, Anderson C, Telmisartan, ramipril, or both in patients at high risk for vascular events., The New England journal of medicine, 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • Carey, M., Markham, C., Gaffney, P., Boran, G., Maher, V., Validation of a point of care lipid analyser using a hospital based reference laboratory, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 175, (4), 2006, p30-35Journal Article, 2006
  • Sidhu, P.S., Naoumova, R.P., Maher, V.M.G., MacSweeney, J.E., Neuwirth, C.K.Y., Hollyer, J.S., Thompson, G.R., Erratum: The extracranial carotid artery in familial hypercholesterolaemia: Relationship of intimal-medial thickness and plaque morphology with plasma lipids and coronary heart disease (Journal of Cardiovascular Risk (1996) 3 (61-67)), Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, 3, (4), 1996, p424Journal Article, 1996
  • Maher, V.M.G., Thompson, G.R., LDL apheresis: Role in the treatment of atherosclerosis, Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, 25, (2), 1996, p96-99Journal Article, 1996
  • Sidhu, P.S., Naoumova, R.P., Maher, V.M.G., Macsweeney, J.E., Neuwirth, C.K.Y., Hollyer, J.S., Thompson, G.R., The extracranial carotid artery in familial hypercholesterolemia: Relationship of intimal-medial thickness and plaque morphology with plasma lipids and coronary heart disease, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation, 3, (1), 1996, p61-67Journal Article, 1996
  • Maher VM, Coronary atherosclerosis stabilization: an achievable goal., Atherosclerosis, 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • Maher VM, Brown BG, Marcovina SM, Hillger LA, Zhao XQ, Albers JJ, Effects of lowering elevated LDL cholesterol on the cardiovascular risk of lipoprotein(a)., JAMA, 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • Maher, V.M.G., Gallagher, J.J., Thompson, G.R., Myant, N.B., Does the presence of the 3500 mutant apolipoprotein B-100 in low density lipoprotein particles affect their atherogenicity?, Atherosclerosis, 118, (1), 1995, p105-110Journal Article, 1995
  • Maher, V.M.G., Greg Brown, B., Marcovina, S.M., Hillger, L.A., Zhao, X.-Q., Albers, J.J., Effects of Lowering Elevated LDL Cholesterol on the Cardiovascular Risk of Lipoprotein(a), JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 274, (22), 1995, p1771-1774Journal Article, 1995
  • Thompson, G.R., Maher, V.M.G., Kitano, Y., Neuwirth, C., Maher, V.M.G., Davies, G., Matthews, S., Shortt, M.B., Rees, A., Mir, A., Henderson, A., Prescott, R.J., de Feyter, P., Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Regression Study: a randomised trial of low-density-lipoprotein apheresis, The Lancet, 345, (8953), 1995, p811-816Journal Article, 1995
  • Maher, V.M.G., Brown, B.G., Lipoprotein (a) and coronary heart disease, Current Opinion in Lipidology, 6, (4), 1995, p229-235Journal Article, 1995
  • Brown, B.G., Maher, V.M., Reversal of coronary heart disease by lipid-lowering therapy. Observations and pathological mechanisms., Circulation, 89, (6), 1994, p2928-2933Journal Article, 1994
  • Maher, V.M.G., Gallagher, J.J., Myant, N.B., The binding of very low density lipoprotein remnants to the low density lipoprotein receptor in familial defective apolipoprotein B-100, Atherosclerosis, 102, (1), 1993, p51-61Journal Article, 1993
  • Brown, B.G., Zambon, A., Poulin, D., Rocha, A., Maher, V.M.G., Davis, J.W., Albers, J.J., Brunzell, J.D., Use of niacin, statins, and resins in patients with combined hyperlipidemia, American Journal of Cardiology, 81, (4 A), 1998, p52B-59BJournal Article, 1998
  • Maher, V.M.G., Brown, B.G., Elevated Lipoprotein(a) and Premature Coronary Heart Disease, JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 277, (3), 1997, p209Journal Article, 1997
  • Brown, B.G., Bardsley, J., Poulin, D., Hillger, L.A., Dowdy, A., Maher, V.M.G., Zhao, X.-Q., Albers, J.J., Knopp, R.H., Moderate dose, three-drug therapy with niacin, lovastatin, and colestipol to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol <100 mg/dl in patients with hyperlipidema and coronary artery disease, American Journal of Cardiology, 80, (2), 1997, p111-115Journal Article, 1997
  • Maher, V., Sinfuego, J., Chao, P., Parekh, J., Primary prevention of coronary heart disease. What has WOSCOPS told us and what questions remain?, Drugs, 54, (1), 1997, p1-8Journal Article, 1997
  • Maher VM, Trainer PJ, Scoppola A, Anderson JV, Thompson GR, Besser GM, Possible mechanism and treatment of o,p'DDD-induced hypercholesterolaemia., The Quarterly journal of medicine, 1992Journal Article, 1992
  • Ruth Agar Vincent Maher, Lipid, Lipoprotein and Cholesterol Management in clinical practice, Nursing in General Practice, 6, (1), 2018, p45 - 48Journal Article, 2018
  • E Egom R Pharithi S Hesse N Starr R Armstrong .Habitha M Sulaiman, K Gazdikova I Mozos,· M Caprnda,· P Kubatka,· P KruzliakB Khan· LGaspar· ViMG.Maher, Latest Update on Lipid Management, High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention , 10, (1), 2019Journal Article, 2019
  • E Cronin V Maher, Clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors- another cause for concern in cardiovascular pharmacology ? , Cardio Diabetes , 2, (3), 2009, p12 - 13Journal Article, 2009
  • Vincent Maher, Emer O'Sullivan, Vivien Reid, Donal O 'Shea, Brian Maurer, Ian Graham, Sinead McCarthy, Celine Murrin, Edna Roche, Michael Conway, The Irish Heart Foundation Nutrition Guidelines for Heart Health, 1, , Irish Heart Foundation, june, 2007, p1 - 25Report, 2007
  • Maher V.M.G. Riordan A O , The health promoting hospitals concept., Journal of Health Gain, 2, 2001, p14 - 16Journal Article, 2001
  • C O Brien, J Peters, P Murphy, V Maher, M O Muirahurtha, M Mulvihill, A Moran, , I Perry, L Hennessy, C Barry, T Dorley , Irish Heart Foundation Position Statement on Physical Activity , Irish Heart Foundation , 2000, p1 - 25Report, 2000
  • Vos J1, de Feyter PJ, Kingma JH, Emanuelsson H, Legrand V, Winkelmann B, Dumont JM, Simoons LM. V Maher The Multicenter Anti-Atheroma Study (MAAS) Investigators., Evolution of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with mild coronary artery disease studied by serial quantitative coronary angiography at 2 and 4 years follow-up. , Eur Heart J. , 18, (7), 1997, p1081 - 1089Journal Article, 1997
  • V Maher, Atherosclerotic plaque stabilization: A strategy for managing coronary artery disease., J Royal Colleges of Physicians & Surgeons of Ireland, 26, 1997, p35 - 38Journal Article, 1997
  • Familial Atherosclerosis Treatment Study. in, Bruschke AVG, Reiber JHC, Lie KI, Wellens HJJ Kluwer , Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine "Lipid-Lowering Therapy and Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis, Academic Publishers, London, 1996, pp100 - 104, [V Maher]Book Chapter, 1996
  • HDLc as a therapeutic target in coronary disease: Current concepts and future directions in, editor(s)Assmann G , HDL deficiency and Atherosclerosis, Dordrecht, , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, , 1995, pp29 - 42, [Brown BG, Zhao X-Q, Maher VMG, Chait A, Cheung M, Fisher LD, Albers J.]Book Chapter, 1995
  • MF OLIVERPJ DEFEYTER Jacobus Lubsen...V Maher... FJ VANDALEN, EFFECT OF SIMVASTATIN ON CORONARY ATHEROMA - THE MULTICENTER ANTI-ATHEROMA STUDY (MAAS), The Lancet, 344, (8923), 1994, p633 - 638Journal Article, 1994
  • Dumont JM. (V Maher MAAS Investigator), Effect of cholesterol reduction by simvastatin on progression of coronary atherosclerosis: Design, baseline characteristics, and progress of the Multicenter Anti-Atheroma Study , Control Clin Trials., 14, (3), 1993, p209 - 228Journal Article, 1993
  • LDL Apheresis-State of the art. in, editor(s)W.O. Richter) , Treatment of severe dyslipoproteinemia in the prevention of coronary heart disease , Karger, Munchen, Karger, 1992, pp319 - 326, [Kitano Y., Neuwirth C., Maher V., Thompson G.R. ]Book Chapter, 1992
  • V Maher, Atherosclerosis: cell biology and lipoproteins, Current Opinion in Lipidology , 1, (3), 1990, p294 - 297Journal Article, 1990
  • Devery R., Maher V., Mulhern M., Collins P., Johnson A., Tomkin G., 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity in mononuclear leucocytes of diabetic patients, Biochemical Society Transactions, 15, 1987, p255 - 256Journal Article, 1987
  • Shiwani HA, Pharithi RB, Khan B, Egom CB, Kruzliak P, Maher V, Egom EE., An update on the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Western Africa., Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine, 10, (1), 2017, p6-10Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Egom EE, Fitzgerald R, Canning R, Pharithi RB, Murphy C, Maher V., Determination of Sphingosine-1-Phosphate in Human Plasma Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Q-Tof Mass Spectrometry., International journal of molecular sciences, 18, (8), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Sun XM, Patel DD, Knight BL, Soutar AK. V Maher, Influence of genotype at the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene locus on the clinical phenotype and response to lipid-lowering drug therapy in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia. The Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Regression Study Group., Atherosclerosis, 136, (1), 1998, p175-185Journal Article, 1998, DOI
  • N Fallon, P McGeary, G McKee, MB Quirke, N Flynn, R O'Mahony, V Jones, S Tierney, B Egan, V Maher, C Finn, U McCrystal, C O'Connelll, Peripheral arterial disease risk assessment & rehabilitation programme, The 37th RCSI Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2018, Dublin, Ireland, 28 Feb-1 Mar 2018, 2018Meeting Abstract, 2018
  • N Fallon, P McGeary, G McKee, MB Quirke, N Flynn, R O'Mahony, S.Malone, V Maher, C Finn, The effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation in improving quality of life in patients following a cardiac diagnosis, The 37th RCSI Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference 2018, 28 Feb-1 Mar 2018, 2018Meeting Abstract, 2018
  • Noeleen Fallon, Mary Quirke, Caroline Edgeworth, Nora Flynn, Patricia McGeary, Vincent Maher, Victoria Jones, Gabrielle McKee, Evaluation of the effectiveness of a Phase III specialised Heart Failure Cardiac Rehabilitation programme on patient's cardiovascular risk factor profile, British Journal of Cardiac Nursing , 16, (8), 2021, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Ingram S, Maher V, Bennett K, Gormley J., The effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training on psychological variables of cardiac rehabilitation patients, Resuscitation, 71, (1), 2006, p89 - 96Journal Article, 2006
  • Rehabilitation of the patient with Coronary Heart Disease in, editor(s)Fuster V, O'Rourke R, Walsh R.A, Poole-Wilson P. , Hurst's The Heart, New York, Mc Graw Hill , 2008, pp1529 - 1551, [Graham I, ingram S, fallon N, leong T, gormley J, O'Doherty V, Maher V, Benson S]Book Chapter, 2008
  • E Egom, V Maher E Harris, Latest update on lipid management , Forum, 6, (1), 2018, p24 - 28Journal Article
  • C Murphy V Maher, Understanding, Angiography Angioplasty and Cardiac catheterisation. Revised edition IHF information book, 2nd, Irish Heart Foundation , 2013Book
  • C Daly V Maher, Myocardial Infarction and its management IHF information book Revised edition. , 2nd, 2011Book
  • C Daly V Maher, Step by step through Myocardial Infarction, 1st, Irish Heart Foundation , 2003, 1 - 26ppBook
  • C Murphy V Maher, Step by step through Cardiac Catheterization and Angioplasty , 1st, Irish Heart Foundation , 2003, 1 - 23ppBook
  • K Kirwan V Maher, Step by step through Angina , 2004Book
  • V Maher, Treatment of hyperlipidaemia in pre-menopausal women , HeartWise, 5 , (1), 2002, p18 - 20Journal Article
  • Mary Codd ( Council on Womens Heart Disease V Maher) , Fifty years of heart disease in Ireland 1950 -1999. , 1st, 2001, 1 - 16ppBook
  • V Maher M Carey C Markham, Considerations in blood pressure management , Heart Wise, 4, (3), 2001, p35 - 39Journal Article
  • V Maher, Looking beyond Coronary Artery Stenoses , Heart Wise, 4, (2), 2001, p40 - 42Journal Article
  • V Maher, Suggested management of raised blood lipids. , MIMS, 1989Journal Article

Research Expertise

  • Title
    Determinants of Vascular ageing
    Goal: Longitudinal study to examine the factors that are associated with progressive vascular ageing as measured by vascular stiffness, vascular distensibility, carotid intima media thickening and ventricular diastolic function. Risk factors , anthropometric measurements, body composition and chemical measurements are being made every 5 years on a population of 232 previously healthy , life-long never smokers with initial normal cardiac risk factors.
    Funding Agency
    Clinical trial funds
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Association of obesity with heart failure survival. AdipoHeart Study
    This is a longitudinal study to examine the association of diet, activity levels, functional capacity, vascular stiffness, anthropometric measurements, body composition and psychological status on outcomes in a population of 400 patients with chronic stable heart failure.
    Funding Agency
    Clinical trial funds plus fund raising
    Date From
    Date To

Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Other health sciences,


  • Clinical Associate Physician Award NIH 10th Recipient UWMC 1994
  • Fellow of European Society of Cardiology 2019
  • Member of Irish Cardiac Society 2019
  • Honorary Life Member of IACR 2019
  • Member of European Atherosclerosis Society 2019
  • Member of EAS FH Steering Committee 2019
  • Fellow of the American College of Cardiology 2019
  • Founder of the Irish Angiology Society 1998
  • Regional Director Of Heart failure Services Dublin Mid Leinster 2010 - present
  • Vice President of the Irish Association of Cardiac rehabilitation 2004
  • Board Member ASH Ireland 2000
  • Medical Director of the Irish Heart Foundation 1998
  • Chairman Irish Health Promoting Hospital Network 1999
  • National and International Lectures 1998
  • President of the Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation 2006 to 2008
  • Chairman of Irish Lipid Network 2016
  • Treasurer Irish Cardiac Society 2017
  • President of the Irish Hyperlipidaemia Association 2005 to 2007
  • National Lead on European Atherosclerosis Society FH Steering Committee 2016
  • Member KOWA Global Advisory Board on Lipid Management 2010