In 1980, I qualified from Medical School at University College Dublin with a Second Class Honours degree (6th place in my class) having been awarded several prizes during my undergraduate training. After qualification, I trained in Ireland for 4 years: as an Intern at St. Vincent's Hospital; as a Medical SHO for 2 years in the training scheme at St. Vincent's Hospital; and as a Medical Registrar for 1 year at Dr Steevan's Hospital. During this time, I passed the membership examination of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. In 1984, I moved to the USA for higher specialty training. For 3 years from 1984 to 1987, I was a Resident in the Neurology Training Program at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. For 1 year from 1987 to 1988, I trained as Clinical Neurophysiology Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.I returned to Henry Ford Hospital for 2 years from 1988 to 1990 as a Senior Neurophysiology Fellow. Upon my return to Ireland, I completed my M.D. thesis followed by 1 year as a Neurology Registrar at St. Vincent's Hospital. In September 1992, I was appointed as the first Consultant Neurologist at St. James's Hospital, as well as being the first female consultant neurologist in Ireland. Since 1992, I have been responsible for the development of the neurology service at SJH, including the establishment of a clinical neurophysiology department encompassing electrodiagnostic techniques that I acquired during my training in the USA. I have witnessed the expansion the neurology service over the past 26 years with contributions from my newly appointed colleagues. My career at St. James's has been devoted to clinical neurology, teaching undergraduates, training postgraduates, and conducting clinical research as the opportunities arose. In latter years, I have been active in a leadership nationally - being President of Irish Neurological Association, Secretary/Assistant Dean of the Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, and Joint National Specialty Director for Higher Specialty Training in Neurology.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Fitzgerald O, Redmond JMT., Antraquinone induced clubbing, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 152, 1983, p246 - 247Journal Article, 1983, DOI
- Redmond JMT, Thompson AJ, Hutchinson M. , Acute central cervical cord injury., British Medical Journal, 286, 1983, p1704 - 1704Journal Article, 1983, DOI
- Redmond JMT, Stritch M, Blaney P., Severe tetanus in a narcotic addict, Irish Medical Journal, 77, 1984, p325 - 326Journal Article, 1984
- Redmond JMT, Ahmad BK, Recovery following acute pontine haemorrhage, Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal, 34, (1), 1986, p6 - 10Journal Article, 1986
- Brunner J, Redmond JMT, Haggar A, Elias SB, Central pontine myelinolysis after rapid correction of hyponatremia: A magnetic resonance imaging study, Annals of Neurology, 23, 1988, p389 - 391Journal Article, 1988, DOI
- Redmond JMT, Cros D, Martin JB, Shahani BT., Relapsing bilateral brachial plexopathy during pregnancy. Report of a case, Archives of Neurology, 46, 1989, p462 - 464Journal Article, 1989, DOI
- Brunner J, Redmond JMT, Haggar A, Elias SB., Central pontine myelinolysis after rapid correction of hyponatremia: A prospective magnetic resonance imaging study, Annals of Neurology, 27, 1990, p61 - 66Journal Article, 1990, DOI
- Redmond JMT, Cros D, Shahani BT, Quantitative sensory testing: implications for clinical practice, Henry Ford Hospital Medical Journal, 38, 1990, p62 - 67Journal Article, 1990, DOI
- Redmond JMT, McKenna MJ, Feingold M, Ahmad BK., Sensory testing versus nerve conduction velocity in diabetic polyneuropathy, Muscle and Nerve, 18, 1992, p351 - 352Journal Article, 1992, DOI
- Redmond JMT, McKenna MJ, Feingold M, Ahmad BK., Effect of thermode temperature on thermal testing, Muscle and Nerve, 16, 1993, p799 - 801Journal Article, 1993, DOI
- Hayes F, Redmond JMT, McKenna MJ., Thoracic polyradiculopathy: abdominal wall swelling and sensory symptoms in diabetes mellitus, Irish Medical Journal, 87, 1994, p152 - 153Journal Article, 1994
- Redmond JMT, McKenna MJ, Feingold M, Ahmad BK, Sensory testing is different in laboratory personnel compared with paid volunteers, Muscle and Nerve, 18, 1995, p351 - 352Journal Article, 1995, DOI
- O'Riordan JI, Hayes J, Fitzgerald MX, Redmond J., Peripheral nerve dysfunction in adult patients with cystic fibrosis, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 164, 1995, p207 - 208Journal Article, 1995, DOI
- Redmond JMT, McKenna MJ, Feingold M, Ahmad BK., Smoking impairs sensation in healthy individuals, Journal of Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, 25, 1996, p19 - 21Journal Article, 1996
- Tubridy N, Redmond JMT., Neurological symptoms attributed to epidural analgesia in labour: an observational study of seven cases, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 103, 1996, p1495 - 1496Journal Article, 1996, DOI
- King MD, O'Neill G, Poulton J, Moran M, Burke M, Redmond J, Farrell MA, Polyneuropathy in the mtDNA base pair 3243 point mutation, Neurology, 46, 1996, p1495 - 1496Journal Article, 1996, DOI
- McCabe DJ, McCarthy GP, Condon F, Connolly S, Brennan P, Brett FM, Hurson B, Sheahan K, Redmond J., Atypical ganglion cell tumour of the sciatic nerve, Archives of Neurology, 59, 2002, p296 - 300Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- McCabe DJH, Wood NW, Ryan F, Hanna MG, Connolly S, Moore DP, Redmond J, Barton DE, Murphy RP, Intrafamilial phenotypic variability in Friedreich Ataxia associated with a G130V mutation in the FRDA gene, Archives of Neurology, 59, 2002, p296 - 300Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- Lane H, Bermingham N, Farrell MA, Redmond J, Connolly S, Brett FM, Mitochondrial disorder with a common 4977-bp deletion presenting as a novel multisystem neurodegenerative disorder, Irish Medical Journal, 96, 2003, p249 - 250Journal Article, 2003
- O'Sullivan SS, Redmond JMT, Insulinoma presenting as refractory late-onset epilepsy. Epilepsia, Epilepsia, 46, 2005, p1690 - 1691Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- O'Sullivan SS, O'Connell B, Redmond J., Aseptic meningitis: a 2-year review of diagnoses reached in a tertiary neurological and infectious disease centre, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 176, 2007, p215 - 219Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Shuhaibar M, McKenna MJ, Au-Yeong M, Redmond JM, Favorable effect of immunomodulator therapy on bone mineral density in multiple sclerosis, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 176, 2007, p43 - 45Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- O'Connor, G Ryan T, Redmond J, Doherty C., The value of motor response versus neuroimaging in predicting outcome post cardiac arrest. A retrospective study, Journal of Neurology, 257, 2010, p1400 - 1401Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- McNamara PH, Costelloe L, Langan Y, Redmond J., Anti-Yo positive dorsal root ganglionopathy, Journal of Neurology, 258, 2010, p1400 - 1401Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- McNamara PH, Costelloe L, Langan Y, Redmond J., Aquaporin-4 seropositivity in a patient with coeliac disease but normal neurological examination and imaging, Journal of Neurology, 258, 2011, p702 - 703Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Iqbal M, Monaghan T, Redmond J., Manganese toxicity with ephedrone abuse manifesting as parkinsonism: a case report, Journal of Medical Case Reports, 6, 2012, p52 - 52Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- McNamara P, Kiely BM, Zekan S, Redmond J, Mulcahy F., Bilateral brachial neuritis secondary to varicella reactivation in an HIV-positive man, International Journal of STD and AIDS, 23, 2012, p145 - 146Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Iqbal M, Connolly S, Langan Y, Redmond J., A case of Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome with possible myasthenia gravis, Irish Medical Journal, 105, 2012, p183 - 184Journal Article, 2012, URL
- McNamara P, Redmond J, Bergin C, Doherty C., The case for cognitive screening in HIV clinics, Irish Medical Journal, 105, 2012, p244 - 245Journal Article, 2012, URL
- O'Connor G, Bradley D, McNamara P, Connolly S, Langan Y, Redmond J., Late-onset CMT phenotype caused by a novel mutation in the MPZ gene, European Journal of Neurology, 19, 2012, p65 - 66Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- McKenna MJ, Murray B, Lonergan R, Redmond J., Immunomodulators for multiple sclerosis may ameliorate spinal bone loss, irish Journal of Medical Science, 182, 2013, p29 - 32Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Iyer PM, Fagan AJ, Meaney JF, Colgan NC, Meredith SD, O'Driscoll D, Curran KM, Bradley D, Redmond J, Horizontal nystagmus and multiple sclerosis using 3 tesla magnetic resonance imaging, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 185, (4), 2016, p881 - 886Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Chalissery AJ, Munteanu T, Langan Y, Brett F, Redmond J., A mutation in lamin a/c gene previously known to cause emery-driefuss muscular dystrophy causing a phenotype of limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 1b, Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 6, (4), 2016, p1 - 3Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- McDermott A, Zaporojan L, McNamara P, Doherty CP, Redmond J, Forde C, Gormley J, EgaƱa M, Bergin C., The effects of a 16-week aerobic exercise programme on cognitive function in people living with HIV, AIDS Care, 6, 2017, p667 - 674Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- McNamara PH, Coen R, Redmond J, Doherty C.P, Bergin C., A high prevalence rate of a positive screen for cognitive impairment in patients with human immunodeficiency virus attending an Irish clinic, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 4, (1), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Chalissery AJ, Munteanu T, Langan Y, Brett F, Redmond J., Diverse phenotype of hypokalaemic periodic paralysis within a family, Practical Neurology, 18, (1), 2018, p60 - 65Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Lambe J, Redmond J., Analysis of the outpatient lumbar puncture service in a tertiary hospital, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 187, 2017, p521 - 524Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Lambe J, Monaghan B, Munteanu T, Redmond J., CAPN1 mutations broadening the hereditary spastic paraplegia/spinocerebellar ataxia phenotype, Practical Neurology, 18, (5), 2018, p369 - 372Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Bede P, Finegan E, Chipika RH, Li Hi Shing S, Lambe J, Meaney J, Redmond J., Oculomotor Neural Integrator Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis: Insights From Neuroimaging, Frontiers in Neurology, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Cerebrovascular Disease in, editor(s)Davidson JK , Clinical Diabetes Mellitus: A Problem-Oriented Approach. 2nd Edition, New York, Thieme Medical Publishers Inc., 1991, pp470 - 485, [McKenna MJ, Redmond JMT, Whitehouse FW]Book Chapter, 1991
- Cerebrovascular Disease in, editor(s)Davidson JK , Clinical Diabetes Mellitus: A Problem-Oriented Approach. 3rd Edition., New York, Thieme Medical Publishers Inc., 2000, pp549 - 560, [McKenna MJ, Redmond JMT, Whitehouse FW. ]Book Chapter, 2000
- Tubridy N, Redmond JMT, O'Connor M., Vogt Koyanagi Harada Syndrome, Irish Medical Journal, 89, 1996, p53 - 53Journal Article, 1996
- O'Donnell MM, Redmond J., Coverage of multiple sclerosis in the Irish written media, Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 47, 2021, p102623-Journal Article, 2021, URL
- McKenna MC, Al-Hinai M, Bradley D, Doran E, Hunt I, Hutchinson S, Langan Y, O'Rourke D, Qasem R, Redmond J, Troy E, Doherty CP., Patients' Experiences of Remote Neurology Consultations during the COVID-19 Pandemic, European Neurology, 83, (6), 2021, p622 - 625Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Fearon C, Lonergan R, Ferguson D, Byrne S, Bradley D, Langan Y, Redmond J., Very-late-onset Friedreich's ataxia: Diagnosis in a kindred with late-onset cerebellar ataxia, Practical Neurology, 1, (20), 2020, p55 - 58Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Fearon C, Moloney K, Chalissery A, Ferguson D, Redmond J., The opioid epidemic and headache: Experience of a general neurology consult service, Cephalgia Reports, 3, 2020, p1 - 4Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Zaporojan L, McNamara PH, Williams JA, Bergin C, Redmond J, Doherty CP, Seizures in HIV: The case for special consideration, Epilepsy and Behavior Case Reports, 13, (10), 2018, p38 - 43Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- McNamara, P.H. Redmond, J.M.T. Doherty, C.P., Varicella-zoster virus encephalitis and vasculopathy in a patient treated with fingolimod, Neurology, 81, (3), 2013, p306-Journal Article, DOI , URL
- Redmond JMT, McKenna MJ., Quantitative sensory testing, Muscle and Nerve, 10, 1996, p403 - 403Journal Article, DOI
- Redmond JMT, McKenna MJ, Neuropathy endpoints, Neurology, 46, (4), 1996, p1193 - 1193Journal Article, DOI
- McKenna MJ, Redmond JMT, Response to the letter from Kampmann and Steffensen, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 178, 2009, p237 - 238Journal Article, DOI
- Byrne S, Jordan I, Redmond J., Prevalence and treatment of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, Lancet Neurology, 12, 2013, p424 - 424Journal Article, DOI
- Byrne S, Munteanu T, Redmond J., Interaction of doctors with pharmaceutical companies, BMJ Open, 4, (7), 2014, pe004880-Journal Article
- Redmond JMT, Therapeutic approach to the management of epilepsy, Irish Medical Journal, 87, 1994, p16 - 16Journal Article
- Redmond JMT., The management of partial seizures, Irish Medical Journal, 89, 1996, p54 - 54Journal Article
Research Expertise
Undergraduate: In my final medical year (1980), I prepared a research paper on myotonic dystrophy that was awarded the Magennis medal. Postgraduate: July 1980 to June 1984: During the term of my training in general medicine I published three case reports of patients under my care. July 1984 to June 1987: During my residency training in neurology I participated in a study on the effects of hyponatremia on the central nervous system. At that time, it was controversial whether rapid correction of hyponatremia contributed to central pontine myelinolysis. Using magnetic resonance imaging we demonstrated that rapid correction was harmful. July 1987 to June 1988: My predominant research interest during my neurophysiology fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital was the application of quantitative sensory testing to the investigation of peripheral neuropathy. I learnt and modified the Marstock method of measuring thermal sensation and vibration. I established reference ranges for the laboratory. I conducted a study on the reproducibility of the technique. I also performed preliminary studies on patients with Guillain Barré Syndrome and on patients with alcoholic peripheral neuropathy. M.D. thesis ,July 1988 to June 1990: I conducted the following research projects: (1) Determining the effect of age and other predictor variables (namely, height, body mass index, gender, handedness, skin temperature, cigarette smoking and alcohol intake) on quantitative sensory testing; (2) Study of quantitative sensory testing in subjects with diabetes mellitus; (3) Study of the effect on skin temperature on results of quantitative sensory testing. The work was awarded a Doctor of Medicine degree from University College Dublin in December 1991. July 1991 to Jun 1992: I conducted a study of peripheral neuropathy in patients with cystic fibrosis. Consultant Neurologist: Clinical practice based research: Since 1992 in my position as consultant neurologist in St James's Hospital, I have supervised many medical students, medical senior house officers, and neurology specialist registrars in the conduct of small clinical studies and audits. Cognitive impairment in AIDS: I have participated in a clinical collaborative research programme about cognitive impairment in patients with AIDS. This collaboration has been a joint effort by Professor Colm Bergin, Dr. Colin Doherty, and myself. Dr Patricia McNamara, who performed the first collaborative research project on neurological aspects of AIDS. was awarded a PhD from TCD in 2015 for thesis entitled: The Inflammatory Degenerative Continuum of HIV Related Cognitive Impairment. With the same team of consultant colleagues, Dr Lilia Zaporojan, continued the same research project and she submitted PhD in September 2018 entitled: A follow-up study evaluating the effects of HIV related cognitive impairment. Study of Nystagmus in Multiple Sclerosis using 3 Tesla MRI: This research programme is in collaboration with the Centre of Advanced Medical Imaging (CAMI) under the direction of Dr. James Meaney in St James's Hospital using 3 Tesla MRI. It is widely recognized that white matter pathology alone does not account for the heterogeneity of clinical manifestations in MS. We conducted a study of patients with MS-associated nystagmus. The first study by Iyer et explored abnormalities in tractography. The second study that was led by Dr. Peter Bede devised novel morphometric analyses in order to evaluate patterns of gray matter pathology in cortical, subcortical, brainstem, and cerebellar regions. The study identified nystagmus-associated gray matter degeneration in medial cerebellar, posterior medullar, central pontine, and superior collicular regions - that are along the neural integrator circuit. Further studies are needed to explore other aspects of gray matter degeneration in MS.
- Bellingham prize for Clinical Medicine, St. Vincent's Hospital, Dublin 1980
- College scholarship for Pre-Medical examination and a Catholic University award for 1st place in Physics 1975
- Award for the best article published by a House Officer in the Henry Ford Hospital Journal in 1986. Article entitled: "Recovery Following Acute Pontine Haemorrhage" 1987
- College prize for First Medical Examination 1976
- Dargan prize in Medicine, St. Vincent's Hospital, Dublin 1978
- College scholarship for Third Medical Examination 1978
- Young Investigator Award, American Academy of Electrodiagnostic Medicine, at 38th Annual Scientific Meeting 1991
- Tobin prize in Surgery, St. Vincent's Hospital, Dublin 1978
- Magennis medal for a research paper on dystrophia myotonica and an oral examination in Pathology and Microbiology, St. Vincent's Hospital, Dublin 1980
- American College of Physicians (Fellow) Current
- Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Current
- Royal College of Physicians in Ireland Current
- Association of British Neurologists Current
- American Academy of Neurology Current
- American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine Current