Professor John Nolan
Adjunct Professor, Clinical Medicine
Associate Prof in Endocrinology, Biochemistry
Email jnolan@tcd.ie Phone http://people.tcd.ie/jnolanBiography
Independent consultant and senior adviser. I work with academic institutions, companies and organisations on strategy and policy in the fields of diabetes, metabolism, and obesity. My focus is on translational medicine with a particular interest in the development of precision medicine for diabetes. I work part-time as consultant diabetologist at Wexford General Hospital.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Sinnott M, Kinsley B.T, Jackson A.D, Walsh C, O'Grady T, Nolan J.J, Gaffney P, Boran G, Kelleher C, Carr B, Fasting plasma glucose as initial screening for diabetes and prediabetes in irish adults: The diabetes mellitus and vascular health initiative (DMVhi), PLoS ONE, 10, (4), 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Sinnott M, Kinsley B.T, Jackson A.D, Walsh C, O'Grady T, Nolan J.J, Gaffney P, Boran G, Kelleher C, Carr B, Fasting plasma glucose as initial screening for diabetes and prediabetes in irish adults: The diabetes mellitus and vascular health initiative (DMVhi), PLoS ONE, 10, (4), 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Suter, S., Nolan, J. et al, Metabolic effects of a new Oral Hypoglycemic Agent, CS-045, in noninsulin dependent diabetic subjects, Diabetes Care, 15, 1992, p193 - 203Journal Article, 1992
- Freidenberg, G.R., Suter, S., Henry, R.R., Nolan, J.J., Reichart, D., and Olefsky, J.M. , Delayed onset of Insulin Activation of the Insulin Receptor Kinase in vivo in human skeletal muscle, Diabetes, 43, 1994, p118 - 126Journal Article, 1994
- Nolan, J.J., Freidenberg, G.R., Henry, R.R., Reichart, D. and Olefsky, J.M, Role of Human Skeletal Muscle Insulin Receptor Kinase in the Insulin Resistance of NIDDM and Obesity., J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab , 78, 1994, p471 - 477Journal Article, 1994
- Morales, A.J., Nolan, J.J., Nelson, J.C. and Yen, S.S.C, Effects of Replacement Dose of Dehydoepiandrosterone (DHEA) in Men and Women of Advancing Age, J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab, 78, 1994, p1360 - 1367Journal Article, 1994
- Nolan,J.J., Ludvik, B., Beerdsen, P., Joyce, M. and Olefsky, J.M, Improvement in Glucose Tolerance and Insulin Resistance in Obese Subjects Treated with Troglitazone, N. Engl. J. Med, 331, 1994, p1188 - 1193Journal Article, 1994
- Ludvik, B., Nolan, J.J., Roberts, A., Baloga, J., Joyce, M., Bell, J and Olefsky, J.M., A Noninvasive Method to Measure Splanchnic Glucose Uptake after Oral Glucose Administration, J. Clin. Invest, 95, 1995, p2232 - 2238Journal Article, 1995
- Ludvik, B., Nolan, J.J., Baloga, J., Sacks, D. and Olefsky, J.M, Effect of obesity on Insulin Resistance in normal subjects and patients with NIDDM., Diabetes, 44, 1995, p1121 - 1125Journal Article, 1995
- Nolan, J.J., Ludvik, B., Joyce, M., Reichart, D., Bell, J and Olefsky, J.M. , Mechanisms of the Kinetic Defect in Insulin Action in Obesity and NIDDM , Diabetes, 46, 1997, p994 - 1000Journal Article, 1997
- Kolaczynski, J.W., Nyce, M.R., Considine, R.V., Boden, G., Nolan, J.J., Henry, R., Mudaliar, S.R., Olefsky, J. and Caro, J.F. , Acute and Chronic Effect of Insulin on Leptin Production in Humans: Studies in vivo and in vitro, Diabetes, 45, 1996, p699 - 701Journal Article, 1996
- Nolan, J.J., Olefsky, J.M., Nyce, M.R., Considine, R.V. and Caro, J.F, Effect of Troglitazone on Leptin Production: Studies in Vitro and in Human Subjects, Diabetes, 45, 1996, p1276 - 1278Journal Article, 1996
- Deftos, LJ, Nolan JJ, Seely BL, Clopton PL, Cote GJ, Whitham CL, Florek LJ, Christensen, Hill MR, Intrapulmonary drug delivery of salmon calcitonin, Calcified Tissue Int, 61, 1997, p345 - 347Journal Article, 1997
- Ludvik, B., Nolan JJ, Roberts, A, Baloga, J, Joyce, M, Bell, JM and Olefsky, JM, Evidence for Decreased Splanchnic Glucose Uptake After Oral Glucose Administration in Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, J. Clin. Invest , 100, 1997, p2354 - 2361Journal Article, 1997
- Thomaseth, K, Pacini G, Clodi M, Kautzky-Willer A, Nolan JJ, Prager R, Olefsky JM, Ludvik B., Amylin Release During Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, Diabetic Medicine, 14, 1997, pS29 - S34Journal Article, 1997
- Maggs DG, Burant CF, Buchanan TA, Cline G, Gumbiner B, Hsueh WA, Inzucchi S, Kelley D, Nolan JJ, Olefsky JM, Polonsky KS, Siilver D, Valiquett TR, Shulman GI. , Metabolic Effects of Troglitazone Monotherapy in Type II Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo controlled Trial. , Ann Int Med, 128, 1998, p176 - 185Journal Article, 1998
- Nolan JJ, Jones NP, Patwardhan R and Deacon L , Rosiglitazone taken once daily provides effective glycemic control in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Diabetic Medicine, 17, 2000, p287 - 294Journal Article, 2000
- Mari A, Pacini G, Ludvik B, Murphy E and Nolan JJ, A model-based method for assessing insulin sensitivity from the oral glucose tolerance test, Diabetes Care, 24, 2001, p539 - 548Journal Article, 2001
- O'Toole EA, Kennedy U, Nolan JJ, Young MM and Barnes L, Necrobiosis Lipoidica: only a minority of patients has diabetes mellitus, Brit. J. Dermatol , 140, 1999, p283 - 286Journal Article, 1999
- Conroy S, Yasser HA, Abdel-Wahab, Caraher EM, Byrne PM, Murphy E, Nolan JJ, Flatt P and Newsholme P, Evidence for complement-dependent and independent inhibition of insulin secretion from clonal beta-cells incubated in the presence of newly diagnosed IDDM patient sera, J Endocrinology, 164, 2000, p139 - 147Journal Article, 2000
- Tura A, Ludvik B, Nolan JJ, Pacini G and Thomaseth K, Insulin and C-peptide secretion and kinetics in humans: direct and model-based measurements during OGTT., Am J Physiol (Endocrinol Metab) , 281, 2001, pE966 - E974Journal Article, 2001
- Cullen MG, Nolan JJ, Cullen M, Moloney M, Kearney J, Lambe J and Gibney MJ, The effect of high levels of intense sweetener intake in insulin dependent diabetics on the ratio of dietary sugar to fat: a case control study. , Eur J Clin Nut , 58, 2004, p1336 - 1341Journal Article, 2004
- Walshe P, Rowley H, McGlone B, Griffin J, Nolan J and Timon C, Clinical Problem Solving: Radiology Quiz Case 1 (Lingual Thyroid). , Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg , 127, 2001, p1506-Journal Article, 2001
- Conroy S, Green I, Dixon G, Byrne P, Nolan J, Abdel-Wahab HA, McCleneghan N, Flatt PR and Newsholme P. , Evidence for a sustained increase in clonal beta-cell basal intracellular calcium levels after incubation in the presence of newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetic patient sera. Possible role in serum induced inhibition of insulin secretion, J. Endocrinology , 173, 2002, p53 - 62Journal Article, 2002
- Baksi A, James RE, Zhou B and Nolan JJ, Comparison of uptitration of gliclazide with the addition of rosiglitazone to gliclazide in patients with Type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on half maximal doses of a sulphonylurea, Acta Diabetologica, 41, 2004, p63 - 69Journal Article, 2004
- Ludvik B, Thomaseth K, Nolan JJ, Clodi M, Prager R and Pacini G, Inverse relation between amylin and glucagons secretion in healthy and diabetic human subjects. , Eur J Clin Invest , 33, 2003, p316 - 322Journal Article, 2003
- Dixon G, Nolan JJ, Mc Clenaghan N, Flatt PR and Newsholme P, A comparative study of nutrient consumption by rat islet cells and the clonal beta-cell line BRIN BD11 - the functional significance of L-alanine. , J Endocrinology , 179, 2003, p447 - 454Journal Article, 2003
- Fiona Moloney1, Toh PengYeow2, Anne Mullen1, Michael J Gibney1, John J Nolan2 & Helen M. Roche1, Conjugated Linoleic Acid supplementation, insulin sensitivity and lipoprotein metabolism in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Am J Clin Nut , 80, 2004, p887 - 895Journal Article, 2004
- D Smith, V Ng, M Bonar, C Merry, C Bergin, MJ Cullen, JJ Nolan, Neurocysticercosis: A rare cause of seizure., Irish Medical Journal, 97, 2004, p264 - 265Journal Article, 2004
- Smith D, Cullen MJ, Nolan JJ, The cost of managing diabetic foot ulceration in an Irish hospital, Ir J Med Sci, 173, 2004, p170 - 173Journal Article, 2004
- Hayes R, Grimson B, Pacini G, Nolan JJ, The evaluation of a windows based computer program implementing the minimal model as used with the intravenous glucose tolerance test in diabetes research and clinical management, Medinfo, 2004, p1636-Journal Article, 2004
- Hayes R, Grimson B, Pacini G, Nolan JJ., A strategy to enhance the usability of the minimal model as used with the intravenous glucose tolerance test in diabetes research and clinical management., Stud Health Technol Inform, 90, 2002, p519 - 524Journal Article, 2002
- Rahman Y, Knape T, Gargan M, Power G, Hederman L, Wade V, Nolan JJ, Grimson J. , e-clinic: An electronic Triage System in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Medinfo, 2004, p246 - 250Journal Article, 2004
- McQuaid S1*, O'Gorman DJ1*,Yousif O1, Yeow TP1, Rahman Y1, Gasparro D1, Pacini G2, Nolan JJ1, Early Onset Insulin-Resistant Diabetes in Obese Caucasians has Features of Typical Type 2 Diabetes, but Three Decades Earlier, Diabetes Care, 28, 2005, p1216 - 1218Journal Article, 2005
- Insulin Resistance and Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in, Am J Clin Nut, USA, 1995, pp980S - 986S, [Olefsky, J.M. and Nolan, J.J. ]Book Chapter, 1995
- Multiple Etiologies for Insulin Resistance in NIDDM in, editor(s)R. Kawamori, M. Vranic, E.S. Horton, M. Kubota , Glucose Fluxes, exercise and diabetes, USA, Smith-Gordon & Co, 1995, pp193 - 200, [Nolan, J.J. and Olefsky, J.M]Book Chapter, 1995
- Syndromes Involving Multiple Endocrine Glands. in, editor(s)Greenspan, F. and Strewler, G , Basic and Clinical Endocrinology, USA, Appleton and Lange, 1997, pp753 - 770, [Deftos, L.J., Catherwood, B. and Nolan, J.J]Book Chapter, 1997
- Insulin Action and Insulin Resistance in NIDDM in, editor(s)Draznin, B and Rizza, R , Clinical Research in Diabetes and Obesity: Volume II: Diabetes and Obesity, USA, The Humana Press, 1997, pp137 - 158, [Nolan, J.J. and Olefsky, J.M. ]Book Chapter, 1997
- Obesity in, editor(s)C. Wayne Bardin , Current Therapy of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 6th edition, USA, Mosby, 1997, pp505 - 509, [Nolan, J.J. and Henry, R.R]Book Chapter, 1997
- Insulin Sensitizers in, editor(s)D. John Betteridge , Diabetes: Current Perspectives, UK, Martin Dunitz, 1999, pp267 - 293, [Nolan, J.J]Book Chapter, 1999
- Insulin Sensitizers in, editor(s)K. Hatt , Topical Endocrinology, UK, Chapterhouse Codex, 1999, pp11 - 14, [Nolan, J.J]Book Chapter, 1999
- Insulin sensitzer Drugs in, Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 2000, pp1347 - 1361, [E Murphy and JJ Nolan]Book Chapter, 2000
- Does IGT exist, and if so what should be done about it? in, editor(s)Gill, Pickup and Williams , Difficult Diabetes - Current Management Challenge, UK, Blackwell, 2001, pp22 - 35, [Nolan JJ and Murphy E]Book Chapter, 2001
- What is the role of the thiazolidinediones (glitazones) in clinical practice? in, editor(s)AH Barnett , Diabetes Annual , UK, Martin Dunitz, 2002, pp119 - 141, [E Murphy and JJ Nolan]Book Chapter, 2002
- What is Type 2 Diabetes? in, editor(s)S Heller and S Dineen , Medicine International , UK, The Medicine Publishing Company, 2002, [Nolan JJ]Book Chapter, 2002
- Exercise in Diabetes and Obesity in, editor(s)J Gormley and J Hussey , Exercise in Prevention and Treatment of Disease, UK, Blackwell, 2005, pp59 - 79, [DJ O'Gorman and JJ Nolan]Book Chapter, 2005
- Mogensen CE, Viberti G, Halimi S, Ritz E, Ruilope L, Jermendy G, Widimsky J, Sareli P, Taton J, Rull J, Erdogan G, De Leeuw P, Ribeiro A, Sanchez R, Mechmeche R, Nolan JJ et al, Effect of a very low dose Combination of Perindopril and Indapamide on albuminuria in Type 2 Diabetes - The Premier Study (Preterax in microalbuminuria regression), Hypertension , 41, 2003, p1063 - 1071Journal Article, 2003
- Riddle MC, Philipson LH, Rich SS, Carlsson A, Franks PW, Greeley SAW, Nolan JJ, Pearson ER, Zeitler PS, Hattersley AT, Monogenic Diabetes: From Genetic Insights to Population-Based Precision in Care. Reflections From a Diabetes Care Editors' Expert Forum., Diabetes care, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Chung WK, Erion K, Florez JC, Hattersley AT, Hivert MF, Lee CG, McCarthy MI, Nolan JJ, Norris JM, Pearson ER, Philipson L, McElvaine AT, Cefalu WT, Franks PW, Precision medicine in diabetes: a Consensus Report from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)., Diabetologia, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Mingrone G, Panunzi S, De Gaetano A, Ahlin S, Spuntarelli V, Bondia-Pons I, Barbieri C, Capristo E, Gastaldelli A, Nolan JJ, Insulin sensitivity depends on the route of glucose administration., Diabetologia, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Ahlin S, Cefalo C, Bondia-Pons I, Capristo E, Marini L, Gastaldelli A, Mingrone G, Nolan JJ, Bile acid changes after metabolic surgery are linked to improvement in insulin sensitivity., The British journal of surgery, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- O'Donoghue G, Kennedy A, Andersen GS, Carr B, Cleary S, Durkan E, Davis H, Færch K, Fitzpatrick P, Kenny H, McCaffrey N, Monedero J, Murphy E, O'Gorman DJ, Phenotypic Responses to a Lifestyle Intervention Do Not Account for Inter-Individual Variability in Glucose Tolerance for Individuals at High Risk of Type 2 Diabetes., Frontiers in physiology, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Shah UJ, Xie W, Flyvbjerg A, Nolan JJ, Højlund K, Walker M, Relton CL, Elliott HR, RISC consortium, Differential methylation of the type 2 diabetes susceptibility locus KCNQ1 is associated with insulin sensitivity and is predicted by CpG site specific genetic variation., Diabetes research and clinical practice, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Napier AD, Nolan JJ, Bagger M, Hesseldal L, Volkmann AM, Study protocol for the Cities Changing Diabetes programme: a global mixed-methods approach., BMJ open, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Hernández-Alvarez MI, Díaz-Ramos A, Berdasco M, Cobb J, Planet E, Cooper D, Pazderska A, Wanic K, O'Hanlon D, Gomez A, de la Ballina LR, Esteller M, Zorzano A, Early-onset and classical forms of type 2 diabetes show impaired expression of genes involved in muscle branched-chain amino acids metabolism., Scientific reports, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Suvitaival T, Bondia-Pons I, Yetukuri L, Pöhö P, Nolan JJ, Hyötyläinen T, Kuusisto J, Oreši" M, Lipidome as a predictive tool in progression to type 2 diabetes in Finnish men., Metabolism: clinical and experimental, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Chung WK, Erion K, Florez JC, Hattersley AT, Hivert MF, Lee CG, McCarthy MI, Nolan JJ, Norris JM, Pearson ER, Philipson L, McElvaine AT, Cefalu WT, Franks PW, Precision Medicine in Diabetes: A Consensus Report From the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)., Diabetes care, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Jensen ML, Persson F, Andersen GS, Ridderstråle M, Nolan JJ, Carstensen B, Jørgensen ME, Incidence of Ketoacidosis in the Danish Type 2 Diabetes Population Before and After Introduction of Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors-A Nationwide, Retrospective Cohort Study, 1995-2014., Diabetes care, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Müller N, Khunti K, Kuss O, Lindblad U, Nolan JJ, Rutten GE, Trento M, Porta M, Roth J, Charpentier G, Jörgens V, Müller UA, Is there evidence of potential overtreatment of glycaemia in elderly people with type 2 diabetes? Data from the GUIDANCE study., Acta diabetologica, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Dreher JC, Dunne S, Pazderska A, Frodl T, Nolan JJ, O'Doherty JP, Testosterone causes both prosocial and antisocial status-enhancing behaviors in human males., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- Roussel R, Natali A, Balkau B, Højlund K, Sánchez G, Nolan JJ, Mari A, Kozakova M, Bonnet F, Beta-cell function is associated with carotid intima-media thickness independently of insulin resistance in healthy individuals., Journal of hypertension, 2016Journal Article, 2016, DOI
- O'Donoghue GM, Kennedy A, Andersen GS, Durkan E, Thybo T, Sinnott M, Nolan JJ, O'Gorman DJ, An evaluation of the DEXLIFE 'self-selected' lifestyle intervention aimed at improving insulin sensitivity in people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial., Trials, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Pilz S, Rutters F, Nijpels G, Stehouwer CD, Højlund K, Nolan JJ, Balkau B, Dekker JM, RISC Investigators, Response to Comment on Pilz et al. Insulin sensitivity and albuminuria: the RISC study. Diabetes Care 2014;37:1597-1603., Diabetes care, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Andersen GS, Thybo T, Cederberg H, Oreši" M, Esteller M, Zorzano A, Carr B, Walker M, Cobb J, Clissmann C, O'Gorman DJ, Nolan JJ, DEXLIFE Consortium, The DEXLIFE study methods: identifying novel candidate biomarkers that predict progression to type 2 diabetes in high risk individuals., Diabetes research and clinical practice, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Pilz S, Rutters F, Nijpels G, Stehouwer CD, Højlund K, Nolan JJ, Balkau B, Dekker JM, RISC Investigators, Insulin sensitivity and albuminuria: the RISC study., Diabetes care, 2014Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- Ludvik B, Nolan JJ, Roberts A, Baloga J, Joyce M, Bell JM, Olefsky JM, A noninvasive method to measure splanchnic glucose uptake after oral glucose administration., The Journal of clinical investigation, 1995Journal Article, 1995, DOI
- Færch K, Pacini G, Nolan JJ, Hansen T, Tura A, Vistisen D, Impact of glucose tolerance status, sex, and body size on glucose absorption patterns during OGTTs., Diabetes care, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Yaghootkar H, Lamina C, Scott RA, Dastani Z, Hivert MF, Warren LL, Stancáková A, Buxbaum SG, Lyytikäinen LP, Henneman P, Wu Y, Cheung CY, Pankow JS, Frayling TM, Mendelian randomization studies do not support a causal role for reduced circulating adiponectin levels in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes., Diabetes, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Thabit H, Burns N, Shah S, Brema I, Crowley V, Finnegan F, Daly B, Nolan JJ, Prevalence and predictors of diabetes and cardiometabolic risk among construction workers in Ireland: the Construction Workers Health Trust screening study., Diabetes & vascular disease research, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Xie W, Wood AR, Lyssenko V, Weedon MN, Knowles JW, Alkayyali S, Assimes TL, Quertermous T, Abbasi F, Paananen J, Häring H, Hansen T, Pedersen O, Walker M, Genetic variants associated with glycine metabolism and their role in insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes., Diabetes, 2013Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Bot M, Pouwer F, De Jonge P, Nolan JJ, Mari A, Højlund K, Golay A, Balkau B, Dekker JM, Depressive symptoms, insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in the RISC cohort study., Diabetes & metabolism, 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Nolan JJ, Færch K, Estimating insulin sensitivity and beta cell function: perspectives from the modern pandemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes., Diabetologia, 2012Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Kilpeläinen TO, Qi L, Brage S, Sharp SJ, Sonestedt E, Demerath E, Ahmad T, Mora S, Kaakinen M, Sandholt CH, Holzapfel C, Autenrieth CS, Hyppönen E, Loos RJ, Physical activity attenuates the influence of FTO variants on obesity risk: a meta-analysis of 218,166 adults and 19,268 children., PLoS medicine, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Kozàkovà M, Palombo C, Morizzo C, Nolan JJ, Konrad T, Dekker JM, Balkau B, Nilsson PM, Gender-specific differences in carotid intima-media thickness and its progression over three years: a multicenter European study., Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Nolan JJ, Freidenberg G, Henry R, Reichart D, Olefsky JM, Role of human skeletal muscle insulin receptor kinase in the in vivo insulin resistance of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and obesity., The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 1994Journal Article, 1994, DOI
- Suter SL, Nolan JJ, Wallace P, Gumbiner B, Olefsky JM, Metabolic effects of new oral hypoglycemic agent CS-045 in NIDDM subjects., Diabetes care, 1992Journal Article, 1992, DOI
- Huang-Doran I, Bicknell LS, Finucane FM, Rocha N, Porter KM, Tung YC, Szekeres F, Krook A, Nolan JJ, O'Driscoll M, Bober M, O'Rahilly S, Jackson AP, Majewski Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism Study Group, Genetic defects in human pericentrin are associated with severe insulin resistance and diabetes., Diabetes, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Nolan JJ, Ageing brain abnormalities in young obese patients with type 2 diabetes: a cause for concern., Diabetologia, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Hatunic M, Finucane FM, Norris S, Pacini G, Nolan JJ, Glucose metabolism after normalization of markers of iron overload by venesection in subjects with hereditary hemochromatosis., Metabolism: clinical and experimental, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Pazderska A, Wanic K, Nolan JJ, Skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction in Type 2 diabetes., Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Nolan JJ, Consensus guidelines, algorithms and care of the individual patient with type 2 diabetes., Diabetologia, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Francis EC, Powe CE, Lowe WL, White SL, Scholtens DM, Yang J, Zhu Y, Zhang C, Hivert MF, Kwak SH, Sweeting A, ADA/EASD PMDI, Refining the diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Ahmad A, Lim LL, Morieri ML, Tam CH, Cheng F, Chikowore T, Dudenhöffer-Pfeifer M, Fitipaldi H, Huang C, Kanbour S, Sarkar S, Koivula RW, Motala AA, Mathioudakis N, Precision prognostics for cardiovascular disease in Type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Communications medicine, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Semnani-Azad Z, Gaillard R, Hughes AE, Boyle KE, Tobias DK, ADA/EASD PMDI, Perng W, Precision stratification of prognostic risk factors associated with outcomes in gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review., Communications medicine, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Felton JL, Griffin KJ, Oram RA, Speake C, Long SA, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Rich SS, Monaco GSF, Evans-Molina C, DiMeglio LA, Ismail HM, Steck AK, ADA/EASD PMDI, Disease-modifying therapies and features linked to treatment response in type 1 diabetes prevention: a systematic review., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Semple RK, Patel KA, Auh S, ADA/EASD PMDI, Brown RJ, Genotype-stratified treatment for monogenic insulin resistance: a systematic review., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Bodhini D, Morton RW, Santhakumar V, Nakabuye M, Pomares-Millan H, Clemmensen C, Fitzpatrick SL, Guasch-Ferre M, Pankow JS, Ried-Larsen M, Franks PW, Loos RJF, Impact of individual and environmental factors on dietary or lifestyle interventions to prevent type 2 diabetes development: a systematic review., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Lim S, Takele WW, Vesco KK, Redman LM, Hannah W, Bonham MP, Chen M, Chivers SC, Fawcett AJ, Grieger JA, Habibi N, Leung GKW, Liu K, Mekonnen EG, Josefson J, Participant characteristics in the prevention of gestational diabetes as evidence for precision medicine: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Thabit H, Shah S, Nash M, Brema I, Nolan JJ, Martin G, Globalization, immigration and diabetes self-management: an empirical study amongst immigrants with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Ireland., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- de Rooij SR, Nijpels G, Nilsson PM, Nolan JJ, Gabriel R, Bobbioni-Harsch E, Mingrone G, Dekker JM, Relationship Between Insulin Sensitivity and Cardiovascular Disease (RISC) Investigators, Low-grade chronic inflammation in the relationship between insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular disease (RISC) population: associations with insulin resistance and cardiometabolic risk profile., Diabetes care, 2009Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Burns N, Finucane FM, Hatunic M, Gilman M, Murphy M, Gasparro D, Mari A, Gastaldelli A, Nolan JJ, Early-onset type 2 diabetes in obese white subjects is characterised by a marked defect in beta cell insulin secretion, severe insulin resistance and a lack of response to aerobic exercise training., Diabetologia, 2007Journal Article, 2007, DOI
- Nolan JJ, O'Halloran D, McKenna TJ, Firth R, Redmond S, The cost of treating type 2 diabetes (CODEIRE)., Irish medical journal, 2006Journal Article, 2006
- Wobser H, Bonner C, Nolan JJ, Byrne MM, Prehn JH, Downregulation of protein kinase B/Akt-1 mediates INS-1 insulinoma cell apoptosis induced by dominant-negative suppression of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha function., Diabetologia, 2006Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Benham JL, Gingras V, McLennan NM, Most J, Yamamoto JM, Aiken CE, Ozanne SE, Reynolds RM, ADA/EASD PMDI, Precision gestational diabetes treatment: a systematic review and meta-analyses., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Misra S, Wagner R, Ozkan B, Schön M, Sevilla-Gonzalez M, Prystupa K, Wang CC, Kreienkamp RJ, Cromer SJ, Rooney MR, Duan D, Thuesen ACB, Wallace AS, Udler MS, Precision subclassification of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Tobias DK, Merino J, Ahmad A, Aiken C, Benham JL, Bodhini D, Clark AL, Colclough K, Corcoy R, Cromer SJ, Duan D, Felton JL, Francis EC, Gillard P, Franks PW, Second international consensus report on gaps and opportunities for the clinical translation of precision diabetes medicine., Nature medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Murphy R, Colclough K, Pollin TI, Ikle JM, Svalastoga P, Maloney KA, Saint-Martin C, Molnes J, ADA/EASD PMDI, Misra S, Aukrust I, de Franco E, Gloyn AL, The use of precision diagnostics for monogenic diabetes: a systematic review and expert opinion., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Young KG, McInnes EH, Massey RJ, Kahkoska AR, Pilla SJ, Raghavan S, Stanislawski MA, Tobias DK, McGovern AP, Dawed AY, Jones AG, Pearson ER, ADA/EASD PDMI, Treatment effect heterogeneity following type 2 diabetes treatment with GLP1-receptor agonists and SGLT2-inhibitors: a systematic review., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Jacobsen LM, Sherr JL, Considine E, Chen A, Peeling SM, Hulsmans M, Charleer S, Urazbayeva M, Tosur M, Alamarie S, Redondo MJ, Hood KK, Gottlieb PA, ADA/EASD PMDI, Utility and precision evidence of technology in the treatment of type 1 diabetes: a systematic review., Communications medicine, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- López-Soldado I, Torres AG, Ventura R, Martínez-Ruiz I, Díaz-Ramos A, Planet E, Cooper D, Pazderska A, Wanic K, O'Hanlon D, O'Gorman DJ, Carbonell T, Hernández-Alvarez MI, Decreased expression of mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases causes downregulation of OXPHOS subunits in type 2 diabetic muscle., Redox biology, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- López-Soldado I, Torres AG, Ventura R, Martínez-Ruiz I, Díaz-Ramos A, Planet E, Cooper D, Pazderska A, Wanic K, O"Hanlon D, O"Gorman DJ, Carbonell T, Hernández-Alvarez MI, Decreased expression of mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases causes downregulation of mitochondrial OXPHOS subunits in type 2 diabetic skeletal muscle, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Nolan JJ, Kahkoska AR, Semnani-Azad Z, Hivert MF, Ji L, Mohan V, Eckel RH, Philipson LH, Rich SS, Gruber C, Franks PW, ADA/EASD Precision Medicine in Diabetes Initiative: An International Perspective and Future Vision for Precision Medicine in Diabetes., Diabetes care, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Ahlin S, Cefalo C, Bondia-Pons I, Trošt K, Capristo E, Marini L, Romero M, Zorzano A, Gastaldelli A, Mingrone G, Nolan JJ, Metabolite Changes After Metabolic Surgery - Associations to Parameters Reflecting Glucose Homeostasis and Lipid Levels., Frontiers in endocrinology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Bakker E, Mol PGM, Nabais J, Vetter T, Kretzler M, Nolan JJ, Mayer G, Sundgren AK, Heerspink HJL, Schiel A, de Vries ST, Gomez MF, Schulze F, BEAt-DKD Consortium, Perspectives on a Way Forward to Implementation of Precision Medicine in Patients With Diabetic Kidney Disease; Results of a Stakeholder Consensus-Building Meeting., Frontiers in pharmacology, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Hatunic M, Burns N, Finucane F, Mannion C, Nolan JJ., Contrasting clinical and cardiovascular risk status between early and later onset Type 2 diabetes., Diabetes Vasc Dis Res, 2, 2005, p73 - 75Journal Article, 2005
- Wobser H, Bonner C, Nolan JJ, Byrne MM, Prehn JHM, Downregulation of Protein Kinase B/Akt mediates INS-1 Insulinoma cell apoptosis induced by dominant negative suppression of HNF-1a function, Diabetologia, 49, (3), 2006, p519 - 526Journal Article, 2006
- Nolan JJ, Emergency Management of Hypoglycemia: Quantitative Considerations., European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12, (5), 2005, p213 - 215Journal Article, 2005
- Manco M, Nolfe G, Calvani M, Natali A, Nolan J, Ferrannini E, Mingrone G, Menopause, insulin resistance and risk factors for cardiovascular disease., Menopause, 13, 2006, p809 - 817Journal Article, 2006
- O'Gorman DJ, Karlsson H, McQuaid S, Yousif O, Rahman Y, Gasparro D, Glund S, Chibalin A, Zierath J, Nolan JJ., Exercise training increases insulin-stimulated glucose disposal and GLUT-4 protein content in patients with Type 2 diabetes., Diabetologia, 49, 2006, p2983 - 2992Journal Article, 2006
- Nolan JJ, What is Type 2 Diabetes?, Medicine, 34, (2), 2006, p52 - 56Journal Article, 2006
- Nolan JJ, O'Halloran D, McKenna TJ, Firth RG, Redmond S., The Cost of Treating Type 2 Diabetes in Ireland (CODEIRE-1), Irish Medical Journal, 100, 2006, p307 - 310Journal Article, 2006
- Nolan JJ, O'Halloran D, McKenna TJ, Firth RG, Redmond S., The Cost of Diabetes related Complications in Ireland (CODEIRE-2), Irish Medical Journal, 2006Journal Article, 2006
- Nolan JJ, Tuomilehto J, Diabetes Care in Ireland: What is Required?, Irish Medical Journal, 2006Journal Article, 2006
- Finucane F1, Pittock S2, Fallon M2, Hatunic M1, Burns N1, Costigan C2, Murphy N2, Nolan J.J1., Clinical Characteristics of Irish Childhood Obesity Referrals since 1990. Int J Obesity, Int Journal of Obesity, 2006Journal Article, 2006
- Finucane F1, Gaffney L2, Hatunic M1, Burns N1, Nolan J.J1, Attendance at an Irish Diabetes Dietetic Outpatient Clinic., Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 77, 2007, p335 - 336Journal Article, 2007
- Ferrannini E, Balkau B, Coppack S, Dekker JM, Mari A, Nolan JJ, Walker M, Natali A, Beck-Nielsen H, Insulin Resistance, insulin exposure, and obesity as indicators of metabolic risk: the RISC Study, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 92, 2007, p2885 - 2892Journal Article, 2007
- Rahman, Y., Knape, T., Gargan, M., Power, G., Hederman, L., Wade, V., Nolan, J., Grimson, J. , e-clinic: an electronic triage system for the management of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus., Medinfo , 11, (11), 2004, p246-250Journal Article, 2004
- Nolan JJ, Emergency Management of Hypoglycemia: Quantitative Considerations, European Journal of Emergency Medicine, 12, (5), 2005, p213 - 215Journal Article, 2005
- Burns N, Finucane FM, Hatunic M, Gilman M, Murphy M, Gasparro D, Mari A, Gastaldelli A, Nolan JJ, Early Onset Type 2 Diabetes in Obese Caucasians is Characterised by a Marked Defect in Beta-Cell Insulin Secretion, Severe Insulin Resistance and a Lack of Response to Aerobic Exercise Training, Diabetologia, 50, 2007, p1500 - 1508Journal Article, 2007
- O'Gorman DJ1*, Yousif O1*, Dixon G2, McQuaid S1, Murphy E1,Gasparro D1, Pacini G3, Newsholme P2, Nolan JJ1, In vivo and in vitro studies of GAD-antibody positive subjects with Type 2 diabetes: a distinct sub-phenotype, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 80, 2008, p365 - 370Journal Article, 2008
- Finucane FM, Teong L, Pittock S, Fallon M, Hatunic M, Costigan C, Murphy N, Crowley VEF, Nolan JJ, Adverse Metabolic Profiles in a Cohort of Obese Irish Children, Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 45, 2008, p206 - 209Journal Article, 2008
- Imad Brema1, Mensud Hatunic1, Francis Finucane1, Nicole Burns1, Dominik Haider2, Michael Wolzt2, Bernhard Ludvik3 and John J Nolan1, Plasma Visfatin is Reduced after Aerobic Exercise in Early Onset Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus., Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism, 10, 2008, p600 - 602Journal Article, 2008
- Hatunic M, Finucane F, Burns N, Gasparro D, Nolan JJ, Vascular inflammatory markers in early onset obese and Type 2 diabetes subjects before and after three months aerobic exercise training., Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, 2007, p231 - 234Journal Article, 2007
- Balkau B, Mhamdi l, Oppert J-M, Nolan JJ, Golay A, Ferrannini E, Physical Activity and Insulin Sensitivity. The RISC Study., Diabetes, 57, 2008, p2613 - 2618Journal Article, 2008
- Szamosi A, Czinner A, Szamosi T, Sallai A, Hatunic M, Berla Z, Tomsits E, Almassy Z, Nolan JJ, Effect of diet and physical exercise treatment on insulin resistance syndrome of schoolchildren, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 27, 2008, p177 - 183Journal Article, 2008
- Thabit H, Martin G, Brema I, Daly M, Walsh S, Mannion C, Nolan JJ, Immigrant patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have poorer initial and ongoing glycemic control than a matched population of Irish patients, Irish Medical Journal, 101, 2008, p177 - 180Journal Article, 2008
- Finucane FM, Pittock S, Fallon M, Hatunic M, Ong K, Burns N, Costigan C, Murphy N, Nolan JJ, Elevated blood pressure in overweight and obese Irish children, Irish Medical Journal, 177, 2008, p379 - 381Journal Article, 2008
- Hatunic M, Stapleton M, Hand E, De Long C, Crowley VE, Nolan JJ, The Leu262Val polymorphism of presenilin associated rhomboid like protein (PARL) is associated with earlier onset of type 2 diabetes and increased urinary microalbumin creatinine ratio in an Irish case-control population, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 83, (3), 2009, p316 - 319Journal Article, 2009
- María Isabel Hernández, Hood Thabit, Nicole Burns, Syed Shah, Imad Brema, Mensud Hatunic, Francis Finucane, , Marc Liesa, Chiara Chiellini, Deborah Naon, Antonio Zorzano and John J. Nolan, Subjects with early-onset type 2 diabetes show defective activation of the skeletal muscle PGC-1 Ñ/mitofusin-2 regulatory pathway in response to physical activity, Diabetes Care, 33, (3), 2010, p645 - 651Journal Article, 2010
- Kozàkovà M, Palombo C, Morizzo C, Nolan JJ, Balkau B and the RISC investigators, Effect of sedentary behavior and vigorous physical activity on segment-specific carotid wall thickness and its progression in a healthy population., European Heart Journal, 2010Journal Article, 2010
- H Thabit, S Shah, M Nash, I Brema, JJ Nolan and G Martin, Globalisation, Immigration and Diabetes Self-Management: An Empirical Study , Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 102, (10), 2009, p713 - 720Journal Article, 2009
- Siobhan Bacon¹, Matthew Murphy², Kavita Pannu¹, Nuala Murphy³, John J Nolan², Maria M Byrne¹. , Phenotypic variability between and within MODY 3 pedigrees, Pediatric Diabetes, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Susanne R. de Rooij, PhD1, Giel Nijpels, MD, PhD1, Peter M. Nilsson, MD, PhD2, John J. Nolan, MD3, Rafael Gabriel, MD, PhD4, Elisabetta Bobbioni-Harsch, PhD5, Geltrude Mingrone, MD, PhD6, Jacqueline M. Dekker, PhD1, and the RISC Investigators. , Low grade chronic inflammation in the RISC population:, Diabetes Care, 32, (7), 2009, p1295 - 1301Journal Article, 2009
- F.M. Finucane1*, J. Luan1*,N.J. Wareham1, S. O'Rahilly2, B. Balkau3, A. Flyvbjerg4, , Correlation of the leptin: adiponectin ratio with measures of insulin resistance in non-diabetic individuals, Diabetologia, 52, (11), 2009, p2345 - 2349Journal Article, 2009
- Nolan JJ, Free fatty acids in the physiological range are protein-sparing, Acta Physiologica, 192, 2008, p337 - 337Journal Article, 2008
- Stone MA, Wilkinson JC, Charpentier G, Clochard N, Lindblad U, Müller UA, Nolan J, Rutten GE, Trento M, Khunti K, Evaluation and comparison of guidelines for the management of people with type 2 diabetes from eight European countries, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 87, (2), 2010, p252 - 260Journal Article, 2010
- Hatunic M, Finucane FM, Brennan AM, Norris S, Pacini G, Nolan JJ, Effect of Iron Overload on Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Hereditary Haemochromatosis, Metabolism, 59, (3), 2010, p380 - 384Journal Article, 2010
- Nolan JM, Feeney J, Kenny RA, Cronin H, O'Regan C, Savva GM, Loughman J, Finucane C, Connolly E, Meagher K, Beatty S., Education is positively associated with macular pigment: The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.,, 53, 2012, p7855 - 7861Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- JJ Nolan, Current Perspectives in Paediatric Type 2 Diabetes, International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, Singapore, November 2004, edited by Merck Sante , 2004, pp1 - 8Conference Paper
Research Expertise
Pathophysiology of Type 2 diabetes Mechanisms of insulin resistance in man Mathematical modeling of glucose metabolism Type 2 diabetes in adolescents and young adults Pathophysiology of human metabolic response to physical exercise
- State of the Art Lecture, Swedish Diabetes Association 1996
- Keynote Speaker, Karolinska Institute Symposium on Type 2 Diabetes 2000
- Nordisk Lecture of the Irish Endocrine Society 2003
- State of the Art Lecture, EASD meeting, Stockholm 1995
- European Association for Study of Diabetes present
- The Endocrine Society present
- American Diabetes Association present
- Irish Endocrine Society present
- European Society for Clinical Investigation present
- Executive Member and co-founder of American Diabetes Association Taskforce on Precision Medicine for Diabetes (2018-present) Executive Member: European Association for Study of Diabetes (EASD) (2006-2010) Chair, Postgraduate Education Committee, EASD (from Sept 2006-2010) Member: Scientific Advisory Board, Karolinska Institute Diabetes Research Consortium (2011-2016) European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance Chair, EURADIA taskforce for European Platform for Clinical Research in Diabetes Chair: DIAMAP (EURADIA European diabetes research consortium) sub-group on Clinical Science and Clinical Care in Diabetes (2008-2010) Steering Group: DIABESITY research consortium (2003-2008) President, EU Chapter, American College of Nutrition (2001-2) Chairman, Diabetes Section, Irish Endocrine Society (2002-2005) Member, Expert Advisory Group on Diabetes (to Irish Government, 2007-2009) Executive Member, the Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland (2008-2010)