The School of Medicine is involved in postgraduate training of doctors in the specialities represented in the School. This takes the shape of the specialist registrar tutorials which are conducted on a hospital and a national basis. Members of the School examine in the Royal College of Physicians exam and are active members of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland specialist training scheme committees. Postgraduate research students are placed in the laboratories of all medical specialities with an interest in basic research. Basic research takes place in the Trinity Translational Medicine Institute (TTMI), on the St. James's campus as well as in Tallaght University Hospital.

MSc in Clinical Chemistry

MSc Biomedical Sciences (Intercalated) for Medical Students

MSc in Medical Imaging

MSc in Molecular Medicine

P.Grad.Diploma in Molecular Medicine

MSc Diagnostic Radiography

P.Grad.Diploma in Heathcare Innovation

MSc in Genomic Medicine