Professor Seamas Donnelly

Professor Seamas Donnelly

Professor of Medicine

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Donohoe, G., Rose, E., Morris, D., Authors' reply, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 206, (4), 2015, p344-Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • Mawhinney L, Armstrong ME, O' Reilly C, Bucala R, Leng L, Fingerle-Rowson G, Fayne D, Keane MP, Tynan A, Maher L, Cooke G, Lloyd D, Conroy H, Donnelly SC, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) enzymatic activity and lung cancer., Molecular medicine, 20, (1), 2014, p729 - 735Journal Article, 2014
  • O'Dwyer D., O'Dwyer D., Armstrong M., Trujillo G., Cooke G., Keane M., Keane M., Fallon P., Simpson A., Millar A., McGrath E., Whyte M., Hirani N., Hogaboam C., Donnelly S., Donnelly S., The toll-like receptor 3 L412F polymorphism and disease progression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 188, (12), 2013, p1442-1450Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • O'Reilly C, Doroudian M, Mawhinney L, Donnelly SC, Targeting MIF in Cancer: Therapeutic Strategies, Current Developments, and Future Opportunities., 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Donnelly SC, Elements: in this month's issue., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Donnelly SC, Elements: in this month's issue., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Brady D, Lavelle LP, McEvoy SH, Murphy DJ, Gallagher A, Gibney B, Butler MW, Shortt F, McMullan M, Fabry A, Lynch DA, Abbara S, Donnelly SC, Dodd JD, Assessing fibrosis in pulmonary sarcoidosis: late-enhanced MRI compared to anatomic HRCT imaging., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Minnis PA, Poland M, Keane MP, Donnelly SC, Adalimumab for refractory pulmonary sarcoidosis., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Donnelly SC, Elements: in this month's issue., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • O'Beirne SL, Walsh SM, Fabre A, Reviriego C, Worrell JC, Counihan IP, Lumsden RV, Cramton-Barnes J, Belperio JA, Donnelly SC, Boylan D, Marchal-Sommé J, Kane R, Keane MP, CXCL9 Regulates TGF-ß1-Induced Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Human Alveolar Epithelial Cells., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Kelly D, Donnelly S, Caulfield B, Smartphone derived movement profiles to detect changes in health status in COPD patients - A preliminary investigation., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Donnelly SC, Elements: in this month's issue., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Barnes JC, Lumsden RV, Worrell J, Counihan IP, O'Beirne SL, Belperio JA, Fabre A, Donnelly SC, Boylan D, Kane R, Keane MP, CXCR3 Requirement for the Interleukin-13-Mediated Up-Regulation of Interleukin-13R"2 in Pulmonary Fibroblasts., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Donnelly SC, Elements: in this month's issue., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • O'Dwyer DN, Armstrong ME, Kooblall M, Donnelly SC, Targeting defective Toll-like receptor-3 function and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis., Expert Opin Ther Targets ., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Lumsden RV, Worrell JC, Boylan D, Walsh SM, Cramton J, Counihan I, O'Beirne S, Medina MF, Gauldie J, Fabre A, Donnelly SC, Kane R, Keane MP, Modulation of pulmonary fibrosis by IL-13R"2., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Mitchell PD, Das JP, Murphy DJ, Keane MP, Donnelly SC, Dodd JD, Butler MW, Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with emphysema: evidence of synergy among emphysema and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in smokers., 2015Journal Article, 2015
  • Ballal T, Heneghan C, Zaffaroni A, Boyle P, de Chazal P, Shouldice R, McNicholas WT, Donnelly SC, A pilot study of the nocturnal respiration rates in COPD patients in the home environment using a non-contact biomotion sensor., 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Caulfield B, Kaljo I, Donnelly S, Use of a consumer market activity monitoring and feedback device improves exercise capacity and activity levels in COPD., 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • El Ridi R, Tallima H, Dalton JP, Donnelly S, Induction of protective immune responses against schistosomiasis using functionally active cysteine peptidases., 2014Journal Article, 2014
  • Cooke G, Govender P, Watson CJ, Armstrong ME, O'Dwyer DN, Keane MP, King R, Tynan A, Dunn M, Donnelly SC, Sarcoidosis, alveolar ß-actin and pulmonary fibrosis., QJM, 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • O'Dwyer DN, Armstrong ME, Cooke G, Dodd JD, Veale DJ, Donnelly SC, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) associated interstitial lung disease (ILD)., Eur J Intern Med., 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Caulfield BM, Donnelly SC, What is Connected Health and why will it change your practice?, 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Donnelly S, Introduction: review series--palliative medicine., 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Donnelly SC, Walters M, Reply to: Increased prevalence of sarcoidosis in Ireland., 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • O'Connell C, Hensey M, Mongey AB, Veale DJ, Donnelly SC, A series of patients on anti-TNF therapy referred to a multidisciplinary lung cancer service., 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Adamali H, Armstrong ME, McLaughlin AM, Cooke G, McKone E, Costello CM, Gallagher CG, Leng L, Baugh JA, Fingerle-Rowson G, Bucala RJ, McLoughlin P, Donnelly SC, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor enzymatic activity, lung inflammation, and cystic fibrosis., Am J Respir Crit Care Med., 186, (2), 2012, p162 - 169Journal Article, 2012
  • Donnelly SC, Review Series--Inflammation & Fibrosis. Introduction., 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • Robinson MW, Hutchinson AT, Donnelly S, Antimicrobial peptides: utility players in innate immunity., 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • Chappell SL, Daly L, Lotya J, Alsaegh A, Guetta-Baranes T, Roca J, Rabinovich R, Morgan K, Millar AB, Donnelly SC, Keatings V, MacNee W, Stolk J, Hiemstra PS, Miniati M, Monti S, O'Connor CM, Kalsheker N, The role of IREB2 and transforming growth factor beta-1 genetic variants in COPD: a replication case-control study., 2011Journal Article, 2011
  • Conroy H, Mawhinney L, Donnelly SC, Inflammation and cancer: macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF)--the potential missing link., 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Johnson SR, Cordier JF, Lazor R, Cottin V, Costabel U, Harari S, Reynaud-Gaubert M, Boehler A, Brauner M, Popper H, Bonetti F, Kingswood C, Review Panel of the ERS LAM Task Force, European Respiratory Society guidelines for the diagnosis and management of lymphangioleiomyomatosis., 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Govender P, Dunn MJ, Donnelly SC, Proteomics and the lung: Analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid., 2009Journal Article, 2009
  • Cooke G, Armstrong ME, Donnelly SC, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), enzymatic activity and the inflammatory response., BIOFACTORS, 2009Journal Article, 2009
  • Harte S, McNicholas WT, Donnelly SC, Dodd JD, Honeycomb cysts in idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis: high-resolution CT appearances in two adults., 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • Armstrong ME, Gantier M, Li L, Chung WY, McCann A, Baugh JA, Donnelly SC, Small interfering RNAs induce macrophage migration inhibitory factor production and proliferation in breast cancer cells via a double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase-dependent mechanism., J Immunol., 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • Kevill KA, Bhandari V, Kettunen M, Leng L, Fan J, Mizue Y, Dzuira JD, Reyes-Mugica M, McDonald CL, Baugh JA, O'Connor CL, Aghai ZH, Donnelly SC, Bazzy-Asaad A, Bucala RJ, A role for macrophage migration inhibitory factor in the neonatal respiratory distress syndrome., 2008Journal Article, 2008
  • Chappell S, Daly L, Morgan K, Baranes TG, Roca J, Rabinovich R, Millar A, Donnelly SC, Keatings V, Macnee W, Stolk J, Hiemstra PS, Miniati M, Monti S, O'Connor CM, Kalsheker N, Variation in the tumour necrosis factor gene is not associated with susceptibility to COPD., 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Gantier MP, Baugh JA, Donnelly SC, Nuclear transcription of long hairpin RNA triggers innate immune responses., 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Foley SC, Hopkins NO, Fitzgerald MX, Donnelly SC, McLoughlin P, Airway nitric oxide output is reduced in bronchiectasis., 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Govender P, Baugh JA, Pennington SR, Dunn MJ, Donnelly SC, Role of proteomics in the investigation of pulmonary fibrosis., 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Bucala R, Donnelly SC, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: a probable link between inflammation and cancer., 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Plant BJ, Ghani S, O'Mahony MJ, Morgan L, O'Connor CM, Morgan K, Baugh JA, Donnelly SC, Sarcoidosis and MIF gene polymorphism: a case-control study in an Irish population., 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Martos R, Baugh J, Ledwidge M, O'Loughlin C, Conlon C, Patle A, Donnelly SC, McDonald K, Diastolic heart failure: evidence of increased myocardial collagen turnover linked to diastolic dysfunction., 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Cedervall T, Lynch I, Foy M, Berggård T, Donnelly SC, Cagney G, Linse S, Dawson KA, Detailed identification of plasma proteins adsorbed on copolymer nanoparticles., 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Baugh JA, Gantier M, Li L, Byrne A, Buckley A, Donnelly SC, Dual regulation of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) expression in hypoxia by CREB and HIF-1., 2006Journal Article, 2006
  • Chappell S, Daly L, Morgan K, Baranes TG, Roca J, Rabinovich R, Millar A, Donnelly SC, Keatings V, MacNee W, Stolk J, Hiemstra PS, Miniati M, Monti S, O'Connor CM, Kalsheker N, The SERPINE2 gene and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease., 2006Journal Article, 2006
  • Chappell S, Daly L, Morgan K, Guetta Baranes T, Roca J, Rabinovich R, Millar A, Donnelly SC, Keatings V, MacNee W, Stolk J, Hiemstra P, Miniati M, Monti S, O'Connor CM, Kalsheker N, Cryptic haplotypes of SERPINA1 confer susceptibility to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease., 2006Journal Article, 2006
  • Naji NA, Connor MC, Donnelly SC, McDonnell TJ, Effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation in restrictive lung disease., 2006Journal Article, 2006
  • Plant BJ, Gallagher CG, Bucala R, Baugh JA, Chappell S, Morgan L, O'Connor CM, Morgan K, Donnelly SC, Cystic fibrosis, disease severity, and a macrophage migration inhibitory factor polymorphism., 2005Journal Article, 2005
  • Mizue Y, Ghani S, Leng L, McDonald C, Kong P, Baugh J, Lane SJ, Craft J, Nishihira J, Donnelly SC, Zhu Z, Bucala R, Role for macrophage migration inhibitory factor in asthma., 2005Journal Article, 2005
  • Fisher AJ, Donnelly SC, Pritchard G, Dark JH, Corris PA, Objective assessment of criteria for selection of donor lungs suitable for transplantation., 2004Journal Article, 2004
  • Butler MW, O'Mahony MJ, Donnelly SC, McDonnell TJ, Managing exacerbations of COPD: room for improvement., 2004Journal Article, 2004
  • Baugh JA, Donnelly SC, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: a neuroendocrine modulator of chronic inflammation., 2003Journal Article, 2003
  • Leng L, Metz CN, Fang Y, Xu J, Donnelly S, Baugh J, Delohery T, Chen Y, Mitchell RA, Bucala R, MIF signal transduction initiated by binding to CD74., 2003Journal Article, 2003
  • Pan JH, Lindholt JS, Sukhova GK, Baugh JA, Henneberg EW, Bucala R, Donnelly SC, Libby P, Metz C, Shi GP, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor is associated with aneurysmal expansion., 2003Journal Article, 2003
  • Butler MW, Mullan RH, Schaffer KE, Crotty TB, Luke DA, Donnelly SC, Pulmonary cystic hydatid disease in Ireland., 2003Journal Article, 2003
  • Keane MP, Donnelly SC, Belperio JA, Goodman RB, Dy M, Burdick MD, Fishbein MC, Strieter RM, Imbalance in the expression of CXC chemokines correlates with bronchoalveolar lavage fluid angiogenic activity and procollagen levels in acute respiratory distress syndrome., 2002Journal Article, 2002
  • Atsumi T, Chesney J, Metz C, Leng L, Donnelly S, Makita Z, Mitchell R, Bucala R, High expression of inducible 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (iPFK-2; PFKFB3) in human cancers., 2002Journal Article, 2002
  • Kurdowska A, Noble JM, Grant IS, Robertson CR, Haslett C, Donnelly SC, Anti-interleukin-8 autoantibodies in patients at risk for acute respiratory distress syndrome., 2002Journal Article, 2002
  • Baugh JA, Chitnis S, Donnelly SC, Monteiro J, Lin X, Plant BJ, Wolfe F, Gregersen PK, Bucala R, A functional promoter polymorphism in the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene associated with disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis., 2002Journal Article, 2002
  • Hirani N, Antonicelli F, Strieter RM, Wiesener MS, Ratcliffe PJ, Haslett C, Donnelly SC, The regulation of interleukin-8 by hypoxia in human macrophages--a potential role in the pathogenesis of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)., 2001Journal Article, 2001
  • Abe R, Donnelly SC, Peng T, Bucala R, Metz CN, Peripheral blood fibrocytes: differentiation pathway and migration to wound sites., 2001Journal Article, 2001
  • Fisher AJ, Donnelly SC, Hirani N, Haslett C, Strieter RM, Dark JH, Corris PA, Elevated levels of interleukin-8 in donor lungs is associated with early graft failure after lung transplantation., 2001Journal Article, 2001
  • Reid PT, Donnelly SC, MacGregor IR, Grant IS, Cameron E, Walker W, Merrick MV, Haslett C, Pulmonary endothelial permeability and circulating neutrophil-endothelial markers in patients undergoing esophagogastrectomy., 2000Journal Article, 2000
  • Donnelly SC, Bucala R, Metz CN, Grant IS, Robertson CR, Haslett C, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor and acute lung injury., 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • Sethi T, Rintoul RC, Moore SM, MacKinnon AC, Salter D, Choo C, Chilvers ER, Dransfield I, Donnelly SC, Strieter R, Haslett C, Extracellular matrix proteins protect small cell lung cancer cells against apoptosis: a mechanism for small cell lung cancer growth and drug resistance in vivo., 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • Sallenave JM, Donnelly SC, Grant IS, Robertson C, Gauldie J, Haslett C, Secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor is preferentially increased in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome., 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • Sharkey RA, Donnelly SC, Connelly KG, Robertson CE, Haslett C, Repine JE, Initial serum ferritin levels in patients with multiple trauma and the subsequent development of acute respiratory distress syndrome., 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • Fisher AJ, Donnelly SC, Hirani N, Burdick MD, Strieter RM, Dark JH, Corris PA, Enhanced pulmonary inflammation in organ donors following fatal non-traumatic brain injury., 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • Morrison D, Strieter RM, Donnelly SC, Burdick MD, Kunkel SL, MacNee W, Neutrophil chemokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and leukocyte-conditioned medium from nonsmokers and smokers., 1998Journal Article, 1998
  • Rossi AG, Haslett C, Hirani N, Greening AP, Rahman I, Metz CN, Bucala R, Donnelly SC, Human circulating eosinophils secrete macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF). Potential role in asthma., 1998Journal Article, 1998
  • Ruchaud-Sparagano MH, Drost EM, Donnelly SC, Bird MI, Haslett C, Dransfield I, Potential pro-inflammatory effects of soluble E-selectin upon neutrophil function., 1998Journal Article, 1998
  • Donnelly SC, Bucala R, Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: a regulator of glucocorticoid activity with a critical role in inflammatory disease., 1997Journal Article, 1997
  • Donnelly SC, Haslett C, Reid PT, Grant IS, Wallace WA, Metz CN, Bruce LJ, Bucala R, Regulatory role for macrophage migration inhibitory factor in acute respiratory distress syndrome., 1997Journal Article, 1997
  • MacGregor IR, Perrie AM, Donnelly SC, Haslett C, Modulation of human endothelial thrombomodulin by neutrophils and their release products., 1997Journal Article, 1997
  • Donnelly SC, Strieter RM, Reid PT, Kunkel SL, Burdick MD, Armstrong I, Mackenzie A, Haslett C, The association between mortality rates and decreased concentrations of interleukin-10 and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in the lung fluids of patients with the adult respiratory distress syndrome., 1996Journal Article, 1996
  • Reid PT, Donnelly SC, Predicting acute respiratory distress syndrome and intrapulmonary inflammation., 1996Journal Article, 1996
  • Reid PT, Donnelly SC, Haslett C, Inflammatory predictors for the development of the adult respiratory distress syndrome., 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • Donnelly SC, MacGregor I, Zamani A, Gordon MW, Robertson CE, Steedman DJ, Little K, Haslett C, Plasma elastase levels and the development of the adult respiratory distress syndrome., 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • Donnelly SC, Corticosteroids and "chronic" ARDS., 1995Journal Article, 1995
  • Donnelly SC, Robertson C, Mediators, mechanisms and mortality in major trauma., 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • Donnelly SC, Haslett C, Dransfield I, Robertson CE, Carter DC, Ross JA, Grant IS, Tedder TF, Role of selectins in development of adult respiratory distress syndrome., 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • Donnelly SC, Strieter RM, Kunkel SL, Walz A, Steedman D, Grant IS, Pollok AJ, Carter DC, Haslett C, Chemotactic cytokines in the established adult respiratory distress syndrome and at-risk patients., 1994Journal Article, 1994
  • Donnelly SC, Robertson C, Trauma, inflammatory cells and ARDS., 1993Journal Article, 1993
  • Carey FA, Donnelly SC, Walker WS, Cameron EW, Lamb D, Synchronous primary lung cancers: prevalence in surgical material and clinical implications., 1993Journal Article, 1993
  • Donnelly SC, Strieter RM, Kunkel SL, Walz A, Robertson CR, Carter DC, Grant IS, Pollok AJ, Haslett C, Interleukin-8 and development of adult respiratory distress syndrome in at-risk patient groups., 1993Journal Article, 1993
  • Haslett C, Donnelly SC, AUTHORS' REPLY., 1992Journal Article, 1992
  • Donnelly SC, Haslett C, Cellular mechanisms of acute lung injury: implications for future treatment in the adult respiratory distress syndrome., 1992Journal Article, 1992
  • Donnelly SC, McLaughlin H, Bredin CP, Period prevalence of allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis in a regional hospital outpatient population in Ireland 1985-88., 1991Journal Article, 1991
  • Donnelly S, Ward K, FitzGerald MX, Analysis of patients lost to follow up at a sarcoid clinic., 1991Journal Article, 1991
  • Donnelly SC, Hogan JM, Bredin CP, Sudden death from primary B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the larynx., 1991Journal Article, 1991
  • Donnelly S, Callaghan N, Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord due to folate deficiency in association with a psychotic illness., 1990Journal Article, 1990
  • Donnelly SC, FitzGerald MX, Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS) due to chlorine gas exposure., 1990Journal Article, 1990
  • Chong Sy Giin, Herron Malcolm, Dorman Anthony, Little Mark, Donnelly Seamas C, Keane Joseph, McLaughlin Anne Marie, Renal amyloidosis complicating multidrug-resistant tuberculosis , The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease , 21 , (4 ), 2017, p476 - 477Journal Article, 2017
  • Cooke G, Kamal I, Strengert M, Hams E, Mawhinney L, Tynan A, O' Reilly C, O' Dwyer DN, Kunkel SL, Knaus UG, Shields DC, Moller DR, Bowie AG, Fallon PG, Hogaboam CM, Armstrong ME, Donnelly SC., Title: Toll-like receptor 3 L412F polymorphism promotes a persistent clinical phenotype in pulmonary sarcoidosis., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Donnelly, S.C., Acromegaly-the importance of early diagnosis, QJM, 110, (7), 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Donnelly, S.C., Building a culture of health in society, QJM, 110, (6), 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Donnelly, S.C., How do doctors define death?, QJM, 110, (3), 2017, p119-119Journal Article, 2017
  • Fischer, A., Donnelly, S.C., Pulmonary fibrosis in connective tissue disease (CTD): Urgent challenges and opportunities, QJM, 110, (8), 2017, p475-476Journal Article, 2017
  • Donnelly, S.C., Redefining Health for the 21st. Century-Investing in well-being-the proper meaning of "health-care", QJM, 110, (5), 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Donnelly, S.C., Redefining health for the 21st century: Investing in well-being-the proper meaning of 'health-care', QJM, 110, (4), 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Hisert, K.B., Heltshe, S.L., Pope, C., Jorth, P., Wu, X., Edwards, R.M., Radey, M., Accurso, F.J., Wolter, D.J., Cooke, G., Adam, R.J., Carter, S., Grogan, B., Launspach, J.L., Donnelly, S.C., Gallagher, C.G., Bruce, J.E., Stoltz, D.A., Welsh, M.J., Hoffman, L.R., McKone, E.F., Singh, P.K., Restoring cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator function reduces airway bacteria and inflammation in people with cystic fibrosis and chronic lung infections, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 195, (12), 2017, p1617-1628Journal Article, 2017
  • O"Beirne, S.L., O"Dwyer, D.N., Walsh, S.M., Dodd, J.D., Crotty, T.B., Donnelly, S.C., The lady with the dragon tattoo, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 186, (1), 2017, p157-160Journal Article, 2017
  • Donnelly, S.C., Why is the United States a sick country?, QJM, 110, (2), 2017, p57-58Journal Article, 2017
  • Donnelly, S.C., Chronic disease and assessing quality of life?, QJM, 109, (11), 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Donnelly, S.C., Fog in the channel: European science cut-off?, QJM, 109, (10), 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Donnelly, S.C., How do we define when we die?, QJM, 109, (4), 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Hisert, K.B., Schoenfelt, K.Q., Cooke, G., Grogan, B., Launspach, J.L., Gallagher, C.G., Donnelly, S.C., Welsh, M.J., Singh, P.K., McKone, E.F., Becker, L., Ivacaftor-induced proteomic changes suggest monocyte defects may contribute to the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 54, (4), 2016, p594-599Journal Article, 2016
  • Donnelly, S.C., Management of vasovagal syncope-Where are we today?, QJM, 109, (12), 2016, p765-766Journal Article, 2016
  • Donnelly, S.C., World pulmonary fibrosis conference-ICLAF 2016, QJM, 109, (9), 2016Journal Article, 2016
  • Tynan A, Mawhinney L, Armstrong ME, O'Reilly C, Kennedy S, Caraher E, Jülicher K, O'Dwyer D, Maher L, Schaffer K, Fabre A, McKone EF, Leng L, Bucala R, Bernhagen J, Cooke G, Donnelly SC., Macrophage migration inhibitory factor enhances Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation, potentially contributing to cystic fibrosis pathogenesis., FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 31, (11), 2017, p5102-5110Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Gray RD, Hardisty G, Regan KH, Smith M, Robb CT, Duffin R, Mackellar A, Felton JM, Paemka L, McCullagh BN, Lucas CD, Dorward DA, McKone EF, Cooke G, Donnelly SC, Singh PK, Stoltz DA, Haslett C, McCray PB, Whyte MKB, Rossi AG, Davidson DJ., Delayed neutrophil apoptosis enhances NET formation in cystic fibrosis., Thorax, 73, (2), 2018, p134-144Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Schupp JC, Freitag-Wolf S, Bargagli E, Mihailovi"-Vu"ini" V, Rottoli P, Grubanovic A, Müller A, Jochens A, Tittmann L, Schnerch J, Olivieri C, Fischer A, Jovanovic D, Filipovic S, Videnovic-Ivanovic J, Bresser P, Jonkers R, O'Reilly K, Ho LP, Gaede KI, Zabel P, Dubaniewicz A, Marshall B, Kieszko R, Milanowski J, Günther A, Weihrich A, Petrek M, Kolek V, Keane MP, O'Beirne S, Donnelly S, Haraldsdottir SO, Jorundsdottir KB, Costabel U, Bonella F, Wallaert B, Grah C, Peroš-Golubi"i" T, Luisetti M, Kadija Z, Pabst S, Grohé C, Strausz J, Vašáková M, Sterclova M, Millar A, Homolka J, Slováková A, Kendrick Y, Crawshaw A, Wuyts W, Spencer L, Pfeifer M, Valeyre D, Poletti V, Wirtz H, Prasse A, Schreiber S, Krawczak M, Müller-Quernheim J., Phenotypes of organ involvement in sarcoidosis., The European respiratory journal, 51, (1), 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Donnelly, S.C., The festive season, compassionate communities and society's responsibilities, QJM, 106, (12), 2013Journal Article, 2013
  • Cooke, G., Armstrong, M.E., Conroy, H., Donnelly, S.C., MIF and pulmonary disease, The MIF Handbook, 2012, p231-239Journal Article, 2012
  • Phelan, D., Watson, C., Martos, R., Collier, P., Patle, A., Donnelly, S., Ledwidge, M., Baugh, J., McDonald, K., Modest Elevation in BNP in Asymptomatic Hypertensive Patients Reflects Sub-Clinical Cardiac Remodeling, Inflammation and Extracellular Matrix Changes, PLoS ONE, 7, (11), 2012Journal Article, 2012
  • Shelly, M.P., Kelly, K., Grant, I., Donnelly, S., Fearon, K., Kinsella, J., Nightingale, P., Howie, J.C., Masterton, R., Nimmo, G.R., Grand Round in intensive care, Clinical Intensive Care, 5, (5), 1994, p248-254Journal Article, 1994
  • Mulherin, D., FitzGerald, O., Bresnihan, B., Bruce, I.N., McNally, J.A., Bell, A.L., Yanni, G., Cauli, A., Challacombe, S., Panayi, G.S., Foley-Nolan, D., Akil, M., Anthony, M., Cundall, D., Bourne, J., Arthur, R., Chamberlain, M.A., Byrne, P., Mahon, N., Robinson, H., Sant, S.M., Donnelly, S., Barnes, L., Watson, R., Casey, E.B., Donnelly, S., Casey, E.B., Bruce, I.N., Edgar, D.E., McMillan, S.A., Conlan, S.K., McNeill, T.A., Bell, A.L., Robinson, H., Byrne, P., Mahon, N., Sant, S.M., Abuzakouk, M., Feighery, C., Jones, E., O"Briain, S., Goggins, M., Weir, D.G., Casey, E., O"Farrelly, C., Kelleher, D., Murphy, A., Casey, E.B., Veale, D.J., Kirk, G., McLaren, M., Belch, J.J.F., Byrne, P., Mahon, N., Robinson, H., Sant, S.M., Foley-Nolan, D., Daly, M.J., Mahon, N., Robinson, H., Byrne, P., Sant, S.M., Donnelly, S., Murphy, J., Lynch, M., Casey, E.B., McKernan, S., Donnelly, S., Casey, E.B., Sothinathan, R., Donnelly, S., Casey, E.B., Blake, C., Garrett, M., Robinson, H., Byrne, P., Mahon, N., Sant, S.M., Gourley, I.S., Bell, A.L., Bresnihan, B., FitzGerald, O., Cunnane, G., Abuzakouk, M., Feighery, C., Bergin, C., Cherukuri, A., Weir, D.G., Casey, E., O"Farrelly, C., Mulherin, D., Kirk, G., Veale, D.J., Belch, J.J.F., Bresnihan, B., FitzGerald, O., Kelleher, D., Hall, N., Murphy, A., Casey, E.B., Mulcahy, B., Molloy, M., Phelan, M., O"Gara, F., McConnell, F., Shanahan, F., FitzGerald, O., Heffernan, M., Mulcahy, B., Neary, P., Molloy, M., Irish society for rheumatology: Proceedings of annual general meeting held in Beaumont Hospital on Friday 22nd October, 1993, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 163, (4), 1994, p188-195Journal Article, 1994
  • Chan, K.H., Singh, H.P., Aherne, T., Carabine, U., Gilliland, H., Johnston, J.R., Lowry, K.G., McGuigan, J., Cosgrove, J., Veerasingham, D., McCarthy, J., Hurley, J., Wood, A.E., Gilliland, R., McGuigan, J.A., McManus, K.G., Wilkinson, P., Johnston, L.C., MacMahon, J., Wilson, D., Austin, C., Anikin, V., McManus, K., McGuigan, J., McManus, K., Anikin, V., Gibbons, J.R.P., McGuigan, J., Sharkey, R., Long, M., Maree, A., O"Neill, S., Maguire, C.P., Hayes, J.P., Masterson, J., Fitzgerald, M.X., Hayes, M., Maguire, C.P., Hayes, J.P., Masterson, J., Fitzgerald, M.X., Quigley, C., Mofidi, A., Mofidi, R., Fitzgerald, M.X., O"Neill, M., Watson, J.B.G., O"Halloran, E.T., Shortt, C., Taylor, M., Holland, C., O"Lorcain, P., Taylor, M., Holland, C., O"Lorcain, P., Pathmakanthan, S., Sreenan, S., Power, C.K., Poulter, L.W., Burke, C.M., Reilly, D., Pathmakanthan, S., Sreenan, S., Doyle, S., Burke, C.M., Sreenan, S., Power, C., Pathmakanthan, S., Goggin, A., Burke, C.M., Poulter, L.W., Sreenan, S., Doyle, S., Pathmakanthan, S., Poulter, L.W., Burke, C.M., Sreenan, S., Debenham, P., Pathmakanthan, S., Burke, C.M., Poulter, L.W., Southey, A., O"Connor, C.M., Fitzgerald, M.X., Bourke, W.J., McDonnell, T.J., Buck, J.B., Magee, T.R.A., Lowry, R.C., Graham, A.N.J., Owens, W.A., Kelly, S.B., McGuigan, J.A., Costelloe, R.W., Ryan, J., Collins, J., Guerin, D., Rooney, D., Long, E., O"Donnell, M., O"Neill, S., Cotter, T.P., Bredin, C.P., Buick, J.B., Lowry, R.C., MacMahon, J.J., Finlay, G., Concannon, D., McDonnell, T.J., Reid, P.T., Alderdice, J., Carson, J., Sinnamon, D.G., Murphy, S., Scott, T., Keane, C.T., Walsh, J.B., Coakley, D., McKeown, D., Kelly, P., Clancy, L., Kiely, J.L., Cryan, B., Bredin, C.P., Killeen, P., Farrell, S., Kelly, P., Clancy, L., Kiely, J.L., O"Riordan, D.M., Sheehan, S., Curtain, J., Hogan, J., Bredin, C.P., Malone, A., Ahmed, S., Watson, J.B.G., Murphy, M., Fennell, W., Ahmed, S., Watson, J.B.G., Aherne, T., Keohane, C., O"Neill, M., Gleeson, C.M., McGuigan, J., Ritchie, A.J., Russell, S.E.H., Molloy, E., Keane, M., Coakley, R., Costello, R., Condron, C., Watson, R.G.W., O"Neill, S., Kelly, C., Redmond, H., Watson, W., Burke, P., Bouchier-Hayes, D., Donnelly, S.C., Haslett, C., Dransfield, I., Robertson, C.E., Carter, D.C., Ross, J.A., Grant, I.S., Tedder, T.F., Doyle, S., Sreenan, S., Pathmakanthan, S., Burke, C.M., Heaney, L.G., Cross, L.J.M., Stanford, C.F., Ennis, M., Sreenan, S., Pathmakanthan, S., Power, C., Goggin, A., Poulter, L.W., Burke, C.M., Murphy, S., Scott, T., Keane, C.T., Walsh, J.B., Coakley, D., O"Riordan, D.M., Gergely, L., Deng, N., Rose, R.M., Hennessy, T., Hickey, L., Thornton, L., Collum, C., Durity, M., Power, J., Johnson, H., Lee, B., Doherty, E., Kelly, E., McDonnell, T., McKeown, D., Kelly, P., Clancy, L., Wilkinson, P., Varghese, G., Anikin, V., Gibbons, J., McManus, K., McGuigan, J., Reid, P.T., Gower, N.H., Rudd, R.M., Irish thoracic society: Proceedings of annual scientific meeting held in Cork on 5th & 6th November, 1993, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 163, (4), 1994, p196-211Journal Article, 1994
  • Strieter, R.M., Miller, E.J., Kurdowska, A.K., Reid, P.T., Donnelly, S.C., Measurement of cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, European Respiratory Review, 9, (66), 1999, p106-112Journal Article, 1999
  • Fisher, A.J., Donnelly, S.C., Hirani, N., Haslett, C., Strieter, R.M., Dark, J.H., Corris, P.A., The effect of donor lung inflammation on outcome following human lung transplantation, Thorax, 54, (SUPPL. 3), 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • Hirani, N., Antonicelli, F., Haslett, C., Donnelly, S.C., The selective upregulation of Interleukin 8 (IL-8) from hypoxic human macrophages - A potential role in the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Thorax, 54, (SUPPL. 3), 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • Breen, E.G., Donnelly, S., Alopecia associated with sulphasalazine (Salazopyrine), British Medical Journal, 292, (6523), 1986Journal Article, 1986
  • Haq, I., Chappell, S., Johnson, S.R., Lotya, J., Daly, L., Morgan, K., Guetta-Baranes, T., Roca, J., Rabinovich, R., Millar, A.B., Donnelly, S.C., Keatings, V., MacNee, W., Stolk, J., Hiemstra, P.S., Miniati, M., Monti, S., O'Connor, C.M., Kalsheker, N., Association of MMP - 12 polymorphisms with severe and very severe COPD: A case control study of MMPs - 1, 9 and 12 in a European population, BMC Medical Genetics, 11, (1), 2010Journal Article, 2010
  • Martos, R., Baugh, J., Ledwidge, M., O'Loughlin, C., Murphy, N.F., Conlon, C., Patle, A., Donnelly, S.C., McDonald, K., Diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Improved accuracy with the use of markers of collagen turnover, European Journal of Heart Failure, 11, (2), 2009, p191-197Journal Article, 2009
  • Sharkey, R.A., Kalsheker, N., Morgan, K., Cave, S., Grant, I.S., Haslett, C., Donnelly, S.C., Association between polymorphism in gene for microsomal epoxide hydrolase and the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Thorax, 53, (SUPPL. 4), 1998Journal Article, 1998
  • Hirani, N., Haslett, C., Donnelly, S.C., Hypoxic upregulation of IL8 in human macrophages - The role of transcription factors AP-1 and C/EBP, Thorax, 53, (SUPPL. 4), 1998Journal Article, 1998
  • Hennessy, T.G., Codd, M.B., Donnelly, S., Hartigan, C., McCann, H.A., McCarthy, C., Neligan, M., Wood, A.E., Luke, D., McGovern, E., Aherne, T., Sugrue, D.D., Long-term clinical outcome following coronary artery bypass grafting for isolated stenosis of the left anterior descending coronary artery, European Heart Journal, 19, (3), 1998, p447-457Journal Article, 1998
  • Cullen, C., MacKenzie, G., Adgey, J., Lavin, F., Keane, M., Forde, A., Shah, P., Gannon, F., Daly, K., McClements, B.M., McNeil, A.J., Wilson, C.M., Webb, S.W., Campbell, N.P.S., Khan, M.M., O'Murchu, B., Gersh, B.J., Bailey, K.R., Holmes, D.R., Foley, D.P., Hermans, W.R., Rensing, B.J., Vos, J., Herman, J.-P., Serruys, P.W., Mannion, A., Finn, J., Grimes, H., Lonergan, M., O'Donnell, Daly, L., McGovern, E., Graham, I., Joseph, P.A., Robinson, K., Kinsella, T., Crean, P., Gearty, G., Walsh, M., Ryan, M., Clarke, R., Refsum, R., Ueland, P., Coehrane, D.J., Stewart, A.J., McEneaney, D.J., Allen, J.D., Anderson, J., Dempsey, G., Adgey, A.A.J., Casey, F.A., Mulholland, H.C., Craig, B.G., Power, R., Rooney, N., O'Keeffe, D.B., McComb, J., Wilson, C., Tan, K.S., Pye, C., McCabe, N., Hickey, N., McEneaney, D., Cochrane, D., Oslizlok, P.C., Case, C.L., Gillette, P.C., Knick, B.J., Henry, L.P.N., Blair, L., Gumbrielle, T., Bourke, J.P., Hilton, C.J., Campbell, R.W.F., Kearney, P.P., Fennell, F., McKiernan, S., Fennell, W., Escaned, J., Hermans, W.R., Umans, V.A., de Jaegere, P.P., de Feyter, P.J., Galvin, J., Leavey, S., Sugrue, D., Vallely, S.R., Campbell, N.P.S., Laird, J.D., Ferguson, R., Duff, S., Bridges, A.B., Pringle, T.H., McNeill, G.P., McLaren, M., Belch, J.J.F., O'Sullivan, L., Bain, H., Hunter, S., Wren, C., Hennesy, A., Codd, M., Daly, C., McCarthy, C., Carroll, K., Coakley, F., O'Mahony, S., Sullivan, P.A., Kearney, P., Higgins, T., Crowey, J.J., Donnelly, S.M., Tobin, M., FitzGerald, O., Bresnihan, B., Maurer, B.J., Quigley, P.J., Shelley, E., Collins, C., Hickey, N., ulcahy, R., Johnston, P.W., Gibson, J., Crowe, P., King, G., Freyne, P.J., Geary, G., McAdam, B., Sheahan, R., Gaylani, N.E., Simpson, A., Temperley, I., Mulcahy, F., McGee, H.M., Graham, T., Crowe, B., Horgan, J.H., McGinley, J., Hurley, J., Neligan, M., Austin, C., Cleland, J., Gladstone, D., O'Kane, H., O'Sullivan, J., Hasan, A., Hamilton, J.R.L., Hunter, S., Dark, J.H., McDaid, C.M., Phillips, A.S., Lewis, S.A., McMurray, T.J., Walsh, K.P., Abrams, S.E., Diamond, M., Clarkson, M.J., Rutsch, W., Emanuelsson, H., Danchin, N., Wijns, W., Chappuis, F., Irish cardiac society - Proceedings of annual general meeting held 20th & 21st November 1992 in Dublin Castle, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 162, (5), 1993, p195-207Journal Article, 1993
  • Chappell, S., Daly, L., Morgan, K., Guetta-Baranes, T., Roca, J., Rabinovich, R., Lotya, J., Millar, A.B., Donnelly, S.C., Keatings, V., MacNee, W., Stolk, J., Hiemstra, P.S., Miniati, M., Monti, S., O'Connor, C.M., Kalsheker, N., Genetic variants of microsomal epoxide hydrolase and glutamate-cysteine ligase in COPD, European Respiratory Journal, 32, (4), 2008, p931-937Journal Article, 2008
  • Hirani, N., Haslett, C., Donnelly, S.C., Influence of hypoxia in augmenting IL-8 generation from human monocytes and macropghages - Potential role in the acute respiratory distress syndrome, Thorax, 52, (SUPPL. 6), 1997Journal Article, 1997
  • Rahman, I., Haslett, C., Rossi, A., Reid, P.T., Wallace, W., Bucala, R., Metz, C., Donnelly, S.C., Epithelial cells are a source for macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) - Potential role in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Thorax, 51, (SUPPL. 3), 1996Journal Article, 1996
  • Morrison, D., Strieter, R.M., Donnelly, S., Burdick, M.D., Kunkel, S.L., Macnee, W., Epithelial permeability in vivo and in vitro and TNF" in non-smokers and smokers, Thorax, 51, (SUPPL. 3), 1996Journal Article, 1996
  • Plant, B.J., Ghani, S., O'Mahony, M.J., Morgan, L., O'Connor, C.M., Morgan, K., Baugh, J.A., Donnelly, S.C., Erratum: "Sarcoidosis and MIF gene polymorphism: A case-control study in an Irish population" (European Respiratory Journal (2007) vol. 29 (325-329)), European Respiratory Journal, 30, (2), 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Laughlin, A.M., O'Brien, R., Donnelly, S.C., Familial idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis occurring in four members of a family, Respiratory Medicine Extra, 3, (1), 2007, p23-25Journal Article, 2007
  • Donnelly, S.C., Strieter, R.M., Reid, P.T., Kunkel, S.L., Burdick, M.D., Armstrong, I., Mackenzie, A., Haslett, C., The Association between Mortality Rates and Decreased Concentrations of Interleukin-10 and Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist in the Lung Fluids of Patients with the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Annals of Internal Medicine, 125, (3), 1996, p191-196Journal Article, 1996
  • Hirani, N., Clay, M., Sri-Pathmanathan, R., Sharkey, R., Haslett, C., Donnelly, S.C., A role for acute Hypoxia/Hyperoxia in the pathogenesis of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) - An in vivo model, Thorax, 54, (SUPPL. 3), 1999Journal Article, 1999
  • McElroy AN, Invernizzi R, Laskowska JW, O'Neill A, Doroudian M, Moghoofei M, Mostafaei S, Li F, Przybylski AA, O'Dwyer DN, Bowie AG, Fallon PG, Maher TM, Hogaboam CM, Molyneaux PL, Hirani N, Armstrong ME, Donnelly SC., Candidate Role for Toll-like Receptor 3 L412F Polymorphism and Infection in Acute Exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis., American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Mitchell PD, Olaniyi J, Buckley C, Donnelly SC., Long COVID syndrome and the lung-How long will it last?, QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Ralph Panstruga, Seamas C. Donnelly, Jürgen Bernhagen, A cross"kingdom view on the immunomodulatory role of MIF / D"DT proteins in mammalian and plant Pseudomonas infections, Immunology, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Fischer A, Strek ME, Cottin V, Dellaripa PF, Bernstein EJ, Brown KK, Danoff SK, Distler O, Hirani N, Jones KD, Khanna D, Lee JS, Lynch DA, Maher TM, Donnelly SC, Proceedings of the American College of Rheumatology/Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland Connective Tissue Disease-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease Summit: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Address Challenges and Opportunities., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2019Journal Article, 2019
  • Mohammad Doroudian, Ronan MacLoughlin, Fergus Poynton, Adriele Prina-Mello, Seamas C Donnelly, Nanotechnology based therapeutics for lung disease, Thorax, 74, (10), 2019, p965--976Journal Article, 2019
  • Smyth H, Flood R, Kane D, Donnelly S, Mullan RH, Shrinking lung syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus: a case series and literature review., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Donnelly SC, Breakfast-the most important meal of the day!!, QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Mostafaei S, Kazemnejad A, Azimzadeh Jamalkandi S, Amirhashchi S, Donnelly SC, Armstrong ME, Doroudian M, Identification of Novel Genes in Human Airway Epithelial Cells associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) using Machine-Based Learning Algorithms., Scientific reports, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Donnelly SC, 18F-FDG-PET/CT scanning-clinical usefulness beyond cancer., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Grainger JT, Maeda Y, Donnelly SC, Vaizey CJ, Assessment and management of patients with intestinal failure: a multidisciplinary approach., Clinical and experimental gastroenterology, 2018Journal Article, 2018
  • Donnelly SC, After the Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011-is Japan better prepared-perhaps not., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2017Journal Article, 2017
  • Kelly M.J., Breathnach C., Tracey K.J., Donnelly S.C., Manipulation of the inflammatory reflex as a therapeutic strategy, Cell Reports Medicine, 3, (7), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Thiele M., Donnelly S.C., Mitchell R.A., OxMIF: a druggable isoform of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in cancer and inflammatory diseases, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 10, (9), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Donnelly S.C., COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy after side effects to the first vaccine: What are our options?, QJM, 115, (5), 2022, p267-Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Donnelly S.C., After acute there is the long-COVID syndrome: What's the plan?, QJM, 115, (1), 2022, p1 - 2, p1-2Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Mitchell P.D., Buckley C., Subramaniam A., Crowther S., Donnelly S.C., Elevated serum ACE levels in patients with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome, QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 115, (10), 2022, p651 - 652, p651-652Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Donnelly S.C., Community-Acquired pneumonia and non-invasive ventilation-a valid ICU avoidance strategy?, QJM, 115, (7), 2022, p427-Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Donnelly S.C., Long-COVID syndrome and the lung, QJM, 115, (6), 2022, p347-Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Donnelly S.C., Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland ( not become a member?, QJM, 115, (4), 2022, p199-Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Donnelly S.C., Coronavirus disease 2019-lessons learnt, QJM, 115, (3), 2022, p129-Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Donnelly S.C., Why do vaccinated people get re-infected with COVID-19 infection?, QJM, 115, (2), 2022, p65-Journal Article, 2022, DOI
  • Anne Trappe, Seamas C Donnelly, Paul McNally, Judith A Coppinger, Role of extracellular vesicles in chronic lung disease, Thorax, 76, (10), 2021, p1047--1056Journal Article, 2021, DOI
  • Hams E, Armstrong ME, Barlow JL, Saunders SP, Schwartz C, Cooke G, Fahy RJ, Crotty TB, Hirani N, Flynn RJ, Voehringer D, McKenzie AN, Donnelly SC, Fallon PG, IL-25 and type 2 innate lymphoid cells induce pulmonary fibrosis., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, (1), 2014, p367-72Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • O'Dwyer DN, Armstrong ME, Trujillo G, Cooke G, Keane MP, Fallon PG, Simpson AJ, Millar AB, McGrath EE, Whyte MK, Hirani N, Hogaboam CM, Donnelly SC., The Toll-like receptor 3 L412F polymorphism and disease progression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis., Am J Respir Crit Care Med., 188, 2013, p1442 - 1450Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • Dr Jane Humphries, Elements, Irish Art Review, 29, (4), 2012, p76 - 77Journal Article