Professor Michael John Kennedy

Professor Michael John Kennedy

Clinical Professor

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • Cahir, C. Dombrowski, S.U. Kelly, C.M. Kennedy, M.J. Bennett, K. Sharp, L., Women-s experiences of hormonal therapy for breast cancer: exploring influences on medication-taking behaviour, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Walsh, E.M. Farrell, M.P. Nolan, C. Gallagher, F. Clarke, R. McCaffrey, J.A. Kennedy, M.J. Barry, M. Kell, M.R. Gallagher, D.J., Breast cancer detection among Irish BRCA1 & BRCA2 mutation carriers: a population-based study, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Guinan, E.M. Connolly, E.M. Healy, L.A. Carroll, P.A. Kennedy, M.J. Hussey, J., The development of the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance after adjuvant treatment for breast cancer, Cancer Nursing, 37, (5), 2014, p355 - 362Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
  • Pooley, K.A. McGuffog, L. Barrowdale, D. Frost, D. Ellis, S.D. Fineberg, E. Platte, R. Izatt, L. Adlard, J. Bardwell, J. Brewer, C. Cole, T. Cook, J. Davidson, R. Donaldson, A. Dorkins, H. Douglas, F. Eason, J. Houghton, C. Kennedy, M.J. McCann, E. Miedzybrodzka, Z. Murray, A. Porteous, M.E. Rogers, M.T. Side, L.E. Tischkowitz, M. Walker, L. Hodgson, S. Eccles, D.M. Morrison, P.J. Evans, D.G. Eeles, R.A. Antoniou, A.C. Easton, D.F. Dunning, A.M., Lymphocyte telomere length is long in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers regardless of cancer-affected status, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 23, (6), 2014, p1018 - 1024Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL
  • Broderick, J.M. Guinan, E. Kennedy, M.J. Hollywood, D. Courneya, K.S. Culos-Reed, S.N. Bennett, K. O' Donnell, D.M. Hussey, J., Feasibility and efficacy of a supervised exercise intervention in de-conditioned cancer survivors during the early survivorship phase: The PEACH trial, Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 7, (4), 2013, p551 - 562Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
  • Castro, E. Goh, C. Olmos, D. Saunders, E. Leongamornlert, D. Tymrakiewicz, M. Mahmud, N. Dadaev, T. Govindasami, K. Guy, M. Sawyer, E. Wilkinson, R. Ardern-Jones, A. Ellis, S. Frost, D. Peock, S. Evans, D.G. Tischkowitz, M. Cole, T. Davidson, R. Eccles, D. Brewer, C. Douglas, F. Porteous, M.E. Donaldson, A. Dorkins, H. Izatt, L. Cook, J. Hodgson, S. Kennedy, M.J. Side, L.E. Eason, J. Murray, A. Antoniou, A.C. Easton, D.F. Kote-Jarai, Z. Eeles, R., Re: Germline brca mutations are associated with higher risk of nodal involvement, distant metastasis, and poor survival outcomes in prostate cancer, The Journal of Urology, 190, (6), 2013, p2093-Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
  • Crown, J. Kennedy, M.J. Tresca, P. Marty, M. Espie, M. Burris, H.A. DeSilvio, M. Lau, M.R. Kothari, D. Koch, K.M. Diéras, V., Optimally tolerated dose of lapatinib in combinationwith docetaxel plus trastuzumab in first-line treatmentof HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer, Annals of Oncology, 24, (8), 2013, p2005 - 2011Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Baselga, J. Gómez, P. Greil, R. Braga, S. Climent, M.A. Wardley, A.M. Kaufman, B. Stemmer, S.M. Pêgo, A. Chan, A. Goeminne, J.C. Graas, M.P. Kennedy, M.J. Ciruelos Gil, E.M. Schneeweiss, A. Zubel, A. Groos, J. Melezínková, H. Awada, A., Randomized phase II study of the anti-epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody cetuximab with cisplatin versus cisplatin alone in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer., Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31, (20), 2013, p2586 - 2592Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
  • Mavaddat, N. Peock, S. Frost, D. Ellis, S. Platte, R. Fineberg, E. Evans, D.G. Izatt, L. Eeles, R.A. Adlard, J. Davidson, R. Eccles, D. Cole, T. Cook, J. Brewer, C. Tischkowitz, M. Douglas, F. Hodgson, S. Walker, L. Porteous, M.E. Morrison, P.J. Side, L.E. Kennedy, M.J. Houghton, C. Donaldson, A. Rogers, M.T. Dorkins, H. Miedzybrodzka, Z. Gregory, H. Eason, J. Barwell, J. McCann, E. Murray, A. Antoniou, A.C. Easton, D.F., Cancer risks for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: Results from prospective analysis of EMBRACE, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 105, (11), 2013, p812 - 822Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Castro, E. Goh, C. Olmos, D. Saunders, E. Leongamornlert, D. Tymrakiewicz, M. Mahmud, N. Dadaev, T. Govindasami, K. Guy, M. Sawyer, E. Wilkinson, R. Ardern-Jones, A. Ellis, S. Frost, D. Peock, S. Evans, D.G. Tischkowitz, M. Cole, T. Davidson, R. Eccles, D. Brewer, C. Douglas, F. Porteous, M.E. Donaldson, A. Dorkins, H. Izatt, L. Cook, J. Hodgson, S. Kennedy, M.J. Side, L.E. Eason, J. Murray, A. Antoniou, A.C. Easton, D.F. Kote-Jarai, Z. Eeles, R., Germline BRCA mutations are associated with higher risk of nodal involvement, distant metastasis, and poor survival outcomes in prostate cancer., Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31, (14), 2013, p1748 - 1757Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL
  • Elena Castro a,b,*, Chee Goh b, Daniel Leongamornlert b, Ed Saunders b, Malgorzata Tymrakiewicz b, Tokhir Dadaev b, Koveela Govindasami b, Michelle Guy b, Steve Ellis c, Debra Frost c, Elizabeth Bancroft b, Trevor Cole d, Marc Tischkowitz e, M. John Kennedy f, Jacqueline Eason g, Carole Brewer h, D. Gareth Evans i, Rosemarie Davidson j, Diana Eccles k, Mary E. Porteous l, Fiona Douglasm, Julian Adlard n, Alan Donaldson o, Antonis C. Antoniou c, Zsofia Kote-Jarai b, Douglas F. Easton c, David Olmos a,*,y, Rosalind Eeles, Effect of BRCA Mutations on Metastatic Relapse and Cause-specific Survival After Radical Treatment for Localised Prostate Cancer, European Urology., 2015Journal Article, 2015, TARA - Full Text
  • Kennedy MJ, Eustace P, O'Briain DS, and Daly PA, Paraneoplastic papilloedema and neuroblastoma, Postgrad Med J, 63, 1987, p873 - 876Journal Article, 1987
  • Kennedy MJ, Shelley RK, and Daly PA, Potentiation of small cell lung cancer related SIADH by trifluoperazine, Eur J Respir Dis, 71, 1987, p450 - 454Journal Article, 1987
  • Kennedy MJ, Daly PA, Lawlor E, O'Briain DS, Relapsing large cell immunoblastic lymphoma complicating well differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma: A report of two cases showing survival with therapy, Clin Lab Haematol, 10, 1988, p7 - 14Journal Article, 1988
  • Kennedy MJ, Donehower RC, Grochow LB, Ettinger DS, Fetting JH, and Abeloff MD, Phase II trial of menogaril as initial chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer, Invest New Drugs, 8, 1990, p289 - 294Journal Article, 1990
  • O'Briain DS, Kennedy MJ, Daly PA, O'Brien AAJ, Tanner WA, Rogers P, and Lawlor E, Multiple lymphomatous polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract: A clinicopathological distinctive form of non hodgkin's lymphoma of B cell centrocytic type, Am J Surg Pathol, 13, 1989, p691 - 699Journal Article, 1989
  • Rowley SD, Piantadosi S, Marcellus DC, Jones RJ, Davidson NE, Davis JM, Kennedy MJ, Wiley JM, Wingard J, Yeager AM, Santos GW, Analysis of factors predicting speed of hematologic recovery after transplantation with 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide-purged autologous bone marrow grafts, Bone Marrow Trans, 7, 1991, p183 - 191Journal Article, 1991
  • Kennedy MJ, Beveridge RA, Rowley SD, Gordon GB, Abeloff MD, Davidson NE, High-dose chemotherapy with reinfusion of purged autologous marrow following dose-intense induction as initial therapy for metastatic breast cancer, J Natl Cancer Inst, 83, 1991, p920 - 925Journal Article, 1991
  • Kennedy MJ, Prestigiacomo LJ, Tyler G, May WS, and Davidson NE, Differential effects of bryostatin 1 and phorbol ester on human breast cancer cell lines, Cancer Res, 52, 1992, p1278 - 1283Journal Article, 1992
  • Antman K, Corringham R, de Vries E, Elfenbein G, Gianni AM, Gisselbrecht C, Herzig R, Juttner C, Kaizer H, Kennedy MJ, et al., Dose intensive therapy in breast cancer. Bone Marrow Transplantation, Bone Marrow Trans, 10, 1992, p67 - 73Journal Article, 1992
  • Kennedy MJ, Vogelsang GB, Beveridge RA, Farmer ER, Altomonte V, Huelskamp AM, Davidson N, Phase I trial of intravenous cyclosporine A to induce graft-versus-host disease in women undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation for breast cancer, J Clin Oncol, 11, 1993, p478 - 484Journal Article, 1993
  • Kennedy MJ, Abeloff MD, Management of locally recurrent breast cancer, Cancer, 71, 1993, p2395 - 2409Journal Article, 1993
  • Kennedy MJ, Jones RJ, Autologous graft-versus-host: immunotherapy of breast cancer after bone marrow transplantation, Breast Cancer Res Treat, 26, 1993, pS32 - S40Journal Article, 1993
  • Ross AA, Cooper BW, Lazarus HM, Mackay W, Moss TI, Ciobanu N, Tallman MS, Kennedy MJ, Davidson NE, Sweet D, Winter C, Akard L, Jansen J, Copelan E, Meagher RC, Herzig RH, Klumpp TR, Kahn DG, Warner NE, Detection and viability of tumor cells in peripheral blood stem cell collections from breast cancer patients using immunocytochemical and clonogenic assay techniques, Blood, 82, 1993, p2605 - 2610Journal Article, 1993
  • Kennedy MJ, Davis J, Passos-Coehlo J, Noga SJ, Huelskamp AM, Ohly K, Davidson NE, Administration of human recombinant granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF, Filgrastim) accelerates granulocyte recovery following high-dose chemotherapy and autologous marrow transplantation with 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide purged marrow in women with metastatic breast cancer, Cancer Res, 53, 1993, p5424 - 5428Journal Article, 1993
  • Kennedy MJ, Vogelsang GB, Jones RJ, Farmer ER, Hess AD, Altomonte V, Huelskamp AM, Davidson NE, Phase I trial of interferon-gamma to potentiate cyclosporine A-induced graft-versus-host disease in women undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation for breast cancer, J Clin Onc, 12, 1994, p249 - 257Journal Article, 1994
  • Chen T-L, Kennedy MJ, Dunlap VM, Colvin OM, Determination of plasma novobiocin levels by a reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic assay, J Chromatog, 652, 1994, p109 - 113Journal Article, 1994
  • Chan DW, Beveridge RA, Bhargava A, Wilcox PM, Kennedy MJ, Schwartz MK, Breast cancer marker CA549: A multi-center study, Am J Clin Pathol, 101, 1994, p465 - 470Journal Article, 1994
  • Passos-Coelho J, Ross AA, Davis JM, Huelskamp AM, Clarke SJ, Davidson NE, and Kennedy MJ, Bone marrow micrometastases in chemotherapy-responsive advanced breast cancer: Effect of ex-vivo purging with 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide, Cancer Res, 54, 1994, p2366 - 2371Journal Article, 1994
  • Kennedy MJ, Induced autologous graft-versus-host disease for the treatment of cancer, Cancer Treatment Reviews, 20, 1994, p97 - 103Journal Article, 1994
  • O'Reilly S, Kennedy MJ, Rowinsky EK, Donehower RC, Vinorelbine and the topoisomerase 1 inhibitors: Current and potential roles in breast cancer chemotherapy, Breast Cancer Res and Treat, 33, 1994, p1 - 17Journal Article, 1994
  • Kennedy MJ, Induction of graft-versus-host syndrome as a treatment for breast cancer, Clin Immunother, 1, 1994, p173 - 180Journal Article, 1994
  • Kennedy MJ, Systemic adjuvant therapy for breast cancer, Current Opinion in Oncology, 6, 1994, p570 - 577Journal Article, 1994
  • Passos-Coelho JL, Ross AA, Moss TJ, Davis JM, Huelskamp AM, Davidson NE, Noga SJ, Kennedy MJ, Absence of breast cancer cells in a single-day peripheral blood progenitor cell collection following priming with cyclophosphamide and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, Blood, 85, 1995, p1138 - 1143Journal Article, 1995
  • Chen TL, Passos-Coelho JL, Noe DA, Kennedy MJ, Black KC, Colvin OM, Grochow LB, Nonlinear pharmacokinetics of cyclophosphamide in patients with metastatic breast cancer receiving high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous bone marrow transplantation, Cancer Res, 55, 1995, p810 - 816Journal Article, 1995
  • Passos-Coelho JL, Braine HG, Wright SK, Davis JM, Schepers KG, Huelskamp AM, Clarke B, Noga SJ, and Kennedy MJ, Large volume leukapheresis using regional citrate anticoagulation to collect peripheral blood progenitor cells, J Hematother, 4, 1995, p11 - 20Journal Article, 1995
  • Ruvolo P, Bright E, Kennedy MJ, Morris L, Fischer A, Vogelsang G, Jones R, and Hess A, Cyclosporine-induced autologous graft versus host disease: Assessment of cytolytic effector mechanisms and the Vß T-cell receptor repertoire, Trans Proc, 27, 1995, p1363 - 1365Journal Article, 1995
  • Passos-Coelho J-L, Braine HG, Davis JM, Huelskamp AM, Schepers KG, Clarke B, Wright SK, Noga SJ, Davidson NE, Kennedy MJ, Predictive factors for peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collections using a single large volume leukapheresis after cyclophosphamide and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) mobilization, J Clin Oncol, 13, 1995, p705 - 714Journal Article, 1995
  • Kennedy MJ, Armstrong DK, Huelskamp AM, Ohly K, Clarke BV, Colvin OM, Grochow LB, Chen T-L, Davidson NE, Phase I and pharmacologic study of the alkylating agent modulator novobiocin in combination with high-dose chemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer, J Clin Oncol, 13, 1995, p1136 - 1143Journal Article, 1995
  • Simpson SJ, Vachula M, Kennedy MJ, Kaiser H, Coon JS, Ghalie R, Williams S, Van Epps D, Detection of tumor cells in the bone marrow, peripheral blood and apheresis products of breast cancer patients using flow cytometry, Experimental Hematology, 23, 1995, p1062 - 1068Journal Article, 1995
  • Jones RJ, Kennedy MJ, Hess AD, Autologous graft-versus-host disease, Bone Marrow Trans, 15, 1995, pS119 - S123Journal Article, 1995
  • Kennedy MJ, Donehower RC, and Rowinsky EK, Treatment of metastatic breast cancer with the paclitaxel/cyclophosphamide combination, Semin Oncol, 22, 1995, p23 - 27Journal Article, 1995
  • Hess AD, Kennedy MJ, Ruvolo PP, Vogelsang GB, Jones RJ, Antitumor activity of syngeneic/autologous graft-vs-host disease, Ann NY Acad Sci, 770, 1995, p189 - 202Journal Article, 1995
  • Horn TD, Altomonte V, Vogelsang G, Kennedy MJ, Erythroderma after autologous bone marrow transplantation modified by administration of cyclosporine and interferon gamma for breast cancer, J Am Acad Dermatol, 34, 1995, p413 - 417Journal Article, 1995
  • Kennedy MJ, Hess AD, Autologous graft-versus-host disease, Medical Oncology, 12, 1995, p149 - 156Journal Article, 1995
  • Kennedy MJ, Zahurak ML, Donehower RC, Noe DA, Sartorius S, Chen T-L, Bowling K, Rowinsky E, Phase I and pharmacologic study of sequences of paclitaxel and cyclophosphamide supported by granulocyte colony stimulating factor in women with previously treated metastatic breast cancer, J Clin Oncol, 14, 1996, p783 - 791Journal Article, 1996
  • Miller CB, Piantadosi S, Vogelsang GB, Marcellus DC, Grochow L, Kennedy MJ, Jones RJ, The impact of age on outcome of patients undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation, J Clin Oncol, 14, 1996, p1327 - 1332Journal Article, 1996
  • Kennedy MJ, Metastatic breast cancer, Current Opinion in Oncology, 8, (6), 1996, p485 - 490Journal Article, 1996
  • Passos-Coelho JL, Ross AA, Kahn DJ, Moss TJ, Davis JM, Huelskamp AM, Noga SJ, Davidson NE, Kennedy MJ, Similar breast cancer cell contamination of single-day peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collections obtained after priming with hematopoietic growth factor alone or after cyclophosphamide followed by growth factor, J Clin Oncol, 14, 1996, p2569 - 2575Journal Article, 1996
  • Anderson LW, Chen T-L, Colvin OM, Grochow LB, Collins JM, Kennedy MJ, Strong JM, Cyclophosphamide and 4-hydroxycyclophophamide/aldophosphamide kinetics in patients receiving high-dose cyclophosphamide chemotherapy, Clin Cancer Res, 2, 1996, p1481 - 1488Journal Article, 1996
  • Ross AA, Layton TJ, Ostrander AB, Passos-Coelho JL, Davis JM, Huelskamp AM, Noga, SJ, Davidson, Kennedy MJ, Cooper BW, Gerson SL, Lazarus HM, Holland K, Gluck S, Moss MJ, Kaubish A, Vahdat L, Antman K, Comparative analysis of breast cancer contamination in mobilized and nonmobilized hematopoietic Grafts, J Hematother, 5, 1996, p549 - 552Journal Article, 1996
  • Hess AD, Bright EC, Thoburn C, Vogelsang GB, Jones RJ, Kennedy MJ, Specificity of effector T lymphocytes in autologous graft-vs-host disease: Role of the MHC Class II invariant chain peptide, Blood, 89, 1997, p2203 - 2209Journal Article, 1997
  • Antman KH, Rowlings PA, Vaughan WP, Pelz CJ, Fay JW, Fields KK, Freytes CO, Gale RP, Hillner BE, Holland HK, Kennedy MJ, Klein JP, Lazarus HM, McCarthy PL, Jr, Saez R, Spitzer G, Stadtmauer, EA, Williams Sf, Wolff S, Sobocinski KA, Armitage JO, Horowitz MM, High-dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem-cell support for breast cancer in north america, J Clin Oncol, 15, 1997, p1870 - 1879Journal Article, 1997
  • Kennedy MJ, Systemic therapy of breast cancer, Current Opinion in Oncology, 9, 1997, p532 - 539Journal Article, 1997
  • Kennedy MJ, Issues concerning the inclusion of high-dose chemotherapy in the NCCN breast cancer guidelines, Oncology, 11, 1997, p121 - 126Journal Article, 1997
  • Kennedy MJ, Zahurak ML, Donehower RC, Noe D, Grochow LB, Sartorius S, Chen, Sequence-dependent hematologic toxicity associated with the 3-hour paclitaxel/cyclophosphamide doublet, Clin Cancer Res, 4, 1998, p1349 - 1356Journal Article, 1998
  • Subramanyan S, Kennedy MJ, Breast Cancer: High dose therapy, The Oncologist, 3, 1998, p289 - 299Journal Article, 1998
  • Subramanyan S, Bond S, Fetting J, Davidson NE, Kennedy MJ, Phase I/II study of vinorelbine, doxorubicin, and methotrexate with leucovorin rescue as first-line treatment for metastatic breast cancer, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 23, 1999, p497 - 502Journal Article, 1999
  • Kennedy, MJ, Peripheral blood progenitor cell mobilization: A clinical review, Pharmacotherapy, 18, 1998, p3 - 8Journal Article, 1998
  • Subramanyan S, Kennedy MJ, Tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer in younger women, Current Opinion in Preventive Medicine, 2, 1999, p30 - 34Journal Article, 1999
  • Mikhak, B, Zahurek M, Beveridge RA, Donehower RC, Fetting JH, Davidson NE, Waterfield WC, Abeloff MD, Kennedy MJ, Long term follow-up of women treated with sixteen-week dose-intense chemotherapy in the adjuvant treatment of high-risk breast cancer, Cancer, 86, 1999, p899 - 904Journal Article, 1999
  • Dees EC, Kennedy MJ, Recent advances in systemic therapy for breast cancer, Curr Opin Oncol, 10, 1998, p517 - 522Journal Article, 1998
  • Rowlings PA, Williams SF, Antman K, Fay J, Reed E, Pelz, C, Klein J, , Factors correlating with progression-free survival after high dose therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for metastatic breast cancer, JAMA, 282, 1999, p1335 - 1343Journal Article, 1999
  • Gaston-Johansson F, Ohly KV, Fall-Dickson JM, Nanda JP, Kennedy MJ, Pain, psychological distress, health status, and coping in patients with breast cancer scheduled for autotransplantation, Oncol Nurs Forum, 26, 1999, p1337 - 1345Journal Article, 1999
  • Gaston-Johansson F, Fall-Dickson JM, Bakos AB, Kennedy MJ, Fatigue, pain, and depression in pre-autotransplant breast cancer patients, Cancer Pract, 7, 1999, p240 - 247Journal Article, 1999
  • Hahm HA, Armstrong DK Chen T, Grochow L, Passos-Coelho J, Goodman S, Davidson N, Kennedy MJ, Novobiocin in combination with high-dose chemotherapy for the treatment of advanced breast cancer: A phase II study, Biology of Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation, 6, 2000, p335 - 343Journal Article, 2000
  • Gaston-Johannson F, Nanda J, Kennedy MJ, The effectiveness of the comprehensive coping strategy progam on clinical outcomes in breast cancer autologous bone marrow transplantation patients, Cancer Nursing, 23, 2000, p277 - 285Journal Article, 2000
  • Knowles S, Herra C, Devitt E, O'Brien A, Mulvihill E, McCann SR, Browne P, Kennedy MJ, Keane CT, An outbreak of multiply resistant Serratia marcescens: the importance of persistent carriage, Bone Marrow Transplant, 25, 2000, p873 - 877Journal Article, 2000
  • van der Wall E, Horn T, Bright E, Passos-Coehlo JL, Bond S, Clarke B, Altomonte V, McIntyre K, Vogelsang G, Noga SJ, Davis JM, Thomassen J, Ohly KV, Lee SM, Fetting J, Armstrong DK, Davidson NE, Hess AD, Kennedy MJ, Autologous graft-versus-host disease induction in advanced breast cancer: role of peripheral blood progenitor cells, Br J Cancer, 83, 2000, p1405 - 1411Journal Article, 2000
  • O'Connell N, Gardiner N, Duggan C, Enright H, Kennedy MJ, McCann SR, Daly PA, Browne PV, Effective progenitor cell mobilization in lymphoproliferative disorders using ifosfamide, epirubicin and etoposide (IEV), Eur J Haematol Suppl, 64, 2001, p33 - 36Journal Article, 2001
  • Heath EI, O'Reilly S, Humphrey R, Sundaresan P, Donehower RC, Sartorius S, Kennedy MJ, Armstrong DK, Carducci MA, Sorensen JM, Kennedy S, Grochow LB, Phase I trial of the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor BAY12-9566 in patients with advanced solid tumors, Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 48, 2001, p269 - 274Journal Article, 2001
  • Bird B, Kennedy MJ, Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer: an Updat, Cancer Topics, 11, 2001, p1 - 4Journal Article, 2001
  • Kennedy MJ, The limits of tamoxifen, Ir J Med Sci, 171, 2002, p8 - 9Journal Article, 2002
  • Pecora AL, Lazarus HM, Jennnis AA, Preti RA, Goldberg SL, Rowley SD, Cantwell S, Cooper BW, Copelan EA, Herzig RH, Meagher R, Kennedy MJ, Akard LR, Jansen J, Ross A, Prilutskaya M, Glassco J, Kahn D, Moss TJ, Breast cancer cell contamination of blood stem cell products in patients with metastatic breast cancer: predictors and clinical relevance, Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, 8, 2002, p536 - 543Journal Article, 2002
  • Emens L, Kennedy MJ, Fetting J, Davidson NE, Garrett E, Armstrong DK, A phase I toxicity and feasibility trial of sequential dose dense induction chemotherapy with doxorubicin, paclitaxel and 5-flourouracil followed by high-dose consolidation for high-risk primary breast cancer, Breast Cancer Res and Treat, 76, 2002, p145 - 165Journal Article, 2002
  • Hennessy B, McCaffrey JA, Daly P, Browne P and Kennedy MJ, High dose chemotherapy and stem cell support for poor risk and recurrent non seminomatous germ cell cancer: initial experience with sequential therapy, Ir J Med Sci, 171, 2002, p158 - 160Journal Article, 2002
  • Marty M, Cognetti F, Maraninchi D, Snyder R, Mauriac L, Tubiana-Hulin M, Chan S, Grimes D, Anton A, Lluch A, Kennedy MJ, O'Byrne K, Conte P, Green M, Ward C, Mayne K, Extra J-M (on behalf of the M77001 study group), Efficacy and safety of trastuzumab (Herceptin?) combined with docetaxel in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer given as first-line treatment: results of a randomized phase II trial (M77001), J Clin Oncol, 23, 2005, p4265 - 4274Journal Article, 2005
  • O'Byrne KJ, Kennedy MJ, New targets for therapy in breast cancer: Targeted angiogenesis inhibitors, Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2006Journal Article, 2006
  • Hennessy B, Kennedy MJ, High dose therapy for breast cancer: the European experience, Breast Dis., 14, 2001, p3 - 7Journal Article, 2001
  • Smith FM, Coffey JC, Khasri NM, Walsh MF, Parfrey N, Gaffney EF, Stephens RB, Kennedy MJ, Kirwan WO, Redmond HP, Sentinel nodes are identifiable in formalin fixed specimens after surgeon performed, ex-vivo sentinel node lymph node mapping in colorectal cancer, Ann Surg Oncol, 12, 2005, p504 - 509Journal Article, 2005
  • Smith FM, Stephens RB, Kennedy MJ, Reynolds JV, P53 abnormalities and outcomes in rectal cancer: a systematic review, B J Cancer, 9, 2005, p1813 - 1813Journal Article, 2005
  • Wolff A, O Neill A, Kennedy MJ, Stewart JA, Gradishar W, Lord RS, Davidson NE, Wood WC, Single-agent topotecan as first-line chemotherapy in women with metastatic breast cancer: Final results of Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group trial E8193, Clin Breast Ca, 6, 2005, p334 - 339Journal Article, 2005
  • Smith FM, Reynolds JV, Kay EW, Crotty P, Murphy JO, Hollywood D, Gaffney EF, Stephens RB, Kennedy MJ, COX-2 overexpression in pretreatment biopsies predicts response of rectal cancers to neoadjuvant radiochemtherapy, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 64, 2006, p466 - 472Journal Article, 2006
  • Smith FM, Reynolds JV, Miller N, Stephens RB, Kennedy MJ, Pathological and molecular predictors of the response of rectal cancer to neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy, Eur J Surg Oncol, 32, 2006, p55 - 64Journal Article, 2006
  • Smith FM, Miller N, Gaffney EF, Stephens RB, Kennedy MJ, Reynolds JV, Looking to the future by creating a blood and tissue 'biobank' from surgical patients, B J Surg, 2007Journal Article, 2007
  • Power R, Kennedy MJ, Crown J, Fraser I, Thornhill J, Pelvic recurrence in stage I seminoma: A new phenomenon that questions modern protocols for radiotherapy and follow-up, Int J Urol, 12, 2005, p378 - 382Journal Article, 2005
  • MacGuill M, Mulligan E, Ravi N, Rowley S, Byrne PJ , Hollywood D, Kennedy MJ, Keeling PW, Reynolds JV, Clinicopathologis factors predicting complete pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in esophageal cancer, Dis Esophagus, 29, 2006, p273 - 278Journal Article, 2006
  • Reynolds JV, Ravi N, Hollywood DP, Kennedy MJ, Rowley S, Ryan A, Hughes N, Carey M, Byrne P, Neoadjuvant chemoradiation may increase the risk of respiratory, J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg., 132, 2006, p549 - 555Journal Article, 2006
  • Breast Cancer: Bone Marrow Transplantation in, editor(s)Cameron JL , Current Surgical Therapy, Mosby, St. Louis, Missouri, 1995, pp553 - 557, [Kennedy MJ]Book Chapter, 1995
  • Protein kinase C and breast cancer in, editor(s)Dickson R and Lippman M , Breast Cancer: Cellular and Molecular Biology V, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, pp91 - 105, [Davidson NE, and Kennedy MJ]Book Chapter, 1996
  • Breast cancer in, editor(s)Stobo JD, Hellman DB, Landenson PW, Petty B, and Traill TA , The Principles and Practice of Medicine, Norwalk, CT, Appleton and Lange, Inc., 1996, pp780 - 784, [Kennedy MJ, and Abeloff MD]Book Chapter, 1996
  • Dose Intensive Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer in, editor(s)Harris J, Lippman M, Morrow M, and Osborne CK , Diseases of the Breast, Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Inc, 1999, pp633 - 644, [Davidson NE, and Kennedy MJ]Book Chapter, 1999
  • Cardiovascular Emergencies in Oncology in, editor(s)Spence RAJ and Johnston P , Oncological Emergencies, OUP, 2001, [Shah AR, and Kennedy MJ]Book Chapter, 2001
  • Kennedy MJ, High-dose cytotoxic therapy for breast cancer, Curr Med Lit--Breast Cancer, 4, (3), 1992, p73 - 76Journal Article, 1992
  • Kennedy MJ, Editorial: High-dose chemotherapy of breast cancer: Is the question answered?, J Clin Oncol, 13, 1995, p2477 - 2479Journal Article, 1995
  • Kennedy, MJ, Vogelsang GB, Jones RJ, Hess AD, Post-transplant immunotherapy by induction of autologous GVHD, Auto Marrow Bld Transplant, 8, 1997, p601 - 608Journal Article, 1997
  • Kennedy, MJ, Vogelsang GB, Jones RJ, Hess AD, Post-transplant immunotherapy by induction of autologous GVHD, Auto Marrow Bld Transplant, 8, 1997, p601 - 608Journal Article, 1997
  • Kennedy MJ, High-dose cytotoxic therapy for breast cancer (Editorial), Curr Med Lit--Breast Cancer, 4, (3), 1992, p73 - 76Journal Article, 1992
  • Kennedy MJ, Review of Regulatory Mechanisms in Breast Cancer: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer, by Lippman ME, Dickson RB , Journal Cancer Inst, 84, 1992, p531-532Review, 1992
  • Kennedy MJ, Editorial: High-dose chemotherapy of breast cancer: Is the question answered? (Editorial), J Clin Oncol, 13, 1995, p2477 - 2479Journal Article, 1995
  • Kennedy, MJ, Vogelsang GB, Jones RJ, Hess AD, Post-transplant immunotherapy by induction of autologous GVHD, Auto Marrow Bld Transplant, 8, 1997, p601 - 608Journal Article, 1997
  • Carroll PA, O'Mahony D, McDermott R, Boyle T, Dunne B, Kennedy MJ, Connolly EM, Perioperative diagnosis of the positive axilla in breast cancer: a safe, time efficient algorithm., European journal of surgical oncology : the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology, 37, (3), 2011, p205-10Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Hassan SJ, Knox M, Griffin M, Kennedy MJ, Spontaneous regression of metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma., Irish medical journal, 103, (1), 2010, p21-2Journal Article, 2010
  • Carroll PA, Healy L, Lysaght J, Boyle T, Reynolds JV, Kennedy MJ, Pidgeon G, Connolly EM., Influence of the metabolic syndrome on leptin and leptin receptor in breast cancer., Molecular Carcinogenesis, 50, (8), 2011, p643 - 651Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Guinan E, Hussey J, Broderick JM, Lithander FE, O'Donnell D, Kennedy MJ, Connolly EM, The effect of aerobic exercise on metabolic and inflammatory markers in breast cancer survivors-a pilot study., Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 21, (7), 2013, p1983-1992Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Farrell MP, Hughes DJ, Berry IR, Gallagher DJ, Glogowski EA, Payne SJ, Kennedy MJ, Clarke RM, White SA, Muldoon CB, Macdonald F, Rehal P, Crompton D, Roring S, Duke ST, McDevitt T, Barton DE, Hodgson SV, Green AJ, Daly PA, Clinical correlation and molecular evaluation confirm that the MLH1 p.Arg182Gly (c.544A>G) mutation is pathogenic and causes Lynch syndrome., Familial cancer, 11, (3), 2012, p509-18Journal Article, 2012
  • Woods R, Larkin JO, Muldoon C, Kennedy MJ, Mehigan B, McCormick P, Metastatic paediatric colorectal carcinoma., Irish medical journal, 105, (3), 2012, p88-9Journal Article, 2012
  • Couch FJ, Gaudet MM, Antoniou AC, Ramus SJ, Kuchenbaecker KB, Soucy P, Beesley J, Chen X, Wang X, Kirchhoff T, McGuffog L, Barrowdale D, Lee A, Healey S, Sinilnikova OM, Andrulis IL, Ozcelik H, Mulligan AM, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Jensen UB, Skytte AB, Kruse TA, Caligo MA, von Wachenfeldt A, Barbany-Bustinza G, Loman N, Soller M, Ehrencrona H, Karlsson P, Nathanson KL, Rebbeck TR, Domchek SM, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska K, Durda K, Zlowocka E, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Gronwald J, Cybulski C, Górski B, Osorio A, Durán M, Tejada MI, Benitez J, Hamann U, Hogervorst FB, van Os TA, van Leeuwen FE, Meijers-Heijboer HE, Wijnen J, Blok MJ, Kets M, Hooning MJ, Oldenburg RA, Ausems MG, Peock S, Frost D, Ellis SD, Platte R, Fineberg E, Evans DG, Jacobs C, Eeles RA, Adlard J, Davidson R, Eccles DM, Cole T, Cook J, Paterson J, Brewer C, Douglas F, Hodgson SV, Morrison PJ, Walker L, Porteous ME, Kennedy MJ, Side LE, Bove B, Godwin AK, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Fassy-Colcombet M, Castera L, Cornelis F, Mazoyer S, Léoné M, Boutry-Kryza N, Bressac-de Paillerets B, Caron O, Pujol P, Coupier I, Delnatte C, Akloul L, Lynch HT, Snyder CL, Buys SS, Daly MB, Terry M, Chung WK, John EM, Miron A, Southey MC, Hopper JL, Goldgar DE, Singer CF, Rappaport C, Tea MK, Fink-Retter A, Hansen TV, Nielsen FC, Arason A, Vijai J, Shah S, Sarrel K, Robson ME, Piedmonte M, Phillips K, Basil J, Rubinstein WS, Boggess J, Wakeley K, Ewart-Toland A, Montagna M, Agata S, Imyanitov EN, Isaacs C, Janavicius R, Lazaro C, Blanco I, Feliubadalo L, Brunet J, Gayther SA, Pharoah PP, Odunsi KO, Karlan BY, Walsh CS, Olah E, Teo SH, Ganz PA, Beattie MS, van Rensburg EJ, Dorfling CM, Diez O, Kwong A, Schmutzler RK, Wappenschmidt B, Engel C, Meindl A, Ditsch N, Arnold N, Heidemann S, Niederacher D, Preisler-Adams S, Gadzicki D, Varon-Mateeva R, Deissler H, Gehrig A, Sutter C, Kast K, Fiebig B, Heinritz W, Caldes T, de la Hoya M, Muranen TA, Nevanlinna H, Tischkowitz MD, Spurdle AB, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Lindor NM, Fredericksen Z, Pankratz VS, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Barile M, Bernard L, Viel A, Giannini G, Varesco L, Radice P, Greene MH, Mai PL, Easton DF, Chenevix-Trench G, Offit K, Simard J, Common variants at the 19p13.1 and ZNF365 loci are associated with ER subtypes of breast cancer and ovarian cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers., Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 21, (4), 2012, p645-57Journal Article, 2012
  • Dowling P, Clarke C, Hennessy K, Torralbo-Lopez B, Ballot J, Crown J, Kiernan I, O'Byrne KJ, Kennedy MJ, Lynch V, Clynes M, Analysis of acute-phase proteins, AHSG, C3, CLI, HP and SAA, reveals distinctive expression patterns associated with breast, colorectal and lung cancer., International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer, 131, (4), 2012, p911-23Journal Article, 2012
  • Power DG, McVey GP, Delaney DW, Rea D, D'arcy T, Daly PA, Kennedy MJ, Papillary serous carcinomas of the uterine cervix and paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration: a report of two cases., Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 47, (8), 2008, p1590-3Journal Article, 2008
  • de Blacam C, Gray J, Boyle T, Kennedy MJ, Hollywood D, Butt J, Griffin M, Nicholson S, Dunne B, Wilson G, McDermott R, Murphy P, Short I, Rowley S, Connolly E, Reynolds JV, Breast cancer outcomes following a national initiative in Ireland to restructure delivery of services for symptomatic disease., Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland), 17, (4), 2008, p412-7Journal Article, 2008
  • Morris PG, O'Connor M, O'Rafferty C, Sheikh R, Gray J, McDermott R, Boyle T, Kennedy MJ, The excessive cost of baseline diagnostic imaging in early breast cancer., Irish medical journal, 102, (5), 2009, p149-52Journal Article, 2009
  • Morris PG, King F, Kennedy MJ, Cytotoxic chemotherapy for pregnancy-associated breast cancer: single institution case series., Journal of oncology pharmacy practice : official publication of the International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners, 15, (4), 2009, p241-7Journal Article, 2009
  • Johnston S, Pippen J, Pivot X, Lichinitser M, Sadeghi S, Dieras V, Gomez HL, Romieu G, Manikhas A, Kennedy MJ, Press MF, Maltzman J, Florance A, O'Rourke L, Oliva C, Stein S, Pegram M, Lapatinib combined with letrozole versus letrozole and placebo as first-line therapy for postmenopausal hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer., Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 27, (33), 2009, p5538-46Journal Article, 2009
  • Ramus SJ, Kartsonaki C, Gayther SA, Pharoah PD, Sinilnikova OM, Beesley J, Chen X, McGuffog L, Healey S, Couch FJ, Wang X, Fredericksen Z, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Roversi G, Barile M, Viel A, Allavena A, Ottini L, Papi L, Gismondi V, Capra F, Radice P, Greene MH, Mai PL, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Ozcelik H, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Kruse TA, Cruger D, Jensen UB, Caligo MA, Olsson H, Kristoffersson U, Lindblom A, Arver B, Karlsson P, Stenmark Askmalm M, Borg A, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Nathanson KL, Domchek SM, Jakubowska A, Lubi"ski J, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Gronwald J, Górski B, Cybulski C, D"bniak T, Osorio A, Durán M, Tejada MI, Benítez J, Hamann U, Rookus MA, Verhoef S, Tilanus-Linthorst MA, Vreeswijk MP, Bodmer D, Ausems MG, van Os TA, Asperen CJ, Blok MJ, Meijers-Heijboer HE, Peock S, Cook M, Oliver C, Frost D, Dunning AM, Evans DG, Eeles R, Pichert G, Cole T, Hodgson S, Brewer C, Morrison PJ, Porteous M, Kennedy MJ, Rogers MT, Side LE, Donaldson A, Gregory H, Godwin A, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Moncoutier V, Castera L, Mazoyer S, Barjhoux L, Bonadona V, Leroux D, Faivre L, Lidereau R, Nogues C, Bignon YJ, Prieur F, Collonge-Rame MA, Venat-Bouvet L, Fert-Ferrer S, Miron A, Buys SS, Hopper JL, Daly MB, John EM, Terry MB, Goldgar D, Hansen Tv, Jønson L, Ejlertsen B, Agnarsson BA, Offit K, Kirchhoff T, Vijai J, Dutra-Clarke AV, Przybylo JA, Montagna M, Casella C, Imyanitov EN, Janavicius R, Blanco I, Lázaro C, Moysich KB, Karlan BY, Gross J, Beattie MS, Schmutzler R, Wappenschmidt B, Meindl A, Ruehl I, Fiebig B, Sutter C, Arnold N, Deissler H, Varon-Mateeva R, Kast K, Niederacher D, Gadzicki D, Caldes T, de la Hoya M, Nevanlinna H, Aittomäki K, Simard J, Soucy P, Spurdle AB, Holland H, Chenevix-Trench G, Easton DF, Antoniou AC, Genetic variation at 9p22.2 and ovarian cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers., Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 103, (2), 2011, p105-16Journal Article, 2011
  • Collins IM, Fay L, Kennedy MJ, Strategies for fertility preservation after chemotherapy: awareness among Irish cancer specialists., Irish medical journal, 104, (1), 2011, p6-9Journal Article, 2011
  • Carroll PA, Nolan C, Clarke R, Farrell M, Gleeson N, Boyle T, Dunne B, Daly PA, Kennedy MJ, Connolly EM, Surgical management of an Irish cohort of BRCA-mutation carriers., Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland), 20, (5), 2011, p419-23Journal Article, 2011
  • Antoniou AC, Kartsonaki C, Sinilnikova OM, Soucy P, McGuffog L, Healey S, Lee A, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Cattaneo E, Barile M, Pensotti V, Pasini B, Dolcetti R, Giannini G, Putignano AL, Varesco L, Radice P, Mai PL, Greene MH, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Ozcelik H, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Kruse TA, Birk Jensen U, Crüger DG, Caligo MA, Laitman Y, Milgrom R, Kaufman B, Paluch-Shimon S, Friedman E, Loman N, Harbst K, Lindblom A, Arver B, Ehrencrona H, Melin B, Nathanson KL, Domchek SM, Rebbeck T, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Cybulski C, Gorski B, Osorio A, Ramón y Cajal T, Fostira F, Andrés R, Benitez J, Hamann U, Hogervorst FB, Rookus MA, Hooning MJ, Nelen MR, van der Luijt RB, van Os TA, van Asperen CJ, Devilee P, Meijers-Heijboer HE, Gómez Garcia EB, Peock S, Cook M, Frost D, Platte R, Leyland J, Evans DG, Lalloo F, Eeles R, Izatt L, Adlard J, Davidson R, Eccles D, Ong KR, Cook J, Douglas F, Paterson J, Kennedy MJ, Miedzybrodzka Z, Godwin A, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Buecher B, Belotti M, Tirapo C, Mazoyer S, Barjhoux L, Lasset C, Leroux D, Faivre L, Bronner M, Prieur F, Nogues C, Rouleau E, Pujol P, Coupier I, Frénay M, Hopper JL, Daly MB, Terry MB, John EM, Buys SS, Yassin Y, Miron A, Goldgar D, Singer CF, Tea MK, Pfeiler G, Dressler AC, Hansen Tv, Jønson L, Ejlertsen B, Barkardottir RB, Kirchhoff T, Offit K, Piedmonte M, Rodriguez G, Small L, Boggess J, Blank S, Basil J, Azodi M, Toland AE, Montagna M, Tognazzo S, Agata S, Imyanitov E, Janavicius R, Lazaro C, Blanco I, Pharoah PD, Sucheston L, Karlan BY, Walsh CS, Olah E, Bozsik A, Teo SH, Seldon JL, Beattie MS, van Rensburg EJ, Sluiter MD, Diez O, Schmutzler RK, Wappenschmidt B, Engel C, Meindl A, Ruehl I, Varon-Mateeva R, Kast K, Deissler H, Niederacher D, Arnold N, Gadzicki D, Schönbuchner I, Caldes T, de la Hoya M, Nevanlinna H, Aittomäki K, Dumont M, Chiquette J, Tischkowitz M, Chen X, Beesley J, Spurdle AB, Neuhausen SL, Chun Ding Y, Fredericksen Z, Wang X, Pankratz VS, Couch F, Simard J, Easton DF, Chenevix-Trench G, Common alleles at 6q25.1 and 1p11.2 are associated with breast cancer risk for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers., Human molecular genetics, 20, (16), 2011, p3304-21Journal Article, 2011
  • Carroll PA, Healy L, Lysaght J, Boyle T, Reynolds JV, Kennedy MJ, Pidgeon G, Connolly EM, Influence of the metabolic syndrome on leptin and leptin receptor in breast cancer., Molecular carcinogenesis, 50, (8), 2011, p643-51Journal Article, 2011
  • Adams RA, Meade AM, Seymour MT, Wilson RH, Madi A, Fisher D, Kenny SL, Kay E, Hodgkinson E, Pope M, Rogers P, Wasan H, Falk S, Gollins S, Hickish T, Bessell EM, Propper D, Kennedy MJ, Kaplan R, Maughan TS, Intermittent versus continuous oxaliplatin and fluoropyrimidine combination chemotherapy for first-line treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: results of the randomised phase 3 MRC COIN trial., The lancet oncology, 12, (7), 2011, p642-53Journal Article, 2011
  • Maughan TS, Adams RA, Smith CG, Meade AM, Seymour MT, Wilson RH, Idziaszczyk S, Harris R, Fisher D, Kenny SL, Kay E, Mitchell JK, Madi A, Jasani B, James MD, Bridgewater J, Kennedy MJ, Claes B, Lambrechts D, Kaplan R, Cheadle JP, Addition of cetuximab to oxaliplatin-based first-line combination chemotherapy for treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: results of the randomised phase 3 MRC COIN trial., Lancet, 377, (9783), 2011, p2103-14Journal Article, 2011
  • Osorio A, Milne RL, Alonso R, Pita G, Peterlongo P, Teulé A, Nathanson KL, Domchek SM, Rebbeck T, Lasa A, Konstantopoulou I, Hogervorst FB, Verhoef S, van Dooren MF, Jager A, Ausems MG, Aalfs CM, van Asperen CJ, Vreeswijk M, Waisfisz Q, Van Roozendaal CE, Ligtenberg MJ, Easton DF, Peock S, Cook M, Oliver CT, Frost D, Curzon B, Evans DG, Lalloo F, Eeles R, Izatt L, Davidson R, Adlard J, Eccles D, Ong KR, Douglas F, Downing S, Brewer C, Walker L, Nevanlinna H, Aittomäki K, Couch FJ, Fredericksen Z, Lindor NM, Godwin A, Isaacs C, Caligo MA, Loman N, Jernström H, Barbany-Bustinza G, Liljegren A, Ehrencrona H, Stenmark-Askmalm M, Feliubadaló L, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Bonanni B, Fortuzzi S, Johannsson OT, Chenevix-Trench G, Chen XC, Beesley J, Spurdle AB, Sinilnikova OM, Healey S, McGuffog L, Antoniou AC, Brunet J, Radice P, Benítez J, Evaluation of the XRCC1 gene as a phenotypic modifier in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Results from the consortium of investigators of modifiers of BRCA1/BRCA2., British journal of cancer, 104, (8), 2011, p1356-61Journal Article, 2011
  • Rebbeck TR, Mitra N, Domchek SM, Wan F, Friebel TM, Tran TV, Singer CF, Tea MK, Blum JL, Tung N, Olopade OI, Weitzel JN, Lynch HT, Snyder CL, Garber JE, Antoniou AC, Peock S, Evans DG, Paterson J, Kennedy MJ, Donaldson A, Dorkins H, Easton DF, Rubinstein WS, Daly MB, Isaacs C, Nevanlinna H, Couch FJ, Andrulis IL, Freidman E, Laitman Y, Ganz PA, Tomlinson GE, Neuhausen SL, Narod SA, Phelan CM, Greenberg R, Nathanson KL, Modification of BRCA1-Associated Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk by BRCA1-Interacting Genes., Cancer research, 71, (17), 2011, p5792-805Journal Article, 2011
  • Ramus SJ, Antoniou AC, Kuchenbaecker KB, Soucy P, Beesley J, Chen X, McGuffog L, Sinilnikova OM, Healey S, Barrowdale D, Lee A, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Kruse TA, Jensen UB, Skytte AB, Caligo MA, Liljegren A, Lindblom A, Olsson H, Kristoffersson U, Stenmark-Askmalm M, Melin B, Domchek SM, Nathanson KL, Rebbeck TR, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska K, Durda K, Z"owocka E, Gronwald J, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Cybulski C, Toloczko-Grabarek A, Osorio A, Benitez J, Duran M, Tejada MI, Hamann U, Rookus M, van Leeuwen FE, Aalfs CM, Meijers-Heijboer HE, van Asperen CJ, van Roozendaal KE, Hoogerbrugge N, Collée JM, Kriege M, van der Luijt RB, Peock S, Frost D, Ellis SD, Platte R, Fineberg E, Evans DG, Lalloo F, Jacobs C, Eeles R, Adlard J, Davidson R, Eccles D, Cole T, Cook J, Paterson J, Douglas F, Brewer C, Hodgson S, Morrison PJ, Walker L, Porteous ME, Kennedy MJ, Pathak H, Godwin AK, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Caux-Moncoutier V, de Pauw A, Gauthier-Villars M, Mazoyer S, Léoné M, Calender A, Lasset C, Bonadona V, Hardouin A, Berthet P, Bignon YJ, Uhrhammer N, Faivre L, Loustalot C, Buys S, Daly M, Miron A, Terry MB, Chung WK, John EM, Southey M, Goldgar D, Singer CF, Tea MK, Pfeiler G, Fink-Retter A, Hansen Tv, Ejlertsen B, Johannsson OT, Offit K, Kirchhoff T, Gaudet MM, Vijai J, Robson M, Piedmonte M, Phillips KA, Van Le L, Hoffman JS, Ewart Toland A, Montagna M, Tognazzo S, Imyanitov E, Issacs C, Janavicius R, Lazaro C, Blanco I, Tornero E, Navarro M, Moysich KB, Karlan BY, Gross J, Olah E, Vaszko T, Teo SH, Ganz PA, Beattie MS, Dorfling CM, van Rensburg EJ, Diez O, Kwong A, Schmutzler RK, Wappenschmidt B, Engel C, Meindl A, Ditsch N, Arnold N, Heidemann S, Niederacher D, Preisler-Adams S, Gadzicki D, Varon-Mateeva R, Deissler H, Gehrig A, Sutter C, Kast K, Fiebig B, Schäfer D, Caldes T, de la Hoya M, Nevanlinna H, Aittomäki K, Plante M, Spurdle AB, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Wang X, Lindor N, Fredericksen Z, Pankratz VS, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Bonanni B, Bernard L, Dolcetti R, Papi L, Ottini L, Radice P, Greene MH, Mai PL, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Ozcelik H, Pharoah PD, Gayther SA, Simard J, Easton DF, Couch FJ, Chenevix-Trench G, Ovarian cancer susceptibility alleles and risk of ovarian cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers., Human mutation, 33, (4), 2012, p690-702Journal Article, 2012
  • Breast Cancer: Bone Marrow Transplantation. in, editor(s)Cameron JL , Current Surgical Therapy. , St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby, 1995, pp553 - 557, [Kennedy MJ]Book Chapter, 1995
  • Dose Intensive Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer. in, editor(s)Harris J, Lippman M, Morrow M, and Osborne CK , Diseases of the Breast., Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 1999, pp633 - 644, [Davidson NE, and Kennedy MJ]Book Chapter, 1999
  • Cardiovascular Emergencies in Oncology in, editor(s)Spence RAJ and Johnston P. , Oncological Emergencies, 2001, [Shah AR, and Kennedy MJ]Book Chapter, 2001
  • Pertl, M.M., Hevey, D., Boyle, N.T., Hughes, M.M., Collier, S., O'Dwyer, A.M., Harkin, A., Kennedy, M.J., & Connor, T.J., C-reactive prtoein predicts fatigue independently of depression in breast cancer patients prior to chemotherapy, Brain Behaviour and Immunity, 34, 2013, p108 - 119Journal Article, 2013, DOI
  • O'Brien C, Fogarty E, Walsh C, Dempsey O, Barry M, Kennedy MJ, McCullagh L, , The cost of the inpatient management of febile neutropenia in cancer patients - a micro-costing study in the Irish healthcare setting. , European Journal of Care Cancer, 24 , (1), 2015, p125-132Journal Article, 2015, DOI
  • O'Brien C, Dempsey O, Kennedy MJ, Febrile Neutropenia risk assessment tool: Improving clinical outcomes for oncology patients, European Journal of Oncology Nursing , 18, (2), 2014, p167-174Journal Article, 2014, DOI
  • J. M. Broderick, J. Hussey, M. J. Kennedy, D. M. O' Donnell. , Testing the 'teachable moment' premise: does physical activity increase in the early survivorship phase? , Supportive Care in Cancer, 22, (4), 2014, p989-997Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Broderick JM, Hussey J, Kennedy MJ, O' Donnell DM, Patients over 65 years are assigned lower ECOG PS scores than younger patients, although objectively measured physical activity is no different, Geriatric Oncology, 5, (1), 2014, p49-56Journal Article, 2014, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Guinan EM, Connolly EM, Kennedy MJ, Hussey J, The presentation of metabolic dysfunction and the relationship with energy output in breast cancer survivors: a cross-sectional study., Nutrition journal, 12, (1), 2013, p99Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Kennedy MJ, Marrow contamination, Forum on Emerging Treatments for Breast Cancer, 1991, pp87 - 100Conference Paper
  • Kennedy MJ, Regulatory Mechanisms in Breast Cancer: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer, Journal Cancer Inst, 84, 1992, p531-532Review
  • Kennedy MJ, High-dose chemotherapy: Drug administration errors, Arm-In-Arm News, V, (8), 1995Journal Article
  • Kennedy MJ, High dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow rescue in breast cancer, Hopkins Oncology Center's 15th Annual Symposium--Diagnosis and Treatment of Neoplastic Disorders, Baltimore, Maryland, April 7, 1989Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High dose chemotherapy for breast cancer, Grand Rounds, St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, January 30, 1991Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous graft versus host disease, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, March 27, 1992Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer with high dose chemotherapy, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center's 18th Annual Symposium--Diagnosis and Treatment of Neoplastic Disorders, Baltimore, Maryland, April 3, 1992Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High dose chemotherapy for breast cancer, Grand Rounds, Christiana Hospital, Delaware, June 11, 1992Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous bone marrow transplantation, European Society for Medical Oncology, Educational Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, October 23, 1992Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Chemotherapy of breast cancer, Grand Rounds, Andrews Airforce Base Medical Center, Washington DC, November 13, 1992Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Phase I study of novobiocin with high dose chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer, 15th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, December 9, 1992Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High-dose chemotherapy treatment of breast cancer, Grand Rounds, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, May 25, 1993Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Can breast cancer be cured by high-dose chemotherapy?, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, September 10, 1993Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, The evolving role of taxol in the treatment of solid tumors, Advances in Oncology and Hematology Lecture Series, Chester County Hospital, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1993Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, The evolving role of taxol in the treatment of solid tumors, University of Pennsylvania, September 15, 1993Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Adjuvant treatment of breast cancer, Grand Rounds, City Hospital, Martinsburg, West Virginia, October 1, 1993Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Dose intense therapy in the treatment of breast cancer, Memphis Oncology Journal Club Program, Memphis, Tennessee, November 18, 1993Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, The evolving role of Taxol in the treatment of solid tumors, Tumor Board, St. Mary's Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, December 7, 1993Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, New approaches to cancer chemotherapy, Milford Memorial Hospital, Delaware, March 12, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High dose chemotherapy for breast cancer, Oncology Symposium, Holy Cross Hospital, Silver Spring, Maryland, March 25, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, Howard County General Hospital, Columbia, Maryland, April 5, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in cytotoxic therapy of breast cancer, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center's 20th Annual Symposium--Diagnosis and Treatment of Neoplastic Disorders, Baltimore, Maryland, April 7-8, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Taxol--Current status and future trends, Spohn Health System Second Annual Oncology Conference, Corpus Christi, Texas, April 23-24, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous graft versus host disease in the treatment of breast cancer, Oncology Grand Rounds, Massachussets General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, May 3, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Dose-finding study of paclitaxel and cyclophosphamide in patients with advanced breast cancer, 8th International Congress on Senology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 9, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, The hematologic toxicity of the taxol/cytoxan doublet is sequence -dependent, American Society of Clinical Oncology 30th Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 14-17, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Single high flow apheresis for stem cell collection, Workshop on definition of CD34+ cell harvests predicting for rapid hematopoietic reconstitution, Chicago, Illinois, August 26, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Recent advances in the systemic treatment of breast cancer, 1994 Ralph R. Coffey Surgical Symposium, University of Missouri- Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, Missouri, September 17, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High dose chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer, Tumor Board Conference, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC, October 28, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High dose chemotherapy for breast cancer, Point Counterpoint, ACP Army Regional Meeting, Reston, Virginia, October 29, 1994Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the cytotoxic therapy of breast cancer, George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC, February 10, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Current treatment of breast cancer, Second Annual Current Trends in Cancer Care Symposium, Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown, Pennsylvania, February 11, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High-dose chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer, Harris Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas, March 23-24, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous graft versus host disease, Oncology Grand Rounds, Georgetown University Lombardi Cancer Center, Washington, DC, March 28, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous graft versus host disease, 7th Annual Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation Symposium, Montefiore Hospital, New York, New York, March 31, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, The evolving role of Taxol in the treatment of solid tumors, Langhorn, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Improving the efficacy of therapy: Autologous graft versus host disease, Future Directions in Stem Cell Transplantation, Northern New Jersey Cancer Center at Hackensack Medical Center, New Jersey, May 12, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous graft versus host disease for breast cancer, ahnemann University Hospital, Pennsylvania, May 15, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Peripheral blood progenitor cell infusions do not inhibit the induction of autologous graft-vs-host disease by a following high-dose chemotherapy, American Society of Clinical Oncology 31st Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, May 20-23, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the cytotoxic therapy of breast cancer, Oncology Grand Rounds, The Chester County Hospital, University of Pennsylvania, June 21, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the cytotoxic therapy of breast cancer, Chester County Hospital, Pennsylvania, June 21, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Bone marrow transplantation in breast cancer, Hoag Cancer Center, Newport Beach, California, October 5, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the cytotoxic therapy of breast cancer, Fifth Annual Solid Tumor Symposium, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York, October 18, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous Graft Versus Host Disease, Medical Oncology Grand Rounds, Long Island Jewish Cancer Center, Long Island, New York, October 26, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous Graft Versus Host Disease, Hematology Conference, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York, October 26, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the cytotoxic therapy of breast cancer, Einstein Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 10, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Cytotoxic Therapy of Breast Cancer, Norristown Regional Cancer Center, Norristown, Pennsylvania, November 27, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Transplant and High Dose Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer, Meet the Professor Symposium - Advances in High Dose Chemotherapy and Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation, Medical Society of Southern NY, Westchester Academy of Medicine, , November 29, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High Dose Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer, San Antonio, Texas, December 12, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, The Induction of Autologous Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Breast Cancer, Clinical Updates and Controversies in the Management of Breast Cancer, Columbia University, New York, New York, December 15, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, High Dose Chemotherapy of Breast Cancer - Is the Question Answered?, Houston, Texas, December 19, 1995Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Mobilization of Tumor Cells with Autologous Progenitor Cell Mobilization, Workshop: Blood Cell Transplant/Hematopoietic Growth Factors, Keystone Colorado, January 16, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Clinical Management of Locally Advanced Breast Cancer, Leland R. Cowan Cancer Symposium, LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 20, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, ABMT in Breast Cancer: 1996 Update, Multidisciplinary Clinical Conference, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, Maryland, February 15, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Cytotoxic Therapy of Breast Cancer, Oncology Grand Rounds, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC, February 16, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Cytotoxic Therapy of Breast Cancer, Tumor Board, Arlington Hospital, Arlington, Virginia, February 29, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Meet the Professor - Breast Cancer, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center's 22th Annual Symposium, Diagnosis and Treatment of Neoplastic Disorders, Baltimore, Maryland, March 28, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Autologous graft vs host disease as immune therapy after high-dose chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer. Medium-term follow up and comparison with historical controls, American Society of Clinical Oncology 32st Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 18-21, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Breast Cancer: Updates from ASCO 1996, Oncology Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, Maryland, May 31, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Post-transplant Immunotherapy by Induction of Autologous GVHD, Eighth International Symposium on Autologous Marrow and Blood Transplant, Arlington, Texas, August 20, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Recent advances in the cytotoxic treatment of Breast Cancer, Grand Rounds, Portsmith Naval Hospital, Tidewater, Virginia, September 20, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Medivision, Houston, Texas, October 10, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Post Transplant Immunotherapy By Induction of Autologous GVHD, Georgetown University, October 16, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, What Every Woman and Her Family Should Know About Breast Cancer, Johns Hopkins - Green Spring Station, Lutherville, Maryland, October 22, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Taxotere in Anthracycline Resistant Breast Cancer, Saint Barnabas Cancer Center, Livingston, New Jersey, October 30, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Recent advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Arlington Hospital, Arlington, Virginia, October 31, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Duration of Antiestrogen Therapy, Fareston Investigators Meeting, Palm Springs, California, November 2, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, What is the Future of High Dose Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer, Vanderbilt University Cancer Center, Nashville, Tennessee, November 7-8, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Temple University Cancer Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 12, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Development in the Cytotoxic treatment of Breast Cancer, St. Mary's Hospital Tumor Conference, Richmond, Virginia, November 19, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, The Clinical and Economic Rationale for Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cell Transplantation, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, New Orleans, December 9, 1996Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Grand Rounds, Dwight Eisenhower Army Medical Center, Ft. Gordon, Georgia, January 10, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, What is the future of Breast Cancer Chemotherapy, Hematology/Oncology Grand Rounds, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire, January 23, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Michigan, February 11, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Taxotere-How I use it in Breast Cancer, Network for Oncology Communication & Research, Boca Raton, Florida, February 21, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Breast Cancer: Is Survival Improving, Southern Maryland Hospital Center, Clinton, Maryland, February 26, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in Treatment of Breast Cancer, Lawrence Memorial, February 28, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Significant Advances in Cancer Treatment, The Medical Center of Central Massachusetts, Marlboro, Massachusetts, March 1, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Issues related to the inclusion of High Dose Chemotherapy in the Breast Cancer Guidelines, National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, March 5, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, What is the future of Breast Cancer Chemotherapy, American Association for Cancer Research Special Conference on Basic and Clinical Aspects of Breast Cancer, Keystone, Colorado, March 7-12, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Cytotoxic Treatment of Breast Cancer, University of Virginia Hematology /Oncology Grand Rounds, Charlottesville, VA, March 14, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Washington Adventist Hospital, Tacoma Park, Maryland, March 21, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Meet the Professor - Breast Cancer, Johns Hopkins Oncology Center's 23th Annual Symposium--Diagnosis and Treatment of Neoplastic Disorders, Baltimore, Maryland, April 4, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Cytotoxic Treatment of Breast Cancer, The Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center, Cleveland, Ohio, May 8-9, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Meet the Professor: Breast Cancer; High Dose Therapy, American Society of Clinical Oncology 33rd Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 18, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Cytotoxic Treatment of Breast Cancer, Oncology Grand Rounds, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York, May 28, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, What is the Future of Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer, Oncology Center Research Conference, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolinia, June 5, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Recent Advances in the Cytotoxic Treatment of Breast Cancer, The Johns Hopkins Medical & Surgical Association - Biennial Celebration, Baltimore, Maryland, June 6, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, June 10, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center, Cleveland, Ohio, June 14, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Duration of Anti-Estrogen Therapy, Symposium on Anti-Estrogen Therapy for Breast Cancer, Fareston Speaker Educator Meeting, Bermuda, June 26-29, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Oncology Grand Rounds, Memorial Regional Hospital, Hollywood, FL, July 1, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Breast Cancer Diagnosis, Chemotherapy and Adjuvant Therapy, St. Joseph Medical Center, Towson, MD, July 2, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Hematology-Oncology Grand Rounds, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, July 16, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Treatment of Carcinoma Breast, Hematology Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, July 21, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Grand Rounds, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami Hospital, Miami, Florida, September 5, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois, September 11, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, What is the future of Breast Cancer Chemotherapy, Frontiers in Breast Cancer Research, Diagnosis & Therapy, Doubletree Hotel, Rockville, Maryland, September 19, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Current Approaches in Cancer Therapy, The University of Massachusetts Medical School Cancer Center, Department of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, September 26, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Refractory/Anthracycline-Resistant Breast Cancer, Naples Community Hospital, Naples, Florida, October 8, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, North Arundel Hospital, Glen Burnie, Maryland, October 9, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Cytotoxic Therapy of Breast Cancer, Grand Rounds at the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, October 14, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia, South Carolina, October 16, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Taxotere/Doxorubicin Combination Regimens, RPR Taxotere Speakers Training Workshop, Marriott's Desert Springs Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, California, October 26, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Bone Marrow and/or Peripheral Stem Cell Transplant, The Cancer Center of Thibodaux Regional, Thibodaux, Louisiana, October 30, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Fourteenth Allen Zieger Memorial Lecture Series, Novi, Michigan, October 31, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Cytotoxic Treatment of Breast Cancer, Grand Rounds, Greenbaum Cancer Center, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, November 3, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Holmes Regional Medical Center, Melbourne, Florida, November 6, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer, Army Regional ACP Lecture, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., November 13, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Fareston: Clinical Efficacy in Metastatic Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy Foundation Symposium XV, New York, NY, November 12-14, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Washington Adventist Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, November 21, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Cytotoxic Treatment of Breast Cancer, Rex Cancer Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, December 2, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Tumor Board, St. Jude Medical Center, Fullerton, California, December 8, 1997Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Developments in the Systemic Therapy of Breast Cancer: Is it time to change the paradigm?, Mt. Sinai Center for Breast Health Quarterly Lecture Series, Cleveland, Ohio, January 8, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, New Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Ellis Hospital, Albany, New York, January 19, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Hormonal Therapy in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Dayton Oncology Society, International Speaker Series, Kettering Hospital, Dayton, Ohio, January 22, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Where are we going with the Hormonal Therapy of Breast Cancer, Mother Divine Hospital, WilkesBarre, PA, January 27, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 19, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Current Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Hoag Cancer Center, Orange County, California, March 19, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Development in the Cytotoxic Treatment of Breast Cancer, Grand Rounds, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, New York, April 1, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Update in Breast Cancer Treatment, Harbor Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, May 7, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Anthracycline resistant breast cancer, University of Wisconsin Hospital, Marshfield, Wisconsin, May 5, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Dose-Dense Sequential Chemotherapy followed by High-Dose Consolidation: A Phase I Study in Women with High-Risk Node-Positive Breast Cancer, American Society of Clinical Oncology 34th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, May 16-20, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Advances in the Treatment of Breast Cancer, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, NY, May 22, 1998Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Approaching a Cure for Breast Cancer, Mater 4th Annual Breast Cancer Symposium, Freeman Auditorium, November, 2000Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Strategies for the Management of Metastatic Breast Cancer, Second Annual Breast Cancer Theme Meeting, Four Seasons Hotel, Dublin, May 25th, 2001Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Why the Breast Cancer Epidemic?, Irish Association for Palliative Care Annual Meeting, Blackhall Place, Dublin, Nov 14th, 2001Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer, Mater 8th Annual Breast Cancer Symposium, Mater Hospital, Dublin, May, 2004Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Cancer Clinical Trials, Grasping the Initiative, Cancer 2005, St James's Hospital, Dublin, April, 2005Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Hormonal therapy of Metastatic Breast Cancer, 5th All Ireland Breast Cancer Conference, Barberstown Castle, Dublin, October, 2005Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ, Sytstemic Therapy of Breast Cancer, Irish Society of Medical Oncology, Annual Practice Guidelines Meeting, Roganstown, Dublin, September, 2005Invited Talk
  • Kennedy MJ(ed.), Marrow contamination, Forum on Emerging Treatments for Breast Cancer. Proceedings, 1991, 87-100 pProceedings of a Conference
  • Kennedy MJ, High-dose chemotherapy: Drug administration errors, Arm-In-Arm News, V, (8), 1995Journal Article

Research Expertise

  • Title
    The Effects of a Comprehensive Coping Strategy on Clinical Outcomes in Breast Cancer Bone Marrow Transplant Patients and Primary Caregivers
    Co-Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $477,193
    Funding Agency
    Dept. of the Army, Med. Res. Div. DAMD 12-94-J-4068
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Phase II trials of new anti-cancer agents
    Co-Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $427,288
    Funding Agency
    NIH, NCI U01 CA63437
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Use of PBSC Collection and Reinfusion to Accelerate Hematopoietic Recovery Following High-Dose Chemotherapy and Purged Autologous Bone Marrow Reinfusion (AMR) for Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $20,000
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Phase I and Pharmacologic Trial of Sequences of Taxol and Cyclophosphamide with Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor in women with previously treated metastatic breast cancer
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $28,631
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Anti-Tumor Activity of Autologous Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Metastatic Breast Cancer
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $805,782 (Declined due to overlap)
    Funding Agency
    Dept. of the Army, Med. Res. Div.
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Career Development Award
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $90,000
    Funding Agency
    American Cancer Society, CDA93032-93
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    New Therapeutic Approaches for Breast Cancer
    Co-Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Direct Costs: $963,502
    Funding Agency
    NIH, NCI CA66084
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    A Phase II Multicenter Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Efficacy, and Pharmacokinetics of Dmp-840 in Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $46,322
    Funding Agency
    Dupont Merck Pharm
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Incorporation of Navelbine into a Dose-Intense Multi-Agent Regimen for the Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $36,171
    Funding Agency
    Burroughs Wellcome
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Phase II and Pharmacologic Trial of Sequences of Taxol (NSC125973) and Cyclophosphamide with Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (r-metHuG-CSF) in Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $49,894
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Augmentation of High-Dose Alkylating Agent Cytotoxicity by Novobiocin
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $65,000
    Funding Agency
    American Cancer Society, RD-353
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Clinical Trials of Autologous Graft-Versus-Host Disease
    Co-Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $480,822
    Funding Agency
    NIH, NCI U01 CA58270
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Autologous Graft vs Host Disease in Human Breast Cancer
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $90,000 (Declined due to overlap)
    Funding Agency
    Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Funds to Strengthen Clinical Cancer Trials Infrastructure
    Principal Investigator: M John Kennedy; Total Costs: €1,041,000 (for year 1).
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Modulation of High-Dose Alkylator Efficacy by Novobiocin
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $79,258
    Funding Agency
    NIH, NCI R03 CA58340
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Psychosocial Factors in Survival Adjustment of BMT Recipients
    Co-Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $288,000
    Funding Agency
    American Cancer Society, PBR-40
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Establishing the Maximum Tolerated Dose of 5-FU, Administered as a 72-hour Infusion in a Dose Dense Breast Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimen
    Principal Investigator: M John Kennedy; Total Costs: $85,000
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Incorporation of Novobiocin into a High-Dose Chemotherapy Regimen with Reinfusion of Purged Autologous Marrow and Post-reinfusion treatment with G-CSF
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $51,695
    Funding Agency
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Identification and Validation of Early Predictive Serum Markers of Response to Neoadjuvant Radiochemotherapy in Rectal and Oesophageal Cancer
    Principal Investigator: John V Reynolds
    Funding Agency
    Cancer Research Ireland
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Core funding of ICORG,the All-Ireland Cooperative Oncology Group
    Principal Investigator: M John Kennedy; Total Costs: €2,070,000
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Funds to Strengthen Clinical Cancer Trials Infrastructure
    Principal Investigator: M John Kennedy; Total Costs: €1,700,000
    Funding Agency
    Health Research Board
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Establishing the Maximum Tolerated Dose o f 5-FU, Administered as a 72-hour Infusion in a Dose Dense Breast Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimen
    Principal Investigator: M John Kennedy; Total Costs: $90,000
    Funding Agency
    Bristol Myers Squibb
    Date From
    Date To
  • Title
    Autologous graft vs. host disease in human breast cancer
    Principal Investigator: M. John Kennedy; Total Costs: $705,838
    Funding Agency
    NIH, NCI R01 CA67800
    Date From
    Date To


  • The Professors Prize in Obstetrics and Gynecology 1983
  • American Cancer Society Clinical Oncology Career Development Award 1983
  • The G.B. McHutchinson Bequest 1983
  • The Reuben Harvey Prize 1983
  • FRCPI 1995
  • Osler Housestaff Outstanding Teacher Award, Johns Hopkins Hospital 1996
  • The Governors of the National Childrens' Hospital Prize in Pediatrics 1983
  • The Professors Prize in Medicine 1983
  • The Sir James Craig Memorial Prize for 1st Place in Medicine 1983
  • The Professors Prize in Surgery 1983
  • The Fitzpatrick Scholarship 1983
  • Osler Housestaff Outstanding Teacher Award, Johns Hopkins Hospital 1983
  • The Arthur Ball 1st Prize for Surgery 1983
  • The McCarthy Gold Medal for Surgery 1983
  • Distinguished Lecturer, Hipple Cancer Research Center, Dayton, Ohio 1998
  • The Connolly Norman Medal for 1st Place in Psychiatry 1983
  • Gold Medal of the University of Dublin, Trinity College 1983
  • Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Medical Scholarship 1983
  • The Professors Prize in Pediatrics 1983
  • Chairman, ISMO 2002
  • Chairman, ICORG Present
  • Breast Biology Committee, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group 1998
  • Irish Society of Medical Oncology (ISMO) Present
  • Bone Marrow Transplant Committee, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group 1998
  • Irish Clinical Oncology Research Group (ICORG) [Vice Chair] Present
  • Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group 1998
  • Breast Cancer Core Committee, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group 1998
  • Chairman, Medical Committee, Irish Cancer Society Present
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology Present
  • European Society of Medical Oncology Present
  • American Association for Cancer Research 1998
  • Ad hoc Reviewer for the National Cancer Institute, Investigator Grants for Clinical Cancer Therapy Research
  • Ad hoc Site visitor for NIH Program Project Grant 1994
  • Ad hoc Site visitor for NIH Program Project Grant 1994
  • Ad hoc Reviewer for the National Cancer Institute, Investigator Grants for Clinical Cancer Therapy Research
  • Peer Review For: Journal of Clinical Oncology, Cancer Research, Cancer, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Clinical Cancer Research, Journal of the American Medical Association, American Journal of Medicine, Cancer Investigation, Annals of Oncology, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Journal of Hematotherapy, British Journal of Cancer
  • Ad hoc Reviewer for the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Research Review Committee 1994
  • Ad hoc Reviewer for the USAMRDC Breast Cancer Research Program 1992
  • Peer Review For: Journal of Clinical Oncology, Cancer Research, Cancer, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Clinical Cancer Research, Journal of the American Medical Association, American Journal of Medicine, Cancer Investigation, Annals of Oncology, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, Journal of Hematotherapy, British Journal of Cancer
  • Ad hoc Reviewer for the USAMRDC Breast Cancer Research Program 1992
  • Ad hoc Reviewer for the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Research Review Committee 1994