Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Gleeson LE, Varghese C, Ryan E, Kane M, McDonald C, Gleeson N, McLaughlin AM, Butler K, Gavin P, Keane J, Untreated Chronic Tuberculous Salpingitis followed by successful IVF Conception and Congenital Tuberculosis., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 2015Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Silvestri GA, Vachani A, Whitney D, Elashoff M, Porta Smith K, Ferguson JS, Parsons E, Mitra N, Brody J, Lenburg ME, Spira A, A Bronchial Genomic Classifier for the Diagnostic Evaluation of Lung Cancer., The New England journal of medicine, 373, (3), 2015, p243-51Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Gleeson LE, Keane J, First Steps in Biomarker Assessment for Reactivation Risk in Latent Tuberculosis Infection., American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 192, (5), 2015, p534-5Journal Article, 2015
- Ní Cheallaigh, C., Sheedy, F.J., Harris, J., Muñoz-Wolf, N., Lee, J., West, K., McDermott, E.P., Smyth, A., Gleeson, L.E., Coleman, M., Martinez, N., Hearnden, C.H., Tynan, G.A., Carroll, E.C., Jones, S.A., Corr, S.C., Bernard, N.J., Hughes, M.M., Corcoran, S.E., O'Sullivan, M., Fallon, C.M., Kornfeld, H., Golenbock, D., Gordon, S.V., O'Neill, L.A., Keane, J. Lavelle, E.C, A Common Variant in the Adaptor Mal Regulates Interferon Gamma Signaling., Immunity, 44, (2), 2016, p368 - 379Journal Article, 2016, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Lawlor C, O'Connor G, O'Leary S, Gallagher PJ, Cryan SA, Keane J, O'Sullivan MP, Treatment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Infected Macrophages with Poly(Lactic-Co-Glycolic Acid) Microparticles Drives NF"B and Autophagy Dependent Bacillary Killing., PloS one, 11, (2), 2016, pe0149167Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Berg RD, Levitte S, O'Sullivan MP, O'Leary SM, Cambier CJ, Cameron J, Takaki KK, Moens CB, Tobin DM, Keane J, Ramakrishnan L, Lysosomal Disorders Drive Susceptibility to Tuberculosis by Compromising Macrophage Migration., Cell, 165, (1), 2016, p139 - 152Journal Article, 2016, URL
- Branagan P, Moran B, Fitzgibbon M, Reid V, McMenamin M, Kane M, Kelly F, Barnes L, McLaughlin A, Keane J, Inoculation site leprosy in a tattoo as a paradoxical reaction following tuberculosis treatment., The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 20, (5), 2016, p706-8Journal Article, 2016
- O'Connor G, Gleeson LE, Fagan-Murphy A, Cryan SA, O'Sullivan MP, Keane J, Sharpening nature's tools for efficient tuberculosis control: A review of the potential role and development of host-directed therapies and strategies for targeted respiratory delivery., Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 102, 2016, p33 - 54Journal Article, 2016, URL
- Judge E., Ahmed M., Fitzgibbon M., McLaughlin A., Keane J., Mycobacterium avium complex pulmonary disease: Characteristics and treatment in an Irish patient cohort, Irish Medical Journal, 109, (4), 2016, p398Journal Article, 2016
- Tuberculosis and apoptosis in, editor(s)William N. Rom and Stuart M.Garay , Tuberculosis, Philadelphia , Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004, [J Keane]Book Chapter, 2004
- A.M.C. ten Bokum, M. O'Sullivan, J. Keane, Apoptosis of uninfected "bystander" macrophages in the presence of macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 173, (1), 2004, p56-Journal Article, 2004
- A. Bella, A.M.C. ten Bokum, N. Noonan, J. Rothel, P Kelly ,J. Keane , The Evaluation of the QuantiFERON TB test for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Disease and Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) in the Irish Population: Preliminary Results, Irish Journal of Medical Science , 173, (1), 2004, p33-Journal Article, 2004, URL
- Harris, J., De Haro, S.A., Master, S.S., Keane, J., Roberts, E.A., Delgado, M., Deretic, V., T Helper 2 Cytokines Inhibit Autophagic Control of Intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis (DOI:10.1016/j.immuni.2007.07.022), Immunity, 27, (4), 2007Journal Article, 2007
- Spira, A., Carroll, J.D., Liu, G., Aziz, Z., Shah, V., Kornfeld, H., Keane, J., Apoptosis Genes in Human Alveolar Macrophages Infected with Virulent or Attenuated Mycobacterium tuberculosis: A Pivotal Role for Tumor Necrosis Factor, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 29, (5), 2003, p545-551Journal Article, 2003
- Lim, W.S., Powell, R.J., Johnston, I.D., Zhang, Z., Correa, H., Bégué, R.E., De Rosa, F.G., Bonora, S., Di Perri, G., Myers, A., Clark, J., Foster, H., Riminton, S., Pearce, N., Basten, A., Keane, J., Gershon, S.K., Braun, M.M., Tuberculosis and treatment with infliximab [2] (multiple letters), New England Journal of Medicine, 346, (8), 2002, p623-626Journal Article, 2002
- Keane, J., Gershon, S., Wise, R.P., Mirabile-Levens, E., Kasznica, J., Schwieterman, W.D., Siegel, J.N., Braun, M.M., Tuberculosis associated with infliximab, a tumor necrosis factor "-neutralizing agent, New England Journal of Medicine, 345, (15), 2001, p1098-1104Journal Article, 2001
- Keane, J., Gochuico, B., Kasznica, J.M., Kornfeld, H., Usual interstitial pneumonitis responsive to corticosteroids following varicella pneumonia, Chest, 113, (1), 1998, p249-251Journal Article, 1998
- Gleeson, L.E., Varghese, C., Ryan, E., Kane, M., Mcdonald, C., Gleeson, N., McLaughlin, A.-M., Butler, K., Gavin, P., Keane, J., Untreated chronic tuberculous salpingitis followed by successful in vitro fertilization conception and congenital tuberculosis, QJM, 108, (11), 2015, p899-901Journal Article, 2015, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Coleman, M.M., Finlay, C.M., Moran, B., Keane, J., Dunne, P.J., Mills, K.H., The immunoregulatory role of CD4 +FoxP3 +CD25 - regulatory T cells in lungs of mice infected with Bordetella pertussis, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 64, (3), 2012, p413-424Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Anandaiah, A., Dheda, K., Keane, J., Koziel, H., Moore, D.A.J., Patel, N.R., Novel developments in the epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis coinfection, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 183, (8), 2011, p987-997Journal Article, 2011
- Hassan, T.M., Keane, J., McLaughlin, A.M., Paradoxical response involving tuberculous arthritis with soft tissue abscess in a female patient with disseminated tuberculosis, non-HIV infection, lymphopenia and vitamin D deficiency. Coincidence or immunological enigma? | Réaction paradoxale entraînant une arthrite tuberculeuse avec abcès des parties molles chez une patiente atteinte d'une tuberculose disséminée, non infectée par le VIH, lymphopénique et carencée en vitamine D. Coïncidence ou énigme immunologique?, Revue du Rhumatisme (Edition Francaise), 78, (2), 2011, p197-198Journal Article, 2011
- Lawlor, C., O'Sullivan, M.P., Sivadas, N., O'Leary, S., Gallagher, P.J., Keane, J., Cryan, S.-A., The application of high-content analysis in the study of targeted particulate delivery systems for intracellular drug delivery to alveolar macrophages, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 8, (4), 2011, p1100-1112Journal Article, 2011
- Cryan, S.-A., Hibbitts, A., Yadav, A., Kelly, C., Jefferies, C., Greene, C., McElvaney, N.G., O'sullivan, M., Keane, J., Lawlor, C., Barlow, J., Therapeutic aerosol bioengineering for targeted delivery in the lungs, 24th European Conference on Biomaterials - Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials, 2011Journal Article, 2011
- Coleman, M.M., Keane, J., Mills, K.H.G., Editorial: Tregs and BCG - Dangerous liaisons in TB, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 88, (6), 2010, p1067-1069Journal Article, 2010, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- McLaughlin, A.M., McMahon, C.J., Fitzpatrick, A., Keane, J., O'Donnell, R.A., Educational case: dysphagia caused by lymphadenopathy--what is the differential diagnosis?, The clinical respiratory journal, 1, (2), 2007, p122-124Journal Article, 2007
- Chong Sy Giin, Herron Malcolm, Dorman Anthony, Little Mark, Donnelly Seamas C, Keane Joseph, McLaughlin Anne Marie, Renal amyloidosis complicating multidrug-resistant tuberculosis , The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease , 21 , (4 ), 2017, p476 - 477Journal Article, 2017
- Buckley A, McDonnell C, Keane J, McLaughlin AM, First Case of Multidrug Resistant Spinal TB in Ireland. , Irish medical journal , 109 , (9 ), 2016, p473 -Journal Article, 2016
- Lewinsohn David M, Leonard Michael K, LoBue Philip A, Cohn David L, Daley Charles L, Desmond Ed, Keane Joseph, Lewinsohn Deborah A, Loeffler Ann M, Mazurek Gerald H, Official American Thoracic Society/Infectious Diseases Society of America/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Clinical Practice Guidelines: Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children , Clinical Infectious Diseases , 2016, pciw694 -Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Chong SG, Herron M, Dolan L, McDonald C, O'Donnell R, Fahy RJ, Keane J, McLaughlin AM, TB osteomyelitis , QJM , 2016, phcw166 -Journal Article, 2016, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Chong SG, McLaughlin AM, Keane J., Response: Disseminated tuberculosis., QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians, 110, (5), 2017, p333Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Cambier CJ, O'Leary SM, O'Sullivan MP, Keane J, Ramakrishnan L., Phenolic Glycolipid Facilitates Mycobacterial Escape from Microbicidal Tissue-Resident Macrophages., Immunity, 47, (3), 2017, p552 - 565Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Roycroft E, O'Toole RF, Fitzgibbon MM, Montgomery L, O'Meara M, Downes P, Jackson S, O'Donnell J, Laurenson IF, McLaughlin AM, Keane J, Rogers TR., Molecular epidemiology of multi- and extensively-drug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis in ireland, 2001-2014., The Journal of infection, 76, (1), 2018, p55-67Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Dockry É, O'Leary S, Gleeson LE, Lyons J, Keane J, Gray SG, Doherty DG, Epigenetic induction of CD1d expression primes lung cancer cells for killing by invariant natural killer T cells, OncoImmunology, 2018, pe1428156-Journal Article, 2018, URL
- Donal Cox and Joseph Keane, Platelets and Tuberculosis: Small Cells, Not So Innocent Bystanders, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 0, (ja), 0, pnullJournal Article, DOI , URL
- Schwander, S. and Keane, J., Cause or effect? the elusive role of regulatory t cells in tuberculosis, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 198, (1), 2018, p11-12Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Phelan JJ, Basdeo SA, Tazoll SC, McGivern S, Saborido JR and Keane J, Modulating Iron for Metabolic Support of TB Host Defense, Frontiers in Immunology, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Connor G, Krishnan N, Fagan-Murphy A, Cassidy J, O'Leary S, Robertson BD, Keane J, O'Sullivan MP, Cryan SA., Inhalable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles encapsulating all-trans-Retinoic acid (ATRA) as a host-directed, adjunctive treatment for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection., European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V, 134, 2019, p153-165Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Coleman MM, Basdeo SA, Coleman AM, Cheallaigh CN, Peral de Castro C, McLaughlin AM, Dunne PJ, Harris J, Keane J., All-trans Retinoic Acid Augments Autophagy during Intracellular Bacterial Infection., American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology, 59, (5), 2018, p548-556Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Hackett, E.E., Charles-Messance, H., O'Leary, S.M., Gleeson, L.E., Muñoz-Wolf, N., Case, S., Wedderburn, A., Johnston, D.G.W., Williams, M.A., Smyth, A., Ouimet, M., Moore, K.J., Lavelle, E.C., Corr, S.C., Gordon, S.V., Keane, J., Sheedy, F.J., Mycobacterium tuberculosis Limits Host Glycolysis and IL-1ß by Restriction of PFK-M via MicroRNA-21, Cell Reports, 30, (1), 2020, p124-136.e4Journal Article, 2020, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Phelan J.J., McQuaid, K., Kenny C., Gogan K.M., Cox D.J., Basdeo S.A., O'Leary S., Tazoll S.C., Ó Maoldomhnaigh C., O'Sullivan M.P., O'Neill LA, O'Sullivan M.J. & Keane J., Desferrioxamine supports metabolic function in primary human macrophages infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Cox, D.J., Coleman, A.M., Gogan, K.M., Phelan, J.J., Maoldomhnaigh, C., Dunne, P.J., Basdeo, S.A. and Keane, J., Inhibiting histone deacetylases in human macrophages promotes glycolysis, IL-1β and T helper cell responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Cahill, C.*, Phelan, J.J.* and Keane, J, Understanding and exploiting the effect of tuberculosis antimicrobials on host mitochondrial function and bioenergetics, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Waqas S, Dunne K, Talento AF, Wilson G, Martin-Loeches I, Keane J, Rogers TR., Prospective observational study of respiratory Aspergillus colonization or disease in patients with various stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease utilizing culture versus nonculture techniques., Medical mycology, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Leisching G, Keane J., Bystander Macrophage Metabolic Shift after Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection., American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology, 63, (6), 2020, p863-865Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- Fennelly M, Keane J, Dolan L, Plant BJ, O'Connor D, Sodeau J, Prentice MB., Containment of Procedure-Associated Aerosols by an Extractor Tent: effect on nebulised drug particle dispersal., The Journal of hospital infection, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Ó Maoldomhnaigh C, Cox DJ, Phelan JJ, Malone FD, Keane J, Basdeo SA., The Warburg Effect Occurs Rapidly in Stimulated Human Adult but Not Umbilical Cord Blood Derived Macrophages., Frontiers in immunology, 12, 2021, p657261Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Jarsberg LG, Kedia K, Wendler J, Wright AT, Piehowski PD, Gritsenko MA, Shi T, Lewinsohn DM, Sigal GB, Weiner MH, Smith RD, Keane J, Jacobs JM, Nahid P., Nutritional markers and proteome in patients undergoing treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis differ by geographic region., PloS one, 16, (5), 2021, pe0250586Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Cahill C, O'Connell F, Gogan KM, Cox DJ, Basdeo SA, O'Sullivan J, Gordon SV, Keane J, Phelan JJ., The Iron Chelator Desferrioxamine Increases the Efficacy of Bedaquiline in Primary Human Macrophages Infected with BCG., International journal of molecular sciences, 22, (6), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Fitzgibbon MM, Roycroft E, Sheehan G, Mc Laughlin AM, Quintyne KI, Brabazon E, O'Meara M, Flanagan PR, Seagar AL, Laurenson IF, Keane J, Rogers TR., False detection of rifampicin resistance using Xpert® MTB/RIF Ultra assay due to an A451V mutation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis., JAC Antimicrob Resist, 3, (3), 2021, pdlab101Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- O'Leary S, Bahlool AZ, O'Connor G, Cryan SA, Keane JM, O'Sullivan MP., An Automated Culture System for Use in Preclinical Testing of Host-Directed Therapies for Tuberculosis., Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE, (174), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Phelan JJ, O'Leary S, Keane J., Tuberculosis lymph node granulomas: using transcriptomics to discover immunopathology paradigms and guide host-directed therapy., The Journal of clinical investigation, 131, (15), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI
- Cilian Ó Maoldomhnaigh, Donal J Cox, James Joseph Phelan, Karl M. Gogan, Kate McQuaid, Amy Martina Coleman, Sharee Ann Basdeo and Joseph Keane., Lactate alters metabolism in human macrophages and improves their ability to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Christina Cahill, Dónal J. Cox, Fiona O'Connell, Sharee A. Basdeo, Karl M. Gogan, Cilian Ó'Maoldomhnaigh, Jacintha O'Sullivan, Joseph Keane and James J. Phelan., The Effect of Tuberculosis Antimicrobials on the Immunometabolic Profiles of Primary Human Macrophages Stimulated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Bahlool AZ, Fattah S, O'Sullivan A, Cavanagh B, MacLoughlin R, Keane J, O'Sullivan MP, Cryan SA., Development of Inhalable ATRA-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles as Host-Directed Immunotherapy against Tuberculosis., Pharmaceutics, 14, (8), 2022, p1745Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Bahlool AZ, Grant C, Cryan SA, Keane J, O'Sullivan MP., All trans retinoic acid as a host-directed immunotherapy for tuberculosis., Curr Res Immunol, 3, 2022, p54-72Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Dunne, P.J., Richard, G., Keane, J., Commercially available, FDA-approved epigenetic modifiers as therapeutic agents in bacterial infection, Clinical Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Allergy Drugs, 2, (1), 2015, p79-88Journal Article, 2015
- Bedard M, van der Niet S, Bernard EM, Babunovic GH, Cheng TY, Aylan B, Grootemaat AE, Raman S, Botella L, Ishikawa E, O'Sullivan MP, O'Leary S, Mayfield JA, Buter J, Minnaard AJ, Fortune SM, Murphy LO, Ory DS, Keane J, Yamasaki S, Gutierrez MG, van der Wel N, Moody DB., A terpene nucleoside from M. tuberculosis induces lysosomal lipid storage in foamy macrophages., The Journal of clinical investigation, 2023, pe161944Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Gaffney E, Murphy D, Walsh A, Connolly S, Basdeo SA, Keane J, Phelan JJ, Defining the role of neutrophils in the lung during infection: Implications for tuberculosis disease., Frontiers in immunology, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Murphy, D.M., Cox, D.J., Connolly, S.A., Breen, E.P., Brugman, A.A.I., Phelan, J.J., Keane, J., Basdeo, S.A., Trained immunity is induced in humans after immunization with an adenoviral vector COVID-19 vaccine, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 133, (2), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Triglia D, Gogan KM, Keane J, O'Sullivan MP., Glucose metabolism and its role in the maturation and migration of human CD1c+ dendritic cells following exposure to BCG., Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, 13, 2023, p1113744Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Yennemadi AS, Jameson G, Glass M, De Pasquale C, Keane J, Bianchi M, Leisching G., Chronic IFN" treatment induces leukopoiesis, increased plasma succinate and immune cell metabolic rewiring., Cellular immunology, 390, 2023, p104741Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Ottewill C, Dolan L, Bailén EL, Roycroft E, Fitzgibbon M, Donohue EO, McLaughlin AM, McGrath G, Keane J., Immunosuppressed Pets as a Conduit for Zoonotic Tuberculosis., American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 208, (6), 2023, p732-733Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Cheng GS, Crothers K, Aliberti S, Bergeron A, Boeckh M, Chien JW, Cilloniz C, Cohen K, Dean N, Dela Cruz CS, Dickson RP, Greninger AL, Hage CA, Hohl TM, Holland SM, Jones BE, Keane J, Metersky M, Miller R, Puel A, Ramirez J, Restrepo MI, Sheshadri A, Staitieh B, Tarrand J, Winthrop KL, Wunderink RG, Evans SE., Immunocompromised Host Pneumonia: Definitions and Diagnostic Criteria: An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report., Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 20, (3), 2023, p341-353Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Mansfield M, McLaughlin AM, Roycroft E, Montgomery L, Keane J, Fitzgibbon MM, Rogers TR., Diagnostic Performance of Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra Compared with Predecessor Test, Xpert MTB/RIF, in a Low TB Incidence Setting: a Retrospective Service Evaluation., Microbiology spectrum, 10, (3), 2022, pe0234521Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Yennemadi AS, Jordan N, Diong S, Keane J, Leisching G., The link between dysregulated immunometabolism and vascular damage: Implications for the development of atherosclerosis in SLE and other rheumatic diseases., The Journal of rheumatology, 2024, pjrheum.2023-0833Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Anjali S. Yennemadi, Joseph Keane, Gina Leisching, Mitochondrial bioenergetic changes in systemic lupus erythematosus immune cell subsets: Contributions to pathogenesis and clinical applications, Lupus, 2023, p096120332311646Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Murphy DM, Walsh A, Stein L, Petrasca A, Cox DJ, Brown K, Duffin E, Jameson G, Connolly SA, O'Connell F, O'Sullivan J, Basdeo SA, Keane J, Phelan JJ., Human Macrophages Activate Bystander Neutrophils' Metabolism and Effector Functions When Challenged with Mycobacterium tuberculosis., International journal of molecular sciences, 25, (5), 2024, p2898Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Keane B, Hayes C, Roycroft E, Fitzgibbon M, O Beirne S, Lyng P, Dolan L, McLaughlin AM, Keane J., Zoonotic tuberculosis and pathogen whole genome sequencing., Irish medical journal, 117, (2), 2024, p922Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Auld SC, Sheshadri A, Alexander-Brett J, Aschner Y, Barczak AK, Basil MC, Cohen KA, Dela Cruz C, McGroder C, Restrepo MI, Ridge KM, Schnapp LM, Traber K, Wunderink RG, Zhang D, Ziady A, Attia EF, Carter J, Chalmers JD, Crothers K, Feldman C, Jones BE, Kaminski N, Keane J, Lewinsohn D, Metersky M, Mizgerd JP, Morris A, Ramirez J, Samarasinghe AE, Staitieh BS, Stek C, Sun J, Evans SE., Postinfectious Pulmonary Complications: Establishing Research Priorities to Advance the Field: An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report., Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 21, (9), 2024, p1219-1237Journal Article, 2024
- Jameson G, Walsh A, Woods R, Batten I, Murphy DM, Connolly SA, Duffin E, O'Gallchobhair O, Nadarajan P, O'Connell F, Gleeson LE, Keane J, Basdeo SA., Human tissue-resident NK cells in the lung have a higher glycolytic capacity than non-tissue-resident NK cells in the lung and blood., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121, (42), 2024, pe2412489121Journal Article, 2024
- Leisching G, Yennemadi A, Gogan K, Keane J., Interferon " and ß induce differential transcriptional and functional metabolic phenotypes in human macrophages and blunt glycolysis in response to antigenic stimuli., European journal of immunology, 2024, pe2451032Journal Article, 2024, DOI
- Roche SM, Ottewill C, Mulpeter R, Brown K, Grant C, Fraughen DD, Dolan L, Gleeson LE, McLaughlin AM, Keane J., Delayed Tuberculosis Paradoxical Reaction Associated with TNF Inhibitors., American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2024Journal Article, 2024
- Keane, J., TNF-blocking agents and tuberculosis: New drugs illuminate an old topic, Rheumatology, 44, (6), 2005, p714-720Journal Article, 2005, DOI
- Saukkonen, J.J., Bazydlo, B., Thomas, M., Strieter, R.M., Keane, J., Kornfeld, H., ß-chemokines are induced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and inhibit its growth, Infection and Immunity, 70, (4), 2002, p1684-1693Journal Article, 2002, DOI
- Coleman, M.M., Finlay, C.M., Moran, B., Keane, J., Dunne, P.J., Mills, K.H., The immunoregulatory role of CD4 +FoxP3 +CD25 - regulatory T cells in lungs of mice infected with Bordetella pertussis, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 64, (3), 2012, p413-424Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Meade KG, Gormley E, Park SD, Fitzsimons T, Rosa GJ, Costello E, Keane J, Coussens PM, Machugh DE., Gene expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from Mycobacterium bovis infected cattle after in vitro antigenic stimulation with purified protein derivative of tuberculin (PPD)., Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology , 113, (1-2), 2006, p73-89Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
- Keane, J and Bresnihan, B, Tuberculosis reactivation during immunosuppressive therapy in rheumatic diseases: Diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, Current Opinions in Rheumatology , 20, (4), 2008, p443 - 449Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Kelly, D. ten Bokum, AM.C., O'Leary, S., O'Sullivan, M., Keane, J., Bystander macrophage apoptosis after Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra infection, Infection and Immunity , Jan;76, (1), 2008, p351 - 360Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL
- Harris, J., De Haro, SA., Master,SS., Keane J, Roberts EA, Delgado, M and Deretic V, T Helper 2 Cytokines Inhibit Autophagic Control of Intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Immunity , Sep;27, (3), 2007, p505 - 517Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Sullivan, M., Kelly, D., O'Leary, S., Keane, J., Macrophage cell death in response to M.tuberculosis infection is mediated by a caspase-independent pathway, Infection and Immunity, 75, (4), 2007, p1984 - 1993Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- Meade KG, Gormley E, Doyle MB, Fitzsimons T, O' Farrelly C, Costello E, Keane J, Zhao Y, MacHugh DE, Innate gene repression associated with Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle: toward a gene signature of disease, BMC Genomics, Oct 31; 8, (1: 400), 2007Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- McLaughlin A, Meaney JF, Keane J, Donnell RA, Left atrial invasion by pulmonary adenocarcinoma, Eur J Cardiothorac Surg., Mar 9, 2007, p936Journal Article, 2007, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- McLaughlin A, Keane J, Donnell RA, Dysphagia caused by lymphadenopathy - what is the differential diagnosis?, The Clinical Respiratory Journal , Dec; 1, (2), 2007, p122 - 124Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- A. Spira, J. Beane V. Shah G. Liu, K Steiling, F Schembri S Gilman, M Dumas, P Sebastiani Sriram Sridhar, X Yang, P Calner, J Beamis, J Keane, M Lenburg, JS Brody, Airway Epithelial Gene Expression in the Diagnostic Evaluation of Smokers with Suspect Lung Cancer, Nature Medicine, Mar; 13, (3), 2007, p361 - 366Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
- Keane, J., TNF blocking agents and tuberculosis: new drugs illuminate an old topic, Rheumatology, Jun; 44, (6), 2005, p714 - 720Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
- Keane, J., Tumor Necrosis Factor Blockers and Reactivation of Latent Tuberculosis, Clinical Infectious Disease, 39, (3), 2004, p300 - 302Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
- Spira A, Carroll JD, Liu G, Aziz Z, Shah V, Kornfeld K, Keane J, Apoptosis Genes in Human Alveolar Macrophages Infected with Virulent or Attenuated M. tuberculosis; A pivotal role for TNF, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, November; 29, (5), 2003, p545 - 551Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL
- Berk J, Keane J, Seldin DC, Sanchorawala V, Koyama J, Dember L, Falk R, Persistent pleural effusions in primary systemic amyloidosis: etiology and prognosis, Chest, 124, (3), 2003, p969 - 977Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL
- Reid V and Keane J, Tuberculosis Mastoiditis and Cerebral Tuberculoma, New England Journal of Medicine, 347, (e6), 2002Journal Article, 2002, URL
- Keane J, Shurtleff B, Kornfeld H, TNF-dependent BALB/c murine macrophage apoptosis following Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection inhibits bacillary growth in an IFN-g independent manner, Tuberculosis, 82, (2-3), 2002, p55-61Journal Article, 2002
- J J Saukkonen, B Bazydlo, M Thomas, RM. Strieter, J Keane, H Kornfeld, ß-Chemokines Are Induced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Inhibit Its Growth, Infection and Immunity, Apr; 70, (4), 2002, p1684 - 1693Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL
- Keane J., Gershon S.K., Braun M.M., Tuberculosis and Treatment with Infliximab, New England Journal of Medicine, 346, (8), 2002, p623 - 626Journal Article, 2002, URL
- Lucey EC, Keane J, Kuang PP, Snider GL, Goldstein RH, Severity of elastase-induced emphysema is decreased in tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1ß receptor-deficient mice, Laboratory Investigation, Jan; 82, (1), 2002, p79 - 85Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Keane J, Gershon S, Wise RP, Mirabile-Levens E, Kasznica J, Schwieterman WD, Siegel, JN, Braun MM , Tuberculosis Associated With Infliximab, a TNF a-Neutralizing Agent, New England Journal of Medicine , 345, (15), 2001, p1098 - 1104Journal Article, 2001, URL
- Sopp P, Coad M, Hewinson G, Howard CJ, Cheallaigh CN, Keane J, Harris J, Hope JC., Development of a simple, sensitive, rapid test which discriminates BCG vaccinated from Mycobacterium bovis-infected cattle, Vaccine, 26, (43), 2008, p5470-5476Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Keane J, Ní Cheallaigh C., Making tumor necrosis factor blockers safer: a prescriber's consumptive challenge, Journal of Rheumatology, 35, (7), 2008, p1238 - 1239Journal Article, 2008, URL
- Kennedy B, Lyons O, McLoughlin AM, Gibbons N, O'Flanagan D, Keane J., Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis: first report of a case in Ireland., EUROSURVEILLANCE, 13, (30), 2008, ppii=18935Journal Article, 2008, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Molloy D, Sayana MK, Keane J, Mehigan B., Anal fistula: an unusual presentation of tuberculosis in a migrant health care professional., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2008, p1-3Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- Martin J, Walsh C, Gibbs A, McDonnell T, Fearon U, Keane J, Codd MB, Dodd JD, Veale D, Fitzgerald O, Bresnihan B., Comparison of interferon-gamma-release assays and conventional screening tests before tumour necrosis factor-alfa blockade in patients with inflammatory arthritis, Annals of Rheumatological Diseases, 69, (1), 2010, p181 - 185Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Harris, J., Hope, J. C., Keane, J., Tumor necrosis factor blockers influence macrophage responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 198, (12), 2008, p1842 - 1850Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kelly, DM, ten Bokum, AM, O'Leary, SM, O'Sullivan, MP, Keane, J, Bystander macrophage apoptosis after Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra infection., Infection and Immunity, 76, (1), 2008, p351 - 360Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Sullivan, MP, O'Leary, S, Kelly, DM, Keane, J, A caspase-independent pathway mediates macrophage cell death in response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection., Infection and Immunity, 75, (4), 2007, p1984 - 1993Journal Article, 2007, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Harris, J., Master, S.S., De Haro, S.A., Delgado, M., Roberts, E.A., Hope, J.C., Keane, J., Deretic, V. , Th1-Th2 polarisation and autophagy in the control of intracellular mycobacteria by macrophages, Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology , 128, (1-3), 2009, p37-43Journal Article, 2009, DOI
- Reid, V.A., Keane, J. , Images in clinical medicine. Tuberculous mastoiditis and cerebral tuberculoma. , The New England Journal of Medicine, 347, (23-24), 2002, pe6Journal Article, 2002
- Harris, J., Hope, JC. and Keane, J., Tumor-necrosis factor blockers influence macrophage responses to M. tuberculosis, The Journal of Infectious Diseases , 198, (12), 2008, p1842-1850Journal Article, 2008, DOI
- McLaughlin AM, Donnell RA, Nicolson S, Keane J, Young VK, A pulmonary mass with invasion into the heart., International Seminars in Surgical Oncology, 5, (1), 2008, particle no 24Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Bothamley GH, Ditiu L, Migliori GB, Lange C; TBNET contributors., Active case finding of tuberculosis in Europe: a Tuberculosis Network European Trials Group (TBNET) survey., European Respiratory Journal, 32, (4), 2008, p1023-1030Journal Article, 2008, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Means TK, Jones BW, Schromm AB, Shurtleff BA, Smith JA, Keane J, Golenbock DT, Vogel SN, Fenton MJ, Differential Effects of a Toll-Like Receptor Antagonist on Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Induced Macrophage Responses , Journal of Immunology, 166, (6), 2001, p4074-4082Journal Article, 2001, URL
- Akalin E, Chandrakantan A, Keane J, Hamburger RJ, Normouricemia in the Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion., American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 37, (1), 2001, pE8Journal Article, 2001, DOI
- Carroll JD, Wallace RC, Keane J, Remold HG, Arbeit RD , Identification of Mycobacterium avium DNA sequences that encode exported proteins by using phoA gene fusions. , Tubercle and Lung Disease, 80, (3), 2000, p117-130Journal Article, 2000, DOI
- Keane J, Remold H, Kornfeld H, Virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains Evade Apoptosis of Infected Alveolar Macrophages, Journal of Immunology, 164, (4), 2000, p2016-2020Journal Article, 2000, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Fratazzi C, Arbeit RD, Carini C, B-Sablinska MK, Keane J, et al., Macrophage apoptosis in mycobacterial infections, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 66, (5), 1999, p763-764Journal Article, 1999, URL
- Sablinska M, Keane J, Remold HG, & Kornfeld H , Pathogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades apoptosis of host macrophages by release of TNF-R2, resulting in inactivation of TNF-alpha., Journal of Immunology, 161, (5), 1998, p2636-2641Journal Article, 1998, URL
- Keane J, Cruikshank WW Center D & Kornfeld H et al., Conservation of Structure and Function between Human and Murine Interleukin-16, Journal of Immunology, 160, (12), 1998, p5945-5954Journal Article, 1998, URL
- Keane J, Gochuico B, Kasnica JM & Kornfeld H., (Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis) Usual Interstitial Pneumonitis Responsive to Corticosteroids following Varicella pneumonia , Chest, 113, (1), 1998, p249-251Journal Article, 1998, DOI
- Keane J, Sablinska M, Remold HG, & Kornfeld H et al., Infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis Promotes Human Alveolar Macrophage Apoptosis., Infection & Immunity, 65, (1), 1997, p298-304Journal Article, 1997, URL
- Cruikshank WW, Kornfeld H, Berman J, Keane J, Center D., Biological activity of Interleukin-16, Nature, 381, (6589), 1996, p29-30Journal Article, 1996
- O'Conner C, Gaffney K Keane J, & FitzGerald MX et al., alpha1-Proteinase Inhibitor, Elastase activity, and Lung Disease Severity in Cystic Fibrosis, American Review of Respiratory Diseases, 148, 1993, p1665-1670Journal Article, 1993
- Keane J & Finucane P., "Whose bed is it anyway?" , Care of the Elderly, 1992, p158Journal Article, 1992
- Keane J, Chan F, Over J & Finucane P., Respiratory Failure in the Elderly Hospitalized Patient , Journal of the Hong Kong Geriatric Society , 3, (1), 1992, p32-34Journal Article, 1992
- Lee C.L., Doran, M, Keane J., Tuberculosis associated with tumor necrosis factor blocker therapy despite following guidelines, 2009Journal Article, 2009
- Programmed cell death in tuberculosis in, editor(s)William N. Rom and Stuart M.Garay, with foreword by Barry R. Bloom. , Tuberculosis , Philadelphia , Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004, [Joseph Keane and Hardy Kornfeld ]Book Chapter, 2004
- Keane, Joseph, Regulatory Role of CD4+, 2009, -Miscellaneous, 2009
- Ali S, Chew N, Manning P, Noonan N, Keane J and Bergin C. , The prevalence of Latent Pulmonary Tuberculosis (LTBI) in a Normal and High Risk Population Group. , 2005, - 397S-aMiscellaneous, 2005
- A. Bella, A.M.C. ten Bokum, N. Noonan, J. Rothel, P Kelly ,J. Keane , The Evaluation of the QuantiFERON TB test for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Disease and Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) in the Irish Population: Preliminary Results, 2004, - 33Miscellaneous, 2004
- Lawlor C, Kelly C, O'Leary S, O'Sullivan M, Gallagher PJ, Keane J Cryan SA, Cellular targeting and trafficking of drug delivery systems for the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis, Tuberculosis, 91, (1), 2011, p93 - 97Journal Article, 2011
- T Hassan, AM McLaughlin, F O'Connell, N Gibbons, S Nicholson, J Keane, EBUS-TBNA performs well in the diagnosis of isolated thoracic tuberculous lymphadenopathy, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine , 183, (1), 2011, p136 - 137Journal Article, 2011
- Chan, E.D. Keane, J., Iseman, M.D, Should cigarette smoke exposure be a criterion to treat latent tuberculous infection?, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 182, 2010, p990 - 992Journal Article, 2010
- S O'Leary, M O'Sullivan, J Keane, IL-10 blocks phagosome maturation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected human macrophages, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 45, (1), 2011, p172 - 180Journal Article, 2011
- Harris J, Keane J, How TNF Blockers Interfere with TB Immunity, Clinical and Experimental Immunology , 161, (1), 2010, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2010
- Hassan TM, Keane J, McLaughlin AM., Paradoxical reaction causing tuberculous arthritis and soft-tissue abscess in a non-HIV infected, lymphopenic, vitamin D deficient patient with disseminated tuberculosis. A coincidence or an immunological conundrum?, Joint Bone Spine, 78, (3), 2011, p322 - 323Journal Article, 2011, DOI
- Anandaiah A, Dheda K, Keane J, Koziel H, Moore DA, Patel NR, Novel Developments in the Epidemic of HIV and TB Co-Infection., Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 183, (8), 2011, p987 - 997Journal Article, 2011
- Coleman MM, Keane J, Mills KH., Tregs and BCG--dangerous liaisons in TB., Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 88, (6), 2010, p1067 - 1069Journal Article, 2010, DOI
- Siddiqui UA, O'Toole M, Kabir Z, Qureshi S, Gibbons N, Kane M, Keane J, Smoking prolongs the infectivity of patients with tuberculosis., Irish medical journal, 103, (9), 2010, p278-80Journal Article, 2010
- James Harris, Joseph Keane, How tumour necrosis factor blockers interfere with tuberculosis immunity., Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 161, (1), 2010, p1 - 9Journal Article, 2010, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Lawlor C, Kelly C, O'Leary S, O'Sullivan MP, Gallagher PJ, Keane J, Cryan SA., Cellular targeting and trafficking of drug delivery systems for the prevention and treatment of MTb., Tuberculosis, 91, (1), 2011, p93 - 97Journal Article, 2011
- Cahill KC, Conroy FJ, Brown A, Dunlop RL, Eadie P, Keane J, Tuberculous dactylitis in the setting of low serum vitamin D - A case report., J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg, 64, (12), 2011, p321 - 324Journal Article, 2011
- Lawlor C, O'Sullivan MP, Sivadas N, O'Leary S, Gallagher PJ, Keane J, Cryan SA., The Application of High-Content Analysis in the Study of Targeted Particulate Delivery Systems for Intracellular Drug Delivery to Alveolar Macrophages., Mol Pharm, 8, (4), 2011, p1100 - 1112Journal Article, 2011
- Ní Cheallaigh C, Keane J, Lavelle EC, Hope JC, Harris J., Autophagy in the immune response to tuberculosis: clinical perspectives., Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 164, (3), 2011, p291 - 300Journal Article, 2011, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Kiely B, McLaughlin AM, Lynch TH, Keane J., Intravesical bacille Calmette-Guérin-induced multiorgan failure after treatment for transitional cell carcinoma., Scand J Urol Nephrol, 45, (4), 2011, p278 - 280Journal Article, 2011
- Alexander W. Beham, Kerstin Puellmann, Rebecca Laird, Tina Fuchs, Roswita Streich, Caroline Breysach, Dirk Raddatz, Septimia Oniga, Teresa Peccerella, Peter Findeisen, Julia Kzhyshkowska, Alexei Gratchev, Stefan Schweyer, Bernadette Saunders, Johannes T. Wessels, Wiebke Möbius, Joseph Keane, Heinz Becker, Arnold Ganser, Michael Neumaier, Wolfgang E. Kaminski, A TNF-Regulated Recombinatorial Macrophage Immune Receptor Implicated in Granuloma Formation in Tuberculosis, PLoS Pathogens, 7, (11, e1002375), 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Lawlor C, O'Sullivan MP, Rice B, Dillon P, Gallagher PJ, O'Leary S, Shoyele S, Keane J, Cryan SA, Therapeutic aerosol bioengineering of targeted, inhalable microparticle formulations to treat Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb)., Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Medicine, 23, (1), 2012, p89 - 98Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Coleman MM, Finlay CM, Moran B, Keane J, Dunne PJ, Mills KH, The Immunoregulatory role of CD4(+) FoxP3(+) CD25(-) regulatory T cells in lungs of mice infected with Bordetella pertussis., FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 64, (3), 2012, p413 - 424Journal Article, 2012, DOI
- Kennedy B, Connor B, Korn B, Gibbons N, O'Connor T, Keane J, Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis: experiences of two tertiary referral centres., Irish medical journal, 104, (6), 2011, p182-5Journal Article, 2011
- Macdonald SH, Woodward E, Coleman MM, Dorris ER, Nadarajan P, Chew WM, McLaughlin AM, Keane J, Networked T Cell Death following Macrophage Infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis., PloS one, 7, (6), 2012, pe38488Journal Article, 2012, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Ryan RC, O'Sullivan MP, Keane J, Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection induces non-apoptotic cell death of human dendritic cells., BMC Microbiology, 11, 2011, p237-Journal Article, 2011, TARA - Full Text
- McLaughlin AM, Gibbons N, Fitzgibbon M, Power JT, Foley SC, Hayes JP, Rogers T, Keane J, Primary Isoniazid Resistance in Mycobacterium bovis Disease: A Prospect of Concern., American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 186, (1), 2012, p110-1Journal Article, 2012, DOI , URL
- Ní Cheallaigh C, Fitzgerald I, Grace J, Jagjit Singh G, El-Eraki N, Gibbons N, Keane J, Rogers TR, Clarke S, Bergin C, Interferon Gamma Release Assays for the Diagnosis of Latent TB Infection in HIV-Infected Individuals in a Low TB Burden Country., PloS one, 8, (1), 2013, pe53330Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Coleman MM, Ruane D, Moran B, Dunne PJ, Keane J, Mills KH, Alveolar Macrophages Contribute to Respiratory Tolerance by Inducing FoxP3 Expression in Naive T Cells., American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology, 48, (6), 2013, p773-80Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Hoefsloot W, van Ingen J, Andrejak C, Angeby K, Bauriaud R, Bemer P, Beylis N, Boeree MJ, Cacho J, Chihota V, Chimara E, Churchyard G, Cias R, Dasa R, Daley CL, Dekhuijzen PN, Domingo D, Drobniewski F, Esteban J, Fauville-Dufaux M, Folkvardsen DB, Gibbons N, Gómez-Mampaso E, Gonzalez R, Hoffmann H, Hsueh PR, Indra A, Jagielski T, Jamieson F, Jankovic M, Jong E, Keane J, ... Winthrop K, Wagner D, The geographic diversity of nontuberculous mycobacteria isolated from pulmonary samples: A NTM-NET collaborative study., The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology, 42, (6), 2013, p1604-1613Journal Article, 2013, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Doherty AM, Kelly J, McDonald C, O'Dywer AM, Keane J, Cooney J, A review of the interplay between tuberculosis and mental health., General hospital psychiatry, 35, (4), 2013, p398-406Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- Kane M, Korn B, Saukkonen J, McDonald C, Walsh C, Waters R, McLaughlin AM, Keane J, Barriers to accepting and completing latent tuberculosis infection treatment., Irish medical journal, 106, (7), 2013, p200-4Journal Article, 2013
- Lyons J, Vandenberghe E, Fahy R, McDonnell C, Keane J, McLaughlin AM, An unusual lung mass post stem cell transplantation., Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society, 16, (4), 2014, p672-675Journal Article, 2014, DOI
- O'Leary SM, Coleman MM, Chew WM, Morrow C, McLaughlin AM, Gleeson LE, O'Sullivan MP, Keane J, Cigarette Smoking Impairs Human Pulmonary Immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis., American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 190, (12), 2015, p1430-1436Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Keane, Joseph, American Thoracic Society - Programme committee, In:American Thoracic Society Conference, 2005Meetings /Conferences Organised
- Keane, Joseph, International Conference on Cytokine Medicine , 2004 - present, 2004Meetings /Conferences Organised
- Keane, Joseph, Institute of Molecular Medicine: Programme committee , 2004 - present, 2004Meetings /Conferences Organised
- Keane, Joseph, Diagnostic Standards & Classification of Tuberculosis in Adults and ChildrenWorking Paper
- Keane, Joseph, TNF blockade and opportunistic infection -A position paperWorking Paper
- Keane, Joseph, Tuberculosis Guidelines: National TB Advisory Committee, 2008Working Paper
- Health Research Board: Clinical Scientist Award 2012
- TBNET, STOP TB Partnership, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
- Royal College of Physicians
- American Thoracic Society
- Irish Thoracic Society
- Program Chair: American Thoracic Society, MTPI Assembly 2012
- Director: TB Immunology Lab, School of Medicine
- Director: TB Immunology Lab, School of Medicine
- Director: Clinical TB services, St. James's Supraregional Centre
- Director: Clinical TB services, St. James's Supraregional Centre
- Program Chair: American Thoracic Society, MTPI Assembly 2012
- Program Chair: American Thoracic Society, MTPI Assembly 2012
- Director: Clinical TB services, St. James's Supraregional Centre
- Director: TB Immunology Lab, School of Medicine