Professor Dominick McCabe

Professor Dominick McCabe

Clinical Professor

Professor Dominick McCabe, Chairman, Vascular Neurology Research Foundation, has a long track record in clinical and translational research in General and Vascular Neurology / Stroke Medicine. His world-class research group at AMNCH has an international reputation for conducting studies on translational platelet science, haemostasis and thrombosis, and vascular imaging in patients with ischaemic cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and carotid stenosis. Prof. McCabe has been involved in clinical research since 1996. He designed and conducted several studies on translational platelet science in CVD for his PhD at University College London. He has an in-depth knowledge of this field, and has established the international multidisciplinary OATS-I consortium. His research group have published numerous peer-reviewed articles in this field, and are currently participating in 16 local, national or international collaborative studies in ischaemic cerebrovascular disease and aspects of general neurology. 

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • O' Connell K, Williams L, Jones J, McCabe D.J.H, Murphy D, Killeen R, Tubridy N, O' Riordan S, McGuigan C, Neurosarcoidosis: clinical presentations and changing treatment patterns in an Irish Caucasian population, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2017, p1-8Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Huber R, Grittner U, Weidemann F, Thijs V, Tanislav C, Enzinger C, Fazekas F, Wolf M, Hennerici M.G, Mccabe D.J.H, Putaala J, Tatlisumak T, Kessler C, Von Sarnowski B, Martus P, Kolodny E, Norrving B, Rolfs A, Patent foramen ovale and cryptogenic strokes in the stroke in young fabry patients study, Stroke, 48, (1), 2017, p30 - 35Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Murphy S.J.X, Coughlan C.A, Tobin O, Kinsella J, Lonergan R, Gutkin M, McCabe D.J.H, Continuation and adherence rates on initially-prescribed intensive secondary prevention therapy after Rapid Access Stroke Prevention (RASP) service assessment, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 361, 2016, p13 - 18Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL
  • Lim S.T, Coughlan C.A, Murphy S.J.X, Fernandez-Cadenas I, Montaner J, Thijs V, Marquardt L, McCabe D.J.H, Platelet function testing in transient ischaemic attack and ischaemic stroke: A comprehensive systematic review of the literature, Platelets, 26, (5), 2015, p402 - 412Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Von Sarnowski B, Schminke U, Grittner U, Fazekas F, Tanislav C, Kaps M, Tatlisumak T, Putaala J, Haeusler K.G, Silva A.D.B.D.A.E, Kinsella J.A, McCabe D.J.H, Tobin W.O, Huber R, Willeit J, Furtner M, Bodechtel U, Rolfs A, Kessler C, Hennerici M.G, Cervical artery dissection in young adults in the stroke in young fabry patients (sifap1) study, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 39, (2), 2015, p110 - 121Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL
  • Walsh ME, Galvin R, Boland F, Williams D, Harbison JA, Murphy S, Collins DR, McCabe DJH, Crowe M, Horgan NF, Validation of two risk prediction models for recurrent falls in the first year after stroke: A prospective cohort study, Age and Ageing, 46, (4), 2017, p642-648,Journal Article, 2017, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Coward L.J, McCabe D.J.H, Ederle J, Featherstone R.L, Clifton A, Brown M.M, Long-term outcome after angioplasty and stenting for symptomatic vertebral artery stenosis compared with medical treatment in the Carotid And Vertebral Artery Transluminal Angioplasty Study (CAVATAS): A randomized trial, Stroke, 38, (5), 2007, p1526 - 1530Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Rakhit R.D, Antithrombotic and interventional treatment options in cardioembolic transient ischaemic attack and ischaemic stroke, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 78, (1), 2007, p14 - 24Journal Article, 2007, DOI , URL
  • Chaila E.C, McCabe D.J.H, Delanty N, Costello D.J, Murphy R.P, Broadening the phenotype of childhood-onset dopa-responsive dystonia, Archives of Neurology, 63, (8), 2006, p1185 - 1188Journal Article, 2006, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Harrison P, Mackie I.J, Sidhu P.S, Purdy G, Lawrie A.S, Watt H, Machin S.J, Brown M.M, Increased platelet count and leucocyte-platelet complex formation in acute symptomatic compared with asymptomatic severe carotid stenosis, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 76, (9), 2005, p1249 - 1254Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Harrison P, Mackie I.J, Sidhu P.S, Lawrie A.S, Purdy G, Machin S.J, Brown M.M, Assessment of the antiplatelet effects of low to medium dose aspirin in the early and late phases after ischaemic stroke and TIA, Platelets, 16, (5), 2005, p269 - 280Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Sumaria S, Wilson L.A, Concerns about the safety of intravenous immunoglobulin in acute ischaemic stroke [1], Lupus, 14, (5), 2005, p409 - 410Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Pereira A.C, Clifton A, Bland J.M, Brown M.M, Restenosis after carotid angioplasty, stenting, or endarterectomy in the Carotid and Vertebral Artery Transluminal Angioplasty Study (CAVATAS), Stroke, 36, (2), 2005, p281 - 286Journal Article, 2005, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Harrison P, Sidhu P.S, Brown M.M, Machin S.J, Circulating reticulated platelets in the early and late phases after ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack, British Journal of Haematology, 126, (6), 2004, p861 - 869Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Harrison P, Mackie I.J, Sidhu P.S, Purdy G, Lawrie A.S, Watt H, Brown M.M, Machin S.J, Platelet degranulation and monocyte-platelet complex formation are increased in the acute and convalescent phases after ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack, British Journal of Haematology, 125, (6), 2004, p777 - 787Journal Article, 2004, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Turner N.C, Chao D, Leff A, Gregson N.A, Womersley H.J, Mak I, Perkin G.D, Schapira A.H.V, Paraneoplastic "stiff person syndrome" with metastatic adenocarcinoma and anti-Ri antibodies, Neurology, 62, (8), 2004, p1402 - 1404Journal Article, 2004, URL
  • McCabe D.J, Harrison P, Machin S.J, Watt H, Brown M.M, Measurement of the antiplatelet effects of aspirin in cerebrovascular disease., Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 35, (6), 2004Journal Article, 2004, URL
  • Cloud G.C, Crawley F, Clifton A, McCabe D.J.H, Brown M.M, Markus H.S, Vertebral artery origin angioplasty and primary stenting: Safety and restenosis rates in a prospective series, Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 74, (5), 2003, p586 - 590Journal Article, 2003, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, McCarthy G.P, Condon F, Connolly S, Brennan P, Brett F.M, Hurson B, Sheahan K, Redmond J, Atypical ganglion cell tumor of the sciatic nerve, Archives of Neurology, 59, (7), 2002, p1179 - 1181Journal Article, 2002, DOI , URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Wood N.W, Ryan F, Hanna M.G, Connolly S, Moore D.P, Redmond J, Barton D.E, Murphy R.P, Intrafamilial phenotypic variability in Friedreich ataxia associated with a G130V mutation in the FRDA gene, Archives of Neurology, 59, (2), 2002, p296 - 300Journal Article, 2002, URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Brown M.M, Prevention of ischaemic stroke - Antiplatelets, British Medical Bulletin, 56, (2), 2000, p510 - 525Journal Article, 2000, URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Ryan F, Moore D.P, McQuaid S, King M.D, Kelly A, Daly K, Barton D.E, Murphy R.P, Erratum: Typical Friedreich's ataxia without GAA expansions and GAA expansions without typical Friedreich's ataxia (Journal of Neurology (2000) 247 (346-355)), Journal of Neurology, 247, (6), 2000, p483-Journal Article, 2000, URL
  • Ho D.S.W, Cheung R.T.F, McCabe D.J.H, Brown M.M, Clifton A, Fatal cerebral hemorrhage after carotid stenting [3] (multiple letters), Stroke, 31, (3), 2000, p793 - 794Journal Article, 2000, URL
  • Chamorro A, Vila N, Obach V, Macho J, Blasco J, McCabe D.J.H, Brown M.M, Clifton A, A case of cerebral hemorrhage early after carotid stenting [2] (multiple letters), Stroke, 31, (3), 2000, p792 - 793Journal Article, 2000, URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Burke T, Connolly S, Hutchinson M, Amnesic syndrome with bilateral mesial temporal lobe involvement in Hashimoto's encephalopathy, Neurology, 54, (3), 2000, p737 - 739Journal Article, 2000, URL
  • McCabe D.J.H, Brown M.M, Clifton A, Fatal cerebral reperfusion hemorrhage after carotid stenting, Stroke, 30, (11), 1999, p2483 - 2486Journal Article, 1999, URL
  • McNamara PH, Williams J, McCabe DJH, Walsh RA, Striking Central Pontine Myelinolysis in a Patient with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome without Hyponatraemia, JAMA Neurology, 73, 2016, p234 - 235Journal Article, 2016
  • Murphy SJX, Starke R, Harrison P, Brown MM, Sidhu PS, Mackie IJ, Scully M, Machin SJ, McCabe DJH, Relationship between ADAMTS13 activity, von Willebrand factor antigen levels and platelet function in the early and late phases after TIA or ischaemic stroke. , Neurology, 84, 2015, ppP3.001.Published Abstract, 2015
  • Tobin WO, Kinsella JA, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RT, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Coughlan T, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Murphy SJ, Lim SJ, Murphy RP, McCabe DJH, Profile of von Willebrand factor antigen and von Willebrand factor propeptide in an overall TIA and ischaemic stroke population and amongst subtypes., J Neurol Sci, 375, 2017, p404 - 410Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Kinsella JA, Oliver Tobin W, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Egan B, Coughlan T, Ronan Collins D, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Doherty CP, Madhavan P, Moore DJ, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Saqqur M, Murphy RP, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, Assessment of 'on-treatment platelet reactivity' and relationship with cerebral micro-embolic signals in asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid stenosis., J Neurol Sci., 376, 2017, p133 - 139Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Paul McElwaine, Joan McCormack, Michael McCormick, Anthony Rudd, Carmel Brennan, Heather Coetzee, Paul E Cotter, Rachel Doyle, Anne Hickey, Frances Horgan, Cliona Loughnane, Chris Macey, Paul Marsden, Dominick McCabe, Riona Mulcahy, Imelda Noone, Emer Shelley, Tadhg Stapleton, David Williams, Peter Kelly, Joseph Harbison., Thrombolysis for Stroke in Ireland: Increasing access and maintaining safety in a challenging environment., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 187, 2018, p275 - 280Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Paul McElwaine, Joan McCormack, Michael McCormick, Anthony Rudd, Carmel Brennan, Heather Coetzee, Paul E Cotter, Rachel Doyle, Anne Hickey, Frances Horgan, Cliona Loughnane, Chris Macey, Paul Marsden, Dominick McCabe, Riona Mulcahy, Imelda Noone, Emer Shelley, Tadhg Stapleton, David Williams, Peter Kelly, Joseph Harbison., Thrombolysis for Stroke in Ireland: Increasing access and maintaining safety in a challenging environment., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 187, 2018, p275 - 280Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • Walsh ME, Galvin R, Williams DJP, Harbison JA, Murphy S, Collins R, McCabe DJH, Crowe M, Horgan NF., The experience of recurrent fallers in the first year after stroke., Disability and rehabilitation, 2017, p1-8Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Walsh ME, Galvin R, Williams DJP, Harbison JA, Murphy S, Collins R, McCabe DJH, Crowe M, Horgan NF., The experience of recurrent fallers in the first year after stroke., Disability and rehabilitation, 2017, p1-8Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Campbell BCV, van Zwam WH, Goyal M, Menon BK, Dippel DWJ, Demchuk AM, Bracard S, White P, Dávalos A, Majoie CBLM, van der Lugt A, Ford GA, de la Ossa NP, Kelly M, Bourcier R, Donnan GA, Roos YBWEM, Bang OY, Nogueira RG, Devlin TG, van den Berg LA, Clarençon F, Burns P, Carpenter J, Berkhemer OA, Yavagal DR, Pereira VM, Ducrocq X, Dixit A, Quesada H, Epstein J, Davis SM, Jansen O, Rubiera M, Urra X, Micard E, Lingsma HF, Naggara O, Brown S, Guillemin F, Muir KW, van Oostenbrugge RJ, Saver JL, Jovin TG, Hill MD, Mitchell PJ; HERMES collaborators, Effect of general anaesthesia on functional outcome in patients with anterior circulation ischaemic stroke having endovascular thrombectomy versus standard care: a meta-analysis of individual patient data., Lancet Neurol, 17, (1), 2018, p47-53Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Murphy D, Enright HM, McCabe DJH, for the HEIST study group, Increased platelet count and reticulated platelets in recently symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis and in cerebral microembolic signal-negative patient subgroups: Results from the HaEmostasis In carotid STenosis (HEIST) Study., J Neurol, 265, (5), 2018, p1037 - 1049Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
  • D'Alton M, Coughlan T, Cogan N, Greene S, McCabe DJH, McCarthy A, Murphy S, Walsh R, O'Neill D, Kennelly S, Ryan D, Collins R, Patterns of Mortality in Modern Stroke Care, Ir Med J, 111, (5), 2018, pP750Journal Article, 2018, URL
  • Bogdanova-Mihaylova, P., Burke, D., O"Dwyer, J.P., Bradley, D., Williams, J.A., Cronin, S.J., Smyth, S., Murphy, R.P., Murphy, S.M., Wall, C., McCabe, D.J.H., Aciclovir-induced acute kidney injury in patients with `suspected viral encephalitis" encountered on a liaison neurology service, Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2018, p1-4Journal Article, 2018
  • Kidd, D.P., McCabe, D.J., Wilhelm, T., Galloway, M., Carotid arteritis causing amaurosis fugax and ischaemic cerebrovascular events in neurosarcoidosis, Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 169, 2018, p103-106Journal Article, 2018
  • Writing Group, Naylor, A.R., Ricco, J.-B., de Borst, G.J., Debus, S., de Haro, J., Halliday, A., Hamilton, G., Kakisis, J., Kakkos, S., Lepidi, S., Markus, H.S., McCabe, D.J., Roy, J., Sillesen, H., van den Berg, J.C., Vermassen, F., ESVS Guidelines Committee, Kolh, P., Chakfe, N., Hinchliffe, R.J., Koncar, I., Lindholt, J.S., Vega de Ceniga, M., Verzini, F., ESVS Guideline Reviewers, Archie, J., Bellmunt, S., Chaudhuri, A., Koelemay, M., Lindahl, A.-K., Padberg, F., Venermo, M., Editor's Choice " Management of Atherosclerotic Carotid and Vertebral Artery Disease: 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 55, (1), 2018, p3-81Journal Article, 2018
  • Bonati, L.H., Gregson, J., Dobson, J., McCabe, D.J.H., Nederkoorn, P.J., van der Worp, H.B., de Borst, G.J., Richards, T., Cleveland, T., Müller, M.D., Wolff, T., Engelter, S.T., Lyrer, P.A., Brown, M.M., Algra, A., Bakke, S.J., Baldwin, N., Beard, J., Bladin, C., Bland, J.M., Boiten, J., Bosiers, M., Bradbury, A.W., Canovas, D., Chambers, B., Chamorro, A., Chataway, J., Clifton, A., Collins, R., Coward, L., Czlonkowska, A., Davis, S., DeJaegher, L., Doig, D., Dorman, P., Ederle, J., Featherstone, R.F., Ferro, J.M., Gaines, P., Gilling-Smith, G., Goertler, M., Gottsäter, A., Hacke, W., Halliday, A., Hamilton, G., Hendriks, J.M.H., Hill, M., Kapelle, L.J., Kaste, M., Kennedy, F., Konrad, P., Kool, L.J.S., Koudstaal, P.J., Malik, I., Markus, H., Martin, P., Mas, J.-L., McCollum, C., McGahan, T., McGuire, A.J., Michel, P., Molyneux, A., Moroney, J., Mosch, A., Moss, J., Naylor, R., Peeters, A., Roy, D., Schultz, D., Seriki, D.M., Shinton, R.A., Sidhu, P., Stewart, J., Subramanian, G., Sztajzel, R., Than, P.G., Thomas, D., Turner, E., van den Berg, J.S.P., Vanhooren, G., Venables, G., Wahlgren, N., Walker, S., Warlow, C., Zvan, B., Restenosis and risk of stroke after stenting or endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis in the International Carotid Stenting Study (ICSS): secondary analysis of a randomised trial, The Lancet Neurology, 17, (7), 2018, p587-596Journal Article, 2018
  • Lim, S.T., Murphy, S.J.X., Smith, D.R., Williams, J., Navarro, S.G., McCabe, J., Moore, D.P., McHugh, J., McCabe, D.J.H., Clinical outcomes and a high prevalence of abnormalities on comprehensive arterial and venous thrombophilia screening in TIA or ischaemic stroke patients with a patent foramen ovale, an inter­atrial septal aneurysm or both, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 377, 2017, p227-233Journal Article, 2017
  • Thijs, V., Grittner, U., Fazekas, F., McCabe, D.J.H., Giese, A.-K., Kessler, C., Martus, P., Norrving, B., Ringelstein, E.B., Schmidt, R., Tanislav, C., Putaala, J., Tatlisumak, T., Von Sarnowski, B., Rolfs, A., Enzinger, C., Dolichoectasia and Small Vessel Disease in Young Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack and Stroke, Stroke, 48, (9), 2017, p2361-2367Journal Article, 2017
  • Brett, F.M., Flavin, R., Chen, D., Loftus, T., Looby, S., McCarthy, A., de Gascun, C., Jaffe, E.S., Nor, N., Javadpour, M., McCabe, D., EBV driven natural killer cell disease of the central nervous system presenting as subacute cognitive decline, Human Pathology: Case Reports, 10, 2017, p64-68Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Bonati, L.H., Ederle, J., Dobson, J., Engelter, S., Featherstone, R.L., Gaines, P.A., Beard, J.D., Venables, G.S., Markus, H.S., Clifton, A., Sandercock, P., Brown, M.M., Bland, J.M., Brown, M.M., Buckenham, T., Clifton, A., Sandercock, P.A.G., Taylor, R.S., Tognoni, G., Warlow, C.P., Bleakley, T., Colquhoun, D., Coward, L., Crawley, F., Dobinson, P., Featherstone, R., Holder, S., Markus, H., McCabe, D.J.H., Pereira, A., Rogers, J., Silver, L., Burrett, J., Crowther, J., Dobson, M., Hafner, B., Heineman, J., Hope, C., Knight, S., Naughten, A., Radley, A., Richards, S., Smith, D., Wenzel, S., Harrison, M., Ferro, J., Beard, J., Buckenham, T., Brown, M.M., Clifton, A., Bladin, C.F., Donnan, G.A., Fell, G., Fitt, G., Royle, J., Davis, S., Gerraty, R., Mitchell, P., Goodman, M.A., Hankey, G.J., Khangure, M.S., Lawrence-Brown, M.M., Linto, J., McAuliffe, W., Prendergast, F.J., Siennarine, K., Stewart-Wynne, E.G., Grahovac, S., Morrish, W., Pageau, N., E Pringle, C., Richard, D.M., Malms, J., Reiher, L., Siebler, M., Belloni, G., Porta, M., Chamorro, A., Vila, N., Riambau, V., Vazquez, F., Boza, F., Garcia Rodríguez, J.L., Gil Peralta, A., González, A., González Marcos, J.R., Mayol Deya, A., Rauno, J., Kirsch, E.C., Lyrer, P.A., Rem, J.A., Bogousslavsky, J., Uske, A., Beard, J.D., Cleveland, T.J., Doyle, C., Gaines, P.A., Sivaguru, A., Venables, G.S., Brown, M.M., Buckenham, T., Clifton, A., Colquhoun, D., Crawley, F., Leopold, P.W., Loosemore, T., McCabe, D.J.H., Pereira, A., Rogers, J., Taylor, R.S., Enevoldson, T.P., Gilling-Smith, G., Harris, P., Nixon, T., Baskerville, P., Cox, T., Fraser, S., Jeffrey, M., Markus, H., Molloy, J., Butler, P., Dick, J., Frankel, F., Bradbury, A., Collie, D., Murie, J.A., Ruckley, C.V., Sandercock, P.A.G., Schultz, D., Sellar, R.J., Wardlaw, J., Ashleigh, R.J., McCollum, C.N., O'Neill, P., Gholkar, A., Mendelow, A.D., Walls, T.J., Angus-Leppan, H., Halpin, S., Hughes, J., Lane, I., Wiles, M., Wood, A.M., Birch, P.A., Earnshaw, J.J., Fuller, G.N., Heather, B., Poskitt, K., Tottle, A.J., Hope, D.T., Jefferson, D., McConachie, N., Duddy, M., Heafield, M.T.E., Vohra, R.K., Length of carotid stenosis predicts peri-procedural stroke or death and restenosis in patients randomized to endovascular treatment or endarterectomy, International Journal of Stroke, 9, (3), 2014, p297-305Journal Article, 2014
  • McCabe, D.J.H., Chaila, E.C., Delanty, N., Costello, D., Murphy, R.P., In reply [4], Archives of Neurology, 64, (8), 2007, p1209Journal Article, 2007
  • Bennett, D.L.H., McCabe, D.J.H., Stevens, J.M., Mifsud, V., Kitchen, N.D., Giovannoni, G., Tumefactive neuro-Behçet disease, Neurology, 63, (4), 2004, p709Journal Article, 2004
  • J. McGinley, D. J. McCabe, A. Fraser, E. Casey, T. Ryan and R. Murphy, Hashimoto's encephalopathy; an unusual cause of status epilepticus, Irish medical journal, 93, (4), 2000, p118Journal Article, 2000, URL
  • Murphy, S.J.X., Naylor, A.R., Ricco, J.-B., Sillesen, H., Kakkos, S., Halliday, A., de Borst, G.J., Vega de Ceniga, M., Hamilton, G., McCabe, D.J.H., Optimal Antiplatelet Therapy in Moderate to Severe Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature, European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 57, (2), 2019, p199-211Journal Article, 2019
  • Müller, M.D., Gregson, J., McCabe, D.J.H., Nederkoorn, P.J., van der Worp, H.B., de Borst, G.J., Cleveland, T., Wolff, T., Engelter, S.T., Lyrer, P.A., Brown, M.M., Bonati, L.H., Stent Design, Restenosis and Recurrent Stroke After Carotid Artery Stenting in the International Carotid Stenting Study, Stroke, 50, (11), 2019, p3013-3020Journal Article, 2019
  • Safouris, A., Katsanos, A.H., Kerasnoudis, A., Krogias, C., Kinsella, J.A., Sztajzel, R., Lambadiari, V., Deftereos, S., Kargiotis, O., Sharma, V.K., Demchuk, A.M., Saqqur, M., McCabe, D.J.H., Tsivgoulis, G., Statin pretreatment and microembolic signals in large artery atherosclerosis a systematic review and meta-analysis, Stroke, 49, (8), 2018, p1992-1995Journal Article, 2018
  • McCabe, D., Bacon, L., O'Regan, K., Condron, C., O'Donnell, J.R., Murphy, P.T., CD38 expression on B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemic cells is strongly correlated with vascular endothelial growth factor expression [3], Leukemia, 18, (3), 2004, p649-650Journal Article, 2004
  • McCabe, D., O'Regan, K., Murphy, P.T., Relationship between cell surface expression of CD38 and of vascular endothelial growth factor in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Leukemia Research, 28, (11), 2004, p1239-1240Journal Article, 2004
  • Walsh ME, Galvin R, Williams DJP, Harbison JA, Murphy S, Collins R, McCabe DJH, Crowe M, Horgan NF. , The experience of recurrent fallers in the first year after stroke, Disability and Rehabilitation, 41, (2), 2019, p142 - 149Journal Article, 2019
  • Delaney S, O'Connor G, Reardon W, Murphy SJX, Tierney S, Ryan BM, Delaney H, Doherty CP, Guiney M, Brennan P, Tobin WO, McCabe DJH, Extracranial and intracranial vasculopathy with 'moyamoya phenomenon' in association with Alagille Syndrome, Frontiers in Neurology, 2019Journal Article, 2019
  • Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Cox D, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH, Increased leucocyte-platelet complex formation in recently symptomatic versus asymptomatic carotid stenosis patients and in micro-emboli negative subgroups, Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 119, (5), 2019, p821 - 833Journal Article, 2019
  • Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Cox D, Moran N, Hamilton G, Meaney JF, McCabe DJH, Relationship between 'on-treatment platelet reactivity', shear stress and cerebral micro-embolic signals in asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid stenosis, Journal of Neurology, 267, (1), 2020, p168 - 184Journal Article, 2020
  • Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Kinsella JA, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Dooley C, Kelly J, Murphy SM, Walsh RA, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Meaney JF, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH., Simultaneous assessment of plaque morphology, cerebral micro-embolic signal status and platelet biomarkers in patients with recently symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid stenosis., Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 40, (11), 2020, p2201 - 2214Journal Article, 2020
  • Murphy OC, Wrigley S, Walsh RA, Freir DB, McCarthy AJ, O'Dowd S, McCabe DJH., Assessment of the adequacy of counselling regarding reproductive-related issues in women of childbearing age on anti-epileptic drugs., QJM An International Journal of Medicine, 114, (4), 2020, p233 - 237Journal Article, 2020
  • Naylor AR, McCabe DJH., New data and the COVID-19 pandemic mandate a rethink of antiplatelet strategies in patients with TIA or minor stroke associated with atherosclerotic carotid stenosis. , European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 59, 2020, p861 - 865Journal Article, 2020
  • Lim ST, Thijs V, Murphy SJX, Fernandez-Cadenas I, Montaner J, Offiah C, Marquardt L, Kelly PJ, Bath PM, Lim SY, Ford GA, Norrving B, Cox D, Prodan CI, Barber PA, Werring DJ, Perry R, Zgaga L, Dawson J, McCabe DJH., Platelet function/reactivity testing and prediction of risk of recurrent vascular events and outcomes after TIA or ischaemic stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis., Journal of Neurology, 267, 2020, p3021 - 3037Journal Article, 2020
  • Doherty RJ, Caird J, Crimmins D, Kelly P, Murphy S, McGuigan C, Tubridy N, King MD, Lynch B, Webb D, O'Neill D, McCabe DJH, Boers P, O'Regan M, Moroney J, Williams DJ, Cronin S, Javadpour M., Moyamoya disease and Moyamoya syndrome in Ireland: Patient demographics, mode of presentation, and outcomes of EC-IC bypass surgery., Irish Journal of Medical Science, 190, 2020, p335 - 344Journal Article, 2020
  • Murphy SJX, Lim ST, Hickey F, Kinsella JA, Smith DR, Tierney S, Egan B, Feeley TM, Murphy SM, Collins DR, Coughlan T, O'Neill D, Harbison JA, Madhavan P, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, O'Donnell JS, O'Sullivan JM, Hamilton G, McCabe DJH., Profile of von Willebrand factor antigen, von Willebrand factor propeptide and ADAMTS13 and their relationship with cerebral micro-embolic signal status in patients with carotid stenosis., Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 121, (1), 2021, p86 - 97Journal Article, 2021
  • Offiah C, Delaney S, Smith DR, Murphy SJX, Ryan DJ, Collins DR, McCarthy AJ, Egan B, Cox D, McCabe DJH., Performance metrics of the AGGRESTAR PL-12® platelet function analyser in patients with TIA or ischaemic stroke on commonly-prescribed antiplatelet regimens., Thrombosis and Haemostasis: Research, 5, (2), 2021, p1 - 8Journal Article, 2021
  • Bonati LH, Kakkos S, Berkefeld J, de Borst GJ, Bulbulia R, Halliday A, van Herzeele I, Koncar I, McCabe DJH, Lal A, Ricco J-B, Ringleb P, Taylor-Rowan M, Eckstein H-H., Guideline on Endarterectomy and Stenting for Carotid Artery Stenosis. Eur Stroke J 2021; 6(2): I (doi: 10.1177/23969873211026990. Epub 2021 Jun 18), European Stroke Journal, 6, (2), 2021Journal Article, 2021
  • McCabe DJH, Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Left atrial appendage occlusion in non-valvular atrial fibrillation., Lancet, 374, 2009, p504-506Journal Article, 2009
  • Bonati LH; Ederle J, McCabe DJH, Dobson J, Featherstone RL, Gaines PA; Beard JD, Venables GS, Markus HS, Clifton A, Sandercock P, Brown MM, Long-term risk of carotid restenosis in patients randomised to endovascular treatment or endarterectomy in the Carotid and Vertebral Artery Transluminal Angioplasty Study (CAVATAS): long-term follow up of a randomised trial, Lancet Neurology, 8, (10), 2009, p908-917Journal Article, 2009, TARA - Full Text
  • Kinsella JA, MacCarthy AJ, Kiernan TJ, Moore DP, McDermott RS, McCabe DJH., Trans-esophageal echocardiographically-confirmed pulmonary vein thrombosis in association with posterior circulation infarction, Case Rep Neurol, 2, (1), 2010, p24-31Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Walsh RA, Murphy RP, Moore DP, McCabe DJH, Isolated trochlear infarction: an uncommon cause of acquired diplopia., Archives of Neurology, 67, (7), 2010, p892-893Journal Article, 2010
  • Tobin WO, Killeen R, Kinsella JA, McCabe DJH, Dual origin of the left vertebral artery: extracranial MRA and CTA findings, Journal of Neurological Sciences, 298, (1-2), 2010, p150-152Journal Article, 2010
  • Simister R, Ng K, Beckles M, Chao D, McCabe DJH., Sequential fluctuating paraneoplastic ocular flutter-opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome and Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic syndrome in small cell lung cancer, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 82, 2011, p344-6Journal Article, 2011
  • Costelloe L, O'Rourke D, Monaghan TS, McCarthy AJ, McCormack R, Kinsella JA, Smith A, Murphy RP, McCabe DJ, Liaison neurologists facilitate accurate neurological diagnosis and management, resulting in substantial savings in the cost of inpatient care., Irish journal of medical science, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Cogan N, McCabe DJ, Interobserver agreement in ABCD scoring between non-stroke specialists and vascular neurologists following suspected TIA is only fair., Journal of neurology, 2010Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Richard Walsh, Niall Breslin, Francesca M Brett, Dominick J H Mc Cabe, Progressive dysphagia in limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B, Muscle & Nerve, 2011Journal Article, 2011, DOI
  • Ederle J, Dobson J, Featherstone RL, Bonati LH, van der Worp HB, de Borst GJ, Lo TH, Gaines P, Dorman PJ, Macdonald S, Lyrer PA, Hendriks JM, McCollum C, Nederkoorn PJ, Brown MM, McCabe DJH, Carotid artery stenting compared with endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis (International Carotid Stenting Study): an interim analysis of a randomised controlled trial., Lancet, 375, (9719), 2010, p985-97Journal Article, 2010, DOI
  • Bradley D, Cronin S, Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Mahon C, O'Brien M, Lonergan R, Cooney MT, Kennelly S, Collins DR, O'Neill D, Coughlan T, Smyth S, McCabe DJ, Frequent inaccuracies in ABCD(2) scoring in non-stroke specialists' referrals to a daily Rapid Access Stroke Prevention service., Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 332, (1-2), 2013, p30-4Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • von Sarnowski B, Schminke U, Tatlisumak T, Putaala J, Grittner U, Kaps M, Tobin WO, Kinsella JA, McCabe DJ, Hennerici MG, Fazekas F, Norrving B, Kessler C, Rolfs A, Prevalence of stenoses and occlusions of brain-supplying arteries in young stroke patients., Neurology, 80, (14), 2013, p1287-94Journal Article, 2013
  • Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Hamilton G, McCabe DJ, Platelet activation, function, and reactivity in atherosclerotic carotid artery stenosis: a systematic review of the literature., International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society, 8, (6), 2013, p451-64Journal Article, 2013
  • O'Dwyer JP, Al-Moyeed BA, Farrell MA, Pidgeon CN, Collins DR, Fahy A, Gibney J, Swan N, Dempsey OJ, Kidd DP, Reid JM, Smyth S, McCabe DJ, Neurosarcoidosis-related intracranial haemorrhage: three new cases and a systematic review of the literature., European journal of neurology : the official journal of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, 20, (1), 2013, p71-8Journal Article, 2013
  • Kinsella JA, Tobin WO, Kavanagh GF, O'Donnell JS, McGrath RT, Tierney S, Feeley TM, Egan B, O'Neill D, Collins DR, Coughlan T, Harbison JA, Doherty CP, Madhavan P, Moore DJ, O'Neill SM, Colgan MP, Saqqur M, Murphy RP, Moran N, Hamilton G, McCabe DJ, Increased thrombin generation potential in symptomatic versus asymptomatic moderate or severe carotid stenosis and relationship with cerebral microemboli., Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 86, 2015, p460-467Journal Article, 2015, DOI

Research Expertise

  • Title
    "The TRinity AntiPlatelet responsiveness (TRAP) Study
    PI in a longitudinal Translational Platelet Science / Haemostasis study in patients with cerebrovascular disease entitled "The TRinity AntiPlatelet responsiveness (TRAP) Study. My research group collaborated with colleagues in Neurology, Age-Related Health Care, Vascular Surgery and Haemostasis at AMNCH / Tallaght Hospital and St James's Hospital, TCD to complete this study. These data have improved our understanding of the biological effects of antiplatelet agents in different subtypes of TIA and ischaemic stroke on platelet activation / function, endothelial activation and coagulation system potential. - The results of the TRAP study have led to the hypotheses for the ongoing collaborative 'Optimal Antiplatelet therapy following TIA and ischaemic Stroke (OATS) Study in which I am the PI. The ultimate aim of this work is to optimise secondary prevention of vascular events in patients of all ages who present with neurological dysfunction secondary to a transient ischemic attack or ischaemic stroke.
  • Title
    I am collaborating with Professor Peter Kelly at the Mater University Hospital, UCD in the multi-centre CONVINCE trial assessing the effects of colchicine in patients with recent high-risk TIA or ischaemic stroke. Local recruitment commenced in March 2017.
    Date From
  • Title
    TYGRIS Study
    I was a local investigator at AMNCH in a longitudinal study of the safety and efficacy of Natalizumab in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (TYsabri® Global observational pRogram In Safety [TYGRIS] study).
  • Title
    I was a Clinical Investigator in the International ESCAPE trial, AMNCH, Dublin, Ireland, which was coordinated by colleagues in Calgary, Canada (March 2014 to date). Data from this study and other international studies led to major advances in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke due to a middle cerebral artery occlusion
    Date From
  • Title
    OATS 1 Study
    Study Coordinator for a proposed, prospective, international, multicentre study investigating the predictive value of testing for, and the mechanisms influencing ex vivo 'high on-treatment platelet reactivity' in patients with ischaemic cerebrovascular disease. I established the international Optimal Antiplatelet therapy following TIA and ischaemic Stroke-International (OATS-I) Study consortium with colleagues in 31 Vascular Neurology/Stroke Medicine centres, Universities, SMEs and Patient Representative Organisations in Ireland, The UK, Europe, USA and Canada. If funding is successfully obtained, I will be the PI for the OATS-I study. - During the design of this study, I have fortunately also established close collaborative links with colleagues in the International Stroke Genetics Consortium to coordinate the pharmacogenetics component of the OATS-I study (Dr Joan Montaner and Dr Israel Fernandez, Barcelona, and Prof Vincent Thijs, Leuven, Belgium and Melbourne, Australia).
  • Title
    'Ireland Natalizumab (Tysabri®) Observational Program (iTOP)
    I am one of the Irish Neurology investigators in the ongoing, 'Ireland Natalizumab (Tysabri®) Observational Program (iTOP) that is assessing outcomes in Irish patients with relapsing-remitting MS treated with natalizumab.
  • Title
    Clinical investigator at AMNCH in the Irish multi-centre 'REVEALED' study: A prospective non-interventional study to assess MRI activity and changes in patient rEported outcomes in clinically stable patients, with a preVious diagnosis of rElApsing remitting multiple scLerosis and currently treated with first linE DMTs
  • Title
    'Platelets and Carotid Stenosis (PACS) Study'.
    Co-PI with Professor George Hamilton (Professor of Vascular Surgery, Royal Free Hospital, London) in an observational analytical study entitled the 'Platelets and Carotid Stenosis (PACS) Study'. As the on-site Principal Investigator, I successfully collaborated with colleagues in Neurology, Age-Related Health Care, Vascular Surgery and Haematology / Haemostasis at AMNCH / Tallaght Hospital and St James's Hospital, TCD, and with Platelet Science colleagues at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics, RCSI to complete the PACS Study. During this study, we ran an active research programme on transcranial Doppler ultrasound monitoring for emboli detection in patients with carotid stenosis, and our data have been validated by blinded-external review by a collaborating international expert in this field (Prof Maher Saqqur, Alberta, Canada). Data from this study have led to several peer-reviewed publications, and have improved our understanding of the haemostatic/thrombotic biomarker profile in patients with moderate or severe asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid stenosis. - Based on these data, I designed the HaEmostasis In carotid STenosis (HEIST) Study' in collaboration with my Vascular Surgery colleague at the Royal Free Hospital, London (Prof Hamilton), my Radiology colleague (Prof James Meaney) and Haematology / Haemostasis colleague (Prof James O'Donnell) at St James's Hospital / TCD, and Platelet Science colleagues at the RCSI (Prof Niamh Moran, and Dr Dermot Cox). Data analysis has been completed and manuscripts are being prepared for peer-review.
  • Title
    "Exploring Cardiovascular Rehabilitation within the Cerebrovascular Disease Population
    I am the supervising Vascular Neurologist for a Health Research Board (HRB)-funded project entitled "Exploring Cardiovascular Rehabilitation within the Cerebrovascular Disease Population". Funding for this study was secured by Olive Lennon, Senior Physiotherapist at Baggot Street Stroke Rehabilitation Unit, who coordinated the study under the co-supervision of Dr Catherine Blake at UCD. Study recruitment is complete, Dr Lennon has defended her PhD in UCD, and manuscript preparation is in progress.
    Funding Agency


  • "Distinction" for Poster Presentation, 16th European Stroke Conference, Glasgow 2007
  • Best Poster Presentation, Irish National Scientific Meeting 1998
  • 'The Allison Medal' for Best Platform Presentation, Irish Neurological Association Annual Meeting 1999
  • The 'Irish Registrar Prize in Neurology' 1998
  • Irish Heart Foundation, Council on Stroke (Neurology Committee)and Council on Stroke Treasurer 2021
  • Association of British Neurologists 2021
  • World Stroke Organisation 2021
  • HRB-Stroke Clinical Trials Network, Ireland, Network Lead Investigator at AMNCH / TCD, September 2021
  • Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, 2004 to date; Treasurer Committee Member 2021
  • European Stroke Organisation 'Conference Support Group' 2021
  • American Stroke Association & The American Heart Association 2021
  • American Academy of Neurology, Corresponding Active Member 2021
  • Irish National Stroke Audit Steering Group 2021
  • Irish National Neurology Programme Clinical Advisory Group 2021
  • British Association of Stroke Physicians 2018
  • Fellow of the European Stroke Organisation 2021
  • 'Regional Stroke Neurology Lead', HSE Dublin Mid Leinster Region 2021
  • Irish National Clinical Advisory Group on Stroke Medicine 2021
  • Irish Consultant Neurologists Association 2021