
Head and Neck Cancer
CERVIVA is now looking into HPV associated cancers beyond the cervix. It is increasingly recognised that HPV is involved in the development of other cancers, including some head and neck cancers. Incidence of Head and neck cancer has been increasing over the last decade. Smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol are known risk factors but head and neck cancer is rising in younger people and among females, who are less likely to have strong histories of tobacco or alcohol use, suggesting the importance of HPV in these groups.

Health Economics
The health economics research theme within CERVIVA has a particular focus on cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). CEA involves estimating the all the costs and health benefits that flow from a healthcare intervention and choosing the programme that maximises health gain for a given health budget. Applying CEA to screening for early stage disease involves comparing alternative testing technologies, considering how often to screen people and at what ages to start and stop screening. The goal of this research is to find the most effective cervical screening strategy possible with acceptable resource demands on the Irish health system.

Health Psychology
The health economics research theme within CERVIVA has a particular focus on cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). CEA involves estimating the all the costs and health benefits that flow from a healthcare intervention and choosing the programme that maximises health gain for a given health budget. Applying CEA to screening for early stage disease involves comparing alternative testing technologies, considering how often to screen people and at what ages to start and stop screening. The goal this research is to find the most effective cervical screening strategy possible with acceptable resource demands on the Irish health system.

Molecular Epidemiology
Molecular epidemiology focuses on investigating the role of abnormal changes at the cellular level and their contribution to disease prevalence in the population. Through molecular epidemiology we can improve our understanding of cervical cancer and pre-cancer by identifying how genetic and environmental factors influence the development of disease. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of cervical cancer development will aid in risk prediction and ultimately lead to advances in cervical cancer prevention.

New Technologies
The CERVIVA new technologies theme is focussed on developing new diagnostic and prognostic tests/technologies for use in cervical screening and cervical cancer pre-cancer diagnostics. We are adopting state-of-the-art approaches and technologies including proteomics, nanotechnology, spectroscopy, imaging, lab-on-a chip, and biochips to develop improved personalised medicine approaches for screening and cervical pre-cancer/cancer diagnostics. We collaborate with national and international partners in this regard through EU FP7, H2020 funded initiatives.