Dr. Seamus O'Shaughnessy
Associate Professor, Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng
Email oshaugse@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1778http://peoplefinder.tcd.ie/Profile?Username=OSHAUGSEBiography
I am a Mechanical Engineer with almost 20 years research experience in the field of fluid mechanics and heat transfer. I graduated with first class honours from the Dept. of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering in Trinity College Dublin in 2006 before pursuing a PhD, during which I studied a form of natural convection termed thermocapillary or Marangoni convection. I used a combination of analytical, numerical, experimental and computational techniques to validate my research findings, which have been published in several peer-reviewed journals. In 2010 I was appointed to the role of Research Fellow in TCD, and over the next few years I worked on a variety of research projects, many of which involved collaborations with industry partners on interdisciplinary topics, such as an investigation of novel methods of cooling biomedical grade polymers during machining processes, new thermal interface materials, and valve design for industrial fuel pipelines. From 2011 to 2016, my main research focus was on energy and sustainable international development. My research team was involved in a project in Malawi which aimed to bring off-grid electricity to those in the developing world by using the waste heat produced during cooking. In September 2016 I was appointed as the Ussher Assistant Professor in Energy & Sustainable International Development. I established new international development energy-related projects in countries such as Benin and Tanzania. A key focus of my current research is the thermal management of electronics, and particularly the batteries used in electric vehicles, which is investigated through the use of dual jets, pulsed liquid flows, and two-phase mechanisms of boiling and condensation. Additionally, I have active collaborations with various industry partners in this field.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- S. M. O'Shaughnessy, M.J. Deasy, V. Doyle, A.J. Robinson, Adaptive Design of a Prototype Electricity-Producing Biomass Cooking Stove, Energy for Sustainable Development , 28, 2015, p41 - 51Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S.M O'Shaughnessy, M.J. Deasy; V. Doyle; A.J.Robinson, Performance analysis of a prototype small scale electricity-producing biomass cooking stove, Applied Energy, 156, 2015, p566 - 576Journal Article, 2015, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- K.J. Brown, R. Farrelly, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, A.J. Robinson, Energy Efficiency of Electrical Infrared Heating Elements, Applied Energy, 162, 2016, p581 - 588Journal Article, 2016, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Seamus M O'Shaughnessy, Anthony Robinson, The μPower Stove Generator, National Research Dissemination Conference, Lilongwe, Malawi, 16/05/12, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- G. Byrne, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, Performance Characteristics and Exhaust Gas Analysis of a Diesel Engine using Biodiesel Fuel Blends, Biofuels, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- S. M. O'Shaughnessy, A. Sloane, A. Kearns, G. Byrne, D. Trimble, G. E. O'Donnell, Design, characterisation and preliminary performance evaluation of a Peltier-driven cryo-adhesive fixture for manufacturing operations , Materials & Design, 141, 2017, p99 - 109Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- M.J. Deasy, N. Baudin, S. M. O'Shaughnessy, A.J. Robinson, Simulation-Driven Design of a Passive Liquid Cooling System for a Thermoelectric Generator, Applied Energy, 205, 2017, p499 - 510Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- M.J. Deasy, S. M. O'Shaughnessy, L. Archer, A.J. Robinson, Electricity Generation from a Biomass Cookstove with MPPT Power Management and Passive Liquid Cooling, Energy for Sustainable Development, 43, 2018, p162 - 172Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- A. Mooney, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Investigation of Natural Convection from a Triangular Array of Isothermal Horizontal Cylinders, 34th International Manufacturing Conference, Insitute of Technology Sligo, Ireland, 30th August 2017, 2017Conference Paper, 2017
- O'Shaughnessy, S.M. and Sloane, A. and Kearns, A. and Byrne, G. and Trimble, D. and O'Donnell, G.E., Design, characterisation and performance evaluation of a Peltier-driven cryo-adhesive fixture for manufacturing operations, Materials and Design, 141, 2018, p99-109Journal Article, 2018, DOI , URL
- Merienne, R., Lynn, J., McSweeney, E., O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Thermal cycling of thermoelectric generators: The effect of heating rate, Applied Energy, 237, 2019, p671 - 681Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Robinson, A.J., Heat transfer near an isolated hemispherical gas bubble: The combined influence of thermocapillarity and buoyancy, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 62, (1), 2013, p422-434Journal Article, 2013
- O'Séhaughnessy, S.M., Robinson, A.J., The influence of the magnitude of gravitational acceleration on marangoni convection about an isolated bubble under a heated wall, Heat Transfer Engineering, 30, (13), 2009, p1096-1107Journal Article, 2009
- M.J. Gibbons, G. Saccone, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, A.J. Robinson, P. Di Marco , Local convective heat flux to evaporating water droplets in micro-g to 2-g, 13th International Conference on Two-Phase Systems for Space and Ground Applications, Xi'an, China , October 15th-19th, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- O'Shaughnessy,S.M., Mooney, A., Yates, S.G., Murray, D.B., Natural convection from a triangular array of isothermal horizontal cylinders - a combined experimental and numerical investigation, 16th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-16), Beijing, China, 10 - 15 August, 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Dowling L., Kennedy J., O'Shaughnessy S., Trimble D., A review of critical repeatability and reproducibility issues in powder bed fusion, Materials and Design, 186, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
- Kumavat P., Murray D.B., O'Shaughnessy S., Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement by Pulsating Flow in a Rectangular Minichannel , 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT) , Wicklow, Ireland , 2019, 2019, pp683-688 -Conference Paper, 2019
- McSweeney E., Trimble D., O'Shaughnessy S., The Deleterious Effect of Thermal Cycling on Thermoelectric Generators , 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics , Wicklow, Ireland , 2019, 2019, pp1399-1404 -Conference Paper, 2019
- Murphy, P., Persoons, T. O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Murray D.B., A comparison of postprocessing methods for hot film sensors for the heat transfer analysis of impinging jet flows, 8th European Thermal-Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM 2020), Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 September, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- Kumavat P., Blythman R., Murray D.B., O'Shaughnessy S. M., Study Of Heat Transfer Enhancement By Pulsating Flow In A Rectangular Mini Channel , 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference (UKHTC) , Nottingham, UK , 8-10 September, 2019Conference Paper, 2019
- Gibbons, M.J., Garivalis, A.I., O'Shaughnessy, S., Di Marco, P., Robinson, A.J., Evaporating hydrophilic and superhydrophobic droplets in electric fields, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 164, 2021, p120539Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Gibbons, M.J., Yates, S.G., O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Persoons, T., Murray, D.B., Natural convection from a triangular array of isothermal horizontal cylinders, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, p110413Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Masoumi Saeed, O'Shaughnessy Seamus, Pakdel Amir, Organic-based flexible thermoelectric generators: From materials to devices, Nano Energy, 92, 2022, p106774-Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Tanmoy Mondal, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, Numerical investigation of conjugate heat transfer to a turbulent dual offset jet, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 180, 2022, p107716Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- P Kumavat and S M O'Shaughnessy, Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement by Pulsating Flow in a Minichannel, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2116, (1), 2021, p012031Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- N P Williams and L Roumen and G McCauley and S M O'Shaughnessy, Performance evaluation of thermoelectric generators under cyclic heating, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2116, (1), 2021, p012087Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Paula Murphy, Tim Persoons, Seamus O"Shaughnessy, The use of hot film sensors for the heat flux measurement of impinging jet flows: A comparison of postprocessing methods, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
- P.S. Kumavat, S. Alimohammadi, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, A computational conjugate heat transfer study of a rectangular minichannel undergoing sinusoidal flow pulsations, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 182, 2022, p107790Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Anirudh Sharma, Saeed Masoumi, Desta Gedefaw, Seamus O'Shaughnessy, Derya Baran, Amir Pakdel, Flexible solar and thermal energy conversion devices: Organic photovoltaics (OPVs), organic thermoelectric generators (OTEGs) and hybrid PV-TEG systems, Applied Materials Today, 29, 2022, p101614Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Williams, N. P., Power, J., Trimble, D., O'Shaughnessy, S. M., An experimental evaluation of thermoelectric generator performance under cyclic heating regimes, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- O'Shaughnessy, S.M. and O'Donnell, B., EWTD implementation in anaesthesia: effects on training and quality of life, Anaesthesia, 72, (11), 2017, p1416-1417Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- McKenna, T. and Tomonto, C. and Duggan, G. and Lalor, E. and O'Shaughnessy, S. and Trimble, D., Evaluation of bimodal microstructures in selective-laser-melted and heat-treated Ti-6Al-4V, Materials and Design, 227, (111700), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Mondal, T. and Srivastava, N. and O'Shaughnessy, S.M. and Pramanik, S., Comparison of the mean flow and turbulence characteristics of a single offset jet and a dual offset jet, European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 98, 2023, p161-179Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Kumavat, P.S. and Alimohammadi, S. and O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Heat Transfer Enhancement in A Minichannel Due to Asymmetric Sinusoidal Pulsating Flows, 28th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC), Dublin, Ireland, 2022Conference Paper, 2022, DOI
- Murphy, P. and Alimohammadi, S. and O'Shaughnessy, S., Experimental Analysis of Heat Transfer to a Dual Jet Flow: Effect of Reynolds Number, 28th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC) 28-30 Sept. 2022 2022, Dublin, Ireland, 2022Conference Paper, 2022, DOI
- Williams, N.P. and O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Immersion Cooling of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles, 28th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC), Dublin, Ireland, 2022Conference Paper, 2022, DOI
- N.P. Williams, D. Trimble, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, Liquid immersion thermal management of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles: An experimental study, Journal of Energy Storage, 72, 2023, p108636Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Paula J. Murphy, Sajad Alimohammadi, Séamus M. O'Shaughnessy, Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer to a Dual Jet Flow with Varying Velocity Ratio, 2023 22nd IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), Florida, USA, June 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023, DOI , URL
- Niall P. Williams, Daniel Trimble, Séamus M. O'Shaughnessy, Thermal Management of Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles through Immersion Cooling, 2023 22nd IEEE Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm) 30 May-2 June 2023 2023, Florida, USA, June 2023, 2023Conference Paper, 2023, DOI , URL
- Parth S. Kumavat, Sajad Alimohammadi, Séamus M. O"Shaughnessy, An experimental-numerical study of heat transfer enhancement in a minichannel using asymmetric pulsating flows, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2023, p1--1Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Tobin, D. and O'Shaughnessy, S. and Trimble, D., Characterisation of force and torque with auxiliary heating during friction stir spot welding of AA2024-T3, Results in Materials, 21, (100535), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Murphy, P.J. and Alimohammadi, S. and O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Experimental investigation of dual jet flow past a heated surface: Effect of Reynolds number, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 218, (124786), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- Kumavat, P.S. and Alimohammadi, S. and O'Shaughnessy, S.M., An Experimental-Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Minichannel Using Asymmetric Pulsating Flows, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 13, (8), 2023, p1147-1154Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
- Kumavat, P.S., Alimohammadi, S., O'Shaughnessy, S.M., A combined experimental and numerical approach for heat transfer enhancement in a minichannel using half rectified pulsating flows, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2766, (1), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Salter, D.W., Bachelier, G., Kumavat, P.S., Trimble, D., O'Shaughnessy, S.M., An experimental investigation of forced convective liquid immersion cooling of a 12-cell li-ion battery module, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2766, (1), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Williams, N.P., Trimble, D., O'Shaughnessy, S.M., An experimental investigation of liquid immersion cooling of a four cell lithium-ion battery module, Journal of Energy Storage, 86, 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Shatskiy, E., Kumavat, P.S., O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Experimental investigation of condensation heat transfer on vertically inclined grooved aluminium surfaces, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2766, (1), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Evgeny Shatskiy, Parth S Kumavat and Seamus M O'Shaughnessy, Experimental investigation of condensation heat transfer on vertically inclined grooved aluminium surfaces, 9th European Thermal Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM), Bled, Slovenia, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Gibbons, M. J., Garivalis, A. I., O"Shaughnessy, S. M., Robinson, A. J., Di Marco, P., Water droplet evaporation in varied gravity and electric fields, npj Microgravity, 10, (1), 2024Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- N .P. Williams, L Roumen, G McCauley and S.M. O'Shaughnessy, Performance evaluation of thermoelectric generators under cyclic heating, 8th European Thermal-Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM 2020), Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 September, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
- S.P. Raut, M.J. Gibbons, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, A.J. Robinson and S. Alimohammadi, Thermophysical Characterisation of a Sessile Evaporating Droplet, European Meeting on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS Europe 2023), Napoli, Italy, 4-7 September, 2023Conference Paper, 2023
- D.W. Salter, G. Bachelier, P.S. Kumavat, D. Trimble and S.M. O"Shaughnessy, An experimental investigation of forced convective liquid immersion cooling of a 12-cell li-ion battery module, 9th European Thermal Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM 2024), Bled, Slovenia, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- P.S. Kumavat, S. Alimohammadi and S.M. O"Shaughnessy, A combined experimental and numerical approach for heat transfer enhancement in a minichannel using half rectified pulsating flows, 9th European Thermal Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM 2024), Bled, Slovenia, 2024Conference Paper, 2024
- Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement by Pulsating Flow in a Rectangular Mini Channel in, editor(s)Chuang Wen, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK Yuying Yan, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK , Advances in Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering, Singapore, Springer, 2021, [Parth S. Kumavat, Richard Blythman, Darina B. Murray & Seamus M. O"Shaughnessy]Book Chapter, 2021
- P.J. Murphy, S. Alimohammadi, S.M. O"Shaughnessy, Two-Dimensional Dual Jets"A Comprehensive Review of Experimental and Numerical Analyses, Energies, 17, (17), 2024, p4487Journal Article, 2024, DOI , URL
- O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Robinson, A.J., The Influence of the Magnitude of Gravitational Acceleration on the Marangoni Convection about an Isolated Bubble under a Heated Wall, Heat Transfer Engineering, 30, (13), 2009, p1096 - 1107Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Robinson, A.J., Numerical Investigation of Bubble Induced Marangoni Convection: Some Aspects of Bubble Geometry, Microgravity Science and Technology, 20, (3-4), 2008, p319 - 325Journal Article, 2008, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- O'Shaughnessy, S.M., and Robinson, A.J., Numerical Investigation of Marangoni Convection Caused by the Presence of a Bubble on a Uniformly Heated Surface, Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena V: Fluid, Thermal, Biological, Materials and Space Sciences, Bansko, Bulgaria, October 14-19, 2007, 2007Conference Paper, 2007
- O'Shaughnessy, S.M., Robinson, A.J., Numerical Investigation of Marangoni Convection around a Bubble, ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, Marrakech, Morocco, May 11-16, 2008, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- S.M. O'Shaughnessy, A.J. Robinson, Numerical Investigation of Bubble Induced Marangoni Convection: Influence of Bubble Size and Shape, Third International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications, Brussels, Belgium, September 10-12, 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- S.M. O'Shaughnessy, M. Deasy, C. Kinsella, V. Doyle, A.J. Robinson, Small Scale Electricity Generation from a Portable Biomass Cookstove: Prototype Design and Preliminary Results, Applied Energy, 102, (0), 2013, p374 - 385Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S. M. O'Shaughnessy, A. J. Robinson, Numerical investigation of bubble-induced marangoni convection, Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena: Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci, 1161, 2009, p304 - 320Journal Article, 2009, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S.M. O'Shaughnessy, M.J. Deasy, J.V. Doyle, A.J. Robinson , Field Trial Testing of an Electricity-Producing Portable Biomass Cooking Stove in Rural Malawi, Energy for Sustainable Development, 20, (1), 2014, p1 - 10Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S.M. O'Shaughnessy, A.J. Robinson, Convective heat transfer due to thermal Marangoni flow about two bubbles on a heated wall, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 78, 2014, p101 - 110Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- C.E. Kinsella, S.M. O'Shaughnessy, M.J. Deasy, M. Duffy, A.J. Robinson, Battery Charging Considerations in Small Scale Electricity Generation from a Thermoelectric Module, Applied Energy, 114, 2014, p80 - 90Journal Article, 2014, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- S.M. O'Shaughnessy, A.J. Robinson, Heat Transfer near an isolated gas bubble: The Combined Influence of Thermocapillarity and Buoyancy, International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 62, 2013, p422 - 434Journal Article, 2013, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Sunday Business Post, TCD generator brings electricity to Malawi's poor, 2013, -Miscellaneous
- S.M .O'Shaughnessy, A.J. Robinson, Bubble Induced Marangoni Convection, Sir Bernard Crossland Symposium, University of Limerick, Ireland, 2008Poster
- Seamus M O'Shaughnessy, Off Grid Electricity for the Developing World, TCD Research Showcase 2011, Trinity College Dublin, 2011Oral Presentation
Research Expertise
My research focusses on energy and sustainability, topics with application across many fields. I study the fundamental physics of fluid flows to better understand how to optimise heat transfer processes. My research can be categorised into 3 areas: (i) Improved thermal management of electronics The biggest obstacle facing the development of next generation of electronics is the efficient removal of heat. This topic underpins most engagements with industry (see Section 3.9). Moreover, there is growing demand to achieve component operating temperature targets passively, i.e., without consuming electrical power. Passive cooling is challenging technically, and often requires an interdisciplinary approach involving thermal-fluid science, additive manufacturing, and materials science. Much of my funded research focusses on the study and application of enhanced natural connection and two-phase heat transfer processes like evaporation, boiling, condensation to real-world electronics. (ii) sustainable energy usage Particularly interested in the development/improvement of sustainable and renewable energy processes, my related research projects include the development of more efficient solar photovoltaic panels (SFI Zero Emissions 2020), off-grid electricity generation from biomass cooking stoves in Malawi (Irish Aid & Concern Universal), clean cooking stove usage analysis in Benin (CO2Logic & Proximus), body heat harvesting for thermoelectrically powered wearable sensor technology, and the development of innovative mechanical ventilation heat recovery units for domestic homes (Enterprise Ireland & Magnitherm Ltd). (iii) space related research I have a growing interest in space related research, as the absence of gravitational effects enables a deeper understanding of underlying physics. I have participated in 2 European Space Agency parabolic campaigns (droplet evaporation), and in 2025 my experiment on colloidal suspensions will use the soft matter dynamics platform onboard the International Space Station. In 2026 we expect to send our experiment on droplet thermocapillary effects on Virgin Galactic sub-orbital flight with Dr Norah Patten (see https://press.virgingalactic.com/virgin-galactic-announces-new-research-flight-contract-with-repeat-customer or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16Nr6jOPh0U).
TitleNovel Thermoelectric GeneratorsSummaryThis is a collaborative project between TCD Engineering and Physics and is funded by the SFI AMBER centre. This project will investigate new thermo-electric materials and aims to produce high figure of merit samples from non-toxic materials which can be used in various waste heat applications.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01 September 2020Date ToAugust 31st 2024
TitleEnhanced heat transfer surfaces for use in thermal management devicesSummaryFunding AgencyInstitute of Technology SligoDate From01 March 2020Date To29 February 2024
TitleThe mPower Stove GeneratorSummaryApproximately 2.5 billion people burn biomass as a primary energy source and this number is expected to grow to 5 billion by 2050. Half of those who burn biomass lack access to grid electricity. This study details the devel-opment of a prototype stove with integrated thermoelectric generator (TEG). A single thermoelectric module is utilised to convert a small portion of heat to electricity. The electricity produced is used to charge a single 3.3 Volt Li-ion battery and drive a low power fan, as well as some other auxiliary features. From experiments conducted using wood as a fuel source, a maximum TEG power output of 5.9W has been obtained. Over the course of three one hour-long experiments, 9Whrs of power was stored in the battery. Furthermore, the cooking performance of the stove has not been negatively impacted. Field trials have taken place in Malawi, Africa in Dec 2011 and July 2012.Funding AgencyICRSET & INTEL Enterprise Partnership, Irish aidDate From01 January 2011Date To31 July 2016
TitleNatural Convection from a Triangular Array of Isothermal Horizontal CylindersSummaryNatural convection heat transfer occurs when the fluid motion is caused by buoyancy forces that are induced by density differences due to the variation of temperature in the fluid. This type of heat transfer depends on the geometry, orientation and roughness of the surface and the temperature difference between the fluid and the surface. Some applications that make use of natural convection are water heating systems, ventilation systems and power transmission cables. For the case of heated horizontal cylinders, the heat that is transferred from the surface of the cylinders results in the formation of both thermal and velocity boundary layers adjacent to the surface of the cylinder. This boundary layer flow is caused by the density difference related to the large temperature gradient that exists between the heated fluid and the surface of the cylinder. Most of the studies focusing on natural convection heat transfer from isothermal horizontal cylinders have been conducted on a single cylinder. Further research has been conducted with a focus on cylinder pairs and columns. For the case of three isothermally heated horizontal cylinders, some experimental research has been conducted but only for equilateral triangular formations. This numerical study investigates the effects of natural convection heat transfer and fluid flow from a triangular array of isothermal horizontal cylinder contained within an infinite fluid medium. Applications that incorporate natural convection as the primary mode of heat transfer for an array of cylinders include electrical wires and heating elements. The overarching objective of this research is to develop a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to investigate the buoyancy-driven fluid flow and associated heat transfer for three isothermally heated cylinders in an equilateral arrangement and to compare the numerical predictions with previous experimental research. The CFD model focusses on the interaction between the buoyant plumes of the triangular array of cylinders and the relationship between unsteady fluid flow and heat transfer enhancement. The results of the three-cylinder simulations are compared with both experimental and computational data for the single cylinder case.Funding AgencyTrinity College, The University of DublinDate From01 September 2017Date Toongoing
TitleAdditive Manufacturing of Integrated Electronics Heat SinksSummaryDetails of this project are covered by an non-disclosure agreement between TCD and the industry partner.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01 August 2020Date To31 July 2022
TitleSolid State Thermal Interface MaterialSummaryFunded by Science Foundation Ireland and in conjunction with the Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nano-devices (CRANN), this project involves the design and testing of novel solid state thermal interfaces. Key responsibilities include experimental rig design and construction, LabVIEW instrument control and data acquisition, and data analysis.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate FromMarch 2014Date ToJuly 2016
TitleLong-term Extreme Condition Storage of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs)SummaryThe effects of long-term storage of the IGBTs at high temperature, high humidity, and a combination of high temperature and humidity were investigated. Key responsibilities included the design and construction of a special pressurised chamber to achieve the required conditions, high-voltage/current experimentation and data analysis.Funding AgencyPrivate industry funding (SIEMENS)Date FromJune 2012Date ToNovember 2013
TitleThermal Cycling of Thermoelectric Generators (TEGs)SummaryThermoelectric generators, or TEGs, are solid state devices that convert heat (temperature differences) directly into electrical energy through a phenomenon called the Seebeck effect. TEGs have recently been used in a variety of waste heat recovery applications, including with cooking stoves used in the developing world. For applications involving relatively steady-state conditions, thermoelectric module reliability is extremely high. However, thermal shocks and temperatures much higher than the desired operating range could cause structural failure of the thermoelectric elements. This limitation is a significant difficulty when designing a system for transferring waste heat from cooking stoves to thermoelectric elements, since temperatures may vary widely and frequently. The aim of this research study is to quantify the effects of thermal cycling on commercially available TEG modules.Funding AgencyTrinity College, The University of DublinDate From01 September 2016Date Toongoing
TitleAn Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement by Pulsed Liquid Flow in Mini-channelsSummaryPulsed flow has demonstrated higher heat transfer capacity compared to steady flow heat transfer. This project focuses on gaining a deeper understanding of the fluid properties and flow parameters that dictate the local heat transfer when employing pulsed liquid flow in small hydraulic diameter channels. Correlations will be developed for pulsed flow heat transfer in mini-channels for both laminar and turbulent flows, by employing experimental and computational techniques. Pulsed flow liquid heat transfer will then be evaluated as a mechanism for electric vehicle battery thermal management in response to typical and extreme battery charge and discharge conditions.Funding AgencyTrinity College, The University of DublinDate From01 March 2018Date To28 February 2022
TitleThe Ice ClampSummaryWorkholding and fixturing is a critically important aspect of manufacturing that has direct implications for the quality of the manufactured component during processing as well as a direct impact on the cost of the component. The field of workholding is mature with numerous techniques employed, mostly using contact pressure, but also using magnetics and adhesives. Looking to nature for inspiration presents us with the use of ice as a mechanism for adhesion, referred to as cryo-adhesion. Cryo-adhesion offers some advantages over more traditional fixturing methods such as removing contact pressure and therefore reducing the dependence on the machining of complex, intricate bespoke fixtures. While the concept of ice adhesion is known, there is minimal research presented on the application of ice adhesion in manufacturing processes. This research reports on the development of a novel Peltier-based cryo-cooling fixture for workholding in manufacturing operations. The research provides insight into the main interactions that might be experienced in manufacturing type scenarios and presents preliminary findings on the cryo fixture's thermal and geometric characteristics, the use of the novel cryo fixture for holding various materials under tensile and shear loads, as well as a consideration of contact area and surface roughness on the cryo fixture performance.Funding AgencyTrinity College, The University of DublinDate Toongoing
TitleThe Wanrou Stove GemeratorSummaryAn investigation into electricity generation, using thermoelectric generators, from stoves locally made in parts of Benin. The TEGs are cooled using completely passive means, relying only on natural convection. The TEGs are integrated into stoves that are part of a large scale carbon credit financing project. This project involves both private partners and investors, as well as local NGOs in Benin. The project began in April 2018 and field trials of the technology began in February 2019.Funding AgencyPrivate industry funding (PROXIMUS)Date From01 April 2018Date To31 March 2021
TitleThermal Cycling of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs)SummaryThe study was conducted for a multinational electronics company. The IGBTs were subjected to an accelerated lifetime test of 50,000 cycles, each cycle comprising approximately two minute long heating and cooling periods with large electrical currents and thermal gradients imposed. Key responsibilities included project management, experimental rig design and construction, extensive LabVIEW instrument control and data acquisition, data analysis and reporting to the industrial partner.Funding AgencyPrivate industry funding (SIEMENS)Date FromJune 2012Date ToNovember 2013
TitleThe Effect of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Surfaces on Condensation Heat TransferSummaryCondensation heat transfer is a common natural phenomenon. There are two modes of condensation: film condensation or dropwise condensation that can form on a condensation surface depending on surface properties. Heat transfer coefficients tend to be higher with dropwise condensation (up to 5.5 times greater than film condensation). Modifications will be made to condensation surfaces as a method to enhance two-phase heat transfer for many applications. An experiment is designed to study the condensation heat transfer of pure steam over hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. The heat transfer coefficient, heat flux and the mode of condensation as a function of sub-cooling temperature on different surfaces were analysed to understand the effects of wettability.Funding AgencyTrinity College, The University of DublinDate FromSeptember 2018Date Toongoing
TitleA Novel Method to Thermally Regulate High-powered MicroscopesSummaryThis project will exploit technologies adapted from renewable energy environmental design to improve the design of temperature-stabilised water-cooling technologies used in the control of electron lenses.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01 September 2020Date To31 August 2023
TitleDual Jet Cooling: An Experimental-Numerical Investigation and Optimisation StudySummaryDual jet flows are commonly encountered in waste water disposal into seas, rivers and water channels but such flow configurations are also relevant for convective cooling of electronic equipment, nuclear fuel rods and turbine blading. Thus, improved understanding of their behaviour has wide ranging potential from an energy efficiency and sustainability viewpoint. A jet flow occurs when a stream of fluid discharges into an ambient environment. An offset jet (Figure 1, Assoudi [4]) is one whose axis is parallel to but offset from the solid wall whereas a wall jet is generated when the jet flows tangentially along a solid wall. The proposed research involves a combined wall jet and offset jet, known as a dual jet configuration and also shown in Figure 1. The flow pattern shows that after issuing from two nozzles, the jets deflect towards each other, joining at the merge point with an interaction that continues up to the combined point. Downstream of the combined point, the two jets form a single wall jet. The detailed flow behaviour of dual jets depends on the geometry and inlet flow parameters. For example, it is known that in some conditions the flow field exhibits unsteady behaviour with periodicity, which is likely to influence the heat transfer behaviour. However, this issue remains substantially unexplored. Thus, the proposed work seeks to address this gap in knowledge. The proposed work will be investigated both experimentally and computationally. Advanced measurement techniques will be used to experimentally quantify the local and time resolved flow and heat transfer parameters. A novel and efficient computational method is proposed to explore and characterise the near wall flow structure of dual jet flow. The outcomes of the proposed research will be significant for optimisation of the heat transfer cooling rates associated with dual jet flows.Funding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate From01 September 2019Date To30 August 2023
TitleSelf cooling functionality via vascular channel heat transit in an epoxy matrixSummaryFunding AgencyN/ADate From01 January 2020
TitleValve Feasibility StudySummaryFunded by the Schuf Group and under the supervision of Dr Craig Meskell, this project involved the use of ANSYS CFX to quantify the effects of sudden valve closure on the properties of a multiphase fluid flowing through an oil pipeline.Funding AgencyPrivate industry funding (Schuf Group)Date FromMarch 2013Date ToJune 2013
TitleCryo-milling of biomedical grade polymersSummaryThis project is ongoing and currently funded by a large private industrial partner in collaboration with the Advanced Materials and Bio-Engineering Research centre (AMBER). Involves the investigation of novel methods for cooling polymer components undergoing manufacturing processes such as milling. The project has direct application in industry, with the project partner looking to implement a successful design into their production line immediately. Key responsibilities include CAD design, analytic and numerical modelling, experimentation and data acquisition, budget management, report generation and liaising with the industrial partner.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate FromJuly 2015Date ToAugust 2016
TitleTEMPER - Thermally Energised Magnetic Pump for Energy RecoverySummaryThis project investigates the use of magnetism to aid in energy recovery for heat-pump like devices. Details of this project are subject to a non-disclosure agreement.Funding AgencyEnterprise IrelandDate From01 September 2019Date To31 August 2021
TitleDroplet Evaporation in Micro-gravitySummaryFunding AgencyEuropean Space Agency
TitleDevelopment of a low-cost PV cell solar tracker for use in developing countriesSummarySolar photovoltaic (PV) has been suggested as a means of mitigating the energy access problem in developing countries, but there are many obstacles to overcome before this becomes a reality. This research project aims to address the issue at a domestic household level by developing a low cost solar tracker for use with very small scale PV panel installations. A solar tracker is a device that orients a payload (such as a lens, mirror or solar panel) toward the sun. For flat-panel PV systems, trackers are used to minimize the angle of incidence between the incoming sunlight and a photovoltaic panel. This increases the amount of energy produced from a fixed amount of installed power generating capacity.Funding AgencyTrinity College, The University of DublinDate From01 September 2016Date Toongoing
TitleInvestigation of Bubble Induced Marangoni ConvectionSummaryThermal Marangoni convection about a 1mm radius air bubble situated under a heated wall of constant temperature immersed in a silicone oil layer (Pr = 220) of constant depth 5mm was experimentally investigated using a flow imaging technique known as particle image velocimetry, or PIV. The response to increasing temperature gradient and Marangoni numbers in the range 145≤Ma≤363 was investigated. For all experiments, steady-state convection was observed and primary, thermocapillary-driven vortices were seen to develop on both sides of the bubble, along with a jet-like flow of liquid from the bubble tip. Beneath these primary flow structures, secondary, slower-moving vortices were also observed, and these buoyancy-driven vortices rotated in opposite direction to the primaries. The results of the experiments were compared with numerical simulations and good agreement was observed. Two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations were conducted to investigate the influence of Marangoni number, Prandtl number and the magnitude of gravitational acceleration on the flow and temperature fields and ultimately their influence on local heat transfer. Simulations were carried out for Marangoni numbers in the range 0≤Ma≤915 under zero-gravity conditions. It was determined that the enhanced heat transfer penetrated a distance of approximately seven bubble radii along the hot wall, and four bubble radii along the cold wall. For the range of Marangoni numbers tested, a 20% improvement in the average heat transfer in the vicinity of the bubble has been calculated for the hot wall, and up to 90% for the cold wall. For a Marangoni number of Ma = 915, increasing the gravity level above a certain magnitude caused the formation of secondary vortices and a reduction in the effective radius and area of enhancement. Maximum enhancement occurred under zero-gravity conditions. The gravity level was also varied at different Marangoni numbers in the range 0≤Ma≤915. It was determined that at low temperature gradients and therefore low Ma, increasing the gravity level actually increased heat transfer, which contrasted the behaviour at higher values of Ma. It was postulated that when the Marangoni number was increased in the presence of gravity, the primary vortices lost some mechanical energy to the secondary vortices. The influence of Prandtl number was also investigated. It had been suggested by some authors that an inverse relationship between heat transfer enhancement and Prandtl number existed, but following the dimensionless solution obtained in this study, it has been concluded that the Prandtl number has little to no effect on the heat transfer. Three-dimensional numerical grids were constructed which included a second bubble. The spacing between the two bubbles was varied between simulations to analyse the influence of the separation distance between them. For zero gravity conditions, it was determined that the local wall heat flux was greatest for the smallest separation of three bubble radii, but that the increase in heat transfer over the whole domain was greatest for a separation of ten bubble radii. When the effects of gravity were included in the model, the behaviour was observed to change between the cases. At large separations between the bubbles, increasing the gravity level was found to decrease the local wall heat flux, which was consistent with much of the two-dimensional work. At small separations however, the increase in gravity led to an increase in the local wall heat flux, which was caused by a buoyancy-driven flow formed by the interaction of secondary vortices.Funding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate From01 October 2006Date To31 August 2010
TitleA Novel Method for the Thermal Management of Electric Vehicle BatteriesSummaryThe transport sector is currently undergoing massive change as battery-powered Electric Vehicles (EV) are being rapidly developed to replace fossil fuels for use in sustainable urban and inter-city transport, short-haul aviation and marine applications. The environmental and public health impact of this strategy is clear: the transport sector is currently responsible for roughly 25% of European greenhouse gas emissions, whereas EV produce no harmful local exhaust emissions during operation. Within the automotive industry, the push towards EV is supported by an ever-increasing number of manufacturers, each vying for their share of a market which is growing by 11% annually and expected to be worth ~$130 billion by 2022. The vision for an Electric Vehicle future is also shared by many governments; following on the heels of a French Government declaration, the UK Government revealed intentions to ban all new petrol and diesel cars and vans from 2040. A similar strategy has been suggested in the Irish Government's National Mitigation Plan. Public policy towards EV is encouraging, but the reality is that most consumers still do not trust EV technology. As of 31/12/17, EV represented just 0.11% and 0.1% of vehicles on Irish and UK roads, respectively. Clearly, consumer adoption of EV will need to increase dramatically if government targets are to be realised. To do this, substantial improvements in the technology are required. At the heart of every EV is the rechargeable battery which is by far the largest single cost item. Regardless of the battery chemistry, every current EV technology is significantly hindered by the same thermal problems. This is because EV batteries are efficiently employed only within a specific, narrow temperature range: at high temperatures (35°C) the batteries degrade rapidly and at low temperatures (Funding AgencyTrinity College, The University of DublinDate From01 September 2019Date To30 August 2023
TitleSolarCool - Passive Cooling of Solar Panels for Increased EfficiencySummaryWe have developed a novel way to cool solar photovoltaic (PV) panels which will increase their power output and efficiency and ultimately make them a more attractive solution for the decarbonisation of the energy grid. This solution should ultimately provide end users with cheaper electricity.Funding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate From01 January 2020Date To31 December 2020
Electrical engineering, Classical physics, Atmospheric sciences, Other engineering and technologies,
- 1st Prize, Poster Presentation, Sir Bernard Crossland Symposium, University of Limerick 2008
- Knowledge Transfer Ireland - Award Shortlist Nominee (Consultancy Category) 2019
- TCD Research Excellence Award (nominee) 2020
- TCD Excellence in Teaching Award (nominee) 2023
- Irish Research Council (formerly IRCSET) Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2006
- TCD Excellence in Research Supervision Award (nominee) 2022
- Senior author on paper awarded best paper at HEFAT 2018 conference 2018
- Irish Research Council & Intel Corporation Postdoctoral Enterprise Partnership Scholarship 2011
- Heat Transfer Society (member) present
- European Two-Phase Flow Group (member) present
- AMBER SFI Centre (Funded Investigator) present
- International Society for Computational Fluid Dynamics (member) present
- Assembly of World Conferences on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics (AWC) (member and Irish representative) present
- Engineers Ireland (member) present
- Trinity International Development Initiative (TIDI) (member) 2021
- CONNECT SFI Centre (Funded Investigator) present
- Member of the scientific advisory committee for the 28th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations Of ICs And Systems (THERMINIC 2022) 2022
- External examiner of PhD thesis on 3 occasions: PhD Thesis, Polytech Nantes, France 2023 PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, November 2019 MSc Thesis, University of Business & Applied Sciences, Malawi, 2018 Upcoming: PhD Thesis, Atlantic Technological University Sligo, Ireland, 2025
- Member of the scientific advisory committee for the 10th Conference On Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics And Thermodynamics (ExHFT-10) 2024
- Member of the scientific advisory committee for the 30th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations Of ICs And Systems (THERMINIC 2024) 2024
- Associate Editor for Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (iMechE), Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science From 2022 (ongoing)
- Member of the scientific advisory committee for the 14th International Conference On Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics And Thermodynamics (HEFAT-2019) 2019
- Journal Reviewer I also act as expert reviewer for the journals below. I try to produce 12 to 15 quality journal reviews per annum, on average. Some of these details will appear in my ORCID and Publons profiles. -Applied Energy -Applied Thermal Engineering -Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering -Case Studies in Thermal Engineering -Crystals -Electronics -Energies -Energy -Energy Conversion and Management -Energy for Sustainable Development -Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science -Heat Transfer -Heat Transfer Engineering -International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer -International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer -International Journal of Thermal Sciences -Journal of Energy Storage -Journal of Thermal Science -Numerical Heat Transfer -Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science -Sensors -Thermal Science
- Member of the scientific advisory committee for the 9th European Thermal Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM 2024) 2024
- Member of the scientific advisory committee for the 8th European Thermal Sciences Conference (EUROTHERM 2020/21) 2020 (2021 due to COVID-19)
- Member of the scientific advisory committee for the 29th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations Of ICs And Systems (THERMINIC 2023) 2023