Dr. Conor Mc Ginn

Dr. Conor Mc Ginn

Assistant Professor, Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng

3531896 4582

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • C. McGinn, M. Cullinan, D. Holland, K. Kelly, Towards the design of a new humanoid robot for domestic applications, ," IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA), Boston, April 14-15, 2014Conference Paper, 2014
  • C. McGinn, K. Kelly, A practical humanoid robot morphology for operation in civilian environments, Trinity Journal of Postgraduate Research, 13, 2014, p109 - 134Journal Article, 2014
  • C. McGinn, M. Culleton, 'Control Interface for a Semi-Autonomous Vehicle', US, US 9348334 B2, 2016, 24 May 2016Patent, 2016, URL
  • C. McGinn, K. Kelly, Practical considerations for the design of autonomous mobile robots, 29th International Manufacturing Conference (IMC29), University of Ulster, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • P. Wardlaw, C. McGinn, K. Kelly, Development of a mobile robotic simulator, 29th International Manufacturing Conference (IMC29), University of Ulster, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • M. Culleton, C. McGinn, K. Kelly, Development of an autonomous robotic hand with human interaction capabilities, 29th International Manufacturing Conference (IMC29), University of Ulster, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • M.F. Cullinan, C. McGinn and K. Kelly, ORIENTATION ESTIMATION USING KALMAN FILTERS WITH MULTIPLE SENSORS, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, edited by Joe Butterfield & Paul Hermon , 2015, pp29 - 38Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
  • A. Sena, C. McGinn, A. McCreevey, C. Donovan and K. Kelly, HUMAN IN THE LOOP CONTROL IN ROBOTICS FOR MANUFACTURING, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, edited by Joe Butterfield & Paul Hermon , 2015, pp157 - 164Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
  • C. McGinn, M. Cullinan, G. Walsh, C. Donovan, K. Kelly, Towards an embodied system-level architecture for mobile robots, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Istanbul, 2015, pp536 - 542Conference Paper, 2015, DOI
  • C. McGinn, M.F. Culleton, K. Kelly, Design of a terrain-adaptive wheeled robot for service applications in human-centered environments, Autonomous Robots, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
  • M.F. Cullinan, C. McGinn, E. Bourke, K.Kelly, A McKibben Type Sleeve Pneumatic Muscle and Integrated Mechanism for Improved Stroke Length, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • C. McGinn, A. Sena, K. Kelly, Controlling robots in the home: A study on factors that affect the performance of novice robot operators, Applied Ergonomics, 2017, p23 - 32Journal Article, 2017, URL
  • C. McGinn, 'Hybrid wheel-leg robot morphology', UK Patent Agency, 2016Patent, 2016
  • Mark Culleton; Conor McGinn; Kevin Kelly, Framework for Assessing Robotic Dexterity within Flexible Manufacturing, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Conor McGinn, Michael Cullinan, Mark Culleton, Kevin Kelly, A human-oriented framework for developing assistive service robots, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assitive Technology, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
  • Conor McGinn, Kevin Kelly, Using the Geneva Emotion Wheel to Classify the Expression of Emotion on Robots, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Chicago, IL, USA, March 5-8, 2018, edited by Kanda & Sabanovic , 2018Conference Paper, 2018
  • LFCS DurĂ£o, K Kelly, DN Nakano, E Zancul, CL McGinn, Divergent prototyping effect on the final design solution: the role of "Dark Horse" prototype in innovation projects, Procedia CIRP, 70, 2018, pp265 - 271Conference Paper, 2018, DOI
  • Michael F. Cullinan, Conor McGinn, and Kevin Kelly, Sleeve Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Antagonistically Actuated Joints, IEEE Transactions, 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Palais des congres de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, May 20-24, 2019, 2019, pp8360 - 8366Conference Paper, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Salaken S.M., Nahavandi S., McGinn C., Hossny M., Kelly K., Abobakr A., Nahavandi D., Iskander J., Development of a cloud-based computational framework for an empathetic robot, 2019, pp102 - 108Conference Paper, 2019, DOI
  • David T. Farrell, Conor McGinn, Gareth J.Bennett, Extension twist deformation response of an auxetic cylindrical structure inspired by deformed cell ligaments, Composite Structures, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI , URL
  • C. McGinn and D. Dooley, What should robots feel like? factors that influence the perception of robot-skin, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Cambridge, UK, 2020, pp281-288Conference Paper, 2020, DOI
  • A. Coyne, A. Murtagh, and C. McGinn, A framework for measuring perceived affect in human-robot interaction using the geneva emotion wheel, 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Cambridge, UK, 2020Conference Paper, 2020
  • M. F. Cullinan, K. Kelly, and C. McGinn, Dynamic characterization and phenomenologi-cal modelling of sleeve pneumatic artificial muscles, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,Measurement and Control, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
  • M. Otubela and C. McGinn, Controlling Fast Height Variation of an Actively ArticulatedWheeled Humanoid Robot Using Center of Mass Trajectory, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2020Conference Paper, 2020, DOI
  • A. Murtagh, P. Lynch, and C. McGinn, Presenting Botmark: a Computer Benchmark for Service Robotics, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotic Computing, , 2020Conference Paper, 2020, DOI
  • M. Otubela and C. McGinn, Controlling AeroBot: Development of a Motion Planner for an Actively Articulated Wheeled Humanoid Robot, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • C. McGinn, Why do robots need a head? the role of social interfaces on service robot, International Journal of Social Robotics , 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • C. McGinn and I. Torres, Can You Tell the Robot by the Voice? An Exploratory Study on the Role of Voice in the Perception of Robots, 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • C. McGinn, E. Bourke, A. Murtagh, C. Donovan, and M. Cullinan, Meeting Stevie: Perceptions of a Socially Assistive Robot by Residents and Staff in a Long-term Care Facility, Late Breaking Report. 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • C. McGinn, Informing the Design of HRI Systems through Use of the Ethics Canvas, Workshop on Dangerous HRI. 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2019Conference Paper, 2019
  • C. McGinn, M. F. Cullinan, M. Otubela, and K. Kelly, Meet stevie: A socially assistive robot developed through application of a Design-Thinking approach, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Special issue on Special issue on Elderly Care Robotics Technology and Ethics, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
  • C. McGinn, E. Bourke, T. Kelly, and M. Cullinan, Adapting the Goals/Questions/Metrics(GQM) method for applications in robot design, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018Conference Paper, 2018
  • C. McGinn, M. A.C. M. Bourke E., and K. Kelly, Exploring the application of "design thinking" to the development of service robot technology, Workshop on Elderly Care Robotics - Technology and Ethics (WELCARO).IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018Conference Paper, 2018
  • Conor McGinn, Michael F. Cullinan, Moyin Otubela, Kevin Kelly, Design of a terrain adaptive wheeled robot for human-orientated environments, Autonomous Robots, 43, (1), 2019, p63--78Journal Article, 2019
  • C. McGinn and D. Geraghty, Modelling an active suspension controller for a road vehicle, IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference , Cork, 23-24 June, 2010Conference Paper, 2010
  • McGinn, C. and Scott, R. and Donnelly, N. and Roberts, K.L. and Bogue, M. and Kiernan, C. and Beckett, M., Exploring the Applicability of Robot-Assisted UV Disinfection in Radiology, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, (590306), 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Veling, L. and McGinn, C., Qualitative Research in HRI: A Review and Taxonomy, International Journal of Social Robotics, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , URL
  • Torre, I. and Latupeirissa, A.B. and McGinn, C., How context shapes the appropriateness of a robot's voice, (9223449), 2020, pp215-222Conference Paper, 2020, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
  • Coyne, A.K. and Murtagh, A. and McGinn, C., Using the Geneva emotion wheel to measure perceived affect in human-robot interaction, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2020, pp491-498Conference Paper, 2020, DOI , URL
  • C. McGinn, M. Cullinan, R.Scott, Towards the Development of Test Methods for Collaborative Cleaning with a UV Robot, IEEE/ACM HRI 2021 Workshop on Novel and Emerging Test Methods and Metrics for Effective HRI, March 2021, 2021Conference Paper, 2021
  • O'Brien, C., M. O'Mara, J. Issartel, C. McGinn,, xploring the Design Space of Therapeutic Robot Companions for Children, Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2021 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on, March 2021, 2021Conference Paper, 2021
  • McGinn, Conor, Bourke, Eamonn, Cullinan, Michael F, An IoT Approach for Monitoring UV Disinfection Robots, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Melbourne, 2021Conference Paper, 2021, TARA - Full Text
  • Lynch, Patrick and McGinn, Conor, Using Tactile Sensing to Improve Performance when Grasping Moving Objects, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2021Conference Paper, 2021, TARA - Full Text
  • Lynch, Patrick, Cullinan, Michael F, McGinn, Conor, Adaptive Grasping of Moving Objects through Tactile Sensing, Sensors, 2021Journal Article, 2021
  • Lloyd Taylor; Angela Downing; Gabriel Aguiar Noury; Giovanni Masala; Marco Palomino; Conor McGinn; Ray Jones, Exploring the applicability of the socially assistive robot Stevie in a day center for people with dementia, 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot \& Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2021Conference Paper, 2021
  • McGinn, C. and Scott, R. and Ryan, C. and Donnelly, N. and Cullinan, M.F. and Beckett, M., Rapid disinfection of radiology treatment rooms using an autonomous ultraviolet germicidal irradiation robot, American Journal of Infection Control, 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • O'Brien, C. and O'Mara, M. and Issartel, J. and McGinn, C., Exploring the design space of therapeutic robot companions for children, (3444669), 2021, pp243-251Conference Paper, 2021, DOI , URL
  • De Matteis, L. and Cullinan, M.F. and McGinn, C., Numerical model of the irradiance field surrounding a UV disinfection robot, Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 8, (5), 2022Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Scott, R. and Joshi, L.T. and McGinn, C., Hospital surface disinfection using ultraviolet germicidal irradiation technology: A review, Healthcare Technology Letters, 9, (3), 2022, p25-33Journal Article, 2022, DOI , URL
  • Cullinan, M.F. and Bourke, E. and Kelly, K. and McGinn, C., A mckibben type sleeve pneumatic muscle and integrated mechanism for improved stroke length, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9, (1), 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
  • Adam K Coyne, Keshav Sapkota, Conor McGinn, "Who said that?" Applying the Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique to Social Telepresence, ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , TARA - Full Text
  • Cullinan, M.F. and Scott, R. and Linogao, J. and Bradwell, H. and Cooper, L. and McGinn, C., Development and Demonstration of a Wireless Ultraviolet Sensing Network for Dose Monitoring and Operator Safety in Room Disinfection Applications, Sensors, 23, (5), 2023Journal Article, 2023, DOI , URL
  • McGinn, C. and Scott, R. and Donnelly, N. and Cullinan, M.F. and Winfield, A. and Treusch, P., Ethical Assessment of a Hospital Disinfection Robot, 2023-May, 2023, pp12008-12014Conference Paper, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Coyne, A.K. and McGinn, C., The Effect of Human Prosody on Comprehension of TTS Robot Speech, 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN), 2023, pp1816-1822Conference Paper, 2023, DOI , URL
  • Conor McGinn, Kevin Kelly, Aran Sena, Oisin Brogan, Evaluation of a Local Path-Planning Algorithm for a Hospital Located Autonomous Mobile Robot, 23rd Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, June 28-29, 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
  • Kelly, K., MacManus, D.B., McGinn, C., Development of a Humanoid Robot for Education and Outreach, 30th International Manufacturing Conference, University College Dublin, 3-4 September 2013, edited by G.Byrne, B. Mullaney, P. Connolly, E. Ahearne , School Of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin, 2013, pp268 - 275Conference Paper, 2013, TARA - Full Text

Research Expertise

  • Title
    Dynamic locomotion of a electo-pneumatically powered mobile service robot
    Mobile robots have traditionally struggled to demonstrate robust terrain adaptability across the spectrum of everyday human-centred environments. Wheeled and legged robot morphologies are the common forms of choice yet both suffer critical drawbacks which has limited their use and rate of adoption. Incorporating the best of both wheeled and legged systems into a single platform (hybrid) has shown promising results in this field. The experimentation of hybrid robot platforms is a relatively new and growing occurrence in the literature and is thus a comparatively unexplored area in relation to purely legged platforms with regards to how these systems can be optimally designed, developed and controlled. This research aims to address this gap in the literature. In doing so, state of the art developments and design philosophies that facilitated the creation of some of the best performing robots today will be explored and advanced for the special dynamics and control problem for hybrid systems.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    September 1st 2018
    Date To
    August 30th 2021
  • Title
    Development of a control system for robot-mediated social interaction
    Social isolation is a major problem for people living alone, especially the elderly and those living with disabilities. A compelling solution to this problem is the development of technology that can help keep people socially connected and mentally stimulated. Anthropomorphic social robots have great potential for promoting cognitive engagement and combating social isolation, especially if they can operate as a medium to connect people with the outside world. Their features/form facilitate natural interactions, communication of affective states and provide high levels of redundancy. However, controlling these systems, either autonomously or manually by a human operator, remains a major research challenge. Artificial social intelligence, as applied to service robots, is currently in its early stages of development and it is expected to take many more years before robots will be capable of achieving even basic levels of social competence in unstructured settings. A more practical, yet equally compelling approach is to explore how the quality of remote social interaction between two (or more) people can be enhanced using robots to mediate human-human communication.
    Funding Agency
    Trinity College Dublin
    Date From
    September 1st 2018
    Date To
    August 30th 2022
  • Title
    An embodied control system for autonomous robotic grasping on mobile robots
    Increasingly robots are being developed to perform tasks outside of the traditional industrial setting, such as in warehouses, hospitals and in the home. Unlike industrial robots that are configured to perform few defined tasks, it is often desirable for modern robots to be highly adaptable and capable of multi-purpose use. These environments are often more stochastic in nature, requiring the robot to possess real-time control capabilities and increased levels of environmental perception. In these scenarios, tasks requiring robots to grasp objects autonomously become increasingly difficult often due to poor perceptual awareness in the local region of the object being grasped. The central aim of this research is to demonstrate that by incorporating a variety of exteroceptive sensors in the gripper and adopting a decentralised control approach, improved sensor data can be generated, and better grasping performance achieved.
    Funding Agency
    Irish Research Council
    Date From
    March 1st 2017
    Date To
    February 30th 2021
  • Title
    Robotics In Care Industry (RICI)
    This project addresses the need to increase the quality of care and operational efficiency of assisted living provision, especially in applications concerning the elderly. The innovation describes a robotic solution that leverages a combination of autonomous and human controlled elements, which can perform multiple custodial care functions in communal assisted living facilities. The research underpinning the innovation has been under on-going development over for nearly a decade by robotics researchers in Trinity College. The key objective of the project is to advance the TRL level of the Stevie robot, bringing it closer to being compliant with the relevant technical standards and data protection regulations. The second major objective is to validate the system, particularly user acceptance, in a real US-based assisted living facility through multiple pilot deployments.
    Funding Agency
    Enterprise Ireland
    Date From
    Jan 1st 2018
    Date To
    Dec 31st 2020
  • Title
    RObots to Protect Against COVID (ROPAC)
    Ridding rooms of harmful germs (including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19) remains a pressing concern in our hospitals, as well as other settings that are re-opening their doors to people after the pandemic. Currently, disinfecting rooms is a labour-intensive task that is prone to high levels of human error, since we cannot see the germs that need to be cleaned away. Additionally, scrubbing surfaces will not counter aerosolised viruses in small droplets in the air. Hospitals, nursing homes, and many other places must now be thoroughly cleaned on a much more frequent basis than ever before. But manual cleaning is time-intensive and puts pressure on resources, as well as potentially exposing cleaners to infectious disease. Robot disinfection systems that use UV light to zap germs have emerged as a promising technology in the fight against COVID-19. They are effective on surfaces and in air, and do not leave behind harmful or toxic residues. The research will examine the primary factors that affect the germ-killing performance and occupational safety of UV disinfection robots in use at hospitals and other real-world settings. The project will generate new insights critical for informing where, how and when UV disinfection technology can be best and most effectively integrated within infection control systems in hospitals and other frontline settings. This will help lead to a scalable new cleaning system that will help keep our buildings cleaner and our staff safer.
    Funding Agency
    Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
    Date From
    Date To

Health services and systems, Mechanical engineering, Other engineering and technologies, Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics, Artificial intelligence and machine learning,


  • TCD Registrar's Civic Engagement Award 2018
  • Engineers Ireland Excellence Award for Engineering Innovation - winner 2014
  • Engineers Ireland Excellence Award for Innovation (Runner Up) 2018
  • CIRP Design conference best paper - Runner Up 2018
  • National Disability Authority (NDA) Universal Design Grand Challenge [Finalist] 2014
  • Time Magazine Top 100 Inventions of the Year (Stevie the Robot) Dec 2019
  • MIT Technology Review 35 under 35 Dec 2019
  • Katerva Award (Nobel prize for sustainability): finalist 2018
  • SFI I'm an Engineer Competition Winner 2016
  • TCD Provosts PhD Award 2018
  • TCD Provosts Teaching Award 2019
  • Robot Design Competition - Intl. Conf. on Social Robots: Runner Up 2017
  • Discover Research Dublin "Smart Cities, Smart World" Winner 2014
  • IEEE Member present
  • Member National Steering group for Robotics 2018-present
  • Coordinator of NSAI Committee for Service Robot Standardisation 2018-present
  • Member of IEEE SMC TC on Robotics and Intelligent Sensing 2018-present
  • Member of Working Group IEEE SA 7007: Ontological Standard for Ethically Driven Robotics and Automation Systems 2018-present
  • Member of IEEE SMC TC on Robotics and Intelligent Sensing 2018-present
  • IEEE SMC Invited Lecture, Deakin University, Australia May 2018
  • IEEE SMC Invited Lecture, Deakin University, Australia May 2018
  • EU JRC Centre for Advanced Studies Invited Speaker October 2019
  • Member National Steering group for Robotics 2018-present
  • Coordinator of NSAI Committee for Service Robot Standardisation 2018-present
  • EU JRC Centre for Advanced Studies Invited Speaker October 2019
  • Member of Working Group IEEE SA 7007: Ontological Standard for Ethically Driven Robotics and Automation Systems 2018-present