Mr. Kevin Kelly
Associate Professor, Mechanical, Manuf & Biomedical Eng
Email Kevin.Kelly@tcd.ie Phone3531896 1465http://people.tcd.ie/kekellyPublications and Further Research Outputs
- C. McGinn, K. Kelly, A practical humanoid robot morphology for operation in civilian environments, Trinity Journal of Postgraduate Research, 13, 2014, p109 - 134Journal Article, 2014
- Kevin Kelly, EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR GROUP WORK IN ENGINEERING CURRICULA, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, edited by Joe Butterfield & Paul Hermon , 2015, pp213 - 222Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- M.F. Cullinan, C. McGinn and K. Kelly, ORIENTATION ESTIMATION USING KALMAN FILTERS WITH MULTIPLE SENSORS, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, edited by Joe Butterfield & Paul Hermon , 2015, pp29 - 38Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- A. Sena and K. Kelly, NEXT GENERATION TACTILE SENSING FOR HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION IN INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, edited by Joe Butterfield & Paul Hermon , 2015, pp145 - 155Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- A. Sena, C. McGinn, A. McCreevey, C. Donovan and K. Kelly, HUMAN IN THE LOOP CONTROL IN ROBOTICS FOR MANUFACTURING, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, edited by Joe Butterfield & Paul Hermon , 2015, pp157 - 164Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- G.S. Sandhu, C. McGinn and K. Kelly, INVESTIGATION INTO A LOW COST ROBOTIC VISION SYSTEM, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, edited by Joe Butterfield & Paul Hermon , 2015, pp171 - 179Conference Paper, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- MEMS: Making Engineering with Management A Success in, editor(s)Kevin Kelly & Garret O'Donnell , Perspectives on Manufacturing, Essays in honour of John Monaghan, Trinity Centre for Bioengineering, Trinity College Dublin, 2015, pp45 - 57, [Kevin Kelly]Book Chapter, 2015, TARA - Full Text
- Kelly, K & O'Donnell, G. (eds.), Perspectives on Manufacturing, Essays in honour of John Monaghan, Trinity Centre for Bioengineering, Trinity Centre for Bioengineering, 2015, 173 + xxiv ppppBook, 2015
- C. McGinn, M. Cullinan, G. Walsh, C. Donovan, K. Kelly, Towards an embodied system-level architecture for mobile robots, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Istanbul, 2015, pp536 - 542Conference Paper, 2015, DOI
- C. McGinn, M.F. Culleton, K. Kelly, Design of a terrain-adaptive wheeled robot for service applications in human-centered environments, Autonomous Robots, 2018Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- M.F. Cullinan, C. McGinn, E. Bourke, K.Kelly, A McKibben Type Sleeve Pneumatic Muscle and Integrated Mechanism for Improved Stroke Length, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- C. McGinn, A. Sena, K. Kelly, Controlling robots in the home: A study on factors that affect the performance of novice robot operators, Applied Ergonomics, 2017, p23 - 32Journal Article, 2017, URL
- Karl Van Wyk, Mark Culleton, Joe Falco, Kevin Kelly, Comparative Peg-in-Hole Testing of a Force-based Manipulation Controlled Robotic Hand, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2018, p542 - 549Journal Article, 2018, DOI
- Mark Culleton; Conor McGinn; Kevin Kelly, Framework for Assessing Robotic Dexterity within Flexible Manufacturing, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- Kevin Kelly, Conor Buckley, Michael McHugh, Buildbase - a student led facility for additive manufacturing, 33rd International Manufacturing Conference - University of Limerick, Ireland, University of Limerick, 31st August 2016, edited by Peter Tiernan , 2016Conference Paper, 2016, TARA - Full Text
- G.S. Walsh, C. McGinn, K. Kelly, Towards a Compact Electro-pneumatic Actuated Arm for Mobile Robots, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, edited by Joe Butterfield & Paul Hermon , 2015, pp165 - 170Conference Paper, 2015
- Conor McGinn, Michael Cullinan, Mark Culleton, Kevin Kelly, A human-oriented framework for developing assistive service robots, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assitive Technology, 2017Journal Article, 2017, DOI
- E O'Driscoll, K Kelly, GE O'Donnell, Intelligent energy based status identification as a platform for improvement of machine tool efficiency and effectiveness, Journal of Cleaner Production, 105, 2015, p184 - 195Journal Article, 2015, DOI
- Conor McGinn, Kevin Kelly, Using the Geneva Emotion Wheel to Classify the Expression of Emotion on Robots, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Chicago, IL, USA, March 5-8, 2018, edited by Kanda & Sabanovic , 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- Karl Van Wyk, Mark Culleton, Joe Falco, Kevin Kelly, Comparative Peg-in-Hole Testing of a Force-based Manipulation Controlled Robotic Hand, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, May 21-25, 2018, edited by Peter Corke , 2018Conference Paper, 2018
- LFCS Durão, K Kelly, DN Nakano, E Zancul, CL McGinn, Divergent prototyping effect on the final design solution: the role of "Dark Horse" prototype in innovation projects, Procedia CIRP, 70, 2018, pp265 - 271Conference Paper, 2018, DOI
- Vanessa Nappi, Kevin Kelly, Key Performance Indicators and Dimensions for the Innovation Process, 25th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Porto, June 10-13, 2018, 2018Conference Paper, 2018, TARA - Full Text
- Wiesche et al., Teaching Innovation in Interdisciplinary Environments: Toward a Design Thinking Syllabus, Special Interest Group for Education (SIGED), San Francisco, December 12-13, 2018, edited by Venky Shankararaman , 2018, pphttp://hdl.handle.net/2262/912Conference Paper, 2018, TARA - Full Text
- Michael F. Cullinan, Conor McGinn, and Kevin Kelly, Sleeve Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Antagonistically Actuated Joints, IEEE Transactions, 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Palais des congres de Montreal, Montreal, Canada, May 20-24, 2019, 2019, pp8360 - 8366Conference Paper, 2019, URL , TARA - Full Text
- Salaken S.M., Nahavandi S., McGinn C., Hossny M., Kelly K., Abobakr A., Nahavandi D., Iskander J., Development of a cloud-based computational framework for an empathetic robot, 2019, pp102 - 108Conference Paper, 2019, DOI
- M. F. Cullinan, K. Kelly, and C. McGinn, Dynamic characterization and phenomenologi-cal modelling of sleeve pneumatic artificial muscles, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems,Measurement and Control, 2020Journal Article, 2020, DOI
- C. McGinn, M. F. Cullinan, M. Otubela, and K. Kelly, Meet stevie: A socially assistive robot developed through application of a Design-Thinking approach, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Special issue on Special issue on Elderly Care Robotics Technology and Ethics, 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Conor McGinn, Michael F. Cullinan, Moyin Otubela, Kevin Kelly, Design of a terrain adaptive wheeled robot for human-orientated environments, Autonomous Robots, 43, (1), 2019, p63--78Journal Article, 2019
- Nappi, V; Kelly, K, Measuring knowledge management in the innovation process: a systematic literature review, International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Vanessa Nappi, Kevin Kelly, Proposing a performance framework for innovation measurement: an exploratory case-based research, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2021Journal Article, 2021, DOI , TARA - Full Text
- Luiz Fernando C. S. Durão, Hannah McMullin, Kevin Kelly, Eduardo Zancul, Manufacturing Execution System as an Integration Backbone for Industry 4.0, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Brazil, 2021, edited by Canciglieri Junior O., Noël F., Rivest L., Bouras A. , 639, Springer, 2022, pp461 - 473Conference Paper, 2022, URL
- Nappi V., Kelly K., Implementing and assessing a performance framework for the innovation measurement in a European manufacturer, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 73, (11), 2023, p69 - 95, p69-95Journal Article, 2023, DOI
- Cullinan, M.F., Bourke, E., Kelly, K., McGinn, C., A mckibben type sleeve pneumatic muscle and integrated mechanism for improved stroke length, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9, (1), 2017Journal Article, 2017
- Rintala, U., Kairamo, A.-K., Andersson, S., Strandås, M., Kelly, K., Gonçalves, I., Lucas, A., Tabacco, A., Knowing our students - Different approaches to student retention experiences of the ATTRACT project, Proceedings of the 40th SEFI Annual Conference 2012 - Engineering Education 2020: Meet the Future, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Kelly, K., Patrocínio, C., Marshall, C., Prediction of student performance in engineering programs a case study using entrance information, Proceedings of the 40th SEFI Annual Conference 2012 - Engineering Education 2020: Meet the Future, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- O'Donnell, G.E., Kelly, K., Process monitoring of high speed small diameter drilling operations - Influences of scale, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, EUSPEN 2007, 2, 2007, p109-112Conference Paper, 2007
- Brophy, B., Kelly, K., Byrne, G., AI-based condition monitoring of the drilling process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 124, (3), 2002, p305-310Journal Article, 2002
- Nappi, Vanessa, Kelly, Kevin, Review of key performance indicators for measuring innovation process performance, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 26, (1/2), 2022, p85Journal Article, 2022, DOI
- Ballatore, Maria Giulia, Barman, Linda, De Borger, Jelle, Ehlermann, Julia, Fryers, Robbie, Kelly, Kevin, Misiewicz, Julia, Naimi-Akbar, Ida, Tabacco, Anita, Increasing gender diversity in STEM, ACM, 2019, pp216-222Conference Paper, 2019, DOI
- O'Donnell, G.E., Young, P., Kelly, K., Byrne, G., Towards the Improvement of Tool Condition Monitoring Systems in the Manufacturing Environment, Journal of Materials Processing Technologies, 119, 2001, p133 - 139Journal Article, 2001
- O Donnell, G.E., Byrne, G., Kelly, K., Kirchheim, A., An Integrated Sensing Solution for Monitoring a Flexible Machining Centre, Int. Conf on Competitive Manufacturing in 2001, Dublin, Sept., 2001, 2001, pp331 - 340Conference Paper, 2001
- O'Donnell, G.E., Byrne, G., Kelly, K., Kirchheim, A., An Integrated Sensing Solution for Monitoring a Flexible Machining Centre, Competitive Manufacturing in 2001, Dublin, Ireland, 5-7 Sept. 2001, edited by G. Cummings , 2001, pp331 - 340Conference Paper, 2001
- O'Donnell, G.E., Kelly, K., Byrne, G. , Use of a Sensor Integrated Motor Spindle for Monitoring of a Flexible Machining Centre, Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Capri, Italy, edited by R. Teti , 2000, pp383 - 388Conference Paper, 2000
- O'Donnell, G.E., Young, P., Kelly, K., Byrne, G., Towards the Improvement of Tool Condition Monitoring Systems in the Manufacturing Environment, Advances in Material & Processing Technologies, Dublin, Ireland, edited by S. Hashmi , 1999, pp595 - 604Conference Paper, 1999
- O' Donnell, G.E., Byrne, G., Kelly, K., Kirchheim, A., Process Monitoring Using Integrated Force Sensors, Journal of Machine Engineering , Vol. 6 , (No. 2), 2006, p56 - 74Journal Article, 2006
- O'Donnell, G.E., Kelly, K., Process monitoring of high speed small diameter drilling operations, 7th International European Society of Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen) conference, Bremen, Germany, 20-24th May, edited by Prof. Ekkard Brinksmeier , 2007, pp109 - 112Conference Paper, 2007
- Kelly, K., O'Donnell, G.E., Decision Making under Uncertainty in Tool Condition Monitoring, 24th International Manufacturing Conference, Waterford, Ireland, 29th-31st August, edited by Phelan, J. , 2007, pp965 - 976Conference Paper, 2007, TARA - Full Text
- Kelly, K., Lyons, C.G., Implementing CDIO: Some Experiences and Results, 24th International Manufacturing Conference, Waterford, 29th-31st August 200, edited by Phelan, J. , 2007, pp209 - 220Conference Paper, 2007, TARA - Full Text
- O'Donnell, G.E., Kelly, K., Geraghty, D., Exploring the spectrum of the acoustic emission signal during microdrilling, European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Zurich, 18th-22nd May, edited by Dr. Wolfgang Knapp, ETH Zurich , 2008Conference Paper, 2008
- Kelly, K., Buckley, C., O'Donnell, G.E., Ervine, P., Surface Finish in Micro-drilling of PTFE, 25th International Manufacturing Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, 3 - 5 Sept, edited by Robert Simpson , 2008, pp65 - 72Conference Paper, 2008, TARA - Full Text
- Kelly K., Lyons G., Bennett G., Killeen E., Further Experiences in CDIO Implentation, 25th International Manufacturing Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, 03/09/2008, edited by Robert Simpson , 2008, pp323 - 331Conference Paper, 2008, TARA - Full Text
- Bennett G., Lyons G., Kelly K., Implementation of a CDIO compliant syllabus in a large engineering programme, 25th International Manufacturing Conference, Dublin Institute of Technology, 03/09/2008, edited by Robert Simpson , 2008, pp315 - 322Conference Paper, 2008, TARA - Full Text
- Kelly, K., O'Donnell, G.E(ed.), IMC26 - Energy Efficient & Low Carbon Manufacturing, Trinity College Dublin, 2-4 September 2009, 2009Proceedings of a Conference, 2009
- Golden, P., Borza, G., O'Donnell, G.E., Kelly, K., Development of a Decision Support system for Energy Optimisation in Plastic Processing, IMC 26 - Energy Efficient & Low Carbon Manufacturing, Trinity College Dublin, 2-4 September 2009, edited by G., O'Donnell, G.E., Kelly, K. , 2009Conference Paper, 2009
- G.J. Bennett, K. Kelly, R. Collins, F. Boland, C. McGoldrick, S. Pavia, K. O'Kelly, Implementation of Project Based Learning in a Large Engineering Programme, 3rd International Symposium for Engineering Education (ISEE2010), University College Cork, 30/06-2/07 2010, edited by E. Byrne , 2010, pp214 - 223Conference Paper, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- Aoife Nic Chraith, Kevin Kelly, LEGO MINDSTORMS AS A TEACHING TOOL IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 27th International Manufacturing Conference, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, 1st-3rd Sept. 2010, edited by Valerie Butler, Kevin Kelly , 2010, pp387 - 395Conference Paper, 2010, TARA - Full Text
- Valerie Butler, Kevin Kelly(ed.), IMC27 - Manufacturing Matters in the Smart Economy, N/A, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, 1st-3rd Sept. 2010, 2010Proceedings of a Conference, 2010
- G. O'Donnell, K. Kelly, G. Byrne, An analysis of the Performance of a Sensor Integrated Motor Spindle for Tool Condition Monitoring of a Flexible Machining Centre, CIRP Int. Conf. on Int. Comp. in Manuf. Eng. - ICME 2000, Capri, Italy, June 2000, 2000Conference Paper, 2000
- B. Brophy, K. Kelly, G. Byrne, Anomaly detection in drilling using neural networks, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. On Int. Manuf. Sys., , Leuven, Belgium, Sept 1999, 1999, pp779 - 786Conference Paper, 1999, TARA - Full Text
- K.McClenaghan, K. Kelly, G. Byrne, Tool Condition Monitoring - a new algorithm for breakage detection, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. On Int. Manuf. Sys., , Leuven, Belgium, Sept 1999, 1999, pp825 - 834Conference Paper, 1999
- G. O'Donnell, Kelly, P. Young, G. Byrne, Towards the Improvement of Tool Condition Monitoring Strategies in the Production Environment, AMPT-IMC16, Dublin City University, Dublin, Aug 1999, 1999, 1999Conference Paper, 1999
- K. Kelly, P. Young, G. Byrne, Modelling the influence of Machining Dynamics on Surface Topography in Turning, Int. J. of Mech. Sc., 41, 1999, p507 - 526Journal Article, 1999
- K. McClenaghan, K. Kelly, P. Young, G. Byrne, Development of New Tool Condition Monitoring Strategies for Drilling, 15th International Manufacturing Conference, Univ. Ulster at Jordanstown, Aug 1998, 1998, 1998Conference Paper, 1998
- K. Kelly, P. Young, G. Byrne, Modelling of Surface Integrity of AlSi9Cu3 in Finish Machining, 14th International Manufacturing Conference, Univ. of Dublin, Sept 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
- K. Kelly, P. Young, G. Byrne, Modelling of Machine Dynamics using Digital Signal Processing Techniques, 3rd Int. Conf on Modern Practice in Stress and Vib. Analysis, Dublin, Sept 1997, 1997, 1997Conference Paper, 1997
- K. Kelly, P. Young, G. Byrne, Modelling of Surface Integrity Generation in Single Point Turning, 13th International Manufacturing Conference, Univ. of Limerick, Sept 1996, 1996Conference Paper, 1996
- Aoife NicChraith, Claire Marshall, Kevin Kelly, DECIPHERING THE EFFECT OF CURRICULA ON THE PERCEPTION OF THIRD LEVEL ENGINEERING - A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS, 4th International Symposium on Engineering Education, Sheffield, UK, July 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Conor McGinn, Kevin Kelly, Aran Sena, Oisin Brogan, Evaluation of a Local Path-Planning Algorithm for a Hospital Located Autonomous Mobile Robot, 23rd Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, June 28-29, 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Kevin Kelly, Claire Marshall, Sarah O'Shaughnessy, ENGAGEMENT WITH SECOND LEVEL - DOES IT WORK?, 29th International Manufacturing Conference, Belfast, Ireland, 29-30 August 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Kevin Kelly & Claire Marshall, PREDICTION OF ENGINEERING STUDENT PROGRESSION FROM ENTRANCE DATA, 29th International Manufacturing Conference, Belfast, Ireland, 29-30 August 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Aoife Nic Chraith & Kevin Kelly, STRATEGIES FOR THE ATTRACTION OF STUDENTS TO ENGINEERING, 29th International Manufacturing Conference, Belfast, Ireland, 29-30 August 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Kevin Kelly, Philip Wardlaw, Conor McGinn, DEVELOPMENT OF A MOBILE ROBOTIC SIMULATOR, 29th International Manufacturing Conference, Belfast, Ireland, 29-30 August 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Kevin Kelly, Mark Culleton, Conor McGinn, DEVELOPMENT OF AN AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC HAND WITH HUMAN INTERACTION CAPABILITIES, 29th International Manufacturing Conference, Belfast, Ireland, 29-30 August 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Conor McGinn & Kevin Kelly, PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE DESIGN OF AUTONOMOUS MOBILE ROBOTS, 29th International Manufacturing Conference, Belfast, Ireland, 29-30 August 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Kevin Kelly, Carla Patrocinio, Claire Marshall, Prediction of Student Performance In Engineering Programs, 40th Annual SEFI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- Rintala, U., Kairamo, A., Andersson, S., Strandas, M., Kelly, K., Goncalves, I., Lucas A., Tabacco, A., Knowing our students - different approaches to student retention, 40th Annual SEFI Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-26 September 2012, 2012Conference Paper, 2012, TARA - Full Text
- O'Driscoll E, Kelly K, Cusack D.O, O'Donnell G.E, Characterising the energy consumption of machine tool actuator components using pattern recognition, 8th CIRP International Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, Ischia, Italy, 18-20 July, edited by Professor R. Teti, Professor D. D'Addona , 2012Conference Paper, 2012
- Culleton, M., Kelly, K., Requirements of Next Generation Robotic Manipulators, 30th International Manufacturing Conference, University College Dublin, 3-4 September 2013, edited by G.Byrne, B. Mullaney, P. Connolly, E. Ahearne , School Of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin, 2013, pp248 - 257Conference Paper, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Kelly, K., MacManus, D.B., McGinn, C., Development of a Humanoid Robot for Education and Outreach, 30th International Manufacturing Conference, University College Dublin, 3-4 September 2013, edited by G.Byrne, B. Mullaney, P. Connolly, E. Ahearne , School Of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin, 2013, pp268 - 275Conference Paper, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Kelly, K., Culleton M., Barrett, R., Weldon, P., Connolly, E., Issues of Collaboration within Global Project Teams, 30th International Manufacturing Conference, University College Dublin, 3-4 September 2013, edited by G.Byrne, B. Mullaney, P. Connolly, E. Ahearne , School Of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin, 2013, pp452 - 460Conference Paper, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- Kelly, K., Mooney, T., Design Thinking as an Outreach Activity for Female Students, 30th International Manufacturing Conference, University College Dublin, 3-4 September 2013, edited by G.Byrne, B. Mullaney, P. Connolly, E. Ahearne , School Of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University College Dublin, 2013, pp58 - 72Conference Paper, 2013, TARA - Full Text
- M. Culleton, K. Kelly, BENCHMARKING ROBOTIC DEXTERITY IN GRASPING AND MANIPULATION OPERATIONS, 31st International Manufacturing Conference, Cork Institute of Technology, 4th-5th September, edited by Matt Cotterell, Ger Kelly , 2014, pp45 - 51Conference Paper, 2014
- O'Driscoll, Eoin, Kelly,Kevin, Cusack,Donal Og, O'Donnell,Garret, Characterising the energy consumption of machine tool actuator components using pattern recognition, Procedia CIRP, 12, 2013, p127-132Journal Article, 2013, DOI
- McGinn, C. , Cullinan, M., Holland, D., Kelly, K., Towards the design of a new humanoid robot for domestic applications, IEEE Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications, TePRA, Woburn, MA, 14-15 April 2014, IEEE Computer Society, 2014Conference Paper, 2014, URL
- Kevin Kelly, A Healthier Gender Balance in Engineering, 32nd International Manufacturing Conference, Queens University Belfast, 2nd-4th September, 2015, Irish Manufacturing CouncilInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Attracting More Female Students into Engineering, Worldwide Fall Meeting CDIO, Queens University Belfast, November 12th, 2015, Paul HermonInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Predicting Progression in Engineering Programs, Designing Education Lab, Stanford University, May 10th, 2013, Prof. Sheri SheppardInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Positive Experiences with Engineering Summer School for Girls, CLUSTER Anniversary Symposium on Engineering Education, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 22nd October, 2015, CLUSTERInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Assessment strategies in engineering group projects, Keynote Address, 33rd International Manufacturing Conference, University of Limerick, 29th August, 2016, Dr. Peter TiernanInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Robotic design and innovation, Robotic Benchmarking Symposium, National Insitute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, US, 29th February, 2016, Dr. Elena MessinaInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, The Power of Prototyping, Luzern University of Applied Sciences and Arts, March 12th, 2015, Isabelle HauserInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Getting your Hands Dirty - Prototyping Essentials, Catholic University of Louvain, 20th October, 2015, Dr. Anne-Laure CadjiInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Student Progression and Retention - What can we predict?, CAVE Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, March 14th, 2012, Aoibhinn Ni ShuilleabhainInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Using Entrance Data to Predict Student Progression, CREATE Seminar, Dublin Institute of Technology, March 28th, 2012, Dr. Brian BoweInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, The Importance of Global Networks in Innovation, Renewal of the International Lhoist Berghmans Innovation Chair UCL, Catholic University of Louvain, 31st January, 2018, Dr. Anne-Laure CadjiInvited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Les facteurs fondamentaux de succès d'un projet d'innovation, Pilote d'équipe Innovation - Le parcours pédagogique, L'Institut Européen de Stratégies Créatives et d'Innovation, Paris, 31st August 2018, 2018, L'Institut Européen de Stratégies Créatives et d'InnovationInvited Talk
- K. Kelly, D.F. Moore, A High Speed Hysteresis Friction Study of Elastomers, 2nd European Tribology Congress, London, Sept 1998, 1998Poster
- G.E. O'Donnell, G. Byrne, K. Kelly, A. Kirchheim, Process Monitoring Using Integrated Force Sensors, XVII Workshop on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems, Karpacz, Poland, 13th-15th March 2006, 2006, Wroclaw University of Technology,Invited Talk
- G. Byrne, K. Kelly, Enhancing Competitiveness in Manufacturing through Process Monitoring and Control, Keynote Address, Motorola International Symposium, Dublin, May 2000, 2000Invited Talk
- Kevin Kelly, Machining Process Modelling, Trollhatten, Sweden, Sept 1996, 1996Invited Talk
Research Expertise
Robotics, Design Innovation, Engineering Education, Manufacturing and Design, Machining Process Modelling, Surface Generation processes, Tool Condition Monitoring
Control engineering, mechatronics and robotics, Health services and systems, Mechanical engineering, Artificial intelligence and machine learning, Other engineering and technologies, Medical and biomedical engineering,
- Provost's Teaching Award May 2016
- Registrars Civic Engagement Award 10th April 2018
- Universal Design Grand Challenge Award - People's Choice (Supervisor) May 2016
- Trinity College Global Engagement Award May 2016
- Engineers Ireland Technological Innovation of the Year November 2014
- Engineering School Liaison for CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) Organisation current
- Engineering School Liaison for Irish Manufacturing Council current
- Engineering School Co-ordinator for Stanford Global Design Alliance current
- President of Irish Manufacturing Council 2016
- Management Council Member, SUGAR Global Innovation Network Present
- Journal reviewer for IMechE Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2007
- Member of Expert Group on Future Skills Needs in Manufacturing (Forfas) 2013
- Committee member of the Irish Manufacturing Council - IMC 2006
- Joint Chairman of the 26th International Manufacturing Conference IMC26 - Energy Efficient and Low Carbon Manufacturing, September 2-4, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 2009
- President of Irish Manufacturing Council 2010
- President of Irish Manufacturing Council 2010
- Joint Chairman of the 26th International Manufacturing Conference IMC26 - Energy Efficient and Low Carbon Manufacturing, September 2-4, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 2009
- Member of Expert Group on Future Skills Needs in Manufacturing (Forfas) 2013
- Journal reviewer for IMechE Journal of Engineering Manufacture 2007
- Committee member of the Irish Manufacturing Council - IMC 2006