MMBE Lone and Out-of-Hours Working

Lone Working and Out-of Hours Working

The The MMBE Lone and Out-of-Hours Working Policy has been established to comply with the University Lone Working Policy by ensuring, as far as reasonably practical, safe systems of work and a safe environment for those who work alone or out-of-hours.

The overall policy is to keep the number of lone workers and out-of-hours workers within MMBE to a minimum.

Lone working is not only restricted to out-of-hours working, lone working can occur at any time.

Out-of-hours working can eliminate the lone working element by using a "buddy" system. Where this is not possible, lone working should not occur out-of-hours.

Lone workers are those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision or without direct or close contact with a colleague. This means working in an environment in which, if rendered incapacitated or unconscious, a person cannot reasonably expect to be found within 15 minutes.

The main hazard in lone working is that in the event of an accident that incapacitates them, a person will not be able to contact or summon help.

MMBE Guidance for Lone Working and Out-of-Hours Working

  • Both the MMBE Lone Working and Out-of-Hours Working Policy and the University Lone Working Policy should be followed.
  • Normal working hours in Parsons and Watts buildings are 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
  • TBSI normal working hours are 7am to 10pm, 7 days a week.
  • Out-of-hours access can be granted in Parsons and Watts buildings from 6pm to 10pm on weekdays and from 10am to 4pm at weekends.
  • All requests for out-of-hours access to TBSI must be approved in advance by the lab manager and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
  • All labs must be vacated between 10pm-8am on weekdays and from 4pm-10am at weekends.
  • A risk assessment of the intended work must be completed and sent to the Department Safety Officer. This can be part of your project risk assessment. A copy should also be kept by the responsible Principal Investigator.
  • The PI must be informed of the intention to work out-of-hours, i.e between 6pm and 10pm in the evening from Monday to Friday and between 10am and 4pm at weekends.
  • Approval must be given, with a record of approval (e.g. e-mail) available on request by the Head of Department or Department Safety Officer.
  • All equipment RA's and SOP's must be up to date before you commence your work.
  • Equipment / Workspace should be booked in advance as space is limited.
  • If you are working in a laboratory with a key-code lock, you must leave the door unlocked while you are in the laboratory.