General Safety

In the event of an Emergency, phone 1999 (01 8961999)

The internal telephone number 1999 provides immediate access to professional assistance on a 24-hour basis.

Be prepared to state the following information:

  1. Type of assistance required (ambulance, fire brigade, police etc.)
  2. Type of emergency (fire, injury etc.)
  3. Name, extension number and location (also, mobile number if possible)

If possible and safe to do so, keep close to the telephone, in order to give further information should it be required by the emergency services.

This number (1999) should only be used in an emergency.

The 24-hour Security Centre is at 1317 (01 896 1317) for non-emergency calls.

Department phone numbers relating to safety can be found here: MMBE Safety Contacts

Fire Action

What to do if you discover a fire:

  • Raise the alarm at the nearest break glass unit or alarm call point
  • Leave your building immediately using the nearest exit route, close doors behind you as you leave and do not take risks
  • Notify Security at 1999 or via mobile 01 896 1999, informing them that the alarm has been raised and in which area
  • Notify a Fire Warden of your findings if there is a Fire Warden outside the building
  • Report to your designated Assembly Point, do not congregate at the building entrance
    • Parsons Building - Point D
      • Glass triangle ('Flat Iron') at the east end of Boardwalk (College Park)
    • Watts - Point E
      • Between the Lloyd and O'Reilly Buildings, near the Arches
    • TBSI - Points G and F
      • To the sides of the Institute on Cumberland St. South and Sandwich Street
    • Trinity House - Point E
      • Between the Lloyd and O'Reilly Buildings, near the Arches

What to do if the fire alarm sounds

  • Leave your building immediately using the nearest exit route, close doors behind you as you leave and do not take risks
  • Move away from the building
  • Report to your designated Assembly Point and do not congregate at the building entrance
  • Do not re-enter the building for any reason until authorised to do so and the fire alarm is switched off

Fire Assembly Point Map

Fire assembly point map