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10th CEAS-ASC Workshop & 1st Scientific Workshop of X3 - NOISE

Jet Noise Prediction Methodologies - Recent Developments

Keynote 1 Dr. James Bridges, NASA, USA Jet Noise Measurement Techniques
Keynote 2 Professor Christophe Bailly, ECL, France Large Eddy Simulation for Jet Noise Prediction
A1 Y. Detandt, G. Degrez, S. Caro Large Eddy Simulation for a Re=14000 Jet Noise Problem
A2 G. J. Page, X. Wu, J. Luff, J.J McGuirk Sector LES to Improve High Frequency Jet Noise Prediction
A3 J. Berland, C. Bogey, C. Bailly Investigation of Shock-Induced Noise in a Supersonic jet Using Large Eddy Simulation
B1 M. Azarpeyvand, R. Self Use of a New Time Scale in  Jet Aeroacoustics
B2 G. Savu A Novel Approach for the  Computation of Co-Axial Jets
B3 B. Tester, L. Garrison, M. Fisher Developments in Lobed Mixer Noise Prediction
C1 P. Jordan, E. Laurendeau, C. Tinney, A. Guitton, J. Delville Interpreting the Near Pressure Field of Unbounded Jets
C2 S. Guérin, U. Michel Circumferential Analysis of the Near Pressure Field of a Co-Axial Subsonic
C3 F, Kerherve, J. Fitzpatrick, P. Jordan The Frequency Dependence of Turbulence Characteristics in Jets
C4 R. Camussi, G. Guj Noise Generated by Intermittent Coherent Structures in Low Mach Number Turbulent Jets and Adaptive Control Using Microjets
D1 K. Viswanathan, M. Shur, P. Spalart, M. Strelets Snergy between Experiment and Large Eddy Simulation for Jet Aeroacoustics
D2 F. Vuillot, N. Lupoglazoff, G. Rahier Comparative Studies of Double Stream Nozzle Jet Noise Using Unsteady Numerical Simulations
D3 N. Andersson, L-E Eriksson Prediction of Flow Field and Acoustics Signature of a Coaxial Jet using RANS-based Methods and Large Eddy Simulation
D4 P. Spalart, M. Shur, M. Strelets Numerical Prediction of Jet Noise: Full Geometries and High Frequencies
E1 A. Vuillemin, P. Loheac Aeroacoustic Optimization of a Chevron Nozzle for a High Bypass Ratio Engine
E2 V. Kopiev, M. Zaitsev, S. Chernyshev Comparison of Vortex Ring Noise Theory with Excited Jet Acoustic Measurements
E3 J. Varnier, V. Koudriavtsev, A. Safronov A Model for Jet Aerodynamics for Acoustics
F1 J. Yan, K. Tawackolian, U. Michel, and F. Thiele
Computation of Jet Noise Using a Hybrid Approach
F2 X. Li, J. Gao Numerical Computation of Axisymmetric Supersonic Jet Screech Tones from a Generic Nozzle