
EU Network in Aeroacoustics 

Project coordinator(s) 

Dr. Gareth Bennett (PI) 
Email: gareth.bennett@tcd.ie 
Tel: +353 1 896 3878 


X-Noise is a European network of industrial, SMEs, university and research organizations working in the field of aircraft noise research. The current X-Noise EV project is led by SNECMA, and its primary objective is the coordination of European research activities related to aircraft noise. X-Noise EV is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission through the seventh Framework Programme. Through its network structure and comprehensive workplan involving expert groups, scientific workshops, stakeholder seminars and a common information system, this consortium address the aircraft noise challenges set by the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) 2020 vision. Within the framework of X-Noise a network of National Focal Points (NFP) has been established aimed at improving the integration of the research community. (Dr. Gareth J. Bennett P.I. and National Focal Point NFP) 

Funding Body 

Funded by EU FP7. Coordination and Support Action 

National Focal Point Website 

Website is here