Wind Tunnel Tests for the Evaluation of the Installation Effects of Noise Emissions of an Open Rotor Advanced Regional Aircraft 

Project coordinator(s) 

Dr. Gareth Bennett (PI and Project Coordinator) 
Email: gareth.bennett@tcd.ie 
Tel: +353 1 896 3878 

Dr. John Kennedy 
Email: kennedj@tcd.ie, 
Tel: +353 1 896 2396 

Dr. Petr Eret 
Email: petr.eret@tcd.ie, 
Tel: +353 1 896 2396 

Research Student(s) 


WENEMOR has been developed in response to the requirements described in the Clean Sky-ITD-GRA call for proposals referenced under SP1-JTI-CLEAN SKY-2010-4 and named “Aero-acoustic noise emissions measure for advanced Regional Open Rotor A/C configuration”. WENEMOR will address the topic by conducting aeroacoustic measurements in an open test section of a large low speed wind tunnel, on a complete reduced scale modular model of different configurations of an aircraft with installed open rotor systems, operating in both “pusher” and “tractor” modes. The aim of these tests will be the creation of an aeroacoustic database that will have two main applications: to characterize the emitted noise and evaluate the installation effects of these different configurations and to allow the validation of GRA ITD aeroacoustic simulation codes. (Project Coordinator and P.I.: Dr. Gareth J. Bennett, total budget €2,000,000) 

Funding Body 

Funded by EU FP7 Cleansky, Green Regional Aircraft. ITD is AleniaAermacchi.