

Project coordinator(s)

Prof. John A. Fitzpatrick
Tel: +353 1 896 1778

Dr. Gareth Bennett
Tel: +353 1 896 3767

Research Student(s) Description

Known as SILENCER, the €110-million, six-year project involved some 51 European companies, universities and research institutes in a concerted effort to reduce airplane noise while controlling equipment cost, weight and performance. The overall goal was to reduce aircraft noise by as much as 6 decibels by 2008.
A wide range of engine technologies were tested, from low-noise fans to nozzle jet-noise suppressors, as well as modifications to parts of the aircraft itself such as wings and landing gear in order to reduce their noise 'signature'.
The Fluids, Acoustics & Vibration were a partner within Silence(r) with a budget of €250,000 contributing to the development of novel noise source identification techniques and, data processing and evaluation.

Funding Body

Funded by EU FP5