Advanced Low Noise Landing (Main and Nose) Gear for Regional Aircraft 

Project coordinator(s) 

Dr. Gareth Bennett (PI and Project Coordinator) 
Tel: +353 1 896 3878 

Dr. John Kennedy 
Tel: +353 1 896 2396 

Dr. Petr Eret 
Tel: +353 1 896 2396 

Research Student(s) 

Mr. Zhao Kun 
Tel: +353 1 896 1998 


During landing approach, when engines are operating at low thrust, the noise of the airframe contributes strongly to the overall noise signature of modern aircraft. Airframe noise is generated by airflow around components of the aircraft. The main sources of airframe noise are therefore the high drag elements such as landing gears and also the high lift devices on the wings. For larger aircraft, it is the landing gear noise that dominates. This project will therefore focus on the design and test of Main and Nose Landing Gear noise reduction concepts. ALLEGRA has put together a consortium which comprises of a well known aeroacoustic wind tunnel company and some SME’s from around Europe with specific competence on landing gear design, manufacturing and structural analysis. In addition two of the EU’s most distinguished universities will take the lead in computational aeroacoustics, noise measurements and data analysis. All partners have participated and delivered in EU projects, in some cases extensively including coordination. The outputs of ALLEGRA will result in pragmatic, validated solutions which will reduce noise, emissions and improve fuel consumption. These solutions will be developed in conjunction with an EU aircraft manufacturer to ensure feasibility and to reduce time to implementation. (Project Coordinator and P.I.: Dr. Gareth J. Bennett, total budget €2,000,000) 

Funding Body 

Funded by EU FP7 Cleansky, Green Regional Aircraft. ITD is AleniaAermacchi. 

ALLEGRA Kick-Off Meeting with EU Project Officer: Andrzej Podsadowski and AleniaAermacchi Topic Manager: Massimiliano Di Giulio 

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