Lets take a look at this spiral of support. At the centre is you and your baby. As the spiral
gets bigger and brighter, we can see many different types of people, both online and offline, who
can support you.
The idea of the spiral of support is that the wider your support networks are, the more likely you are to
have better social supports and better mental health.
Looking at the spiral
Who can you talk to?
Who listens to you?
Who do you need in your life to help you be, become, and stay physically and mentally well?
Think about each person on the spiral. Who can you identify that
Gives practical help?
Gives advice?
Gives information?
Gives hugs?
You can to confide in?
You can trust?
Can help me make time / take time for me?
Gives emotional support?
You can have fun with?
Gives professional help?
Are there any people missing from the spiral of support who are important in your life?
Is there a difference between online and in-person support?